The Geography of Hydaelyn - FFXIV Lore

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[Music] heidelin is a vibrant star and home to all manner of life and terrain amid cerulean seas and azure skies lay five great land masses two oceans and a myriad of seas rivers and islands the three great continents so named not for their size but surely for their familiarity are aldenard ilsibard and othard and the other two continents are their distant sisters of maracidia and the new world for the greatest bodies of water there is the westerly indigo deep and the easterly glass ocean to understand heideln's peoples and their histories is to understand the very lands and waters of the star itself and so here we present a primer on all such things before we begin it should be remembered that a map of the realm is an indispensable tool of any traveler and mass access to effective ones has only existed for less than a century as our knowledge of heideling's geography expands so too do the borders of such charts for all the exploration of adventurers and the knowledge of charlene even the three great continents we are most familiar with often remain shrouded in the fog of uncertain borders and what we do know may be inaccurate to say the least it is the legacy of perseverance and respect for the power of cartography that has seen us to these shores literally and figuratively and future days will assuredly see exploration and the charting of new frontiers unless we forget the effort of those who make them we should commit to memory that a map is only as precise as the moms walked in her making another important tangent though the term star in common parlance is a term used to refer to celestial bodies both solar like the sun and terrestrial like heidelin herself this can be seen in an example with the likes of the dragon star the heavenly body from which dragons come from and from which isguardian astrologers charge the course of dragonkind and despite its brilliance in the night sky it is in actuality very much a terrestrial planet and not like our sun so what of the continents then the five continents of heidelen varied as each one is are geographic marvels in their wide and spanning biomes and geographies our first continent is that of aldenard the primary landmass that makes up eorzea eorzea itself actually being more of a geopolitical region than a geographic one as it's made up of the nations of aldenard and its large western island of vilbrin aldenard is home to era deserts verdant forests snow-covered mountains and more and can broadly be split into six major regions the desert of thanolin the forests of the black shroud the mountainous valleys of kurthus the lush terrain of dravania the rocky landscapes of girabanya and the crystal blasted lands of mordona never is reality so simple though and many other regions exist including the amalga home of pagothon in the south and zelfatol the home of the ixel in abalafia's spa a mountain range running from east to west across aldenard's north with the skull of the mountain range residing in the locks of girabanya and its tail in the hinterlands of drobonia first of our regions is thanolin located on the southernmost edge of aldenard thanolin's topography is mostly to be expected for a desert and dryland area with large swaths of sands especially in the segoli desert and thanolin's southern expanse but also with regions of rocky hills and small mountains throughout though its harsh sun can be unkind and water is scarcity flora and fauna still abound here its borders mostly bounded by seas it is an irony then that the land is while beautiful all too often water starved it is however mineral rich both in ore found beneath the land and with large fields of cerulean found in the north vanillin houses a legacy of hardy people from antiquity to bella dia whose ruins abound within the desert and even onto the ul da of today with paglethon to its east the homeland of amalga wherefrom many groups find their way into thanolin and mordona to its north as well as lenocia to its west it is not an isolated region and is a major source of commercial wealth the western shore of thanolin with its ready access to the strait of merlethor means it is the most ready trading partner of limcelemensa further providing for mercantile endeavors and allowing the desert flower of ulda to bloom as with all of eorzia there are more than a few regions of thanoland that have been left marred by the fall of dalamud and the rending of the land by bahamut most grievously is the eastern burning wall now a vast swath of over-aspected crystal and mechanical elegant remnants in contrast to the scorching landscape of thanolan is the verdant forests of the black shroud home to gridania and the vestiges of ancient galmora and amdapor with a cool and mild climate and access to ready sun and rain the plant life of the forest grows in abundance and the very land teems with aether located in the central northeast of aldenard the topography of the shroud is predominantly woodland and forest its eastern edge is a dense decade of leaf and plant and populated by the silth of the silth lands its northern region bordering both kurthus and zelphitol is more open and plays staging ground for exali raiders and where nearby lays a large chunk of dalamud which utterly devastated the land around it to the far south lays the ancient ruins of amdapor and the original home of white magics the black shroud's thriving landscape however belies much danger both from the natural and unnatural world and the elemental spirits that are the very soul of the forest often further this peril while those of gridania do all they can to maintain positive relations with these ethereal and corporeal denizens of the wood occupying the north central part of aldenard and placed amongst the body of abalathia's spine kurthus is a frozen and alpine landscape its lands were once both chilling and mountainous but predominantly valleys of green pastures the seventh umbral calamity saw a climate shift for kurthus and now its once vibrant fields are as its snow blasted mountains causing a rapid need for adaptation to a new way of life for both the men and beasts that live there to its west and south are its highlands adjoining curtis to gervania and the black shroud respectively to its north and east lay abalathia's spine and the marvel of the sea of clouds islands of earth floating in the sky via naturally forming wind aspected crystals and home to the vanu vanu as well as tales of lost floating cities in the sky kerthis is home to the holy see of ishgard the people of its lands have known assorted history of peace and war most often sourced in their relationship with their scaled neighbors to the west to the west of kurthus lies the dragon populated dravania marking the tail end of abilathia's spine this region is home to all sorts beyond dragon kind though its four lands hold large forests that play home to chocobo small towns and the nath unlike kurthus it is relatively barren of snow its mountains with summits hiding beyond the clouds are hidden in churning mists that obfuscate structures and secrets of eld and its surrounding lands hold large and fertile dales cut with river and plant life to the north lays the far reach home of the hell's guard rogodin and beyond that the blood brines sea gervania's most western region the drovanian hinterlands plays home to the ruins of charlene's former outpost on eorzea which was abandoned over 15 years ago it is often referred to as new charlene and which now houses a coterie of goblins in their cobbled together town of italshire the lands of gervania were spared the geological and geographic shifts of the seventh umbral calamity and most if not all its consequences as it was shielded by its relative isolation to its south lays the island of vilbrand and on drovania's westernmost shore lies the beginning of the indigo deep a vast ocean that rests between aldenard and the new world on the opposite edge of aldenard in its easternmost region lies the highlands of girabanya with the forest of the black shroud to its west just across balsar's wall the dense vegetation quickly fades into the craggy hills of the girobania fringes which is bisected north to south by the velodina river secreted away in its foothills is ralger's reach an ancient training ground for monks and worshipers of relgar with the fringes being the breeding ground of the ananta and home to the m makote tribe life flourishes even in this rocky region eastward falling abalathia's spine do we find the region known as the peaks the land is hard and poor for farming but life and beauty persists regardless on girobanya's easternmost edge rests the city-state of alamigo amongst the salt flats of the lock and the very skull of abalathia's spine crossing between sun and clouded thunderstorms the weather of girabanya matches the worship of its people in ralger the destroyer and his mastery over lightning turning to girobanya's south lies the sea of jade and to its east due to the etheric regularities in the climate the ever shadow shrouded region of the gimlet dark the final barrier between aldenard and ilsapart in the very heart of the continent lies mordona and the lake of silvertier once a prosperous region full of grass and greenery a battle between midgard swimmer and the 14th legion of garlamald saw an explosion of aether that rent the land transforming large swaths into crystal laden wastes housing secrets of allag installations of garlamald the grave of the eldest dragon and a village devoted to hope it is a land acting as a confluence of aether and of old scars and new life from the changes in the land brought about by the seventh umbral calamity as the crystal tower an ancient structure of allag risen from the ground and in recent days much and more has been devoted to the study of allag in and around mordona not least of which by the scholars of saint koinax find bordered on all sides by nation states and rivers it is a ground of some neutrality though the cardinal flats location of dalamud's descent and final battle of the sixth astral era to its southeast are hotly contested for the priceless elegant secrets they contain to mordona's due east lays the yafam saltmore an inhospitable salt marsh which houses the ruin of ancient mach one of many civilizations lost to the sixth umbral calamity a worldwide flood and home to the originators of black magic and further still just past the strait of merlethor lays the isle of vilbrin vilbrind island neighbor to aldenard and second puzzle piece to the collective of eorzea is made up of two geographic regions lenocia to the south and ogomoro to the north bisected by a titanic volcano sharing its name with the northern region of the island surrounded by water which plays a vital role in its people's life and culture to vilbrun's south lays the rotano sea and the cildale's archipelago to its west churns the indigo deep and to its north and east is the strait of merlethor acting as an easy gateway to the mainland continent the region of lenocia is a veritable paradise with hilly plains running up and down its coastline its eastern region is so pleasant it plays host to a beach resort the city-state of limsa lamensa acts as its hub of life and commerce and the bonds of its people to the sea are absolute this and its history of pirate culture rooted in the founding seawolf rogadin has caused an uneasy peace upon the banning of such practices but the permission for piratery against guarlian ships has done much to forestall any reckoning for all its sunshine and fair weather though are reminders of past tragedies and current dangers dense jungle and savage wildlife mire much of the island scars of the calamity linger as does the presence of garlimold on the western coast lay groups of sahagan the westerly indigo deep acting as their native hope and to the north rests the ruins of ancient nim who shared its fate with mock and whose nimians were the progenitors for the scholar school of magic and colonies of industrious kobolds who mine tunnels around the outlying region of their mountain home even further north is ogamoro the home of all kobolds its dense untouched jungles and expansive waterfalls are a rare and beautiful sight market as a place out of time with few who can have said to have explored its many wonders from aldenard and vilbrind we look eastward past the gimlet dark and across the sea of jade to the continent of ilsibard divided in twain by a vast mountain range through the continent's heart with snowy wastes to the north and temperate fields to the south though all lands have known conflict through their histories it is of recent years that ilsebart has seen more than its fair share of chaos and cruelty controlled by the garlian empire for decades and thus limiting easy travel amongst its expanse it is hard to catalog its geography in detail but through the knowledge of natives and experienced boots on the ground we can attempt an accurate picture of its reaches blasted by snow and lightning at one of the northernmost points of hydeland resting in the glacier of the magna glacias cold and unforgiving the glacial plains of garlimold are near inhospitable wastes of ice and snow the people of this land forced from their ancestral home in southern ilsibart struggled for their very survival until upon the discovery of rich cerulean fields developed technologies powered by the blue gaseous liquid allowing them to become an unrivaled power on the continent through the develop of advanced technologies and providing also for comfortable living even in such an inhospitable climate to the west lies the seas of the northern empty to its north and east are lands unknown but a little further beyond lays the blind frost an expanse of water perpetually choked by drifting ice flows south of garlemald lies the dividing mountain range of ilsevard and the kingdom of now mask further still lies the marshy coastland of the continent and the bounty a sea of near endless fish and life the land that the proto-guardians fled from to them known as locus amenos and today known as corvos is situated on the southeastern coast of ilsebart due north from thaavnair across the corvos narrows and west of beauja an enviably fertile land with a warm and temperate climate its position surrounded by those who would lay claim to it eventually became untenable leading to the mass exodus of the proto-garlands and the rise of the korvosi people there only for garlemal to return in force 800 years later to subjugate the descendants of their invaders on its banks sits the anchorite an enormous right foot with legends speaking of a left foot on thabnarian shores and a giant colossus that spanned the corvos narrows what befell the colossus be it from time-worn ravages or intentional sabotage none are left who can to corvos's east and straddling the line between othard and ilsibar lies bhoja a once proud nation and productive region laid low by garley in invasion and occupation its once sprawling cities due to a cataclysmic event 15 years ago in 1562 of the sixth astral era are no more the event was a surge of energy that sent a blast of aether out from the capital which became a barren waste of debris and vaporized buildings an overcast sky of dark cloud that perpetually lingers is an oppressive reminder of this event now called the bosin incident in bhoja's far reaches sits zadnour like much of bhoja it was once a rolling plains but during the fourth umbral calamity some five thousand years ago when the world was racked with fierce earthquakes zadnor was left tumult of plateaus and rock leaving the land heavily earth aspected miners prospecting the earth for all its crystals and ore left it a husk and after the bhujan incidents etheric explosion much of the landscape became etherically charged causing large boulders and formations to float in the sky returning across the continent to its western edge butting up against the gimlet dark and the sea of jade is whirlet home to the start of the ilceburtian mountain range and therefore mountainous wurlit is home to planes and sparse forestry as well its western edge's proximity to the gimlet dark leaves a dusk-like imprint over its western sky its southern reaches our beautiful cliffside shoreline but as with bhoja wurlit has suffered much in the past two decades under the assault and subjugation from the garlian empire perhaps the reins of the land might help to wash away the past and renew whirlet and her people to whirl its east we travel across the bounty to the tropical island of thavnair home to razat han an independent nation that has maintained its autonomy through fierce neutrality favnir is a land of vibrant peoples colors and nature dense tropical jungle vegetation grows wild and unchecked across wide swaths of thavnar's inland region and pools of water and falls are common sights across its main island amongst its trees can be found the time-warned shrines and temples to the worship deities of the people its coastline bordering on the bounty teems with aquatic life that acts as a large source of sustenance and trade not simply lively in its soil the city of razat han is a bustling town of fragrant incense acrid smoke and one of the grandest bazaars in the world famed for its dancers and alchemy perhaps thavner's most valuable resource is giant skull a distinctive violet huge stone with exceptional strength and etheric channeling abilities the beauty of the towering monolith crushed into the side of a hill is something few forget to the north of thavnare sits the corvos narrows to its far south the siren song sea and the secretive island of uzner an island owned by wealthy alchemists who restrict its access and to its east the last of the three great continents the far eastern othar a quick note on the notions of near east and far east though you will hear the terms often their meanings can be a bit hard to pin down in a strict sense the far east is defined as regions belonging to othard and near east has predominantly been used in reference to thavnair and on occasion mainland parts of elsivar but these terms are loose and are meant to be used descriptively not prescriptively with that clarified let us continue furthest east of the continents and bordering the glass ocean lies oathart a land of expansive steps wet farmland rainless deserts long mountain ranges dense jungle and even a lifeless waste its peoples with multiple storied legacies have as with so many others suffered under garland occupation but the bounty of its lands matches the strength of its people's spirit ever allowing for a new dawn furthest east of othard is the volcanic archipelago of hingashi made up predominantly of two islands koshu the larger of the two and shishu the smaller with the rasen kaikyo dividing them bounded on all sides by the glass ocean save for its western edge which sits against the ruby sea its nation is fiercely independent and isolationist only allowing foreigners into its port city of kugane on the smaller island of shishu while it is ruled from the capital bukio on the island of koshu koshu has a warm climate with plentiful water and due to rich volcanic soil bountiful agriculture and industry its tallest peak mount dai tenzon or great heavenly mountain rises from the center of the island its size and unmelting snow-capped peaks are a majestic symbol and act as a focus of fine art and religious belief for the people of hingashi shishu while existing in a similar vein acts as a buffer between hingashi and the rest of the world to the west across the ruby sea lies yanksha the home of dolma the region is defined by its plains valleys and most importantly by the one river since ancient times its people have built their homes along its fertile shores and much like with corvos this became grounds for conflict amongst the ancient people to the north lies the bay of yangsha and to the south the region of nagsha plains hills and basins all mark the route along the one river which snakes its way through yangsha from its source in the tale mountains of north central oathart all the way to the delta that feeds into the ruby sea with plentiful rain and humidity and fertile lands it was inevitable that a kingdom such as doma would arise its castle situated amongst the one river and defended by the natural cliffs in the dairyu moongate the majesty of its natural surroundings is matched in what was wrought by the hands of man the eastern banks of the one river are where doma and the azim steppe are found but on its western banks is the fanged crescent the serpentine head of the tale mountains from whose peaks the yole of the zela comes the azim step then is the vast plains of northern oath art and plays home to the many zela tribes of the al-ra as well as one of the homes of the namazu named for their dawn father azim the stepp's rolling fields of grass are broken only by the deep canyon of the wound one of many tributaries to the one river to the south and west lies the nahama a desert region named for the zela's dusk mother bleak and inhospitable even by the hardy zayla standards there are however still some few rivers that run its course and into the one river to the east is the bay of yangsha and the rakuri peninsula a realm of such inhospitable cold that the ice that flows in from the blind frost to the north remains intact even upon reaching its shore due north of the step and connected to the peninsula is the aras a coastal region of unbroken sheer cliffs a region so bitterly chilled that its very ocean shore freezes over completely each season one step further into the far north is the blind frost a sea choked in ice flows and hammered by violent storms no known safe passage exists through these waters but whispers abound of islands of treasure beyond its impassable gnashing currents northwest of the steppe and over the tail mountain in the cruel regions between oathard and ilsibard lies the devalent grass a land of blinding white tundra a wasteland where even the most hardy of life counts itself blessed to survive each passing moon to the west is the unpromised an island of tragic tales of leaders foregoing their subjects for greed and the knowing sea a sea so named for its seeming appearance at the edge of the known world its currents made up of the ice and flows from the blind frost and the terrible gales of the burn that blow in from the south trailing the tail mountains from north to south we reach other southern region of nagsha known for dense jungles heat and humidity its subtropical climate draws in the moist winds of the glass ocean these winds mix with the cool air of the westward skade mountain range creating billowing vapor clouds resulting in constant rains year-round this leaves the land marshy and ill-suited for farming its peoples despite a lack of historic accomplishment have a world and culture all their own as we travel south we reach the eastern half of dalmasca known to the guardians as dalmasca inferior its fertile lands play host to the golmore jungle home to the rava clan of the vieira and the zaire shale river which separates the south of oathard on whose banks rests the time worn orbone monastery moving east across the zaire shale we arrive in the deserts of dalmasca and greylick's bend the southernmost tip of othard with jagged shorelines and coastal reefs to the north is the dalmascan desert comprising most of dalmasca superior and so vast it is divided into the eastern easter sand and the western wester sand further north lies rabinaster the once proud and ancient capital city of dalmasca now a smoking ruin in the wake of a failed uprising nearby is situated at the skade mountain range home to the vena clan of the vieira a wall of precipitous mountains beginning in oath arts east and tailing all the way into ilsibard helping to shield dalmasca and other regions from the desolate winds and wastes of the burn the burn a land of ashen death absent of aether and from nearly any meaningful life endless dunes of bone-white sand caused by repeated primal summonings leeching the land of its aether and as waters and plants withered away a cascade of death followed now all that remains is a dry landscape of wind and ash a cautious reminder of what power can cost hidden away in its tempestuous dunes and winds perhaps lie secrets as yet unknown and so comes to a close those lands that we know most about and now we begin to venture into seas that if charted at all have not been completely so for thousands of years we now explore what we know of marisidia and the new world a large island situated far south of thaavnair passed the equatorial belt merisitia's history is tragic and its lands torn apart by war have still not recovered to this day five millennia ago at the close of the third astral era the alligan empire sought to complete its goal of world domination and began its invasion of miracidia though its people and their guardian deities muhammad and teomat fought with all they had even going so far as to summon the primals that would become the warring triad they could not stem the tide of alag the invasion would end with nearly an entire continent being rendered desolate while some areas remain uninhabitable even today those which have been repopulated remain reclusive and very rarely welcome contact with civilizations outside of their own attacking nearly all who approach making any foray into miracidia hazardous at best because of this and the inherent cost to venture so far south very little of the region is known including even the most basic of geographical information though as an exception and singularly amongst those of the three great continents those of thavner have been known to partake in trait with the merisitian people the final of hydeland's great land masses the new world lies far west of eorzea past the indigo deep is home to blue magic and many tribes of people despite tales of its existence the new world was only verifiably located by those of the west 80 years ago in 1499 of the sixth astral era a sea wolf adventurer from limsa lamensa named canonram the blue followed ancient tales and came upon the region by sailing west for two moons straight while kenan ram attempted to have cannon land adopted as its title the new world is the moniker that has stuck into modernity despite active trade between limsa lamensa and those of the far western continent most of aorzia at large are ignorant of anything to do with the new world save its name which even in itself is a display of ignorance despite this however it has been of vital importance with the native memo jaw and the hurian tribes like the wallakui responsible for many modern aorzian foodstuffs like the popoto ogre pumpkins ruby tomatoes and alligator pears all finding their way to our shores famed for locales such as the lapis canyons which glow blue with the light of cerulean and whispers of cities of gold the raw natural wonders of the new world entice adventurers and entrepreneurs alike though it is not a world untouched by outside influence it is still a frontier of wondrous knowledge and open to adventure for some and ripe exploitation by others moving on though invariably touched on throughout this primer the oceans seas lakes and rivers of hydeline are her lifeblood carrying precious water and acting as the means by which most throughout history have traveled the world even with the advent of airships in modern times the seas remain the most common method by which people travel throughout the star closest to home and connecting the west of eorzea to the distant eastern shore of the new world is the indigo deep named for its hue and its denizens it is the ancestral home to the sahagan its briny depths an enormous and fathomless body of water though only a scanned few have crossed it over the years it wasn't until 20 years ago in 1555 of the sixth astral era when merlib bluephaseville current admiral of limcelemensa began a successful voyage to chart a course of safe passage through the indigo deep from vilbrin to the new world its entire expanse is unknown stretching far north and south of eorzea melding with the northern empty and it may even travel so far around the star that it meets and merges with the glass ocean of the far east east across the three great continents laying past and around othard and hingashi is the glass ocean as like to the indigo deep the glass ocean is an enormous expanse of water likely connecting others east banks to the new world's western ones so named for the way its calm waters glint and shimmer in the sun to the north lies the blind frost and its southern borders are uncharted likely extending as far as merisitia and beyond despite its famed tranquility it is known to suffer from seasonal typhoons of such scale that they are likened to the rage of the kami themselves in reference to smaller bodies of water it is perhaps best to start with the five seas of aorzia primarily controlled and protected by limsa laminsa somewhat erroneously of these five the indigo deep is one of the other four then the first is the rotano sea which lies to the south of vilbrand and west of thanolin filled to the brim with life and ships its waters flood into the merlethor strait which spans the distance between vilbrind and aldenard much like all the waters south of the three great continents what lies past its borders is for the most part literal uncharted waters but the lands of the south sea islands do lay somewhere within native home to the lalafell whose denizens have active trade with vilbrand the second sea the sea of ash borders thanolin's south east to its north is the sea of jade and to its eastern edge borders the drown a treacherous region of storms and violent tides due to the dangers of the drown it has been home to many a sunken ship and the resulting ghost of their crew etheric phantoms said adrift by strong emotional ties are a common sight despite this danger it is often preferred over dealing with guardian naval ships which are likely to sink a vessel first and seek answers later the third sea is the sea of jade its warm waters and pleasant tides are due to its connection with the bounty to its east the sea of jade runs against aldenar's eastern edge and flows into wrathlet sound which feeds into much of the waters of the black shroud home to many islands the most famous is cape meat which lies between the sea of jade and the bounty the cape is so named with an archaic word for dream due to a humorous series of events over 500 years ago in 912 of the sixth astral era which had an explorer declare his discovery of a route to the island of hingashi upon a landing what was to become cape meat this error prompted people to immortalize such a foolish mistake with an appropriately lofty name at last we come to the fourth sea encompassing aldenard's north premise the blood-brine sea spanning from one end of abilathia to the other and touching both the indigo deep and the western shores of ilsabard the bloodbrine sea is an occasionally cold and tumultuous but not inhospitable body of water with many island chains throughout it was during the fifth umbral era during the age of eternal frost that the blood-brine sea froze solid and the mikote who had been exiled from eorzea by ancient allag at last returned via this new land bridge to its north lies the northern empty a vast body of water almost entirely void of islands save for two major exceptions the first and northernmost is a remote archipelago known as aeroslant the ancestral home of the seawolf rogueden from which the founders of limsa laminsa came its waters mark the very edge of the northernmost tip of the world the second group of islands northwest of aldenard is charlene known to those of eorzea as old charlene a nation of scholars and academics devoted to knowledge but also famed for their isolationism its main island shares its name with its city-states while to the north is the isle of han and to the south of the isle of yorn to its east once laid the isle of val however in recent days the island has vanished with its students without a trace eastward of the northern empty where unknown waters pass ilsibard and cross over into oathard is the blind frost spanning othard's northern shoreline the blind frost is forever choked in ice and storms and with no known safe roots of traversal of others inner waters there are the before mentioned knowing sea and the bay of yangsha but most famous is the ruby sea officially known as the ruby tide its waters turn crimson in the light of the morning sun granting it its name sitting between othard and hingashi and running the length of othar's eastern shore it is brimming with sea life seasonal tides bring fresh food sources for its creatures getting not only many kinds but great sizes of aquatic life home to the koji it holds volcanoes undersea cities pristine beaches and more wonders to the eye last of the known seas are those of the southern regions most famous of them being the bounty unsurprisingly perhaps the bounty is named for its abundance of edible aquatic life resulting in the prosperity of nearly all nations that lay within its bounds the island of thavnare and corvos of ilsibard to name a few to its north lays ilsibard to its east the corvos narrows as well as the tail end of othard and to the west the sea of jade to its south however sits the siren song sea believed to be the domain of sirens it is seen as a cursed place with constant fog and churning waters a perfect place to hide the unwanted at some point in the past razat han built a prison on the shores of one of its islands only to abandon its use later on leaving a decrepit but perhaps not entirely empty ruined behind of late there are many mentions and whispers of ruins of great civilizations deep beneath the waters of the bounty though none have managed to find their exact placement or depth and so with that our primer comes to an end from here we can begin to dive more in depth with everywhere i've spoke of and beyond in the future and yet there is one final thing to mention though not of this star there is one more geographic location that plays into the hearts and minds of all who stare into the night sky the sea of stars the endless diamond expanse of the heavens is a source of wonder terror and awe our own moon sits in its breath as do the dragon star and many more heavenly bodies are all those who shine simply like our sun does not the dragon star prove that perhaps there are more stars out there like our home for now there is little we can say or do to know but perhaps one day just as we've explored the expanse of lands and shores of our own highland we might discover new truths and so too journey out on an adventure across the night sky this content was brought to you by the aorzian archives if you enjoyed this video help us please the 12 by leaving a like and subscribing for new content every thursday and comment down below with any topic you'd like to see our archons cover in the future for even more content discussion and exclusives please check out our discord and consider supporting us on patreon you
Channel: The Eorzean Archives
Views: 16,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, geography, hydaelyn, FFXIV, final fantasy, final fantasy 14, final fantasy xiv, primer, ffxiv lore, werlyt, gridania, thanalan, la noscea, oghomoro, coerthas, dravania, gyr abania, ruby sea, othard, aldenard, vylbrand, ilsabard, garlemald, endwalker, indigo deep, new world, meracydia, sharlayan
Id: mmATciFbr1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 13sec (2593 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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