Everything About Roegadyn - FFXIV Races

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[Music] heideland houses many different peoples and groups and amongst them the rogueidin stands tall and proud hulking frames with dense mussels rogans are the most imposing of the five aorzian races children of the sea their culture is one of strength and bravery and while seeming barbarous from the outside theirs is a way of nobility and honor with a focus on brazen and heroic deeds as a means to serve as well as to boast giants amongst men and titans amongst lalafell rogadin males averaged nearly eight foams tall approaching the height of three full-grown malaphowl making them the tallest of the aeorsian races by far females are only slightly shorter sitting between six and a half and seven and a half foams tall meaning that even the most diminutive female rogueden can stand shoulder to shoulder with the tallest of highlanders this stature means that roguedon are placed in all forms of martial and physical occupation such as bodyguards and mercenaries as even bereft of skill a full-grown male roganin's sheer size can dissuade all those with ill intent in like since arrogance entire body is a corded knot of muscle and sinew with arms and legs like tree trunks what can be lacked in finesse at times can be made up for in raw brawn their hair is a dense silken thicket with natural waves and as with their strength and muscle it is one of the many sources of rogan's pride with various braids and stylings for beards and locks being developed through the generations and acting as a display of traditional rogued in culture and identity and since most rogan and have little in the way that connects them with their ancestral home most having grown up on eorzea these forms of display become all the more important the clothes of roguedin are designed to show off their raw physique with very little to cover the arms and what there is exists to serve a function leather being the predominant material with a cross-stitched design used across male and female garb with the primary distinction between the two being the tendency for the female's clothing to show off their abdominals in contrast to the males who reveal their biceps it is unsurprising then that modesty is not one of the roguedon's more vaunted ideals living roughly the same lifespan as a hero their disposition for combat and adventure all too often sees that more than a few rogueden fail to live long enough for their beards to grow snowy in spite of this the wisdom of their elders is invaluable and an old roguedin will assuredly have more than a few tales to tell to match the bards and minstrels of any land resulting in well not a purely oral history one within which tales and song hold a revered place as with all races on heidelin roguedon are not a monolith culturally or physically and broadly there are two main known clans of roganin as well as a few offshoots the sea wolf have their pale skin that matches their seafaring nature with sea foam greens blues and white shades as the most predominant colors and the other most populous grouping are the hellsguard clan who in appearance tend more towards the molten earth and volcanic fires of their home in the far reach with skin of red brown and darker tones a darkening effect which also has been demonstrated by shadowing under the nostrils beyond those two however are those roguedin which fall into neither clan perhaps most famously are those of the far eastern othard of whose origin little is documented and who often seem to have a complexion and visage similar to a hero despite their hulking frame but where from do all these people hail far north of the continent of aldenard pass to the blood brine sea at the farthest fringes of the northern empty sits air slaint ancestral home of the rogueded airslaint meaning first land in the old roguedin tongue is an archipelago surrounded by the chilled waters and wind of the northern empty descendants of pirate clans with a long legacy of raiding and marauding long have the air celaente been feared by the peoples of and beyond the northern empty many roguedons still live there to this day though trade and interactions are sparse between them and mainland eorzea as they sit equal distance between charlien aldenard and the northern reaches of ilsabar of the roguedin's arrival on eorzia there are two famous exoduses from airslanked one group finding ground upon aldenard and the other vilbrand the first was the ancestors of the hellsguard who left many years ago perhaps before even the sixth astral era sailing south and situating themselves in the far reach a large volcanic cove nestled in the north of aldenard in abalathia's spine and battered by gales and tides from the blood-brine sea from there the hellsguard have spread in small but consistent numbers to other harsh environments of aldenard such as the high peaks of the arid girabanya and even on the polar opposite edge of aldenard from the far reach under the baking sun of the thanoland desert often acting as miners and mercenaries using their fabled skills for both in equal measure and their kind are even the progenitors of the rage-filled art of the warrior though not founders of any major nation upon the world stage they have played no small part in the history of eorzea the last 16 centuries they're mercenaries helping turn the tides of more than a few wars the second and more famous exodus was the flight of a group of sea wolves from airsland 700 years ago in 874 of the sixth astral era after a failed rebellion and coup d'etat against what many claim was a tyrannical leader and facing persecution they fled on the ship gladian sailing far to the south arriving in the rotano sea they did what they knew and began to raid the surrounding land immediately coming up against opposition from the native kobolds and other groups however they fled and ran aground on the southern shores of the island of vilbrin in the region we know as lenocia and in doing so founding the maritime nation of limsa lominsa limsa benefiting from its location and disposition of its peoples went on to prosper through trade and piracy struggling over its people's identity as plunderers and merchants as time has gone on though it has prospered more from the latter than the former as the world and nations of eorzea become interconnected in accruing such wealth limsa laminsa has become one of eorzea's great powers and in choosing the guardian deity of lim lane the navigator of the twelve as their patron the city roots itself both in their love for the sea and for their adopted home of eorzea the sea wolf rogadin have held to their origins taking to occupations of the sea and sailing even maintaining their military might predominantly through their navy though the legacy of their piratry has come face to face with the modern world and limsa lemensa and herogenin peoples are in the midst of a reckoning with their past and future having initially plundered those vessels of nearby aorzian nations in the last few decades they took to focusing on guarlian ships to avoid conflict with their allies but in a world without an empire what course will the proverbial ship of these people take be it the tempestuous winds and tides of the northern empty the wind-battered rugged heights of the far reach or the sand-blasted and sun-baked desert of thanolin rogan and have with some regularity founded their homes in those regions which might be deemed inhospitable this matches the hardiness and strength of their people and has begot a culture regardless of clan or location that prizes the strong and looks down upon the weak both from within and without this should not be mistaken however with a focus on strength surely of the body or of raw muscle and the respect and appreciation of a rogodin might be earned even by the most diminutive lullaby be it by mystical prowess remarkable marksmanship or other such feats of martial strength and cunning the other side of this coin however is those who show no such qualities such people will find it difficult not just to fit in with a group of roguedon but to even garner their attention long enough to ask a simple question though coin will ever be a language understood by all and sundry and may even be considered a kind of strength of its own while these dispositions are common amongst rogued in culture they are by no means exclusive as stated before roguedon break down into two clans and a handful of subgroups all descendants of the roguedin of airsland the sea wolf are those who hold closest to their seafaring past residing in modern times primarily at ocean's edge in lenocia on the shores of air slaint and with a healthy population amongst those of charlien the mountain-living hellsguard who have a culture all their own reside in the scorching heat and searing winds of the far reach the mountains of girobanya and the sands of thanolin the hitherto mentioned offshoot clans beyond these two are ill-documented but the most well-known group are those roguedin of othard the others are those who serve under the garlian yoke who are not conscripts from other lands and whose origins are less certain and may be rooted in the mountains of central ilsibard it is also possible that these ilsabadi and rogadin are not exclusively populated in garlian regions with a healthy population in the central ilceburdian mountain range but only time and further modern exploration into ilsa bard will tell seawolf roguedin with their affinity for the sea and their skin matching its waters foam and rhine surprise precisely no one who knows them or of their history with their love for fish and other fruit of the sea their cuisine typically focuses on a lack of pretension and simple seasonings that can be kept with ease aboard a sailing ship they make ample use of salt with its benefits of preservation and ease of access through evaporation on the high seeds this has led to a long and storied history of cured foods which find their ways even into the higher end cuisines of limbs of a minsa and this love of sea life and curing are something of a shared pastime with goblin kind what the sea wolf may lack in ostentation in foods they make up for an ale and spirits acting as the greatest connoisseurs of such drink in all of eorzea with brewers of great renown to follow suit a legacy brought about by a history of ocean voyages where water was all too perishable and grog a far safer draft to drink when it comes to numbers the majority of roguedon on highland are sea wolves with helsguard and other clans making up a proportionally much smaller share at 10 percent of thanolin in alamigo's population and less than 20 percent of the yangshin and hingan populous most predominantly residing in the ruby sea region sea wolves are a different tale making up near half of the population of limsa lamensa at 40 percent so we see that while rogadin may not be plentiful on the land of the three great continents they are found in abundance on their islands and waters and most of all in the northern empty where they make up a large amount of charlene's population as well as air slaint to no surprise with its own large population as their native island home the sea wolves occupy a diverse number of niches in the northern seas and beyond of course most iconic amongst these are those relating to their piratical identity the cutlass bearing pirates axe-wielding marauders canide musketeers and other such disciplines as with any people however the sea wolves also boast more mundane roles albeit usually relating to the oceans resulting in lenocia being full to the brim with sailors fishermen and the craftsmen responsible for building and maintaining the ships upon which all seawolf society depend those who occupy the space between piratery and upstanding citizen are those privateers which are allowed to plunder only so long as they do so with guardianships though as noted before one cannot wonder what might happen in a world where such a threat no longer exists on the subject of names though utterly inscrutable at first not to mention infuriating to glean the pronunciation of when read sea wolf roganin names are in actuality rather straightforward with a simple logic to it all the names are rooted in the old tongue of the rogodin which is still used in airslinged with the given names acting as a compound of two words one being an adjective or verb and the second a noun so if we look to the first mate of limsa lemensa admiral enzar slaversson his given name would be made up of the roguedin word n meaning one and tsar meaning tear and so if read literally would amount to something along the lines of single tier or one tier with females the second word is near universally chosen from among a traditional set of eight words swiss meaning sister thora meaning daughter rita meaning willow gim meaning jewel webb meaning woman rail meaning do lona meaning gatherer or brita meaning bride we can apply this to the grand admiral herself merlwib blufesfin with her given name made up of merle meaning c and wibb meaning woman last names operate under similar rules but as a patronemic where the name of one's father is appended with a suffix of sin meaning son or win meaning daughter looking at our prior examples we can see merlib's father bluefish and her denotion as his daughter with win ergo bluefistfin and enzar who was the son of slafir so slafirsen as with many languages and names what might seem initially daunting with the heir celanti pronunciation can quickly become a fun part of communication as what seemed a mess of consonants quickly becomes ordered under the right light ayorzia is full of heroes and brave adventurers and none too few sea wolves count themselves amongst that number while this list is not exhaustive of their many faces and deeds it is some small nod to some few most famous of such champions in modern times is merlib blufesfin admiral of limsa laminsa daughter of bluefish and charter of safe passage between ayorzia and the new world at only 20 years old her right hand enzar slavirsson is a famed warrior in his own right and one of the few living who can speak to the true identity of the dread pirate miss beard of the waters in the northern empty is moon brita wilsonwith of charlien a scholar and warrior devoted to the safety of the realm through etheric studies and fast friend to the scions of the seventh dawn beyond the bounds of islands is sulksagil the paladin whose lineage has been oath sworn to the sultana of ul'dah for generations and of those who lived long ago myumkrump nyomkrimson native to airslaint master astrologian and founder of charlien creator of an ark that bore many to safety during the flood waters of the sixth umbral calamity his deeds are legion and his legacy is one for which all of heidelen may be grateful and less saintly and sagely are characters like admiral agatha romerson or kenton ram the blue who was the first lumin to travel to the new world bringing back knowledge of its bounds and seeds which would become eorzean staple foods and who fool-heartedly gave every effort to having the new world named kenton land in his honor admiral agatzar on the other hand was responsible for the standardization of the ilm through brutal efficiency when a mercantile dispute and subsequent riot saw him lopping off the instigator's thumb deeming it the universal standard for an ilm and from which iron casts were made relegating disputes of an ilms appropriate length to the past though few in number the hells guard of abalathia burn with a fiery passion that fuels their legacy and pride as warriors found across abilathia's spine the heart of their home is in the far reach a volcanic coastline of the spine their name is sourced in their igneous home and scorched skin and their village is tucked away within the reach a place some believe acts as a gate to the underworld while others believe it connects to one of the seven hells of the aorzian gods tales not too dissimilar to the o'thardian hell's lid blessed with the same bulk and brute strength as their sea wolf cousins the hell's guard can be distinguished by the color of their skin which often takes on a reddish hue akin to the molten rock of their volcanic home in furtherance with their association with fire many hell's guard take part in fire walking training from a very young age believing the ability to master such arts increases their magical ability resulting in a populace that is as famed for its mystical prowess as its savage fury upon the battlefield it is doubtless due to this and other traditions that the hellsguard have produced so many great mages in addition to the fearsome axe-wielding warriors for which their kind is best known with vegetation scarce in their mountain home of the far reach as well as their adopted homes of thanolin and girobanya the hellsguard believe in letting nothing edible or otherwise go to waste and having traditionally shown very little interest in culinary developments or delicacies as such they are likely to be one of those few peoples beyond charlie and scholars who would be likely to take arkhan loaf with no qualms using every part of the hide and every bone they manufacture clothes weapons and all manner of things from which they conquer their environment and their foes fewer in number than the sea wolves helsguard are most often found amongst the avalathian spine predominantly in the far reach which has acted as their home since their arrival on aldenard hundreds if not thousands of years ago beyond abalathia they make up a small percentage of the population of thanolin and alamigo and as stated prior though only one-tenth of the numbers of these cities respectively their harsh climbs match the hearty dispositions of the hellsguard perhaps less refined in some aspects than their seawolf cousins the hellsguard are no less capable and even more famous for their combat prowess though they are well known for less martial skills like mining and blacksmithing especially in their adoptive homes of banilan and girabanya what they are most famed for in the popular consciousness is the centuries-old art of the warrior which channels its users fury and internal rage to monstrous effect and whose origins are lost to time with only a single tome more than five centuries old left to speak in fractured fragments of its founding in addition to this are magic wielding casters with their own secret arts which are often hired as mercenaries across the continents differing to seawolf titles helsguard have taken to adopting names rooted or perhaps more accurately translated into the common tongue facilitating easier interpersonal communication and ease of assimilation into most environments much like those viera who have left their wood in the skade mountain range or in the gulmor jungle since they often take commercial or mercenary jobs this ability to pass through the world and have their names remembered with eaves is a vital import like sea wolves their names consist of two words though the words are in common aorzian rather than the old roganin language of air slaint with males typically being geographic animal or other noun of the natural world mixed with an adjective such as broken mountain females on the other hand tend towards the floral with names like fiery rose and midnight do not every health guard takes to this practice though and some claim names of their more ancient seawolf ancestry like those of amigina and sun's mineral concern and as always in reality no group exists strictly within the clean boundaries we like to draw though occupying a less pronounced place in the goings-on of eorzea in contrast to the figures like merlib and sulxa gill there are those hellsguard of fame and repute like the warrior curious gorge who keeps alive the tradition of its hell's guard ancestors with axe and berserker's rage or the bronze bowl of the ulda coliseum and feargis luke kibson chief four men of amagina and son's mineral concern who sits amongst the syndicate of the scions there is even hori boulder who has lent his aid to many throughout eorzea and is even said to have faced the warrior of light in combat even fewer in number than the hell's guard are those roguedin of othard and ilsibard while their appearance is somewhat akin to helsguard their culture history and disposition have them treated as their own groups though one would be forgiven for assuming at the very least a shared ancestry in regards to those of othard their history is unclear but they are found throughout doman and hingan regions and are deeply entrenched in their societies even claiming names that match their adoptive home rather than anything traditionally rogued it with skin of either hurian or helsguard hue their history can likely be assumed to be as a derivation of past raiding parties of roguedin who sailed far east and stayed in the lands they found or perhaps of helsguard who migrated in a near straight line from the far reach past the central mountains of ilsibard and all the way into oath art itself othard is perhaps then a surprisingly appropriate place for such a group with locations like the ruby sea being a prime locale not only for sailing and fishing but the volcanic areas like hell's lid harkening back to both aspects of rogueden clan's histories and so it's no surprise many authority and rogueden count themselves amongst the members of the confederacy a group of pirates living upon the ruby sea the warrior cultures of doma and hingashi also lend themselves to a people who pride themselves on strength and honor further bolstering their affinity and natural presence in the region one of the more famous of the authentic is gosetsu daito samurai of doma and retainer to its current lord like many others of doma who were forcibly conscripted after its fall he was made to serve in the militaries of garlamald eventually finding his way to freedom and is a vaunted fighter and friend on the topic of garla mold this brings us to our final group those roguedon of the ilsabadian mountains of which we know passing littles save for their dealings with garlamald likely an offshoot of abalathian helsguard over 600 years ago those of garlamald long before their magitek revolution or becoming a grand power on the world stage bartered dealings with these rogueden who much like helsguard were known for their spellcasting ability using these mercenaries garland shored up their borders from the nomads of its outlying regions acting as one of many points in history in which rogan played a vital role in turning the tide of battle what happens next to this group is unknown but some at least found their way into garlean society as we can see through the likes of greenwa arvina whose appearance resembles a hell's guard and who serves in a high position in the garlian military interestingly his first name is a traditional seawolf name and his last name is affiliated with no commonly known nomenclature of aorzia making him a sort of frankenstein of cultural amalgamation of language and nomenclature while already having covered names there is much left to be said the old tongue of the roguedin is well documented and still used by those of air slaint and by some of the roguedin of abalathia most roguedin however be it in aorzia or othard will speak the regional tongue while we have already covered the rules behind personal names the rules behind the names of lambs the language itself and some of its many words are also a vital import as to understand a language is to understand its peoples first we look to pronunciation when pronouncing seawolf names you can for the most part followed the rules of the common tongue of aorzia there are however some exceptions in writing when we see a e in conjunction the sound is somewhere between the e and egg and the a i and air perhaps the most common seawolf word using this would be air slant itself which does so twice alone y has the sound of a long e such as the e a in eat or the first e in sleeve often though the accents of most will overlook this in the middle of a word such as merlwib or roguedin which when said aloud tends to emit the long e in favor of a short i while aorzians may do so whether or not those of air slaint do is yet to be seen when oe is written it is much like the ooh in blue and the oo and fool so words like brune meaning brown would rhyme with broom on consonants when pf is written it is closer to an f than a p for instance scuff meaning sheep would rhyme with a word like staff th becomes a hard t rather than a soft so the word for steel in aristointi stahl would be near identical to the word stall on lone ws somewhere in between a w and a v with words like wilf meaning wolf rhyming with filth this is also seen in the proper reading of moral vib though all too often is a defaulted to the harder w consonant even by scholars who should know better alone g should almost always be a hard g matching words like guilt or begin j is a y sound like in year so words like yung meaning young is close to its common equivalent and not janga a lone h when paired with a vowel before or after is almost always silent with words like smid meaning smith rhyming with kid moving past the ways to speak is the actual grammar and vocabulary itself if we take the very name of their native island airslant then we can break it down into two rogued words the first being erst meaning first and the second being length meaning land often when words are compounded the final consonant of the first will be omitted as with this example but even two with the very name of the race of rogadin with rogan meaning reign and deen meaning people and thus is it rogadin not rogand the second rule of thumb here is to remove all doubled letters from conjoined words as well so slays meaning salt and zirin meaning fury would become slaysearn or saltfury a name perhaps most aptly applied to some of my fellow scholars when looking not merely at names but at roguedin grammar as a whole the rules are simple taking the basic dictionary of words be they verbs adjectives or nouns and adding simple conjugations as such to make nouns an adjective you add i to the end rogan rain becomes rogani rainy gould meaning gold becomes guldi for golden and so on if something is already an adjective and a noun no modifications are required so christ meaning crystal does not become christy and stays as it is making a verb into a noun is similar though with two parts to its rule set to turn an air celenti verb into a noun in the common tongue of eorzea that ends an er like fighter absolver or helper one simply adds an a to the end of the verb so fight which is fit in the old tongue becomes fida in order to make fighter to make a verb into a noun ending in ing one must add n to the end of the verb so fleur which means to lead plus n becomes thurn which is leading as in leading man in a theatrical production though even simple language is nuanced and intricate with this foundation and knowledge of some few words of the old tongue one may be able to glean much and more about the meaning behind many names of roguedon like merlwib meaning seawoman as well as coming to comprehend more than a few of their inside jokes brutes to some and champions to others roguedon are nothing if not a hearty people though most of aorzia have seen little to none of their homes be it in the far reach or air slainte maybe one day soon we will venture forth onto such places in the meantime may we match the roguedon of eld with will and passion staring out upon the sea dreaming and daring to see what lies beyond the horizon this content was brought to you by the aorzian archives if you enjoyed this video help us please the 12 by leaving a like and subscribing for new content every thursday and comment down below with any topic you'd like to see our archons cover 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Channel: The Eorzean Archives
Views: 12,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, final fantasy 14, roegadyn, roe, roegadyn explained, lore, ffxiv lore, ffxiv races, ff14, endwalker, eorzea, merlwyb, gosetsu, merlwyb bloefhiswyn, language, sea wolves, hellsguard, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy xiv, final fantasy xiv, races, viera, lalafell, hyur, elezen
Id: emAKmuv77kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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