The Ancient City of Amdapor - FFXIV Lore Talk

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[Music] welcome to lore talk episode three this week's topic is amdepor i'm elio forsharan i make and produce the videos here on youtube i'm ninerionery i mostly write the articles yes you do and now it's time for our final episode on the fifth astral era [Applause] for now final episode before now for now yeah yeah i have this feeling that it's utterly and completely irrational but that someday we will get an expansion where we go somehow go back to the fifth astral era i'd love it i'm waiting for my uh three and a half minute long glow talk on scala that i'm going to do so we know this and nothing else and we don't even really know this skull is such an interesting i'm almost as interested in the societies of the fifth astral era that we know nothing about than as the three that we do i mean i've got my own theories about the hello and worshipping plane dwelling ellison's but that's a whole different thing that reminds me i need to make sure i've finished my video on the races on the yellows and i'm wrapping up the rogan in one right now okay if we uh just dive right on into it uh what is amdapore so i'm default just in short as sort of a brief summary was a major power one of the two major powers um nim is kind of one as well uh defined largely by its reliance on white magic and sulking creation or i'm going to refer to you in this uh episode golomancy uh that's not the official name but sulkin creation essentially um and their potentially dubious desire for peace in the the face of the era's bitter violence or although we'll discuss that perhaps that desire for peace was more uh propaganda than reality yeah it's always it's a little bit unclear as they kind of house themselves as scholars and artists and a bastion of sort of nobility but how much of that is is necessarily true is a little unclear yeah especially while you know housing the the you know superficial appearance of purity and contrast to mock who who uh outward appearance kind of is um goth versus prep yeah yeah that's a good way to put it okay then when was amdapor so amdapor is actually the oldest state that we know of in the fifth astral era it's got its origins in the really just the very first days of the years of the first few years uh because a group of years they presumably migrated from outside of aldenard outside of ayorzia and settled in well settled the city-state in its sort of opening years about 500 years before nim's founding even began and uh also before max founding really began uh by year 300 they'd already formally founded amdapor and built it into a great city and it's mentioned that by that year it's a great city already so they've probably been going for a century a half century before that at the very least so really really really old and it would survive until the very end of the sixth umbrella so i guess with that why don't we frame the period of time in which it existed the fifth astral era what what where is the beginning of the fifth astral era what happened during the umbral calamity that preceded it to kind of lead into the events of that time right so um right before that we have one of the most mysterious errors for the astral era at the time the fourth was bitterly cold to the point where it killed off pretty much all civilization uh that we know of and uh sort of only got worse from there and um all of the city-states of the fifth astral era come directly out of that so they're usually people moving from a one of the really southern places into now uninhabited places where they can now start to farm and live because the ice is receding people are not just freezing to death willy-nilly anymore so basically the vast majority of the world's real estate just got opened back up again which is why you see all these people sort of heading out and settling new settlements that would eventually become city-states and then sort of pseudo-empires and you can see that in the makote crossing back over from ilsibard into aorzia as well as yes you're in other groups yes we absolutely can so is that's also the period of time in which the sanctum of the twelve and gridania comes to be right it is actually um the section of the 12 uh is is built for the first time here uh possibly in a different iteration to the one that we see but it is built at least the first sanctum in the 12 is built in this time it's built on the edge of the 12th wood on the edge of the shroud which is where am depaul lived uh and although i think on a different part of the edge and is built of white stone so could be underpoored yeah the uh the uh architectural design is somewhat similar and while yeah well it's situated in the east shroud in and and situated in the south shroud they are of relative proximity to each other yeah they're not too far away i mean so these territories are described as city-states but not a single city state that we've seen in the game is actually a city-state that they're countries therefore countries i mean if um you know alda isn't just still there countries with a single city often yeah it's a single central city some towns and then quite a lot of territory actually um so i i city state when you refer to it in sort of the context of final fantasy 14 is more of like a okay so it's based in my mind on the greek model of city state that the police so you have a central city and then around that is is a a wider nation administrative region yeah that has been the understanding i have operated under up until this point yeah so with that in mind we've kind of just touched on this but more specifically where exactly was amdapor right so a lot of people might think i mean i i can't presume that what the viewers think but a lot of people might think that am the pub was built inside the black shroud inside the forest inside the 12th wood and although the city falls inside the shroud now inside south trout it was actually at the time unforested asterix probably largely unforested and a really expansive plane of mostly white or light-coloured stone that was actually completely outside the influence of the elementals they didn't have power of this area and they didn't protect it the america would actually go on to this sort of white stone that they set on top of becomes the defining part of their civilization that they build with it they make their soul kin out of it it's really central to their culture they call their magic white magic we can only assume in reference to this so with you touching on white magic there why don't we cover a bit on that and sort of the whole culture around that within amdapor right right okay so white magic in its inception is uh like many things with amdapor almost um almost pr focus so it is a weapon it was developed specifically to oppose mark and black magic that's when it formed but is focused largely largely on healing and then remained focused largely on healing and the sort of the great revolution that kick-started the age of enlightenment if you want to call it that of the fifth astral era is the development of schools of magic that employ external aether so you don't have to drain your own well at least not exclusively your own you can sort of draw on the ether of the land um well in the case of black magic the aether of i believe ley lines and stuff like that and in the case of white magic the land itself yeah ultimately all are pretty much rooted in the uh ethereal currents of the land though the methodology by which they pull on it are somewhat different yeah but it was incepted as a weapon and continued to get more and more so uh the war of the mage because it's so brutal and it's so sort of neck and neck between amdapor and mark created essentially an arms race and healing turns into a more over weapon we actually hear that holy the spell holy was developed during the war and that the white mages in the war against mark actually started to use holy spam um e1 tells us that often the the battlefields were just lit completely by holy spells you heard it here blame amber poor for holy spam exactly or or we could blame mock for it needing to be made in the first place yeah i mean uh i kind of blamed i'm deport because we'll get as we get into a different point i'm the poor sort of uh treaty of assad that yeah that yes that that is that seems apt with that in mind talking about white magic though so we know why magic comes about towards the not later years but not the early years of amdapor i think later's fair or or close to later yeah so the question though is was conjuri a part of their culture beforehand so my read on country and i've had people disagree with me on this poster so let me know in the comments below if you do as well but um a country as we know is a more primordial art and into my mind it was probably used extensively throughout history and across cultures all across the world and different shards but you know under different names they believed in quality country we see evidence that at least based on the stuff that we have available to us it might have been founded about the second astral era but that's not particularly reliable uh the canes that they use were founded in the second astral era there's something to suggest you know with thaumaturgy and conjuring both how they're treated mechanically in game and culturally there's like you say there's a sort of primordial aspect to them that is not necessarily rooted in needing to know a litany of techniques it's it's much more of a natural expression of human ability i mean they tell us right that could well not specifically country but magic basal magics that are similar to my mind to country into thermodynamic are essentially prayers that got used with sticks with good materials for channeling ether in them that then accidentally became spells um the country and i sort of discovered this myself well at least i connected the um steps together uh just relatively recently it's kind of not entirely dissimilar in how it works from from the external ether magics because where you're using sort of the um you know can actually start to lay lines and stuff like that e1 tells us the country specifically works by connecting your internal ether with the environment so it's sort of a step behind so it's not using the external environments either but it's using your own aether to connect to external aether largely nature like earth and plant life and stuff that's interesting that places somewhat in the not necessarily same ballpark as monk whose entire thing is about the opening of chakras and therefore using those to manifest physical ability but kind of the step between monk and this magics of something like a black mage that is directly tied to the ambient the drawing of ambient aether yeah yeah i think that's true um i think that's a something that you could see uh modern gridanian country seems to be a mixture of amdapori magics those that were below the level of what you might call white magic perhaps and techniques imparted directly by the elementals to um early well late gal moron's early gradonians and i think the the evidence is there although largely circumstantial that anderport almost certainly used country as that their main magic form uh or a magic similar enough to country to be largely indistinguishable if nothing else the fact that the white mage soul stone requires an understanding of conjuri in order to function to be used seems to seems to heavily imply them yeah absolutely and i mean um it is e one that tells us that that gilmore and such gordanian country specifically is formed out of a a mix of these elemental techniques and the older anderpori ones so that sort of just calls to mind that that country had to have been extended now deport i would say perhaps even alongside white magic you know i mean we see that talent individual of sort of general magical talent is an important thing for white magic you see that with the kenny cena's siblings yes the yeah the pagil and the the cdc are council yeah uh so to my reading yes i'm the poor used country but not enough to commit to it fully and say that that's canon yeah but about highly highly likely speculation with that in mind then who were the amdapori right okay so the amdapori are an interesting one um they seem to have been at least in their origin they were entirely huron i would have to imagine that moving on from that maybe they mingled a bit more i mean we see with mark for example that they have multiple species within them but they they were at least majority here and although i cannot find any evidence for other races i would be like i said i would be really surprised to finally didn't have other races they were a diplomatic hub they were at least ostensibly open and accepting to other nations some of which were being conquered by mark so even before there were the major i so perhaps there is a you know a refugee hub they might they hear that founded and the poor migrated from elsewhere um we might assume ill savage i mean that would be the most logical uh conclusion i suspect yeah i think because where else could they necessarily have come from other than i supposed we know that peoples were in merisitia as early as what the second astral era and so it's possible they could have come from the south though i don't know of how likely that is that's true i mean we hear about um i mean they returned back to almost ilsa in giroban you said maybe there's some sort of ancestral returning there that you could link to but they're here that come in after in the seventh century of the sixth astral era um they come from the spot so it would just make sense to me um yeah no i think that that's the most plausible theory of what we know moving forward why slash how did amdapor fall i would have to say that at least objectively the diplomatic overbearingness of amber for caused their death they they offended mark extremely deeply and gave them a chip on their shoulder because when mark was first formed it was sort of a coming together of minor tribal probably groups in ufame uh and they were perhaps the weakest of these city-states of the 12th city states and really disliked the way that amda paul was was you know making them feel quashed and small and weak intentionally our own intention i i i don't think we have any evidence on their intention there that's one of the struggles with the depiction of amdeport is that it is not entirely clear how much their bastion of the arts and how much they're like stated earlier nobility sentiment was earnest versus assad and how you choose to read that drastically changes the part they play in the events to come yeah yeah um and sort of moving on from that so so and upon might come to a heads um amac is exploding into power after discovering after chaturto discovers black magic and amderpal had had always been powerful it was the first that we know of to become really powerful to become essentially the center of power in aortia and now they're clashing because mark has decided that they're going to spell their own power by conquering their neighbors sort of all out to conquer everyone they can get their hands on ander paul who has sort of stabbed themselves as a pseudo-un or like um you know a peacekeeper takes offense to this of course and it after mack manages to conquer a few states they sort of settled down into a cold war for a few centuries that then suddenly became really really very hot and started the war of the magi amdapor because they had white magic and legions upon legions of soul kin extremely powerful soul kin managed to hold up quite quite a good deal of time and in the final battle of the era that the battle of underpaw which we'll i think discuss in more detail later um although that they keep falls the underfoot actually win the battle that they see the way they have loss they defeat the void tent legion although there's still plenty in the city when we get there which is um you know perhaps evidence that it wasn't so complete a victory um but the vixen victory was too late the conflicts of the war and their reliance on mages specifically had drained the world of much of its ether uh and it triggered a calamity gravity of water which destroyed the nation wholesale as it is with every civilization in the austria that we know of so we actually have two major examples of amdapori structures in the sixth astral era that we experience in game we have the ancient city and we have the amdapor keep so what exactly is going on with the ancient city because when we find amdapor it is covered in mold it's kind of a living nightmare the first time we go there it's you know full of void scent and the second time it's full of you know living statues yeah what exactly is going on there so when we first go to amdapor um it has been hidden right that well it's been hidden up to the last uh five years because the elementals looked at amdapor and through however much fault you want to assign to underpaw sort of saw that the these external magics especially to the elementals were were harmful and they are on a ground scale that's pretty undeniable and they sort of regarded this as a chance to hide away white magic so they they grow this big cops of trees around i mean cops is sort of an understatement you know it is to a cops what a battleship is to a dinghy they grow this massive wall of trees and vegetation that's you know thick enough you can't get through it's tall enough that you can't really see over it from most places and they also use a magical shield essentially so they seal it and this is so extreme that outside spores from fungi i can't get in we learn um so they did a really good job of sealing it away and they also hide white magic soul stone or white mage soul stones away it all it's also clear that things cannot get out yes yeah which is good because it's full of voy 10 which yeah would be unfortunate so much like the rest of eorzea and certain parts of the what world is a sort of a whole the seventh umbra calamity uh which is you know mohammed coming out of downward um messes up the 12th word to a great degree and the barrier formed by the elementals drops and nobody really goes into underpaw for some time i mean it's um still kind of hard to find and is very actively a problem to be inside and it's just super powerful though it's sort of left on its own but the seal that keeps diabolos in prison starts to weaken and we're sent in to cleanse it of the void center as much as we can and to deal with with diablo so oh we don't know it's diabetes to deal with the powerful essence the presence of evil inside the city and we managed to obviously uh diabolus survives and flies off but we do manage to um to secure the city you know then we leave and that pageal the cdc is who we have a section to discuss later um other ones you send us in there but however much time passes in between that and heaven's ward because it's um it's hard to tell obviously uh considering the indeterminate time bubble yep l isn't teenagers oh that's a call back however much time is the fungal mold that i sort of alluded to earlier managed to get in it's hard to say exactly what this is where it came from but it's pretty virile and because the lands ather had been already drained by the water image like we said but the white mages sealing diabolos devils was so powerful that the actor's ceiling came drained the city specifically of earth aether even more so there's so little earth over there that when the mold sort of takes root it's able to spread rapidly through sort of indeterminate etheric mechanisms um something about mold might be more attuned to water or some other elemental aspect than regular plant life perhaps yeah that's possible and being drained of either just makes everything sort of bad and dingy yeah well and you could assume too that it's also possible just that a lack of earth aether caused plant life to decay and the decay of plant life allowed for yeah you know the strongest plant life to exist would be mold yeah yeah so this mulch has taken over the city and this is when we come to it because the seed sears are really really quite worried that this mole is going to spread into the shroud and it's just going to do well somewhere from a number on the sort of ecosystems of the shroud to become a real real problem for gradani in a very real sense it's not going to be a good time regardless no i mean we go in there right we fight them all literally and it's able to act as trash mobs so it's dangerous especially just sort of a normal area of light and we managed to we go through the mold and we do deal with some of it but we also take out the one of the main reasons that the ct's couldn't go in themselves which is the the sulkin defenders of the city have awakened actually before moving on with that why don't we touch on exactly what the sulkin are that amdepor made in the whole art of sulkin craft if you think about ander paul if you know the average fan thinks about it before um then to them white magic is probably going to become more iconic unknown but golomancy in my estimation was more important to the amdapori and was a thing for much much longer that they used it's plausibly as old as xamda4 if not older in early and before we see or well early up until late stage where the major i am deport we see these really beautiful statues of the big lion and then caribou the angel who we see as a cindy to later on we're made out of the characteristic white cerebrum before and they're really beautiful they're extremely powerful but as the world of mage 8 sort of wages on and the maki start to get really close to them before they stop caring about how it looks so they just use clay to make really rudimentary simple looking ones like the minor idols and the the mana parts uh they clay effigies too yeah yeah these sulkin could be imbued with white with uh white magic um which would allow them to use really powerful white magics we see this with kuribu the last boss of lost city heart they're they're probably to me on an in-world sense as opposed to an out of sort of you know a viewer's sense they're probably the more iconic tool of the founder white magic uh that could be my own biases but they are their main armies essentially although the white mage just certainly fought they had these legions of sulkin and we hear that at the end of the war the mage i actually am deport is covered in them and it's beautiful but for people who know what it's about it's also oppressive because you're essentially it's not just there's soldiers in every street they're soldiers on every building on every balcony on the walls of every building they're just everywhere yeah i know i can only imagine how oppressive that might be i mean you can think about the way in which while amber has its own architectural styling how how sulkin are basically become an inseparable part of both their architecture and life yeah oh definitely i mean um there is just so many examples to look at where it must have just become normal life actually just walked past essentially like a weapon of mass destruction just lingering on the street looking like a statue what a notion so then what exactly is the story behind lost city of amdapor hard what's with us going in and fighting those soul cannon of amnapore right so the initial concern on the quest giver's behalf um it's a pageal is and the pageals as we'll discuss again later um are responsible for watching over muscles one watch over um uh so the initial concern like i said is is to deal with this mold um it's becoming a threat but at the same time they are cognizant of these sulking weapons even if not specifically they are cognizant perhaps by the elementals telling them that there are the sulking awakening and last time a powerful entity was awakening in lost city vanderpool was it was diabolos so anything that wakes up in the city it's probably best to go and check out and sort of squash seems to very rarely be good news yeah i mean the ruins of the fifth astral era as fascinating as they are for us as players and as commentators they are just not very nice places since we've been kind of talking about the sort of natural world and the actual city of amdeport what exactly is their relationship with the elementals and kind of with the 12 shroud because it wasn't around them during right the time they existed but they're still said to have had a relationship right exactly so they turn up to their this big white stone plane that they set on but they don't really want to live there it's not the most fertile place we might assume and there's less cover there than there would be in a forest so they actually want to go into the shroud but um and this is more evidence for them having country but they are cognizant of the fact that there are elementals there they know that they're there and eventually they managed to commune with the elementals and ask asked to enter the throat has to live in the shroud the elementals tell them no the elementals love to tell people no [Music] [Laughter] at um time they were letting the exile sort of live in the forest until they didn't until they didn't but they they tell them before you know and damn de pori are extremely respectful they agree they stay away and they only ever enter i think we're told if they were hunting outside the trial to creatures that don't live in the shroud but the creature runs into the shrub they're going for a little bit then just catch it but they are extremely uh respectful of the elementals edicts i mean we we might say that they're sort of cognizant of the power of the elementals that hasn't stopped other groups yeah yeah i mean the excel tried to break into the black shroud with like axes and bows and paul had like armies of sulkin and white magic and they didn't bother so we have to sort of assume that they were a respectful people at least in terms of the elementals and that would also sort of feed into the bias i tend towards which is that their the nobility of amdapor is more earnest than not especially with how civilizations like allag and mock and other ones are kind of when given to us in writing are kind of displayed as they seem to have actually have been um you know with very limited scope but but we kind of hear about the decay of allag we hear about the you know little big man syndrome with mock and so that makes me assume and take at face value that at least a lot of them before was earnest yeah i mean i believe that there are some other things that give me calls um largely revolving around their relationships with some of their neighbors if you want to discuss that yeah let's do that like i said amdapor functions kind of like the un but like a one-member uh um they work sort of consistently to keep the peace the peace could be genuine peace it could be a state of politics where amore is ascendant on the continent or it could be a both a bit of both and they seem to have also been interested in influencing their own influence by the use of collaboration uh open discourse and soft power so um you know leaning on people not shooting them this seems to have been pretty successful they they were ascendant they were the most powerful nation until mark unstabilized them and like i've said previously mark's actions in the award major could be linked fairly or unfairly to home depot however something that gives me pause with regards to amdapor as a moral state is the fact that they were at war with them so we can't really know why they don't tell us why um maybe they offended me with their overbearing nature or nim refused to sort of engage in diplomatic overtures or maybe it was a trade dispute who knows but either way they battled um we know that the battle of god's grip which is essentially at moorabby bay is the underpoint who's trying to land on billfriend and the nimi is beating them back so not only were they warring they were trying to land sort of an invasion of phil brown uh we know that anemian scholar if you played the the scholar question you'll know this um infiltrated aminopore sort of went to around the pool and at least the people around him fraser is infiltrating it could have been a diplomatic mission they want to get a power cord from a sulkim a particularly powerful sunken in order to use it to cure the nimian plague which seems plausible and paul fought a lot of voids and and the the magi never tried to use sort of avoiding plague on them so it's entirely plausible they could cure it well the underlying premise of their magical system is healing yeah not only healing but healing things that mark have done yeah absolutely but he unfortunately is killed in the process they theorized that he was captured and killed he certainly died in underpass city but or um [Music] right um and they he his his daughter at least who was not involved in the mission and did not know about it but theorizes that he was captured and killed by the underpowered he could have been there was plenty going on that could have killed someone um he could have walked into the wrong soul kin but there is at least cause there to question them but without knowing what the nimians did in turn then we can't really condemn them for it yeah the other interesting thing is that if you think about the nimiyan play being caused by pitoso they literally would be functionally carrying around a certain amount of void scent essence in them which we know is what one of the things that triggers the soul kin of amdapor that's true well they must hate when people leveling reaper going to him to paul you just go in and all of a sudden for some reason they all become synced level 90 they just go aggro i mean the political landscape of of the fifth ashlar is not something that we can sort of take any great deal of subtlety in uh the three nations that we know about are at war the fourth nation that we know about is dead already um by this point uh they do not last particularly along with scallons um in the ground stage of things but the nimian um amdapori war is something that sort of is more of a mystery we can see why mark would go to war with them they were imperialist um we can see why mark would go to war with ander hall and paul wanted to stop the conquests but i'm the poor in them it's it's a much harder one for me seeing as you just mentioned it what exactly triggered the war between amdapor and mock right okay so that's a difficult one we don't know uh we know that gradual tensions were growing presumably about you know the mac the maki's own dislike of m.4 that sort of is more historical and mark wanting to expand its power by conquering and and the poor wanting to put a stop to that so this this tension is growing and growing and growing and uh turned into a cold war like i said and then in the 13th century kicks off into a real war the the sparks that lit the flame we don't know about but i would also say is not the important thing um it's the context that leads to the the building of tensions more than it is some border dispute or something like that or like a proxy war that starts the actual war yeah no i wha what put the kindling in place absolutely what were the sort of tactics both on the part of mock with their void scent and the sort of defensive tactics of amdapor with their soul kin when it came to the war of the magi so the marquis seemed to have relied on armies of void since so we might assume in fact we must assume that the the the void mages and the black mages were there in the army as well fighting against their their enemies um but their main efforts at least against amdapor seem to have been throw as many voyages as we can at it um and just destroy it with overwhelming force the amdapori like you said you sulkim who are you know sort of tanks that they're very bulky some of them can use white magic and they have a huge amount of them but they also seem to rely on strong defensive structures like the keep which was sort of famed as undefeated for many centuries before developers tore it down well he didn't tear it down but you know what i mean just as a final note on on that on the sort of strategy at the end of the week they seem to really enjoy sealing away void them they don't necessarily want to kill them and i'm sure they do um but when it comes to really powerful voicing they'd love to seal them or trap them somewhere you know they they trap the dahak in underwater keep they trap diabolos they drop ferdiard actually mentioning am deport keep why don't we touch on that in its importance both to sort of amdeporn general and the war of the magi i mean it is true of the dungeons of the game that we play there it is yeah sort of to talk about historically i'm default keep is a defensive structure that was the first line of defense for amdapor um it's a really really really very large castle essentially that has a moat has drawbridges has sort of turret walls you know all the classical sort of hallmarks of like a western castle like a late medieval western castle uh and it existed long before the war of the magi we know that it was built hundreds upon hundreds of years before the war of the magi but perhaps to prepare for mark coming or just in general to sort of further shore up their defenses uh it was destroyed depending on who you ask either just before or in the first act of the battle around or depending on sort of how you define the battle of hamdu uh it seems to have been that diabolos and a number of other voids were sent there including ferdinand who's the final boss of hard mode i believe ee1 even mentions that diablos was actually summoned there after the uh maki took amdapor keep i believe that's right i mean i couldn't quote the passage but um so we know who summoned diablos and we know where cesar blackwind sort of is is the in my mind the greatest um your favorite yes my favorite the the greatest voyage mage of the time and she she turns up um and she's anti-war uh which or at least auntie the way that the marquis are doing the war she's a marquee herself obviously but very much apart from the crowd but she's extraordinarily talented and they say we need you to summon a really powerful void scent for us like a really powerful weight scent and we're not going to use him for war that it's going to be a deterrent we're going to stop the war with this voice we promise to use this to turn we totally aren't crossing our fingers everything's going to be good exactly this is the government of um of mac by the way they're all mages themselves and she agrees um because she's desperate for the war the major to end or at least become less depraved than it had become so she summons diablo's there he is uh at least from a law perspective i mean we beat him in a dungeon so you might be thinking like he oh he's not that bad but um the way that the law tells us dybalas is civilization killing in terms of power there's two things that are worth noting on that which is one we don't know the way in which his ceiling away i mean he even mentions explicitly in the shadows of mock that the ceiling of him away in amdapor weakened him greatly yeah and i i'd also point out that there are repeated moments throughout the msq that make it clear that while we are gaining in strength we are powerful from the get-go so we are not just an average person either yeah i mean yes diabolicity civilization ending but we sure ended more civilizations than he did um uh yep that is correct that is technically correct the best kind of correct mm-hmm so um anyway yeah so devilish is someone there by cesaro blackwind the the government of mark we must presume pretty quickly tell her actually no sorry he's going to go kill all the end of horry um and so he does or at least attempt to um and like i said he's sealed away and that initiates the battle of amdapor it does yeah uh but the i mean the the the amdapori like i said like you said win at their city you lose that they keep but they put up a good fight um they seal away and depending on your perspective deborah is his number one fanboy or his greatest warrior ferdiad um why not both well that's true actually um well one of these days i'm gonna do a video on his etymology and the please do humor of it all um because this spears going up butts and um ferdiad is the other but he himself is extremely powerful um so you know they do a good job that they they really put up a fight against overwhelming odds but they are they are beaten back okay so the war of the magi and the battle for amdapor kind of results in what as stalemate and then when when is the sixth emerald calamity triggered or when do people become aware of it coming so um immediately after the battle around like immediately so so the mark of maki have been pushed back they're starting to regroup the amdapori are still reeling from the battle the way that it's phrased was this is right after the mages of the realm start to and there's a lot of mages in eorzea at this point everyone was amazed they're overstating it but mages were like the main occupation of at least the most iconic occupation of every state and they begin to detect this this oncoming calamity that the water has been massively drained and the waters of the sea are beginning to rise uh no sorry every aether aspect team besides water has been drained and the waters are beginning to rise the rivers are flooding there are tidal waves coming in the sea is rising it's raining torrentially and although i'm the pope was the last of the three main city-states actually to be destroyed um so so name is first they're destroyed by the tidal waves denmark they're swallowed by the sea amdapor is the last um but even with that and their mighty magics that control nature the draining of the land's ether and specifically the draining of underpaws ether as well um make them largely unable to prevent this flooding so they turn around and they flee they the the nimi's have their fancy plans about setting up a shield while people can get inland the maki build a giant boat that can fly and is powered by an evil guard with no lock on her box um and nothing could go wrong um but the end before you don't do any of that they're sort of a little bit more sensible in my mind they just say we take what what's left of our military and we're gonna just everyone is leaving we're going to girobanya um which is you know high enough it's got a lot of highlands and mountains it's high enough that the waters won't swallow garabania so the strategy is quite literally run for the hills yeah which is and like i say i think the best strategy they could have taken um so to cover some basics what exactly is a calamity and why was the sixth umbral calamity aspected towards water right so a calamity is a calamity depending on the person that you ask in the universe they'll tell you very different things um a scientist will tell you it is when the aspecting of the ether is over balanced massively in the favor of one ether on a grand scale not like not not one village is over aspected towards fire aorzia the world aldonad um however much it might be is aspected towards wood fire and the calamity of fire happens um and this depends on what it is so in the quantity of water it's a flood in uh calamity of earth it's huge earthquakes in the calamity of uh wind it's giant tornadoes stuff like that uh and then like like you said in the calamity of frost everything's frozen and uh essentially it's also predestined like th this over aspect thing is it is the mechanism by which it's done but there is a cycle to which element goes sort of after each element and there are the shadowy forces behind the scenes the aseans who engineer the calamities and it's not only a calamity on the source that is not only something on the source that causes it it's also something on the um shard that is being rejoined to the source something has to happen there so in short there was a shard that was uh correspondingly being tilted towards water at the same time yes exactly exactly my personal theory my fun theory um my fun a completely unsubstantiated theory on why the sexes water besides asean such predestination stuff was that none of the three dominant spellcaster classes that we know of the era um the scholar the white mage the black mage use significant water aspecting spells uh the white mages have some um or had some and when compared to their other techniques sort of i i see this is the reason for it you know um nobody's using water right there the white mages are throwing out stone at all yeah earth at the they throwing out wind the black mages are throwing out lightning and fire and ice yeah and ice uh so that's the other element yeah that just leaves the water no one's using water that we know of so it just makes sense to me as sort of a little a neat little fact that we could put in there whether intentional or not i think it's an absolutely fair supposition and honestly it's one i've uh basically subscribed to at this point it came to me because i really enjoyed that little knockback water spell that white mages used to have well here's hoping that maybe the next class is geomancer and you get something like that back definitely yeah i want a watercaster during that period of time as the calamity is coming about the grand companies of aorzia are first formed and you also have people having enough time to build the void arc and come up with strategies like nim so you have to assume that it must have taken at least a month right or or some some reasonable span of time yeah it takes time it's not described as water is hitting everyone now i mean i think for nim you would see less time for for mark you would see at least a few months i would have to say and for amdapor a few months more than that or how much you want to sort of ascribe to it um well and just as a reminder for people who may not remember the reason that nim would have been hit first is because it's on an island it's on vilbrand whereas you fame and amdapor are technically near to the sea but they are not they're still inland yeah they are and andapol specifically is built on this this plateau of rock that we might presume is slightly elevated uh yes to the ground companies um so the ground companies are formed uh like i said each with a plan the the the first grand company is the nimian oh well the first growing company i'm going to talk about is an immune one and they perform operation maelstrom which is where the the male stream grand company of limitless to get that name from as well as the uh titular operation male storm when we fight leviathan right yes that's absolutely right yeah um and they're kind of similar to be fair you know boats and aether um and essentially they they write this huge sort of um ethereal mathematical equation on the the sea on the on gladian bay or nimbet the bay of nym um and they sort of raised this huge sort of like a huge scholarship so what a scholar would put on you in a dungeon it's raising a really big version of that and it doesn't stop the waters but it it hulk it reduces the impact and the tidal waves that hit him are smaller they destroy the city but the people who fled into the highlands are more or less okay although homeless the way that uh what we know of the event is described i maybe this is just my own bias but i read it much more as a desperate act to buy time more than uh oh this is gonna work it's very much described as a people need more time to get out of here we are choosing to sacrifice ourselves to allow them that time and i just find that very moving yeah i mean uh this name is my favorite but um uh and then you have the the grand company now correct me if i'm running this could be a gap in my knowledge i don't think we know the names of the maki and nimmy and um and how the grand companies doing not that i know of um i usually just refer to them as the grand companies of mock and graham companies yeah and the poorer so um the maki grand company seems to have mostly been fixated on building the void arc there are other things that individual marquee do to survive the calamity because not everyone can fit on the void dark but i would assume that they are mostly um associated with with building the bulldog and that in my mind there's a there's an alternate universe where you've got the maelstrom the void archers and the um the runaways for the for gridania if we just want to name everyone if they're in operation it's the fleet foots um i think vodka is good actually um uh and then the the the amdapori grand company um is so they take all of their military right everyone who's left in the military um is re-tasked to withdraw to gerbania um to help the popular savant or withdraw to um and they had the most time they they focused entirely on this i would have to imagine that a very good percentage around the false population made it to garibanya yeah it's interesting then to wonder how that group diasporized like the other nations and because in a way while their legacy is still very clear and strong they seem to as a populist kind of fade more into the background compared to how we see very explicitly where the populaces of bach and nemgo right yes um it's massively less identifiable than mark with bella dyer and it is also more challenging to sort of isolate than them because what the new means do is they just go back home they go to their south sea island homes for a bit for a few centuries and then they just come back and they they don't think of themselves as resettling them from what we know but they they they join with the rogodins who who are also over there and found limps at the minster um but the the amdapori the true successes of amdapor if we are going to point at that is is an amigo but they don't seem particularly culturally alike so there is some complexity there no and and as much as we know that scala isn't necessarily tied to al amigo the fact that the fact that that there's nothing to say that the predecessors of the of those in amdapor were you know highland or here like there's nothing population wise that directly ties them so it's quite possible that the amdapori just utterly diasporized throughout the entirety of of you know and maybe even more many of the here who ended up in the black shroud right okay so that's an interesting one so my take on it is that the here because at least the founding group they've hunted down to overhearing they go on to evolve into highlanders that they lose their oh and the poori culture um and there's a whole sort of era where the the they sort of splint it into clans right that all of the the people in garbani are splinted into like hundreds of clans and spend like 11 000 years fighting each other um which is very uh alamegan actually um the here that go on to found gomorrah i'm given to understand are ilsabadian migrants they're a second wave of human migrants into aeozia and their main deal is that they don't well it's not that they don't like allison but they sure do go to war with the allison multiple times um so they push the allison into the black shroud and the black the elephant in the black shroud they've lived on planes their entire lives and they're in the black child and the trees are attacking them and they're like what is this so they spend an indeterminate amount of time we're not told how long trying to figure it out and being killed and then eventually they figure it out um and then they're like elementals can we please live here and then almost like no so they move into the caves and then they're here because they breed like rabbits um need to move as well so they've already occupied the plains where the yellows need to live and then there's a lot of them so they're just like that forest looks good to live in so they they move into the black trout and they also get attacked by the trees and they figure out that they're like okay and the anderson are having a good day in their new cave homes this sort of proto-gel mara and then all of a sudden the same here that just previously displaced some walk into the caves like i think we're going to live here uh so they all start killing each other again in the caves and then eventually they're just like this is exhausting we need to be friends and then happily ever after i had intended to more specifically move towards what happened post-war of the mad giant succeed that as a far better introduction yeah i had i mean i got on a roll there it was great no i loved it it was fantastic so i guess with that then we've sort of talked already a little bit about the legacy of amdapor and how and where they ended up but what sort of comes about we see in gridania despite it not being the literal legacy of amdapor or direct legacy they are functionally the inheritors through things like white magic and the white mage which we didn't touch on up until now partly because of how important it is to both gridania and amdapor it is yeah so to talk about the first link we will talk about norfolk um so nifika is the goddess the patron goddess of um gridania that she is the goddess of of nature and protector of the wilds um and you know you see her symbols all over all over gridania um but she is also and we didn't know this until in sex materials and we get told it once and it's never talked about again that they worship norfolka um i kind of think this is why they respected the edicts of the elementals and telling him to stay out um this sort of natural link um uh and it to the dev team's credit it must be in the law doc but it must have been in a lot of sometimes even in amdapor keep which isn't made of white stone so they hadn't really figured out that i'm depor's white stone yeah um i mean this is easily explainable by it's outside of the the white stone plateau but um all across the keep all across the city are leaf and plant imagery including some that look pretty similar to norfolk symbol actually so you can see that she was the patron goddess in in the city if you're looking for it um so gordanya also worships norfolk we're not entirely sure why but it could just plausibly be that they that the ellison perhaps already did or that when they moved into into the shroud they took on that aspect of nature um but you are right well in the palace of the dead they do have the return shrine or whatever it's called does have no focus symbol as well so galbora must have inherited some of that so perhaps we could assume that the the worship of norfolka is and this is a new thought to me actually but um is an ancestral huron thing from outside of elsia it could be that it just as easily could also be that the sheer fact that if you're going to live in the 12's wood you're going to love nature and if you're going to love nature there's only one of the 12 to pick yeah that's a good point so yeah like i said if we're looking in sort of a historical sense an ethnic sense a cultural sense gomorrah and gridania aren't really as if i'm deported unlike beladar and ulda are with mark but they kind of are like you said because the elementals make them into it like they did not particularly like anderford but they seem to force some kind of uh successorship onto their new people that they're sort of welcoming up so gamora is founded by like i said the ellison who migrate into the forest and then underground and then the heroes who join them and they go to sort of the they go to war in the caves and then they make peace because it's going to destroy them both um and they this is like proto-gelman when they come together to sort of join together they actually found gal maura as we think about it after a few centuries ago they're trying to commune with the elementals because whatever the dusk whites will tell you living in an underground city for hundreds of years probably isn't the best thing but after a few centuries them they've remastered conjuring so they've used their own techniques from from the from sort of ancient times and have communicated with the elementals and the elementals at this point do something very very odd they reach out towards a conjurer in the year um a thousand 1076. of the sixth astral era yeah so pretty late on in the history to be fair um and they contact a country by the name of uh joran or yarin lightheart who's been communicating with the elementals pretty well and he manages to negotiate a return to the surface for the all of the gilmores and they all go up beside some alice and who decide to stay down and look at this quite and these people found gudanian and the elementals bless jared he he's suffused with a bright light and then less than a decade later he has children he has a son who is a hero obviously um and his child is born with two bombs on his head um that over the next few years send it to horns and by the age of three this child who is anyone who knows about the patcher will recognize the first pageal uh was a prophet already i mean he's three years old and he is already predicting catastrophes and by the age of 12 he stops aging like physically and had ju was just walking around saying i am the chosen mediator between the elementals and the people that try to sort of just have to listen to me you know like most 12 year olds yeah he adopts the name um in reference to the sound of the etheric communications of the elementals like i don't know what that's supposed to what would that sound like um but i assume it's like taking on the name like the movement of water right like or like taking on like a name that's sort of ceremonial representation of the sound of nature yeah i mean look if a spooky wood ghost walks up to me and i'm three years old and starts going into my ear i'm just gonna be oh okay and that's why you'll never be a pajama oh you're right come on dude but by the year um 11 17 the second pageal um uh is born oh sorry i should notice uh i should mention urine and the rest of i hope pota's family adopt the surname pota in sort of response to this um and this will mark a trend where there will become bloodlines associated with the pageant people who either have birth one pageal or seem to be birthing a few of them and and they will become sort of a pseudonym ability and will adopt the sort of the title of the of the the the surname of the pageal that they that they birthed so in 1117 a second pageal called nun is born and i hope perto just walks over and says this is my baby now i'm raising him his parents are okay with that i guess and and that kind of goes on to be the legacy of pageal for quite a bit it does yeah um it's kind of messed up yeah it's a little bit um a little dark it also ties into some of the white page quest line yes yeah the stone blood white amazing belief i believe that is correct so with this birth uh people now realize that the pageal aren't just a one-off thing and they they named this new race pageant that's when the name is sort of given and i hope because of his role as a communication with the elementals which is the most important job in in for anyone who lives in the shroud had increasingly assumed sort of unofficially a leadership role in the city but a few years later he is told he is granted the title of elder seeds here and essentially made the ruler of gordanya he sort of continues on until 273 so he lives to be extremely old no sorry he lives until 273 and then just he's meditating one day and just dies out of nowhere no warning uh and the page i'll continue after this to rule gridania and act as key members of its conjuring ranks and also are given the secrets of white magic by the elementals now in the elemental defense here 5 6 7 8 10 20 30 people using white magic isn't really an issue it's when you have a civilization of people using it and using it all the time that becomes an issue um so you can see why they would want their chosen servants to be powerful presumably they had plenty of resources on white magic on hand sort of hidden under trees and sort of stuffed in bushes and stuff and they sort of from the first suits here raised them all to be white majors which is what we see now so so like i said the the elementals almost inject amdapori culture into gridania artificially we know of course that the the pageals are still ruling gridania and kenny cena the current elder seeds here is the ruler of um gridania the cta council is made up exclusively of her two siblings who are also um agile who wear the robes of the white mage yes they do and of course the pageal are the guardians of underpaw because then before he's dangerous the elementals want while guarding um so they trust the pajar with it and i'm not entirely sure if if what the page i'll do with white magic is they're given permission to use it and the resources or if they are born with the ability to use white magic but it's one of the two and either way the elementals have sort of caused it the conjuring quest line despite the character you interact with not necessarily being a pageal seems to imply a lot of it is naturally born yeah certainly there are members of the in fact all members of the patrol that we see are extraordinary talent extraordinarily talented um some more than others but as a baseline so moving backwards in time a bit and kind of tying to something i've been thinking about a lot lately there's the whole thing with the sulkin in amdapor looking identical to well sin eaters from shadowbringers especially the kreebu and the winged lion specifically yes so um first of preface here this is an out of universe thing we have been told by the devs that they're using reusing models to save time and i mean they look great as sort of evil light aspected creatures uh so it works but it is also extremely easy and this is the the thing that i i sort of enjoy especially about fxev is that these things might be out of universe but they are explainable by in universe methods with relative ease the andapory invented and extensively studied white magic which is not you know innately tied to light the flood of light whatever you want to call it but there are links there that you could draw between sort of polarity of aether and um sort of a scientific because they had scientific conventions actually about white magic we find that in google hard um but this study in my mind and i know i know you share this theory elio um such an extensive study of white magic might have accidentally made us in eater it's entirely possible to make sunita's artificial it's entirely possible to make voice artificially uh and i think it's plausible that they did so and then they started to base some of their more distinctive um because not every tolkien um you know looks like a cine but they started to base some of their sulking on how these beings of light looked yeah i have an upcoming video on that that should hopefully lubricate for anyone who's unaware but one of the important things to understand is that light is tied to umbrality and you know the umbrella the passive and so it while the flood of light caused mass uh transformations into uh sin eaters likewise on the 13th which had a mass influx of astrality right in the astral and change in creative void sense and the knowledge that you could forcibly create a void scent even not in such a place we can assume that the inverse is true and with how much uh how much the am de pori were dealing with white magics and the lengths to which they would have gone to defend their home you can imagine something might have happened something whether intentional or not something ghastly might have happened yeah i mean i i this is a civilization that lasted an extraordinary amount of time a very very long amount of time it lasted thousands and thousands well sorry about one and a half thousand years um give or take they were scholars they were thinkers uh they experimented and created new magical things if they didn't make either a void scent or um a cineta i'd be a little surprised yeah yeah i mean this is also this is going to tie into the video which none of you have seen yet but bear with me the serif cane uh the white mage anima relic weapon is associated with amdapor and weirdly enough looks just like eden it does look a lot like eden i i had to go and have a look at that and although i i think it's you know most of an allusion to christian imagery i i think so too but the fact that it is the sort of slightly feminine humanistic form with that the dial right on the back yeah and the red the same color of thread yeah it's one of those things where obviously out of universe it's the same sort of you know cadence as or same sort of reasoning as probably you know just ins might have been inspired by eden but they were not thinking about you know shadowbringers in any way yeah but you know pulling sort of a tolkinian sense of analyzing the text as is like yeah it's it's an interesting connection it is i mean could just simply the act of going through um this kind of law is going back and finding connections that were but not necessarily intended but we've seen the devs will go back and connect to you anyway after the fact so and they will definitely make the most of yeah and i mean our mission is fundamentally to sort of build an intel narrative for the world and sort of connect it all together um so make it as consumable yeah i definitely don't mind the surface i mean it's a as a theory i don't mind at all and it's an interesting thing to bring up in this debate uh regarding the soldiers and the simulators and the sulking yeah i find it much the thing is is that such a thing would have necessitated someone of amdapor either gleaning into the future of another shard or something in order to see eden so i'm not necessarily in favor of it making sense well um oh the pageal are extremely accurate prophets uh now we don't know we don't know that that's white magic related it could just be elemental um but it could be yeah no i mean i was feeling good and solid about not having to worry about it and now you have me worried about it i mean i think it's mentioned kenny cena is like five years old and she sees that there's going to be a natural disaster in the shroud at the date the location the nature of it and just she's five um she hasn't even stopped aging for a pager yet i guess i get the methodology by which time travel exists within final fantasy 14 and the like fundamental real the fundamental reliance on aether for everything as everything is aether would mean that one could assume that there are trails of ethereal time as there are ethereal memory so i mean that that would there could be a mechanic by which people could do such a thing it's plausible yeah so i think that about wraps up the mass majority of it so why don't we now sort of cover the little like tidbits and any other things that we want to touch on that we either missed or just didn't have a place to really hit on so um uh we no one talked about architecture in these videos so um there's less well then there isn't actually there's about the same amount um but um there's plenty to talk about let's say with with amber paul's um illusions i'm nepal keep is essentially a european castle sort of a later era european castle but amdapor itself is largely white stone there are some of the houses there that seem to resemble to me sort of rudimentary greek villas and the court they're actually filled with amphora and they're around an area called the forum i believe if not then it's another one of those greek words for a square where people talk [Music] but they resemble greek so there's definitely that illusion and other parts of the city just seem to be sort of inspired by western cathedrals to me is the closest i could hire link well you can even see that in the uh sanctum of the 12 right which is not necessarily specifically cathedral but it's sort of stained glass with the 12s and just its vibe is very very european cathedral yeah definitely and i mean just you know the soaring buttresses the the the white marble or whatever stone it is they don't actually tell us um but all of that the tower where you're going to fight diabolos looks kind of you can see references again it's a lot like like with a lot of the the fifth astral era buildings um it's more sort of seeing illusions where they're maybe yarn on but sort of trying your best to patch it together with with amber four which i think is you know a fine tool to use yeah often it's our only one but i think more than that i so often artists and creators are inspired by multiple works right so to to assign a singular touchstone to something is often not going to entirely be correct like even as much as charlene right is oh boy is that classical grease even with that there's there's a lot more to it than just that yeah yeah it is so gill is an invention of the success flower and they obviously didn't have a centralized minting system at first um so the marquee and the amdapori currency is used before this and then it well while the gill now has a picture of i want to say now maya it could be um athena but it has a picture one that female gets to the 12th i think they may are on it these the so these marking these coins are sort of predecessors both claim that they were the previous at previous era's currency but also more directly in the in the early 60s error than we used um they had like heroes religious figures other stuff like that on them the reason that naime is used on the gill nowadays by the way is beca or whichever goddess it is okay cool is because um well you can't really have political figures if you're centralized minting for multiple nations and you can't really have a religious figure that's you couldn't have relga because that would be unfair to everyone who's not a vegan so right instead you have name who isn't the patron goddess of any one state who nobody's fighting wars of anime in eorzea right now so she just seemed to be a neutral option for them to take yeah it's lucky that unlike the 12 or so nation states that existed during the uh fifth astral era there is not there's only six six really that exist in the sixth astral era and not even those six have existed at various points throughout the successional era ergo there are at least a couple of gods that act as neutral ground yes there's quite a few actually i mean obviously there wasn't back in the day um back in the fifth sorry um but uh in in fact actually in i was reading this today um in very very early fifth astral era before you know before like out of poor took shape and stuff like that the religious landscape was that of a universal pantheon of the twelve so everyone worshipped the twelve as a pantheon um instead of picking a patron guard and belonging to a city state that had that picture in god so that's an interesting fact it also makes sense that it would have initially started out as especially if the 12 are in any way based off of historical figures that they would have been seen as you know a singular group but then as time as time went on people would want to distinguish themselves you know yeah and i mean we can easily enough link that like that's probably where the sentiment of the 12th comes from from this pre-schismic belief system yeah it's also worth thinking about the fact that in even in the sixth natural era though the when the primal of the 12 is summoned above cardinal it's not it's not 12 individuals it is one primal that is the primal of the 12. yeah it's a big seal and i mean um you know we've seen attempts at summoning a single primal you know you've got um you've got the little let me go questline um yeah and i was absolutely dead convinced when playing when um heaven's award was ending like live as i was playing through it um that it was gonna that shinryu was going to be welga but um [Music] that didn't turn out to be true uh but look i've made i've made much crazier claims about end walker so like you never know you never know but sort of talking about folkloric figures of the era we've got to talk about the 12 archons um yes which is a great reason to get into because you it is not an often discussed thing for people who are sort of coming with from even a place of knowing quite a good deal about the law this might be not an entirely new thing especially not one of the 12 archons in end walker now because one of them is discussed fairly extensively but um groups of saviors turn up pretty frequently in the history of others um you know you see the zodiac braves you see um in fact you see possibly multiple iterations of zodiac waves um you see the twelve archons you see that sciences haven't thought on and the 12 icons turn up in the very very very late fifth astral well probably if we're talking realistically the late fifth astral possibly even just rising prominence in the sixth umbral and they are 12 people we don't know of any of them but three um to my knowledge uh who work to warn and to save people from the flood independent of this of the city-states and and all that it seems now the one that most people should know about especially as of uh and walker is um nilogriff the founder basically the founder of charlene right so there's a number of things that are interesting about nuncref number one he's natural illusion very early astrologian uh he's extraordinarily powerful one he's a sea wolf rogodin who is in eorzea and this is the first evidence we have of roguertin in eorzea at that time um but he is not from eosia he is specifically from the sea wolf home world homeland in the north seas yeah the air slaint and the northern empty yeah so he he takes a bunch of refugees and puts them in a boat um and tries to sail on the water but i believe it's a wave or it's something that's about to destroy the boat and he he casts an extraordinarily powerful spell like he casts flow upon not only an individual but an entire ship and a at least 100 or more individuals yeah and it it turns up in it just it's like flung down in the mountains in ability spine and he which you can see currently in the peaks you can it's actually really cool um it looks really cool and he gathers up these refugees and he obviously a lot of people are now in aberdeen spain because guru bania is part of abarthia spain and he gathers up a number of these other refugees who are there i'm not not certainly not all of them not even a fraction of most of them but a lot of them and they travel to the gervanian hinterlands uh and they build a new boat which interesting fact when the germanians uh no sorry that when the charlenes are coming back to found the acer tower and that sort of research colony yes old charlayan is is in the north but old old chilean actually began in the germanian hinterlands because that's where they sail from there's a great line somewhere and walker about basically about that and the fact that new charlene gets known as charlene and old charlaine was just supposed to be known as charlaine but because everyone in aorzia calls it old charlene the charlane's have adopted calling it old charlotte yeah and they're a little grumpy about it as well so he goes back to he goes back to these north north sea islands not to the earth land not not to the sea wolf homeland but to the four four islands of charlene yep the islands of yorn ham uh val and charlene th the island formerly known as well um yes the uh and i mean it makes sense right now you if you think of chalet and you might not think this gracious city state should be in the north it's frigid called it it's not really a natural place for it but you know he's coming home kind of he's taking them to a place that he knows is safe um so that's why they go to the north um and he found charlay and he is remembered today he's an extremely important law figure he's the one that we know the most about there's two more but there's um aldbar who is another rogue dyn possibly a health guard and another talented mage we don't know what kind of mage he ward against a clan of evil mages now this is 1.0 law so i'm willing to bet that what was in 1.0 a clan of evil mages is in the game as we know it now mark or or at least um so he's girobanian um and he's fighting get to kind of it could also be the color wise family you could point to any number of things i'm sure there was a lot of mages back then and most of them at least partially amoral there's also references to uh magic and spell wielding rogans that exist in the mountains of ilsa bard so it could even be them because they're a group that ends up working for garla mold and yes had the whole thing with them there's a lot of different ways you could read that and the difficulty is not only are there different ways you could read that at the time of 1.0 that is further complicated by what that could mean within the realm of you know a 6.0 world and i mean albar is one of these rugged in these spellcasting regulations from from gurubani well now from ability of spain um he actually this is 1.0 law and i'm not entirely sure how much we can rely on this now as always but 1.0 claims that the reason that ralga looks like a big buff old man is because aldbar was a big buff roger didn't mage who helped the early girl bunions um which is interesting um it's still very possible and it makes possible the reoccurrence of 12 heroes right saving people uh throughout points in history makes you especially with myth of the realms coming up yeah oh god i want it yeah i want it the thing is is that you look at the 12 and you look at that and you can't help but wonder okay is what's happening here that certain souls are being reincarnated and that they're just people of of of a singular disposition uh occupying space throughout multiple lives throughout all of the astral number eras or more sinisterly are the 12 actually just assians and what's going on is that they're trying to make sure they don't wipe out everyone that's an interesting theory because they need to make sure that people are around in order to get further calamities i mean look we're looking at the fifth astral era it is defined by two things the twelve and magic um so we cannot ignore that the heroes of that era were 12 in number and specifically referred to as the 12 archons that is significant and you will never tell me it's not but i think that for me i'm a big proponent of the reincarnation theory tenzin is the warrior flight in the past um i'm sure that's absolutely brave was as well i'm sure that a 12th arc on was i'm children you know i i believe that there is a reincarnation mechanic going on and it doesn't necessarily need to be i'm not sitting here thinking who was ishola who was right right yeah i'm thinking the warrior of light was probably one of these people everything else is up in the air i think the one explicit case or it's not explicit but it's so strongly implied that as far as i'm concerned is explicit is an example of tenzin being the former warrior of light tanza is not explicit but it's explicit yeah it really really is in what will interest me whether it be that they are heroes or reincarnated heroes or not is the fact that 12 people rise up is it the same 12 souls right reincarnated repeatedly or is it a pattern being uh brought about by some other force you know yeah because the reason i wonder that is because i don't want nor do i think is their aim to be like ah we're aiming towards getting you know there's there's the eight scions right now really i mean there's tataru and all more but but there's there's eight primary people right now oh so what you're telling me is that tataru was the big buff rugged in mage yes that makes sense precisely what again no what i'm getting at is tataru is both aspects of nald fall because she has life and commerce but also the aspect of death and bribery death and death and magic via junior arcanistry well she never tried to get you killed during the auspice questline so that's true and to be fair her carbuncle is still walking around right it's still manifested independently of her i think someone found it he is a man you know um but but with that all that in mind and into what you're saying i don't think it's ah the people in our party are clearly the souls of the i don't want that because i don't want to no i agree people are more special by being individuals than they are by being you know chosen right they barely get away with it with the warrior of light and part of the reason to get away with it is because so much of the point is it's not that you are your power exists and your role exists to allow other people to save themselves more than it does for you to be a messiah like you in a way you are and it treats you as such but it also that's not narratively that's not necessarily the point it's not that just that you are saving the world it is you are offering you are helping to bring about other people the chance to save themselves to do the work themselves right so yeah i agree i think it's uh it would be boring for it to be you know ishtala or chiffon american um 10th grade with the twelve twelve of there are cons and other most of the zodiac braves however you wanna throw that out uh i like it like you said i i support the idea that the warrior of light was one um but i don't think we need to carry any further with them with the others i mean until the um the devs will do it if they do it in a way that gets me to accept it anyway so um even ideas i don't like with this dev team i assume that they're going to execute on in a way that i can be at peace with yeah uh so there's one more archon and we know almost nothing about him you know um you know when you get the little egg minion um and it's got a picture of a gesture on it so that's one of the art concerts radcliffe the red um we don't know anything about him he likes to dress up like a joker a joker she's like a jester we sure do live in a society um and he was the first among the archons now we are never told what that means was he the first person to become an archon was he the leader of the archons the best of the archons we don't know he was the first arc interesting and that's all we know it's just a weird guy in a jester costume walking around saving people so moving on from them because there's nothing really more to talk about with them um i guess we could talk about the legacy right is there any real thing left over yeah so one of the i guess one of the things is and this is more of a morbid aspect of the legacy but i thought i'd note it is that you find what seems to be the animated not this maybe not intentionally animated but the bodies of white mages and black mages in the velocity van before hard which i always just assume was a result of corpses left over from the war of the magi yeah that's i mean that's my read on it um we know that in this world when something mess messed up happens around corpses like massacre or whatever the corpses sometimes just get better you know you see this in um it's not stone vigil it's oh just control the first dungeon of heaven yeah just vigil that's essentially what happens there you know a horrible horrible situation occurs everyone sort of freezes and starves to death and starts killing each other and then because it was so messed up yeah because a lot of aether gets released all at once that ether then can recombine and do all sorts of things to corpses not necessarily bringing them back to actual life but animating them and that's how you get ashken yes it is uh so that's my read on that i i mean the the legacy of alameda sorry the legacy of amber war is like i said in my mind mostly finding girabanya but that's a whole theory on how sort of i'm damn deportee refugee because the way i read it it seemed like before he made it into gurbani than any other city state we know of that seemed to be the way that it's explained to me that at the very least is the last major touchstone we have yeah and and seeing as while yes we know with groups like those uh who fled from mock becoming those of bella dia so we know that people do did end up traveling distances right yeah in lack of awareness of them having gone somewhere else it's a fair assumption to assume that they stuck around in girabanya you know another possibility is some of them may have fled over the mountains into ilsibard and we just don't know about the those peoples there might be groups we might go to wurlitz someday or you know now mask and find out that actually a lot of yeah uh the populists from amdapor somehow ended up in those places i think that's entirely plausible um it it really is not particularly far from girbanyu into its part i mean there are obstacles of course that the burn being a major one but um are they the gimlet dark given the dark sorry yeah but yeah uh i would assume that probably using common sense at least some turned into someone went into wilson's bard there's some history that i'd love to uncover about how what remained and what were made of other city-states and some of the marquee that went up there and said up there sort of fragmented into clans um are we talking like you know seventy percent clans of amdapori who fragmented from each other and the different city-states farming into their own and the marquis filming into their own in my mind no because red magic is already a mixing of culture and that seems to predate the founding of alamigo as a state and sort of be more more rooted in early girabanian history in the successful era yeah and red mages are the last sort of explicit not last but but close to the final explicit statement that we got that we get that am de pori specifically we're working with other groups specifically in this case mock to create something in the area of garibanya so we know that some of them stuck around yeah we do and we assume most and alamigo is a a young state to be fair and amigo forms in 1100 uh so they sp the clans that form up there spend 1100 years just killing each other essentially um until a tactical genius called anselm carter sort of rises out of one of the clans and conquers them all and turns him into the kingdom of alameda there's a lot of history that's on cover but that's the game that's fine fancy that yeah ain't that final fantasy 14 for you i so there's two other final thoughts i have on that which one is it's interesting that the ziggurat is not aesthetically in line with mock or amdepor despite being made by their descendants and as a method to try and sort of pacify the aether in the wake of the sixth embryo calamity right so the ziggurat is interesting right um it's almost more step in vibe more azim's step than it is certainly i mean if i was squinting i could maybe see some marquee sort of similarities in that maybe um but i i think what we're not being given the tools to account for is the fact that there are other city-states who we don't know the name of we don't know the population or the guard or the occupation or the location of that send refugees up into girobani now it's entirely possible that these city states were marquee subjects or sort of under the caesarean tea of amber poor or were independent so there's this huge gap of information it's it's like if we took a look at the bronze age in real life yep we know about egypt we know egypt was there we know the hittites were there um and who were sort of a pseudo-turkish people we don't know that any of the other states were there before we don't know anything about them and we didn't know what happened in the bronze collapse really besides there was you know see people coming in and there was famine and all sorts um so and then we somehow try to formulate a model of how cypriot culture arises it's like shooting blindfolded um so the ziggurat is something interesting to theorize about but at the same time i think the easiest answer is it represents the melding of cultures most of which we don't know about yeah which is why i'm so desperate for uh fifth astrologer expansion and it doesn't need to be when would we time travel it would be kind of cool but it could just be we have a really extended echo flashback to our incarnation in that period or it could be oh okay wait we just revisit a lot of ruins i've got a pitch for you okay lookouts for 7.0 going forwards are not lookouts they're actually echo points where you would tap into the aether of the land and see memories of the land yes because it explicitly explained that the echo not only allows you to tap into the ethereal kernes of memory in a personal soul but of the ethereal occurrence of the land um that would be interesting i just want to see more i don't care if i'm going through ruins every dungeon and every raid for an expansion um yep i just want to find out more about it actually speaking of dungeons and ruins i'll get on my final point which is actually still ties into this which is the fact that the uh statues and sulkin of karn which was a sort of belladian you know temple are clearly inspired by are stated explicitly stated to be inspired by and rooted in the history of amber soul kid yeah so we get a narrative right with with bella diaz so baladai is founded by not just maki marky who was still proud of and held on to their black mage legacy so not just some people from the people who would be most responsible for fighting and depaul from mark i mean this is centuries later but they've specifically stayed on the outskirts of civilization so they can retain this magic which you know uh sort of carries its own implications um yeah it's a very important note because it's that's very different than the maki who stuck around in garabanya and worked with the amdapori to create red magic yeah the repentant and the point if you want to call them that and then and then the unrepentant ones in bella die and they found baladaya as sort of a desert outpost that forms into a city and they continue on through material they seem to drop like magic at a certain point although we're not sure where or at the very least it's possible they lost access to it if they didn't have whole crystals i mean yeah we do see we do see um you know arts dying out in real life over time it just happened bella diane's like you said is ma it's mentioned in in sacramento that on some of the descriptions of the sulkim that they are it's called out it's that they're similar to under quarry and that it's weird what's also represented is that the early beladayan um sort of sulkin are more rudimentary and then they get more refined and i think it's some of the refined ones that played out to be similar to yes to to um and deploy ones i discovered today actually well like i think literally like 12 hours ago a very interesting thing that might connect this okay um which is the description for the headstone which is one of the mini bosses in the the maki alliance raid and it is described as a sulkin that was created by the void mages of mock by reverse engineering uh interesting amdapori soul can in the final days of the war the magi so they were never really instituted but it would mean that their word had would have been some maki sorcerers at them who who were unrepentant who were people who were the void mages were the you know top rats who would have had the knowledge to create sulkin in the likes of the am deportee style not just aesthetically i mean the headstone looks i'm deploring as well specifically exactly and if you think about it the headstone looks amazing but like somewhere between a little bit and pour a little mocking yeah and the car statues look more like the most of all the soul kin that are associated with amacor mock the car and statues look the most like the headstone than they do like kuribu yeah they don't look particularly much like they in fact well i would say they might look most like the manor idols but that's probably because they both represent a lack of finesse compared to the more ancient and deported ones absolutely so that's that's more less of an origin perhaps more of a consequence of their shed sort of well and then it's and in a sense the aesthetics are irrelevant because the underlying magics are the fundamental things being shared aesthetics when it comes to a sulkin are much more form than they are function like they do affect the literal function of movement but they don't they aren't necessarily that relevant yeah yes i agree i mean i had two thirds i had i actually hadn't somehow missed the headstone description i'd forgotten it one of the two but uh my two series the first one was that and my the one that i found least likely was that the the people of maladaya contained some some amdapori refugees um which you know was sort of an obvious thing to say um but isn't particularly supported by what we know about the belladons my second one was was that they had learned from their opponents which is essentially what is proposed by the headstone um and now that i know about that i mean it was already my foremost theory but now that i know about that it yeah that makes sense this is a speculation in a in a slight tangent and i don't think it's what the text is alluding to when they say karn is older than bella dia but it's possible that what if bella daya was um a one of the civilizations that existed during the fifth astral era and was either necessarily conquered by but like was in some way in dealings with and ruled by the one man un that is amdapor and they had some of the sulkin you know arts passed to them from amdapor and those sulkin existed in karn in its state before the belladians arrived there or backwards engineered i kind of like that what i also like about it is that we've been struggling a little bit with explaining how because your fame is a pretty dull place um how even before perhaps although i think certainly some of it is is responsible for the you know it is able to that the dark magic's not that innovative um but we have been struggling we have we have discussed in the past the presence of azama as the god of validia um and if we are sort of theorizing that perhaps they went and reused ruins which is a thing that civilizations do do they go back to previous civilizations rooms and use them so if the belladins go to this desert um civilization um so does it it's hot it's entirely plausible they worship azama so these ruins could have served as a vehicle for the worship of azama to make its way into the maki refugees to sort of promote that faith and make it the official face of faith of belo daya yeah no i think i think it makes sense it also for me answers kind of a sort of long-standing question about what uh wha what khan's original uh not necessarily use was but just like what the civilization that existed prior to bela dia was it would also help explain why it's so azim uh or zima focused because of each nation state in the fifth astral era having a patron deity yeah so so we've got the big three right we've got name we've got andrew we got mark we've got scala we don't know who they worshipped um we know absolutely nothing about them really we've got the plains dwelling central aortian ellison civilization that would go on to when the hill came in after that migrate up into querthus and down below the shroud and we know that they worshipped hellon that e1 tells us that this unnamed ellison society in the era worshipped alone we've also got now this belladin no well this carnean um family desert dwelling civilization plausibly mccoy yeah i guess it makes sense to assume they're seeker of the suns and they would explain mikote being there right would have returned back across after the age of frost so yeah that makes a lot of sense yeah uh you know we know that the secret sons who live in tunnel in um not massively far from quan from can't be fair we know that they're worshippers zama it it's something that you could say um obviously sort of caveat all of this is speculation that we know that this the allison civilization existed we know that scholar existed we don't know anything or really about this civilization in tanolin could just be a particularly um short-lived one by desert nomads in the sixth astral era but i mean i think it's an engaging theory to think about it as uh you know a fifth actual era state that we don't know about yeah well the archaeologist timmy just wants to get into into con truly and i think i think it's worth thinking though that when it comes to historical events for instance in the fifth astral era we sure i'm sure we'll learn more about it in the future but it's not speculating on it i think is a much safer bet than speculating on like an msq you know twist return because i think the limited amount we have may not be we may not get many more clues necessarily because it's not the primary focus of the narrative only when they're contextually relevant i'm still hoping that the um the 12th raid is going to comment on these i can't not right like there's it's probably not going to talk about them massively but a name a name for civilization and a location for civilization to a god would be huge i mean the fact that its image is the sanctum of the twelve means that they at some in some way the sanctions of twelve not necessarily even is like a focal point or something but even if it's like maybe where the quest starts the fact that that's in any way like kind of tied to it and as one of the biggest symbols in eorzea of the twelve to me you can't then omit the fifth astral era i mean it's tied to that and so i think maybe it is just background dialogue but i think you're totally on the money in that i think we'll whether we get names or something we are going to get 10 bits right at the very least how many buses are we gonna get in it right we're gonna get uh it's usually like what three to four per i i i could not tell you off the top of my head what let me i think four offer oh wait no because it's not so uh the allied raids are not quite so codified are they uh let me look at so the copied factory for it has basically four bosses with one of them being kind of a pseudo boss no okay well angles no okay so there's four bosses so i think we're looking at 12 we're looking at 12 bosses so what we could do is that each arena of each boss is a reference to the civilization i mean this is not even speculation this is fan fiction this is my dream each arena at least um aesthetically speaking an allusion to the civilization of worship the god perhaps we get a name perhaps we get sort of the god that they worshipped and then we get to see maybe not told the location for every one of them we get to see sort of the terrain and that we can put together ourselves um this is what i'd love to see in that raid one alternative possibility is that we are being somewhat misled in that myth of the realm isn't actually going to be about the 12 specifically but about multiple myths and stories that come from throughout history that are intrinsically linked to the reality of the 12. okay i mean i i'd be happy with that um i'm not saying i prefer it i just think it's knowing their legacy of misleading us with what it seems obvious i can imagine a world in which it's not exactly what we think it will be yeah we walk into the azama fight and it's just sephirot us and a very glowy aura stood in there so wrapping things all up we've you know finally finished our fifth astral era arc with nim mock and uh and amdepor yeah we have um it's some of the lore in the game that's most dear to my heart i hope you all enjoyed it and again let us know any feedback that you've got honestly it would it's the moment that we hear from someone either just asking a question or giving feedback on something that we've created it's it's useful in a more sort of impactful way than you could know it helps us commit things to memory and helps us articulate it's all well and good to know a thing but to have to really learn a thing the best way i find is to be able to explain it to someone else because then you must fully understand and be able to convey it on top of that it's just very invigorating rewarding to create something put it out there and have it be it's not even just oh celebrated but just to be in enjoyed or appreciated because it makes it valuable right it makes it worthwhile and not just being thrown out into the aether we are now done with the fifth astral era for now i'm sure that we will revisit and i'm sure there will be videos and articles on on stuff contained within but don't think that this is the end we still have plenty more subjects to cover especially with some of the stuff we have coming up which i'm really excited for yes uh and i suppose we can we could talk about it now um we will be releasing sort of perhaps slightly more um casual style um videos and talks discussing the the new expansion and our our feelings on it the law within it uh the sort of deep deeper implications and just you know um our own personal emotions feelings takes on the expansion it's meant less as a review and more as a articulation of all the events that happen within and tying them to our knowledge of the lore that takes place beforehand especially in shadowbringers stormblood heaven's work etc it's also meant to be somewhat of a concise synopsis though concise may not actually be the correct word it's not exactly going to be a review though so don't think we're just going to be like this is what we liked about end walker it is going to be a much wider yeah and more deep articulation of all the things that are important that happen we're going to address it sort of segment by segments and probably anywhere between six to seven parts and the tentative title is end talkers yeah we will also be doing some content on um pandemonium uh at some point absolutely yeah and when when the when the next raid comes out uh we will be covering that as well um and we're probably going to do patch videos um and again i know that when someone says patch video you think of like a review or sort of a a recap or something like that but uh we sort of want to filter every single piece of content that we put on the main channel through a law filter and try to make it so that when you play something you have an extra resource to be able to be like oh obviously that was that or oh right i had totally forgotten about that thing that happened in shadowbringers that is this like nice little touch here yeah we should note we should note that um m talkers will be low spoilers for all of and walker um so if you're playing through it uh don't watch them uh yet well if you want to but um the um it perhaps is best used if you want to use as a tool for immediately after finishing or sort of looking back as a retrospective but not a recap just to contextualize everything within it because they can speak for us even as like a group of people who are deeply invested in the law and discuss it regularly we still turn to each other and say oh i just realized this about edward or oh this thing links to something else or wow i really love that and walker is dense as the soul of an ancient i don't know how better to put it it's messy yeah very messy um it's got heft it does and for those of you in the future who have already finished pandemonium all three parts of it as well as the alliance raid and know what 7.0 looks like i curse you i curse your name and your family i want to know what you know so with that all stated i'm elio fosheron and i'm ninarioneeri and this has been lortax and poor hope to see you next time yep uh please get in contact with us and i hope that you enjoy the video this content was brought to you by the aorzian archives if you enjoyed this video help us please the 12 by leaving a like and subscribing for new content every thursday and comment down below with any topic you'd like to see our archons cover in the future for even more content discussion and exclusives please check out our discord and consider supporting us on patreon
Channel: The Eorzean Archives
Views: 21,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, final fantasy, amdapor, Amdapor, ff14, final fantasy xiv, final fantasy 14, gridania, gelmora, lore talk, eorzea, elezen, hyur, endwalker, lore, black shroud, lost city, ancient city, amdapor keep, lost city of amdapor
Id: Y2G5Fr4_C8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 24sec (6264 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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