The SECRETS of Sil'dih's Subterrane - FFXIV Lore

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foreign [Music] we're going to try something a little different and do a little lore walkthrough of the first variant dungeon The Still d subterrain or at least its first path what's a variant dungeon you may ask ovarian dungeon is an endgame exploratory dungeon with multiple paths that have their own multiple branches as well as historical entries to unlock AKA and archon's wet dream now Varian dungeons as a whole is a format that I adore and bodes well for all sorts of exciting things in the future like okamoro the ruins of jervania galmora proper and the secret Gabi City and who knows what else lays within and Beyond aorzia but before we start exploring the depths beneath let's get a quick historical recap on what seldi actually was as well as some surrounding background history that will be relevant if you'd like a longer explanation you can listen to our full lore talk over here this next part is going to be a little dry it's important information but if you feel like you already know it or you don't necessarily need it feel free to skip ahead from the section that said let's carry on 700 years into the sixth astral era lollipeline descendants of the Maki traveled to the southern edge of aorzia to the region we know as thanolin here in the year 737 of the sixth astral era they founded the nation of balladia slowly growing into a great nation rooted in the maki's black magic Heritage as well as the use of Sulkin the belladians prospered they worshiped azima of The Twelve most likely due to her relation to the sun the symbol of their new desert home they practiced such Worship in temples like Karn where you can see further examples of their Sulkin Creations belladia's symbols were the flame of magic and the fruit of knowledge which will be relevant later and though its remains are long since gone remnants of its memory can be found all throughout thanolin even if its original location is unknown so what exactly happened to this once proud Nation after around 200 years of existence in 969 of the sixth astral era it was torn apart by Two Princes in the Civil War and split into two cities ulda and sildi both inheritors of belladia's legacy ulda and sildi were at each other's throats for nearly 200 years culminating in events known as The War of the sisters in 1178. when sildy's King diverted ulda's water source to his own Capital he was hailed as the king of Springs but also ended up enraging the uldan and when a drought hit a few years later it was the spark that ignited the war between the sister cities and thus the war of the sisters began invaded still D to reclaim its water and silda United to resist uldas attacks after three years of war in secret the Sultan of uldad turned to his dhamma churches to create an alchemical powder known as the traitor's sperm which had the power to reanimate corpses and turn the living into the undead under orders from the sultan they used the traitor spurn on zildee and in one foul move destroyed sildi and its populace then barred axis facility locking away its Living Dead to Fester beneath the sands in ulda the immoral act was discovered years later in the year 1224 by a man known as Baldur Thorne who then threw a coup in order to imprison the sultan for his crimes Thorne's line would rule for the next Century as stewards until the sultanate could be trusted again Thorne would be responsible for his own set of crimes like enslaving the hecaton kairis and their subsequent interment in the Copper Bell mines but history on the whole perhaps problematically judged his line to be fair and good rulers Under The Thorn leadership ulda's entire Capital was moved on top of the ruins of sildi in the year 1270. it's dead still lingering below eight decades later in 1353 without warning the past Broke Free and Legions of Undead streamed from the ruins beneath ulda unable to contend with the onslaught alone the uldan sought help from the nearby amalgia who agreed to rid their shared home of the Unholy Menace unaware of who was responsible in the first place together with the help of alamigan mercenaries they cleared out all the undead and sealed cell D away once more try saying that five times fast this putting to bed of the pass is what led to the Thorne Dynasty handing the Reigns of rulership back to the old sultanate and two centuries later in the year 1555 is the marriage of one such member of the old line sasebo UL sisabal to his wife nanasha UL Nasha the future parents of the current Sultana nanomo ulnamo only a few short years later they would perish mysteriously leaving their daughter alone in the world and without much in the way to remind her of her parents besides a single key given to her on her fifth birthday and then the Calamity Gaius Dragon song war zenos aseans literal embodiments of Despair and what have you but you already know about that part and that's where we find ourselves in modern day Excavating the ruins beneath will da and the sildis subterrain assuming I haven't lost your attention thus far let's get to the setup we're drawn into things by a letter and a sultana's request nanamo asks our Aid and guiding her beneath ulda into the ruins of sildi the a path recently discovered containing a gate that only she has the key to now there are two fundamental things that give us information as we go through our tour of this underground and those are the diary entries of nanomo which we unlock as we go through each route taking different actions to glean different insights and which give us historical accounts and perspectives from nanamo on primary sources and the other key disseminator of information is the Environmental storytelling as we go through I'll hit on both Shall We Begin the silty subterrain is access unsurprisingly through the sil D excavation site the same opening we've fled out of during the uldon banquet of 2.55 we know there are entrances into those underground networks of tunnels not only here but in all manner of tucked away sections of ulda including the sultana's palace during our flight we were inadvertently part of a collapse of the tunnel which ultimately revealed a Gateway with a floral pattern matching the pattern found on the key given to nanamo by her parents a pattern that we possibly see referenced later on in the subterrain heading through the Gateway We Begin our descent and make our first branching choice in the entry hall we are treated to three doorways and a lovely piano rendition of to the sun which is thanolin's daytime theme the architectural stylings of the entry hall don't really tell us much as they're pretty in line with most other architecture we see in thanolin and ulda what's more since ulda was built on top of sil-d and both take their legacy from Bella Dia the extent to which their architectures even differ isn't exactly clear our best example to disambiguate the two won't come until we cover the middle path but since that isn't the purview for this path walkthrough we'll talk about it later each path in the subterrain plays into an overarching history of the sister cities but also as a specific focus with the left path or path one as I'll call it being primarily about Anonymous parents and the UL line the middle path or path 2 being about sildi itself and the right path or path 3 being about the emulsa and the Fallout of the traitor spurn as well as a unifying secret section and boss that has to do with all three joining nanomo in path one the very first thing we see is the irrigation system the presence of water is a major element for each and every path from irrigation to cistern to sanitation the level of advancement and infrastructure around this water management is enormous especially when considered to have been almost certainly constructed at least 400 years in the past if not more when such an underground network of channels pipes and drain waves would have been constructed isn't made explicit to us but the easy guess is that it would have been done by the king of Springs lalauefu sale tatawafu the then ruler of sildi sometime in between 1162 and 1177 of the sixth astral era there isn't any note of major associations with water and still deep beforehand and the redirecting of uldas water to their own use would have enabled and required a mass engineering project to make use of it alternatively nanomo notes that ulda's own Municipal waterways were routed through sildy's ruins giving them the name the sildi aqueducts and with uldas construction taking place atop the city's ruins and access points existing beneath the city it's left unclear to what degree the Ducks and causeways for water were crafted by one nation or the other though we do see the ground of our exit passage in 2.55 covered with water so maybe it's merely these other ruins that ulda's water is routed through importantly within the irrigation system we see no one dead and we will continue to see virtually no remnants of the Trader's spurn in the subterrain for the most part and at the very least none of it in this path which is a testament to the thoroughness with which the amalgia and the UL Dons of the past cleared out these sildine ruins the creatures we do find are those like bats and ergonites the former of which are cloudkin that are effectively identical to their real world counterparts if not more dangerous insect fruit or blood eating nocturnal echolocation The holster bang nothing shocking about their presence particularly in path one as it's partially open to the elements at its later stages and the dark dank environment of the subterrain is perfect for their kind ergonites on the other hand are a little more interesting basically living fossils they date back into the historical record to at least the fifth astral era where they were farmed by the nimians for meat they also come in all manner of shapes and sizes and in warmer climates tend to grow larger such as those which grow to prodigious sizes in upper lenosia what ended up here is anyone's guess though possibly trade with wilbrin could have accidentally ended with some of their kind being released into the waterways of thanolin these here are your standard size and scale and while the Waters of the irrigation system are probably pretty cool due to being underground the ambient dental and Sun likely keeps the flow of water from being too chilled back onto architecture though weather made by sildi or ulda it seems the pipes have not been maintained well or as far as we know at all these past few centuries the catch basins All Along The Path seem full of sediments which would almost certainly impede their use and one would assume that if the custodians of uldad did in fact have access to these zones we'd see at least some basic maintenance the creeping rust clogging pipes and debris scattered all around paint a decrepit picture albeit a grand one thankfully though all it takes is a little rambunctious fighting to break off a large enough section to allow us to continue on off to the size of the chamber there seemed to be other means to access the section we're heading to to but how others in the past use those same gates in order to reach our final destination I am not fully clear on in the stone tunnels we're told by nanomo that we are currently yoms below ulda itself which is an important note as it places a soundly and Geographic space and means we have probably traveled a little Southward from where we started at the entrance the still the excavation site we end up encountering mice here which much like bats are not surprising especially when similar rodents are abundant in the thaneline desert above and the after we Face are similarly natural their wavekin related to salamanders and prominence in central thanolin since they love humid climates their kind finding their way underground to hunt fish and other small game in the aqueducts is a natural consequence of their environmental preference the puddings however are a little more surprising not the kind are floppy eared Moon native friend would like to dine on pudding also known as flan are void sense made up of a mass of matter formed together in the void and due to little intelligence and less strength our regular Intruders into a realm why avoid scent is present in the subterrain though is a bit of a head scratcher the existing avoid scent in path 1 doesn't have many easy answers though as we will see in the future with other paths there are other cases of void sends but those have possible answers that lie within the underground's history whereas these are here for the pudding though perhaps their gelatinous nature allowed them to form similar to an ashkin like a slime or perhaps the legacy of Mock and void scent summoning was not totally lost or excised from sil-d the same way it hasn't been for mulda although in thinking about it with sildy's symbol being the Helm of Might and The Grapes of knowledge they seem to have a focus on Sulkin and Military might over the traditional thomaturgic styles of magic whereas ulda with its own symbols the gem of prosperity and notably the flame of magic Harkens not only onto Bella Diaz tamaturgy but MOX it wouldn't precisely be shocking if ulda itself was to blame yet again now that we're further into the irrigation ducts the sheer expansiveness of the underground facility becomes ever more clear while still D itself as a city-state made up a lot of the fundamental architecture the Maze of water-shifting pipes and basins is staggering especially in the span of time the city existed with the far more limited technological resources of the middle part of the sixth astral era it truly is a wonder the sheer store of water calls to mind the aquifers hinted at in Norfolk as well in Western Thailand or the Falls of Eastern thanolin and the scope of masonry infrastructure and mineral wealth required to make these systems rival the very city of ulda just a little further in more after found as well as a gaggle of Muslims muslings are moss-covered seedkin which love damp environments effectively sentient marimo being damp loving they're much like the other creatures we've seen and we'll see but what's interesting is that they're more commonly found in the Lusher parts of garibanya than in thanolin what with its dry environments since there is a long history of alamigan mercenaries aiding will da not least of which in the cleansing of sildi's Undead a group of mosseling seeds may have ended up catching a ride with garibanyan's or perhaps the Waters of a subtrain also fuel in from some Source connected to the Shroud and garabanya going along with the accrued filth and dirt of the catch basins there's the culverts whose pathways are also blocked up at least the ones restricted from access to flowing water a simple switch is all it takes to redirect the flow and clear the blockage yet again further alluding to the disrepair and disuse of that minimum these parts of the aqueducts even nanamo comments that she's never seen a mechanism like it at work which could indicate a lack of its use into a Daw or simply be part of her being a sheltered member of royalty the water being freed also marks our first major change of possible course in path one keeping it as is will make the next Boss Arena dry as a bone with one set of mechanics and redirecting it will lead to the arena being surrounded by water and a separate set of Mechanics for the fight to come speaking of thanks to a hole in a nearby pipe we're able to make our way into the silt pump though we accessed it from a water runoff pipe there are doors to either side of the room that show a means for regular Ingress and egress but for any confused how someone would have normally arrived in the rooms further ahead at the heart of the silt pump we find a hackathon kyries Garen the steer now why and how a creature like him ended up here is not made clear and his existence in all paths further confuses the matter but to explain it to the best of our abilities let us start with the most important of all subjects geography see up until this point we've been roughly traveling beneath the streets of ulda which we know thanks to nanamo but we've been adding due Northwest this leaves us in an area somewhere between Western and Central thanelin which would put us in line with the sildine excavation site though not directly it also would put us very close to the Copper Bell mines itself where the hecaton kairis were imprisoned 300 years ago and where they spent those three centuries tunneling beneath the ground and making a world for themselves we see no specific tunnel in any of the paths that would explain exactly how gerion would have ended up here but setting aside the specific evidence is incredibly likely he is one of or descendant of that group he may also have simply escaped from the tunnels normally during the time we were handling the outbreaks in Copper Bell themselves but then how he ended up in a Secret Lost Cities tour system is even more confusing his title the steer could be read as the guide or the shepherd Etc which makes sense if he was the front line of tunnel exploration and seeking to find a new home or resources for his kind but until we get some more explicit information this is all informed conjecture his mechanics aren't anything to write home about though they are quite similar to his Copper Bell Brothers even with similar or identical names to kodos and the explosive barrels he brings may be indicative of mining explosives our actions with the Culvert switch show their face here with the water pouring from the pipes if water has been directed a silt pump or dry beds of silt occupying the battlefield at certain points if water hasn't been redirected the fact that if the grime is left to sit nanomo suggests sending the palace custodians down to handle it may point in the favor that they are meant to do so or may just be her pointing out that now that we have ready access with her key she'd send Cruz down to clear it all away the historical importance of the site is such that you'd hope she'd do a myriad of other things to preserve the history first but as we know the preservation of history is not always the first and foremost priority coming out into the light and above ground we arrive in the spring passage almost certainly itself a nod towards the king of Springs furthering the likelihood that the whole system was made during his Reign One Thing notable is that all three Paths of the facility subtrained seem to also have a height associated with them with the leftmost being the highest and since we're able to see daylight after straying out from below ground and the rightmost the deepest with its emulging Camp seeming quite deep beneath the Earth with the thaneline sun breaking through the ceiling of the sildine structures and the pipe system's broken it's not fully unknown where in physical space this location is due Northwest of the uldan palace and merely hidden away or further within the desert itself most likely based on the earlier comments about the irrigation systems being yom's below the streets of wulda this area is somewhere between Western and Central thanelin the crack that's open to the sky most likely sits within or around a plateau that we can't readily see from a flying Mount but with water and sun a planet be it from General runoff or the broken pipes nearby the vegetation in the nearby area is dense and Lively making a sanctuary that was and is used by many walks of life along the northern path we access if we turn the water on to clear away the dirt and grime we find a selection of odd fruits and enemies the fruits are giant blueberries growing out of bamboo shoots they do not look like any fruit I have seen on atheros and nanamo while commenting on their beauty does not seem to recognize them either making them unlikely to be common to thanolin if they seem to form of grape their relation to still D and its fruit of knowledge would make some sense but as is they're an alien Oddity with no explanation I can particularly glean the creatures on the other hand are a bit easier the butterfly looking valkin are flutirini and they are while highly poisonous very useful for creating alchemical concoctions so even though they like some other beings found here are more commonly found in garabanya their import into thanolin isn't all too surprising perhaps their love for the nearby fruit or its plants is the cause for their migration to or maintaining in this place though when I think about it hopefully their poison is not one of the ingredients of the traitor sperm hmm ah the common gubu as you see he's very interesting their lore is quite complex and I'd love to get into it but all you really need to know is that he's a good boy depending on the RNG Gods you get instead of going north you'll end up going west along the west path we see much the same sights but encounter a different host of creatures odequon and genomis of odequon we at currently know passing Little other than that odequon our void sense are possibly related to bombs are primarily found in thavnir and when Ground Up make a delicious drink no I'm not kidding we know this thanks to one near suicidal Alchemist who attempted to use one to craft an explosive brew and in his failure decided to drink his experiment genomis on the other hand are seedkin carnivorous and feed on small mammals their presence within the subtrain make sense save for how their seeds would have actually arrived here to begin with since the only other location we commonly find them housed in is labyrinthos perhaps maybe they were more common sight hundreds of years ago beyond the North or west path lies a group of adamant toys and leafkin the former of which isn't particularly common to this area though there was a certain specimen that got out of geguruju's hands a while ago and maybe it's spawn ended up here the other possibility is since these scale kin are native to favner and first arrived in aorzia accidentally via shipping carts the active trade in ulda may have resulted in some few and thanolin as well as for leafkin well um they've literally never been accounted for on atheros as far as I know that said they have been known to exist in somewhere called then a deal and the only listed taxonomy I can find is ask set reuse whatever that means I'm gonna go with seedkin and move on as we enter into the malachite Portico we need to take a moment to address its name malachite is a green gemstone and is raw unprocessed form can be gathered in eastern thanolin it's a common commodity in ulda and likely would have been in Still d as well which means that the room's name could come from either Nation another important aspect of malachite is a more personal one for nanamo nausea site a brilliant and high quality malachite found in Copper Bell mines and when the mines reopened post Calamity it was discovered or possibly rediscovered for the first time in likely centuries it was given the name Nasha site in honor of nanasha UL Nasha nanomo's mother for her startling green eyes which nanamo seems to share as well oh and Portico because of the stone plinths that hold Dior bags or maybe just because it's a pseudo-porch-like structure leading into the deeper areas of the Forgotten forecourt but yeah look beyond the plinths for the ore there isn't much in the way of columns so I got nothing more importantly though is the flower Motif upon the door floor and portal which according to nanomo is the same one upon her key its infusion into the architecture and the Magics of the building means that it's a symbol of sildi we'll also see it later on in the IV court and its possible inspiration in the sunlit gardens the walls are lined with a decorative Motif and with a deep purple the color of grapes which notably could refer to one of the two symbols of sil-d the fruits of knowledge and purple is a color we also see in the floral symbols around as well though sometimes they are more pinkish this deep purple can also be spotted later on in the other sildine architecture in path 2. making it likely that it was if not a common visual Motif that at least one associated with royalty much like in the real world here there is a split requiring us to solve a puzzle the hint to do so is in another Castle I mean another path if we fail to solve the chamber's puzzles and gain access to the portal we end up opening the doors ahead of us and wind up in a room populated by more odwan some leshi and Yoshi's Island visual effects inducing puffballs from hell this is also where we get access to two of the four possible entries for this path of the subterrain one for if we kill all the foes without popping the Puffs and one for popping the Puffs and killing the enemies the lushi are seed can and particularly good card game players that are incredibly Hardy attested by the fact that their primary known location Beyond here in cell D is the fringes though they have some arguable cousins that may even go as far afield as zadnor or maricidia their ability to deal with more desolate environments mixed with the ready supply of nutrient-rich soil in the springs passage and surrounding areas makes this Oasis in the desert A bizarrely fitting home kind of a running point of interest for the seedkin throughout the subterrain the puffy flowers on the other hand are more of a mystery nanomo doesn't seem to recognize them other than noting their fluffiness and the effect when popped is fairly similar to a dandelion though they don't match any particularly known Flora of aorzia there are some found later on in path 1 of the subtrain but beyond that they're exclusive to this one area what's more they bear a striking resemblance to silky's Palm tail which itself is almost certainly a feather duster since we know silky to be a familiar of nanomo's mother a fact we'll touch on deep paper soon with that said though it stands to possible reason that these fluffs may have played no small part in the inspiration for her cleaning utensil and silky's creation or they're just some Acid Trip inducing flowers successfully completing the puzzle of the Portico unlocks a teleportation portal to the Shaded Solace why such a Contraption exists is anyone's guess setting aside the need for further game interactions for the path one could wildly hypothesize some sort of mechanism of tribute for the sildine Royal Line with the appropriate amounts or quality of malachite allowing for special access but that's literally me coming up with a theory out of my another sildi subterrain arriving in the Shaded Solace puts us directly face to face with snowballs and Golems snerballs funny enough are classified under the taxonomy of Elemental though their bodies seem composed of physical enough furry matter once nearly hunted to extinction because their blood purportedly regrows hairs having a population tucked away in the subterrain would have kept poachers at Bay they're also found out and about in eastern thanolin meaning the desert under thanolin's harsh sun is a homey enough environment for them the Golems are a first example of Sulkin which sildi was known for in other paths we'll see many more examples of their kind but for now this is the singular example of path one silkin for those not in the know are your traditional golem-like beings on atheros inorganic and given temporary life via magic infused into a rock metal wooden or other material body the magic used to bring it to life allows it to draw Aether into itself as a power source and the capabilities of the being are limited only to the body created and the level of skill and power of the Mage who summon them for a further breakdown of taxonomy check out this video golems in specific then are soulkin made from clay and are one of the most Garden variety and crude though effective kinds most likely these Golems were employed in the care of Sil D to some extent be it defense or cleaning whichever it was they seemed to have failed miserably on both accounts this also marks the second set of two entries that we can get one by defeating the enemies and walking straight to get to nanamo and one by heading over to the back corner in the back corner of the Shaded Solace is a lone custodian's closet containing a single massive viewer in so doing nanamo is prompted to tell us the uldon folk tale of a magic viewer that could scoop up any amount of water at once and was locked away after it drained in entire Oasis and now if that was an actual magical artifact or a retelling of a historical event like the king of Springs redirecting the Waters of ulda is up for questioning but in this world wondrous things and Eldritch nightmares are both equally possible and common more interestingly is the ewer being of identical design to fam Fritz the Luca V faced at the ritterata Lighthouse with the Luca vs being tied to hopes and stories and the existence of ultima's aurasite on Highland for the last few thousand years the connection may be a byproduct of shared imagery and legends or simply not making developers lives harder than they need to be the last little tidbit in the Shaded Solace is the remnants of a set of cleaning tools for anonymous entries we know that her mother was fond of cleaning a habit she had developed as a Merchant's daughter and one she continued to do even after marrying the Sultan in spite of her love of doing so as the new Sultana her ladies in Waiting did everything they could to prevent such an indignity even going so far as to hide every broom and brush in the palace one possible theory for these items is that they belonged to Nana shop as nanomo seems to recognize them and as we find out in future entries Anonymous mother would meet with her father in the subterrain that said nanomo comments on the recent placement of the purple rug nearby so perhaps these supplies belong to another recent guest maybe even hearkening onto a future path for the subterrain past the Portico and Solace we at last enter the groundwater intake and the Forgotten forecourt open to the Sun the Fort Court is a stunning appendage to the sildine architecture whether used to hold Gatherings or merely for some to enjoy the day in the Oasis Gardens nearby it is the first time we get a much stronger hint at the beauty not just the Grandeur of Sil D the floral pattern on the arena in front of us is the same as the key and The Motif in the malshei Portico not only in the center but around the edges though the rendition we saw in the doorway at the very start of all this is a slightly different example the repetition of the motif is undeniable especially with its possible connections to both the sill and wool line pipes carrying water still run through the architecture even here and Beyond which to me further implies that they were always running through this region as its very design is a built assuming them despite being 100 sildine now let's talk about silky itself shall we first off yes the tail is actually the entity controlling silky not the mouse secondly no it's not some kind of cordyceps cuteness zombie instead what she is is Zay Parago or more accurately the Mickey broom things matoya has and by that I mean a familiar you see nanasha loved cleaning so much that when she was prevented from doing so she played the ultimate Uno reverse Spike card and hired a Charlie and Scholar to teach her the magic to summon familiars to make one you effectively take everyday objects or simple creatures and impart your will and ether into them in order to give them sentience and agency what's really fascinating is that the sheer power of silky means that none of his mother must have been if not an inordinately powerful Mage then in possession of an obsessive-compulsive disorder around Grime that would Rock the very foundations of ishgard when I mentioned the Palm on its tail is the actual being what I was getting at is that while true it almost certainly means that the item which nunasha used as a Foci for the familiar creation process was a feather duster or similar cleaning object just like matoya's brooms use a well room and just like the brooms the root object turned into a familiar may be inanimate but it is still blessed with intellect and ability this is where the comment on the fluffy flowers from the Portico section comes back around if these puffballs were the root inspiration for the foci used to create silky then the similarities would make sense the only other place we happen to see these flowers is in the Forgotten IV chords itself behind where silky stands Beyond its tail its appearance is likely a reference to the colors of nanasha and her daughter's hair and or clothing with pinks Reds and light Browns seeming to be a recurring visual Motif the crown on its head likely hearkens to nanasha's position as Sultana too and is in fact not a representation of nanamos fursona as we once thought the silky's will to clean is so great and similarly its love for and desire to protect the sunlit garden that lies behind it to strong enough that it attacks us on site the general disrepair of most of the subterrain and its filth would lead me to think that it keeps itself to its Master's beloved region and nowhere else nanomo herself speculating that one of her mother's acts in her final years would have been to send silky to look over the garden as she became more entrenched in court politics with less free time silky's attacks for the most part being Elemental and cleaning related are what you would expect of a familiar but one notable skill it has is the creation of a magic viewer that poor or more accurately blast forth water matching the old on myth but based on nanimo's surprise she had not known silky was of her mother's invention though she had heard of its existence before as a sort of cleaning familiar that had not been seen around the palace in many years resorting to asking papuchon about it in order to learn its history nonemo also speculates that this was likely due to the conflict between the royalists and the monetarists worsening which is also an important note for future paths and hey isn't it wonderful how the more things change the more they stay the same once the immaculate rat is taken care of we are allowed final access to the last zone of our first path the sunlit garden the sunlight Garden still set for tea and conversation chairs and tables that nanasha and sasebo must have used while away their days is a sanctuary within an oasis within a hidden city lost to time based on its veranda and the garden's open Nature its purpose in the time of sildi likely wasn't all too different from the use it was put to by the previous Sultan and Sultana though perhaps less secretly the flowers themselves are unique with none like them elsewhere in the subterrain OR all of thanolin the intake water and plentiful nutrient-rich groundwater soil that makes up its bed will likely keep the flowers thriving for years to come beneath the thaneline Sun as they have these past centuries but when we look at the imagery of the flower and its repeated Motif throughout this path can't help but think that they must have meant something to the sildine what beyond their beauty though is possibly lost to time I'd like to take this time to read entry 3 in its entirety because I think it's fundamental to understand the importance of this place both in ulda's history and to nanamo he a member of the royal family she the daughter of a modest Merchant House they met at a Palace banquet an opportunity to mix with notables of Commerce and it was love at first sight ah I adore that story it is so very romantic mother would go on to tell me of the secluded Place her and father would visit air they were Bound in marriage of a sun-dappled garden at the end of a secret tunnel where they could enjoy each other's company away from prying eyes and judgmental stairs in other words a perfect description of the sanctuary we discovered on our recent foray when they did at last announce the details of their engagements the location of this magical place where father proposed a mother became the subject of much rumor and debate I'm told the city's Merchants being the same and courageable creatures that they are now seized upon this fur to turn a tidy prophet they never did come close to the truth of it but after visiting the spot myself it is easy to see why it has remained undisturbed I imagine the two of them in their younger years whileing away an idle morning amidst the dawn kissed petals their Haven protected beneath a barrier of thanolin's scorching sand and I cannot help but smile never until now have I managed to think of them without a pain of sadness have I been captive to grief for so very long the beauty of this story aside exploring the silty subterrain is the first time we have gotten a good glimpse of the sort of people nanasha and sasebo were let alone what they looked like this is going to go on to play an incredibly important role in the secrets that await Us in paths 2 and 3. the enigmatic truth behind nanamo's key and the ancient Halls that lurk around the corner but that's going to have to wait for next time when I started this video I may or may not have intended to encapsulate all paths but looking at the well over 6 000 words of semi inane information we've covered it's probably best that I split it up with hints of future paths or at least branches to come leaving the room to build on things seems the right way to go but what do you think are there any interesting ideas you've gleaned from this walkthrough do you have any of your own speculations and hypotheses on the history of cell D or just what variant dungeon you'd like to see next well I would love to hear them down below the silty subterrain has given us one of our most expansive looks at the nation state and sister city lost a time and I'm so excited not only to venture down its two other paths with you but beyond into the future when we explore New Frontiers of history on this star or any other for now here on atheros talked away in a small corner of the world in a silent Sanctuary I think I'll drink my tea and take a pause before venturing on in the meantime stay safe Arcons thanks for watching foreign [Music] thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video praise the 12 by giving it a like and comment or by subscribing it goes a long way to helping the channel don't forget new videos every week and if you want to engage with us further why not check out our Discord and patreon in the link below and become a part of our community with that said see you around fellow archons
Channel: The Eorzean Archives
Views: 4,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, 6.2, sil dh, variant dungeon, endwalker, uldah, final fantasy, finalfantasy 14, final fnatasy xiv, Sil'dih, sildih, sildihn, another sildih, criterion dungeon, nanamo, ul'dah, sil'dih, belah'dia, silkie, path 1
Id: C_y9rOnApvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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