The Floating City of Nym - FFXIV Lore Talk

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[Music] welcome to lore talks episode one today we talk about nim i'm elio forshara i write and produce the youtube videos for the aorzian archives i'm niniri neri i mostly write stuff for the site the articles up there are mostly written by me and i would argue emotional support uh how are you doing today uh i'm good i'm good i'm very excited about our topic today yeah it's near and dear to me yes you know it very much is to me too i am uh quite a lover of tom barry and though not to your extent very much also the fifth astral era so this format will be i will be basically providing questions or interviewing you as someone who has a relatively decent knowledge of the topic of nim but not to your degree uh if that sounds good yeah absolutely um i like to think i know a great deal about nim but uh you know if i miss anything then please leave it in the comments to the video you know we're always a welcome welcoming of suggestions absolutely always plea we love it when you engage with our content i know that sounds like it's an algorithmic thing but it's no like genuinely it fuels us because we don't want to just talk into the ether okay so let's start with the probably i guess easiest what is nim right so nym is essentially a it's a thalassocratic city-state which put simply is a city-state that really likes ships and trade and naval uh ongoing stuff like that so much like limsa yeah very much like limsa um it arose out of planes folk merchants lalafal settling on the southern end of philbrand in the first 500 years of the fifth astral era okay um okay uh it was originally um a trading post so similar to how um the ether tower uh up in the north of uh eosia was founded as a research post and then became a city and the colony of charlene um nim was originally just a little outpost that became its own state um it was a rich realm that had a lot of like wealth and a lot of knowledge and a number of uh specific skills allowed it to compete with much larger states like mack and amderpal it was their contemporaries yeah it was absolutely a contemporary of makkah and before um there is a lot of history to chronicle it fighting with mark and there are some hints that fought with them before as well but presumably since it was a trade state it must have had allies or at least trading contacts yeah uh and a little you know allusion to later you have to assume somehow trade is how they got the uh plague into it in the first place yeah yes absolutely we can discuss that yeah we'll we'll definitely get to that soon so then where was nim is the next question so like i said nim's on the southern end of vil brand like like limcera's uh and was seemingly centered somewhat on upper linosha which is where we see most of the ruins associated with it today but we do know that it also occupied middle inertia because galadian bay which is that big sort of bay near aleppo was once a bit of nim and was where important ongoing sort of tactical engagement that we'll discuss later went on um it occupied those two spaces because they don't touch directly it must have then probably occupied all of the region that we call linosha today yeah i was going to ask because you also have some of the floating structures that exist in outer lanosia as well yeah i would assume that it occupies all of lenosha possibly more possibly besides the really inland stuff that the kobolds live in because they were not um encroaching on the kobolds like limsu was or is i was going to ask is there anything to suggest that they might have existed as far out as ogamoro i doubt it they might have an embassy out there um because like we'll discuss later they had trade ties and sort of diplomatic relations with the cobalt but we don't hear we know so little about ugamuro itself that you know it's surprising how little we know both because of how we've dealt with the kobolds but simultaneously just the fact that the brand is so important yeah absolutely we've um we've only really explored the sort of coastal areas and then like the very slight inland of the brand but there's this huge mountain in the middle that's a massive cultural center for the kobolds and i'd really love to see it one day oh me too i mean you though you can in some ways you're not surprised when you look at things like you know uh abalathia's spine and how little we've been to everything involving that uh and how much lore there is there or you know you know how long it took us to go to uh pagathon so then i got to this a little bit earlier but when was nim so nem was founded around 500 around the year 500 in the fifth astral era um which was also known as the age of enlightenment this was about 200 years after underpass start to really rise and it's about the same time actually the macros so they're very contemporarious with their eyes um and it didn't fully collapse until the sixth umbral era the calamity of water really hit but it did have a period of decline prior to that okay so then the question another question is who lived in nim both the peoples and maybe sort of the racial makeup if we have that information so pretty much all of the law that we have which is i will admit not a lot on this subject illustrates plainsphere lfl being the dominant if not only race of name we can't really claim that but there is no solid proof of another race being sort of excellent in that civilization there were interestingly um earlier in the game's lifespan there was some and we'll discuss this maybe a little bit more later but there were some efforts to say that the really big tom bruce like the tomboy king were rogued in but that's not 100 supported by sort of the law that would also be interesting when you look at like the king tom berry and like if assuming you buy that theory what that then sort of implies about right why a rogan would be king right so there's actually some really fascinating law in e2 about the king tombery oh and we know who the king tombery was um the king tumbury wasn't the king it was a high mage of nim right we know that name must have had a king because it had royal marines or had a monarch of some kind um but the [Music] thumb break king is essentially sort of this demented high mage who declared itself king of the tomb raise so we're almost looking like a sort of situation with the first uh yeah yeah you could say that um there's a lot of interesting lore about the tongue breaking and we'll discuss a little bit later sort of the implications on it awesome so then probably the last of some of the most basic things is why slash how did nim fall so this is probably the thing that we might know the most about nim sort of nim's fall is fairly easily tracked back to the nimian plague or the green death whichever you want to call it um so nim was really quite a small state much much less population than the other sort of two dominant states of the era and it was despite that it was able to resist the sort of conquering efforts of mark really quite ably including sort of these vast voids and armies that they'd send over that could fly obviously so didn't even have to engage them on a naval front but the marauders and the scholars managed to sort of beat them back anyway but um the story of how mark managed to get this sort of voice and pitoso into nem is really quite interesting and quite clever but also a bit comical um so there were some nimians uh i believe there were sort of traders that experienced a shipwreck uh and sort of landed on this island and were saved by this tribe of local lalafell which isn't surprising wouldn't have been surprising the lalafells were and kind of are an island-dwelling race that they're still sort of at their root um yeah with the south sea isles and all that exactly yeah um and these lalafells um managed to save the nimians and sort of as they were rescued from the island gave them a sort of a an amphora so like a of ours of a kind to the nimians uh who took it back to their homeland now this was all sort of a very elaborate ploy by mark who had sort of staged this whole thing and we know that a lot of mark were um dunes folklore as well they had a lot of other races in there we know they had here for example but we know a lot of them were dunes folks so this deception would have been pretty easy for them probably yep um so anyway butoso this sort of voids them who according to the sort of ranking that the eurozones give to the void sent wasn't particularly powerful or intelligent it's only a sixth rank um yeah it's not one of the higher rungs of and quickly could we actually just cover the void scent rungs as a concept just in case someone's not familiar with it right absolutely so the scholars of ayozi in the universe have attempted to sort of codify the void center into 12 ranks um at the top is you know the um what's it cloud of darkness um and scafek yeah and at the very bottom are imps and nats and all sorts of stuff like that it's ranked on supposed to be ranked on power and intelligence but it it's sort of given this caveat that even though this isn't in universe resource it's a very unreliable narrator because it's aorzian's trying to gauge the void for themselves and they're not really very good at it no that's something they don't even understand and it's they even use the void as a catch-all term to refer to such different things yeah yeah they really are trying to sort of label things that they're not qualified to um yeah but it's often fairly reliable but in potoso i personally seeing its sort of feats than what it's able to do i i wouldn't put it so low that makes sense but anyway so beto so comes out of the m4 at some point and it's able to sort of turn itself invisible and creep around nim and infect you with this um dark magical plague that mutates you um at least for the survivors it turns your skin green sort of shrinks your limbs and makes your face literally melt it's really gruesome um and creates the tomberries which is not what the nimians called them um we don't know what they called them um plague victims or something that but tom breeze is a modern title how modern is it within the sixth astral era it's post calamity actually because it was adventurous in the wonderous palace that gave them that time right so it must have been literally within like the past five or so years must have been yeah yeah so somewhere around there um [Music] so uh the nimian sort of round up all these all these infected that they're terrified of them um and sort of what they represent for their civilization and just sort of shove them in a big temple called the wondrous palace which i'm sure any player who's cleared era will be quite acquainted with the wonders palace getting its name from oshan the wanderer or one of the 12 exactly yeah yeah that's who it's a temple too essentially it's a huge temple and the new means are so scared that when the quarantine doesn't work they sink the temple that they just submerge it in water um [Music] and the plague by this point has kind of already crippled nim or at least very severely weakened it um but the final fall really comes at the hand of the calamity so there's this huge tidal wave approaching them and all of the rest of the land is sort of flooding at the same time and nims navy weaves this like um so you know how arcanists are sort of they use mathematical formulae and diagrams to cast their magics so as the ships of the nimian navy sort of trace mathematical patterns on the bay of nim uh they are turned into this giant sort of arcane array sort of like hundreds and hundreds of scholars coming together to cast a really big shield um and this manages to hold off the waters not long enough to save nim because nem is still destroyed but it allows the surviving citizens to flee in sort of the highlands so you know maybe ogomero or maybe just the sort of hills around it and they survive names fall based on what we see with for instance the ark uh in what the fringes or the peaks or uh you you have to assume that it would have had to have been some of the highest points in the land oh absolutely yeah um they would have had to go pretty high up and that's why um that's why they needed to weave this array it's not sort of just run inland you know a mile and then you're safe it would have been i would have to assume more severe than that but name itself is destroyed that actually brings me to one of my questions which is name is referred to often as a have it being a floating city and there are structures that are floating were those existent at the time of the calamity and before and if so why were those structures not able to be a uh you know safe haven from the flood so first of all to sort of tackle the was nym floating um i don't believe it was at least originally floating at least not literally if you look at nimi and architecture almost all of it if not all of it is on plinths and pillars it's all elevated so it could be floating like the floating badlands of guardian uh yeah floating gardens of babylon even were floating in that they were sort of suspended um but you know we do see floating areas in the um uh like you said in atlanta um they're floating on sort of ether crystals above a deep drop now a theory that i've seen i really like is that this actually literally floating area was the one that was attacked by osma the maki super weapon and that these floating bits are sort of what's left over well and if correct me if i'm wrong but the crystals under them you know have a blue hue at first but they seem corrupted at their tips which yes but they are char you know aspected in such a way that they're not necessarily natural yeah so they do have this you know there's some this blue top and this sort of orangey red bottom which definitely could link to that so it could be that the osmo attack did this it could also be that i mean the city lived through like two calamities so right who knows what that could have resulted in calamities make things get funky um they really do were the was the floating uh city as we understand existent at the time of 1.0 oh gosh that's a good question actually i'm so the floating city that we would most know sort of the the non-floating part the part in bronze lake definitely wasn't because bronze lake still existed yes because the water receding is what reveals the wander palace correct yes that's right and i don't think that the floating islands were excellent in in the form that they are now at the very least i've not seen any pictures that resemble how they do which isn't necessarily indicative of because one point i was 1.0 that doesn't necessarily mean they weren't existent but it could be that perhaps the reason they're currently floating is because of the uh seventh humble calamity it it really could be um i mean you know we don't see much of amdapor at all gilmore is more for focusing 1.0 so like you said it's really not indicative of much um yeah if nim was literally floating or could literally float even before the um calamity of water i don't think that would have saved it so like we said the wondrous palace was sunk intentionally and whereas sort of mark and ander paul were flooded in a more conventional sense nim was hit by a tidal wave so even if it could float it may have just been destroyed out right yeah and what from what we see the structures whether by age or by you know water they're also somewhat damaged and also it's not like it's a literal city it's not a you're not seeing charlene in the sky you're seeing some you know enough structures for a jumping puzzle yeah it's you know it's pillars and it's broken walkways there's very little there um and the only reason that the wondrous palace is so intact and we'll discuss this more later is because it had a magical barrier around it right then on that let's talk about nimian sort of culture to start alluding to and getting towards uh maybe some of their more specific practices like the scholar right right so we don't know a huge amount about new mean culture so we knew they were salasocratic they had lots of ships and sort of base their society around that similar to um limsa but they were a bit more mercantile than piratical they appreciated academia and took the arcanist techniques that were already sort of around on the south sea isles and elevated them into you know the scholar that we see today um their sailors were rowdy and violent like many sailors are um their martial arms was the royal marines so like we said they had to have a king or a monarch and they were some of the most elite troops of the era um probably in my opinion i would say the most elite troops obviously there were much fewer of them their mage community was organized because it had high mages so it had to have some sort of organizational structure they had extensive trading and political values with the kobolds um i guess let's touch on that real quick then so the nim had a very good relationship with the kobolds now this is well before you know the notion of beast tribes is existent that doesn't come for hundreds and hundreds of years later right but it wasn't like everyone was still getting along with their you know so-called beast tribe neighbors so what was it that allowed for them to get along with them so well so uh the best part of that here is just by starting to talk about ocean um the patron gods of nim so um the nimians unlike the limpsons always wanted to be allied to the cobalts they settled their sort of trading post there to trade with the kobolds obviously the kobolds have vast minimal mineral wealth and the ability to dismiss it um but they worship ocean the wanderer um nem does it's one of the two gods of wind like lim leonis who is the future god of limsa um he's a god of wanderers and mountains and vagrants and all of that um and he's actually a pretty mysterious god um so we don't know much about him even sort of the creation myth that we have says that the gods don't know where ocean came from he just appears one day um the only one that i feel like is probably more mysterious is ralger who literally just shows up in the narrative yeah exactly yeah um oshan is lovers with i think it's lim lane isn't it um it is yeah right but can't settle down you know it's always it's always uh okay okay i only say that because i feel like i will double check that while you can continue talking okay so well either way whoever he's in love with he can't settle down with because he's always wandering around sort of the the world um he's actually pretty close to hellon so if you're an ishgard fan oshan's you know in there um it was him that sort of took her from being essentially a divine terrorist and sort of redirected to being a warrior um and he also created an although he would consider his brother out of magma um there's various sort of other stuff that we can discuss and we i'm sure we'll get to that in our god series about ocean but um essentially ocean is a god of mountains uh so the kobolds also worship a god of mountains uh ogomero and sort of titan who is a manifestation of the heart of gomorrah um so they have pretty good common ground there and encyclopedia aorzia notes that they um that was really the crooks behind what allowed them to get on with each other the question i guess then that brings to my mind is do any other nation states in actually in recorded history really but especially in like the fifth astral like we don't really know that amdapor had a patron deity do we i mean we could also so i'm the probably do know but mac we don't um i'm depaul worship norfolka same as gridania does oh okay cool i i was struggling to find information like that that is good to good to know um it wouldn't be surprising if you know mock either didn't have one or if you know they almost just worshiped void scent at some point if they're you know paid yeah so my my my gauge on mark is that they probably didn't have one at the end but we know that each of the 12 city states did have one at the beginning of the era because each one worship one of the twelve okay so even in the ee one i know they kind of reference that each one has it but it but they never allude to what that mod no i mean you could you know think about ralga sort of as a god of thormaturges and stuff like that so it's destructive magic but we really don't know very much yeah you could even like guess nalthal if we're seeing as we're seeing nafka come back up for gridania it wouldn't be crazy i think you know yeah you absolutely could uh uh the wonderful life of speculation where you can make somewhat reasonable guesses but you can't know yeah exactly i mean uh if you want to get into really wild speculation you could discuss which god scala uh will show it and we have no knowledge of that at all or ability to gauge lord i hadn't even thought about that oh god now why why why must you do this to me um so in that vein then we've talked about both you know the magical abilities and stuff but let's get more specifically into scholars and and their role both in nim and how that was an evolution of arcanism right okay so actually the path from sort of arcanists to scholars is really interesting because it it sort of involves and this is you know part of being into ffxov law they always pop up it involves alec um it was allegal along yeah so we know that elegans innovated on the um the scholar gear page actually the scholar weapon page in euq tells us this we know that the um scholars sort of began as arcanists and then alex sort of innovated on their techniques and then uh nim seems to have sort of elevated that into scholar sort of the modern scholar um and it makes sense because the fifth natural era was a time of magic that's what really mattered to all of its city-states or at least all of its successful city-states um nim's low population means that they can't just throw mages away they'll run out of them too quickly and they'll be destroyed but um they found a workaround they put their sort of mages as supportive roles instead of sort of you know what the black mage you might think of like throwing fireballs from irons um right and you can see that existent in game you can see that existed in game by the fact that you know you have something like summoner that's dps but scholar is a healer exactly right so the nimians were had their scholars healers and you know buffing the marines essentially um and we can assume that perhaps this this um path rose out of necessity more than anything else that the first scholars probably were just arcanists um but we have a few sort of milestones on the road we know that they became tacticians and strategists on the battlefield um that became one of their responsibilities and they couldn't heal and both while doing that at the same time at least not to a full extent so they learned to sort of summon and control etheric constructs called the fairies which you know we see today um so they were essentially commanders as much as they were support majors which actually gave them the title of scholar because they would study tactics and strategy and all of that um i think it's mentioned that they're sort of the fact that much of their clothing is sort of brown green hints at their military origin and the original artifact armor actually has medals on it which again you know you can see that um we also know that there was a school for scholars because um there i think it was the storm blood set has a mortar board and one of the encyclopedia aussies notes that this hints at there being a school for them to learn sort of an organized institution of learning for scholars which makes sense that you have an entire civilization with them as if not a linchpin a major player and it would and literally the title of scholar it's not crazy to think yeah absolutely the so the i guess kind of co-relating that then into where it goes why were scholars unable to and and widely why uh were healers unable to uh contend with the plague when they seem to have such great ability within healing yeah that is absolutely fascinating and the plague is frankly really weird um so we know that it warps the lalafells but the fact that it's called the green death despite this not really being mentioned i don't think sort of implies that a lot of the people who got it died straight up before becoming tomberries um and i don't think we have an exact answer or at least none comes to my mind for why they couldn't cure it um perhaps it was simply that you me the unique nature of the plague you know besotto is sort of like turning itself invisible and creeping around nim right um and infecting people with some odd plague i mean you could always draw um draw ties to the artificial voice and that we see in shadow bringers um you know you see an individual uh turning people through sort of out magic alchemic solutions into sort of artificial void scent um maybe that's like halfway to what the tomberries are maybe they are being sort of etherically starved and turned into these different creatures than they were before right well and you can also imagine that i mean one with how complicated aether is but if you're trying to cure a viral infection with you know uh antibiotics you're not gonna do very well so if they don't understand the origin of it particularly well there they may not just have the tools to contend with it yeah exactly um i mean it it gives some really weird things with tomberries they can channel their emotions into sort of physical strikes um which seems to be a product to the play so that actually what exactly is the rancor so we have very little lore in it but from what we see it is literally them channeling their emotions into some sort of magical attack um we don't know much more than that i mean you know sort of the emotions of a spellcaster are always really important to their spell casting but these seem to almost come out of nowhere these techniques and the magic with the timbres doesn't stop there um so the high mage the the king the king tombery that we discussed earlier um it essentially went mad uh when it was um it was saying all the tombows were saying at first and then when the wondrous palaces sunk this tom brand issue and many others feels just betrayed um and is absolutely insensitive and falls into such a deep rage that somehow corrupts all of the other tomb as them all insane at once which is or at least almost all of the tomb raiders um which is very odd it suggests sort of like a connection between all of yeah almost like a somewhat pseudo-hive mind yeah which i guess if you think that the plague is almost like bits of the void sense in a way does connect them yeah definitely i mean the voice and are you could discuss them for a thousand years they're so varied and so diverse in the sort of traits fingers crossed for a 13th shard either expansion or just content just give me something please oh that would be extremely cool yeah um actually so speaking of both the amount of time and the weirdness of tomberry what exactly is their longevity and why do they seem to basically be eternal at this point uh so um with cerrito in that lot it's pretty much impossible to deny that the tomberries have lived for thousands and thousands of years um they either have a really long lifespan or they're immortal um we don't know why but if they are sort of pseudo void scent then that would make a lot of sense because the void scent do seem to be immortal you know cloud of darkness has been around for way longer than nim was um so pitoso's influence could have caused that additionally something interesting is that the wondrous palace was magically sealed right and we know that allag was able to magically seal facilities so things inside them did not age um at all so that's why we see living things like uh flagathon and all that um and we know that nim learned from allegheny history in some way so maybe they picked up this secret or like a version of it and they're not actually super long-lived they've just been in sort of pseudostasis it could be either yeah no that's something else that would make a lot of sense i'm sure you know if we could find i'm sure there might be text in the game to describe so i've been you know awake for so long from one of the tomberries or something that but other than that i mean there's no i think that's incredibly reasonable spec speculation in terms of talking about the wanderers palace but now more wanders palace hard the one of the things we see also and this is more specifically to do with the sixth astral area era and also um the area of upper linocia is the mammalja that show up here what's so what exactly is going on with that so like you said this the mammal jar aren't really linked to them at all um like you said that they're more of a modern thing um it's sort of a a mercenary ban from the new world comprised of jar as you would expect from the new world um they're called the silver scales and they're led by this two-headed mammal ja all sort of two-headed moonshine are raised from birth to lead to be you know kings or chiefs or military leaders whatever you want to sort of assign to them and these this group just sort of moved into the palace in order to use it as a base and to enslave the tomberries and make them sort of work as enforced labor for them which is really rough if you think about it the tombs are like we just got our sanity back and now we're slaves actually that makes me question why don't the tom berry seem to leave the wanderers palace or start to engage with the rest of aortia proper that's a really interesting question so we know that they're sanity sanitary their sanity regaining is sort of a gradual process cerita tells us it will take a little while um but they seem to be mostly there by the time of hard mode i don't want to say dev oversight so let's say um let's say that they just feel safe i mean these are people who would presumably have the most hardcore case of ptsd in the history of the world so well that's so apt well and also you know you can look at how aortians you know classify different creatures and stuff and you could absolutely be worried that if you walk outside that palace you're about to get got by you know any of the marauders of limsa or i mean which was literally their prerogative in the you know early quest line yeah absolutely i mean and plus you see um there's a few hunts that are tombery uh around the the wondrous palace um and you know they are mentioned as terrorizing the local communities obviously this is before they got the sanity back so the people probably just weren't very welcoming of them yeah so it's but maybe in in future days we at some point could see see that start to change a little bit but i think yeah like a lot of things from arr and you know other earlier elements um it's not surprising to see that maybe things take a little bit of time to change maybe at some point if we exit the uh time bubble that's something that we could see in the future i would love to get some some time build alex thing and some decent uh timelining in this game but somewhere between two to five years is our best guess um yeah but here's hoping that you know post end that that's okay we have that era that air is set here are these dates for that oh please please please please that would be amazing i mean if nothing else we will use pupa pubescent uh ellison how much time is that oh god yeah that is certainly something that the community has to do yep yep um so i guess so getting back down to maybe some of the final questions which are things like why ocean as th for nim why not someone like lim lane uh you know the navigator and even more specifically someone like faliac who's you know the scholar right so this is my favorite question actually because i the moment i saw it i just had this burst of sort of like um thoughts on it um so the game obviously gives us no explicit information on this but i think it's pretty easy to come up with a few reasons that we can sort of group together into one sort of bigger reason so the first could be that it simply they worshipped ocean back on their islands they come from the southern islands which could be volcanic islands and could feature mountains prominently um oh of course that makes so much sense yeah secondly vilbrand is an island but it's a mountainous one um so settling there could have um could have simply influenced him to worship a mountain god right and that would have been presents that would have existed well before the scholar as a role would have even existed so oh yeah definitely um and that the presence of the kobolds also means that for nim it's extremely profitable for them to worship a mountain god and i don't want to be that cynical about it i'm sure they worshipped ocean before that but you know ocean allowed them to worship the works yeah exactly dunes folk may be descendants of mock but you know you look at some of the choices they make around trade and you maybe some things consist are consistent uh plans yeah um so ocean's also a god of wind just like loneliness so and obviously although water is important sailing the wind is you know the sort of the presiding aspect of a sailor it's what pushes the wind into your sails right otherwise you're not going anywhere exactly and this sort of final reason is my favorite but again i think all of them grouped together maybe is better one than any single one so nim is founded essentially by migratory traders right these people who left their homeland behind to seek a new one an ocean's a god of wanderers and vagrants so these are people without a homeland who are wondering the oceans so maybe they look to him as sort of well we're wondering we're essentially vagrants this is our new homeland oh that's so lovely i love that that oh that's fantastic yeah that's my that is definitely my favorite reason i could think of okay that is thank you like because because many of these things i had out already somewhat answered for myself be it through explicit information or like okay that makes you know general sense but that yeah that one specifically was like yeah it it follows but that last reason i hadn't even considered and that that adds so much flavor i think yeah i agree so do you have any sort of final points that maybe we didn't get around to that you'd like to uh cover real quick final points um something that i noticed i really like about and we didn't manage to get into this too much but um the designers really sort of put their thought into nim and by this i mean they have architectural through lines in all of their structures um a lot of water features and a lot of aqueducts and weirdly a lot of inverted pillars um all throughout their structures you see pillars with a really thin base and a wider top and the wondrous palace is also this is a very thin base no wider top but i just sort of appreciate that effort by the devs to sort of give this cultural impression of even what their architecture looked like even as far you know far back as 2.0 you can't accuse them of not giving it their all exactly yeah well okay actually i mean this may ruin something for some people or i may just be crazy but if you go into the wanderer's palace uh it's over by i am forgetting the name of the hot springs but the the entrance to it is there and the little like underwater air you know a gay area that you enter to go in is there however when you do that in the background should be like the main structure that is the the center of the bronze lake um but when you look back it's not that structure but as you go in and you look up you see that structure even though you're facing the exact wrong direction yeah the literal 180 direction and i it it's i'm sorry if i've ruined any of your experiences wanderers palace now but just like notice that and i don't know if maybe late in the dev cycle they like shifted things around or what happened with that but it catches my eye every time that is a good point actually that there is this um you sort of the way they've laid out in the dungeon is you go in through this sort of like i don't want to say lobby but they're sort of like outer complex yeah um and then you arrive at this big sort of inverted shape um and yeah i've never thought about it but wow that must have just been an oversight then unless you sort of like row your way around the back of the structure yeah except for if you and this isn't fair because flying didn't exist but if you fly around or you look from either side of the lake there's no entrance to it and also the eng you can see the little like uh portcullis entrance that you go in on the like little area where you like um first me i'm forgetting his name but the tom barry from the uh scholar quest oh cerrito yeah you can you can see where you enter and it's right where the like actual um duty finder thing is so it's like unless it's really yes yeah it's it's it's it's very odd um and i'm sure yeah it's either just an oversight and also if you like go there if you go to the port cullis that's when the title for where you are switches to the wanderers palace so it's literally it it's very very strange but again i'm certain it's just either an oversight or a we had to put it somewhere or maybe even they originally wanted you to be able to ferry out to the center um or you know any number when you get there's a when you get into the dungeon there's a boat behind you that you've sort of rode your way in on that would make sense and it's just it's you know it's one of those little interesting things that either is a 2.0 artifact or there is an explanation then who knows um but you know i i just when collecting footage or doing work you know every so often you're paying so close attention that you realize something like wait a second this does not work in 3d space at all um one thing i do love though is ocean stone the wanderer stone when if you fly up to like the edge of upper lanosia right before you can get into outer lessons yet you can actually see the stone and everything like even though you're not in the map that is pretty cool and just a lot of lovely little details although that's the thing is like when it's a major 3d space thing i usually assume it's a they knew but they like had to just make a choice because to make things work yeah i definitely think that's the case i mean as we know 2.0 is like kind of half zip tied together it's held together with duct tape's gum in prayers it definitely is and i mean they did an amazing job with what they had to deal with but um the fact that it's half as good as it is in the face of a two-year debt cycle while maintaining 1.0 is you know just insane another side thing that i like to think about name is um so we all know on the lana falls home island they're eaten by big birds right yeah sucks for them and everything um but it seems that that didn't change for them too much when they came to nim they built this extremely cool society with like elite warriors and sort of academic institutions and then there was a giant eel that used to eat them apparently you trained all your life just get got by nature again exactly uh the the eel of nim which is a fishing thing that you can pull up are apparently small versions of this and the archaeologists in the universe found like a stella like a a pillar with some pictures in writing on it that described this giant eel eating the immunes uh and how it was like a terror of nim and i just find that extremely funny i mean i find that you know sad funny and also incredibly apt for you know the civilization that it was and it also if we ever go to the south sea islands which you know i wouldn't be surprised or even just in at any point dealing with the indigo deep i'm like oh there's going to be some sea monster stuff going yeah it's a pretty messed up sea right um i i think we could see the salty islands maybe i mean um uh we're not we're going kind of close to that in end walker not too far away well and if we i know it's not looking at the globe it's not exactly that merisitia is super close to them but if we ever do have a miracidia uh style expansion which you know is basically inevitable um you'd have to think that they're still there you know that wouldn't be a bad stopping point yeah i mean i would absolutely have to imagine so like um you know how we stop off on the way to um on the way to us some of the destinations in storm blood how we you know stop off yeah the like the cyrus prison up there yeah absolutely i know i think the future is you know it's completely different subject but the future is bright in terms of expansions i've seen some people be like yeah i don't know where we're gonna go next i'm like merisidia new world shards dragon star you know like yeah wherever you agree i completely agree it just there is some really amazing places to go um yeah and don't be disappointed all of you elegant fans because there are mamulja in circus tower so we can find elegant stuff in the new world too well and if you've played bhoja you know that now just everywhere everywhere is going to be fair game for any kind of elegant monstrosity yeah uh oh man okay just as a quick side tangent this may even get cut i am so excited to have ilsa bard geographically mapped oh my god yes um well the more that we can get the map done and there's some really awesome people out there nick mindy who sort of like clearly label the maps which is a huge use because they're kind of opaque um but having sort of a finished map of you know the three continents or at least most of the three continents is going to be so useful yep well and even just like things like okay i know gimlet dark i know whirl it i know beaujola knows that nor you know you know garlamald but i don't know does zadnor is that basically you go zadnar's all the way up to bordering ilsa or garla mold or is it like i know there's a bunch of other major areas now you know the fact that there's mountainous regions in the central zones and like how mikote moved around makes me assume that there's more regions within ilsa bard but i would have to imagine so right because i mean you know how much of garland mold's borders is true gala mold because they were supposed to be pretty small their territories this is all stuff that we need to find out and i'm just so excited to find out um that feeling when you're the kind of person where you see an expansion in your biggest hype is for maps yeah just i mean i remember freaking seeing fabner and going just like just screaming just like yes finally oh yeah favena is a huge thing i mean there's some really cool law i mean we have only very fragmentary law but there's some really cool law rats at han how they have these sort of like decorative nights almost these nights in really decorative armor who do something like dance parades and stuff it's it just sounds really cool well i know how all of it ties into other things like even the matanga and like the step yeah definitely uh i was thinking the other day about um this is another tangent but if i could ask the devs one question it would be uh which of the twelve did scala worship just to watch them sort of like scrabble and try to make something up on the spot see i literally have two different documents one for yoshi b questions and one for koji questions uh so i guess to bringing things to a close then what is the legacy of nymph you know what is the ultimate legacy into modern days right so the legacy of nymph has been somewhat impaired by the fact that when the waves struck and destroyed near most of the survivors of it went back to the south sea islands so there wasn't sort of a contiguous civilization there um in the same way that you know alameda is kind of a contiguous civilization for amdapor and mark and stuff like that um and obviously belladier and all that but um you know of operation maelstrom gives its name to the maelstrom the grand company of lymph elements are one of the really defining political groups of the sixth era um nims ruins are pretty enduring cultural relics and obviously the scholars while they didn't survive the fall of nem um the worry of light and a few of their allies possess the discipline and their tradition through our own choices as players um shapes current events pretty significantly so even though their legacy is much more of a in sense a ghost compared to something like mach or amdeport is no less important yeah exactly i definitely say that and i mean i have this vision in my head of us getting to go to a gomer or a deeper cobalt place now that we're friends with them and like seeing a stat anemian statue or nimian relief on the wall that would just like blow my mind that would be so lovely i you know the amount of detail that's put into things i think that's that's not it is not unreasonable to hope for something like that and to potentially get it yeah i agree completely i mean you want to think about the level of detail just remember that yashola has uh what is it uh spell um ley lined symbols on the bottom of her shoes oh yeah i mean the the care that the team puts in is just really incredible just truly lovely okay then i think that about wraps it up for our first inaugural episode i think this went rather well yeah i think so too i mean i'm sure that we'll hear from the viewers how it went um but hopefully they enjoy it i i definitely think they will i know if nothing else i did which makes you know the time worthwhile i think we'll definitely start out by getting to a lot of those fifth astral era topics because i mean you know just the the impact of the fifth astral era on the sixth is you know incalculable and yet yeah it's all too easy to not know it's also easy to run amdapor lost city and keep and not know it and be like wait what's happened and yet it it's pivotal yeah it it's absolutely hugely important i mean uh every civilization uh in our era um stems from the the war of the magi um you know ishgard was founded by sort of refugees from central uh eorzea who worshipped alone now don't get me started on that because then i start thinking about a possible hello and worshiping civilization in the the impact of the war of the magi and the things surrounding it are just colossal literal jobs come from that you know you have black mage you have white mage you have red mage you know many yeah even just like like even on a mechanical level even if you don't care about lore which if you don't care about laura i'm not sure why you're listening to this um even just on a mechanical level a lot of things only exist because of those things yeah i mean paladins um bella day wouldn't have existed right mark you know really i mean pretty much any of the job besides um besides summoner really i suppose um can draw some kind of root back to the error okay well then thank you so much for talking this has been lovely yeah i really enjoyed it we'll definitely do more of these 100 um and with that have a lovely day everyone yep have a great day this content was brought to you by the aorzian archives if you enjoyed this video help us please the 12 by leaving a like and subscribing for new content every thursday and comment down below with any topic you'd like to see our archons cover in the future for even more content discussion and exclusives please check out our discord and consider supporting us on patreon
Channel: The Eorzean Archives
Views: 8,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FFXIV, eorzea, ilsabard, final fantasy, ff14, squareenix, square enix, eorzean, archives, explained, shadowbringers, endwalker, lore, au ra, viera, mount, ishgard, a realm reborn, black chocobo, bozja, Nym, nym, tonberry, wanders palace, oschon, ARR, la noscea, limsa, limsa lominsa, vylbrand, scholar, SCH, fairy, allag, allagan, 5th astral era, astral era, 6th umbral calamity, flood, podcast
Id: 0dWYsbgGr0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 53sec (3053 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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