Pathfinder 2e Lore in 7 Minutes or Less

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once upon a time there was nothing except one deity left over from the previous Universe this deity was for asthma maybe you know verasma today as the deity who shows dead Souls where to go in the bone yard but back then it was only for asthma then a bunch of other deities came they decided to create a new universe it worked so they put that Universe aside and decided to create a new universe they called this second Universe the material plane then a creepy Cthulhu beast called rovog tried to eat everything so Saran Ray gathered all the other deities to team up and bring rovog into the material plane and lock him inside a planet that planet was galerion gallerian at this time was full of serpent folk then a portal opened up to another planet and elves came through deep under the ground was a network of caves called the dark lands it was filled with Orcs then torig said he was sick of forging things so he created a new species to forge things for him this species was called the dwarves Tori gave them a prophecy if you ever feel the Earth shake go to the sky under the water freaky squid things called abilus decided they wanted something to control so they created the humans the ableists disguised themselves as Wizards and taught the humans how to do magic and civilization the humans then made a new Empire called the esolante Empire that Empire was so successful they kicked all the serpent folk down into the dark lands one day in the outer Plains desna was traveling with her deity Mentor the god of beasts then a freaky Demon Lord came and killed the god of beasts and became La mesh 2 mother of monsters La mastu made a new beast called a bar guest one time a bar guest killed a human and from its blood emerged the first four goblins in the atlante Empire a new human called Eridan was born but the obelisks were getting tired of how the humans were behaving so they decided to create a huge meteor to kill them all the elves thought this was a bad idea so they opened a portal to their home planet and left but the Obelisk miscalculated how big the meteor was going to be the meteor exploded on the surface of galerion and filled the sky with the clouds of Ash and dust all the abolis were destroyed or sent into hiding the atlante empire was also destroyed but a few humans survived including Eridan they traveled from the shattered island of aslante to a new continent of avistan meanwhile in the dark land the dwarves heard the giant explosion caused by the meteor and decided it was time to find the sky they started digging up to the surface but accidentally started chasing all their enemy Orcs up as well when the Orcs reached the surface they began terrorizing the humans and took over galerium 100 years later the dwarves emerged as well when they found their old enemy the Orcs they started to fight them back The Dwarves made 10 Sky citadels meanwhile the first world the deities created started getting filled with unicorns and fairies and strange creatures called gnomes the no that the material plane looked a lot more fun so they decided to Jump On In unfortunately for the Gnomes jumping into the material plane was like jumping into a bucket of acid except instead of acid it was boredom the Gnomes realized that they didn't keep doing new things they would slowly turn gray and die this was called the bleaching some of the remaining humans made a new country called taldor around this time one of the Dwarven sky citadels was taken over by Orcs and renamed erger a human wizard obsessed with knowledge told a bunch of other humans to make the country of osirion that wizard learned so much eventually his brain exploded and he became a deity nephis god of magic there were also halflings around this time where did they come from were they there the whole time nobody knows because nobody wrote anything down about them Eridan was going on some fun adventures when he met his new friend arazzny then a rasny died but she came back as an angel Eridan eventually found the original meteor that hit Gallery in all those years ago called The Stars stone at the bottom of the Inner Sea he Dove down into the Inner Sea and dragged it up to the surface where he founded the city of Absalom this feat was so cool Eridan instantly became a deity the god of humans then a man named tar buffal's new Herald the Dwarven Sky citadels weren't doing so good around High Helm other dwarves started to make their own kingdom and compete with high Helm eventually they all United under one country the five Kings mountains then Orcs came and killed everybody outside of high Helm back in Kyon a Demon Lord found the elf gate and tried to use it to open a portal to the abyss so the elves came back from their home planet and told him not to do that in Absalom people realized they could do something called the test of the star stone that would instantly make them a deity one time a drunk guy named Kaden Kaylee and decided to try it on a dare he succeeded and became a deity tar Buffon was dead but then he came back as a lich he used an Army Of Orcs And Undead to take over the country of ustalov the country of taldor decided they should probably Crusade against that guy this included a paladin named iomeday together they asked Eridan to help kill him but eredon didn't respond instead he sent his Herald arasny arazny went to defeat tarba font but she died then the taldor Crusade came and defeated tarbifan anyway iomeday decided to do the test of the star Stone and she succeeded Eridan decided to make her his new Herald because his old Herald was dead a rasny died but then she came back against her will as a lich now she hates Eridan and all gods and Crusaders in the five Kings mountains the dwarves finally got their other kingdoms back from the Orcs then a volcano erupted and killed everybody eventually a region of taldor decided to declare independence and became a new country called chelyax they decided they were Aaron's new chosen Kingdom they prophesized he was coming back in the year 4606 and that he would lead cheliacs into the age of Glory chileaks began aggressively expanding their empire they predicted the exact moment Eridan was supposed to come back to galerion and they all waited very excited for it to happen but then at that exact moment they were hit with three weeks of horrible hurricanes and storms when the storms abated all the priests severed and lost their powers cheliaks descended into Civil War and lost a lot of the territory they had gained before one of the combatants in the Civil War decided to make a deal with asmodeus he gave her a devil Army which she used to win the Civil War and take over chiliacs now Chelly acts as a tyrannical Empire and they have halfling slaves there are a lot more events that happened there are a lot of other deities as well but hopefully this gives you some idea about the deities in galerian and the origin of the different ancestries foreign
Channel: KingOogaTonTon
Views: 78,010
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Id: HLkZ5U5H51g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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