Everything You Want to Know about Interspecies Romance

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[Music] as an archon and scholar i study all manner of topics from the migration pattern of the common gubu to the fundamental metaphysics of aether conductivity but for some reason the question i'm asked most often is can the different races reproduce with each other the answer is yes technically why do you ask setting aside motivations first let's talk about the proof of concept there are more than a few people throughout the land who have mixed parentage both explicitly and potentially from the most prominent examples we have ishgard hilda whose father is l is in nobility and whose mother was a hurian maid in her father's house and two more being our guardly and cure allies the scions are involved whose mother was an alamegan highlander and father an occupying garlian soldier and savara whose mother was a hero of turncliff and whose father was an occupying garlean soldier the conflict of the past century has sadly led to more than a few children born to such garlian heritage most often not by choice and for whom life has been a complicated affair there's also less dour progeny born from love like the eloping cure and elegant couple of ishgard who found their way to idleshire and who share a child these examples are beyond doubt and put proof to word that such things do happen and yet there are large sums of peoples around the star who may fall into this camp but we just don't know for certain tales in the ruby sea exist of an owery child born to a hurrian fisherman and an auri reign who was in fact the ruby princess of that time those of sui nosato claimed the tales to be true and nearby legends of a fisherman who traveled to see the rain and disappeared beneath the sea do offer some corroboration but with no documentation of the event it's impossible to be sure we can even bring into question certain clans like the branch of atharian roguedom some of who are visually identical to their far reach brethren while others have a distinctly more hearing complexion i want to caution that this is speculation because as far as we know they are merely a normal derivation of the hell's guard clan there are even some roganin around the world who suspiciously appear hearing in complexion and size and on occasion don't necessarily even boast a traditional broken name but i choose to not be the archon who walks up to one and asks of their mother's heritage so this will remain a mystery there are other areas of more uncertain intermingling of names and people throughout history like the here and ellison of gomorrah the hrothgar roganin and hero bhaja the aori and hero of thavnare and of course the roganin and highlanders of alamigo to name a few we even have extreme mixing pots like my native charlie in these places though intermittent have resulted in some uncertainty as to what interactions and children have been brought to be throughout history though a dearth of such children exists in the historical records and tales so with procreating between groups when it comes to hearer in some cases it's fairly easy to say beyond a shadow of a doubt yes it's possible in other cases [Music] maybe whether the other races are capable of procreating with your or with each other is by all known physiology possible if not likely but a lack of examples makes it hard to test and know for sure and that is one trial i have no wish to run one would think that rare or not the possible tales of roguedon with furry ears or a long and lanky hrothgar would be at the very least common around the drinking table if not in scientific journals but capability says nothing of actuality and there are two major hurdles to conception of a biracial child on a theris the first is societal there is a major taboo against mixed race procreation though these taboos aren't particularly codified and ultimately most present themselves as general discrimination for those who do not end up fitting the world's neat criteria this common disdain can lead to difficulties integrating into groups for individuals which can be a death sentence in many regions of the star and the complications that await the parents often result in doomed lovers nipping their romance in the bud air long with all of that said that does not affect people's perspectives or at least create codified restrictions around passions between different races in probably the broadest possible way do we see this through the regularity of sex work by mikote and hiro all the way from thanolin to lenocia to alamigo and beyond these two realities can be tough to reconcile since a child begets so much scorn and yet lovemaking and romance is so normalized for all the act of creation between two different races may invite derision love will not be denied and can often push past any barrier failing to keep star-crossed lovers from still attempting to fill their hearths and homes with the pitter-patter of small feet some of these taboos are probably rooted in the long swaths of history where many nations especially in eorzea were a monoculture with somewhat infrequent examples of multiracial groups that weren't at least somewhat discordant not that things have particularly changed today in some ways those few we do see like galmora fabner baja or doma were all notably brought about from major initial conflict and strife between peoples ultimately finding their equilibrium but only as a function of time and it's a process that continues to this day for all the social progressivism we've seen in the seventh astral era we need not look further back than a couple of decades to see active regression or narrow-minded beliefs and even on to modern times many hold such views think of the treatment of hilda by many of her fellowish guardians for a reality she had no control over or the acts of xenophobia towards the tribal groups that until recently were the entrenched norm but from new relations to technological innovations and even the literal death of gods the world is moving on from the way things were and hopefully these changes will result in a world more tolerant than it has been in the past that said all these historic social taboos are spurred on by the general rarity and lack of visual discernment for mixed-race children in and of itself creating a self-fulfilling cycle which is due more specifically to our second major cause which is the practical issue assuming optimal circumstances and ignoring taboos the physiological reality is that a child born from parents of different races is exceedingly rare some even claim one in a million why this is the case isn't fully clear as far as modern study has taken us it seems that most spoken races share a common ancestor from which we split in some manner over 10 000 years ago which makes interracial procreation a logical possible outcome but this is only our current working theory as there is some split evidence from a few different fields of thought as new discoveries of the past come into greater focus perhaps our understanding may change okay okay yes yes yes sociology matters but one of the practical requirements for children skipping over the basics of conception as i assume most of you are at least hopefully aware if a child is born to parents of two different races what exactly defines their appearance as it's not as if we see lalafell running around with bunny ears or allison with mikote tales and those few specific examples we have while varying somewhat takes strongly after one of their parents almost exclusively in the rare event a child is born by intention or happenstance their physiology is primarily defined by their mother in near all cases there are somewhat rare exceptions of secondary characteristics being defined by the father such as hilda who while sharing her mother's hurry and frame has the pointed elephant ears of her ashgardian father in the tales of the owry princess and her child born to a hurrian father it said that the child had few scales but still would have had the telltale horns and tail of the aura think less of a half and half situation and at most the mother's race with a dash of the father's characteristics but that dash isn't even necessarily required or common rarity upon rarity there are as always exceptions to this though as the intermingling of different clans such as the keeper of the moon and seeker of the sun mykote does not always result in the child having the same features as their mother so it's uncommon for mixed children to be born both from sociological and physiological pressures and on top of this most children would not even present as being different at all making the whole ordeal harder to study or even address one more exemption from these rules is the garlian eye which regardless of which parent is guardian is only born to children who are pure blood garlic animals is what i would like to say however as existence is not a nice shiny box but an infinite continuum of multicolored icosahedron there is at least one known contradiction in severa who while is only half garlian has a garlian eye though a she shares her mother's not her father's frame and b her eye is the only known case of a black garland eye suggesting that perhaps it's vestigial making her a one in a million amongst a one in a million are black garlian eyes only born to half garlic and women does the eye actually do anything will we ever get any answers to these questions i'm glad you asked we've talked of additions but what about limitations the limitations of certain races don't seem to cross over to children of mixed parentage in example the capability of ethereal manipulation is maintained by those of half-garland descent as we can see with arnvald and severa as to if those born of half-garland heritage can inherit other traits like the pure-blooded tendency towards allison level heights is unknown though hypothetically possible all these complications aside none of this is to say that all interracial relationships and romances are completely stymied which is one reason such children happen at all i want to point out that a relationship does not mandate physical intimacy and a marriage does not mean romance nor does it mean copulation and none of this assumes a desire for children same page good as i touched on a little bit earlier while not different races cross-clan children are quite common as is the cultural reality of sharing names cross-clan i'm sure many of you can speak to this from your own travels those like manago razz with her seeker of the son father and keeper of the moon mother furgus lokilpsin of amagina and sons who is a hellsguard with the seawolf name and flamin who is a keeper of the moon with a seeker of the sun's name these practices of naming also suffer the same complications leaving the cross clan names the primary identifying method for their parentage that said as we can see with the m tribe the mother father rule is not always the case but there's a wide world beyond our own three great continents with groups across the sea on the new world like the mammal ja through who the union of different tribes on rare occasions can have unique consequences resulting in the birth of blessed two-headed offspring who share the features of both clans the rest of the new world maracidia or any number of the remaining lands around us could play host to similar or even stranger cases on the topic of romances there's a litany of known couples or romantically interested parties of all sorts and kinds of backgrounds on a theras so let's talk about rogan and lovemaking in this case i'm referring to aenor cockburn no actually and her fondness for rogan much to her sister chagrin infatuated to the extreme with the boulder brothers she actively is pining for attempting to marry and heavily implying and desire for having their babies there are no ends to the implications of her amorous desires for okre boulder as well as tory boulder and graha tia and possibly the warrior of light the point is she actively courts many different people at the same time and the only one who is observably distressed by this is her sister clemens who went so far as to travel to ishgard to learn astrology in order to get away from her less explicitly but no less euphemistic is that deftly skilled with a blade humbert longhaft no actually and his proclivity for a pair of mikote sisters and his company as well as tales of his far-reaching female fan base you know oddly enough between the likes of anor with the boulder brothers and long half with his assistants one has to wonder if aorzia holds the same taboos for insa um you know what let's move along there are plenty less raunchy examples from the unrequited like memory of the quicksand inn in ulda and the hurian admirer who seeks her affection which she rather humorously spurns to the heartwarming messes like the warriors curious gorge and dorgono and somewhere in between is thank rid with his at one time rampant wooing of any and every single lady he could find but heartache and longing isn't limited to the races we know most well with even the desperate affections of a rogan and male for the goblin brayflox all talks penned into the very pages of the archived books of the great google library and i quote by what cruel fate was i given this oversized ungangly body and sent into this world where you abide my princess my goddess my everything attesting that love truly has no limits no example is more famous than that of saint shiva and her love price felger the first brood a story etched into history both for its importance in the records as well as the moving of people's hearts its legacy even lingers onto this day as it is a symbol of unification between dragon and man oh and what about the zela tribal groups if we look to people like the dothral they do not see the flesh of the person but the soul and from that deemed their worth and connection to put it another way i doubt sadhu khan would not bed anyone she deemed a worthy opponent it's also more than clear that serena of the mole has lusty eyes for hyen a hero of doma and speaking of the people of the step what greater example could we possibly have than magnai of the oronir who desperately seeks to find his nama regardless of race and who gets rejected so hard some might mistake it for a number of calamity so relationships and more range from the vicarious and lustful to the platonic but deeply moving and sometimes the impossible to define as many of you are aware even institutions are allowing as no limits are placed on those who would eternally bond themselves before the 12 at their sanctum and across a theras are we witness to these unions since we're talking about unions and children i should point out adoption is common across the known world and shares none of the taboos that are had for children of mixed race examples being pip and tarupin adopted by rabban aldine after he was sold by his biological father to the blood sands for drinking money menphilia ward who lost her father during a gubu stampede and who was adopted by flaming keshe baldasian by galif baldasian and numerous other examples besides can be seen around the star so we know kids can be had courtship is real racism is bad and hearts must feel but what about what comes next every astral era and umbral era has begot a cycle of progression and regression but with future days looking different and the many nations that have begun to act as melting pots from charlien dalmasca hingashi thavnare and hell basically all of eorzia i think it's fair to say that the seventh has room to be the end of old prohibitions for all the races have spent the intervening 10 millennia shifting and overlapping company those of mixed race are rare across the annals of history but with modernity fast encroaching on a theras and an age of prosperity on the horizon who knows what norms might change and what the culture and the population of our shared home might look like in the future thanks for watching our cons this content was brought to you by the aorzian archives if you enjoyed this video help us please the 12 by leaving a like and subscribing for new content every thursday and comment down below with any topic you'd like to see our archons cover in the future for even more content discussion and exclusives please check out our discord and consider supporting us on patreon you know would it be wrong to make a war joke about grace vulgar and shiva you know knowing aynor uh she probably wouldn't mind being crushed between two boulders if you uh get what i mean you know i bet fiera like rabbits
Channel: The Eorzean Archives
Views: 78,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy, ffxiv, final fantasy 14, ff14, endwalker, lore, ffxiv lore, interspecies, ffxiv romance, ffxiv sex, miquote, cat girls, femroe, eorzea, hydaelyn, erp, ffxiv interracial, ffxiv breeding, hilda, hilda ware, arenvald lentinus, ruby princess, au ra, little sun, yshtola, magnai oronir
Id: GCfRuwYVpfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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