The Twelve Explained - FFXIV Lore

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[Music] aorzia a land loved by the gods and forged by heroes a saying known to many and the twelve are the gods described there within their belief has been one staunchly relied on by her peoples for thousands of years even unto the third astral era and the time of allag a panopoly of 12 beings from which the people draw strength as well as an understanding of a confusing and tumultuous existence current days may have brought with them much in the way of our comprehension of the natural and ethereal world but still their religion remains whether one is a believer in these deities as written in story or dismisses them as merely misremembered heroes of eld it should serve all to have a working knowledge of these cultural and devotional beings to explain the twelve one should identify each of their associations in this endeavor we shall describe and order each of them not by age or hierarchy but into their associated elements each of the six elements having two gods and each god possessing a title befitting their disposition and role oshan the wanderer a god of wind mountain and vagrants his symbol is that of the walking stick misfortunate lover of menfina and most commonly depicted as a carefree ranger wielding a bow of you would as a sentinel of wanderers often travelers can be found carrying bags of finger bones blessed by priests of oshan for luck as the patron deity of nim structures such as the wanderer's palace host his name in honor the similarities between his description as a deity of mountains and the kobold's worship of their own mountain of ogomoro as a god served to help facilitate peaceful relations between them and the nimians lim lane the navigator a goddess of wind navigation and watcher of the seas daughter of thaliak and azeema sister of nafika she is known in the guise of a strong fisherwoman wielding a long-bladed harpoon and her symbol is that of the sea's wave as patron deity to limsa laminsa she is worshipped by those who journey the waters of the world and often cries to the navigator can be heard by those adrift and at storm ralger the breaker of worlds destruction incarnate and commander of lightning represented as a bearded magi with a bronze staff his parallels to the likes of ramu of the silth are notable he is a guardian deity of al amigo and great works of stone such as the fist of ralgar exist in his honor in the wake of their mad king and the garlian occupation his believers have been made to suffer so strong is his faith however that the very flowers of girabanya carry his name forged from a comet he is foster father and teacher to helone and her brother byrogo and his symbol is that of a streaking meteor virugo the builder is god of industry architecture and the arts his is the element of lightning pictured most often as an ardent smith with a two-headed hammer his symbol is that of a hand palm open his sister is hellone and his chosen teacher is thaliak those artists of the realm pray to him for inspiration and steady ham azima the warden a goddess of fire sun and inquiry her symbol is that of the sun and most often is she depicted as a lady of nobility holding a golden fan a figure so striking that even roses and fireworks bear her name lover of thaliak and mother of the sisters lim lane and nafika keeper of the sun mikote are named so for their worship of her and the last major civilization to hold her as their patron was that of the desert city of belladia even its sunken temple of karn was once a place of devotion to her [Music] naldthal the traitors are unique amongst the twelve being of dual spirit or aspect a god of life the underworld and commerce his is the element of fire a single manifestation of deific twins and rulers of their own realms gnawed of the living and thal of the underworld he is known most often as a merchant holding a balance when as one and when alone each are depicted as holding an amphora and dagger respectively brought forth by oshan he is the patron deity of ulda the order of nald thal is one of the most well-known sects of 12 worship and through their control of the faith hold much sway over commerce and death through funeral rites his symbol is that of a kaori shell a currency of ancient times all thick the keeper is the first of the twelve and god of time and space surveyor of change and causality his symbol is that of an hourglass his element is earth and his name is found in the lavender of thanolin his lover is naimiya and his visage is that of an austere emperor wielding a mithral great axe [Music] nafka the matron goddess of harvest and abundance and tender of soil her element is that of earth she is the daughter of azima and thaliak and sister to lim lane known as a jubilant farmer and buxom maiden she holds a scythe of steel and her symbol is that of a spring leaf she is the guardian and patron of gridania and exists in co-relationship and appreciation with the communion of the elementals palone the fury goddess of war mover of glaciers and commanding the element of ice her visage is that of a relentless warrior s armed with a bronze great shield and her symbol is that of three spears foster daughter of ralger and bitter rival to nafka her status as a guardian deity of ishgard is fitting its orthodoxy church and very way of life was constructed around her veneration it is said that sapphires allow one to catch glimpses of her halls and the gerbera flowers are said to carry her favor menfina the lover goddess of love and commanding the element of ice menfina is the keeper of the twin moons the greater white moon and the lesser red moon dalamud sister of azima an ill-fated lover of oshan her symbol is that of the full moon and she is most often seen as a maid carrying a round skilt it is said she is followed by her loyal hound dalamud though in the years following the calamity more often is cursed as her bastard hound she like azima to the seekers of the sun is the subject of core worship to the keepers of the moon mikote and for which they hunt by night so they may bask in her presence nymea the spinner goddess of fate and watcher of celestial bodies hers is the element of water lover of altheak and creator of ralgur the lilies of eorzea that bear her name are often used as a symbol of mourning and peace for the dead she is known as a weaver in silken veil and her symbol is that of the spinning wheel her observation of the stars makes her a symbol of kinship amongst astrologians thaliak the scholar god of knowledge and wisdom as his element is that of water so is he master of rivers thaliak is seen as a reserved scholar holding an ashen staff and his symbol is that of the scroll patron of charlene his domain over knowledge serves as a powerful symbol despite charlene's more tepid fervor for the faith of the twelve lover of azima father of sisters lim lane enafka and teacher tabarigo the powerful artifact tupsamati bears stones carved with his symbol and his statue stands tall over the city of charlene acting as both literal and figurative fountain for both water and knowledge part and parcel to their corresponding elements and associations are the moons of the calendar they represent and the realms in which each of the twelve reside in a cycle starting with helone as the first and all thiek as the twelfth each of the twelve moons in the aorzian year are assigned a member of the twelve and in like are there seven astrally aligned heavens and umbrally aligned hells crafted after their work on eorzea was done of the first six heaven and hells each has a corresponding element with the final seventh ruling over the others the six elemental heavens can be found represented in the night sky in the stars of constellations the very same constellations by which astrologians manipulate the aether of the heavens all of which revolve around a pole star believed to be the gate to the final seventh heaven in the heaven of fire sprawls an endless city built by naldthal from golden bricks seared in the heat of azima's son there reside the just and the fair the honest and the philanthropic its mirror is the hell of fire formed when the rubble left after the creation of its heavenly counterpart was cast from the firmament into the dark pit and set a light here burned those who wrongly judged their peers those who tricked their customers and those who gave and received bribes to create the heaven of earth naufica planted a single sapling which all thiek bending time itself coaxed to maturity under the mighty sentinel's bows rest farmers naturalists historians and archaeologists however the leaves fallen from the tree are left to rot in the pit creating the hell of earth where lying buried deep in the earth suffer thieves despoilers of nature liars and revisionists in the heaven of wind rises the towering mountain range atop which ocean looks out in longing upon the endless sea ruled by limb lane here rests explorers and adventurers wayfarers saints and those who save the helpless tearing gusts from on high in sight terrible tempests creating the hell of wind the place where bandits defilers of the land and sea and pirates agonize as the air tears flesh from bone and soul from flesh in order to create the river which runs through the heaven of water nymea melted a star to which thaliak added the essence of knowledge and then poured it forth from his viewer here reside the scholars and inventors teachers and entrepreneurs from the bed of that celestial river did forsaken droplets rail to the pit where they settled and stagnated creating the hell of water here drowning in its foul waters are the deceivers counterfeiters charlatans and false prophets in the heaven of lightning one will find a towering clockwork spire built by byrogo with metal forged from a comet and powered by ralger's 11 bolts here rest easy engineers architects revolutionaries and vanquishers of evil levin charged fragments of the comet plummet to the pit below to form the hell of lightning a place of tumultuous static damnation for vandals slumlords and warmongers and finally the heaven of ice in the center of this heaven rises a lofty palace of ice made of frozen moonbeams and carved with the fury's own spear here reside epic heroes and gallant knights the benevolent and faithful from hellone's gelid palace do piercing icicles plummet to the pit creating the hell of ice frozen in tormented agony and suffering helonese fury here suffer cowards deserters and the adulteress and so finally we must come to the most recent history and the events of cardinal the archon luis suarez leviour of charlene in an attempt to save eorzea from the fall of dalamud stoked the flames of hope and faith in the twelve creating stones of their signs and spreading impassioned words of belief and hope throughout eorzea unknown to most this was so at the appointed hour he might bring forth a primal of the twelve to bind the threat and save the realm from a calamity though the binding was a failure the primal lingered for a small time and after using magics of altheek to save some few adventurers from the battlefield what transpired next is a mystery save for a few what is a god on heidelin what does it mean for a deity to exist in the face of primals and the mother crystal are such beings merely the fanciful tales and misrecollections of past peoples and events or perhaps truly something divine in nature are locales such as the heavens and the pit tied to more material things such as stars and the void and why does some imagery spark correlation such as the tower of byrogo and its power drawn of a comet reminiscent of the crystal tower of allag a slew of questions across the mind of any who ponder but no more so than in regards to the twelve in any event the annals of history brim with their presence and likely so will the future pages when written perhaps with vigil study and perchance with faith one day we will have the answers we seek this content was brought to you by the errors in archives i'm arkhan charettia and i'm arkhan elio folcharon if you enjoyed this video please like and subscribe and comment down below any topics you might also be interested in [Music]
Channel: The Eorzean Archives
Views: 11,027
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Keywords: FFXIV, The Twelve, Althyk, nophica, byregot, naldthal, nald thal, halone, azeyma, rhalhr, thaliak, menphina, llymlaen, Oschon, the wanderer, the navigator, the spinner, the scholar, the lover, the fury, the builder, the destroyer, the warden, the matron, the keeper, twelve, eorzea, hydaelyn, ffxiv lore, lalafell, explained, endwalker, Endwalker, stormblood, heavensward, A realm reborn, shadowbringers, arr, shb, myths of the realm
Id: rRlgen6giWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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