FFXIV: The Eureka Experience 2023

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so previously on this channel we talked about the animal weapons and we talked about the Zodiac weapons today I'm happy to inform you that I have finally gotten my first Eureka Relic hello and welcome back kids to the big blue purple Channel in this video I'd like to go over my experience with Eureka in 2023 what it's like from start to finish I'm going to talk about the relic weapon I'm going to talk about the elemental armor and I'm also going to talk about the baldessian Arsenal and the osma mount that you can get from that Eureka is without a doubt the most time consuming Relic I've ever done even more so than the Zodiac weapon but at the same time it's absolutely been the most fun relic weapon grind I've ever done and it's nothing like the other ones before we get into the video I just want to say that this is by no means a guide for a Eureka Relic but rather a look at what it's like to go through Eureka in 2023 and my overall thoughts on the experience of Eureka as well as the baldessian Arsenal so without further Ado let's talk about Eureka starting with the first Zone animos so starting out in Eureka is without a doubt the hardest part in my opinion it's so overwhelming going into Eureka for the first time because it's just nothing like any other content in the game other than Baja of course if you've done that but even Baja is much different than Eureka in many ways animos is honestly a very strong start to Eureka the zone is cool looking the enemies are well placed and not over saturated in certain zones and it introduces you well to the Unique Mechanics of Eureka such as the elemental affinities and the magia board in case you don't already know the enemies in Eureka have a specific Elemental Affinity that you can see next to their name this basically tells you what element they are and you can use your magiabort to give yourself either offensive or defensive bonus against these enemies unless you're a tank you will always always always be giving yourself the offensive bonus you're going to place all of the magisite you get into that offensive bonus and you're just going to rotate it around to whatever the element of the enemy is for your first few levels you just go around killing enemies around the same level as you and doing your challenge log as best as you can until your high enough level to start joining up some NM trains nms are the faiths in Eureka essentially but rather than being like pretty boring ad clear Fates they're actually some pretty sick boss fights that you get to get in this huge group of like 30 people and just up this one boss it's a fun time and it's a very commutative experience right off the bat here Eureka establishes itself as a very different type of content than the rest of the game not only do you need other people to help you fight these nms but it's a very group oriented content in many ways you need to actually spawn these nms by farming a specific type of enemy as a group and working together can really really speed this up the Eureka Community is also very nice and considerate to the other players in the instance they don't instantly pull the fates as they spawn they will say in shout chat what time they plan to pull the boss and if you need an extension you can shout and chat hey please wait I'm on the way and they will wait for you all the time pretty much until you get to pyros and hydatism we will talk about that at least on The Ether data center there is some issues in pyros and hidatas we will get to that later animos though as a zone is very very relaxed and people there are super nice and helpful to the new players just getting started in Eureka to be honest with you guys animos is the zone that I have the least to say about because it's just so straightforward you you get introduced to all these new Eureka mechanics and it can seem overwhelming at first but as soon as you get the flow of the gameplay down where it's like do your challenge log and join the NM train then that's it really that's all you need to do in Eureka one important thing to mention though is that if you die in Eureka and you respawn you will D level you will level down if you die and respawn this is why you'll see in chat if you go into Eureka people will shout and chat their position and say hey I need a res you please come get me it's because they don't want a d level and the whole Community is very accepting of that they all make sure to Res people as much as they can to avoid any One D leveling so I've given a bit of an overview of what Eureka looks like as a new player but what about the relic weapon itself for many people that's the reason they come in here in the first place how do you get the relic weapon where do you start so when you complete notorious monster Fates you actually get animos crystals and you can go over to geralt and trade your animos crystals in for protein crystals you can then trade those protein crystals in to upgrade your weapon I believe you'll need around 1300 protein crystals to complete the Relic in animos and you'll also need Three prazuzu Feathers these will drop from the Pazuzu fate it's a level 20 fate that will spawn or an NM rather and you just need to get three of those you can also buy them with protein crystals so if the Pazuzu fate is not up and it's not spawning then you can just grind a bunch of other ones until you get enough protein crystals to actually just buy the Pazuzu feathers this is what I had to do but yeah that's animos pretty much it's definitely the most straightforward Zone the most confusing part about it is just learning all the nuances of Eureka since it's brand new content and it has its own rules and whatnot but animos is super straightforward and I think the hardest part of it honestly is just leveling 220. other than that I've gone back and gotten enough protein crystals to make another animos Relic in like under an hour it's so easy my advice to you if you're planning to try animos is to rush to level 9 using your challenge log this will allow you to attune to all the etherites in the zone which is very important for NM trains and then just start joining the NM trains and getting exp that way because that way you're collecting crystals and XP rather than just killing mobs for challenge log [Music] so coming out of the animos I was actually enjoying Eureka a lot and looking forward to the second Zone of course if you've played Eureka before you know that pagos is an absolute I actually hated Pogo so much that I stopped playing Eureka entirely when did an ultimate Raiden party finder and then came back like a month later to give pagas another shot yes doing ultimate in the party finder is more fun than pogo's mark my words compared to animos the leveling just takes such a nosedive in pogos it takes so much longer to level up in this Zone if you don't have your challenge log ready when you get here have fun grinding your way up to level 25 so you can use all the etherites also the enemy density in this Zone makes Dark Souls 2 look like it's well designed it's insane to me how many enemies they shove into every little tiny corner of the map if you aggro one of them the other 36 of them are gonna aggro to you and destroy you man I encourage you when you get to the zone and you're trying to level to 25 so you can get all those ether rights party up with people around your level within what one to two levels of you and just go farm mobs because it is going to be absolute hell if you try to solo Farm your way like I did to level 25. it sucks and it makes this Zone way more tedious than it ever needs to be now let's talk about another part of pogos that's absolute dog so essentially when you hit Level 25 you're gonna get a kettle from geralt and you can fill this Kettle with light you need to get a certain amount of crystals from this Kettle but how do you turn the light you get into crystals well where I'm going on screen right now is how you get to the crystal Forge in pagos you need to drop off the side of this Cliff there's going to be a sleeping Dragon okay down at this Cliff to get past him you need to walk before you get into the Zone make sure you know what your walk key is because if you don't you're gonna die I know I did before pogos I literally didn't even know that there was a walk key so hey you learned something new every day in Eureka so nine crystals is the cap before you have to come down here and turn them in to actually get the crystals otherwise your light bar will fill up but you won't be able to fill it anymore and you'll be wasting crystals of course why does this system exist if I know dude this is such a stupid concept and I don't think anyone enjoys it and thankfully they learn their lessons going into pyrus and hydatus because you never have to do this again otherwise in terms of like getting the Relic here it's pretty much the exact same process of animos but with some extra steps like I mentioned you need to go to that Crystal Forge and get your frosted protein crystals that way but then you also need to get the pogos crystals with dropping Fates and turn those in to upgrade your weapons and then at the very end for the last step instead of Pazuzu feathers which you need in animos you're going to need Louie ice from the Louie boss this is a level 35 bus and you need to be at least level 34 to get the rewards from it so make sure that you are grinding those levels as fast as you can before this fade pops my advice to you if you're planning to do Eureka and pagos looks like dog because it is do it as fast as you goddamn can just blow through it doesn't matter how painful it is doesn't matter how much it sucks I made the mistake of taking a one month break from Eureka because I hated this zone so much when in reality you can probably finish all of pagos within about 12 hours of gameplay so just push it push through it get through pogos and Eureka gets so much better from here I assure you [Music] foreign [Music] this is without a doubt the fastest Zone in all of Eureka this one took me the least amount of time leveling here is super fast thanks to logos actions and the zone as a whole is just so much more enjoyable than pogo's pyrus is also a great opportunity to make some Gill if you're interested in that the bunny Fades here there's going to be these bunny Fates they're on the map all the time pogos had them too but they're Irrelevant in pagos basically if you do these bunny Fates they'll lead you to a chest and that chest could have something worth millions of Gill the mount I got from one of my chests the elders Mount was worth like four million Gill on the market board I kept it for myself though because I don't care about Gill that much now making Gill in Eureka is wonderful and all but it also causes some problems when it comes to nms in this Zone the main issue with pyros is the absolute infestation of insta pullers so if we go back to the previous zones pogos and animos people will wait and set a time in chat for when they're gonna pull nms that way if people aren't at the NM yet but they want the EXP and the rewards they have time to get over there they can say in chat like hey I'm on the way please give me an extension I will be there and everyone will wait for them because it's a community people are nice in Eureka and everything is great until we hit pyros basically there is three nms in pyros that drop an item that sells for a lot of guilt this is because these items can be combined to give you a sixth magisite you're capped at Five magic sites and Eureka but in pyros you can get a sixth and an idata so you can get a seventh which is cool but highly unnecessary there's three bosses in pyros that will drop a magisite related item that sells for Millions on the market board these bosses are skull lame bricks and yin yang I believe he's called those three will all drop an item or have a chance of dropping an item that is worth millions if you sell it on the market board now this is a bit of a trap at least on my data center Gilgamesh or on my server Gilgamesh because if I look at the sale history for these items they sell like once a month if even so I don't really know what the hype is but this is enough of a reason for people not to wait for you to get there as soon as those Fates are up and they are being pulled at least in my experience on ether this is what happens every time it's so bad that you will start to recognize the people who insta pull I'll never forget when uh some guy in my party we're just grinding nms together was like oh this person's in the instance get ready for everything to be insta pulled and I was like what you know them by name at this point yeah that's how bad pyros can get with some of these people outside of those three nms though they get insta pulled all the time pyrus is such a fantastic Zone in comparison to pagos yes the sleeping dragons are back but guess what you could just run past them now you can walk around the dragon instead of having to like slow walk right through it it's so much better in this Zone with the sleeping dragons and they're basically inconsequential here leveling is also insanely fast in this Zone thanks to logos actions something new in Eureka Pirates if you've played uh bajja then you'd be familiar with what logos actions basically are already with the Essences in Baja but for a quick rundown logos actions are essentially these actions that will allow you to do something that is kind of overpowered and typically you wouldn't be able to do you can get a res on every job even if you're not a Healer you can res people as Samurai for God's sake but the main logos action we want to talk about is something called reflect it's a logos action that will deflect all magic spells back at the caster what this means is that you can go to enemies like five six seven levels higher than you cast reflect and kill them in a matter of a few hits because of how much damage they would be doing to you you can even speed this up by taking all your armor off but this is very risky because if you mess up your reflect if you get hit you are 100 dead and you're gonna have to ask for a res reflect farming is actually really fun though and it levels you up mad quick I would estimate you could probably reach max level within a couple of hours if you get some good reflect farming spots going and max level 4 pyros is 50 by the way in pagos it was 35 I don't think I mentioned that but yeah it's 50 in Pirates the armor that you may want the elemental glowy armor is also from pyros at least a non-glowy version but you have to get that to get the glowy version so to get that you need to get all 50 of the logo actions that you can get within pyros to do this just look up what all the recipes are for the logograms and then I recommend just buying all that off the market board because it's honestly really cheap nowadays and it's it's way easier than grinding out all those leather grams yourself as for actually doing The Relic in the zone you'll need a total of 650 pyros crystals this is not too too bad to get and you'll get it pretty quickly especially if you farm levels with the reflect by the time you start doing nms you'll already be max level so you'll be able to get crystals from every single nme because you'll be of level for all of them you'll also have to get five of the penthecilia's Flames I believe they're called these drop from the penthecilia boss which is the like max level fate in this zone so make sure you hit that every time it's up you'll only need to kill her twice because she drops three pentasilia's Flames each time she dies if you want to get the armor as well you'll have to get the non-glowy armor in this Zone like I said you'll first have to get all of your logos actions which you'll need to be working on anyway for the weapon and after you've done that you'll just need 200 pyrus crystals so in total for this entire Zone if you want to get everything you will need 850 pyros crystals I estimate that this Zone took around 10 hours for me to do in total and it was without a doubt the least painful area in all of Eureka it went super smoothly the logos actions Breathe new life into Eureka that made it exciting again and the people insta pulling bosses at least kept you on your toes if nothing else [Music] foreign is the fourth and final Eureka Zone and it is also home to the baldessian Arsenal a 56-man raid that Awards the Demi osma Mount we will talk about that in a bit idatos itself is probably the easiest Zone in terms of like leveling up and navigating it's a completely flat map and it's super super easy to navigate there's no sleeping dragons this time around you have to deal with and the enemy density is pretty standard at this point it's not nearly as bad as I think pagos is you can also reflect Farm here like you did in pyros if you want to speed through those levels but when I got to haidatos I was already level 53 so I just decided to join the NM train right off the bat and level with that because at least you can pick up some crystals in advance when you're in the NM Trend and crystals are the main concern when it comes to high doctors this area is very painless in every faucet except for the crystals the most amount of crystals you are going to get from any NF from the highest level NM Zone in the zone the most you can get is 10. the only exception to this is that if somebody is running ba if there's a team doing the baldessian Arsenal while you're in the instance and you're not doing it there'll be a support fate outside of the baldessian Arsenal that Awards 30 crystals this is the most crystals you'll be able to get in the entire Zone from a singular fate well since the crystal yield is so low we only need a couple hundred crystals right surely it won't be so bad not exactly are the weapon alone you need 350 High doctors crystals which in turn would equate to 35 Fates that give you 10 crystals not even not even to mention all the fates that don't even give you 10 crystals I believe there's only two that give you 10 crystals being avni and provenance watcher so just for the weapon alone you're looking at 35 provenance Watchers slash Omni kills if you want the armor as well the glowy elemental armor which was pretty much the whole reason I even came in here if I'm being honest that is another 200 crystals you're gonna need on top of the 350 for the weapon meaning you will need a total of 55. provenance Watcher slash Omni kills that might be a bit of a weird way to gauge it but you get what I mean and doctors took me anywhere from 14 to 20 hours to get all the crystals to be honest with you I don't know the exact numbers but it felt like I spent the most time in high doctors by far out of any Zone the insta pulling problem from pyros comes straight into high doctors because there are yet another three bosses that will drop Parts worth some good Gill if you're interested in getting those parts then you better be there when the NM spawn because if you're not some is gonna pull that boss instantly because he's a piece of I've heard that this is only an ether problem anyway though or maybe just an n a problem so if you're in JP or EU servers I highly doubt this is even going to be an issue with the insta pulling otherwise just buckle up and have fun grinding Fates in the zone because you'll be doing it for a long ass time there's really nothing else to talk about here other than the existence of six new logos actions that will bring it up to a total of 56 logos actions and if you want to complete your Elemental armor you have to get the final six but that's no big deal it takes no time at all just go to the market board and spend a bit of guilt foreign so the last thing I want to talk about for Eureka now and potentially my favorite part of Eureka as a whole is the baldessian Arsenal like I mentioned earlier this is a 56-man activity and there is no matchmaking for this you need to find a Discord server to get yourself a run organized thankfully the Discord Community around setting up a ba run is super great and it's not a hassle at all when I heard that you had to go into this Discord and you had to join a voice chat and listen to college and all this I was like man that sounds like a huge pain in the ass but it's incredibly simple the people running it are super friendly and when you yourself join the Run there's no communication on your end you just need to listen to the call out so you don't get hit by also ba is the only content in the game where I've ever gotten a warning message before unlocking it that's like yeah bro so this is hard by the way make sure you're prepared not even savage or ultimate gives you a warning like that realistically though in terms of difficulty I'd say ba is probably just a little bit harder than an alliance raid and it's not because mechanically it's complex but because it's insanely punishing in comparison to anything else apart from a few exceptions death is permanent in ba and if you die you're not going to get the clear there's also a mechanic in the final boss that can literally suck you out of the raid if you do it wrong and send you back just into high doctors the only two ways you could possibly be revived here if you die are through the personal logos action which is called Spirit of the remembered this one gives you a flat 70 chance of being revived if you die basically you just gotta pray that that procs because if not a Healer has to also use Spirit of the remembered and then use the Healer exclusive logos action called sacrifice which allows them to kill themselves to save you in hopes that their 70 procs and saves them as well so basically just don't die thankfully though this is the only real difficulty in ba because you have people doing college for you on Discord you don't even need to watch a guide I know I didn't I didn't even watch anything going into this I was kind of blind and because they just call out everything before it happens there's not really any difficulty in dodging these mechanics you have plenty of time to dodge between when they call it out and when it happens and I just want to say if someone from the Discord happens to stumble upon this video thank you guys for all that you do I don't think this content would be alive anymore if it weren't for that kind of support in terms of the raid itself and what I thought of it I think it's a really fun time it's kind of like a slightly harder version of an alliance raid combined with the mechanics of a deep dungeon this is a very unique piece of content and it's nothing like anything else I've done in this game so I really appreciate it for that it is definitely a very large time investment though in comparison to like your average Alliance raid I think it takes about an hour and a half to get everything set up and go through the entire raid so make sure you have some time to spare I'd make sure you have two to three hours just in case something goes wrong because it's a very long experience not just doing the raid but also getting 56 players into the same instance getting them all organized into their groups and all that the first three fights in the raid are pretty straightforward and I don't have a whole lot to say about them as well as the fact that I have no footage of them because a bunch of my footage got corrupt I had a full hard drive when I was doing this raid had no idea and then I was trying to clip things with Shadow play I kept getting like really short clips it's because my hard drive was running out of space and now this is all the footage that I have I'm so glad I have this specific part you're seeing now though because you see someone dropped that meteor right on the whole party if this tank didn't lb3 we're we're all dead none of us are getting an amount in the last like 10 percent of his HP because that one dude put a meteor on the whole party shout out the tank who lb3'd that was an insane moment osma is like a much harder boss than your average Alliance red boss he has tells but those tells are insanely specific and if you didn't watch a guide before coming in and you don't have shot callers you'd have no idea what to do or where to stand I wouldn't call them extreme in difficulty but he orders on the line of it again it all just comes down to how punishing this raid is if you die you're done that's it you're not getting your Mount you're not getting your clear you're finished thankfully though with the way the Discord is organized and set up you should have no problem getting your clear on your first attempt I didn't watch a guide I had like no information ahead of time and I got my clear first try no deaths and it was super clean ba to me is like the reward at the end of all the grinding you've been through you get a really cool rate that you can only experience after you've done all that Eureka grinding I totally recommend this to anyone who's gone to high datos but is maybe a little bit turned off or afraid by the fact that they have to join a huge Discord call just do it I assure you it is not stressful at all people are incredibly helpful and nice and the callouts are super concise and easy to understand you'll have no problem getting that clear and that's pretty much all I want to say about Eureka there is so much to talk about with this content and that's why this video has ended up being so long there's tons of specifics I could get into with all the Gill farming you can do and all the extra stuff you can worry about other than relics because Eureka is kind of its own game mode within the game and it's something really special if you're interested in that just like other parts of the game though like deep dungeon or bhajja this isn't going to be for everyone and you might not enjoy it but I encourage you to at least give animos a shot get to around level nine so you can join the fade train and see if you like the process of grouping up and running nms with other people I think the huge Community experience of Eureka is what makes it stand out so much this content is still so alive despite being as old as it is you know I remember that being a major concern for me before I went for this Relic I'd hear people say like oh man Eureka's gonna be dead after end walk or like no one's doing Eureka anymore trust me everybody is still doing Eureka it is rare like only at the most absurd hours of mourning like 2 3 A.M did I find dead Eureka instances at like evening like 6 p.m to like midnight holy Eureka is popping it is always popping get in there grind your nms meet some friendly people it is a great time I assure you otherwise thanks for sticking around this long have you made it this far hopefully this made some decent content to listen to while you're doing your msq roulette or whatever I know that's when I watched the most 14 content remember to like the video but only if you did and subscribe to the channel if you're interested in hearing more of my 14 experiences in the future now go give Eureka a fair shot because I'm telling you it's a lot more fun than people made it out to be [Music] thank you
Channel: BigBluePurple
Views: 59,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy xiv, ffxiv, final fantasy 14, BigBluePurple, The FFXIV Experience, FFXIV relic weapons, Eureka, FFXIV eureka, ffxiv eureka weapons, ffxiv ozma, ffxiv baldesion arsenal, the baldesion arsenal, ffxiv 2023, 2023, Bozja, Asmongold, mrhappy1227, Stormblood, endwalker, shadowbringers, heavensward, relic weapon ffxiv, square enix, ff14
Id: ZYZkqf2j8Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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