The Gas Mask: Whats The Best one for Preppers? SGE 400/3

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hi folks Canadian prepper here so today we're gonna talk about some of the safest most comfortable and effective gas masks on the market which is available to civilians these are made by a company out of Italy called methyl safety equipment they provide their products to militaries and police services around the world this is a company who has its roots in making diving equipment self-contained breathing apparatus is so they absolutely know their stuff their products meet or exceed all international safety standards they are very ergonomic and thus easily deployed by the civilian population in a shtf incident so let's get to the review all right so before we get into the breakdown I just want to say all the masks in this video are available at Canadian preparedness comm we offer some of the best prices possible on these products they are all brand new and in their packaging you never know what you're getting online but with us you can guarantee that you're getting a brand new product including filters with the furthest expiration dates possible I'm also gonna throw in a 10% discount code for my viewers enter the code gas mask and that will give you 10% off contrary to traditional gas masks which have been commonly criticized as being only for the sole purpose of completing a mission and not to keep you alive long term these next-generation gas masks are battle tested and built to withstand and protect you from the rigors of an shtf environment which is ridden with nuclear biological chemical or radiological contaminants for extended durations all right so we should first talk about why a gas mask is important if you are a survivalist everybody is familiar with the iconic image of the guy walking around the post-apocalyptic wasteland with a gas mask on that really is the image people get when they imagine a prepper in their minds but why well there's actually a very good reason and it goes back to the rule of threes three minutes without air three days without water in three weeks without food you don't need a gas mask until you need one and when you do it's the only you need at that point in time your life will absolutely depend on it gas mass primary role is for CBRN defense which is an abbreviation for chemical biological radiological and nuclear threats depending on the type of filter you use in the other accessories and apparel so that you dawn with the gas mask that's going to determine what you are able to protect yourself from some of the main uses are gonna be protection against teargas if there are riots or if people try to use tear gas against you you will be protected from this debilitating agent on the flip side of this there's also a benefit to the wearer if you are taking the offensive and you yourself deploy teargas you of course would be immune to that tear gas giving you a significant advantage over the battlefield it'll also protect you from airborne viruses much better than half face respirators which leave your eyes to be exposed or even antiviral face masks which we also sell a Canadian preparedness comm although those will inactivate viruses they don't offer the full face protection of the gas masks that we're going to review here of course those are offered at a significantly lower and more affordable price point and are indeed better than nothing if there were meteorological threats like volcanic activity or forest fires although this is not going to prevent carbon monoxide inhalation it is going to prevent smoke inhalation which is gonna make it much easier for you to evade that situation masks like this also serve a function for industrial and agricultural purposes if you're doing chemical spraying or if you're using chemicals and industrial setting these masks are engineered to protect you from those vapors in addition this is going to prevent you from ingesting alpha and beta radioactive particles which will be exponentially more lethal if ingested if you want to fully protect yourself against alpha and beta radiation you're gonna need a hazmat suit this is gonna keep your skin protected and avoid contamination with your clothing we will be stocking these suits soon that canadian preparedness comm in conjunction with your cbrn certified masks in your hazmat suit you should also get yourself some potassium iodide tablets these are going to prevent your thyroid gland from absorbing radiation thereby minimizing the chance of radiation sickness generally speaking they're providing respiratory protection from gases vapors and particulate matter they're not going to protect you against gamma radiation the only thing that can protect you against that is lead or very thick concrete walls now the one things that these two variations of the mask that I'm gonna show you today lack is her ability to protect against mustard gas while the visors the valves and the filters are all mustard gas proof it is the gasket that surrounds the mask that I'm gonna be showing you on the video today which have been shown to be ever so microscopically permeable to the effects of mustard gas but I do think that the likelihood of mustard gas being employed is going to be very very small I can tell you that without the mask this is damn near unbearable and I'm probably gonna pass out so I got to get out of here but yeah the mask definitely works now there are two main gas mask platforms that I'm gonna share with you today one is the sge 150 this is an escape-and-evasion mask strictly for you to get out of Dodge it's not for Dowling around with a machine gun like the sge 400 slash 3 is that one has 340 millimeter ports which is going to allow you a variety of different configurations for mounting the gas mask filter which will allow you to have a firearm and is going to expand the amount of filters you're able to use at once which will increase the duration in which you can respire in a situation where there are contaminants present the mass I'm gonna show you today also offer general face protection from flying debris the polycarbonate ballistic face shield can withstand a 6.3 caliber bullet at 150 metres per second or 335 miles an hour the urban prepper run were viewing this mask demonstrates this when he hurls a ball bearing at the at very full speed so if you were in a riot situation and things were flying all around this would absolutely protect you from that flying debris now like I said the Ocean Reef parent company of metal safety gas masks has an extensive experience in making diving equipment so if anybody understands the art of ingress protection it's the people who are making breathing apparatuses which need to function at exceptional depths and under a lot of pressure so these people know what they're doing which is why they meet or exceed military or civil defense requirements around the world now some of the key features of this mask is that it's a one-piece full visor it's scratch proof there's a silicon face seal which really hugs your face it forms a very tight seal around my face even with a little bit of stubble that I have on my face at all times there are three filter ports on the mask so if you wanted to use this with a firearm it is compatible with both left and right-handed shooting or if you just wanted to filter in the most comfortable place which would be in the center in the lowest center of gravity not impeding your field of vision then you have that option as well the masks that we sell are primarily for escape-and-evasion so they don't have the drinking device or the microphone but we do offer hooded versions and if people are really wanting the diaphragm compatible our microphone compatible version which is going to allow your voice to be heard from a much greater distance this is going to be important if you are communicating with a team of people under these conditions then we may actually bring that in in the near future there's also models which are drinking device compatible this is going to be very important if you're in a situation where you have to Don the mask long-term these masks have been tested to be worn for six days in a row without removal I would hate to be the person who had to do that test hopefully they were paid well I'm gonna post a very detailed document in the description that goes over all of the extensive testing that was done on these masks so if you want more information check it out the mask has standard 40 millimeter threads so a lot of your other gasped filters are going to work with the mask we sell two filters at the store one is plastic and one is metal both are gonna protect against pretty much everything now in terms of how the mask fits it fits exceptionally well it has a silicon face seal there's a quick-release six-point locking head harness now the mask offers you a very broad field of view so you can easily identify who is wearing it the masks are fog proof down to minus 30 degrees and I can attest to this as I demonstrate in the video here in very cold conditions the mask weighs about 500 grams with no filter this equates to about 1.1 pounds which is very light for a full faced gas mask like I said we carry the metal filters which are slightly more durable but they also weigh a bit more and we also carry the plastic filters which are slightly less durable but weigh a lot less so the company boasts that because of the full face visor feature of this mask it's the visor that bears the load of all the accessories and the gas canister not the rubber traditional gas masks are comprised of a low bearing rubber structure and there's usually the two sealed eyepieces and all of the other weight of the accessories which is pulling at the mask so it's actually impacting the mass ability to secure a tight seal so this mass has been tested under a variety of different physical conditions where they have the movers do various exercises to ensure that the mask is maintaining a tight seal even under the stress of intense physical movement all components of this mask including the respiratory assembly the exhalation valve the exhalation membrane the oral nasal unit and the fixing rim and strap have all been designed to be as economical in many cases to Aeronautical or aerospace requirements now the oral nasal part of the mask that's the part that's going to come into contact with your nose and parts around the mouth it was designed to be very comfortable and for long periods of time they use a medical-grade silicone rubber which is specifically designed to be in contact with the human skin for prolonged periods of time and not have any irritation the face seal of this mask is incredibly solid it immediately hugs all the contours of your face and if you do make the mistake of leaving all the valve caps on which I've made the mistake of doing in my testing before you're gonna quickly start to suffocate immediately when you put this thing over your face even if it's not that tightened it's that much of a snug fit this is a very very high quality engineered mask and it's worth every penny what I would recommend doing with a mask like this is sealing it in some kind of mylar bag I wouldn't suggest vacuum sealing it because that might affect the form factor of the mask it might shrink or crease certain parts of the mask so I wouldn't advise doing that but if you want to store this for long-term use but you also want it to be immediately accessible in the case of emergency it might be a good idea to put it inside some kind of mylar bag I don't have mine in that right now I'm just thinking for those of you who are concerned about the degradation of the materials generally speaking it's going to take decades for the poly carbon and silicon to degrade to a point where it's not useful to you anymore so if you want a state-of-the-art next-generation gas mask you can trust in the sge 400 / 3 you can get it right now from canadian preparedness com like I said be careful about where you're trying to buy these online the manufacturer is pretty strict with regards to their minimum advertised pricing so if you see it advertised lower than that it may be that it's used or it's refurbished or it's some sort of knockoff so you're definitely going to want to get the wheel deal and you can just tell by looking at all the various dimensions of this design that this is designed for professionals this is designed for military lawn for spin riot police this is the gas mask you want if you're preparing for sh t f so go check it out let me know if you have any questions in the description below thanks for watching Canadian prepper o the best way to support this YouTube channel is to support yourself by gearing up through Canadian preparedness comm or bug out roll CA premium quality gear at the best possible price using the incredibly secure and easy to use Shopify platform we offer free shipping to the United States for orders over $200 USD and free shipping to Canada over $75 so support the channel by supporting 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Channel: Canadian Prepper
Views: 187,483
Rating: 4.9056602 out of 5
Keywords: doomsday preppers, bug out bag, WROL, doomsday, prepper, preppers, preparedness, collapse, survival, SHTF, grid down, economic collapse, survive zombie apocalypse, zombie apocalypse, survivalism, survivor, post-apocalypse, mestel safety, mestel gas mask, gas mask, gas mask review, gas mask testing, what does a gas mask protect, gas masks, face mask respirator, survival gear, how to use gas mask, best gas mask, what is best gas mask, SGE 400, SGE 400 mask, SGE 400/3, gasmask
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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