Gas Mask 101⎮Don’t WASTE Your Money!

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what's up survivalists Malcolm here where survival know-how and today we're talking all about gas masks stay tuned well welcome back to the channel I put out content all about prepping survivalism and self-reliance so if you're new here subscribe and hit that little bell icon of stay current on my latest content today I'm gonna talk about gas mass and we go over a couple of different features and functions and what you want to look for when buying a gas mask how you can get a really cheap gas mask and what kind of filter to get for your gas masks here we go so as many of you know I spent 11 years in the Air Force and during that time I went through a lot of see bernie training that stands for chemical biological radiological nuclear training so we set to do these exercises where we'd wear gas masks and full chem gear and we have to run through rigorous things and test for radioactive levels and all this crazy stuff so I have a lot of experience with the gas masks and I'm pretty familiar with how to use them and how to wear them so when I was in the Air Force this is the exact gas mask that I use and I was trained on I actually found this one in an abandoned building on an Air Force Base and I snatched it this is the MCU - and there's a lot of features that I really like about this gas mask I want to point out to you guys real quick so one thing I like about this gas mask is the full visor right here so instead of individual lenses you have a full visor so doesn't impair your vision nearly as much this one also comes with a kind of a scratch proof protective lens here and this can actually snap right off if you want to take that off that's pretty important because when you're wearing a gas mask it's pretty clunky and bulky you're gonna hit your head on things and you don't want it to permanently affect the actual lenses in their you know having this protective layer here is pretty useful alright this gas mask also comes with a watering tube right here so you'd have a special kind of canteen that this would plug into a hose and you keep this on your hip or something and you can actually drink while wearing this this is pretty important it gets incredibly hot when you're wearing all your chem gear and you're wearing gas masks like this and being able to hydrate while you're doing all this stuff is a really really nice feature so absolutely if you guys are buying gas masks having one that has an external adapter for a canteen is pretty pretty important so this part here and I believe this part here as well is actually there to help amplify your voice so that you can actually speak while wearing this gas mask and that that sound can come through and people can kind of hear you you're still gonna sound pretty muffled but it's much better than somebody who doesn't have this feature on their gas mask and for this one I believe you can actually buy an adapter for this that actually amplifies your voice coming out of there so for the filter type this takes a NATO 40 millimeter filter alright so NATO has standardized the filter size so all NATO countries in the US we use a 40 millimeter threading that's really referring to this part right here and this is the most common threading that you find in gas masks in the world so if you buy a gas mask from like Israel or Switzerland or Canada or something most likely I can almost guarantee is going to have this 40 millimeter threading which is what you really want and this screws in right here like this and you just screw it right in there so when you're storing a gas mask you really want to store it like this with the straps inverted and on the front of the gas mass area it said this is how you want to have it and in the Air Force we used to have a little case right here on our sides just like this and we used to do drills and they would time us and I forget what I think it was like four seconds that we had to be able to open this patch up put on our mask strap it cinch it on and then do a pressure check on that so I'm gonna kind of quickly demonstrate that for you and that is the order that you want it to do it in so you want to store these upside down like this you take it in your hand you press your chin up here push it up against your face and keep pressure with this hand like you keep keeping this up against your face you pull the straps over your head you start cinching them up so once you have it fully cinched up the only source of air is gonna be right here so it has to suck air in through your filter so what we're gonna do is put a palm of our hand over that and inhale and that's going to tell us if we have a good fit or not if we do that and we can feel air coming in around her face or something then we know we're not fully cinched in so let's just pretend they had this here strapped to my hip and let's see how many seconds it would take me to dawn this gas mask and fully cinch it up so there you go pretty quick and that is an exercise that you really want to do and you want to time yourself and try to get that amount of time as low as possible you really want to grab this thing I'm able to put it on in a matter of a few seconds so once again this is the MCU - and this is what the military US military used for a long long time probably since like the 80s or their 90s and this is a very reliable and solid mask right here and this is something that you may want to consider purchasing I'll have links down in the description below so my understanding though is that they're actually transitioning away from these and they have a new type of gas mask so one thing with this is that when you are wearing this and if you need to change your canister so these last anywhere between 12 to 24 hours you know depending on kind of how dirty the air is but if you need to change the canister you have to unscrew it you have to hold your breath unscrew it fumble around grab the new one and then screw it back in and because of that you know there are people who would go through that training and they would pass out or they couldn't hold their breath long enough so now the Air Force is actually switching over to a new type of gas mask that has two filters one on either side and when you unscrew one it automatically switches over and takes air in from the other filter so another gas masks that I have is this one here now this one I did purchase and this is called the m-40a1 and it's got great reviews online which is why I purchased that and again it has a lot of very similar features as this one has protective lenses here and these can be taken out and replaced it has the little voice box here to help a your voice to be transmitted it has a straw that can get attached to a canteen and it's very similar to this one the reason why I purchased this one because this actually comes with a hood as well I think that's pretty significant I think you are gonna buy gas masks I would definitely recommend getting one with a hood and it all depends on what kind of situation you're preparing for you know some situations you just want to protect your lungs and your eyes and your face but there's other situations where you don't want stuff to touch your skin you don't want to touch your neck in your head any ears and everything and you really want to fully kind of protect yourself then I would really recommend getting a hood for your gas mask as well but this m-40a1 does take the same kind of canister as this MC u2 and this is 40 millimeter threading right here so I can easily take the canister from this gas mask and attach it to this mass like that so let's take a look at what this looks like when I don't and again if you're gonna buy a gas mask this is a great exercise to do to have all the straps on the front of the face and just see how long it takes you to fully put on this mask alright all right so this m-40a1 is a great option and this also comes with a carrying case straps onto your waist a couple of replacement protective screens and an actual book kind of talking about all the features and everything of the mask itself so I'll have links of this one down in description as well but if you're on a budget you you have plenty of options as well so this here is an Israeli gas mask and I got this for about $20 and this one's a small so I can't put it on you know I got this one for my kid but an Israeli gas mouse may be a great option for you these are incredibly common Israel at one point had enough gas masks for every single man woman and child in their entire country so they had tons and tons of these things in surplus and they're all brand new never reused you know and a lot of these I think they're made in like the 80s or the 90s but they're still in great shape they're brand new you know they're all made out of rubber so it you don't really have to worry about it getting damaged or anything just make sure there's no cracks in the rubber and make sure it can still keep a seal so I can keep the seal you know these gas masks older gas masks will last you a very long time now this doesn't have a few features that the other ones do for example doesn't have the drinking straw it only has a one layer thick glass here it doesn't come with the hood or anything but they're incredibly affordable like I said you can find these on Amazon or and go to cheaper than jerk comm and you get the Australian where between twenty and thirty dollars for an Israeli gas map and the great thing is that Israel also has a surplus of canisters and they're there now selling all their older canisters and older gas masks on the second-hand market which is why you can get them so cheap so you can stockpile these old Israeli gas mask canisters as well and they're pretty affordable because of they had so many of them and once again these Israeli gas mask canisters take the same threading as the American gas mask which is the 40 millimeter so you can easily inter exchange all of them and you can buy these things at a pretty affordable rate much cheaper than buying a brand new one and with the canisters you really don't have to worry about these expiring you know some people say they pretty much have an indefinite lifespan I don't know if I'd go that far but all they are is paper and charcoal inside of there so there's there's really not much of an expiration date on these I'm sure these if as long as the seal has not been broken I'm sure these things will last an incredibly long time and personally I've been stockpiling up on them I buy them in banks like this and they they're they're perfect they're inexpensive and they fit with all my gas masks so again I'll have links to where you can get an Israeli gas mask and get these canisters down in the description below so it's time for the question of the day what kind of situation are you guys prepping for that you think you need a gas mask are you preparing for furnace for the zombie apocalypse you just want to have one just in case or do you have a nuclear power plant not far from you that you're concerned about you know I got to be honest I have a nuclear power plant probably about thirty miles away and I am kind of concerned about a Fukushima or a true noble situation happening there as well I'm really curious why you're interested in buying a gas mask leave your answer down in the comments section below this video and once again if you guys are new here make sure you hit that subscribe button I put out content on about prepping survivalism and self-reliance and if you guys want to support the channel I help me make great content like this you do one of two things one I'll have a link down to my Amazon affiliates store down in the description below you can shop on there for all your survival and prepping needs and that kind of helps me out I get two to four percent as a referral fee for using my link the other way you can support the channel is I open up a teespring store so you can go grab some of my survival know-how merchandise a t-shirt or I have a new survivalist t-shirt you can go and buy and if you buy something from mighty spring store I get two or three dollars but everything helps out appreciate you watching till the end and I'll see you over in the next video
Channel: Survival Know How
Views: 162,368
Rating: 4.8486881 out of 5
Keywords: gas mask, best gas mask, M40 gas mask, m40, nuclear gas mask, israeli gas mask, cheap gas mask, buying a gas mask, soviet gas mask, us military gas mask, nbc gas mask, m50 gas mask, gas mask review, prepping, survivalism, survivalist, zombies, military surplus gas mask, coronavirus
Id: NH84P5Xg2Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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