Mike Glover Talks Ham Radio and Preparedness

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[Applause] hey what's going on guys it's Mike from Phil croff survival I'm here with Josh Nass from ham radio crash course his YouTube channel is a great YouTube channel it's how I got into ham radio everything I'm kind of a nerd cuz I'm Asian and that's what we do so I like math technical things radios I'm attracted to them especially when it comes to preparedness but I had no idea where to start the overall objective today is to kind of give you a precursor so you guys could follow josh's channel because that's how I got started so I want to get you turned on to ham radio I want to get you turned on to its application and preparedness because that's what all this is about so welcome Josh thanks for Nate very much thank you so much and yeah yeah thank you we just did a long podcast we did a two hour podcast what I like about you man is you know how to break things down in layman's terms for simple people to understand I I want to make it make sense and often time I find that by breaking things down it's easier I do that myself I just yeah some kind of internal monologue where something's really complicated but it's just a series of steps usually to get good at it yeah so that's kind of how I approach all of this and this is taking a long time right to kind of put a simple kit together that's kind of emergency preparedness focused yeah this is this is a lot of stuff that we talked about in the podcast right that you would potentially carry right cuz you want redundant systems and everyday carry right because you're there's so many different modes of operation of people use with radio right FRS radios that Walmart has tons of people have them CBS are still out there how do you how can you interoperate with those two groups it's not just ham radio they're kind of like their own thing but in an emergency you want all of that capability yes if you need help and it's only the FRS guys that are listening then that's what you're gonna use CB you know jeepers if you're in an area where there's a lot of Overland a lot of CBS you want to be able to work with those that system yeah what I like is the way that you outlined it in the podcast Josh talked about the reception of information it's not just necessarily your transmission of your bad circumstance but in a natural or man-made disaster that affects masses we're talking about wanting to receive information where infrastructure doesn't allow you to receive it no cell phones no internet right no power and you could still receive it on ham radios right you you want so I always say you want to listen more than you transmit just at in general whether it's an emergency or not an emergency you want to understand what's out that's what girlfriend says all the time yeah you want to keep it in a way that you have the capability to receive as much as you can but then when you need to be able to transmit and that's from an emergency standpoint you know if you're just running power off your car you're just burning gas right you've got power you're good you can talk to your buddies you can do whatever you want to do as you're driving out to wherever you're going go crazy but when you're in a situation like an emergency unless you're actively moving traffic like you are the net controller which a neck controller is someone who says hey I'm looking for emergency calls on behavior on I'm operating on behalf of this first responder group or this emergency preparedness group come now any emergency traffic right and you're trying to broker getting the assistance to the people that need it that's different than if you were just trying to prepare yourself if you're preparing yourself you want to get as much capability to receive possible and then how do you use that it may be using different radios at different times to communicate with different groups alike so josh has a three-part series that I was tuned into because it talked about survival and preparedness like look when you think about ham radios and radios period not a lot of people actually tie it to preparedness because ham radio operators are intermingled together but there's something secretive about the fact that they're all tied to preparedness we don't even know it I didn't realize this until I started investigating your channel right and then saw that you did a whole video series on what you would do in an extremist situation one of the things that I got keyed into that I was very interested in is the fact that you have kind two different tasks organizations in how you operate with Radio one your the ham radio operator / subject matter expert and then maybe somebody in your family and you broke that down really clearly rent with instructions that you laminated inside the box with the radio right step by step procedures was this was the radio from that this is the one that went in the call it your wife's go kit right for radio so if you had a situation where you're you know you're still within range that this can reach right to your wife or whomever or buddy your friend how do you make it as simple as possible so a laminated card just sits on the body of this thing that explains what you would do in an emergency situation and it's not necessarily something I came up although I modified it some but you can these cards are available online that tell pertinent frequencies that you'd want to know you'd want to know things like the wilderness protocol which we talked a little bit about on the podcast and some of the other videos we've done basically it's a way to focus when you listen particularly when you're on something with a limited battery life that you're making the most of your time transmitting if you need help and you're making the most of that battery life when you're receiving so it's the discipline to every three hours starting at 7 a.m. turn your radio on for five minutes and listen and if someone and if everybody does that then the people who truly need help will know when to get online call for help and we can hopefully help them then it saves everybody's battery so we don't have to leave things running all the time particularly when we're outdoors and we have limited power options for all of these so that's kind of one that that was the idea this kit is that you could hand it to anybody right and it says transmit for X amount of time then you know wait for for someone to reply and you know sometimes you got to remind people let go of the PTT she that's right I need help I'm looking for so and so uncute yeah and wait so for this and as it applies to your video is there a breakdown of those instructions that you have and is that on your website or is that on its own youtube video for the m comm series that i did yeah the first video i've is where we used that radio and specifically what it came with was the little card that explains what to do and the battery included a battery bank and the cable to charge this which is one of the a lot of things that we I brought here today are mainly inexpensive and cheap using commercial products like the gold 0 solar system and all that but this one powers off of USB and almost everything else powers off of double-a cells which in an emergency situation you're going to have those so this this is the one that you recommend it for me getting started and ham radio right this is the buffing you v5r and this one in particular I bought for all the guys that Phil craft we're gonna be taking you on this journey if probably by time you see this video we are in the process of getting our ham radio license good and so you need like it's crazy because we're this motivates me because I realize it's not that difficult it's not that hard to do now no it's not what's this what's the starting process for me getting certified and why the starting process is go take the test I mean that's really the the gate right it's a thirty five question multiple choice test they charged like ten to fifteen dollars do you retest no I'm sorry if you fail if you fail if you're close the volunteer examiners may say do you feel like you might want to try again how do you feel I drink I'm chick-fil-a yeah that's right I'm saying they kind of try and feel out how old you think you did if you feel confident that you're like I just missed a dumb one or something like that then they'll let you pay the fifteen dollars or ten dollars again and then you retake it oh you slip them a fifteen but the cool thing about this is so I mentioned there's three tiers right technician general and extra if you pay the fifteen dollars or the ten dollars whatever fee it is and it's an administration fee it's just so that they can keep buying the material they yes no that's if you pass that technician test they'll ask you hey you want to take your general test - right there right there oh well you don't have to pay again you can just take the general and if you pass that hey you feel like taking your extra and then you can go all the go yeah yeah there's multiple people in the Hamre - crash course that did a home run knocked all three of them out wow that's hard though that's way heart so technician is not hard to get into then there's a big jump to general and then a probably bigger jump to extra so to be able to own it and this I was asked this question and I should have focused on this before but to be able to own a ham radio you don't need a license to own that's right to receive information that's right so it's a receiver it's a transceiver as we call it but that means it has a receiver and a transmitter you can listen all you want with these radios just don't hit the button now if you want to transmit that's where your callsign that's issued to you when you pass the test right comes in right right so you would if you were license you'd key up announce yourself with your callsign and then whatever it is you're trying to do you're looking for someone or you just want to talk or whatever that's when you would use it that way so what's the big advantage of a ham radio over let's say a Bass Pro CB radios are so they're gonna have more power output that's five watts mm-hmm the antenna is exchangeable so you pull it off you could put this antenna on that radio for instance oh so this one comes off and this one won't come off right FRS and gmrs radios are radio locked to one antenna and they are channelized meaning they have like 20 channels or whatever on them ham radios are frequency based so you get hundreds of frequency spaces that you could hop onto to talk to people and not have to worry about dealing with a overcrowded channel situation yeah same problem exists with CB yeah out of all these options you expressed to me which radio was your everyday carry yeah can you talk to us about which one is your EBC and why okay the ft2 dr is my ADC radio because it just has way more features than the standard traditional Baofeng it is it does everything the bal thing does so it's an analogue FM radio first and foremost it does a PRS which is a packetized digital radio what a positioning system so you're basically going to take that GPS lat/long information knows your elevation and you're heading and it's going to send down an RF packet that has that in it so anyone else with a radio like this will get that information they can see where you're at you can even exchange two-way messages so if you had one I had one out in the field I can send you a message without having a Kia yeah just boom boom and this is a touchscreen covert comms that's what that is yeah that's right the other thing that this does that the other radios the other radios don't do is this as a digital radio as well as an analog so you can tell it or you can set it to when you talk into it it will encode it into a digital format which then can be sent out over the RF instead of the analog version of the radio the advantage to that is kind of twofold again if you have one of these radios and we were just talking directly to each other over digital it's gonna go further than the analog radios will get because the analog radios will have a drop off effect eventually it'll just start fizzling out on units gone yeah digital it'll stay good until you get to that hairy edge and then it's gone kind of thing the other advantage with this is the repeaters that use or interoperate with with digital you can run to digital signal conversations simultaneously which is generally for DMR this is Yaesu system fusion but the systems when connected to the repeaters you can connect via the internet to anywhere in the world that runs a system like case your system fusion DMR D star every major brand yaesu Ikon not Kenwood but Kenwood has a DMR radio they have their own digital data voice modes that they use that allows you to like I talked from my radio it hits a repeater it goes to the internet goes to a different country yeah hits that radio station and then transmits via the radio station to their handsets yeah it goes even further than that so when we were talking on the podcast we were talking about to repeat repeaters linked over the Internet yeah well in this case you basically join a chatroom kind of for a specific area and anyone on any repeater that is the AC system fusion on that chat room can hear you so they don't even have to be affiliated repeaters they're just connected via the internet so you just can talk to anybody Wow so there's like a you there's like America chatroom has just got my hundreds of people in it we have a chatroom from the ham radio crash course actually that it's called a talk group and we have interlinked capability that we have DMR D star and yeh C system fusion so any radio you own if you're on our talk group yeah you can talk to anybody on any radio oh wow so if I wanted to do a phil craft Survival channel exclusive that's a talk chat room I could do that through one of the major companies to be able to pour in everybody who's kind on that there's a whole lot of work behind the scenes to make it kind of all happen yeah ham radio is very much a user kind of driven hobby yeah and it's a lot of tinkering so it took a while to get to the point that we could have that interoperability between digital modes can you at what point are you allowed to procures probably the wrong word but purchase or however you allocate a frequency channel for you and your a particular space like if I wanted to do a phil craft emergency management channel for the local area could i do that for amateur radio no we don't buy frequency spaces yeah share frequency spaces and they're coordinated beforehand with a an actual FCC license person that does coordination or I think they're volunteers but anyway it's a coordinated effort it's not something you pay for a slice okay okay with the talk groups I'm talking about that is something that's more on the internet side of the house yeah from an RF standpoint we're using whatever frequency it is needed to get to that repeater or get to that node that's gonna get it to the internet but again going back to the survival aspect of this you don't need the internet to make any of this run you can still work digital to digital digital to digital repeater and and cover the whole propagation space other repeater with no internet involved got it you said there's two acronyms for groups that do things like preparedness and emergency response that major towns and cities have in their areas what were the names of those and what they do Ares and races and they have similar charter but they're affiliated with different groups Ares is the amateur of the a double RL which is the amateur radio relay League it's kind of like our it's our support mechanism as amateurs for protecting our access to frequency spaces and outreach for getting new people involved license to the youth getting them engaged in a ham radio and then there's races which that's on more of a government affiliated disaster preparedness so I think it's FEMA or DHS but they're kind of charters the same is that when there is a situation some kind of disaster they can bring in amateurs that have they take the hope they take the FEMA classes they've got to go through a whole bunch of them as a requirement and then you could be brought into a situation where ham radio cons are going to be needed or cons where you have to interoperate with some kind of incidents command or whomever it is for a disaster situation that's really cool yeah interesting and it and then you you told me that there was a channel I refined this in preparedness that's like somebody who trains preparedness you you have a responsibility to your fellow man or woman you're your community your family and your friends and one of the things you kept mentioning was you could transponder or not transplant but you could open up a channel to be able to receive information because on I forgot the thing what's a the one four five to zero I've to zero simplex frequency yeah a national call simplex frequency yeah what why is that important to monitors it could have been any frequency but that just was the one that we picked amateurs in general and what it is is the frequency that anyone can hop onto to make a call that call could be like hey I just want to see who's out there I am bored and I'm doing a radio test somebody could come back to you if you are in dire straits and need help you would hop on that frequency and say hey you know I'm stranded I need somebody to come get me I have no cell phone help and that's Universal for ham radio operators they know on that freak that's the one they're gonna be transponding on right like the SOS if had to be an SOS called that's the frequency you interested right so two meters has its own simplex 70 centimeters has its own simplex as well so there are frequency single frequencies allocated for those bands for emergency contacts wow that's super improv I never when he said that immediately because we went through a truck setup with me it's at Summit off-road right now and I'm getting a dual-band cam radio with fifty watts yes installed in the truck and when he's driving around he just turns on that frequency and he's listening to traffic passively just in case somebody might transplant it for comms referent emergency the advantage of the radio that you're getting and most radios will do this it's a two-channel system so you could leave the calling frequency on your bottom channel to just monitor in case someone needs help and then you can have your active repeater or whatever it is you're working with friends on the other channel so you don't take anything away it's just sitting there doing its own thing if somebody needs help they can call out and you can respond if you need to that's amazing man yeah for the some up with survival preparedness as it relates to ham radio what would be your summary on on what you should do I think you need to have a goal you got to have a goal on what you're trying to achieve and then start to make slow progress right you don't need to do everything in one day start to make slow progress towards that goal I generally like I pointed you to was the bow fan you v5r because the barrier to entry is so low right 25 bucks 25 bucks juice but in reality it's it's it's not just $25 right I generally tell people go get the programming cable for this thing program the radio learn how the radio works function with the radio so that if you ever needed it you can use it there's nothing worse than buying something to go like well I'm prepared and then you sit it on the shelf and you never go back to it you you got to practice it just like you drill with your firearms just like you would practice with first aid whatever it is it needs to become a part of your system if you're not that much in love with with radio okay but you still want it in case of emergency got it dusted off occasionally for those that do find this interesting I would recommend you check out Ares erasies possibly get on the cert team for your local communities if you have access to that and then see how you can weave this into your system however it is I know ray sees does they work with foot races right so they'll set up radio operators at different locations and then they can relay where everybody's at and keep track of it that's a practical kind of test or exercise for getting better at doing this so make sure you have a goal set a budget the wives love that when you set a budget and you know and you keep it with the spaces and then kind of work for work towards your end goal and then just keep practicing I love that ideology because you know this is similar to any piece of preparedness equipment it could be a pistol which is your everyday carry concealed carry pistol it could be a tourniquet if you take it and you put in your EDC bag and you don't train it you're gonna lose because it's a perishable skill set and when you need it the most you know under a stressful condition or situation you're probably not going to be efficient and effective at it and what I like about the idea is this is an investment in preparedness it's an investment in the long term thought process of hey I'm planning for the worst case scenario but it also could be something fun I mean I'm geeking out over this stuff inside I'm just losing it because I'm super excited about this in fact so excited I've spent a lot of money on a radio what's the radio that you just pointed me to and then what's the capability difference over this and and how much do they run okay so this is the ft2 dr mm-hm I just showed you the FT 3dr ft 3d R which is the thing which is the upgrade to this model yeah what's cool about anybody who has one of those if they upgrade to the three all the accessories are the same the company was super smart and they said oh you've got a battery for that it works with it everything works if you bought a bunch of accessories it works which is very smart they normally do that there's a Korean company Japanese oh close enough three companies have to pick the smartest [Music] [Applause] so the difference is the radio that you got which is has more than this in it color screen Bluetooth APRs GPS and it's digital so that was a lot of acronyms again this is just a analog FM radio you talk into it it sends the RF out and the mode is frequency modulation this however does beyond that right it sends out the packetized information for where you are located it uses digital if you want to to encode your your voice and send that out it can also do data in certain applications let's see what else is it geolocate being an image because it has the ability to do cheap gps no so you don't need to do the imaging in the box you would just squawk out your lat/long and let the other system on the other end do oughta do the displaying and then you got the Bluetooth so you connect it to your car you could do whatever they actually sell a headset for it which is how most people use it is that they just have their little Bluetooth headset and they just PTT on the headset oh cool to do do comms that way they've got other quirky little features that I've covered in the reviews that I've done for this radio and the ft3 yeah it just does a lot right and not only mention I always forget mentioning this is VHF UHF just VHF UHF this actually has a broadband receiver in it so it functions more like this guy than just a VHF UHF radio which again is an extra layer of redundancy so you could take an antenna like a long wire antenna and connect it to this guy and you could get some similar not as effective as this cuz that's what this guy does is a general-purpose receiver but you still have that redundancy in case you needed it so you could scan and then receive like first responders FEMA home is in certain cases it depends on their frequency of operation also if they're using encryption or not mmm the world has changed a bit with law enforcement and first responders a lot of them are all on encrypted comms now and we can't decrypt that okay that's a question I get all the time do you ever get that yeah where you will now right we can't decode encryption now that would be illegal what does the encryption sound like when you're hitting it on the airwaves it would sound no different than like hearing one of these guys because again it's digital so it's just gonna be like like a screeching noise like that yeah but it's in code it's encrypted and encoded oh so it has a digital encoder for your voice plus it's encrypted oh so you're can't you can't do anything awesome and here's here close it now if you guys are interested because Phil Kraft as a company all the guys I bought all the guys this so I have to make them get their ham radio license now but they're doing this which is the baofeng UV 5r and then in addition to that we I just bought this when we when they get licensed I will get them these radios as well but out you will follow me through the journey in this as well and they will crosstalk and pollinate with Josh I'm trying to I haven't told you this but I like to get you out to the Overland Expo in May we have a booth at Overland Expo in May it's three quarters in it's like may 17 18 19 that might be tough really invention is this all the hamp it should supersedes overly Expo that's okay we'll get them back people go to the Overland and stuff - it's a lot 10,000 plus yeah ham vention 35,000 people where's that at Dayton Ohio actually it's in Xenia but that's what people know that feel graphically going to hand fiction that 10021 know but I'm excited about the cross-pollination and I wanted to say thank you so much for sharing your knowledge it's very hard to find real subject matter experts we are not experts in anything we actually suck at a lot of things so when we have something such so important like communication we don't want a half-ass that if you're looking at language you know defense tactics that kind of stuff we got it but this kind of thing just like you know it's telling Josh and our a my Special Forces days me and Kevin had 18 echoes that weren't very well that weren't very good they weren't the best guys because they wanted to shoot guns and we take about the guns and we take me to take their guns and shoot but we wanted experts to focus on that skill set but this is something that you as a civilian military law enforcement could get into and it's not that difficult I'm very satisfied because I was super overwhelmed and after talking to you yeah I've realized it's not that bad it's like a staircase right this is your here's your first stair right and then maybe splash in some solar to keep it all moving along yeah and then you can just everything is like a different step on the staircase and then you get over here where you're doing long-distance comms but yeah that's not necessarily needed immediately for survival or emergency we'll get there soon yeah I'm ready to spyro to the top we're gonna have like this whole entire place as a base station relay sure you've got the summit's all around you you got to be doing the hikes to the summit and make those contacts with this kind of radio I mean you can do with these too but yeah I'm excited the right spot Prescott's awesome for that what is your your channels and your social media where people could see what you have going on and tie into your cocktail so I'm a hammer you a crash course on YouTube on the Facebook page the Facebook group which we created to kind of answer these questions I was just getting inundated with messages on you know what do I do what burrito should i buy so we made the Facebook group and it took off not everybody likes Facebook so we made a discord and the discord is you know it's it's tilts younger so a bit younger group of people but that's amazing fun that's a chatroom and a voice chat and if you want links to Facebook or discord it's on any one of my videos just go in the description for that check it out there on Twitter and Instagram I am hosh nasi which is Hotel Oscar Sierra Hotel Nevada Nevada alpha Sierra India and that's where I just do kind of my fun daily stuff doing a bit of what we're doing here today on there so yeah thank you so much Josh absolutely yeah thank you a lot of fun yeah if you guys liked the content you just heard and if you didn't like it just go away unsubscribe I figured if you're staying here and you tune in for that long you like it make sure you subscribe because 70% of the people who watch our videos aren't subscribed and it just helps us analytic wise and allows us to get out there with more reach big shout out to Josh appreciate him coming in and if you guys are interested I'll plug all the stuff at the bottom and the notes page right below me running my mouth I appreciate you guys until next time stay alert stay alive
Channel: The FieldCraft Survival Channel
Views: 409,627
Rating: 4.9517674 out of 5
Keywords: Fieldcraft Survival, fieldcraft, survival, prepardness, ham, ham radio, radio, comms, communication, survival comms, survival communication, ARES, American Radio Relay League, RACES, Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service, FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Mike, Glover, mike glover, baofeng
Id: P2eFwHRW_30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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