Will A Gas Mask Stop Bear Spray?

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- Self-quarantined. - [Mitchell] Is this your interpretation of social distancing? - Yeah, I quarantined myself in here and now I can't touch my face. - So, some of you might be aware that there is a, I'm trying to not get demonetized, a bad thing going around that gets into your body and does other bad things. - You heard of it? (laughter) - [Dan] Armormax the company that we've worked with a couple times that does armor plating and bulletproofing and bomb proofing on cars. These are the gas mask respirators that they offer and pair with their vehicles. Do you feel safe? - Never safer Dan. - [Dan] Earlier today we took a stroll around a local store with Mitchell wearing one of these, and how was that experience? - Nobody looked at me straight. - [Dan] I don't think anybody can hear you right now. - Yep. - [Dan] So, what we're gonna find out today just because we can, is can this mask with this cartridge save me from bear spray. If you watched our car air filter gas mask where we tear gassed my brother. (coughing) I was wearing a mask like this and I was the one doing the tear gassing and some of it kind of came through. Being sprayed in the face with bear spray with this I am a little apprehensive. - And play the clip where I was holding the camera and I got a lot of it. Like Dan maybe got one tear I got hit by a wave. (coughing) - [Dan] But the difference is I was using a cheap Amazon cartridge and these are, from our research they're pretty heavy duty. - Protects against chemical and biological warfare agents like sarin and other nerve gasses, mustard gas, cyanogen, arsenine, phosgene, radioactive and highly toxic particles. Aerosols, microorganisms, bacteria and viruses. Warfare and terrorism agents such as anthrax, sarin, small pox, mustard gas. As well as riot control agents like CN and CS tear gas. Maybe this will do better. I've also got some Tyvek stuff that I'm going to be wearing and I'm gonna get hit directly in the face. - First aid, have with you when obtaining treatment if on skin or clothing. Take off contaminated clothing, rinse skin immediately with plenty of water fr 15 to 20 minutes. (laughter) Call poison control center, a doctor or this number immediately for treatment advice. If in eyes, hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 20 minutes, remove contact lenses if present after the first five minutes then continue rinsing eye, call poison control center doctor or this number immediately for treatment advice. So, you're totally safe. - [Dan] Yeah this is a good idea, I'm feelin' really good about this. - Okay I'm all suited up now. I'm really, really nervous. Into the eyes. - We ready? (screams) - It's like burning, it's like sizzling. I'm fin, I can't even tell. - [Cameraman] It looks like he spray painted you with brown paint. Oh it's like a-- - [Dan] Is it melting it? - [Cameraman] That´s tape, that´s tape - [Dan] I get it on my hair - [Cameraman] Yes, is just... you are - [Cameraman] It is like chemically smelly but... - [Dan] It is not burning unless I... - [Cameraman] Hey!!! (laughter) - [Dan] Ahh.. - [Cameraman] You have some on your eye now - [Mitchell] See I don't thing you can take that, just smell it - [Cameraman] I like it men. - [Cameraman] You got some red by the corner of your eye you touched with your globe. - [Dan] It start to burn a little bit right there I ger the filling and I like to scratcher but... (Screaming) - [Cameraman] Don't worry a got it on video - [Dan] Ahhh I got it in my eye - [Dan] Ahhh!! I can't take this off - [Cameraman] I'll hepl you but I hold the camera (laughter) - [Dan] I can't see a thing - [Cameraman] That spot in your head is like, sweating right in that one spot - [Dan] I can break this - [Dan] Ahh my gosh, ahh it burn So, that was like a drop, it has not even a drop it has a smear got in the corner of my eye completely like, force my eyes close And when I started washing my face I thing I had some smear up here - [Cameraman] Yes - [Dan] My entire face feeling like was on fire scar to touch any other part of my body specially my wrists, I'm pretty shore that is some right there That doesn't burn but... The back of my neck star to burn - [Cameraman] It's looks like sun burn there is like a little patch here where didn't get and then like another spot right by your ear - [Dan] I'll try to whipping down but, just it feels like water almost activate it after viewing the footage of yestarday I know that some of you will probably say that I was over reacting it was bad - [Mitchell] Yes, I get like one millionth as much as on me as Dan had on him and burned my hands I can only imagine the pain that Dan was cous the neck was so red - [Dan] I had a decent amount of, it was like smear a cross my neck, just imagine the worst sun burn you ever had and then imagine someone slapping you as hard as he can continuously for an hour, that's, that´s like my neck felt last night - [Dan] But a couple observations that spray on the bottle said it suppose to shut 30 feet - [Mitchell] And it was just like... - [Dan] It was like 6 feet meaby - [Mitchell] Yes, it was weak, and it was like a cloud right in greg's face - [Dan] It came like mist we are specking more like hornet spray for get to go that far, so And the spay last only four seconds and then it's empty, so if you are in the woods and you're under a bear wait until you get little bit closer couse I... - [Mitchell] That it would be scary although - [Dan] Well yeah but, imagine if is 30 feet a way you spray it all and then it's empty and the bear it steal will came after you - [Mitchell] Yeah but imagine that is coming after you and it's like 5 feet a way and the you spray he's got all that momentum and anger - [Dan] And then you got quickly side step out of the way I don't know Now we are going to cut this in half with out ever touching it with our bare hands and just give it a good looking canister. - [Dan] So...all that black staff is carbon inside of the filter - [Mitchell] And that keep it for actually going to you mouth - [Dan] There is a little filter in the screen and then before that there's like a hiatal filter style in a plated, filter there - [Mitchell] That is supposedly good enough to filter out mustard gas and smallpox and a bunch off other things - [Dan] Like the virus that we are dealing with on those days - [Mitchell] Yes - [Dan] Both the little ones and the figurative ones. - [Mitchell] Computer virus - [Dan] And also protected against bear spray - [Mitchell] So goes like that - [Cameraman] Yeah slides directly in your mouth and your breathing and goes through those air passageways and all your breads come through that gigant filter - [Mitchell] Know, when you breath out does it go back through the same way - [Dan] I think is one way out, I don't think that excels through, look like maybe is some thing down there you can see part of the valve here as when you breath in, that will - [Mitchell] That is a passage down there I think - [Dan] Yeah there is a, release maybe out through that front vent - [Mitchell] Yeah, out those halls there, so you exhales go through and you inhales go to the filter don't do that - [Dan] Bear spray get way wore when it gets wat just when you touched it's like the inside of your nose and your eyes, it's just immediately stats burning but in you sky, it take a while but that is because you have to, like, washer off and the it hurt like for two hours after - [Mitchell] I can test it that, so if you what to make sure you don't touch your face - [Dan] Just smear some bear spray on your hands - [Mitchell] And you will not touch your face - [Dan] neither of us has touched their faces since yesterday because we are so scared to experience that again so that is pretty effective Click here if you what to see when we took a car air filter and try to do a gas mask A lot of tears on that one, or click here to see the YouTube video you like, or subscribe.
Channel: Waterjet Channel
Views: 128,821
Rating: 4.9161615 out of 5
Keywords: waterjet channel, water jet, water jet cutting, waterjet, water cutting, water cutter, cutting with water, cutting, cut, cross section, cross-section, cut in half, inside, interesting, science, fascinating, bear spray tests, bear spray, gas mask, stop virus, pepper spraying people, pepper spray, gas mask reviews, gas mask glitch gta 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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