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[Music] hey guys John talking here with survival dispatching today from behind the camera I'm in front of the camera not part of the camera we got Nikki with us today because we're talking about electronics today and not electronics in the sense that you guys mostly think about it usually when we say electronics here on Swallow this batch we're talking about GPS units and range cases and that kind of stuff this is kind of a different part of the electronics world this is a part of the world that a lot of people don't really know exists they don't know exactly what it does they don't know how readily accessible it is and for the biggest part of why we're shooting this video to educate you guys on what's actually out there to make you guys more prepared because it is kind of scary at times when you start going down this rabbit hole of the amount of information that can be blocked jammed or stolen with some very simple but very inexpensive devices of various types of devices and listen guys we live in a electronic and a digital world more information is stolen on a daily basis nowadays as far as personal information than ever before that's why we work with things like Faraday bags and wallets that have RFID protection in them and in all kinds of things because everything from I mean your social security number to all that stuff stored digitally nowadays it's not just like it's not a piece of paper and if it's in my pocket it's safe right it's not that way anymore yeah and so we have some devices here Nicky as our I'm going to say my local tech expert he helps me what looking cool yeah but we have some devices here that we've been messing around with for for quite a while now Nicky has his little black box of goodies black box of doom and then I have some of mine as well and we're just going to kind of go through these different tools I'm going to call them and how we have been using them now I will state every item that's on this table is being used only for testing and demo purposes sad with the show Sen said so alright we're going to start first of all with Wi-Fi deauthorized service so we got two of them here Nikki has one also yeah and they come in different varieties and the nice thing about these is they're all built off of either Raspberry Pi zero w's or like Drano board and some of those other sort of the size boards which are super inexpensive I mean like this board is I think ten dollars and then with the add-on for the Hat and some other stuff I mean so under $30 and so this one here is powered by just a little lithium battery I mean super small you're talking something that is like one-fifth the size of like a pack of gum yeah it's like a big lighter for a while but super thin and with the added battery and this will run for probably an hour two and tell people Nicki what a deauthorize oh what a deauthorize err does is save my phone for instance talks to the Wi-Fi so they've got a handshake going on there this knows what that is that knows what this is this kind of bumps in the middle and goes out yeah throw that away now you need to really so it D authenticates that connection from my device to the internet then my device has to reconnect to the Internet and if this is continuing to block it it can't reconnect to the Internet right and and and this device here and this device are both from D strike and and these were literally purchased off of Amazon okay we did not have to go on the dark webs and yeah no of no I mean browsers nothing crazy they're literally purchased on Amazon shipped to your door and you can run them the bigger one that I have here and Nikki has one also runs off of two 18 650 batteries the reason for that is this will run for 20 30 hours and thing like this and what you could do is is you could you know put this near somebody's house leave it in their house work flight whatever you'd want to do and it would continue to do eyes handshake so it would allow there would not allow for handshakes to be made with Wi-Fi and why is that important the reason it's important for you guys to know like what these do is because a lot of the things that we use nowadays Ness cameras ring cameras things that we think our house is safe it's protected can literally by the click of a switch be blocked so I did that with my nest thermostat so I scanned down my own home network all right scan down the stations oh look there's my own purposes of course of course that being said oh look there's an S device deauthorize my nest device is like OOP offline that quick yeah gone and how many times have we been in a Starbucks or somewhere and we're on our phone and then a minute you know we put it out a minute later it's like not connect to the network and you're like stupid phone right well who knows how that disconnected from the network yeah and you know and with the scanners and things like that that are out there you know wherever you go nowadays I'll be at Starbucks airports wherever there is Wi-Fi everywhere yeah and I remember that when I was traveling the UK a couple years ago it was like literally everywhere you were there was five access points right and they were all you know Virgin Mobile then there was like Billy Bob's - - you know everywhere so who knows what's on the other end of that yeah and now tell us why somebody would want to know what a deauthorize working so and how to protect from it also correct so somebody would want to use a Dee authorizer to be able to like I said before knock you off the network now there's an important part of when that device reconnects to the network so when my phone reconnects to the network it has its handshakes it passes it says hey I'm Nikki's iPhone you say oh okay I already talked to you before so this is your password right yeah this is my password right and all that's transferred back and forth right so by knocking it offline you can then transfer that information back and forth and they've had something to intercept it or capture that like we'll get to in a moment then you can extract that handshake right save it locally and then it could be investigated later yeah yeah and that's you know and that's why that's why we're doing this video is to educate those that might not know that this this kind of seems like James Bond stuff yeah but very much mr. robot kind of you know right small little devices that are you pushing buttons and but we got it off of Amazon yeah I mean like that one has the whole housing and everything and I want to say it's like $35 yeah 35 40 bucks and the nice thing about this too is it also has USB D chargers on the end so you could get something like this and plug it into that if you want to do or plug it into another device and this has a built-in antenna just like this little one does here but it has a built-in antenna range is pretty decent yeah pretty decent I'd say if you can connect to it on your phone you can connect to it on that yeah so so those are the authorizers so that's one way another way is to just jam jams and make it not even work altogether so this is a jammer that was also purchased online it shipped from overseas or testing or testing and demo purposes around here yep and we have test and demoed it on our own gear in multiple facilities this thing's pretty crazy it's pretty scary it's yeah at the flick of a switch you can that black hole right and and and I was a little apprehensive yeah yeah I really know that where this one was really going to go it has 12 antennas on the top and the reason it has 12 antennas is because it's going to send out a singing 12 different frequency bands so I mean guys this thing kills everything from 3G 4G LoJack equipment Bluetooth Wi-Fi or open a garage door opener car remotes and literally we've tested on all of them it jams GPS it jams a lot of radio frequencies you're not gonna hear anything on like a baofeng radio with this radius and this has a radius of I would say 30 to 40 yards so like yeah yeah yeah line-of-sight a good line-of-sight you know but once again why is this important why because as we demoed at Nikki's house we literally just rolled up into the street not in his driveway not at the frustum roundabout method mailbox right flip the switch and all of his ring camera was gone literally only nest cameras were gone right Wi-Fi was gone and so I could have literally just walked up and picked his front door lock and walked into his house and here's the crazy thing about the jammer if you guys have ring cameras or nest cameras it sends you an alert every time they go offline well with a jammer they never go never technically go offline they just have interference correct so it's not like my phone is gonna go Boop your cameras offline like oh now I'm gonna check this out something's going on my front door it does it's just having a problem trying to connect so it never send you that signal yeah and that and that's pretty that's the crazy part about this and literally this thing is one flip of a switch one toggle switch and it kills bluetooth it'll kill your cell phone it'll kill everything that's trying to get information from say anything that can communicate wirelessly it goes away it goes away and and these can be had on the internet I mean you know it's it's not hard to get you don't need a license you know they're not cheap but they do their job very well right and so so that's that's pretty crazy also so we got Wi-Fi jailors let's go into a lockbox so in the next let's segue through to something that John's got here and I've got we were talking about D authorizers yeah this D does do the same thing no these are called Poe Noguchi yeah kind of like the old nineteen gotcha kind of thing but what these do is their D authorizer kind of like the other D authorizer but these take it to the next step where they do their eyes then when the commune the client is trying to connect back to the Wi-Fi it then captures that handshake file and stores it locally so you can plug USB into here and then offload those handshake files yeah so you could put this with a little you know PI sugar battery like we've got in the back of ours flick it on stick it in your backpack and go walk around for the day come back oh look now I've got twenty handshakes yeah so then you can reverse engineer that run it through you know aircrack-ng or something like that in kali linux and then spit out the actual password in clear-text oh right what your password it what's the password so I've tried that on my Wi-Fi just for a test captured the handshake file put it on ran it through a word list and probably in 20 minutes to spit back up my password so here's your password yeah that's interesting so then I tried it on another network that I had access to you it's a little farther away this network I had a friend of mine set it up without me knowing what the password was right they set it up I scanned it capture the handshake file put it through a word generator and in Kali Linux it took 59 minutes I think 18 character password here's your password well let me access to that here's my password now I'm on the network Oh what devices are on this network right and I did all that with a maybe $30 yeah 30 $40 that we built yeah and and you you so we have a battery on both of ours as you can see here you don't have to run a battery you could just plug it into like a larger battery brick and have it run forever but these have what screens are these these are the e-ink eating little yeah they gave up high hat yeah any screens but they actually have like a little character on it and that's where the the whole like Tamagotchi thing kind of came from but they'll actually get happy and sad and how much Wi-Fi they eat that they eat and and what's crazy about these is I have one in Nicky has one but when we put them together they actually become a team and they will actually share information between each other on how to actually capture they'll say this two point four device was vulnerable this way so let's share that ever with you so we're on your encounter something similar to that this is how we break into yeah I mean it's it's pretty crazy how the a these actually interacts between each other between the devices themselves and just independently and independently but then work together to actually crack things that they haven't been able to crack before it's they're pretty cool it's the beginning of Skynet yeah pretty much yeah cool big name and it's one of those things where I started this wonderful and because I wanted to see exactly what it could actually do because I had read a lot of blogs and reports and stuff on and people said that you know it could really it did a really good job in the AI mode of breaking and capturing capturing handshakes and I was like there's no way and then it was just letting it sit there and like literally just watching it say oh I've connected to this I've got one new handshake I'll connect to this now I've got two friends you know yeah it basically goes out there and just sees the world around you and just passively scans it's funny because you know my daughter's kind of see me use these before so now whenever she's on her Kindle and Wi-Fi goes out she's like Daddy it was punic on again yeah I'm like no I swear this time it's not so soap on taguchi's are you know just another tool in the toolbox and you know and I mean in this day and age you got to know what the tools are that could be used against you just as much as the tools that you might use on something else so that's why it's important to almost kind of like red team this stuff right because instead of just thinking well how would I do it know how would my adversary do it and this is how they're doing it exactly so keep going into the bar so further on in the box we've got this guy which is an interesting little device this is another Raspberry Pi 0w that has an LED hat on top of it that this one is for penetration testing and attacking so it's got a USB in the front of it walk by plug it in and then through the little joystick interface figure out what attack you want to do and execute the attack on that and this was $30 a little bit of downloaded script right so again more devices like this that can be reconfigured and however you want to use them to do whatever you will do whatever you want to do with them you know whether you're attacking a Mac or a PC or whatever and then to dig deeper in the box you can set up something like this which is on a full size so this is Nikki a nice latest project that were working on here so this is on a full-size Raspberry Pi with an LED front on it and this is a pirate box here so you can and you can Google all of this you know we're not inventing anything or you know talking and there's plenty of people that use it a lot better than we do we're just trying to get into it and in the it's got a full color swing on it we have a screen wireless keyboard and mouse interface so from this it's basically an entire Kali Linux box right or pirate box depending on what operating system you want so you've got the full display on here your full login you can do anything you would want on a full laptop and it's probably under $100 yeah and the size of like a deck of cards pretty much and and what's cool about this and what we're trying to set it up also is you can wirelessly mm-hm send messages without using the internet yep totally offline communication complete offline communication online in its own bubble in its own bubble so that's what Nicky and I are really starting to work on with the pirate boxes is a way of communicating through these boxes that is not through an instant messenger it's not relying on somebody else's backbone that can be right intercepted right yeah and so that's you know that's part of of what we're working on building what else you got in all right so the last thing in the in little box of tricks here is this guy this is a DV mega pi-star so it's again based off of a Raspberry Pi in a little plexi housing but you notice it's gonna intend on top yeah well what this does is it becomes a digital radio repeater so this is a DMR or yoosu fusion or whatever protocol you want to use on it so this is a repeater so I can stick this in my house plug it in connect it to my Wi-Fi and talk to anybody in the world on the right personal repeater so I've talked to people in in Turkey I've talked to people in Germany I've talked to people in Australia you know and it's interesting just to get boots on the ground knowledge like hey dude in Turkey you can speak English how's it over there for kovat you know what's going on right and hearing what's going on in different places and but using the technology to leverage rather than well I don't have an I don't have a repeater near my house so I got address somewhere if the repeater well now you have rupees how much it costs to build up this one was a little bit more expensive this is about a couple hundred dollars I think I build it all together you can buy and pre-configured ready to off the you know jet plug it in and go where he could build them yourself but having something like this is just the next level of communications that and literally a 4-inch antenna that can that can track a to your to your radio and that travels across the world via the internet yeah so it's it's pretty cool small I mean you see all this technology all in the you know a little small form-factor yeah so so yeah so I mean those are just some of the tools that you got to have a part of your toolbox you know and a lot of people want to think that survival is always a very primitive in the woods with rubbing sticks and you know rocks and you of course you never have clothes on for some reason but but you can we live in a high-tech world and we have to know what's around us and and what can be done against us ya know and that's the important part like we said before with like red teaming this stuff is it's one thing to know what you can do it's another thing to know what your adversary can do and the only way you can know that is by doing it so so guys if you like this video if you like this concept if you guys want to see more in depth videos on all these devices feel free to leave it below in the comments will definitely be around for the next couple of weeks to answer any questions you might have so if you got any other questions you can kind of search it from there as well I hope you guys like this video if you did make sure you hit that like button and make sure you're subscribed so you get our weekly drops every single week here on survival dispatch we hope you enjoyed this video and until next time be safe you [Music]
Channel: Survival Dispatch
Views: 265,770
Rating: 4.9155245 out of 5
Keywords: new gadgets, cool gadgets, survival dispatch insider, doomsday preppers, get home bag, bug out bag essentials, raspberry pi projects, raspberry pi projects 2020, raspberry pi projects tutorial, raspberry pi, projects, tech, arduino, r-pi, top raspberry pi projects, best raspberry pi projects, pwnagotchi, pwnagotchi setup, pwnagotchi raspberry pi 4, pwnagotchi bluetooth, pwnagotchi tutorial, pwnagotchi handshakes, wifi jammer, wifi jammer in public, jammer, mobile phone jammer
Id: Sy1o2Wwwnb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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