Prepping : 101 for Beginners

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that's what we're going through the current crisis of kovat 19 a lot of people are looking at being more prepared and so because of that I just decided it was really good to come in and just do a basic video on how to get started being prepared now one of the first things I want to say is that guys while this seems a little bit overwhelming right now it will pass you know what it does to our nation we don't know at this point but we do know that sooner or later things are going to get right back to normal and so I really encourage you to make a plan now to get yourself prepared for whatever comes down the road you know I heard this recently that you know people have considered Preppers to be kind of crazy and now everybody wants to be a prepper and I'll tell you what guys it just makes sense and one of the things about our channel is we call it sensible prepper for a reason when I first started this channel a lot of people we're going we're nervous about things they didn't know where to turn they wanted some information on how to get started because guys it can be overwhelming is to do a little bit constantly over time and before long you'll realize that you have a nice stockpile one of the big things about this is that it gives you peace of mind now I base all of my preps whether it's bunkering in and that means staying at the house and having the supplies I need or in a bug-out situation where I need to evacuate and now when I say bug out guys a lot of people feel like if they have a bag full of supplies that they're prepared but we if you have to bug out it should be the last resort you are a glorified refugee if you are bugging out and having a place to go though is number one but if you're planning to do a bug out bag make sure that you have all the supplies you need and we'll talk a little bit about that I'm going to be doing a video coming up on putting together your bug out bag I've done this in the past but I'm getting ready to redo my bug out system but what we're gonna talk mainly about today is bunkering in and that means you're at your house you have all the supplies you need for an extended period of time to where you don't even need to leave the house so all of my plans are based on the rule of threes and that means that you have three seconds without hope and so number one having a plan it guys if you have just hope with no plan it's just a dream and so you need to put together a plan so then we have three minutes three minutes without air now without air means that you may have smoke you may have dust you know like it 9/11 I mean there was dust everywhere from those buildings falling down and so you need to first be able to protect your face or in any kind of pandemic or some kind of sickness going around protect your face you know whether it's the n95 mask whether it's just a bandana around to filter out or all the way up to a gas mask and there are a number of different things that are in between but having some kind of way to protect your breathing guys three minutes without air and you're gonna start really having some serious trouble then you have three hours three hours in harsh conditions and that means you need to be ready for the weather whether it's extreme cold or extreme hot your body loses your fluids you start to go into dehydration and you can have a sunstroke I mean you have got to be able to take care of yourself in harsh conditions if you have no way to heat your house if the power goes out you need to start thinking about how am I gonna do that do I do it through a wood stove go do it through a kerosene heater do I use gas and propane of course gas and propane run out after a while but having some things together to be able to keep your family warm now let's say you don't have anything having extra blankets around especially in cold conditions because really we're more susceptible to extreme cold than we are extreme heat if you have sleeping bags that you can get into that is a great way to be able to protect yourself it's very basic now you have three days without water guys water is essential to life we're made up of eighty percent water and we need to be able to hydrate ourselves we need to be able to stay you know where we can drink water have good potable fresh water if you're looking at a creek that you have somewhere local or a rib or canal guys typically that water is full of Cryptosporidium and different bacteria and you definitely don't need to drink it what happens is if you do drink it you can get really sick if you don't die and you're not going to be able to take care of things in an emergency situation so you need to be able to filter water now there's a lot of different water filters out there a lot of them are portable and those are great you know whether it's the katadyn hiker pro or frontier filters i mean there's a ton of different ones aqua mira makes a number of them I keep some in my bag but for everyday use you need something a little larger what we have been using for a number of years is the big berkey system and this will their standard big berkey will filter out 6,000 gallons of water guys we have a pool that is one of our preps we can actually use that water run it to the big berkey and we'll have good fresh drinking water we have a stream on our property there's a river not even a mile from here if we needed to get water and we can use that through our big berkey yes you can store up water water bottles gallon water and that's a great thing to have but for a long-term survival having a way to filter water is really your best bet of course three weeks without food and guys you can live three weeks without food and a lot of people put that is their priority but you can really go a lot longer of course one thing about food is you can go with long term preps we have a lot of dry goods things that are dehydrated or things that are in number 10 cans a few years ago we went down to the Mormon cannery and we loaded up with a lot of dry goods and that will really last us for at least a year and guys I'm not telling you that's what you need to do that is if you're just wanting basic preps and to get started with something like we're dealing with now I would highly suggest getting just the foods you eat but you're going to have to get a lot of non perishables so different canned foods things like that but one of the big things is is to rotate them out you know and there's a lot of systems actually where you load them from the back and you pull them from the front but having a pantry that is full and that is deep and make sure that you have plenty of food for an extended period of time I highly recommend anyone to have at least three months worth of food on hand at any time but we don't necessarily want to get into our dry goods unless the situation gets really critical but also you can store up MREs you can store up like mountain house foods dehydrated foods backpackers pantry I mean there's a lot of different foods like that and those are excellent they're very quick easy to make you can just open them up add a little water of course with the MREs you don't even have to add water and you can eat and have meals the only problem especially with the MREs is they do have a shorter shelf life than a lot of things like mountain house and different dehydrated foods another thing you can do is lifeboat food a lifeboat food has about a five year shelf life there just come in these nice blocks and they're actually very tasty and they'll keep you from getting dehydrated you don't need as much liquid they don't take out as much of your hydration and so they're made actually again for a lifeboat so there's a number of different choices out there and there's a number of different food packs one thing you want to definitely do is try them before you use them because sometimes they're full of salt they've been processed and they're just really not that good for you so do your research you know some of the more premium brands that are out there you know are definitely recommended now also when it comes to food you can look at dehydrated milk you can look at condensed milk you know of course bread is going to be a very difficult thing you know learning how to make bread but having the materials and the stuff you need on hand but when you're in an emergency situation you don't necessarily want to be trying to put together you know of complicated meals things that you need a lot of things for and to when you're putting together your meal plan guys sometimes you just can't put those meals like you would like to and you just have to use whatever you have available different kind of soups are also great to have but the dried mix and so there's a lot of dried type food that you can have that you can keep on hand of course ramen noodles are a huge staple especially for college kids but for any of us when you go through hard times but one thing that you want to expand from that is possibly gardening here's the thing guys if you've never gardened before you don't need to wait and just grab some seeds and then if something happens to start planting gardens it's really great to go ahead and get into doing some gardening even if it's on a small scale and to build up because you learn so much as you're doing your vegetables as you're harvesting them what do I need to do with them also if it's possible having chickens chickens are great you can use them for meat but the eggs are awesome and they last for a long time if you don't wash your eggs they will last and last and there's some other ways to preserve them also rabbits and that's one that we have never done but we are getting ready hopefully to do that in the next you know a few months are probably next year by this time but having some livestock around and of course you can expand on beyond that and really with food one of the things about that is you can reach out to your neighbors especially if you live in an area that has more agricultural areas and you can use those as resources like to share a beef or you know do things like that or with eggs and be able to barter and trade so food is something that everyone needs and it's one of those things that if you're very creative you can do a lot with but you've got to have your plan before the grocery shelves completely run dry now guys if you have pets you definitely want to make sure that you have some food put back for them a lot of times they can't eat some of the table scraps and things like that but you know cat food and talk food is cheap and with fish food and canary food but having food put back for your animals is just responsible and you need to be able to take care of them now there are two areas that flow in between these they could happen it from one second all the way up to three years and that would be your medical number one having a good medical kit making sure you have some extra prescription drugs you know get an extended prescription to have those meds on and but also just basic medications you know whether it's advil imodium whatever I mean benadryl those kind of things that you have a supply of not just enough to get you by not just enough to where the bottle is this low and then often you need to run to the store you need to have some supplies of these put back band-aids then you go into bandages you go into splints and then we move on up to trauma kits where if somebody was to injure themselves in a life-threatening situation you'd be able to take care of it and hopefully get them to some kind of medical care if you can't get them to medical care guys you are your first responder you have to take care of them but guys having the medical supplies ahead of time it's just essential and there's a lot of different kits out there I know skinny medikit medical gear Outfitters and I'll have a link down below those guys are awesome us an ER doc and that's an m3 dotnet and I'll have a link down below as well and there are others out there but definitely gets your medical system put together not only for your trauma but also for your regular meds that you need for whatever reason now hygiene is really important in a survival situation make sure you have cleaning supplies make sure that you have your personal hygiene items whether it's toothpaste soap shampoo those kind of things to keep you clean and you don't want to be susceptible to germs and other things that can make you sick and it'll keep disease down as we've seen with this Kovach 19 thing man cleanliness is next to godliness and you need to make sure that you keep your areas clean and you could have good personal hygiene and that is important in all the different survival situations and of course don't forget your toilet paper having a good supply of toilet paper is very comforting especially in the today's world when there is no toilet paper security is definitely something that falls outside of the rule of threes and having some kind of way to protect what you have protects your family protect the food and the stock that you have set aside that's a very important element and unfortunately in today's world we have to worry about that one of the things about food is is if that people don't have food they get very angry and they get desperate and they'll do desperate things and so having some kind of way to protect yourself obviously the best is a firearm and having some kind of firearm you know handy to be able to give yourself protection if you need to leave having something portable and guys you have to check your laws local and state laws and things like that but definitely a firearm is a huge part of security now there are three different type firearms that you need to consider number one a handgun because it's portable it's easy to carry it's easy to hide and so it's one thing that you can have somewhat of a self-protection with just a revolver or a semi-automatic pistol the second thing would be a shotgun and that's one of the best for home defense having a good shotgun guys you can really do a lot with it it's very lethal especially if you live in a highly populated area having a shotgun will keep from you know a bullet going through two or three houses because those things will go through walls but of course last and not least is a rifle of some sort the ar-15 has become extremely popular it's one of the most popular selling rifles in America for good reason and if you're facing multiple attackers having an ar-15 with extra magazines is very effective and it does give you a level of comfort and so while handguns are great they're small and compact shotguns are great for home defense up close a rifle will give you extended distance you can actually use it for hunting and it definitely will be a great stop for multiple attackers and of course there are other things that you can use a good knife you know even a bat or something you know to be able to ward off people a pepper spray stun guns I mean the list goes on but here's the thing guys if it gets really desperate there's nothing to substitute having a firearm now the second part of security would be your lighting having some good flashlights being able to illuminate the dark guys light is your number one security to so having good flashlights is important whether it's personal or larger lights search-and-rescue top lights also lighting around your house whether it's you know motion detectors things like that guys you need light one of the things about an shtf situation is we don't know like right now we have power water you know our motion detector lights are working everything's great so you know that's one thing that having that extra lighting and then your batteries for your flashlights make sure you have extra batteries perimeter alarms are very important in our situation we have a driveway alarm we have other alarms around that if anybody's missing around the house we're notified ahead of time in fact I've done a number of reviews on some very simple perimeter alarms that you can set up in an emergency situation comms are important communication is vital and you know we rely on our cell phone and it can do so much but if towers are down if cell service is cut off you need to have alternate methods one big thing that I would highly recommend right up front is an emergency radio it's a weather radio this one has solar and it has hand crank so it has rechargeable batteries but you can put standard batteries has shortwave it does the weather and also a lot of other stations and so we have a couple of those that we use and there's a lot of those out on the market a little two-way radios you can get them rechargeable with little base stations those are important as well here we have a couple of others and then we have our ham radios and this is really the most vital part ham radios are going to do a lot more than any other type radio especially if you have repeaters that are still working you can reach all over the world and of course you can go crazy with ham there's a lot of ham operators you know with their radio shacks and all their different equipment and it's one thing that we're slowly getting into but that's one thing about it is communications are vital you need to know what's going on around you so don't just rely on the cellphone guys another thing is tools having your basic tool set having a good axe 'evil hammers you know screwdrivers your basics but you know your implements are definitely very useful having a good axe possibly a chainsaw things that you might need you know in a emergency you could even have like tornadoes earthquakes hurricanes and so having a way to be able to cut down trees that have fallen on your house do things like that you know having a lot of tools set aside in fact I did a video about having tools for shtf and so make sure you have your tools and you have them together in one place they're nice and maintained you can sharpen your axe you can take care of and maintain the tools you have and also having nails and screws having duct tape repair things being able to repair and that's something that long-term you're really going to need to be able to do now guys this is a pretty simple basic overview of what you need to do and we have a lot of videos that address a lot of the things that we've talked about one of the big things about being prepared and survival is learning your mind is your most important tool so use it get prepared put together a plan the guys again hope is important but without a plan it's just a dream be prepared guys if you're serious about prepping and survival or you want to know more about how to be prepared check out survival dispatch insider there's a lot of information out there on the web and it's difficult to source through what's credible and what's not and the survival dispatch insider uses a lot of the top names in the survival world that we come together and put out a lot of really great information we upload one video that's exclusive to the insider every week I'll have a link down below in the description check it out be strong be of good courage god bless america lonely of the Republic [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys while we're going through this crisis there are a lot of people in a an emergency situate in an emergency in an emergency situation and guys if you're serious about prep guys if you're serious about pray hope is important but without a plan is just dreamed but again guys hope is important but without a dream
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 450,645
Rating: 4.9328861 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper, Basis, Beginners, Prepping 101, For dummies, Get Started Prepping, Prepping : 101 for Beginners, Disaster, Storms, Civil unrest, Survive
Id: 6hzyfx-GJVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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