Former Green Beret Mike Glover Teaches The Fundamentals Of Single Man CQB

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Really good training. Angles are ur friend. I'm sure most of us are aware that should we have to clear our home solo, there will be furniture limiting ur movements to aquire the necessary agles. So adjust accordingly.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Tiny_Pay 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

A few comments here.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cqbteam 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] let's go guys I was just in an abandoned house training for preparedness because that's how we roll just kidding but seriously that's how we roll look I'm here today to teach you a class on single man CQB the reason I want to teach you single man CQB is most people don't know that as an individual operator person civilian whatever you are you have to be proficient at moving in urban and rural environments with a firearm and the idea is collectively people do CQB together because if I'm moving to a breach point I only have one sliver of the pie I can get away with that because I have everybody else all my mates picking up my six and all the angles that I can't see but how difficult is it as an individual to be able to do that some would say almost impossible will today on this episode I want to give you some pro tips to take away to improve your single man CQB game [Music] [Music] all right so what did we just do there well one I want to I want to get this across to you that there are a lot of circumstances that you could find yourself in as an individual and if you think about all the circumstances it could be in a situation like this where I know the outline of this home because in this scenario it's my house so maybe I got the indication that somebody broke in my house and now I have to clear my own space so I'm familiar with the floor pick now take that exact same thing and it's a friend's house you don't really know the outline of your friend's house but they told you somebody potentially broke in and you have to do it now take the consideration that maybe it's your own house and you're in the middle of the night operating the same space in the dark the list goes on about all the scenarios but there are some fundamental key points that I'm going to illustrate to you guys today about best practices when maneuvering by yourself with the file and so the first thing I want to indicate to you guys is this is not a live farm this is called a cert pistol it shoots a laser beam which you can see here on a wall right when the trigger this pistol is made for training and it is safe it's the only reason that I'm pointing this at my camera guy when I'm free-flowing and training with you guys again this is not a lab pistol this is a cert training gun okay I recommend if you guys are gonna do this training that if you do do with a lot firearm that you have nobody else in the house and if you can pick up a syrup estill or a simunition or a blue gun that you get used for training okay this is a model up for a Glock 17 so it fits perfectly in my hand like my EDC pistol would which is made by Trier by the way okay so let's talk about some of the things that I've been is back backtrack a little bit as I came to this house so the first thing that you would have initially saw was I push this door open slowly remember I'm not conducting an assault this is not a hostage rescue direct action assault you are not a special operations guy going after an HB t1 Center Tisha's movement meaning slow methodical movement is to your advantage if you haven't gone round already that's it that's a basic principle in CQB you never heard of the speed surprise and violence of action are critical components or principles of CQB close quarters battle on this case a lot of the times that I've operated overseas we evolved into moving surreptitiously because if we just kicked in the door and we announce to everybody we were here in easy they could put us in a bad situation if they expected us to show and it's not always when you go all-out sting loud it's if you're quiet stay quiet until you have to go okay so I did push this this door opens slowly what you did see look at my arms right here what you did see is me retract the pistol here what I want you to pay close attention to is when I'm moving the pistol back retracted it's allowing me to break the rear of my grip that doesn't mean that I can't break a trigger because I can come here all day long I could break the trigger but my grip is broken the reason my grip is broken because if I had a solid grip on this gun and I retracted this gun I would be in an uncomfortable position to maneuver the front of this gun in fact to maneuver the front end of this gun I would have to move my body and not just my hands well remember as an advantage I want to be able to break my grip here and maneuver the barrel in line with my eyes without compromising the positioning of my body let me give you a good example I'm going to set my camera got right here on this angle looking at this corner as I come across and you can't see me right now but as I have retracted I'm tying out the corner and then get a visual alert but I'm doing but you see what the difference is is I haven't retracted I'm not fully extended which is exposing more parts of my body that should be exposed right even your arms in a situation where you're moving around the pistol could be an indication that somebody's there because that's a bad guy from the bad guys perspective I'm looking for movement I'm looking to represent eight the representation of a human being which is an arm and leg that's a bad guy I'm gonna shoot you them okay so I'm missing that by breaking my grip bringing my elbows down and maneuvering the barrel where my eyes are going you'll see me do this call the gun in line with my eyes because if I'm here this is loud this takes time but if I'm here and I'm using my eyes to clear I'm gonna clear it and articulate my barrel in this direction because I can always react to an immediate threat here and start breaking the trigger on extension so the idea is I'm reducing my signature and my overall signature by dropping my elbows and I'm bringing the gun retracted to be able to maneuver it in the space around me with my eyes again I never want you to be in a situation where you're facing the barrel this way and you identify the threat here and then you're behind the power curve because if that's an immediate threat if you were an immediate threat you would simply shoot me in the face I wouldn't have enough time to get behind my optic and find you so I came through here and I'm gonna walk you through a little dance it's like the CQB salsa I came through here and I originally cleared this space right here as soon as I I retracted the gun as soon as I saw it was a long space I got long the rule is if you can get long stay long right meaning if this is a wide open space there's no reason for me to retract the gun I can extend the gun fully extended to clear this spot because it's a narrow field of view and then when I get back to more problems that I can't solve like this right because it's hard to do this and sweep but here I can articulate the barrel where it needs to be with minimal movement as opposed to sharing everything like this so I clear this space and then I do a little dance with my feet as I came across I started with moving sideways now what I'm doing them when I'm doing that is I'm opening up my field of view for angles angles it's key let me demonstrate with you guys here I'm going to be in this space and I'm clearing into this space so in this situation specifically this is a sinner thin ruler right meaning there's one point of threshold that has two opposing corners these are typically known as dead spaces right this is where bad guys hot bad guys don't hide like peeper targets like this right holding the kid like this that's not holding a good carpet this if there's a bad guy in this house you better believe he's gonna be like this and he's setting you up namely that positioning right here okay this is what's known as the cut this is the club this is typically where we go flashbangs where we try to try the carbines or pistols to in points of domination because that's when the bad bets are so if I play like I'm going from this room to this room what I don't want to do is over expose myself so I don't want to do this because if I do this I just gave myself up to this bad guy remember you know how the number two man in this case it's just you so what I am going to do is I'm going to use any angles to my advantage so just as a demonstration on that over exposing myself to this cut I'm gonna see what I could break off when I teach carving I don't teach carbine breaking the right foot to my weak weak Shore the reason I do that is because one I've never done it in combat and to Matt Graham who's a friend of mine that work with the agency not the agency with me taught me to drive by going to the left shoulder like this and I shoot what lies open so I could see but pistol is different pistol is different so what I'm here if I if I try to get this corner like this trying to maneuver my barrel in this direction of this corner it's almost impossible to push my gun right my hands ergonomically just don't work that way but if I simply rotate the gun to my left side and do a hand over then I could clear this side without over exposing my body right so now I'm here I'm going to clear to my right I'm simply gonna shift it in the left side and then see how much I could bite off so if I see a threat I could deal with the threat and bam see what that marker is right there right so that means everything here all the way up into the other corner I can see I'm clearing with my eyes whatever what I don't see is this cut right here all right so there's a guy here I'm probably not going to see that person who's here and this is what the cut is known for now I do the same thing on this side without over exposing myself I'm going to come here and then see what I could see and it's BAM right there in my nut sticking right so I didn't expose myself to this guy in the cut and I didn't do it on this side but this is what I open this up so now I have to imagine I know where the wall is because I'm sitting against the walls like this so I know that it would be very hard for a person to stand right here it would be like this right so in this scenario with this this circumstance which is a shallow wall left and right if a sitter bedroom feeding in this way I have just established my most likely dangerous course of action which is if I step into this corner of clearing this corner because I have to choose right the number one man is never wrong but when you're by yourself you can always be wrong yeah but for the 50/50 shot of going the wrong way so there is an advantage of understanding your operational environment and the statistical likelihood of success so I know if I go this way I'm probably not going to be okay because I have a higher risk with all this cut of not being able to see what's in this corner right so all this space versus this narrow small space gives me an idea which is I want to drive a barrel to the most likelihood of a potential threat so coming here I'm rotating it now I'm committed to this now I'm gonna drive myself in this corner I don't have to go to this point of domination and in announced query I see with my eyes in line with my barrel that it's clear so what am I gonna do I'm going to shift here I see it's clear immediately I'm driving the gun to this spot and clearing that space and I'm also backing up whoever the butthole is you say you'll never walk backwards and tactics has never lived in an operational world because you have to walk backwards ISM as an absolute in order to have the advantage okay so I walk backwards and that's just a demonstration of going into limits internet which we didn't do a means but let me take you back to the scenario that I'll walk you through so as I walked here I started opening up and what I'm doing is if you get behind my shoulder I want you to visually see what I see as I over my gun as I'm walking a silence look at all the angles that I'm giving right I know that's a corner February I know that this is a corner family and I've identified about 50% of the room that's clear now now the way we doing special operations is when we have open doors we clear those first especially if I'm surreptitious if I'm quiet and it's an open door I'm not going to make additional noise by clearing of rooms that have shut doors what I'm going to do is I'm going to go through the open doors first and in this scenario I make counterclockwise I've started with this open door and then moved all the way around but it's all situational dependent so here I cleared 50% of the money now in CQB these are what are called opposing threats meaning if I go to commit to clear here if I had a high-speed number-two guy he would be here covering my back while clearing their there and they know whole limits the number-two guy inside the bathroom well I don't have that advantage so I'm getting the best angles by walking wide and broad as I come across to ensure how to clear as much as I can doing the CQB sauce and I just made that up I'm gonna tag that and you guys are gonna follow that taxi QB salsa and so now I'm here and I'm going to clear this room that's like I'm here I'm retracting because if I'm not attracted I'm extended you do not want to extend the gun into the room even if there's a [ __ ] that's here that's standing up on the thing he could grab my gun because I've over penetrated the room with my gun and not with my gun in eyes so ensure that you retract when it when appropriate so I'm retracting I see that all this is clear in fact I just do a small penetration check I literally CLE clear all this and then use the mirrors which I did to be able to see in the back area on the bathroom but now I have dead space behind here but I have to absolutely clear so I step wide and it's a [ __ ] there's nothing behind this I know that because I've looked into the crack in between here and I know there's a Walther and now I'm stepping into this space now as I BAM step in this space I see a shooter and I see a wall that's a corner fed room in a corner fed room only have one place where the bad guy could be in an unknown spot but if you over penetrate the room he could be in the middle of that one but I don't know that but I'm not over penetrating it by committing to it what I'm doing is taking as much as I could bite off and then when I have nothing left I'm committing to that cut rat in that room with my barrel in my eyes remember I'm not committing the barrel without my eyes I'm like an Apache walking around with my eyes rolling where my gun gun is little monocle Emily knows about this um so I came out of here and I know this is clear now typically in Special Operations what we would do is we would do a marking to let that people know that this is clear for other people but you don't have to do that it's just you and this specific circumstance I know it's this part is clear and I have noted it as being great but just remember when it's just you you have to be created either note it yourself or figure out a creative means and then everybody carries chemlights a string of chemlights to be a little more can identify clear rooms so now come out of here notice that I'm not going to come out of this room and just bail into this room why because I have two unknowns these two unknowns are very dangerous threats because if a guy heard me go into that room he would reinforce his position good bad guys actually do things that set themselves up for success to kill bad guys so he's not just gonna sit there and like oh I'm just gonna wait to ambush he might update a situation he might ballon across the room hell he might come out of the room and try to shoot you in the back of the head you never know so the reality is it's an unknown so I'm gonna treat it like it's a nun them so I came out of here if you saw me a step wide and now I'm getting a visual again of what I can clearly now I'm committing counterclockwise to the next room so I'm coming in here and notice that when I entered this room I was it I wasn't extended I was retracted why because look at this angle behind step right behind me and then look at the situation that I'm in right here I have two opposing threats one here one here and my guns here if I was extended committed to this room and something came up here I would be screwed so I want to stay retracted where I could manage this until I'm committing my body and then I and then I could simply bend forward but until then I'm keeping it retracted right so I'm broken down so that way if I'm come in here and there's something that's there like oh [ __ ] and I could do it alright so we're here at the minute this world and now I'm not overextended right so I'm not gonna walk into the room this way right go ahead and get in this corner here and then face down like you're a bad guy in that Cup now tell me the big difference between these two things one we committed my barrel and it's steppin to clear versus me swapping the gun in my left hand and me clearly with a gun the difference is clearly with a gun I could react to the threat that I see versus if I'm just walking in extended and then the bad guy has the jump on me because he knows exactly what to expect he's probably already shot me at this point okay so as I came here you swap the gun I'm stepping into this space with this I can get away with do anything it's not a heart I could get away with doing it like dumping my eyes retracting now I know I had a closet closets or were bad guys like the HAI always treat a closet a doorway any clothes even cabinetry underneath the sink that's where the bad guys shoot or could it would be because I see a lot of guys who do this kind of training and they get real they're like oh they just turn it off because like there's nothing going to be in here I've killed guys hiding behind doors like this in combat with at point-blank range and it's not fun to be in that situation where you should never be surprised that there's a bad guy well you're gonna be [ __ ] surprised if there's a bad guy hiding on the door to grab your gun you're gonna be surprised so a good two is I'm not just gonna going bandit slam-it over why because I'm dishes which means I'm still quiet because I don't want to let the guy next door in the closet know that I'm searching this closet so I'm coming here and I'm sliding the door with the retracting though I'm not doing this because if the guys haven't cut here who's gonna see my god I'm just know we're trapped push it open and I see what I can see with my gut my mother the little cut right here BAM it's quick one step with the barrel man it's good I don't have to pretend I don't have to enter the closet and turn around for me to identify it's clear your eyes can do that for you as long as your barrel is oriented in that direction so now that I cleared this fun of me to be turning it on and prepare to exit this room again so I came through here and as I step i'm retracted but I still get opposing threats I need to take this wide because I need to be a receive these angles and deal with these the potential threat that's there so I came wide and come over my shoulder again you'll be able to see exactly what I see again which is I can see ninety nine ninety five percent of the room which corner fed rooms I'll see you a Walt I'm looking down here I know there's a cut well now I can commit to the same thing stepping and then tying off look pine pine is not segmenting segmenting the room in stages because you could flow through a pice Tate is that even a thing that should be a book flowing through the pipe stay with my clever CQB tactics the CQB salsa as I'm coming here I don't have to go clear clear I see it's clear because my barrels in it I'm not overextended and I coming here to the cut in clearing the cut by stepping and committing my barrel to address the immediate threat if it exists same thing this this is closed I'm here I'm gonna quietly open this up and push and then see what I can see which is it's clear and then between the cuts and then step out wait and that's it now remember it's CQB your entire job as an individual operator it's to not overwhelm yourself by being overexposed to the environment imagine you come out and I used to think about this would do an ops in Iraq I've done five combat rotations to Iraq and it never feels good when you're walking down the street about to do a raid you're by yourself in your little cut right so if I'm stacked in a ranger file I have the entire bust area and my buddy has the tire right in it well as you're crossing the street or not only way you are exposed but what what is security for you is speed and the barrel in the flight so if I walk across an alleyway yes I'm exposing myself but I can see what I'll be exposed to so technically if I'm exposed to it and the guy sees me then it's an equal opportunities to think we can both address each other but what's not advantageous is me walking forward ignoring that something is here and bypassing it and getting shot in the side of the face or worse yet seeing something reacted to it with my eyes and my head and my barrel is granted in the other other direction oh [ __ ] there's a bad guy well I'm just gonna get face now so here we go because you don't have the time to react so in individual CQB as a individual person it is imperative that you turn the stealth mode on stealth let me give a couple things stealth mode because you have to be polite when you're allowed as an individual the day or night the cats out of the bag now you don't have the advantage right and so they're setting up on you they're waiting to ambush you but if you're quiet you might just catch them to pants them literally or figuratively whatever you're into so again using angles I'm using my feet my eyes behind my gun addressing what I could see when I get wall I stay long what I have to be tracked I'll break it down even the circumstance here I just this just came out of thin air if I'm walking need to clear this room well am I gonna walk with the gun like this it walks straight across this open space you know what I'll do is I'll retract the gun and then I'll try to see as much as I can see with my eyes and my angles using my peripheral and then when I'm committed I'm going to commit to this one right you just have to fight off what you could chew when you can chew that makes no sense um man see you made CPP is tough but it's tougher if you don't understand basic protocols on how to clear space with your eyes your gun and your your feet do this CQB happy salsa dance and know the layout of your home and how the maneuver end here's the last part I've been already given if you're clearing into a space like right like let's say you're going to go to the right the salsa dance is I'm going to enter the room of my left foot so I'm not going to do this just to do this to swing the leg I'm going to come here switch my hands keep your eyes on my feet and I'm going to step with my left foot so I could slide my knee or on the wall and then enter the room that is the salsa dance same thing with the left of your teeth left because you're here anyway you're hanging out with me if I'm going to my left same thing I'm going to enter the room with my right foot step clear with my right foot commit the gun and then drive my knee to commit you to drive into the point of domination also remember last words if I mentioned it I want to beat this home for you guys beat this home dad if I clear this space here right I don't have to walk to this space you would have to walk to this space in CQB collectively because you have a train line you need to get [ __ ] out of the way I'm here I need to rotate and get out of the way so my mates can get in here so we can move to the next obstacle or the next threshold but as an individual you don't have to do that don't be afraid like go back in that Lodge run right there don't be afraid to walk these spaces and use the angles that you have to your advantage to position yourself and set yourself up for success if I was clearing that this is the best advantage in this come into this space and film me coming out I identified right here it's a contractor now what am i doing I'm digging which is 95 percent of the room with just angles to my footwork now what do I have left this simple cut if I'm clearing the space remember to do again stepping in with a left foot right I'm like I might have a previously swap hands to just officially situation is fish with a pistol another duties before being pistols different I'm also very confident or must hand shoot as well so it's comfortable for me to do this and this and this especially it instances for about a bit of space that might be the difference between life and death I'm here committing the cuts empty there's nothing here in the cup do I do this clear no the answer is always done but what do I do I step in here the cuts clear I just have all those problems behind me no it's here boom now the game starts [Music] [Music] hey guys I hope you enjoyed that video if you enjoyed that video make sure you hit subscribe and tune in because we got more content coming to you guys Phil crash survival calm I'm Mike until next time stay alert stay alive [Music]
Channel: The FieldCraft Survival Channel
Views: 751,247
Rating: 4.9551191 out of 5
Keywords: fieldcraft, survival, fieldcraft survival, green beret, green berets, green, beret, berets, cqb, cqc, single man cqb, single man cqc, operator, special forces, special, forces, mike glover, mike, glover, spec ops, special ops, socom, cqc training, cqb training, training, close quarters combat, close quarters battle, mike glover green beret, combat tactics
Id: BIz_DhJH7eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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