the Gabi situation...

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[Music] welcome to Newark the local time here is 542 these keep your seatbelt fastened our pilots will turn off the seatbelt sign once in his name for you to get up please leave all into your belongings where they are until we've reached the gate if your phone is close by you cannot take it out of airplane phone okay so today was a very stressful day I had a breakdown in the airport like an actual one there's something even more crazy happened with the whole police story Partha thing but I'm not gonna talk about it you're not want to focus on negativity [ __ ] happens in life and that's just what it is but I was having a breakdown mental breakdown but it's fine I cleared it I truly feel you can choose how you think and how you are and I'm like you know what I'm fine everything's okay everything is just money it's just cars it's not a big deal but we got here to Bethlehem Pennsylvania and I'm not gonna lie I was like a little like oh no I'm not that wasn't too excited but when we stepped into the hotel it's beautiful I'll show you guys downstairs we step through this hotel it's beautiful we're at the Hotel Bethlehem and by the way Gaby took care of everything like that was so sweet of her like I honestly would have just flown out here to be a part of her show and everything but she took care of the hotel and the flights and this is absolutely beautiful like when someone does that I just assume we'll stay in like the cheapest hotel that's what we do on tour we just I stay in the cheapest hotels because and this is beautiful they told us those are the third most popular historic hotel in the country so it's amazing I'll show you guys this is my hair I think she's already announced it's kind of like little women inspired some of the housemother so I have my hair all set and ready to go my sister has the makeup but this is our cute little room it's very Gabby as soon as I walked in the hotel me cuz it's very Gabby but I have a really bad sit right here I'm gonna pop that I'm gonna pee we're gonna play go get dinner and I think there's a table read tonight so a lot you have to do I literally cried on the plane I'd only ever cried the heart of my life and I was it's like you disabled [ __ ] and I feel like everything teaches you lessons in life I've learned very valuable lessons through this whole car theft thing and it's all good it's all fine it's just a car it's just money and I'm here and I'm happy and I'm I'm excited and one great so that's more important til I get some food I got a pear cider actually so we got a pear martini a pear cider okay well it's kind of a good ring I mean it's about like they're excited I want to see this okay I like this I've never seen you try it I feel like paraffins apples they're better than apples like I just never saw you eat up here in different life we wouldn't really have parents growing up all you know I think that pair of items oh that's good I like sex more like juice which one do you like better we also got a caramel apple martini coming and I got mac and cheese Lobster and we're near Maine my sister said so maybe we are maybe we are using a map so far so good this is corn and chicken shower basically so much mom is my year chicken soup and I'm missing her big like really big lobster mac and cheese that our dreams like lifeless transport like you know food makes everything better it really just does in my life I don't know it's why I have a problem with food it just makes me happy how does that gone from those fine they look bomb they look so crispy you have to try some of those two is like a lobster mac and cheese mmm random I also cutting dinner with the capital and I just remember [Music] [Music] [Laughter] well this is the first scene of everything yeah so another like yeah I'm done after tomorrow but have a little candy I'm so excited so I just got notes on here's I'm like chill down - I'm playing their mom I'm officially the old person of YouTube get ready with me except we're already ready and we're in pajamas should I put lip gloss on is that so not like I'm worried about it's not really like a sleepover but also I have like well I didn't touch up my lips once literally just doing the most also just straight-up just has like Shane stuff everywhere I think okay just my favorite I gotta go that's a might get ready with me it's going up late on Saturday Oh cuz I'm like that this is so cool she was like airbrushing Gaby's literally the ultimate girly girl like I am a person alright literally I also feel like sold hanging around her and I'm so not but you're so cool like you're literally everything I want to be your house is so cute like she's a princess all this baby singing that me oh my god literally like short okay I'm just with my daughter oh all the conspiracy I mean yeah like yeah yeah yeah yeah we're filming um blood queens misma special and we were just doing you get right and she was on earlier she's like getting ready I was so fascinated by like people who actually not to do makeup yeah there was was everything so where's your horse peepers he's she's down there all right we're gonna go film and there's not the funny was this funny name is Frodo and you just put the apples inside the whiskey but it's not Apple whiskey right because they have so good I know they do today yeah like the cider we had like a pear cider and you make it oh my god yeah maybe don't dude on the pot I'll see you guys are couple clothes there's my favorite couple right here they're constantly cute all the time is a painting on each other abuse okay that's your story time that's my title I take your story time I was like that's three time man yeah I'm always down to use yes honestly all of us I'll eat til Friday but I leave it like one I'm Friday - I got the lead here by one bet laughs that'd be cute actually cuz I'm already like passengers oh yeah so cute so cute I [Music] [Laughter] love soda sure I got I got iced tea we all gosh you got weight is that what you have that white love that just all just all ready to go this is so fun this is already like a sleepover no no really it must be like let's preserve to this area because I've been to flick Philly and I've never seen it really I've never seen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] this is a rare thing do makeup so originally my sister came here to help move and makeup and here and stuff and nothing my hair's been like kind of holding up I mean this is good to use a curl so I just had to go to Ulta yesterday my sister and me were didn't see back home she's completely fine but there is a an emergency that happened and so she had to leave unfortunately because we had a really good dinner really good I know I'm making it when stuff comes up for me - I've never had to leave the Bahamas on Christmas like cuz I was having drama back home so she's not really fine we're completely fine I saw some there was some drama on Twitter about it there's no drama I want my sister to work through me and actually love her no matter what you don't work for me as home people just love to create trying this I thought I would just address the house because you guys pretty girl where'd she go to begin with oh so um people love to just make stuff up which I've learned like sometimes you are pretty honor man okay any kind of havoc - which intuition intuition about things but sometimes they're just show off my own makeup today Oh so I had to pick up a lot of this stuff at I don't even know how to do makeup really anymore I did it yesterday too and it blog am ready to destory I feel like it's kind of kind of relaxing I never thought I would say that but it kind of makes you feel like it just put together so I'm not doing all of it as you can see cuz I'm gonna contour so I don't really was she doing I mean also I'm not good at applying makeup but I thought so a cute little bathroom set up I think well I'm definitely moving this Saturday so I think when I move I waited til tried you weren't this just I'm just doing my makeup and talking with you guys all hunters at chick-fil-a event Bali it was really good but it's so funny like ain't so much fuss what do you think my body would be use different really truly fully is I mean my mistake yesterday of doing my contour and all of this and without blending but then I was watching something where it's like you have to blend like right away and I know I used this wrong and one trust me I actually brought a bought at Ulta I can show you guys the stuff I bought actually bought a foundation the foundation brushes actually prefer brushes I just don't know how to use a BB butter all that well yeah I'm here stream but we never I said that when you're doing play Queens and we filmed yesterday and it was so much fun oh I think they just bought me that worse I have so much to do back home I mean my car was stolen but it was recovered and I just I might do a full video on it I don't know it's it's such a it's such a violation just scary like weird eerie creepy feeling that like it's like I don't want or want it wants my lips okay really like they're blue so maybe I won't fully talk really good actually know that CeCe's Fondation sticks this isn't makeup forever why 37 we're not really good actually I'm really impressed okay so when's your bathroom called my mother called Jack trying to handle things back there amongst other things here I also got these k'kaw cream contour and highlight set at Ulta yeah a lot of Ulta I haven't been hold it oh my god this is so crazy but I really like these they're kind of easy to use I think this is kind of like contouring and highlighting for dummies um but yeah I love I love little sticks we're gonna venti head sticks like this and they're just so easy to use what do they say do the three immersing Kim Kardashian doing this on a video like these kind of smell weird they literally smell like crayons but we have got too much contour on but um yeah that's it easy I mean I just think like sticks make it easy to blend such a makeup artist right now you know what I did bring is actually powder bronzer though and I forgot to get some an alt I thought I got everything I needed Ulta but okay it actually kind of works cuz it's like winter time and it's Little Women it's like a Victoria era so doesn't like you to have a be face I love a be face but you know what I love too about having darker um roots and darker hair and it's my foundation and stuff doesn't get in it as much so you can like blend more into your hairline and it doesn't pick up it has gotten better for sure since I've shadow rooted I think I just read this part with the brush but you know we just go with it I just always do my eyes first and then my face but now it's just cuz I feel like once you get the face done this is like awful lighting in here I can do this but the face is always like the hardest and also the one that comes together the nicest so yeah okay now I look like a human I have just horrible um like skin texture of pigmentation some people say have nice skin like makeup artists I don't know they just make us like not as bumpy or what but feel like tell me that my skin all but you know what still doesn't stop me from not wearing makeup as possible I don't care if it wasn't like a filming obviously also with Gaby who is like glam Queen makeup Queen and all the girls her makeup so pretty like I just want to make up gotta be presentable well it's also filming honestly and not even like kissing ass or anything Gabi might be the sweetest youtuber I've met like just sweet just like a sweet sweet person it's like really crazy actually you know I watch our vlogs obviously and I watch thinking have a channel and like I feel like it's my sharing her blog she comes across like one way or something but like she's so kind and so sweet and just like so humble like I feel like she's not even like a youtuber she's just like a regular girl making videos you know I like that about her I don't know if she gets like I'm not a bad rap but also I go back and forth through my makeup this is uh how are you in touch-ups there's not enough room on the sink to do my or face another reason it's okay to move all made me completely doubt I brought this yesterday to use and actually didn't you need to use it it's like um you see my powder for like a fair day's get shiny but that stuff the blasted like I used it this is um it cosmetics airbrush perfecting powder in medium it's kind of like a double foundation okay they're all over I don't think just do that cuz I feel totally gross sure is just like a special powder so the bronze are not dry setting because like foundations like double foundation my t-zone gets shiny yeah doesn't feel like it kind of blends for me yesterday I use this anastacio blush palette which is pretty but I'd only go stick it right here because I was like this is pretty Orange is called Miami but they want to use at the it NARS orgasm today to make my pink suit alright cheeks pink see they're still important on this I just feel like it gives it like more of the era pink rosy cheeks every day I hold up fun makeup shopping like little things in life like that I miss I haven't makeup shopped in so long I just need to like enjoy life warm pretty highlighter tempting okay aw Beauty Collection I don't know I'm just trying to simplify my life that's my goal now not just be about how much money I can make and it's fun and it's good to hustle work hard and like I'm not I don't want to lose that because it's it's fun for me I love working in the hustling I just kind of like chill more no I just stressed myself out for no reason remember even told me that two shows you know I love that you work so hard she was we just stress herself out you need to supply your life and she's right I promise you guys this actually looks kind of good this lighting is just coming off like the harshest lighting ever brow goof-proof pencil I really love this too this is very it is goof proof I like any goof proof when it comes to makeup that's like you just can't mess it up I never used to want to fill my brows either but it does make like a difference I like subtle I don't like to do a tube thicker like over my brows because I always liked a really thin brow actually this is actually kind of thing for me and stuff but I got a call oh I got any makeup wipes Jones B is our so mayonnaise last night they're so good I'll shake that's the stuff I got at did you see it like looks better yeah that lighting and that rose so just do more make about here but yes I got the basically I just got like these cute brushes just to have I got like palettes I got The Naked palette a k'kaw palette glosses a gingerbread palette this is the mascara I've been using B go by Tarte trying to get this open the other day but couldn't this is like little honey sent from tarp got a bunch of lashes I have been using rheumatics eyelashes all in here which I love got like this kind of makeup remover from Clinique and this is my makeup that I kind of just had my jeffree star cosmetics bag which I'm obsessed with I don't have time to switch my into my Shan bag but I got my Shan jumpsuit which I might be wearing that today everywhere I go people give me compliments on that to shame by Geoffrey jumpsuit keeper there there's pizza on the bed there's that and then this is my little setup in here why do you read mmm there's back my god there's just lots of good three days I had angels wrote before I left her and splashed me okay so this hair has lost one more shooting game alright guys I just left over at Gabby's my hair is crazy I just got a Wawa drink I've grabbed it by the top dasoku-san order for food so I'm gonna do like a whole month thing but this is really cute inside I'm going to show you so in here looks like no I guess like a 7-eleven they have all the donuts and I got food over there so exciting so I just went over to my old place and picked up the last of my packages that were over there and this one from Coach came in and I wanted to do an unboxing of it it's kind of a little bit bittersweet for me my hands hurt or anything the boxes because I purchased this is when I was in Pennsylvania beyond I was editing the block a little bit so I didn't know what to do with the footage seems like when things happen like me and Jason broke up I was still editing footage from like the last days before we did because it was like good memories and truly Pennsylvania was one of the best memories I've had that week was amazing that week was like a really stressful week for me because my car away I just been stolen I was like in fights with people close to me um I was moving enough to a stress I'm prepared for that so I was like a good little break that I needed a little breather and it was like so nice everyone was so sweet and nice and fun to me and I'm fine with me and like I just felt like I found like people that I really really loved yeah I hate how it ended between me and this person and I'm just going to go ahead and take a be gay Martina Murphy no sorry um her sisters were so nice her friends were so nice to me it really was an amazing experience I personally sent an apology because she had apologized to me and I didn't accept it I felt really bad and because I was on social defense and I felt kind of like hurt and betrayed by the whole thing and then I realized that she was being genuine and I know I know genuine people and I spent a week with her and I don't think her intentions were bad at all I think it just kind of was the wrong person to say this I'm not gonna bring up any of the other drama because I just I can't right now because well also I just don't want to anymore but I'm like dealing with it privately but Gabi DiMartino like I actually feel I feel like there was just it was just a bad miscommunication this is no way of like sucking up to her I truly believe in the power of forgiveness and all that's unlike that without having to be besties with the person I really like her I feel like we're a lot a lot of like and that's why I kind of stopped this whole situation and to be honest I feel like this whole situation was manipulated in a very very bad wrong way and I didn't asked for it and um you know she didn't ask for it but here we are so anyways I just wanted to say that and I wanted to say it publicly as well because I did mention her publicly and it's just like I I've always kind of said that like I don't blame her and she's like this awful person or a bad person and this was a situation that has been going on for years and it just was like kind of the final straw situation and it just happened to like have had involved her I never wanted to involve me and it just sucks cuz it ruined this really amazing experience we had so I don't know if I'm still going to be of blood Queens or not I don't know if they rewrote it or they're going to change the parts or get someone else so whatever the cases all I know those are really good experience and I don't want to like have one that apples boil a bunch if you don't I mean like it was a really good time I still have my wok up over there and it didn't ruin cherish so anyways I read this was in Pennsylvania um she had this amazing purse that her boyfriend got her and she there was coke so I went and found at that exact night shake oh my god she's one of those girls like yeah get it and I'm the same way I like to tell people where I get stuff like let's twin I love matching people so I had enough ordering it in the box or the same box I ordered this box from Coach I wouldn't end up ordering the same purse they still hang out on this little website I'm sure the hell not like Poshmark and ebay as well but [Applause] and she just looks so cute in Boston it kind of commemorates the full experience all the I said like just only have the negativity aside or whatever stuff that's been going on for a while like that experience was amazing and I was truly truly honored that she was like a fan or not a fan but like what ask me but also a fan like she's admitted to it and like you know I'm the Bible is you which is like it's very weird for me to hear that it's a card for me to hear that because I'm not a perfect person I'm very very very imperfect and I have a lot of struggles and I'm never fully confident with myself so when people say that sometimes it makes me uncomfortable because I don't feel good enough to be idolized or good enough to be someone's like inspiration or here or someone they look up to because at the end of the day like that will disappoint people I've know I've met my heroes and like it's disappointed me so it's always been like a thing but I'm like I don't want to be I'll I don't want to be a role model because I don't want to disappoint people it's just it's a common pattern in my life that I don't wanna disappoint people and I think that's like why I have anxiety a lot of time just like I was like why did you meet reach for a long time I just never wear disappoint people if I don't have like sometimes during week three so don't rush but yeah there's a time limit in the venue so they do have to like keep things moving sometimes so sometimes I feel like I'm gonna disappoint someone it spend enough time with them it's like this anxiety that goes through my head you know but this Paris is absolutely stunning it's so super cute this is actually kind of cute for a witch or even those kind of springy then summery cuz it's white it has it really cute sparkles in there like in the flowers and it's really really really cute I'm actually a big fan of coach I think they got this new designer and so it's like it's really made like a a comeback or come up you know what I mean and you have this pink sequin Koecher coach purse I wasn't in love with so I'm never I'm really not coach especially with their new designs and stuff like that I feel like it's really they come to the stripe okay you don't know the name of this purse I can show you get the tag it relatively I mean it's an expensive for a quote unquote like luxury handbag that's what the tag says so your guess is as good as mine what it's called but you can see it on the on the site I mean that's literally is what I did I just like went and searched for like tote bags and you can you can see it puts hair away but like I said I'm always I'm always like damaged tiles I mean no that's the reason I went out there you don't even even like to be a part of showin said I mean I went to Pennsylvania for a week you know and it's I trust me I'm lazy and I get anxiety and I won't do that just for for anybody either like I I truly like loved her and like and loved her and like respect her and I think what she does is amazing and I think she has a good person I can she's someone who also gets like can't get a bad rep I mean she's not boil people that support her and love her for sure but she just does her own thing and out with Pennsylvania chillin I guess it's really cute so it's just like this little you can wear this and I want to show you guys but I thought it was super adorable and I just wanted to wrap it up in a in a bow and I wanted to share my experience and just show that there was a lot of love and positivity and I had a really great time and I guess that these girls we had like a sleepover at her house if we were freaking 13 years old again so it was fun and um and the overall memory is something that like I would love forever and like I I don't wish her any ill will at all and to be honest like I never I've never had beef it got me to be this like holy snowball thing and um and I I take well I guess I take blame too you know for some of it I think in defending myself in a situation that didn't have to do with Gabby de Martino I think including her in what the real issue was was my fault so I I do own up to that so and also not accepting her apology I do believe if someone apologizes because not everybody apologizes if someone does apologize you should have set their apology you know that takes a lot for someone to do and you don't have to question if it's real or fake or just in genuine or whatever if someone does that that like it's like they decide and I'm saying that not because I'm apologizing now I'm saying that because I didn't accept her apology right away and had I've done that I think everyone's mental well-being as far as me and her would have been just so much better cuz I get my issue wasn't with her and I because it was the it was the instigator for this final thing that pushed me over the edge it was bad but all right I I love you nothing but love and light and I will see you guys in the next vlog
Channel: Trisha Paytas
Views: 591,369
Rating: 4.7219682 out of 5
Keywords: the gabi situation, trisha paytas, gabi demartino, blood queens, trishaslife, blndsundoll4mj, fancy vlogs, unboxing, coach purse, luxury items, get ready with me, makeup haul, ulta, follow me around, haunted hotel, bethlehem hotel, vacation vlogs, behind the scenes
Id: F50UBSmKnEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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