Gabbie Hanna needs to be stopped.
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: JessiSmiles
Views: 6,102,488
Rating: 4.8278413 out of 5
Keywords: vine, vines, funny vines, best vines, vine app, jessi smiles, funny vine videos, funny videos
Id: XbO_X_15lqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I personally am not familiar with this situation at all, but in order for YouTube to be protected space for alternative (but responsible) political views, we should not allow rape apologia from YouTube celebrities to slide.
Even if those YouTuber did not sign up to be political, their inherent status as the new infotainers of the millennial generation (especially sponsored by one of the world's biggest companies, Google), they need to stop taking their public responsibilities (such as not apologizing for rape) lightly.
Also, allowing for such flippant rejections of people's safety and wellbeing, we are implicitly telling everyone that it's OK for Google to lump in "BreadTube" or "LeftTube" in with irresponsible content that they "have to" remove.
Not advocating for YouTube to become anything close to a police state or panopticon (it already is becoming the latter anyway), but I ask of all of us to not give Google the excuse to demonetize speech they already are deeming a threat to their hegemony.