Gabbie Hanna needs to be stopped.

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I personally am not familiar with this situation at all, but in order for YouTube to be protected space for alternative (but responsible) political views, we should not allow rape apologia from YouTube celebrities to slide.

Even if those YouTuber did not sign up to be political, their inherent status as the new infotainers of the millennial generation (especially sponsored by one of the world's biggest companies, Google), they need to stop taking their public responsibilities (such as not apologizing for rape) lightly.

Also, allowing for such flippant rejections of people's safety and wellbeing, we are implicitly telling everyone that it's OK for Google to lump in "BreadTube" or "LeftTube" in with irresponsible content that they "have to" remove.

Not advocating for YouTube to become anything close to a police state or panopticon (it already is becoming the latter anyway), but I ask of all of us to not give Google the excuse to demonetize speech they already are deeming a threat to their hegemony.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mynameis__--__ 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
um Wow okay I'm Way more nervous than I thought I was gonna be for my subscribers who have been here a while who are so beyond patient and understanding with me when I don't post or film videos for this channel I am so sorry that this is my first video back after like four months of not posting on this channel please know that I not only appreciate you like greatly for still even sticking around and giving me chance after chance but that I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't feel like I had to now if you aren't one of my subscribers you should know right off the bat this is not the type of content that I make my channel doesn't revolve around exposing people or creating drama so I know when drama happens people tend to subscribe because they want to stick around for that drama and I'm letting you know right now you're not gonna get much more of it but anyway I'll just get into it because this is gonna be long I'm sure for the longest time a lot of you guys have known that me and Gabi Hanna used to be best friends we used to be extremely close some of you know that because you were here during that time and some of you have just figured it out because you've seen our old videos from a long time ago together tweets we used to send each other things like that and you just put two and two together and on that same note a lot of you guys have figured out that we're not friends anymore because we don't really talk a lot of you have had so many questions over the years like what happened this video is just gonna touch on a very small portion of why we're not friends anymore and I'm only gonna bring up the parts that are relevant to this situation I don't see the benefit and bringing up all of our old dirty laundry believe me there's a lot of it that happened between me and her so I don't feel the need to bring that up because it's truly just not relevant to this situation just so you know right off the bat there's just gonna be a small portion of what happened between us that you will learn but what is relevant and what I feel I do need to bring up is that Gabi has crossed a line completely and I don't know what else to do than this I don't know what else to do than to just like use my voice and tell you guys what's going on and before the comments start rolling in because I can already see them now just telling me Jessie you were friends with her five years ago like just get over it stop bringing this up I want to let you know that the situation I'm gonna be talking about the reason why I'm sitting right here in front of you is because of something that happened yesterday morning I've realized that the more that I stay quiet the more that I do not talk about the things that she does the more I enable her to continue to do this to other people okay so I'm gonna give you some brief backstory to kind of lead up to all of it Gabi recently got into drama whatever with Trisha Paytas and Trisha Paytas is someone that honestly I consider a troll and I consider someone that is almost never like being serious and also she has problems would like literally almost everyone so when I saw the title of her video that said why I don't trust Gabi Hanna I was like okay what are you talking about Trisha like are you just trolling again but when I saw the video I was so unsettled is that the right word I just felt so weird basically what happened was that Gabi had texted Trish's ex Jason Nash when Trisha and Jason first started dating Gabi figured out that they were dating and she texted Jason Nash and told him that Trisha had herpes which Trisha does not have Trisha has been upset with Gabi ever since and then it all led up to her making this video but that's not the part that wasn't settling to me it was all the parts where Trisha said that she was scared of Gabi it kind of just made me realize all of the manipulation and made me realize all the times I've apologized to her all the times that she's made me stop being friends with friends it was the beginning of me realizing that this person who constantly preaches being a good person about being so much better than she used to be like it made me realize that all of that [ __ ] when I saw Trish's video I tweeted something cryptic okay sure it's petty of me it was dumb this is what I said I said if you are a shitty person the world will find out maybe tomorrow maybe the next day but it's only a matter of time and I pretty quickly like a few hours passed and I just realized I'm like Jessie if you're gonna say something to say something like stop being cryptic I have that problem sometimes I just you know I don't want to quite speak up but I don't want to not say anything so I just kind of like put her tweet like that out there anyway I realize that was stupid I got really anxious because it was getting a lot of attention so I just deleted it this next part I'm gonna just put a little trigger warning in here I am gonna mention sexual assault at this point and throughout the video in little ways because it is extremely relevant to the topic so I'm just letting you know that that is going to happen so anyway this girl her name is Deanna she tweeted I think a lot of people forget or don't know that Gabby Hanna chose rapists a rapist who admitted and wrote signed a confession to the cops over her best friend who was the victim and she didn't do it privately but publicly that's always bothered me so Gabby saw Diana's tweet and she didn't like it she felt strongly enough that she felt she needed to message Deanna and that's why I'm here today to share those messages with you I wanted to say before I start reading the messages I am NOT going to include every single message about the Anna and Gabi sent back and forth however right now in this screen recording I'm not only showing you that this did come from Gabi's actual profile I wanted to include this so that you guys can stop and read the entire conversation if you have the time the only things that I'm excluding in this video is private and sensitive information that Deanna shared with Gabi that is not my place to share with you guys so anything edited out in the screen recording is private information and during this video I'm just gonna bring up the messages that are pretty much my reason for making this video the ones that are relevant because otherwise we're gonna be here a long time and you know it's just gonna get confusing and by the way Deanna is the one who gave me these messages she not only knows that I'm making this videos she's fully supportive of the fact that I am so I just want to let that be known like I would never show these messages if she didn't want me to just really quickly I want to preface this by saying because you're gonna see a lot of her messages in the end start agreeing with Gabi but basically she sent this to me after realizing that she had been played pretty much so you're gonna read her messages it might be a little confusing to be like wait why did she send you these messages we'll get into the whole conversation but basically I just want to preface this by saying her responses are a result of her being or feeling manipulated by Gabi at least that's what she communicated to me Gabi is the one that started the conversation she says I'm genuinely trying not to engage with this stuff because it's gossip but this is one that truly confuses me because I don't understand why anyone believes it if I collab with my friend's ex especially publicly where is it where is any photo any video it doesn't exist because it didn't happen that man is not my friend has never been my friend I think I tweeted at him one time before I ever even met Jessie and that's it so how this story is a thing I'll never understand but I want to Deana says Gabi I truly appreciate you asking and I want to hear your side my tweet was really harsh and you didn't come at me with hate or anything as far as I and 99% of your subscribers are people on this side of the YouTube fence believe that you took his side when the allegations dropped and if I have anything wrong or mistaken please feel free to show me your side and correct me the collab video was something someone in my mentioned said and I did in fact check that and I apologize for jumping the gun on that one then it starts Gabi says here's a long story short and she starts talking about me now notice how the girl was not talking about me at all yes it has to do with the man who raped me and her supporting him but Gabi just jumps like straight into okay it's time to discredit Jessie it's time to make Jessie look like a bad guy so that I can get this girl to realize that Jessie's a liar that Jessie's crazy and that I'm right so it starts here Jessie and I weren't friends when the allegations went down we became friends after once we were friends I literally never talked to or collab with Curtis for reasons that don't matter in my opinion and to not spread hate or rumors Jessie and I had a falling-out and I had to make a choice to stop engaging with it since then her and Jen started a hate campaign about me saying that I ditched her to collab with her rapist because he had more followers I have never said that in my life Gabby I have never in my life said that you left me to collab with Curtis cuz he had more followers there has never been a single photo video or literally anything to back that up the text I sent to Jen were after relentlessly attacking me and spreading that rumor and I was a lot younger and angrier back then since then Jen has reached out and apologized last I spoke to her we were on really good terms and she would reach out when she wanted to talk I have no idea where this hate is coming from now and I messaged her last night asking what happened from then and now to make her so upset and if there was anything I did that we could talk through and she chose not to respond that's what I've been dealing with for five years I don't engage with it because it's simply not true if it is please someone send me whatever video or photo collab I ditched my best friend for Jessie broke my [ __ ] heart dude I a hundred percent let out all my emotions on that tweet and I'll own that but if you look up the situation or ask anyone on Twitter about it everyone says that you publicly came out and supported him and like you told me you and Jessie weren't friends anymore I thought you guys were best friends and so does everyone else that's a huge chunk so Gabby says send me a screenshot what's the day and no I never would publicly support him and this is where we start getting horrendous says I told him verbatim when he reached out after what Jessie did to me I got a call from an unknown number and answered it and it was him she's talking about the man who raped me and he said I heard what happened and I want to apologize for being so unkind to you in the past and I said thanks for the apology but just so you know I'd never side with you or bash Jessie publicly regardless of what she did but the [ __ ] she did was so nasty that Curtis heard about it I don't even know how to express what I felt when I saw this message this was the most one of the most disgusting parts of all these messages to me number one you lied he didn't call you you hung out with Curtis as friends Curtis was there this is what you told me he pulled you to the side and he told you that he told you I'm so sorry I was mean to you I can't believe what Jessie did to you trying to get on your side that that part's true but it happened in person and the reason why I remember it happened in person is because you told me I'm getting really worked up and really [ __ ] annoyed I'm sorry Gabby told me when I communicated to her this was after we had stopped being friends but even though we had stopped being friends one of the things that I believe you never do even if you hate someone now it's hang out with their rapists and his friends so I was hurt and I told Gabby Gabby this is [ __ ] up like I'm really hurt and she defended herself when all of this happened and she said I was hanging out with his friends I wasn't hanging out with him he just so happened to be there and he pulled me to the side I didn't intend to talk to him whatever and I communicated with her and told her how much that hurt me and that was the point where she told me something like I will literally never [ __ ] forget because I cannot believe like till this day that she would say something like this she said Jessie Curtis his friends didn't rape you what the [ __ ] do I say to that like I don't know and then Deanna says Gabby I swear to god you got to stand up and share your story once in a while because you're literal audience me someone who's followed you for years have been told something completely opposite and Gabby said if I tried to fight every lie anyone's ever told about me it's all I do all day if people want to believe that they can all these people want is attention and I feel no need to give it to them I know myself I know my heart I love my life my friends know me and love me I have literally everything I want why battle someone who literally is lying for attention I don't mean this to be any way except what it is there's a reason why I am where I am and they're where they are and I'm okay with just being genuinely happy and knowing I'm good you know and I'm just gonna bring this up really quick because I feel like it's a relevant thing Gabi has and always will paint me as someone who is crazy I am the liar I am the attention wanter some of you know and some of you don't know that me and Gabi have done story times on each other we have not set each other's name and we've tried to cover it up by being like you'll never guess who this person is the point is we've done stories on each other and I just want to compare to you the beginning of her videos and how she describes me versus the beginning of my videos about her and how I describe her I just wanna I just want to put those two and two together so you can see what she wants people to feel about me what she's always this is years ago that she posted two years ago she posted this story time she's always wanted people to see me like this and I'll let you I'll let you see I'll let you see how we talk about each other here it is I also want to say that I haven't been friends with this person for years this happened so far in the past and I have no bad blood with this person whatsoever I wish her nothing but the best and her morning sees she's having a great life and she's doing her thing and she was very happy and I am very happy for her I don't really know her anymore but I'm sure she's grown up a ton and so have I now I have admitted in the past that I myself have had some crazy [ __ ] moments but there is a huge astronomical difference between having crazy [ __ ] moments and being a crazy [ __ ] honestly looking back at my time with this person I do look at it with fondness because we didn't have a lot of fun together and she did mean a lot to me at the time but sometimes it's hard to believe now here where I am in my life that I ever put up with this type of behavior the amount of stories that I have but that's kind of my issue that I learned about myself thanks to a year of therapy is I seek out like emotionally unstable neurotic people and I try to fix them even if I'm not trying to fix them it's like I feel like I need to support them and be there for them so like I said I have a lot of stories about this friend in particular but I think that this is the first one where I was like oh you're psychotic and this is how I introduce a situation about her I saw an email that apparently was sent to me while I did not have access and it was from someone that I used to be friends with way back in the day well I mean I guess not wait the day were pretty back in the day I wasn't friends with them when I was like in [ __ ] kindergarten but you get the picture so I read this email and in this email this person mentioned this thing that I'm about to tell you guys about and they mention it in a way that made it seem like they were so like really angry about it and I was just thinking to myself like what the [ __ ] are they talking about I'm gonna tell you how this situation happened obviously through my perspective I can't tell you how they saw it and I want you guys to be honest with me tell me if I'm in the wrong here maybe I just don't understand or don't see why I was wrong in this situation but I need you guys to tell me so a bit of a difference there a bit of a difference in respect it's something that's frustrating to me it's something that if she really did look back at her friendship with fondness where is the respect in any regard you can't even fake respect for a video you've had crazy [ __ ] moments but I'm like who put her in a psych ward she also did this whole act like how she said in those messages I love my life all of that in her Instagram stories I'm gonna put a little clip here because Wow no matter what I do I'm always a bad person and this is what is why I have three amazing friends that I hang out with don't talk about anybody don't do it like I'm in my [ __ ] house live in my life I'm at a place in my life where I'm so [ __ ] happy like I've great people in my life like my friendships my love life like my house my career like everything's great and I'm so secure and myself and who I am at this point that I'm so done with [ __ ] and I'm so sick of like the [ __ ] I hear that I've said or done like coming back to me and just like hearing the things that like people make up I just dude I'm that I am somebody who not to toot my own horn but beep the [ __ ] beep I am so kind to people in my life and to me it's just it's so insane because just in October of 2019 she posted this tweet that says people with good intentions don't need to remind you all the time they have good intentions people with good hearts don't need to remind you they have good hearts honest people don't need to convince you they're honest the loudest people usually have the most to hide the irony is insane I can't believe she doesn't see that like just one month ago you were saying that and now you are constantly telling people how kind you are how honest you are you're in a fan's messages trying to convince her that I suck that I lie that she shouldn't believe me and that what she thinks happened never happened like I'm just it's so bizarre to me Gabi says you know what would happen if I address this Google Gabi Hannah Curtis support right now literally not a single image not a single tweet not a single video once I address it doctored photos will start popping up Jessi will feel the need to speak about it more to defend herself and lie about other [ __ ] it's just not worth it Deanna says no I agree and this is a part of the messages where I decided I was gonna make a video on it where I decided that this is so far beyond crossing a line like she's already crossed lines in these messages for sure but this was the part where I was like no that's it the girl did not ask for this the this was not something that she was like hey so provide me with more information on what Jessi's like but Gabi started sending my private text messages with her to this fan and she says like the girl had tried to bring me down so many times and in the meantime look and she sends a message which I'm not even gonna read I'm gonna put it on screen but it's still done because it's just me talking to her like it's just me messaging her so I guess her point of trying to show this as being like you see like Jessi's mad now and she has no right to be because we spoke months ago and then she says yeah she's so friendly to me pretends to be sorry and smiles in my face then does [ __ ] like this when I'm in trouble you're implying something like what you're saying then does [ __ ] like this what did what did I do I put one cryptic tweet that I deleted hours later that I didn't even mention you or at you or anything what did I do she says she knows she's a liar is the thing she's called me so many times saying she's been on meds and is better now and was sorry for everything then blocks me out of nowhere and it starts all over this is the most disgusting [ __ ] like I swear to you I cannot believe that she said this number one I have never called Gabi Hannah and said hi I'm on medication I'm so sorry for everything I realize that was wrong you know you're always talking about mental health and therapy and you know how you've gone through your journey with that like it's so weird to me that you will bring up someone else's medication that they talk to you about in private which no I'm not ashamed of it I've mentioned online like five years ago that I was on antidepressants I don't talk about it anymore not because I'm ashamed or whatever I just don't talk about it so for you to feel like that's okay to share what someone is so [ __ ] is so nasty and it's so low Deanna basically me at this point when she saw the medication message she started feeling just that kind of like inkling inside of you that's like oh this is weird like what's happening right now so she kind of changed the subject and so she said so do you think that the tweets that were tweeted from your Twitter that day are just really good fakes then Gabi sends another text message that I've sent her and this was one of Gabi telling me that I should sing more that I'm talented and all that stuff and I told her thanks a lot for saying that sometimes I forget you were my number one fan always at the front of the stage lol and she said ouch my heart it's really interesting to me the things that Gabi thinks are gonna sway other people's opinions like why are you showing a text message of me being nice to you I don't think that every part of Gabi is evil there were parts of Gabi that I really loved that is why I opened my house to her I allowed her to live in a [ __ ] air bed in my living room and we had some good times and I genuinely saw parts of Gabi that I loved and I'm not ashamed of that part of me I'm not being fake by telling you that I did believe that you were like my number one fan anytime I sang on a stage you were there you were there and you made me feel so comfortable and you were mouthing the words to my songs and I loved that part there were parts that I loved about you how does that make anything you've done okay anyway I'm jumping the gun let me just continue she said with that text I haven't been able to find any tweets but if they're out there they're fake and you can go on the Wayback Machine and see that but show me tweets but Deanna says the gist of the tweet was you saying that you're standing by curtis's side no matter what and he's innocent i distinctively remember this one because when I saw your name by it it broke my heart and I've gotten hundreds of mentions and DM saying they remember the same exact tweet I'll try and see if I can find a screenshot but I promise you Gabi that tweet existed Gabi says oMG lmao that would a hundred thousand percent be fake that's insane I actually am laughing so hard because it's that far-fetched I thought that most you were gonna say like hey wanna collab and then they kind of went into this conversation that's pretty long I'll put the you know the screenshots right here for you to read it but basically what's happening is that Deanna was saying that people thought that in one of curtis's vines this looked like Gabi and gotta go saying That's not me and they went back and forth and then Gabi says so what I'm supposed to combat every fake screenshot see what I'm saying if I defend one thing that people will pull up a screenshot like that and say why didn't you address this because it's true and you didn't want to bring attention to it then I have to address it again and then there's something else trust me hon there's nothing I could ever do to combat it so why give the attention what's really strange to me about that is that you're literally giving it attention right now you're literally in someone's DMS for something that's so fake that it's ridiculous you're laughing this is just crazy about anyone would ever believe that but you're giving it the attention you swear you're not gonna give it Diana says which I know you don't know me but my pop-pop died last month and I promise on his grave I remember that sweet and no you can't but it's sick that came from a pretty well thought of online news thing Gabby says I'd rather just hang out with my man my friends my producers and make cool [ __ ] this is this is a classic Gabby thing like when she's in any sort of pickle it's just like I'd rather just live my super-awesome life okay go do that then like why are you here I don't understand she says the tweet isn't real if it exists and if it exists then find the fake screenshot because I googled it and can't find it Deana says no I know there's no proof Gabby says otherwise it's a false memory of people just hearing about it and then being like yeah I saw that because I genuinely have never seen it and I'm not gonna read this next message because it contains personal info but Gabby says yeah girl that's why I don't give it any attention you know who makes up [ __ ] like that people who are desperate for attention Deanna says I literally want to throw up oh my god I feel so guilty and Gabby says ah no need manipulative people are usually good at being manipulative and you're not alone in that lots of people run with fake news Deanna being a [ __ ] sweetheart she says Gabby I am so sorry would you like me to make a public tweet taking back what I said I ran with something on what I thought was solid evidence and backed up by my memory and I simply just ran on emotion and Gabby says I mean yeah you can totally say you looked into it and realized it was based on nothing or whatever it is you want to say but I think the damage has definitely been done not because of you it's not your fault it's then but it's weird to me that no one's ever looked into it all you'd have to do is find that video to see it's not me you know she's referring to the vine from before you can check anything that's ever been on the internet on the wayback machine so any tweet would still be traceable no one cares about the truth and that's all and then basically Deanna is just profusely apologizing to Gabby and just being like I'm so sorry and explaining herself and Gabby sends a heart and then an hour and 20 minutes later after sending that heart after finishing this conversation with Deanna Gabby starts sending text messages unprovoked unsolicited she did not ask for them Deanna and said nothing about this Gabby sends this text message and this just [ __ ] pissed me off so she sends a message where basically this was a time in my life where I didn't know that I wanted to do YouTube anymore and I started editing videos on the side which fun fact I still do I still edit for creators it is my full-time second job it's why I don't make as much videos anymore although I plan to but either way it's a second job that I decided to take on because it's a lot of stress relying on YouTube for money it's a lot of stress you know when you have a kid and you don't have a stable income and it was a lot so I decided to get a second job and I reached out to a lot of influencers Gabby being one of them asking like hey if you ever need videos edited let me know and Gabby sends that screenshot of that text message and she says same girl who's asking me for a job is trying to ruin my career lol this just bothers me because she's trying to belittle the fact that I ever reached out to her to see if she ever had work that I need like I'm not embarrassed by back I was editing for creators I wanted to build up clients I wanted to you know start a second job I don't understand that in her eyes I get where she's coming from because Gabby thinks it's like Oh hilarious she wants a job for me and trying to ruin my career haha peasant but that's that's not the case I was asking for a job there's no reason you should have shared that with a fan private messages yet again overstepping yet another boundary Deanna says this is so confusing and then Gabby yet again just start sending private messages and these are even worse because these messages are from a time where Jen one of my closest friends we stopped talking for about I want to say was like six months in the end we realized that Gabby turned us against each other I talked [ __ ] about Jen to Gabby Jen talked [ __ ] about me to Gabby we stopped being friends because of it you know it was like this insane thing because me and Jen have always been so close we never even [ __ ] fought we never fought a day in our life and since this whole thing happened like we fought one time and the common denominator was Gabby she manipulated both of us against each other until we both divulge secrets with her said [ __ ] that we shouldn't have said and she took messages from when Jen was talking [ __ ] about me and she sent them to Deanna asked me why ask me [ __ ] why because I don't know the messages I mean I'll put them on the screen you can stop again I'm not going to through them it was a time where me and Jen like I said we're fighting Jen was telling Gabi like I don't know why Jessie hates you I don't know all this stuff whatever point is it was Jen talking [ __ ] about me and she sends this to this man and says she's like so fake she literally told me that Jesse would log in and tweet from Jen's account so she could hide behind her I'll address that in a second and now she's tweeting that jesse was so scared of me she had to tweet from my account so what she's referring to it says this is such a convoluted story but basically that's true there were times when I would want to say something and I just felt like I couldn't I felt like it would be too much drama I feel like I would be bringing up too much if it was on my account and so Jen would be like just sweet on my account I would do it and I [ __ ] you not ass Jen two minutes later it was illegal it was like a diary it was like a diary that I just needed to like that like word vomit and then I would delete it and Gianna says okay give me a sec to read question is there no way you can break off cleanly or is it almost impossible because of YouTube and Gabi says after she was telling me how [ __ ] up it was that Jesse would do that girl I do not speak to them lol like we all live our own lives I thought with no problem and then they do this Deanna says oh so when they're bored they want to start [ __ ] see everyone from a viewer standpoint thought Jessi hated you because you chose Curtis like if you talked to any viewer that's what the subs were told and I have no idea where that rumor started maybe she believed it Gabi says regardless after all that Jen reaches out and admits she was wrong we FaceTime for so long multiple times and then she goes on the same rant because you are manipulative and at the end of the day you don't stop that you got Jen to not only apologize to you you got me to apologize to you for [ __ ] that you did I just don't even understand how I allowed it you're in advance [ __ ] messages and you're telling them my private [ __ ] I would never do that I would never do that none of this was necessary not sharing my message is not getting people to try to hate me not calling me a psycho not I don't understand Gabi I I truly don't I know we had a falling out I know I've got nasty we said [ __ ] to each other calling each other [ __ ] and what did we say I don't know if we said [ __ ] but you know what I mean it got nasty I'm aware of that but I wouldn't be caught dead messaging a fan with our emails back and forth this is so far beyond defending yourself you're not defending yourself and just saying oh I never supported Curtis that's no you did what you did was you got someone who's a fan of mine that she told me on the phone she's been a fan of mine for a long time and you you just tried to get her to hate me I posted one tweet that didn't have your name in it I didn't post a Anna's tweet Deana posted her tweet so why you went so hard trying to get her to not only apologize publicly so that you didn't look the way that you look you wanted her to know you needed her to know that I'm a liar and that I'm not trustworthy and I don't know why I don't know what else to say Gaby except I know you're watching this there's a reason I did not go to you privately and that is because I don't believe that going to you privately would have done anything other than you telling me I was wrong you convincing me I was wrong and me shutting up once again that's what what happened if I privately message you so this wasn't this wasn't about that I don't know the behind-the-scenes how many other fans you've contacted how many other lines you've crossed your time of hiding in the shadows of behind the scenes using people like pawns to do what you want and get the result that you want it's done when it's not me trying to ruin your career I don't want to take your subscribers I don't want your subscribers to come over here and subscribe to me that is not what I want I don't care about that stuff it's never been about that Gaby this was um this was too much you went way too far you have violated just so many just moral codes just ethics just being a [ __ ] compassionate human being you've completely thrown that out of the window and and I'm not gonna allow you to get away with it I can't speaking up felt like my only option showing this felt like my only option here other than just letting her continue with this behavior and I couldn't do that and that's it I'm done you
Channel: JessiSmiles
Views: 6,102,488
Rating: 4.8278413 out of 5
Keywords: vine, vines, funny vines, best vines, vine app, jessi smiles, funny vine videos, funny videos
Id: XbO_X_15lqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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