Minecraft, But We Are All Colorblind...

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this video we made it so that we could see george's color blindness in minecraft how will this affect how we perceive the game and even a performance in game we're about to find out also only a small percentage of people who actually watch my videos are subscribed so if you liked the video please subscribe it's free and you can always unsubscribe later all right tell me tell me when to put it on i'll put it on all right um put it on now go whoa what this is so weird oh my god how do you move so fast wait this is no it's not wait what this is spruce this is not jungle wood it is it's jungle wood wait wait wait wait is this no wait i'm colorblind it's occasional wait is this birch is this bird it's a case yeah that's bird that's got it this has to be birch right yeah that's birch over there this is acacia though no this is this is that look george i want you to answer this this acacia wood is it the same color as the grass no it's like almost exactly the same color it's like they're different but like i can see why it's well like the color the color is almost the same to you wait a second look at me do i look yellow yeah you're yellow wait so like for me i just don't know if you're yellow or green like wait you don't get george look at this yellow don't know which one but look at my pet look at my pet what color is my pet it's yellow all right wait let's look at the little leaves everything looks so dead i know it looks like kill you look it actually does like everything looks dead it just looks like everything's dead whoa whoa bro look at look at the nether portal what no way it's blue no that is not what he sees george this is epic that is epic there's no way he sees that george that that's a dub george i don't know what you're seeing okay the way i'm gonna share my screen on discord george i'm gonna share my screen on discord okay it doesn't look no it doesn't look weird what there's no way dude this is so weird that is sick that's actually so cool though it actually doesn't look different it's so cool go back to the go back to the the acacia wood let me see what it looks like for you are you sure this isn't like spruce i'm so certain this is spruce no it's not spruce it's not wait okay yeah that's not exactly what it looks like for me but it's close though right it's it's like green right what what it's like green it's like brown no it's like brown yeah okay okay double color blindness right now it looks different it looks different to what i see though okay but the portal looks the same so the portal looks basically the same yeah dude the portal on our screen is like a completely different color it's like purple it's like it's completely different like it doesn't even look similar in any way whatsoever guys guys this this is what george sees and this is what in oh my god dude george you i'm gonna turn it off i wanna i feel bad for george i feel bad for george let's look at something else do you wanna play a game of edwards with us yeah we should play which way game of thrones you're going to oh my god all the colors we're going to do because like i so many times i um when you're getting a party they'll be yellow and green and i don't i don't know which one to go to and sometimes they'll be like only one of the teams alive i'll go to the green one when i'm meant to go to the yellow one and it's just like pointless because they're already dead all right you guys ready we'll do 3v3 v3 oh my god even this it just looks like you just took the vibrance out of life like does this look the same to you george on yours yeah i've got them both up yeah it looks basically the same might look at my skin my skin does my skin look like how it looks to you um yeah it does yeah no way wait really that's how my skin looks to you yes oh what the wooden pickaxe looks weird it looks blue wait really it's because the enchanted when you get the enchantment on it look the enchantment stuff looks blue because normally it's like no way i want to buy it bruh this is oh look at the diorite is such a weird like a weird shade oh what look at the diamond george this you need to look at the you need to look at diamond armor versus iron armor oh look at this no way this diamonds look at my screens look at the diamond george that's nice what dude it looks like snow here it's like snow oh crap someone all right we need to take these guys out quick someone's building to our base wait look at them what what color are they wait actually they're red what no way they're brown they're brown they're actually brown get in there get in there boys i got it nice nice kill these guys all right nice nice we're insane nice we're good we're good let's go let me get back to our base quickly no the yeah the red is weird the red is weird like red actually looks like brown it doesn't even look like red at all it doesn't look red like i actually would not have guessed that was red blue looks so normal though yeah blue blue it's weird blue looks like i don't know it just looks blue your favorite color george yeah that makes sense because blue is like the prettiest color like blue looks brew looks like vibrant and normal yeah it's vibrant and normal and like it just looks good look at the green and yellow wall there's no is this it it's literally the same thing but one's like slightly darker what no way no way no way dude it's like how can you even tell the difference is it where is this it get over here to where we were fighting no way yeah it's lime you're j what bro george what this is actually saying they're the same they're actually the same yeah this is why i thought we i thought we were at yellow base yeah this is what i'm saying i always get confused between the yellow and the green team i feel so bad for george i thought we were at the yellow base we know we were at the green bays wait we're at green yeah we're at green rag green look at this guy's enchant he's like what the heck i died wait this is em this looks like gold blocks i know it does look like gold blonde what the heck these emeralds are yellow dude ew yeah it looks like gold blocks that's you actually just can't see the color green it's like like like green doesn't it like it's real it doesn't exist it's just yellow it's yellow it's yellow oh this guy's comboing me oh nice let's go cause i saved you with the fireball oh yeah okay guys i'm coming with my ender dragon where are you but also red isn't a color so literally red and green both just aren't colors i know his thing is a red green color blind right yeah yeah i think but like he just can't see red or green wait look come over your dream there's two yellow teams which one's green they're just both yellow oh my god they actually they look the exact same yeah that one just looks a little darker like green look just looks a little darker which i just make sense like green kind of is like a darker a darker color than yellow you can tell which one's green though right george i mean i i wouldn't know i'd have to see them like right next to each other really yeah they have to be like right next to each other for me to tell properly that's crazy oh this is crazy it actually is crazy george like this life i'm running around this lobby just looks pretty much the same to you right um pretty much yeah oh my gosh guys no way it's so different where what color is what is going on in god wait is this green it's all yellow this is all yellow is this all yellow this isn't all usually all yellow is it look at the pacman up here i guess it's blue that's i don't know i honestly don't know what any of these colors are let's play let's play oh this lobby i just it's it shocks me how how dull grass is and leaves like green just doesn't exist so everything that's green is just like gray and yellow i know it's just really it's just this is actually like i i thought this was gonna be i i thought i was like gonna have to over exaggerate or something like i thought i thought it was gonna be like like more boring but no it's actually [Music] not no i finished second george finished third nice all right i'm taking us to play arcade all right yeah let's play arcade games if this video on snapchat's channel gets a million likes i will play in the next mcc with this on a million likes there's no way it happens i will play the next mcc with this one if it gets a million likes but there's no way it'll happen there's zero i've only had a few videos on my channel getting my man oh there's my oh boy it doesn't matter it doesn't matter yeah but it's just the colors are gonna just look so weird it's gonna look so weird this is the ugly yeah it's so weird whatever what color am i i think i'm gray wait no am i yellow or my yellow i think we all see yellow ourselves yeah as ourselves here it's just like there's only like three colors on this board but i know there's like it actually does look like a couple only a couple colors i don't understand how you do well in this game i don't i don't honestly don't really know how did i i mean i wanted one i don't even know no i said you were oh no oh that's you that's stuff now nice wait what color is that one up there i think that's red the ones at the very top are red yeah they are really yeah they're definitely red i'm just used to it so i know what to look for i got second i got thirds i got first oh my gosh george's color blind george's color binding goggy here we go ew look at the lava wait what's gold oh my god it's like it's like liquid gold i'm looking it looks normal to me oh i just fell yeah it looks like liquid gold it looks like it does look cool but it looks way worse than normal lava yes i got first a second i felt right at the beginning yeah look it doesn't it doesn't look like a lava it looks like liquid gold oh yeah that's kind of cool actually oh look at the fire look at the fire it's like golden fire yeah it is weird it looks literally the same for me really yeah that's crazy oh is this another parkour this is supposed to be all jungle dude you know how green this is this is probably so green oh my i fell off right off the bat again all right i'll make that okay never mind i lose yeah it's all yeah it's all jungle it doesn't look it doesn't look like jungle yeah this is probably so vibrant and green but it just doesn't look like that wait what color is this this is red right this is red yeah this is red i mean the red looks like yeah it looks like it does look like brown on your screen i see that that's not what it looks like to me it probably looks soft it's gotta look somewhat though right dream you're ahead of me you always do this to me i don't want you i don't want you to get ah if you get no stars i can such a jerk chicken rings oh god wait what color rings are those i think i think they're great maybe that's are they normally wait no no that's normal they're normally green yeah they're normally green when you haven't gone through them yet i just i'm off my chicken crab it's a 1.16 glitch how am i off my chicken you can't press shift 1.16 really yeah george is doing it he's flying through it he's not a 1.16 that's right oh 1.16 noobs i don't even know where i am i suck i'm not even on my chicken you can't believe it you're going the wrong way am i i can't i'm not even doing anything my chicken's just flying oh my god it's so dumb it's over i won one yes stand on the red platform to gain points oh it's this one again the brown platform stand on the brown platform the game points you little oh my god stop not put the target yeah you did this to me last time but you were a heads that's different okay so you won't do it to me this time i will because you did it to me no no chill peace peace other than that oh my god i'm just getting some just peace you're getting vlogging no let me on just leave me alone stop don't oh my god what happened wait what how much how was i not hitting you no no no no oh i hate you stop ah this guy's so annoying what color am i what am i am i red am i yellow you're red it's happening i don't know what a dream is he's green or yellow oh my god of course i am oh oh look at the lava the lava is just so weird look at the bricks oh yeah the bricks are just gray george if i beat you i get your mom's phone number okay all right if i beat you i get yours deal your mom's number george is just going to have everyone's mom's number collect some i'm actually waiting i'm going to lose because i'm tired right now oh yeah yeah i got the excuses in already i am tired you don't even have your colorblind excuse anymore oh my god come on i want george's mom's phone number please no did he die no he did he did i see it he died no no he said i've died you run out of points i didn't die you're not getting any more points you die no no i'm just hand over the mother's number hand it over okay yes wait wait let me go you died too so dream gets all our mother's numbers no yes slaughter the animals come here george how am i going to see the animals i'm colorblind that's like george with everything i i can't do it i'm color blind i didn't even get third place i didn't even play you because and we were all alone for ages dude look what look at the turtle why you look like that the same color is grass the zoom color is grass they're green they're green you don't know sea turtles are green well grass is green well yeah but it's like it's so different it's like yellow it's just weird look at the sea grass it stands out in the water that looks nasty ew ew the obsidian looks like blue dude crying obsidian looks cool and the obsidian does look blue wait where's the crying obsidian whoa it actually looks cool look at that look at that that's an epic what that is so cool it does look better the fire looks so weird and the nether portal looks better too why is it like this i like this and it's i like the obsidian look better it's like kind of weird it's like bluish yeah no way it's black [Laughter] there's no way it's black how is it black why does it look like this what bruh this is not the color it's supposed to be it looks so disgusting wait what like i just like can't even tell where anything is this is horrible we should where's like another fortress yeah i want to see another there's no way if it's like wait it comes to the boston there's a bastion right here where this way whoa whoa look at the magma cubes the bastion looks pretty look at the magma cubes wait where tp to me but these little guys they're black they actually they're just black they're supposed to be red they're meant to be red they're black wait look at that diamond sword wait is that a diamond sword it's iron it's actually iron wait what that's an iron it's this no no no that's a diamond sword that's a diamond what am i wearing iron wait what's iron armor what oh my god dude this isn't i don't even know if anyone's wearing diamond or iron really bro are you wearing iron i'm wearing full diamond this looks like iron diamond no way what does iron look like in comparison dude i'm wearing an iron chest plate and the rust is diamond it just looks like i'm wearing one set stop moving i can barely no i can't even you can't tell the difference at all no you can't you actually you barely barely can that's so weird i always make fun of george because i'm like give me a diamond story they'll give me an iron sword and diamond sword you know like and they have to go and get a diamond sword poor george i want to see it for the bastion looks like the same i want to see a fortress oh it's right here it's right here whoa it looks like purple no it's like it's black everything in another is just black that's everything's just black wait actually this is so it's like the same color as the wither skeleton it is george that's how you see it right the way the skeleton and the fortress is like the same color right uh very similar similarly yeah very similar what the fortress is normally red and the in the wither skeletons are black oh my god like the color of the blaze that's closer to the color of the fortress than the color of the wither skeleton george why am i so messed up i don't know george george listen we love you the way you are even if you're very messed up okay it's okay but don't worry you have glasses that will help you right but like i feel like maybe like it would look cool with like normal like i like if the like maybe the nether porch was just darker like this i don't know yeah yeah maybe yeah i think i think maybe the fortress could be darker it'd be kind of cool like it's kind of like black and eerie yeah yeah oh look at that bro look at the enderman oh my god the particles are blue the particles are blue yeah the enemy looks like almost exactly the same but the particles are blue and the eyes are blue the eyes are normally purple the eyes are blue it's so weird so george doesn't even know what purple is like purple isn't a thing to george yeah it's just like out of his comprehension it is like purple is just blue like this block is blue but like it's normally purple yeah the the nether portal is blue but it's normally purple the nether fortress is dark it's just normally it just looks so bland orange magenta magenta light blue blue yellow yellow green this is pink that's pink wait no that's that's like white does that look like what does that look like to you it is pink yeah i can see that's pink it's like white it's pink okay this color george how close is this color how closely it like and like look uh i mean they're def they're very different but like they're not that far off one's pink and one's blue well yeah but like what about this color and this light blue and light pink are fairly similar no they're not like magenta they're not but dream i mean he's just probably used so he thinks they're normal they're close to each other but they're not yeah they're it's so different it's so different and look at right like pink and blue are just completely different colors and this is red and red this looks like brown like actually like hold an eye of ender it looks so the eye vendor looks so weird yeah that looks that looks different yeah it's just so bland it's just like boring what does it know what it looks like the end wait the end crystals are blue instead of purple it's like blue with gold and fire yeah actually i like this obsidian though the obsidian looks no yeah i actually prefer this obsidian look oh my god look at the inner dragon it has blue eyes like a blue mouth oh it does wow it's that's sick that's awesome let's let's kill the ender dragon let's beat the game boys oh wait when you like hit things orange yeah it like does when you hit it it turns like orange yes we did it guys well look at the explosion that's usually like purple and pink and yeah oh what what that's cool i like that i like that everything's just so different george i'm glad we got to experience what you experienced today it was a lot of fun i i definitely feel like i learned well dude get an ender pearl before real quick it's just great it's great oh it is what it looks weird when you throw it like you're starting this little gray blob it's actually great yeah there's got to be like a mod or texture pack that he can use that will make him see more like what we see yeah like they like replicate his colorblind glasses maybe like that kind of in a way like it's mostly like if they can just make it so that like they can change the colors that way there's actually different colors because like the ender pearl obviously isn't supposed to just be like dark [Laughter] look at all the blue oh my god like usually it's purple but it just looks blue so cool it was cool being able to see how my how george sees in minecraft it's weird um there's some things that i actually preferred funny enough but it was like most of it i didn't but yeah most of it's just bland and kind of boring and yeah you george really misses out on like a lot of it's really just blue like blue stamp i think blue stands out more because everything is so bland that yeah blue looks so beautiful and so that's why george is that's his favorite color like it makes sense why it's a very color like actually if i had if i was wearing the structure back and i had to pick my favorite i'd say blue oh yeah blue looks literally like beautiful it's like crazy blue looks it stands out a lot it looks beautiful anyways guys um bye
Channel: Sapnap
Views: 16,638,340
Rating: 4.9762182 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Challenge, Sapnap, colorblind, Dream, Minecraft But The Mobs Are Randomly Hostile, Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft 1.16, Minecraft survival, Minecraft lets play, Minecraft But Half The World Is Missing, Minecraft mobs, Minecraft but random mobs, Minecraft youtuber, Minecraft youtube, Sapnap Minecraft, BadBoyHalo Minecraft, Dream Minecraft, GeorgeNotFound, DreamTeam, Mobs, Mobs Spawning, 1.16, minecraft colorblind, georgenotfound colorblind, Dream Team, Dream Team Minecraft
Id: g6xX2AdZeeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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