George Learns To Cook...

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this video i moved my whole computer set up to my kitchen and cooked a three-course meal i'm a terrible chef and things went really wrong but somehow i ended up with an edible meal this stream was crazy also according to youtube statistics only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you enjoy the video please consider subscribing youtube sometimes glitches and unsubscribes you so if you think you're subscribed already please make sure to check you still are and enjoy the video hello cooking stream wait where's the angle where's the angle my monitors here here why is the music stopped okay hello that was like awkward the music has to end right as i come in why i don't know but hello everyone i'm cooking look at i put the trousers i'm a chef and today i am going to cook the best food you have ever seen okay this is going to be the best stream of all time maybe um or it could also go really bad i don't know i haven't really planned this that well i just have think is the music too loud by the way is the music to get out tell me i think oh it might be it probably is i'll turn it down is it better is it better i don't know whatever guys just say say yes if the music is good yes or no um wait should i zoom in i can zoom in i can get a little zoom in oh let's zoom out here we go where do i stand i don't how do you do an irl stream i've never done this before i don't know this is weird i need like a cameraman to help me but i have no friends so anyway um oh you can see my mic i can just fix it now i'm a professional streamer okay this this doesn't look bad right all right so i've got my trusty chef board cooking chef board cooking board um and look there's ultra ultra preparation oh my god someone just said muted and i thought i was muted because i did mute my mic at the beginning and i was scared oh my god imagine i was just sitting here for like the last two minutes being an idiot talking to myself okay wait i didn't look at the chat guys is the music volume good before i keep going is the volume good or not i'm gonna be like looking over here a lot because i have a screen here wait people are saying you can't hear me are you serious guys type one if you actually wait type yes if the music level is good okay i think it's good and thank you guys so much for all the subs thank you so much thank you oh my god look my sub goal i'm i haven't streamed in so long that i've lost all my subs i've lost all my subs um but it's okay it's fine it's fine oh there's so many twitch primes guys that reminds me if you have twitch prime you can click subscribe you can click prime and it's free you get one free sub every month that you can use and you can use it right now you get all the emotes you get no ads no ads on this entire stream if you twitch prime right now it's a good deal it's a good deal what can i say guys twitch prime it's free and if you if you don't know how to do it if you have an amazon prime account or someone you know has you can just link your twitch account with it and then it's free one freestyle a month up to you up to you anyway um and look i've got the ultra setup the perfect setup watch this ready we've got camera one and camera two and alternate angles so you can see both and the other way around guys i came prepared with the with the ultimate setup okay so so i hear you asking what is on the menu today chef george well i'll tell you so basically basically hang on i'm thirsty my mouth's dry okay so basically um i've got this is the idea this is this is the idea ready i want to do a full course meal so that's a starter a main course and a dessert so um i'll keep the dessert a secret for now but what i want to do for the starter is and by the way i've never made um half of the things i want to cook so so something might go wrong i'm not sure i'm not sure i mean it probably will things aren't going to go right in this cooking stream but it's going to be fine we'll get through it so for my first course wait can you see the fridge oh you can open the fridge i i have let's get we can get a close-up here i have oh i have mozzarella cheese okay so what i want to do oh and i also have can you see the cupboard can you see me you can't see me that's fine i also have i have bread i have bread crumbs you know what i mean who knows what that means who knows what that means mozzarella and breadcrumbs who knows who knows and catastrophe thanks for gifting 20 thank you mozzarella sticks yes mozzarella sticks so um i really like mozzarella sticks but i've never i've never made them before so um i've looked up a recipe and that's all i've done i found a recipe i bought the ingredients i didn't even read the recipe so um i don't really know how it's gonna go they're probably gonna suck but it's gonna hopefully it's gonna work i've got i've got my oil to cook it in i've got uh i've got a pan pot some pans and then i've got my oil and we're gonna make the most amazing oh it's not like gordon ramsay we're gonna make the most amazing mozzarella sticks you donut so that's that is the plan for the starter mozzarella sticks um now for the main course i'm going to make we have gordon ramsay we have the most amazing i don't even know what kind of steak it is i have a steak okay i have a steak and i've got a frying pan so we're gonna make a steak and to go with the steak i've got you never guess what i've got i've got potatoes i'm going to make as you okay i'll internationalize myself i was going to say chips i'm going to make french fries from scratch from the potato from a raw potato i've never done this before by the way look i have a raw potato and i'm gonna somehow convert this thing that came out of the ground into a beautiful crispy french fry i don't know how it's gonna go um but well we're gonna have to wait and see because i have no idea i've never made french fries i have made steaks before though so i i think i'll be good on the steak unless i get busy with doing something like i'm it's gonna be a lot harder to cook i'm under pressure here i'm under pressure i have to i have to i have to impress i've got like a label let me throw this away oh my god we're at 300 000 viewers this is my most viewed stream ever this is my most remember thank you guys thank you all right um where do we start and the dessert the dessert is a secret you have to keep watching to find out all right all right um actually yeah i was gonna say i should put the steak away but you're meant to leave the steak out for like you meant to leave it out to like go to room temperature right actually you know what let's prepare the steak right now so oh we can switch we can switch so we want which one this one no this one okay i wish the camera was a bit higher oh do i have anything maybe i can wait wait here guys wait here everyone no one leave no one leave okay i have a box i found a box i have a box um that has my address on it let me rip that off real quick okay is my dress gone my dress is gone okay cool so this is probably maybe gonna be too high now let's see on the box oh no oh no okay hang on put that in put that in and is this better what's better before or after i think this right i don't even know i think this is better we have like the more aerial view i need to rotate it okay maybe like this you look amazing mr chef thank you thank you i am a chef as you can see all right so first step obviously you just got to open it so okay try not to touch it i'm trying not to touch it i don't want the disgusting steak juice on me okay all right i just i just heard someone say in the chat turn the music up is this is this agreed upon is this yes or no here we can switch is that a yes or a no i don't know why i'm doing this music up or down people are saying yes okay watch hands you're right i will wash my hands okay i didn't wash my hands uh music is up is that better [Music] better more okay i'm gonna wash my hands then i'll come back and we can re re whatever the oh wait we can get we can get wash washing hand cam uh there we go all right so oh wait i don't have soap here uh can i can i use washing up liquid i don't even know or wherever i'm using it it won't work it will work all right so remember the first step to cooking is washing your hands as you know that okay boom washing up liquid for washing my hands for some reason i don't know why um i think it's working this feels normal i think all right make sure to get in between all the fingers under the nails you know make sure to wash all right why is the water not hot the water is literally cold what happened it's cold it's cold it's raw where do i stand i don't know what oh it's warm now i'm like trying to see this is this is such an awkward setup okay all right hands are washed as you can see and now it's getting really hot oh my god oh my god ah okay it's like really hot all right let me dry and then we move back to where we were boom is this good we need to go up oh my god guys this is a one-person job okay i this is no this is a two-person job but i'm on my own i'm like the director and the the movie star okay all right so hands are cleaned um okay yeah so next step hello seasoning okay so how do i open it i need to turn the camera around yeah i don't even know is he good i think he's good so how do i open this there's like two layers all right that will do all right so oh wait yeah is i'm out of breath for some reason is um is the music good or not let me know let me know is the music the volume of the music compared to the mic is it good yes or no let me know um yes okay okay we're good we're good so we've got to season the steak because otherwise it doesn't taste taste as good um so let's switch to here boom so we have the steak as you know let's get a close-up with the good camera here's the steak boom we've got oh look at that we've got a nice marbling uh thick piece of fat i i don't know i don't know how to talk chef that's what i hear people say oh marbling i don't know okay so let's switch back to this okay so let's flip it this way okay here we go so how much we do we do uh wait is it just gonna like fall out or okay no it's got a good it's got a good shake all right i was scared it was all gonna come flying out this is a good shake good shaker all right got the steak make sure to get the sides i'm like i'm like like a youtube chef i've seen some cooking videos so i i know i know what they say i know what they say so we've got we've got some tongs so we can flip this over okay come on come on come on boom whoa okay this stick looks nice all right let's go let's go let's go let's go season season season season okay oh god it's like too dusty now i need like the crunchy bits okay shake it shaker all right there we go there we go boom i don't know if this is too much i think this is all right boom boom all right so just in case anyone's wondering in here here i'll show the ingredients less you can you can look at it yourself wait ah full this is what's in my steak seasoning can you see it i don't even know it's focused on my hand there i don't know so we've got hmm what do we have there's onion garlic black pepper paprika chili everyone's saying rub it i don't normally rub it to be honest um then i have to wash my hands again okay fine i'll rub it in just because it's probably better you're right you're right i don't really want to rub it i don't like touching it fine fine fine okay how do you even rub it in how you how do you rub it in i don't know i don't know you just this feels really weird do we put a bit of oil on it i just saw someone put oil on it do we put oil on it i don't even know listen okay i'm gonna rub it you guys like trolling me are you meant to rub it i don't even know i think i think it makes sense it makes sense that you have to massage the whatever in wait let me just check something slap the meat no i will not slap the meat okay okay um ah okay i'm just gonna whatever fine this is disgusting this is why i use the tongs why'd you this is disgusting what are you it feels very firm rub it with oil now my hands are dirty ah oh i just went under my nail okay we're fine we're fine no we're fine no you know what this is this is the life of the chef okay i just gotta get over it you're gonna be touching raw meat and i just gotta get used to that it's fine okay i'm washing my hands not with soap though i'm just washing i'm rinsing it off and now uh we get this i can't be willing to use soap it's fine i think it's gonna be fine listen we get look at this bit of oil [Music] okay so the steak this is disgusting i never do this i always just leave it as is a bit of oil that's probably too much but you know what it doesn't matter all right all right [Music] no i'm joking i'm not gonna don't don't lick your hands after touching raw food okay that was a joke that was a joke so i need to wash my hands again all right okay now my hands are oily uh ah why did i do this why did i do this you know what it's fine we just rub it off this thing will go in the wash after and we'll be fine we'll be fine all right look that wasn't too bad right the the steak is prepared it doesn't it really doesn't look that nice actually but it trust me the steak will turn out good here we go here's the steak after seasoning not too bad right not too bad it looks worse than when it started somehow but it will be fine it will be fine i promise so um the steak um i'm gonna put off to the side and we would we will deal with that when the time comes so because the steak we can cook it in like four minutes right okay if you didn't know you can cook steaks in like four minutes um okay so the next step oh i should probably wash these okay we'll wash these because i don't know if i'm gonna use them okay i'm probably not even gonna use them and this is a waste of time but whatever okay boom boom boom boom boom okay this is wash now so what's next so i think what's next is i want to prepare the mozzarella dippers so to do that i'm going to consult the recipe because i don't know how to do it so where's my recipe where is my recipe where is my recipe wait i should move the camera more this way i think boom oh no now you can see my mic boom boom i just want to get this out of the way okay there perfect you hear this that's what good cheese sounds like so oh with steak seasoning we can put away i don't i don't even be distracted by it anymore all right so um hi george glad to see you're in the uk in north florida anyways chef george found i could be in florida how would you know but i'm not i'm not but how can how can you tell um anyway i just saw someone say don't touch your hair i i wash my hands it's fine i'm washing i'm touching my hair it's fine it's fine so the recipe i kind of wish i had a different monitor now but oh well so here it is so all right so it says we need a 400 gram block of mozzarella which i have exactly of i just uh exactly a 400 gram block of mozzarella they have the exact size um flour okay flour actually wait should we like measure it out like right now i don't even know i have flour uh wait let me make this smaller yeah i really should i don't have space for another monitor it's fine it's fine it's fine okay so we've got the flour um two eggs okay two eggs in the fridge let me get my eggs one egg and another egg okay boom all right so what else do i need 150 grams of bread crumbs oh my god do i have enough focus please you know what it's fine we have a bit less breadcrumbs but it's fine it's completely fine i didn't i didn't realize somehow um 150 grams of breadcrumbs two tsp is that tablespoons or teaspoons i'm googling it tsp spoon a teaspoon okay it's a teaspoon which i actually have right here funnily enough uh two teaspoons of smoked paprika which i have here and this stuff as well so i need two teaspoons of this and two taste uh teaspoons of dried oregano oregano this stuff okay so okay cool so what is it i don't even know whatever all right so how do i open this how do i get in let me in okay i'm in okay paprika all right we've got all the ingredients i think oh and vegetable oil which i have here all right perfect i'm running out of space okay so actually wait i mean you know it's fine we'll do it this way don't smell it it's paprika why can't i smell it is there a problem i'm smell i'm smelling the paprika okay i'm smelling it if i want to so um all right so i guess we just follow the recipe so it says cut the mozzarella into chips okay so oh we should switch to this now boom so move everything off so it says cut the mozzarella into chips so i guess i just open it up oh god come on let me in it literally doesn't smell of anything okay fine we have our block of mozzarella that's actually kind of cool i don't know why i kind of think that's cool i don't know why it is like it's so smooth it looks good i kind of want to pick it up oh my god it almost just fell off onto the floor that would have been really bad that would have been really bad am i okay it's fine it's fine i'm a chef my fingers smell weird sometimes it's fine so cut the mozzarella into chips it says it's in like so i have a big knife okay here's my knife so how do i cut it like lengthways what if i uh i feel like if i cut them lengthways they're too long right what if i cut it in half like this here half like this right and then lengthways because then they'll be like is that a good idea i don't know you do not don't swing it out i'll swing my knife around if i want to swing it okay i can swing my knife i will swing my knife i don't care so wait wait wait wait um guys i need help i need help okay do i cut it down the middle like this once and then the two halves i like cut this way you know i think that's probably good because then they'll be like this size i think that's good or do i just do a whole line i don't know yes or do i okay guys the two options are cut in half and then lengthways or do i just leave it as it is and do lengthways like this and just have really long because this is my hand like this is this would be a long mozzarella stick right um in half okay i'm just cutting it in half so where's half uh like that [Music] i did it i did it okay so we cut it in half right and then we turn it around and we'll cut them how thick do we want them i don't know how thick it just says it just says chips what is a chip i don't know what a chip is um how about like this oh god i can't mess this up i don't i don't have any more mozzarella this mozzarella is like kind of hard to cut i feel like that's too thick i don't i don't know oh no oh no all right look at this look at this guys oh wait oh it's here look that's not bad right that's a chip that is a chip of mozzarella okay let's keep going let's keep going keep going okay and then oh there's a bit of steak seasoning there okay i got it out of the way and then like this okay and but in case you missed the beginning i've never made these before so sometimes what are you gonna go wrong oh camry thanks thank you so much for gifting 50 subs thank you thank you so much thank you thank you thank you okay cut this one boom okay i think i got it all right so we get like six i feel like these are really big right wait yeah these are really big and then like cut them in half again oh my god i'm gonna have so many wait guys i cut them in half again right because then that's like a normal size oh yeah people are saying it cut them in half again yes yes we're so smart we are so smart okay okay now now now this is looking promising look at this do i even like use the whole thing i feel like this is probably enough maybe i just used half you know what i don't care i'll make all of them i'll make all of them and i can have the rest later or something okay cut them in half okay oh i missed a bit and then down like this boom perfect these look good now these look good i think this one's a bit like thick but like this one here i think is perfect for example this one probably good okay let's line them up um so how many did we get i don't even know okay um let's just quickly do the rest wait how did i do it so i i started cutting them like this okay we're gonna speed around these so like that like this keep going keep going then we need to cut these down the middle again when i'm done come on come on i'm so nervous this is gonna this is probably gonna turn out terrible but as long as we're having fun then we're fine right i guess probably okay so then we cut these down the middle again like that oh my god yeah this is working this is working this is good okay cut these cut this okay cut and the last one done okay okay this i just realized this is this is really a lot of mozzarella i probably should have done all of them but i don't care it's fine so tip the flour into a bowl and season well what do you mean season well what does that even mean i don't know but i'm just gonna rinse my hands because they're cheesy okay done okay so what we need to do is get this bowl so we have a bowl as you can see bowl and what you're meant to do is put oh i need scales okay scales boom on okay so we need 50 grams of this flour how do i open it like this how do i open it oh i got it got it okay opening oh there's flour everywhere it's spilling no okay oh no it's the flowers going everywhere okay so i need 50 grams of this in here okay okay that's that was 50 grams is way less than i thought that's 91. so i need to put some back i need okay take the spoon oh god okay come on yeah 50 is way more way less than i thought that's 60. that's 53 okay 48 hello wait what it said 51 i took some out it went to 48 and i was slowly adding more back and it just stayed on 48. okay add a bit more we've got to be exact i i don't dabble in that in inaccuracies okay 50 no 51 okay i will get 50. i will get 50. 50. okay i have 50. i have 50. i zeroed the ball wait did i i'm pretty sure i did i'm pretty sure i did right there's no way like wait did i no yeah i did because when i take it off it says minus seven six two i must have i must have done and now it says 48 grams great oh now it says 50. okay i zeroed the bowl i zeroed the bowl okay trust me it's fine it's fine okay so what do i do now um tip the flour into a bowl and season well whisk the eggs in a second bowl lucky i have a second bowl huh okay we have a second bowl so i'm running out of space let me move the flower okay so i need to crack the eggs in here let me move this up here move this off to the side i imagine i'm a pro chef i could do this i can do this wait let me move this that's the wrong thing let me move this so you guys can see it better okay so it says oh i need my recipe i need my recipe okay whisk the eggs in a second bowl okay oh no okay nice one egg done put the egg shell in here and then get the other egg and in perfect okay nice okay boom so i need to whisk them i need to wash my hands again i just don't want to touch like i don't want to touch the like stuff with egg on my hands so i'm just like rinsing them right okay what does season the flower mean it says season what is how do you season flour i don't know but i have a whisk and i will whisk my eggs [Music] i almost spilt it i think i'm going to like i meant to do this right okay whoa okay it's working it's working it is working it's working they're getting whisked all right whisked oh look at this yeah yummy mmm guys make sure to eat your eggs yummy yummy mmm okay so you meant to put that all the bread crumbs okay why is there like eggs stuck on here oh okay what do i do with this now i'll just leave it here okay so two teaspoons of paprika where's my spoon it's here two teaspoons of this stuff wait can i like take the lid off oh i can oh look at that it's right to the brim okay so i take two of these [Music] okay that's like close enough for one right okay put that in maybe it was a bit more than one i'll put like a bit less okay okay calm okay it's fine it's fine i only i only spilt a little bit on the cheese but it's fine because they're going in there anyway they're going in there anyway it's completely fine that's too much it says two it says two what can i do it says two so i need two of these two of these wait supposed to go in the flour whisky eggs oh my god i didn't read the whole sentence i didn't read the whole sentence whisk the eggs oh my god whisk the whisk the eggs in a second bowl and tip the breadcrumbs paprika and oregano into a third bro all right well lucky we have more stuff yeah we have i have more eggs okay guys this one didn't count cut this bit out of the stream this bit didn't happen okay it didn't happen we're gonna reset um yeah i think we i think i'm gonna have to pour the eggs out unfortunately but it's fine it's just two eggs and a bit of paprika not much waste you someone has to take take an l eventually it's fine so uh yeah one second wait let me just double check it so it says whisk the eggs into a second bowl and tip the breadcrumbs paprika and oregano into a third why would they freeze it like that coat the mozzarella sticks in flour then the egg then the bread crumbs okay guys it goes down the drain i'm sorry i'm terribly sorry but it's it's the the cost of having the best food in the business oh my god my sink looks disgusting now okay give it a rinse with a brush okay boom it's fine it's completely fine we we're fine we're actually fine so we're fine where's the pole can you see what is the pole for can you see i cannot see what do you mean oh yeah i'm an idiot yeah we can't see you guys we can't see we can't see we see nothing okay okay we're fine we're fine so guys now it's time to prepare the eggs so take two eggs out of this completely full carton of eggs that doesn't already have two missing and crack them into the bowl like this okay one and two okay nice nice nice okay ah okay oh my god the water is cold why did i do that okay so now we have to whisk the eggs i've never whisked the neck before actually i don't know how how to do it let's see i think you like hold it like this and then you just you just give it that shell no it's not it's fine okay whisk it whisk it whisk it boom beautiful it's beautiful okay egg is whisked there's like something dark in here what is that that is can you see it you see that what is that i don't even know but it's fine it's completely fine it's it's just an egg okay so that's done so now ah it just spilled okay i made a mess that's the first mess the first mess i've ever made so now we have to take a third bowl according to the recipe and we have to put all the breadcrumbs okay so the bread crumbs are here take all the bread crumbs like this and you simply mmm breadcrumbs into the bowl look at that bread crumbs i'm gonna eat some that's pretty pretty that's pretty pretty okay nice you got the breadcrumbs we got the breadcrumbs so now please use a teaspoon guys this is a teaspoon this is a teaspoon here's a normal spoon for comparison teaspoon normal spoon as you can see they are sized very differently okay all right so that's a tablespoon how is it a tablespoon well there's no other spoons that are smaller so how is this not a teaspoon this is a teaspoon i'm looking up a picture of a teaspoon you donuts teaspoon images whatever oh maybe i'll do a bit less i'll do a bit less okay i'll do a bit less okay so two tables two teaspoons of this stuff wait i'm out of the camera i need to move this this oh my god i don't have enough hands i have to use my face okay okay nice you know what whisk the whisk is being annoying the whisk is being annoying it's just so inconvenient it doesn't it doesn't stay there so so if i take this and we put two of these in wait take the lid off okay and we take two of these look i'll just i'll do like that right that's probably close enough if i just like level that out all right look at that that's what i call a teaspoon right yes george advice time keep two different rags one for hands one for dishes if you rinse your hands unwell you can risk contamination also european teaspoons are bigger than american um also whisk the eggs until they look the same they do look the same but i whisk it more okay i'll i'll whisk it more and also this is a uk website that i got the web the recipe from so you know what i'm filling the whole spoon up okay we have a whole teaspoon a british teaspoon wait a second who's the real donut here who is the donut i'm not the donut i am not the donut hang on a second i'm not the donut but anyway one second hold up hold up why am i sitting here with like this this spoon just hovering over the bowl it's for the watch time tension everyone wants to see it just drop in everyone wants to see it so i'm just like i'm i'm waiting as long as i can to drop it in okay that's not what i'm doing but watch this ready in we need another one you know i'll do a bit less just just so the american people are happy it's a bit less we've got two chat is the donut this is true wait tip the bread crumbs paprika and oregano into a third no yeah someone said put it in the flour it says okay it says tip the flour into a bowl and season well i don't know what that means but then it says whisk the eggs into a second bowl whisk the eggs into a second bowl and tip the bread crumbs paprika and oregano into a third so we've got flour in one egg and another and then all these other stuff in here i think that's right right right whatever okay oh the paprika wait oregon i need two of these wait my fingers are wet why are they wet i think it was egg okay wait look i have another one from the donation the person said get one just for your hands look at this i have a completely fresh one this is my hand one now no more contamination okay so this stuff how do i open it how do i open it it's not opening okay it's time oh my god let me in all right i got it i got it how do i get in just let me in guys we've got some technical difficulties i can't get in the bag okay that would do that will do it's fine so we take two of these that's close enough one two and then a bit more just because those ones weren't ready for okay there we go now what now what now what now what coat them okay okay so i'll give this a mix i'll give this a mix check this out guys whoo okay looking good kind of [Music] cool very cool very epic very swag okay breadcrumbs done so george check the steak the steak is still doing good guys the steak is still here it's just it's cooling to room temperature because that's what you're supposed to do as a good chef you're meant to get it to room temperature so that when you cook it it's not coming from cold because that's what you're meant to do mix it more okay i'm mixing i'm mixing i'm mixing i'm really mixing it i'm spilling as well oh yeah there's like a clump of paprika i think okay i'm mixing it let's give it okay all right i think it's good that's good right that's good okay i think that's good all right so hmm what cut the mozzarella oh coat the mozzarella sticks in the flour then the egg then the bread crumbs okay i can do that so you have to oh god there's so many this is gonna take a long time all right so hmm so you have to coat them in the flour so i get that that's sure that's not enough flour right 50 grams of flour i don't know okay put it in the flour oh you can't see put it in the flour okay it's in then the egg okay so it goes in the egg okay and then oh god then in here uh it's not coating very well what that sucks no come on that literally sucks that sucks what if i put it in the egg again okay it's in the egg so the egg is going to be like sticky right so then you put it in here and everything sticks to it i think my bread crumbs are too thick but i don't know uh-oh okay well and then what do i do with them transfer to a parchment-lined tray oh no it says transfer to a parchment line tray and freeze for at least two hours um you know what we don't need why do we need to freeze them we don't need to freeze them right who needs to freeze them wait a second let me rinse my fingers from all this stuff someone calling me hang on it's dream dream is calling me [Applause] how do i are you watching yeah i saw on twitter bro you need to season your your meat more dude what do you mean i heard you were lightly no i over seasoned it you should have seen it at the beginning i was rubbing it i was rubbing it [Music] for what let me check twitter what are they saying where is there's people saying you're wearing seasoning you're meeting us where is it where where is it um i don't see anything about that all i see is george is the best chef that's what i saw well how long have you been watching for oh like a little bit bad texting he said what's george's number could i have permission to give you his number for me to give you oh my god for me to give him your number uh sure okay should i come over what what do you mean come over you can't come over look i'm trying i'm trying to do this cooking stream oh my god i've still got look i've still got one just sitting in the bowl right here are you making you're making mozzarella i'm trying to i'm trying to i think they're going to suck but it's fine because i have all the food i have all the food you're making a lot i know i i i made way too many i should have just done half i should have just done half lag oh my god no okay jeremy's calling me again i'm ditching you for dream all right bye bye hello dream dream dream okay i just hung up on him is it still lagging is it lagging oh my god no no don't lag don't lag no what do i do what do i do how do i fix it how do i fix it how do i fix it no i'm lagging i'm lagging why is it lagging oh my god dream dream my stream's lagging i know it was but it's not now it's fixed it's good it's fixed guys refresh spam the chat room tell them to refresh refresh no refresh spam it spam it yeah yeah okay i think i think i'll spam it as well okay okay we got it we got it refreshed i thought that up on your thing but was like it's cheese you thought i just had butter lined up for some reason why are you making so many i don't i don't know it's why is it so crap like you put it in there and like it didn't even stick i don't know why i don't know why i think you need to like coat it a lot more like i think what you need to do is you need to coat it in a lot more flour because then the egg will stick to the flour and then the breadcrumb sticks the flour to the egg yeah exactly okay okay okay um all right well thanks for the tip dream your genius jeff thank you yeah any day all right well you can keep analyzing my stream and if you see anything i will i will give you a call i'll give you a call all right thank you jeremy all right bye all right we're back in business we're back in business we have the tips from chef dream himself i think the lag stopped i think the lights stopped guys if you're lagging refresh the stream and it should be fixed all right so round two round two so i go to this one yes and then here how about i go up here actually i'll go up here why is it not moving my streamlabs is lagging okay and lo-fi evie thanks for getting 10 subs thank you thank you thank you all right okay tray here's my tray i have a tray i don't have parchment paper but i have foil foil how do i get the foil out oh no foil foil okay put that in the box and [Music] okay i have foil i don't have parsnip okay so i'm gonna put this on here okay this looks disgusting this is gonna fail this is gonna fail no i thought this was gonna be good i thought it was gonna be simple i thought it was going to be simple all right so let's do let's do dreams trick let's find a good one this one is like the perfect piece of cheese look at this maybe i'll only make a few look at this look at this perfect squared off mozzarella stick don't use foil why is it going to stick oh no i don't have parchment paper i'm not cooking it on the foil by the way look it's good i think it's really fine okay i'm coating it in the flour i'm coating it i'm coating it i'm giving it extra coating as dream as dream said okay coated why does it tell you 50 grams you can just use however much you want right all right this one is surely coated and then wait maybe i need to whisk the egg more someone said i need to whisk the egg more let me whisk the egg more maybe the egg isn't fully whisked don't use foil you know what i will use foil and i will show you that it will work it's probably not going to work and then i must go ooh the foil whatever look i'm whisking it more i'm whisking it i'm whisking it more okay surely this is good surely this is good grace loves nikki thanks for gifting five thank you guys remember to twitch prime because twitch priming means you get no ads because because that's how it works so if you twitch prime you get all my images i have like 50 emotes that's a lot of emotes so you can twitch prime it's absolutely free absolutely free um i can't control when the ads are coming up um because i think twitch just randomly plays them so if you want to have an absolutely ad free experience on this stream just twitch prime it's free completely free all right boom perfect perfect okay so oh wait i still have it so we get the egg we get this thing and now we dunk it in here give it a nice little rinse in the egg cover it all over okay done and then in here this isn't good this is not good my fingers are getting a better coating than this like how how my fingers better coated look there's like a whole gap what if i just like oh my god like what the whole coating just came off the whole coating is coming off oh my god it's fine it's fine it's going to be fine it's going to be fine it's going oh my god that one sucks no that one sucks it sucks how do you do it are my bread crumbs too thick what if i squish them i'm squishing them i'm squishing them i'm like squeezing them and rubbing them so they get smaller maybe the breadcrumbs are too big i don't know i don't even know i don't know there's a hype train choo choo okay this top layer of breadcrumbs should be a bit more like refined use a fork that's actually a good idea that's actually a very good idea you're right oh my god who's calling me it's dream it's dream hang on i need to dry my hands dream do you have a blender no what what you're useless why i can't i can't blend them i can't blend them i can't do anything i don't have the right utensils i can't but look we've got a new technique where we take a fork actually there's a fork over here i take the fork right see this fork you pick it up okay this is this is the one actually so you dip it all over the flour all over the flower like this just mop up that flower boom get rid of the excess mop up a bit more okay we're learning and look at that perfectly coated look look at that okay and then into the egg oh yeah look look this is working this is working give it a twirl okay this is gonna be the best one oh there's the weird black thing i don't want it on here i don't want it on my perfect one get it off okay it's off so okay here we go one perfect thing okay and then into the breadcrumbs are you ready it's submerged wait for the reveal yo that's not too bad actually yeah look look that's actually no that's better that's actually good actually good actually good actually good actually good okay so then i take the knife and i transfer it like this yes guys [Music] innovation look we went from terrible wait you can't see i'll just do it on the other camera we start from oh god i can't even stream properly either we're coming back to this one okay do it this way we started with terrible all chunky or terrible distribution to this one that's like trash like hardly any distribution and then look at this one look at that it's actually good actually good actually good like the other ones i might as well just throw in the bin like they're trash okay whoever whoever started talking about use a fork you are a genius so we take this one actually i don't want to do this is like an end piece the end pieces are worse let's do this one okay here's the pre let me dip it in here get a nice coating see this is why it should they should have this on the recipe it should say that you should use a fork because one you don't get your hands dirty and two it's actually way better because your fingers mess it up so much look at that even coating all the way around okay into the egg bath here we go [Music] let it rinse drain off and then like that okay good let's see if maybe that first one was lucky maybe it was lucky into the breadcrumbs use the spoon to shovel the breadcrumbs over give it a bury it underneath and then i mean it could be better let's give it oh okay bread crumbs all over the floor it's fine it's completely fine it's completely fine yeah look at that that's good it's good it's good right good okay so uh get this one off i think i'm just gonna actually oh you know for the meme we'll cook we'll cook the trash ones and just see how they do okay i'm just going to select the best ones so i think this one's good because this this this is way too much it's way too much i can't eat all of this so let's go do this okay flour and then egg i've got to speed up a bit i spent like it's already been an hour 20. we need to hurry up i'm getting hungry i've been hungry all day and i was waiting to eat because i was like oh i'm going to have such a big meal on my cooking stream into the breadcrumbs pour that over and boom it's working it's actually working yeah another good one okay the fork tactic it's definitely is definitely good actually i'm going to move my camera because i have the alerts there i'm going to move it here oh i'll make it a bit bigger so it covers the subway because otherwise it looks weird there okay all right so we have another good one take it on to here okay i'm gonna like scrape this off the fork okay where's another good one this one's good this one's good okay cover it now now i'm getting confident with this i can speedrun them look let's go that give it another one okay oh now i'm under the camera i need i'm like okay here boom it's good it's good goggy ramsay yeah that's me actually that's literally me okay in here and then cover it up cover the edges a bit and oh this one's not that good actually i thought it was too good to be true it was too good to be true like this one actually i take it back i take it back actually this one's good this one's also good right i think that's good so we transfer it so i have four good ones i'll make six i'll do two more two more i think this one's good so we coat it get a good old coating on okay nice i'm so hungry i need i need to eat something i need to eat something okay boom in the egg and then the bread crumbs boom i have way too way too many breadcrumbs i think okay but it's fine it's fine whoa all like the seasoning is falling down to the bottom and mix it [Music] okay that's good as well that's good transfer it and then one more one more which one should i do uh this one i think i think this is the one the final mozzarella dipper i know i've got all this double coat it let me see does the recipe say the double curd it does not it does not recipe doesn't say a double coat chat are you saying you know more than the recipe is that what you're saying i guess you did know about the fork the fork technique definitely not on the recipe and definitely very good oh my god what does this guy want oh my god carl's calling me carl hello hello carl are you cooking i'm cooking hey what's cooking what's cooking you want to see this do you want to see this you want to you want the stream to see you in your outfit guys carl jacobs hello hello carl have you been watching this room uh yeah yeah yeah i love supporting you do you think i watch your stream george i'm just kidding i'm working but um hey man what chad can chat hear me i assume sorry really quick can i just talk to him okay can you turn it around maybe what do you mean turn around well i can like so i can see the chat and they can see me uh i can't do both you can i can make it so they can see you okay okay wait let me see what go wait wait wait wait i know dude do not disturb so that i don't get notifications right now i don't know what's gonna happen do not disturb and then i need to enable always all right now we're good now we're good off you go carl listen george hasn't said yes or no yet but i think george should be entails from the smp tonight hey chat everybody comment if you think george should join the tales from the smp tonight do you think so hey george's streaming you want to say hi are you currently streaming yeah he's streaming hey george oh we got chris you want to see the stream yeah what are you cooking i'm doing a cooking stream i've got i've got i've got some mozzarella laid out i've got my flour my eggs for like you supposed to like two hours didn't read that part but we're gonna be fine it's gonna be fine it's gonna no no no no no no no look look they're already set up look at these look at these holy cows look this was the first one i made it sucked that was the second one and then the other ones that are perfect maybe just stick the crumpets out yeah it's being british all right all right whatever i've had enough of you guys hey chad everybody all right bye guys bye wait wait i love you see your car whoa we're popping off we're popping off we are popping off so jim called me dream called me let's see what he wants hello you called me yeah i was gonna say you could after you put the crumbs on you can dip it back in the egg and then back in the crumbs oh really what's that called is that called double dipping it's called double double dipping so you think i should do that just try it on the last one just try it on the last one okay i mean we could it's gonna be your best one it's gonna be your best one all right i'll do i'll do one and then if it's good i'll cook it on its own i'll cook one with one without see which one's better okay and you should you definitely need to freeze like freeze them at least for a little bit otherwise they're going to fail you can freeze them while you cook your stickers okay that's what i'll do i'll do that all right thanks dream bye bye guys i kind of messed up wait how many do i have one two three four five five okay we have to hurry up oh one's already in the bowl it's just how long has it been sitting there marinating in this flower okay dream says double dip i i don't know what dream knows i didn't put it in the egg wait i need to switch i don't know what dream knows about cooking but he's just reading the chat i think so it goes in the egg okay and then oh i need to stand here okay and this goes in here mix it get all the good stuff over it oh this one's a paprika one it's got a lot it's got a lot all right oh my fork went all the way through that's fine it's fine okay let's put this one on and then you know what i'll make i'll make one more and i'll double dip it and see what happens so i'll take this um i know this cooking stream is gonna have worn you out but you're a champion you should be into the tails this is this is why i was considering not because i'm gonna be tired this is this is tiring this is tiring work but i'll consider i'll consider so here we go we're flouring it up flouring it up okay good then we then we dip it in the egg okay and then in here boom so what you guys are saying and what dream has relayed to me is that i should after i do this and get that perfect coating which i just did by the way i just got a perfect coat now you're saying i should put this back into the egg okay so we double dip it that goes in the egg i i just put it in the flour right i don't think wait i don't think it matters okay in the egg and then in here because the flour wouldn't stick to this stuff anyway okay so now we have a double whammied one it's double whammied double whammy pajami okay boom let me put this on here as my special double whammy one check it out uh hang on get this fork scrape off the excess okay let's see what we did let's see what we did let's see how beautiful work here we are so this was this was the really bad one this was the next really bad one and then all these ones are good right so i'm gonna put them in the freezer uh do i have space wait the freezer door doesn't even open what oh it opens like that okay this is weird let me in ah okay i'm putting it in okay all right it's in it's in so ah so that was kind of stressful um i i don't know how those are gonna turn out but maybe just maybe they'll be okay i don't know i don't know but for now um we need to move on to the next step which is making the the chips the french fries i'm gonna be making the french fries so let me wash let me this the knife okay and i need to use not this one where's the other oh it's hair i use this one for the knife okay so what do i do with this cheese uh i'll put it on another plate okay so we're gonna take all this take all this and just chuck it on here and i'll make a use for this i don't know what i'm gonna do with it but can you just eat mozzarella raw i don't even know [Music] i mean it's all right i i don't even know that's actually not bad i kind of want more [Music] okay so this stuff yeah cheese is good okay um i'll put this here [Music] perfect perfect so now i need to make the chips the french fries so to do that to do that i take a potato and i'm gonna peel it i'm gonna peel it let's see whoa peel this peeler is op oh my god okay peel it peel it peel it ah wash it why you have to wash it i'm peeling it right like surely it's clean under the skin right i don't know do i have to wash my potato i don't know i don't want to cut my finger with this i'm just being trying to be careful okay get that off why is it like slimy kind of weird smells fine okay okay peeling peeling peeling peel peel peel nice nice nice and done okay so check this out guys this is gonna be the best french fry you have ever seen okay so all you have to do is cut a slice and then you put it like that and then you cut again wash after you peel really okay fine i wash it in cold water why do they look weird i feel like they look weird i don't think i've ever washed a potato after i've killed it maybe it's different in america i don't know but they're meant to be thicker this this this useless should i eat it eat the raw potato okay don't do that so okay let's do this okay that's good i think okay that's good i think and then oh that one's too thin i think oh well it's fine it's gonna be fine like that and then like that okay so i've got this um uh-oh and then i cut them down the middle i don't know i don't think i mean it doesn't really matter right so you just cut them you just cut them i think okay look at that that's like yeah that's good right you got like a little french fry i don't know i think it's gonna work i think it's gonna work these ones are trash get rid of that so oh i need a bowl okay i'm tipping out this flour flower in the bin okay now rinse it okay and then dry it actually doesn't even need to be dried it's fine it's fine so then we put all the potatoes in here in the bowl okay boom potatoes in the bowl okay we'll do another one how many do we want that's like i mean they're pretty thick i do like maybe i bought way too many potatoes i had no idea how many i needed but it's fine peel another one okay i'm peeling peel peel peel so i've never made i've never made these before just like i've never made the uh the mozzarella sticks before so i don't know how either of them are gonna turn out this is a complete new experience for me um okay okay nice get the knife move them all to the side oh wait i'm going to boil the kettle because we need hot water let's get that going okay so we cut yes i'm making thick fries by the way they're going to be thick like this i think they'll probably shrink a bit but they're going to be thick not like mcdonald's fries okay they're going to be thick god that's going to be loud um okay let's go okay okay that's good then oh no i think i might mess that one up okay then what like here okay preheat the oven i'm not gonna use an oven i'm going to use you can't see it i'm gonna use an air fryer oh wash it i will wash the potato i'll wash the potato i'm washing it it's washed okay um uh okay cut that boom okay i think this one not really the right shape but okay i i made it work i made it work this one can go over here wait i need to move this more this way okay cut this nice okay nice okay i think probably two potatoes is good enough honestly george what are you doing i'm making potatoes no i'm making fries and they're going to be good and you will see and you'll be like wow they actually turned out good okay nice i mean they might not turn out good but they also might you never know you never know all right perfect so watch this ready i'm going to rinse the whole bowl with cold water get all that starch off of the potatoes give them a good old mixing as you can see kind of i'm mixing them getting all the stuff off them all that disgusting dirty starch okay perfect pull that out i'll do another one i'll do another one with fresh water yeah look the water's not looking too starchy right now it's good it's good it's clear okay pour that out okay so now now we put boiling water on it for 10 minutes 10 minutes here's the water phone the timer hang on [Music] clock timer ten minutes ah okay put that in start okay it's done it's done we've got our hot potatoes in the bowl ready to go so does george even wash his rice um i don't know i think i do i don't remember i haven't made race in a while um okay so here i'll show you now we migrate the camera we're gonna migrate it okay hello um this is an air fryer you put the stuff in here you put it in here and it cooks it so um so yeah i think what do i need to do i wrote down a list one second okay yeah so after the 10 minutes we're going to dry the potatoes and use olive oil on them and let them sit for a bit and then we're going to put them in here and they're going to cook and it's going to be the best it's going to be the best okay so what do i do now what do i do now um i can make the steak the steak's been sitting here it's been chilling to room temperature as you can see um okay so let's put a bit of oil in the pan wait you can't see the pan let me turn this on so i can see and then so i want to do this how about that can you see me though no oh what if we hang on oh this isn't going to reach okay that's not gonna reach what if i let's see the other camera and i turn it like that i don't know i mean that's an okay angle i guess hmm so i've got i don't even know what reason if i stand here my head is covered let's move this camera down oh camera move move this up okay this is all right i think so i move this and actually check this out i can move this camera up if i can up like that and then down and then in boom how about that i think that's good right i think that looks good and then what if i move this slightly to the side and then this up here okay i think we're good we're good and at all melon thanks for gifting ten thank you okay so we've got the we've got the the steak angle and we've got the me angle pretty good pretty good right okay so i guess like when i guess i'm not gonna how do you like cook stuff so it's already at the same same time i don't even know but let me actually adjust this like that okay so oil in the pan okay i'm gonna i'm gonna cook stuff it might be ready at different times i don't even care i'll cook it and eat it when it's ready so fire hello it doesn't work oh wait i was using the wrong one all right there we go there we go fire we have fire pan on and it's heating up it's heating up all right so the potatoes are still getting ready because they're in the little thing they're gonna be in there for another five minutes what can we do for five minutes um i'll then cook the steak what can we do wait what are you guys saying what is that oh it's my emo it's my fire remote oh fine this is fine there's fire everywhere okay what if hey i'll turn this off for now what can we do what can we do what can we do for like five minutes um i'm thinking guys um what can we do for five minutes i don't know um the sticks are being frozen let me let me get a stick check okay they're freezing they're in the freezer the sticks get the oil ready would you get the oil ready oh the oil ready i know what you mean okay yeah we can do that let's prepare that so this is vegetable oil how do i open it how do i open it i don't know how to open it i actually don't what how do you open this how do i open it what do i open this how am i supposed to open this oh there's a thing here okay so i pull this pull that round and now it should open yeah okay mmm oil yummy okay so let me see what it says i need two to three centimeters of oil in this up the side of a saucepan okay two to three centimeters in here so that's like oh god that's a lot of oil okay like that i think oh my god okay so we've got uh a lot of oil in here i think that's good i mean i don't know i don't know it will have to do it'll have to do so the oil is ready um why am i smelling the oil honestly i don't know either i don't know how much time is left two minutes two minutes for the potatoes to be ready so the fans above the stove where is it i didn't even notice there's no fans there's actually no fans here do i start heating up the oil now like how long does it take to heat up that much oil i don't actually know ah do a dance i'll do my little dancy dance um i don't know i don't know how to do that okay we got a minute we got a minute let me put the potatoes away oh okay we can like we can do a little bit of maintenance we can like clean up my mess thing smells good what is that it's the oil the oil smells good like this hot oil smells good like it smells really good what is it the steak oh it's like a mix of the garlic coming off the steak with the oil something smells good in here i don't know what it is okay i'm gonna tip all this trash off here into the bin and i'm probably going to make a big actually i'm going to make a mess i'm just going to leave it i'm going to make a bigger mess trying to clean up because like the bin is completely full what if i take one of these okay get one of those and then i'll just put them in here because my one's full oh my god it's dream again it's dream hello be careful when you're frying it's very dangerous okay be very careful okay i'll try okay bye [Music] okay i'll be careful ah that is a really loud sound okay that's the timer that's the timer um let me take this oh he's farming ores he's farming ores guys okay put this in here put this in there george please tell me you know oil fire safety please keep your arms away use a long implement if it catches fire don't put water on it i know that i know you shouldn't put water on it um what do i put on it then instead what do i put on it uh oh god now you guys are scaring me um i think i'm gonna be okay though i think what do i use instead of you cover it okay cold a wet towel okay we'll get we'll prepare a wet towel okay i have a wet towel well i have a towel here i will wet it that's pretty wet actually just in case i forget you can't even see here it's too high up whatever guys i'm getting it all wet oh my god it's really ah i just spilt water all over myself okay we have a wet towel this thing is completely wet okay so if we have a problem wet towel is going to go over the top and this can just sit right there so we're prepared we're prepared if anything goes wrong right damp not wet okay i'll squeeze it out i'll squeeze it out you guys are scaring me now i don't think i think it'll be fine i think we're gonna be fine but it's never it doesn't hurt to be prepared okay bring this out okay damp towel dab towel i don't have a fire blanket but i think i think it's gonna be fine i think we'll be fine okay oh i need to take the potatoes out i forgot okay potatoes potatoes go in here oh i can use this the whisk comes in handy again oh i need like something to dry it with i don't have kitchen roll ah oh okay i guess i what do i use what do i use instead to dry the potatoes um [Music] wait i actually have one i don't know if this works oh stops something's falling out of it i guess that's the stuff my headphones are going to die i need a new battery hang on one second hang on hang on i'm pulling the battery in okay all right battery's done okay so let's not pull that cable out okay so it says use for all fires pull out pin that's this wait pull out pin strike oh the pin makes the pin already out i don't even know okay i'll leave it here i don't want to have to use that but if it gets to that point i'm gonna have to use it so it's there i have it just in case okay so the potatoes oh that's the wrong towel okay so the potatoes let's see uh my other camera angle is messed up now so it's just the one angle so the potatoes let's get them out okay and they need to be dried somehow um do i have anything that i can dry it with um no nothing in here there's nothing one second what can i try them with um what can i just use a towel is that weird i don't have anything i have another towel here okay what if i just like use this oh that's two towels i bought like a whole pack of towels okay so let's line them all up okay this is quite a lot actually all right now i just dab them this is a clean towel never used before okay kind of popping off what if i just like dry them individually hang on what does the instructions say dry and olive oil and let them sit okay so i'm gonna put them back in the bowl okay in here i'm gonna dry them individually because why not right give them all a little bit of love i could get the face cam you know i guess i can get it this is i just thought oh i already set it up on the oil i might as well just leave it but you know what i'll bring it back like that zoom in a bit up a bit boom here we go i'm back back in business okay so we dry okay i feel like drying them individually is kind of dumb but like the board's wet that's the problem so as long as they're on the board they might be wet so i'm just i'm gonna i'll just quickly dry them all okay come on use the other side i think this is going to be okay okay so then you dry them then you put them in you use a bit of oil in there mix them up and then you put them in the thing in the airfryer they're drying they're drying hang on okay they're kind of like they're warm like nice little um hand warmers okay so okay okay so i'm literally drawing a potato manually how what do you mean how was human what am i talking about how else do you draw a potato i mean i mean like individually that's what i mean once manually come on okay wait i can do this i've got a better idea what if i just hold it like this and then one two like we gotta we've got a speed run so we gotta work out a more optimal way that we can do three at a time right okay and the video guys listen to this the video that i saw explaining how to do this he said don't salt them don't cook them with salt you put the salt on after okay that's what he said oh god sanap is calling me sapna hello what what do you mean what you called me how's your cooking going look at that it's a potato it's a chip a fry really yeah i'm trying them no i want one you want one just come next door huh just come over nevermind um um yeah you got it george you what you gotta be careful what you're saying i know i know it's fine it's fine okay um how's your food been have you completed any i i've this is a preparation phase no listen listen you prepare and then you cook everything all at once i'm the ultimate chef oh yeah we are whoops um uh well that's my bad sorry i'm i think i might be busy whoops no i didn't i didn't expect to be i've been screaming two hours wait i don't whatever it's fine it's fine it's fine i didn't i didn't there it's fine we're fine we're fine no one's going to be mad at me for being delayed right well i can think of someone huh i can think of someone who'll be mad at you for delay well it depends on whether or not you apologize all right just uh let me send a message real quick actually uh uh uh uh i'm streaming and i think i might be late whoops um i said sorry i said sorry um okay don't work it out don't work it out oh my god everyone's gifting subs pandas gifted subs abby gifted up shelby troonies wait what's happening vol kanye fun abby citrus what's happening lotus silvera why is everyone gifting subs my camera's not even straight like it's it's literally tilted hang on wait i think you cut your mozzarella sticks too thick dude those look huge these are potatoes i'm not talking about that i'm looking at twitter so many things they said claim your mozzarella stick i want number number i can't see the pitch yet but oh my god they look huge yeah they're kind of big it's gonna be fine though mind of gen but i don't know how to say anybody i'll take this off i'll take this cook there's too many going on okay i'm cooking all right wait do i use olive oil or vegetable oil [Music] the five bottom abby thanks for the five bomb thank you guys so much thank you wait how many subs am i at let me check my life i will cook i will cook speed cook you have an hour to finish the cooking uh this is bad for my back i need like lean over to look okay i'm at 15.2 k guys thank you so much where did i start the stream with i think i had like 10k oh my god i'm bruising with the five bomb okay it's going too quick and i'm with ten stand up thank the sub george i'm number one on trending for my recent video nice wait how's it doing i don't think it's doing that well actually let me check oh okay it's doing really well it wasn't doing very well uh at the beginning but now it's doing really well now it's popping off yeah nice new video on standup's channel i'm shouting it out you have to keep you have to keep thanking the stops pandas with another ten or five five ten thank you guys thank you for the five bombs hey i'm gonna prepare look i see you're just staring i'm preparing oil guys oil okay check this out i appreciate firefox 826. um nelly doesn't exist with five bomb as well okay what do i mix them with a fork yeah oh it's messy it's dirty i mean it's messy okay it's still messy but it doesn't it actually doesn't matter it doesn't matter i think it makes them wait you know what okay that's that's working i think oh look at that the technique the absolute technique look liv is here whoa i'm popping off guys thank you so much for watching the whole chat is just gifting subs thank you guys thank you this is crazy it's breezy okay come on look at this look at this look at this technique are you seeing the technique i'm watching you would think i'm going to ramsay right what are you an idiot sandwich smoking and dragging from the fire bomb catastrophe to the fire bomb my i think searching five bombs oh my god we're just popping off this chat for the sub-gifters everyone woke up and chose gifting apparently but thank you guys so much seriously thank you but i need to keep going watch this the chips go in here i think are you is that an air fryer it's an airfryer so you put the chips in here you make them as flat as possible to get optimal airflow obviously okay so they're in they're in chips are in and then you put them in here you put them in here in that little thing over there and then check this out really all you do press on you press there's even a [ __ ] there's a fries thank you so much based on thank you we're popping off guys there we are we set a timer for i think 15 minutes hang on that's it that's quick no you do 15 minutes and then you have to you have to like meme them and then do another 10 i think okay okay 15 minutes start wait there's a timer on it what am i doing i'm pretty sure there's a timer on it okay uh how do i start it oh god what do i do how do i use this how do i use this machine i just turned it off okay start are people so gifting is it loud i don't know oh god okay it doesn't seem that loud i think it's 20 dollars and said hello hello blue hello hello don't wait i'm your unlike your personal alert box yours can focus on cooking okay the fries are cooking they're cooking wait how do you have this set up do you like a computer how are you doing this yes obviously i have a computer can i call you on discord instead yes it'd be way better hello yeah how do i sound i sound better yes i probably sound better for the stream oh my god is that your air fire it's going crazy yeah is it loud guys i'm sorry it's definitely loud is it bad i can move it to like another room hold on should i move it guys is it loud turns that nap up i think it's that i don't think it's that bad since it is a cooking stream but i think you should turn me up or something can you turn your mic up you're maxed out um probably yo nerdy fox nobody thinks thank you so much thank you rihanna with the five bomb oh my goodness oh wait stop turn your mic up turn your mic up please uh in the settings just on your mic or your mix or whatever right i think it's all the way up yeah it is hold on let me go to my settings um oh my god uh jackie kimberly haley b slicer thank you guys so much for the gifted thank you i have it turned up all the way that i can okay 93 percent say the prior is not too loud all right thank you for voting guys um so you're not okay let me oh maybe i can do this actually lanny loving such a ten bomb okay is it i think he's loud enough oh my goodness hello hello i think okay ah okay so yeah i feel like i'm good though okay perfect perfect say no to drugs 69 guys say no to drugs drugs are bad sleeps with the five bomb oh my god there's so many gifted subs going on right now this is crazy thank you for all the gifted guys thank you hayley j what if we hit the sub goal i never thought that would be possible in one stream guys if i hit the sub goal i will cook food [Music] will you i will eat eat food up to you okay um i think it's time i'm not gonna eat it no i was gonna eat it wait no i wasn't i wasn't going to eat it unless we reached the top goal are you serious yeah no you just made that up just now there's no way anyway um should we cook the steak yeah we should okay watch this watch this camera angle you ready okay so we move we go down we hit it with that zoom oh my god zoom bianca thanks for the five bomb boom boom and zoom wow that's crazy down a bit up a bit oh my god there oh thank um are you using the same camera you use for like did you just move your whole setup into the kitchen oh my god is that like was that like annoying ratty thank you to the firebomb no it wasn't oh whoops hang on so i need to do like that but now i'm using like my trash webcam for my main camera but it's the only option it's the only option so now we've got a close-up of the pan and you can see me it's fine so i have to turn it on we have fire okay thanks after the fire bomb check this out guys oh god are you about to are you about to grill the steak yes you need more oil on there am i right wait why is it on focus is it focused it was focused what are you doing it's focused it's focused on the pan chill it's like weird yeah it's not focusing it's focused on the pan it's like focus on the front of the pan you think i need more oil than this i feel like you do hey you know what just for setting up we will give him a bit more oily i should move my mic this way oh now you can see it hang on all right you know what it's fine we'll tip this like that wait oh you know maybe maybe instead of oil you should put some butter in there no no no no you see that's where you mess up you don't use butter you wanna know why because butter burns but then you use butter where's my camera use butter to baste to baste your basting yeah yeah it's when you get a spoon and you scoop that the good stuff over yeah you keep basting the butter no way so how do i open this okay so we got the bata yo freya murray with the 50 bomb thank you freya thank you thank you okay boom can i see the butter out i need a knife a knife a knife you call that a knife this is a knife oh this is getting really hot i guess that makes sense okay so this is getting ready pan is ready guys are we ready for the steak the moment we've all been waiting for maybe i'm ready okay let's put the plate over there all right so um wait george watching you do this is making me hungry i'm gonna go grab a snack i'll be right back okay all right so all right so this is it um i feel bad for not thanking all the subs but there's too many guys there's too many and i'm trying i need a quick but thank you guys so much if you've gifted subs thank you so much thank you thank you thank you god this is getting really hot i should turn it down wait which one is it on this one how do i turn it down hold on okay so you want to get it nice and hot then you tie it down then you get a two minute timer okay are we ready are we ready to make this steak here we go okay two minutes started you get the steak and lay it in i think it needs to be a bit hotter bit hotter okay there we go it's going it's going it's going it's going we're going what does it look like it looks good on the second camera i think okay it needs to be hotter why is it not hot enough what pata i'm back and george can i have a hot take on your stream go on yo i've seen this all over twitter you know like the the sugar cookies that are frosted bro no like they're like really like really soft they're really sugary and frosted i see people saying that they hate them on twitter and i want to know that all those people can go to hell because these are so delicious okay oh look at that it's going it's going i feel like it's not hot enough i'm eating them right now is my fire is my fire broken like why is it not hot enough oh no what's wrong with it human dancers think of a tin bomb down i think there's a fire bomb highly filling [Music] you need to let it sit there and you get really hot then i'm trying it's like not doing anything that steak is going to taste like ass you're messing it up no i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not i'll prove you wrong i'll probably be wrong okay oh there we go oh my god i don't know how many that is but thank you so much there's so many subs there's so many subs there's so many subs and guys if you have twitch prime you can do that as well i'm just i'm just getting maximizing the sub hang on the time is done oh okay another two minutes we need to flip it i'm slipping it i will say the only thing that's wrong with these cookies i guess you really they really get you thirsty [Music] okay i kind of burnt it what why no okay i think it's fine it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine it's going to be fine it's going to be fine okay we need butter [Music] it's not too bad it's not bad it's not bad it's grilled it's grilled it's optimal okay look should i get this um i need to face it i'm running out of time i'm actually running out of time i didn't think i would run out of time okay oh no dude that does not look good no it's good it's gonna be good it's gonna be good it's gonna be good look you get the butter oh god this is scary that that shit's going to be drier than the sahara desert dude it's so dry you get the bus out and you i'm like scared you said i'm basing it i'm basing it i said what you know like that pant like the pan's not hot enough and then you flip the thing it's like right what are you talking about the oil wasn't like it didn't look like it was hot enough i don't know why maybe it was hard enough i've just been i've been bamboozled guys i'm trying to be dry no no no no no no no no it's going to be good it's going to be good trust me trust me i can smell it like this this thing it doesn't smell burnt at all that's not even that's not even a joke like this is actually smelling good like you've got to baste it i'm basing it here basting it basting it fixes everything it does it does look this is so perfect this is so optimal it's gonna be so optimal really sophia thanks for the five bomb okay how much time that's ten seconds left let's give it one more ianna thanks so much for the five bomb bit more heat guys what's chat even saying oh is it good is it bad someone said it's good i don't even know i think it's good i think i'm good person well i think i think it's not that bad but i think it could be better okay it's done it's done it's technically done right now do i take it out yeah take it out okay take it out no no take that thing out please take it out take it out i'm taking it out mona blue thanks so much for the 25 bombs sophia thanks for the five bombs guys ramirez's entrance to the fire bomb uh hang on oh god wait uh okay fine all right george oh wait that doesn't look bad wait check this out what the hell you just carried it across your whole kitchen girl no wait what's this we're going mobile we're going check this out oh my god okay then we switch guys look wait that looks kind of good wait hold on george this is what's important you need to cut it cut it open i will i will see you oh wait did you not trim the fat on it you should have trimmed it's fine look guys i don't i told you i don't know everything works out for a reason look at this mmm that actually looks pretty good it's good amazing haze things which are the 10 bombs it's good it's actually good okay so check this out ready hang on yes you put it put no put us in a good good good spot and cut it open slowly okay let's hope the camera doesn't fall because that would suck unlock okay so we'll use me wait which camera should i use for me i use the trash camera for me and then we'll get this okay so we need to bring this up please let me in why is it not going off what's wrong with my tripod it's stuck am i twisting it the wrong way what's wrong with me wait it's like actually broken oh i know why all right i fixed it okay where is it that's oil there's the sink all right i found it hang on okay boom okay i think that's maybe good there okay i'm back so i go like this oh here we go what look at this oh yeah cut that bad boy open [Music] okay i'm watching the knife wait what about the fries they're done in 50 seconds no guys no no no no no no no no wait wait we have to let it rest right no you can i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure you can cut it i think there's like i think you should let it right there right they're right i don't know i don't care i need to see what it looks like just so we don't have the ugly side there we go okay yeah they're right though they're right they're right we should let it rest oh my god i just want to see what it looks like you need to zoom in more on the steak it's focusing on like the on like the cutting board rather than the steak okay i'll fix it i'll fix it but guys see i told you i told you we've got a good steak it looks good wait where is that is that here okay it's there what if i do that i don't know i never bring it closer that's what i need to do you're done thank you you hear that beeping yeah is that the air fryer that's the air fryer let's take a look oh my god oh my god what yo wait a second wait a second there's no way there's no way no way is it cracked it's it's good isn't it guys look they're getting them they're cracked you got you got me hyped like like you're finna pull out some mcdonald's fries that's like what i expected that's what i expected so you gotta give them like a okay no but these were potatoes ten minutes ago okay look i'm flipping them around and then they're going for another ten may storm thanks don't forget they're looking good like they've got definitely they've got potential can you see that no yeah it looks good put them back in put them back they're doing good they're doing good they smell good as well oh my god i wasn't expecting it to be that simple i was half expecting to take it out and they'd be completely ruined but like they're actually good okay hang on so i'm gonna do uh time how do i change the time 10 minutes i think it's like 10 minutes what i'm going to do i just turned it off 200 degrees how do i turn it up what can you cut the steak open i just i need to okay it's going we've got another 10 minutes on the fries let me bring you guys across here boom all right 10 minutes okay so like this steak it looks good the juices are coming out oh my god it's actually good it's good i don't get to leave it alright cut it no bro just cut it it's fine mozzarella sticks they're still in the freezer because you're meant to like keep them in the freezer for a bit apparently they only take like two minutes to make or something i just realized the plate that i was going to use oh no never mind as i said the plate that i was going to use is covered it's just carbonated can i add carl yeah bottom i'm just gonna put the butter away it's fine it's fine it's fine hello hello oh you've been really quiet okay and uh yeah hey carl hey carl call oh why did you have to be like that why you gotta be so rude hold up hold up don't you know i'm human too oh my god hey george first of all [Music] george first of all what how many buttons is that on your shirt because i'm trying to speed run unbutton those i mean carl you understand your fiance is right here it's fine i also that's fine i also understand that you'd help me sure and also i want to know um like because seven up talk seven times restart carl jacobs thank you so much for the six months in a row thank you very much everyone claps in the chat give them a clap thank you so much paul thumbs up for you guys you can be like wait wait wait you can resubscribe right now you can subscribe now is the time now's the best time actually now is the best time it's time to announce it let me i'm going to soft announce something we're stopped announcing it we're not oh god we're announcing it right now let's go come on george is officially in tonight's tales from the smp that's not how this works yeah um you owe it to me because you didn't post am i standing here like this look at me what am i doing i look so weird i'm like don't make me grab that waist george you can't grab anything you can see like you can see the the checkers underneath mine yeah you look like you work at a zoomies maybe i do guys fit check look at this guys fitch oh no dude that's not good you lost a booger oh you like you lost it down your throat no you know like you know i like my nose i picked my nose and it was on my fingertips and now it's just gone it disappeared we got him we cooked him up we got him stanley's got done oh my god he got caught three points that's gonna get cooked he got cooked there's a wild booger somewhere in my room okay he got cooked a nice that's another nice way to talk about patches yeah wait i have an idea guys and that idea is should i cut the stage beyond tails yo yes because smiley face in the chat if george should be on the skills like there's so many people gifting subs like what i just realized they brought two angles for the exact same thing okay but guys thank you so much for all the subs thank you guys thank you thank you thank you we're 17k oh my god let's hear out the poll first we have to listen to the poll how it's appalled it's only 98 yes it's only 98 percent all right cut it cut it cut it come on stop it's still it's 97 now 97 wait guys get the post 100 and i'll i'll cut it or you can subscribe up to you guys wait cuz i had a twitch how do you twitch phone call what how do you use twitch again i don't know okay actually i don't know if it works for sure in your stream but i know how it works for slash carl jacobs uh if you just go over there and test i'm sure it was the same way uh maybe not though so you go to carl jacobs now you just stay on this page well first you have to link your amazon prime account to your twitch account right and then what then what then you click subscribe and you click prime and here's the best thing here is the best part you're not gonna believe this it's free cost you zero i'm sorry you what i don't know dream is calling me does he not know we're in discord oh adam he's not in the discord oh adam dream [Laughter] [Music] i've been trying to convince you twitch prime right now we're caught in the state twitch prime prime we gotta cut it we're gonna cut this scent i'm gonna take this knife i'm gonna plunge it into the steak and rip it open and we're gonna see the juice the beautiful oh my god guys all right dude relax i added you to the call by the way if you're watching all right we're getting in and closer we're getting in closer you gotta have a good juicy angle i can't believe george george traveled all the way to florida to be the only person in this room yeah i know it's pretty crazy is that a good angle oh my god i think it is oh that's that's delicious cut it guys carl carl i bet you ten dollars it's dry as hell like four eight just for the record yeah that's a that's a safe bet my stream now just lagging hey buy stocks and the idea that this is about to be the driest steak that you've seen look you can literally see the juices like look watch this watch this but just because those juices doesn't mean it's not just oh my god the jesus is literally pouring off this thing yeah if i pour water on my steak juicy it's not water oh my god george cut it open quick start lives in britain for 35 years and forgets that my stream is lagging i can't move my camera why does streamlabs do this why is it so trash let me move the camera oh it's fine the way it is just no no no no i need to take slightly up you just move the stake dude wait just smooth the steaks no we're posted we're going to post a bit hang on this stream sucks this software sucks okay somebody in your chat's about to be so mad at you george why i saw one of them say guys carl said george is in florida guys i'm not in florida this is not florida don't worry yes he is all right if this food is edible then he's definitely not in england yeah which way do i cut it this way like long not long ways uh side yeah like that like that all right guys it's time it's time it's time no you have to cut it with the no cut it just cut it in half correct you're cutting in correct how do i cut it you're cut go grab a spoon go grab a [Music] spoon okay now balance that on your nose and say i'm a nimrod five times and then you'll be able to guys i'm cutting mistake um okay okay here we go are you ready was he gonna say hashtag cut the steak i was gonna say but it's dumb it's done that is dumb you're right here we go wait don't cut it stop stop stop stop stop stop hurry hurry stop wait that oh is it dry it's dry wait don't do the big reveal yet people need to oh that is so bad oh my god is it still moving oh my god no that looks good that looks good wait i need it yo i popped off squeeze it too hard it'll move no that's good that's good i don't really want to make fun of himself no no no come on you got you have to give it to me that's good right all right take a bite take a bite that's a good medium rare medium rare or is that medium i don't know what it is the edge off wait you don't like the fat one i'm cutting like a perfect slice this is nice it's like a slice of pizza right now oh my god here we go here we go here we go give us a taste test and be honest don't just be like oh it's so good be honest he's not gonna be honest what is that noise george it's your airfryer it's the airfryer [Applause] okay patatas frittas not ready yet but they're getting there they are getting there for sure i'll put them in for a bit longer oh my god it's all coming together it's all coming together okay let's put it in hang on time i don't want to forget about it i'm gonna put it in for like another five minutes i think six minutes okay it's going okay here comes the steak be honest don't just hype it up because you made it focus you know what's funny you know what's funny what's funny carl no never mind it's not focusing whatever all right here we go taste test you're not focusing either test taste taste test of the steak what can i say i'm not gonna lie best steak i've ever had ever okay it's not the best i've ever had but it's good it's actually really good like actually this is no not clickbait i'm gonna have more no clickbait eat the whole thing [Applause] it is scrumptious what can i say guys i actually i actually did it like i actually did it let me in let me in please someone give you 10 subs thank you and actually ashley taylor forgive me some of it can you show me some of it just come on over i'm next door yeah that's true it only takes like an hour and a half to drive there yeah um no it is actually good it's actually good oh the mozzarella sticks mozzarella sticks out of the freezer we have our mozzarella sticks okay you know what time it is cheese look how big they are they're so giant what are the bread crumbs bro what kind of bread crumbs like what are those they're not cooked yet carl to be fair they're not cooked yet oh no no no yeah these mozzarella sticks are going to be good whether you like it or not well all right listen listen listen we're moving we're migrating we're migrating [Laughter] that's messed up actually don't mess up carl that's messed up you really think you're funny huh i think i think carl's pretty funny i think you're pretty i think you're sexy all right listen can you show those on the screen again okay oh you're not gonna be laughing in a minute when they're absolutely beautiful yeah yeah they're going to be beautiful i'm setting up the camera anymore setting up the camera okay oh yeah dude i'm trying to calm down [Laughter] you guys are messed up you guys are messed up [Music] where can i see i want to see a picture of me hey everybody wait chips they're getting that a bit more time i think and then they'll be perfect and chips yo those are fries [Laughter] go get some leis bro go get some boys get some cheetos oh my god that is spamming me for your number i don't even know if this is the actual bad boy don't give a random baby i'll tweet it and then maybe bat will see you yeah yeah that's a good idea just add him to the discord call so i don't know what angles to use oh i've got bad hello yes what have you been watching yes i've been watching unfortunately this is even chill what do you mean unfortunately it's going well you know fries not chips okay do not do not even try and play them off like that okay okay i apologize apologize now so george george well you well you've been working on um your thing i'm gonna show you what i've been doing i'm gonna put a picture in the chat i want you to look at it okay okay i'm coming down i made it all right look at that did you make that yeah i made that what that's pretty sick you made that i want to show it on your stream um how do i show it let me take a picture save it yeah and then but you just when did you make this uh just now hang on let me in i gave you a very nice pose [Music] here it is this is what badges built it's me and minecraft as a chef [Music] it's pretty cool chef gokey that is very nice bad boy halo thank you thank you and you built that all by yourself oh no i just realized my stream is lagging and i can't remove it it's there forever there we go how do i get rid of it that's great please tell me you're joking whoa george your pot is showing oh my goodness george how do i fix it guys look at the chips hey good thing that wasn't the other pot kim wait what wait where did the picture go oh there it is he's switching to a pot oh so i don't know how to get rid of all right whatever we'll just stay on oh whatever all right guys look at this look at the chips the fries are they good wait let me take one out let me take one out did he call them chips again they're fries okay fries the fries the oil is getting hot as well as you can see oh god the oil is scary why is oil so can i be honest george wait i need to george can i be honest i think those chips look delicious i usually think it looks great a tiny bit more time you need yeah you need to add salt to them dude i will i will i was testing the the consistency of them i think those chips look delicious the fries all right they're going look at the oil look at the oil it's smoke you just called them chips and you just called them fries wow all right is the oil ready i'm turned is the oil ready oh my god this is scary popping off this is scaring me this is scaring me it's gonna be fine just drop them in there wait wait wait wait wait i'm taking the oil off the heat no what what you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen wait i'm reading the recipe i'm doing the recipe so bring heat enough oil to come two to three centimeters up okay when hot drop in a test chip give me a chip um oh a test chip of mozzarella it should sizzle straight away and brown within a minute or two the secret is to cook them long enough to crisp up the outside without letting the mozzarella ooze out it may take you a few practice chips to get it right cook the chips and batches and strain on kitchen paper serve hot with your favorite dip dip i have i have this i have salsa i also have um salt for the chips the fries okay okay i'm scared i'm scared should i be scared wait how do i take them out do i use a spatula if i take it out with one of these vlog call i love you thank you why you see why won't he say it back i love you love you too carl see what the heck why someone saying salsa you have salsa i don't know it's red it's the same thing i think they're ready they're crispy not good they're good i need a bowl bowl hang on how does the air dryer work the air dryer i don't know air fryer all right wait did you see what dream messaged in this chat i didn't even see that yeah i just decided that don't don't read it out should i read it out he said well i'll read it how he probably meant for it to be read guys stop his cheese sticks are fine okay how did you how did you perceive it read it how you perceived it his cheese dicks are fine guys stop his cheese sticks are fine the chips are out hang on the chips are out the chips are out everyone's saying you need to turn off your stove but i don't know why you need it on i guess i could turn it on i'll put the oil put your oil back on the oil is back on the oil is back on i'll turn it down a bit what do you have in your fridge crank that bridge open i don't have much we're ruining the point of having the mozzarella sticks in the freezer by having them sit out okay oh god you're right okay let's do that let's just do it let's just do it let's just do it he's back he's actually right okay the heat's up how do i do it i put them in dream do i use one of these to get them out you're already left already left he's out why he doesn't okay what the heck we're doing we're doing we're gonna do it [Laughter] i have a wet one of these things because you don't want to use water on an oil fire why is that so funny to me george take that friendship see what's in there let's see oh i'm kind of curious what to do guys stick around to the end of the stream you'll see the inside of the fridge no because i want to see what other ingredients we're tossing in you'll see that you'll see later guys watching because we're going to explore the fridge later alright listen you see this guys you see this this goes in there for two minutes this is this is your house all right watch the drawer you know what hey you know you know you're supposed to put plastic and like hot oil like that i'm pretty sure shut up you actually know it okay you know what i'm sure i think it's fine right this is what it's meant to be no you're supposed to use tongs well my tongue is made of plastic as well so all right whatever just drop it in there all right guys i have this could let you burn down my entire house but i'm gonna do it let's go oh my god it's working wait it's working can you crank that bridge for a second wait look how do i get this off what hey you should try to dip in as much plastic into that as possible wait this is a bad idea going mobile guys look can you try to get your address in the shot yeah i'll try it's working it's actually working people's cheese stick is boiling we're going back we're going back we're locked back in uh where's the pan all right there it is it's good enough you have any like plastic wrappers you can throw it's running it's burning how's he so bad if you want to stop an oil fire pour as much water into it no do not do that guys you can't tell them that [Laughter] oh my god it worked burnt but it's it looks better it looks better in real life it looks black wait that's right that's right that's right just instead of saying it it looks a bit burnt it was to be honest it's burnt but that's fine that's your first one you got to be quicker wait wait next we're gonna try it we're gonna try it live cut it open cut it open cut it open let's do it look oh my god no no lie that looks disgusting like i honestly would not eat that and i'm not even a picky eater just you got to be you got to be quicker bro next round yeah give it another try that one was asked just toss it in the bin and restart this this next one's gonna pop off it's actually good it's actually good i'm not even joking look look it looks like he's eating like oh my god don't eat that that's just what mozzarella is like he burnt the hell out of it though no way that's not a mozzarella stick are you kidding george i mean if it's good it's good i'm gonna i'm i'm gonna be honest it probably is good but if you want it also be careful with the fire you also want if you want it to taste good you're gonna have to cook a little less exactly george dirt would taste good if you put fries no i'm not it's actually good it's actually good the camera's messed up i just don't know if that's true well he's got cheese in it and mozzarella cheese is like delicious so guys i'm telling you that same of that of that freaking uh that hot dog thing that you had this sausage ah just give it a second shot you guys all right guys i don't know what they're talking about two minutes it wasn't even in there for a minute but no yeah but you need to turn turn the temperature of the oil down wait look i just did it i just did it watch this it's too high you see this wait wait you should know battle halo is a chef well just it's going in we're going for round two turn that if i did i don't know if i have to say this out loud but if if you have an oil fire don't add water to it that was a joke adding water spreads an oil fire guys don't add water to an oil fire please carl was just reading that it was my psa okay it's going this camera's messed up but i can't fix it right now i can't because i wasn't going to burn how long did the recipe say to cook them for it said two minutes that's like it's gonna be a good chocolate by that point okay hang on i've no i got it i'm just monitoring it oh trust me i've got it i got it i got it okay boom yeah i try to tell you you're not supposed to use a plastic spatula like that you're gonna get like isn't it like melting the plastic into his oil no it's not just a plastic it's like meant for this it's meant for cooking with honey you had that in for like 30 seconds no trust me it's already like trust me i'll show you no mister the oil you the heat on way too high you need to turn that down all right shut up okay you might turn it up turn it up you got him george you got him so good guys look it's good wait that actually looks good that one's oh the cheese inside there is cold yeah that one's good yeah that's obviously oh my god look at the bottom oh you made the perfect oh my god you made the perfect one oh my god you made the product why is that perfect guys look perfect wait that's actually perfect it doesn't look bad i'm vouching for george that one doesn't like oh my god look at that cheese oh wait that looks so ugh it's actually good let's go okay we should have you so good george you should just but seriously though should you use you should just use your fork instead of the spatula no okay it's actually good oh my god hmm so good in fact that i'm gonna definitely just use a fork stuff now you're an idiot why why can't he use a fork because he doesn't have that he's gonna burn himself yeah if if he's an idiot guys no i hope anybody would burn themselves i guarantee you i could do that with a fork no problem at all it would eat the fork no it wouldn't understand how heat you're going to work you're done if you put a fork in hot water it you're gonna feel it instantly you pretty much it goes along the way you're burning no you i will go stick a fork in literal lava and it won't like tr like travel the heat won't travel up the fork that fast i don't know heat goes a long metal really quickly that's why they use it no it takes a song no it knows not a fork it doesn't conduct heat that yeah guess what my name is john let me let me tell you george that last mozzarella stick looked so good it's because it was and well you should have turned the heat down because it's not cooking the cheese enough something i know that's what i've done that's what i'm doing right now it's right now it's cooking the cheese is getting turned oh my god that one looks good oh they're back i'm gonna get some water guys this one you know when i was making these i thought they were going to be trash but they're not well they're not even burning i think you're you're plastic no is it is that like is that i know and there are cookies that are made for it it's made for this where did you make it was it where'd you get it from amazon oh george i wanted to ask you this how do you have a deep fryer but not a blender i don't have a deep it's a pan with oil blender i hardly know her that's true as well no airfryer here's an airfryer you have an airfryer and not a blender because i didn't think i would need a blender and i bought the airport yesterday for this stream guys oh my god they're done look at that wait hang on let me get out of there that was like oh look even better turning the heat down works good holy cow you're a chef george you know some of the cheese is oozing out of that other one that's how you know that's how you know that you know yeah right as it starts to ooze out that's when oh my god plate them off come on bite into it i'm going to i'm going to you need to you need to use some you haven't been using some of your uh your mozzarella sauce he has some that's true mozzarella sauce oh he is no he no he just know he calls it salsa because he's an idiot oh wait you're right guys he's like i got it from mcdonald's they gave me some salsa sauce like it's mozzarella sauce dip it in oh my gosh okay it says salsa that says salt no it is so sweet it's like that's what they call it like the uk or something i don't know yeah it might be like it might be a language barrier thing it's the same thing though it's the same thing right actually salsa wait i should get the sauce and just pour it on this on the thing they do they call it salsa i'm trying what's the technical term there's an actual check this out ready i'm gonna cut it in half oh my god almost dip it in the sauce pound it noggin oh my goodness that looks so delicious oh i didn't answer how did they oh yeah the oil cooks for a little bit longer after you take it out by the way you look i mean it looks so good it does look good why is it not focusing please good camera please pick it up back it up you know what whatever guys this camera is just it's way easier to use look at that dip it in the sauce george you're a menace to the culinary society no you're an actual embarrassment he's doing in every way shape and form you have managed to disappoint every chef in this world no george shut up you're better than gordon ramsay i'm calling it right now no don't tell him that don't tell him that yeah gordon ramsay this is for you i've made i've just made the most amazing mozzarella dipper i'm gonna dip it in the most amazing salsa and put it in the most amazing mouth take your pocket jacket it [ __ ] off you donuts it's actually good donut you're like absolutely amazing he's like his steak is like now cold his fries are getting cold like he's wait look at that chip stream we're gonna do three we there's three for one three for one this is what i call the threefer in they go boom into the oil they go okay i don't know if the oil is still cooking can you poke your finger in to make sure it's still warm let me check yeah it is still warm it is still very warm oh my god this is working out way better don't even do it don't put your hand up like that what the hell is wrong with you oh my god do you realize the oil burns are like the worst you could possibly get so i put my hand out guys if we hit the sub up dunk by hand no george that's not even funny to joke about here it's is concept of dunking his hand his language that's the concept guys there's no twitch stuff in the chat we're fine we're fine okay oh it's just that on my hand i feel like i need goggles for this don't you have tacos i don't have time to go doggies you need some doggies for them be careful george you only make lids that you can put over this man needs one oil burn and then he'll learn maybe that's no he wouldn't learn and oil burn would not be a good day an oil burn is all you need to learn it's a run it's how take them out a little bit early because they cook for a little bit no no it was good there was ones with coffee i have some pockets they perfected no i'm not saying take them out just a smidge before that because they darkened a little bit because they were still cooking all right let's see this one all right i think they might be ready actually all right here we go here we go i'm with i'm withdrawing them from my bank account wait no you gotta they're ju they're good take them out i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying you gotta meet him like like when they make hot wings why are you doing three in a row because i'm skilled he's done three of them already ah i think we did it i think i did it it's done guys look at this is that good can you see yeah that's good dude oh my gosh boom boom actually good actually good way yeah that's right oh my gosh that's right they're actually good now now i'm going to eat them i can hear well this was a cooking right now it's a cooking stream and now it's an eating stream here we go hmm that tastes like chicken i'm back welcome back it tastes like you should subscribe with prime that's what it tastes like how are the mozzarella sticks have you seen any of them look no i wait that's gone that looks good please focus this camera sucks yeah that's focusing on the pot and you just have the pocket yeah look well constantly focusing on the pot why is george so obsessed with his burn himself he's so obsessed no i dropped him i just dropped him he's what an idiot he's obsessed with pot and then he drops things this is so funny to watch look at these homemade fries that i made from scratch from a potato right just put a bunch of salt on them well that's that's good enough that good they do the fries do look good they look really big though like potato wedges george are you ever ordering out again never oh crap oh my god he's not gonna he's gonna he's gonna end the stream throw all the food away and order mcdonald's yeah no it's actually good there's like there's nothing george actually he's like it's good what would happen if you deep fried by the fries i believe it's good george you don't have to lie we'll still kind of like you well george make a fry mozzarella stick sandwich and take a bite put all your equipment away and end the stream [Laughter] his uh landlord will unplug the power yeah really oh my god yes guys guys oh know what's the funniest part about this for george to make mozzarella sticks steak and like fries it took him three hours like three hours it's three hours a long time i don't know yeah i don't know you can make steak in 30 minutes i didn't like sit down george dreams mom has made me a steak in like 10 minutes i swear to god and it's so good dreams mom has made me steak [Laughter] making a steak is easy where did he go you're eating those mozzarella sticks like they're the andre george he's like a kid at chuck e cheese i showed this how quote-unquote good the steak is way children this thing's probably good he's done the steak is just left there you have the steak it's like it's like it's cold it's cold now it's cold it's eating the monster he hits the sub goal that steak looks so sad now like you might have to like that stick looks so sad the problem is you can get that equally yes thank you it's like you have to put that thing on the skillet again or something i don't know it's dead yeah dust it up ooh deep fry a piece of the steak that might actually taste really good he's not american bad is just like telling him to deep fry everything george don't pour don't pour oil down the drain i'm not sure yeah yeah yeah don't do that like george dream i've been pouring so much oil down no you're lying no you're an idiot the steak is good no it looks kind of bad now it looks cold and it looks dry it is cold no no it wasn't dry it wasn't dry i'll give them that i'm deep fry a piece i want to see a deep fry no yeah but cover it in water first before you deep fry it it'll retain this you guys are trying to kill me oh my by the way speaking of killing you george thanks for gifting thank you at the start of the stream i watched you you touched the meat then you went over and rinsed your hands and then wiped your hands on the on that rag thing so literally you didn't use soap you got meat juice on on that rack so weird these meat juice is what they named them in high school wait really yeah your nickname was that's what they named his mother though [Laughter] anyway just make sure you wash your hands after you're done handling me okay charge yeah dad has many pointers i'm trying to keep him from like getting he's like also what let's get a mainstream going guys have you heard puppies 100 subs to make it happen hey i hate you all why don't i show up all right listen i'm going to finish the steak we're supposed to roast george he's the streamer we roast him he's the chef he's supposed to roast yeah yeah oh this steak is good can you what's good about it the fries mmm really good good it's good [Laughter] cow you know you better have some like ranch or ketchup or i don't know the the ketchup the ketchup is good oh look i'm glad that we all sat here for three hours and seven minutes it's good and the steak is good all right the steak like obviously it's cold now but when it was hot it was hot but it still tastes the same it's just cold on the back you said he said he said when the sink was hot it was hot all right listen listen this is what i'm saying that's what i'm saying i don't personally i don't really care if my food is hot or not um do you want to heat it up and i'm like no it's like why do you want to heat up i don't care i don't care so the steak honestly it's good it's really good the chips are you human i'm like i really didn't expect them to turn out this good because it was just a potato and now they're actual chips like i didn't think it was that easy they're really good and the mozzarella dippers i thought they were going to be trash like this is what this is the first thing that i made where's the camera it's here look this was the first one oh this ah this one here was the first one i made look how trash it is this one's not even covered these are actually you know what they're just going in the beginning i don't care about them i don't care about them they're literally just in here in the bin they suck so bad you definitely improved and they were really good so at first i had little hope on them i thought they were going to suck but never mind can you look at the camera right in its eyes for a second i want to have a one-on-one talk with you okay try to picture my face okay george i think you did a very outstanding job i think god you look so good today and i think there was also cooking that happened there was cooking he did something with with his food kinda so huge so you can replace them with cat ear headphones it's true it's true so listen listen this whole stream deep fry your headphones and see what happens i deep-fried an iphone that's how much how much treat no no never mind cat ear headphones actually would look good though so listen listen get me out right now he's on his cat made our that's not what i said oh god hang on so listen um you know what time it is what time it is it's shirt time no it's not it is dessert getting naked dessert dessert time yeah there's a whole dessert it's going to be really quick to make because i'm the pro at this dessert who knows what it is you end up thanking me for my six months i did i did i looked straight into the camera up close and said carl jacobs thank you very much for my six months dream was taken thanks for the six months well you got a different thank you present after nine months stream that's true i also have the first founder badge that was the first sub ever the first sub really wow at least i'm pretty sure that's what i mean that's pretty yeah it means you're the within the first ten okay yeah and the last one too after you get banned for this i'm not getting back twitch please please don't ban me please whatever you do do not ban me you want sub more or donation more um i don't know i guess i technically get a bigger cop the donation but up to you you can give subs because then everyone gets subs up to you all right guys the dessert is time it's here you ready let me find the ingredients what do i need okay i need holo perfect two eggs okay that's it that's it it's it's fried eggs for the dessert oh you just cracked that fridge open milk wait wait crank that open for a second in a milk did a milk okay milk did you buy the tiniest fridge on planet earth or what's going on there he really he was wait wait if jor if george actually if you actually if george is 5'7 he went to the store and he's like can you take me your fridges and the big ones he's like he's like no what about the small one he's like do you have a large mini fridge one specifically under uh five foot six george open that bridge again and look like he was trying to he was trying to joke like he was in florida but he has a [ __ ] washer in his kitchen all right you have a washer and dryer let's go yeah and look he has his he has a he's a he has a lot he has like a washing machine in his kitchen it's next to it's neck yeah like a clothes one for that what no he doesn't yeah no look at it look at it it's next to his it's next to his dishwasher his clothes washer and his dishwasher in the kitchen that's interesting guys listen i'm cleaning my door genius oh wait is that the the rag you've been wiping your hands on the entire time no you realize this is like this is the one okay yeah i don't believe you it's all contaminated one get a clean wait who cares who cares i don't even care about the backyard in the same tubby it's all about the same tummy you're on the toilet for like six hours you're gonna be on the toilet like for six hours being like ooh puffy's doing a cosplay stream guys i'm leaving hey sure you take your clothes fine i'll kiss george all right so for the what's that what do you call it the pistela resistance is that it i don't know we are doing i don't know if anyone guessed it my camera is weird wait i need to stand like here wait let me just adjust it and i don't know i'm going to make brownies i guarantee it no because i said it doesn't take that long so you're an idiot brownies don't take that long guys i am making 15. you would know the weird ones yeah george makes bad makes the good brownies the special ones because i'm making the only reason it doesn't take him so long is because he he buys them from pancakes [Laughter] don't eat 110 with no message you're making more pancakes what the hell dude's actually copying us carl what the hell oh my god you better get in some like m m's or something i'm going to show you how to actually make pancakes okay quickly you need to watch carefully on this one oh my god why for dessert i'm confused because it's a dessert food pancakes okay listen this is what i do look you can have pancakes you can have pancakes did you just call pancakes a dessert food shut up it's it's food this is what i'm calling like people are already typing it people call it the one two three method everyone knows it guys the one two three method of making pancakes so you need to zero the scale and then you need 100 so one hundred grams of flour which is question you're meant to sieve it but i don't have a sieve so i can't you guys actually eat pancakes for dessert in in english i don't know it's like is this a george thing or it's like a sweet thing so it's like for dessert you're you're a sweet thing they probably call them like cake patties or something blueberries in there no i don't like do you fancy some cake patties okay we have 100 that was his that was his mom's alternate nickname yeah she switched it out they were interchangeable all right look we've got those this is cake patties we have the 100 grams of flour it sounds like a substitute then you need two or a nanny two eggs george what's a gram can you tell me what a gram is i don't why is he so good at measuring don't act like you don't know about it you deal with grams of everything i dropped the whole shelling ah i got more what grab off weed brownie please it's a start over it's like one gram is 0.03 pounds okay do you want a fifth [Laughter] hey i actually think that's a big one today two eggs oh my god and then oh no two eggs i don't have a whatever it's fine oh my god it's very fine all right bye guys where are you going can you leave all right bye you do have to go as well george this is kind of embarrassing and shocking and you're copying me all right bye quack don't forget to add the baking powder don't forget to put your maid dress on so then you look you give it a mix you give it a mix all right here we go we're doing it we're doing the thing mix it up oh it's coming together it's all stuck it's all stuck oh no how do i get it out how do i get it out oh how do you get it out you want to know how to get it out i'll tell you i will tell you right now actually isn't funny bad i'm lost hang on wait i i need why would you stir that with a whisk no this is how you use this no listen this is how you fix it this is how you fix it you get the milk you get the milk okay you get the milk i'm gonna put it in a cup you need 300 milliliters this isn't enough though oh maybe it will be it will be like woven that's 265. wait how much do i need more 35. so that goes in here oh god okay then it gets it nice and wet so it falls out hang on this sounds so disgusting this looks disgusting dude what the hell you laugh at me now just just you wait just you wait looks like it looks like barf oh my god i can't believe oh my gosh just wait just wait you put it back just wait just wait so as i said the method is the it's the one it's the one two three method because you have one more he's poured more milk 100 milliliters of milk two eggs no 100 grams of flour two eggs and 300 milliliters of milk so i need another 35 good job you got it nice and thin good job oh i put way too much milk whatever you need more milk more milk i thought you said what it looks like so there we go yeah i told you guys you guys were laughing at me i mean it looked to be fair it looks liquidy but well okay let's see listen english pancakes are a lot different to american pancakes you have to remember that you guys have pancakes that are very thick the way we do them and i i think the rest of the world actually not not to meme you guys too hard um we do them thin so that's how i will be doing them chips guys everyone's saying why is it so watery this is how we do them we do them thin i'm telling you it's going to be fine you'll see they're going to be giant though we're doing a giant you're going to pour them out and it's going to go it's fine it's fine you'll see a 10 foot pancake guys everyone from the uk let everyone know let everyone know this is how we do it right i think so this is normal this is normal that looks really thin trust me trust me it's fine yeah people are saying it's like crepes okay everything's like crepes like that's that that's more like yeah there's more crepes i mean that would actually be really good for a cake yeah crepe crepes is more like a crepes are definitely more desserted than pancakes so i'm watching the frying pan because i need it okay hang on hang on let's need some meaty tasting pancakes no because i'm washing it [Music] it's getting washed real good good actually i'm glad to see you trying new things okay i need the water to be hotter so it melts all that oil off there why is it not getting hot my water's broken water machine broke wait guys should i do a washing up stream tomorrow um that's a joke i'm not doing that everyone's saying yes that that's a terrible idea i'm not doing that much i looked up that model of fridge and i found out how tall it is yeah do you want me to say okay it's two foot three no it's a four foot three inch tall fridge yeah i'm way taller than that okay can you go stand by it how'd you know how did you notice this exact purse because i found the model how do you find the model because i found a fridge that looks exactly like that that they sell in the uk okay okay go stand right next to it please hang on the pan is washed and look bad i'll even use a fresh untouched towel to clean it okay thank you i was worried about cross contamination this is not four foot three i'm like okay i'm not that much fuller than it there's no way you're lying it's not four or three i'm telling you it's four foot three okay so you're telling me i'm like four six or something it's not fun you're probably like i'm guessing if this was four three i would be like five foot there's no way yeah you're like five foot it's got a freezer on the bottom of it by the way i didn't think you were that short you didn't if we didn't even find the fridge oh it's got a freezer on the bottom maybe that's the difference there's a freezer here i'll keep researching can you see [Music] okay i found the actual model okay it says it's only four foot so you just you just lost three inches oh whoops all right pan is ready um okay so you know what time it is it's pancake time [Music] okay so it's simple all i need to do is fix my camera uh my camera angles okay no guys i'm not i didn't get caught in 4k like the fridge isn't four i don't foot you're telling me this fridge is four foot that's just not it's just not true it's not factual all right so this comes down here boom like that wait we want to get a nice up close like that oh it's like tilted hang on hang on why is it not turning oh this is gonna be interesting hang on all right right about that all right pancake camp and then george cam all right georgetown has come up oh it's not it's not focused focus all right there we all right there okay let's flip it actually boom okay so here's what we do we get butter from the fridge and okay i don't know why i couldn't open it okay then we get a spoon and we scoop some of this butter [Music] boom okay done and then we melt the butter that simple let me move this away um okay are we ready so we take this mix it up again okay then we need to get the pan nice and meaned nice and piping hot nice and piping hot okay all right george i found the actual fridge by the way yeah how tall is it if i had to guess wait wait wait wait wait don't tell me if i had to guess um so it's about this much oh yeah i reckon it's like it could be like i didn't realize how like how much taller than i am okay no stop stop stop uh-huh wait how tall is it it's five foot eight point four inches tall well then i'm like i can't be right because then i'm way taller than five nine i think you failed matt you didn't find the right one yeah he literally be like six something like if it was five eight or whatever what did you just say five eight it said that it's 174 centimeters tall that's five nine because that's what i am if that was five nine then i would be like six foot probably six three six two uh maybe sure thank you for gifting ten thank you and arizona flower and beth 99 waters thank you guys for all the subs thank you okay so i'm going to drain out the excess butter because you don't want excess okay now check this out are you ready get another mix and here we go boom okay there's too much butter there's too much butter i need to clean this clean it's clean okay never mind it's centimeters okay so yeah that makes a lot of sense i'm probably there we go 160 that makes about sense also your i think your pancakes they're bubbling right a little bit yeah yeah that once they start to bubble like that you flip them oh no it's not ready it's not ready i don't have a plate nope wait no no once they bite already they're not ready okay okay let's have a look let's have a look where's the camera angle at here it is okay a little pancake bud how is it bud it's not bad okay yeah i i have too much butter but this means the next one is gonna be perfect oh my god who gets the subs nerdy fox and arizona flowers thank you guys so much oh we're about to hit the sub goal thank you guys oh my god i think i start off with like 10k subs we hit like 8k subs this year this is crazy thank you so much in the air george flip it in the air don't use the spatula just flip it come on george flip it wait if you flip it successfully everyone you have to go up a thousand subs that's the goal that's the deal do wait come on oh no this is bad thing i can't do a full cam all right whatever let's try it let's try it you ready if i hit this you guys will want to sub oh i actually did it i actually did it oh it's the delay guys you have to subscribe you have to subscribe guys if you've got twitch prime it's free you can subscribe for absolutely free it's free that was crazy that was actually crazy and there guys here's what we're putting on the pancakes i've got a i've got a mixture i've got lemon wait that's it i'm very looking pancake i didn't buy the salt the sugar i forgot to buy the sugar no what happened your what happened to your pancake oh wait no i didn't have the sugar so we can do sugar it's fine oh my god no wait it has like i'm flipping it again i'm flipping it again oh okay this one's like this one's a bit trash i'm not gonna lie this one's a bit trash but hang on it's because it's because there's too much butter but now the pan is like you lose what did you do you only flip a pancake once you muffin head guys shut up tell me this it's fine it's fine so i put sugar i've got sugar and lemon sugar and lemon i have golden syrup and i have i have nutella so we've got we've got a mixture of stuff nerdy [ __ ] thank you for stopping uh gifting so many subs and becca and anxious panda oh we hit the sub goal we hit the sub goal i don't even have a goal for the subs for the sub goal i don't have like a thing but i guess it was just there but thank you guys so much thank you thank you didn't you say at the start of the stream the sub goal was you'd eat an entire pancake in like 30 seconds i can do that right now i'll do that right now okay check this out so this pancake george that's that's not even a pen it's not calling a pancake it's not a pancake it's a uk it's it's a crepe no it's a crepe it's lydia crate okay look at that it's like that is the definition of a crepe okay fine okay for english people it is a pancake for non-english people and maybe just american people i don't know it's a crepe whatever but check this out ready you get this one [Music] wait no no no you don't get to put sugar on it no you didn't eat the whole thing 30 seconds wait where's my okay you get the lemon how do i open this how do i open it it doesn't enjoy saying it's a pancake yeah just wait until he like adds everything to it yeah it's it's really crazy like fluffy and fuzzy what is that lemon juice yep okay so we put a little lemon juice in a lemon because it's good isn't it isn't crepe like in it like an italian word then you get this and a bit of sugar all right i think it's french or french here boom now watch this you rolled it up can you even see or you can't even see what i'm doing that's what he's doing guys is that what you're doing with pancake then you roll okay maybe it's a crazy way it's what what are you doing what are you doing wait what are you doing you rolling you're making chat good chat listen chat's about chat's about to eat their words they're about to eat all their words go ahead go ahead oh you roll it okay interesting you rolled it okay now what are you doing yeah shut the hell up chad get the hell out of here step down guys he's actually making crates this is good i thought this pancake okay it looks bad but it still tastes good that is not a pancake you're wasting energy george turn off the stove no i'm going to use it i'm going to use it you're not going to get a pancake people are saying it's a pancake they're already blind it's a pancake it's what we call a pancake that is not a pancake that is a crepe so we pour it in boom pancake number two this is a pancake you know what i'm saying it's a pancake this is not a pancake what should i do next i'll do maple syrup i'll do the maple syrup goldens he said probably in the rest of the world like i bet you it's probably literally only in like the uk where they called it maybe we call these pancakes i'm pretty sure crepe is like a free yeah it's french or italian like it's no but we we also have crepes that's the thing they're different what's a crepe thing what's a crepe i don't really know honestly but we have them for what's different between that and what you're making now i don't know whatever i'm making a crepe or pancake whatever you want to call it okay what would you call things that looked like flat crate flat pancakes that were stacked on top of each other that you put maple syrup on what would you call that american pancakes okay okay just put the word american so it's getting time to flip i think oh there's little bubbles popping i don't know if you can even see it on on this camera over here probably not but there it's bubbling a little bit ah this has been an epic stream don't you think i think it'll be good it's been a success pancake needs a bit more heat i'm very proud of you george thank you bye thank you so when you get this underneath it to like unstick it a bit so you've made crepes before then i've made i've made these before yes i am but everything else is new to you um the steak i've made before as well but the the chips the fries and the mozzarella dippers i've never made before okay oh this is gonna be a good one do you have any cream to go with your crate wait guys hang on i probably i'm gonna do it again i'm gonna do it again i might not get it this time though oh i'm cracked i'm actually cracked look at the browning on that as well it's perfect it's actually perfect i'm popping off this is nuts okay what was the ingredients in your mix again 100 grams of flour two eggs three hundred milliliters of milk the one two three method the one two three method right now what's a milliliter and what's interesting what's interesting is as soon as i started saying pancakes everyone started typing everyone started typing in chat one two three method so they know about this and they know these as pancakes all right the pancake's done the pancakes i thought you weren't allowed to have guns in the uk what you said you had a milliliter all right it's golden syrup time okay check this out what's golden syrup so the difference between crepes and pancakes is that crepes are crepes usually i mean pancakes usually have a raising agent such as baking powder or baking soda crepes are usually rolled and have and have something a filling so that's like literally the only difference pancakes are flat not rolled and pancakes have a raising agent and his don't his are literally by definition crepes there you go suck it up admit defeat there we go so i'm gonna roll it up oh put some fruit in it i don't actually have any fruit ah do you have any cream hang on oh it's really hot it looks good though looks very good i could i could i could i could use some crepes crepes are good well you can after this stream you can use my one two three method that i invented and make your own wait you invented that yeah pretty cool so when are you gonna challenge gordon ramsay to uh cook off i actually really i didn't i didn't even attempt to but i thought it would be really cool and also because of covered actually i didn't think about that but i thought it'd be so cool to do a cooking stream with gordon ramsay so if gordon ramsay's somehow watching this message me because i want to do that you can teach me how to do it faster than three and a half hours oh and he can yell at you the entire time that's part of the rule you have to yell at me my gosh i want to see this so bad okay we'll do one more pancake and then i think we'll end it up hey turn your stove off now yeah so you're wasting energy yeah your carbon footprint is getting bigger you big feet george how can you see my feet oh carbon feet okay ah okay a bit of pancake just flew out my mouth when i exhaled no one saw that okay let's get this nutella open i wouldn't tell a filling that's gonna be so good that's gonna be so good i get it now come on oh it's all like okay there we go we've got the nutella boom let's get a close-up on the good camera look at that okay oh this one's ready ah this one might be burnt i might have burnt it i was too busy come on come on it's burning i think i might have messed this one up come on oh it's fine i can smell it it's burn ah i got distracted i got distracted by the nutella [Music] someone linked a google result that says british pancakes are the same thing as crepes crepe crepe is the french word pancake is the english word right yeah apparently okay all right whatever i guess they're crepes so it smelled good but it doesn't look bad it's like it's that look that looks like more of a pancake it's like brown this one's like really brown um so i don't know it's not it's like a normal pancake he's like oh this this no i don't want this i want a crepe well too fair the crepes that looks damn good so yeah all right i think we're probably ready i don't know if this is burned i'm gonna have to do a taste test okay let's see boom i mean oh no it's not button i oh it's think pan that smells weird no this smells fine actually look at that boom so does nutella taste good on that yes oh it's gonna yeah it's gonna be good so check this out ready rolled up in there oh that's gonna be so good what the hell did bad just say uh potato get a nice dollop of nutella a dollop what's a dollop it's uh it's this this is a dollop boom and then it's gonna start melting and i can like spread it around okay hey dream are we still uh the thing that i'm late for we still want to do that no oh okay is that my fault yes but it's okay sorry to walmart we'll do it wednesday messed up i mess ah okay ah this is this plate's really hot i can't get them ow it's hot okay what are you doing okay i'm scraping it off no describing me all right look at this i'm just going to put it on the side okay i'll clean up later check that out nutella on a pancake roll it up so can you eat that like a burrito kind of that's what he's doing hi okay looks like a burrito i'll have you know he doesn't have to go anywhere he's lying he's just he's just saying that he just wants to leave he's got better things to do i can't believe it nutella is so good um okay well i think that's gonna do it for the cooking stream it's been long awaited and finally it's happened so i hope you guys enjoyed it oh got it too bye i enjoyed this george bye you still headroom yeah is it just us it's just us okay alone together with uh 210 000 other people yeah um so yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed i had fun i learned some new things and and um yeah oh this has been good maybe should i do another cooking stream yeah maybe i'll do another one you have to do whatever that one that we were talking about doing hmm that'd be it that's true we need to be like a twist on the cooking stream so guys make sure to follow if you're not following already click the follow button um and that's it uh i'm gonna have to like do a lot of cleaning my kitchen's a mess can we get can we get a push to twenty thousand we are so close to twenty thousand subs we can get a final push to twenty thousand this stream come on let's make it final push right now subscribe use your prime you probably don't even know if you have one you might you might have gotten yours yesterday from your other one you can use it more than once if you use it in the past because if you want to know that if you want to eat this you can use your prime you can use your prime once a month you don't even you actually get it once a month you don't only have it one time so if you think you've used it before you probably haven't click on subscribe and it will say prime a little bit lower down and it's free it costs you nothing at all there you go there's your prime get the i don't see prizes there's like oh my gosh how many primes in a row thank you guys all of those people probably had no idea they had a prime like everyone right now that's cooking that prime probably had no idea that they had a prime available can we push can we end it on a good note he's guaranteeing to do another cooking stream if he get if he if he gets the final push the final push right at the end ah i'm like exhausted i've been standing up for three hours i have a chat ha ha guys look at all the primes they all haven't they had no clue they had it thank you for the primes guys thank you for the subs thank you thank you thank you i should move this down slightly there we go huh fingers crossed it's like crimes in a row what that was another like six points that's like there's at least been like a hundred something people who had no idea had no idea that they had a prime you get it once a month it's free it sounds like a scam it's not it's free it's a partnership twitch you're taking money from the ceo of amazon jeff bezos and just giving it to me that's true that's true oh this was this was like it's hard standing up for three hours god i don't know how chefs do it it's been almost four hours what does that say velocitraptor and big brown bands thank you so much for the gifted thank you thank you look at all those primes look at all those primes are there any i want to post a picture of me and uh in my chef outfit on instagram are there good pictures on twitter dream or should i should i get a picture right now um there's there's probably good ones okay let's see if we can get one right now okay wow you guys are actually so close like guys he's he's over 19 000 now like couple hundred more a couple hundred more like there's probably there's probably a thousand of you that have no idea that you even have twitch prime i'm telling you like you probably you're probably you're hearing this from me saying it the third time and going i know i don't have one there's a button that says subscribe right by the right by the follow button the heart click it and then it'll pull up a bunch of payment dialogues scroll down past those scroll down past those and it'll say prime use your prime sub something like that i don't know exactly what it says click it it's free it's actually free it actually is it's literally free it won't ask you to pay when i ask you anything you just click it you're good what do i hold for my cooking picture and you can use it next month now now that you know about it you can use it next month on somebody else what do i hold what's a chef item i probably shouldn't hold the knife i'm gonna get banned it's true george uh streaming uh swimming stream next what swimming stream didn't you make it so you could like go with pools now i don't know i'm doing the pork face and what are you saying i said that's your next stream now guys get good screenshots i need to post something on instagram i need i need to get some instagram clout is this good dream tell me is this good i don't even know i don't know where to stand i don't know how to do it take off take off your headphones for a little bit okay god okay i'm not gonna hear you hang on guys he has no idea what i'm saying come on we can make the final push right now wait dream right now we're getting so close yeah hello say something hello okay i can hear you kind of okay now he can hear me get the hat up okay okay here we go get the screenshots get the screenshots do i do a pog face i don't even know i don't know if this is good or not i don't know i don't know is it good um fix your hair by your ear your left ear my left ear how about i'll just cover it up i don't even know what do you mean fix it [Music] no that's weird i don't know push it like forward huh i can push it you're pushing it back when you push it forward like i can't even see what i'm doing there we go better let's see oh what there i think yeah i think it's i think it's good i'm not sure we'll make it work we'll make it work okay okay this is like this is so awkward i'm just like guys it's photo shoot time okay surely something will come come out of that i don't know okay oh hello hello okay i don't think i don't know if we're gonna get the 20k dream how many subs are how many subs let me check the real time counter because it's a bit delayed up here guys he doesn't think we're gonna get to 20k he doesn't think so we're 500 away we're at 19. 500. yeah but we were a thousand we were a thousand five hundred away just a minute ago we're in nineteen four six seven oh nineteen i don't know if i can stand up much longer dream i need like five hundred how many is that we guys we need five either we can just have some people you know you could if you don't have a prime consider subscribing consider gifting some subs we do we have any rich people in the chat are there any millionaires in the chat let's see some millionaires come on millionaires get good gifting come on get some 50 bombs you know any any rich people any rich people uh i don't know i don't know oh yeah yeah okay fine i'll yeah i'll contribute oh my god wait i need the real time counselor guys we have our first we have our first rich person uh dropping a 50 bomb it's a dream was taken oh dream was taken gifting 50. thank you dream thank you we're at 1953 167 all right come on other other people no 500 467 away 467 i messed up oh my god wait oh my god pastel giving a hundred thank you thank you oh my god trouble i should just move this to the side because i'm like i need to stand over there wait i didn't move the chair oh my god okay bring this in like this there okay ah i'm like so full the right i'm getting a we're nearly there oh my god we're nearly there we're neither nineteen nine eighty nineteen nine eighty we're twenty away nineteen nine eighty i knew we could do it i knew we could do it it's gonna happen update oh we've seen it one more person one person gift did you home gift thing five it hasn't updated on my end we might have hit it we might i don't know oh someone just goes to ten hours that's that's i think we got it i think we got it it hasn't updated but i think we got it thank you guys so much hang on i made crepes non-american american pancakes with nutella for my girlfriend to win her love before we were dating um them things slap they are they're good they're really good they're really good um i think we hit 20k it hasn't updated on my end let me try refresh the page oh no you hit 20k we might already just gifted 25 you check gaming they're giving 25 thank you so much thank you oh yeah it's 20k we hit 20k we did it thank you guys so much thank you i think this is the most subs i've ever had 20k i think right ah what do i do now did i just end yeah all right guys we hit 20k it hasn't updated up here yet but on my end it is 20k we hit it so thank you so much uh i hope you enjoyed the cooking stream it's been fun and um i should rate someone who should i read who's live you should read um charade ludwig he's still streaming oh my for 41 hours no he's been streaming he's been streaming for the last five days i think like he's been screaming him showering and him sleeping and stuff showering [Laughter] oh my god okay uh every time you sub to every time someone subs it goes up 10 seconds timer's at like 60 60 hours or something so oh my god all right i guess we'll worry about it guys go you always say hi go say um what's we gonna get what should we say wait it's called someone said yeah tails is in five minutes actually oh i'll wait for a call i'll wait for a call wait let me mess up let me call you we got a support we gotta support carl come on let me call him wait is he live no he's not alive i'm gonna call him i'm gonna call him i don't know if i'm gonna be in it people are spamming george reid in london's chat it's really just there we go say never mind never [Laughter] say no never mind never mind james is mine boy let's check let's see when carl's going live come on carl pick up pick up pick up carl um are you going live soon like tell me like how long how long 10 maximum all right i'm i'm gonna read you i don't no it's fine it's fine um i don't know if i'm gonna be able to be on it though i'm sorry okay um yeah already just people will let me know when you're live all right bye carl have fun bye okay we're gonna read carl sorry ludwig i'm sorry yeah we didn't we just i feel bad now all right carl's going live i named him anyway because he doesn't want to get more subs or anything he wants to end so carl's going live in about five to ten minutes so what can we do for five to ten minutes i guess we can um we can play um oh you should do more photo shoots i feel like i can't do that i don't have the it's too embarrassing clean up no no no i'm gonna do i think i'm gonna do it tomorrow i'm not gonna it's too much work right now okay drink something you know what that is a great idea see if you can fit in the fridge oh yeah we wanted to see what's in the fridge you said you'd show us okay see guys i told you if you stuck to if you stayed around till the end of the stream you would see inside the fridge so you're gonna get a fridge reveal i've got two things of lemonade a thing of milk six large eggs i haven't i have a good idea you're not showing you're not showing the right camera well i guess i could use this one but i'm just saying it's not like it's not like it wasn't sure you were looking at the camera that oh i got it all right so i've got um six large eggs i've got two things of lemonade the milk and bacon and that's it wow so wait is the camera like would you be able to put the camera in the fridge no oh come on it's too loud it's too far the cable won't reach from the computer i'm sorry hello i can do this look at my trousers i'm a chef why are you wearing those because it's a chef outfit so that's that's that's what they wear yeah nah make a tip talk should i quickly make a tech talk what should i do give me a take a photo take yeah we're formulating a good idea right now let's go quick um what did you do with cooking clearly um obviously um tick tock i'm thinking uh you use like an audio uh an audio um i don't need to we'll be good [Music] um i don't know what to do um i'm just gonna let jim think about it i'm gonna sit down i'm exhausted you should just um hmm i don't know what can i do guys okay what can i do for a tick tock what can i do do it gordon ramsay hmm i don't know the tick tock the duet suck because the one tick tock the one do what i did didn't get nearly as many views this is what you do you ready this is what you do george um you say it you post it and it's called pov you're my fridge and you put the phone in the inside the fridge and then you just you leave it in there and then you then you close the fridge you start it you close the fridge then you open the fridge and it's just you like looking for something you grab something that's behind the phone and then you close the fridge and that's the end of the tick tock did carl make that tick tock i don't think so i've seen people do that before though something like that and you could find a funny audio later for it i think carl did that let me see oh yeah he did your food in my fridge and i'm getting it yeah did he do it dumb he did it dumb though he did it dumb [Music] i don't know okay don't do that one then but yeah that's so stupid you should be good on that so much better i'm not doing this i don't think anything seriously at all what should i do quick we're running out of time do the renegade do the renegade what i don't even know how um make that make that one thick duck we were talking about which one what was it what was it like oh crap what was it i remember the i know what happens at the end but i don't remember how it gets to that point you know what i'm talking about i actually don't ah this is i i don't know this is too much i don't know what to do anyway i i don't know i really don't know what to do let me in please thank you thank you for the for the gifted subs um i i have nothing dream i've got nothing what if i just be like i started on myself and like guys i really like like nutella then i just like flip the camera around and i just grab it out of the thing with my hand and just and then it fits back i'm just eating it no that's gross oh i don't know then all right well i don't know i'm not gonna do it puns that is not happening um well i guess we're not good enough to think of a tick tock right now so yeah i'm too like i don't know i'm too it's too hot okay it is i need to cool down okay okay hair reveal i could do a hair reveal now this is what you have to do take take your hat off right here just you have to do everything i say okay with no hesitation are you ready okay all right take your take your hat off yeah all right take your headphones off yeah you're not gonna hear me wait can you hear me if you take your headphones off yeah okay so your headphones are off yeah all right now just totally mess up all of your hair why just do it why i just completely ruffle all of your hair what if i get it like wet and then it will like go crazy will it yeah watch wait where's it going just tell me no no that's where it's going go do it do it and then walk i can't tell i can't tell you after i can't i can't tell you i can't tell you just do it is it wet okay [Laughter] oh my gosh holy cow what i've never seen your hair like that now that now that's a good instagram photo [Laughter] to see what your hair looked like it's just it's like messy it's like messed up but now what no that was it that was how's that a tick tock it's not a tick tock house call not library hasn't it been 10 minutes so you just wanted me to take myself for no reason well not for no reason i was curious what it looked like because after you you had this shirt video you messed up your hair at them like just literally in this shirt video you messed up your hair in it but like just barely kind of hate you it's a it's a look it's a look is it yeah it's a look it's a better look it's better looking like you're whatever your normal style is say something hello okay it's called live not yet apparently ah i wanna end i wanna like lay down me too but i'm waiting i'm hot i already said i'm i wanna i wanna lay down my hair's kinda long carl hello where are you [Music] hey carl call jacobs all right this is the official carl jacobs waiting room so um we're sitting here waiting for a call um anxious panda getting 50 and elena gifting five thank you so much and friday gifting five thank you oh my god everyone was giving ten zero gifting five wait there's like 12 oh my god sony gifting stomp panato getting five thank you guys thank you can carl go live like actually what is carl doing i'm hot let me zoom in even more oh now it's really zoomed in come on carl guys where is carl hmm i don't know okay hmm well well you're waiting for carl's stream true when he's gonna be honest starting soon i don't know i really don't know oh i can look in the discord i can see what they're doing let me see tales from the s p oh they're in there uh where's carl carl's no colors in there let me message him actually how oh he won caps let's not shout at him how long do you think all right message them all right well durian you want to do something whilst we wait sure like what all right um i don't know wow what a a man of many words uh clary thanks for gifting five here let me remove my instagram story before i forget because i no longer need to have it there uh delete instagram story okay uh guys if you're not following my instagram go follow it because yeah i'm gonna be posting a picture from here guys look it's it's just george not found uh that's me go follow me uh we're trying to get to 25 million followers by the end of the month so 2 go follow my instagram if you're not following i don't know carl's ignoring me he hates me i guess um hmm my thumbnail looks weird my twitch thumbnail where what does it look like just go on twitch and look at it i look like i'm scared it looks good it looks good it's not like it's not like the best it could be but when is it how often does it update i have no idea ah so let me in oh coleman okay carl's starting in two minutes um uh 180 kickr lauren thank you for gifting thank you 180 kicker hat that is a great name i came up with the 180k crowd did you know that no i didn't i'm pretty sure i did i think it was me chat can confirm did i make up the 180 kick rat i think i did middle part that's too much work maybe next stream that's your next sub goal yeah maybe maybe guys i don't know um so carl's going to be going live in a minute and then we're going to raid him i can end and i can go lay down because i want to lay down um okay i guess i'll hydrate whilst we wait i like the music i chose for the stream did you hear any of it yeah it was good i like it it's good it's just like cooking vibes cooking vibes like my stream lives is so messed up i can't even see the donations that are happening like it's my last my last a lot was from 20 minutes ago how are your viewers going up are they just been going up consistently i don't know you're at like 212 now and you were like 203. i picked it 307k oh my god buying a stream that's insane i should do cooking streams more often i want to get a 1 million view stream how do i do that dream how do i get a million me tough you could do it i need a million guys everyone follow the stream if you're not already following because i am i want to get a million i don't know what to do so cooking stream going from 500k first that's true i wonder how many stream the meet up oh my god i was gonna say it oh my god i wonder how many viewers a meetup stream would get like literally you're like in the car like on the way that would be crazy that would be crazy i wonder how many viewers that would get 500k right it would give i think it'd be a 500k at least the me top stream i didn't know that we'll do that we'll do it we'll do it that would be crazy let's make sure like we do a lot of stream i don't think our law stream is enough maybe okay well carl's gonna go live in a bit he said two minutes two minutes ago like just don't lie to me just tell me where it's gonna be it's fine just because i'm just sitting here refreshing twitch why am i special guys let's just remind like we're almost at twenty one thousand i mean we're like we're just sitting here doing something let's get there i mean we might as well i guess we might as well just get there like we're just sitting here doing nothing like you might as well just click the subscribe button like i mean rather than do nothing yeah i mean just click sitting here you could subscribe with prime i don't know i mean maybe like it's up to you but it's it's free and i'm back i'm literally bouncing on my chair right now oh my god oh my god i'm balancing you can't see the chair but it's bouncing on two legs i will say there's actually there is there is george lore planned on the dream smp i don't even know about that is that oh is it what you were talking about the other day yeah yeah oh i do know there is there's actually very big george lore planned get your twitch primes in but george said he'd only do it george said he would only do it if um if he hit the 21 000 sub goal i mean i didn't actually say that he didn't say that he did not do that but you can stop why is thank you dream training i got on twitter and thank you dream is trending what thank you dream what did he do i don't know i did something let me uh delete my tweet um i want to delete my tweet my tweet tweet my tweet tweet my tweet george you need to like right now right after you end this stream go lay down and then add like hair gel to your shopping list and then get it so you can do your hair similar to this every time i'll consider it just looks so much better like you look like you look like a normie without it enormity is called gonna go live or what like what is actually happening carl what is carl doing is he live oh he's live oh my god thank you i mean i've been not that i want to leave or anything like i've been i've enjoyed this but i do want to lay down my back is killing if i'm standing why is stalling up hurting my back i'm not used to standing up clearly maybe i need to start exercising or something but guys carl is finally live so i'm going to to raid um so thank you for watching hope you enjoyed the cooking stream and i will see you who knows when click the follow button so you know when i'm streaming next all right let me okay he's live he's live he's live raid let me copy and paste his name so i don't mess it up [Music] okay carl is streaming uh tales from the s p it's like uh how do you describe it it's like uh law of the dream smp but like outside travelers well no he's a time traveler so he's like traveling through time he doesn't get to choose when though there you go so uh we don't know what's happening but you can go watch the stream and um that should be live well he's live now but you should start in a few minutes so go say hi and um thanks for coming thanks for all the subs the donations everything thank you so much we actually got like like 8 000 subs this stream oh my god no no more like 10 000. no yeah no i started like 10k subs like actually now this is insane i don't realize we gained like 10k subs thank you guys so much thank you okay and um stream is over thank you guys goodbye go say hi to kyle and that's it bye bye bye bye i'm ending the stream now i'm clicking the end stream button bye bye bye guys love you bye
Channel: GeorgeNotFound Streams
Views: 1,619,110
Rating: 4.9751077 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, George Learns To Cook..., minecraft hunting, minecraft vs, Dream Minecraft, George Minecraft youtube, George Minecraft channel, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.14 survival, minecraft 1.15 survival, minecraft 1.16 survival, georgenotfound highlights, georgenotfound live, georgenotfound streams
Id: e7inujiXK0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 249min 38sec (14978 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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