If George, Karl or Quackity Laugh, We Lose...

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according to youtube statistics only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you enjoy the video please consider subscribing youtube sometimes glitches and unsubscribes you so if you think you're subscribed already please make sure to check you still are and enjoy the video boom we're all on the screen on the screen call why are you call call wait i should have you all on the screen wait yeah i can see the top of your room quickly bye bye oh god what are you doing why do you guys do this bye why adios adios what was that thing you said yesterday what about what hola he said it so quickly oh my gosh hello goodbye could be one word with oladios oh my god carry the a that's so true carl [Laughter] anyway i'm ready george are you ready guys hey george it's waiting for george i didn't set up properly hold on i'm setting up for my stream should i go live yeah let's all go live let's all go live let's go well you know that's all streams let's all stream together okay this song sucks i hate it george may i show something off on stream yes i uh you know you know a call you know call take take the screen you know i'll make you a bit bigger thank you i woke up early today okay at 1 pm yeah okay it's because there's this one place in town that go that closes at like two for some reason okay and i got a vanilla vegan protein shake no way protein it fills me so much is that is that a green scrub straw oh my goodness he's drinking wait what's he drinking in air he's just drinking up nothing he's drinking oh tomorrow thank you thank you so much tovo for the raid hope you had a good stream taboo whoa sound just replied to me and said no one cares well taboo cares thank you taboo um now hair no promo all right all right listen listen i own 100 thieves wait how are we going to see the screen of like the reacting oh that's true i didn't i didn't like you actually did not prepare this at all if you owned 100 thieves then i think you'd know it's pronounced hundred thieves yikes that's embarrassing that's why you're never joining the org bro that's why you're never joining the org but i know how it's pronounced do you because i rebranded it okay that's cool i fired i fired all of our esports i fired current shot i just fired just courage just garbage so wait a second how do i show you guys the media chef one hundred thieves from now on it's feral boys and salad gang it's everyone it's everyone except for curry if i give you guys that link does that work i think you can just use the the meat we are why are the three of us significantly different quality like because two of us have good cameras and one of us doesn't well caitlin giving a uh how many is that ten thousand bits thank you so much caitlyn thank you whoa carl's so hd i'm blurry oh there he goes i was like oh i can change the size of myself i was focusing all right let's go guys i'm ready i'm ready to react quickly you're a blood you're literally a blow down [Music] uh wait guys oh no oh my god yeah i'm ready remember when i said i was going to get a haircut today hello yeah guys wait why are you so weird colored what are you doing [Laughter] lizzy thanks for giving [Music] okay i cancelled it i try to cancel the options this uh on this but it's a problem hey what is this link that you send to the chat should i click on it do i click on this yeah click on it but don't send it to anyone don't link it in the chat i think what that will do is i think it will show the media right it's just a white screen right yeah yeah it's just a white screen but when i play something here i'll test it yeah please do chess you know what we'll test it live we'll test it live i think it's going to work so quickly open that link so here's what we're doing today it's open so basically um if you go it's uh for me it's only a white screen george well yeah because there's nothing playing yet but here's the cheap way so here's the meme guys quackity are you seeing a white screen i'm seeing a white screen i don't see anything that's not like jordan that's how it should be that's how it should be george is actually still in preparation that's how it should be okay i'm getting nervous now okay because we're gonna we're delaying there's a lot of people here the white screen i don't think i'm gonna laugh at a white screen okay i'm gonna explain i'm actually gonna laugh i'm gonna explain the stream guys okay so here's what's happening it doesn't need everyone knows what this stream is uh come on let's go let's go everybody knows you just need to do it you just need to you know pad your retirement funds we get it okay i'll explain it basically george george is on his millionaire arc and he wants to be on his billionaire arc okay i'm back so back i'm back i'm back so now he's asking for more money okay look me and call we are the same bsk gifting 50 thank you so much bsk oh my god thank you thank you so much wait quacky what did he forget something what didn't no did you forget something quackity what are you good question wait i'm going to get them right back i'm going to be on my being right back wait stop i'm going to be on my being right back i'm not gonna be on my sheep did you forget george you've actually forgot quakti no i didn't forget anything we told you to bring the goggles yeah yeah yeah okay shut up we told you to bring the googles all right listen listen um frogs are nice and amazing this is true thanks for gifting five so listen listen here's what's happening today so this is a and if you laugh you lose so basically if you go to like the normal donation link there will be a way that you can submit a youtube video right and if you submit the video it doesn't work but i i honestly don't care so basically the goal is okay you have to try and make us laugh i don't know how many lives we're gonna have but if we laugh too many times the stream ends it's a challenge and we will succeed maybe okay i'm back and what's gonna happen after the stream george hey i'm back i'm gonna end the stream that's gonna that's what's gonna happen he's gonna raid me wait hey guys i'm back oh hey call ready what did you just do the big reveal okay oh my god pulackity not found what could he not why are you looking at him what the hell he he when i when he way yeah oh my god wait wait let's get the screenshot get the screenshot quickly do something [ __ ] do something oh my god quacky do do do an open mouth for the for the extra uh cpm right that's that's enough so it's all cool thumbnail face ladies and gents thumbnails oh my god that's the thumbnail have you finished using me for the day huh i've used you for the day all right listen his here's the meme i've explained it needs to make his money i've explained the meme to the stream sorry guys i did a hair reveal all right are you guys ready to laugh i mean are you guys ready to not oh are you guys ready to not laugh so how many huh so here okay how many lives do we i am i am i am i am so actually unamused today i am so unamused today so i'm not gonna lie they can't make us laugh they can't hey look i'm going to uh copy not paste do something i won't laugh like i'm actually i'm actually not uh getting them in another 10 000 bits thank you so much no yes yes with two hot thank you caleb thank you they're so awesome so i'm going to put you also i'm going to put here oh wait this is a label that's a i think if i i get what what okay look watch this ready so how many lives do we get how many lives do we get guys you know i think if any of us laugh the stream ends no oh bye guys okay okay the stream is over okay that's a lot of gifted subs i can't see how it is you know george wait how many is that uh jess i can't see how many of those but thank you so much thank you jess i'm listening to this morning you asked me it's like it's like why you so groggy and i was like and you what i didn't tell you was that this is my this is what i'm gonna do to not laugh at all like i'm actually not in the mood to laugh at anything wait can i tell you george also can i tell you what we should do instead of lives what i got it okay for every time one of us laughs you have to give another five gifted subs to your stream at the end of the stream so if your viewers get you to laugh they earn subs that's the way i see it because nobody actually stays true to the whole lives scheme they'll be like oh that doesn't count that doesn't it doesn't count it doesn't count it doesn't count okay so everyone's okay everyone's saying five though but do we do five lives or do we just do gifted subs okay live okay okay let's just do it let's just guys do we want to do lives and then the stream ends or do we want to do for every time we laugh we do gifts we'll like time it we should time it like we should have like a end time wait you know you know what let's join let's get some interaction let's do a poll lives or suck gifted subs some lives somebody already beat you too oh okay what do you mean guys i'm not giving you gifted subs no no no no george is doing no i'm gifting the subscribers but you guys i agree i'm in my no laughing arc okay you guys can't just say ah for no reason okay okay so so for this to make sense we should have like a time limit it's like how long how many times we laugh by what do you think about like an hour okay okay um caitlyn did another 10 000 last time uh but just wanted to say hey i'm so happy to see you all say thank you caitlyn thank you thank you thank you thank you so eighty-six percent want gifted subs okay i guess we're doing that way okay let me get a timer let me get a time let me get i'm on my five headache you're actually a genius you're an honor plus guys the best part about this is that george has to waste some of the millions he's about to earn today oh my god okay so we've got a one hour timer okay and then i need a cat oh god this is so unprepared guys guys you gotta bear with me for a second whilst i get this ready dude my eyes hurt okay my no oscars hurt yeah all of my oscars hurts so i'm in complete health uh perfect condition uh time i need the time ready george okay one second then i crop it why do my eyes hurt probably because you've been looking too much it's just stop looking okay because your left eye hurt george didn't know what you were telling me last night no is this like a [ __ ] i don't understand well it's because you've been looking right all day why can't i hear you clapping oh there you go okay all right nice one call cool all right listen are you guys ready uh yeah i'm looking at a white screen laughs zero look we've had zero laughs okay days since zero okay okay okay listen listen i'm kidding i'm sorry i'm sorry did the the media shares already start did i miss something no no no no okay guys guys guys music stops music stops music stops this is serious now no that's interesting wait let me uh serious music serious music serious music okay listen i'm not that serious step number lives in my right my head rent free if you will guys guys guys no laughing okay during this stream do you understand no oh yeah no laughing guys this is a no laughing zone okay no laugh zone no no laugh zone all right no laps down let's do it let's let's get trying to keep i'm trying to keep my seriousness i don't want to laugh so i'm going to keep my series so well that i'm not even going to move a muscle ever again all right are you guys ready because i'm ready i know i'm ready let's do it and i can hear myself through someone's mic but that's you know that's fine i'm not judging anyone shut up okay all right here we go here we go what if i what if i get this here this here and i think it's time to begin it's time to begin but first birdy lady thanks for gifting five subs ten subs actually i'm sorry i got it wrong you guys just okay okay i need to stop laughing i i just i laugh naturally so this might be hard so wait what's the rule i love natural wait it just started wait what did you guys see it i didn't even do anything it wasn't even to stop but okay i saw it okay okay i didn't laugh i didn't even know that was happening okay i think we've begun i think it's begun uh great stream this is an excellent stream you have here george oh it's going oh this doesn't count wait i didn't stop the timer i didn't stop the time okay there's no sound for the media share for you by the way for the stream oh no why why wait why is there no sound i can literally hear it i can hear it as well wait a minute oh my god for the like for the record carl's staying uh completely still i just want to let you know wait why is it not working uh okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait guys guys guys how do i fix it oh god please how do i fix it um um you are such a loser look at me look at me george george look at me i'm looking at you you're such a loser how do we get sound how do we get sound okay let me check um i don't know i don't know how do you get sound how do you get sound um uh one second one second wait how can you not hear it because i can literally hear it on my computer what if i just turn this up wait let me play wait wait there's no sound there's no sound why do you do you honestly think you're funny okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we'll get this we'll get it we'll get it we'll get it we'll get it why is there no sound wait what if i okay what if i play there's literally a fly there's a fly in my room get out wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is not cool how do i fix it carl do something carl can you do something do you honestly think you're [ __ ] funny wait wait george sure do you actually not know how to fix it i could take you to just make sure just make sure it's capturing your system audio but have your audio come through the mixer through the system audio oh what if i just open the thing what if i just open the page okay wait wait wait wait wait yeah it's just open it just open it on the page i'm opening the page open the page okay okay the page is open okay now everyone's saying phil phil please okay i think i got it i think i got it this might wait everyone be quiet what what chad's saying this is so awkward literally the point is not to laugh if i kick start my laughing juices right now it's going to make me lose further on we've done it we've done it okay stream run the next meme what just happened what the hell was that what's happening that was kind of funny because it's just like a split second of rick astley the time hasn't started there's no laughs yet the time hasn't stopped this is still working out mode okay that was okay okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay run the next meme run the next meme run the next meme okay what if i do that i can't even see it it's still not even playing i can't even see it oh i see it now i just refresh okay this is this is messed up why is it not working okay i see it wait okay now it's working now there's sound okay okay i think it's working right it's working did i do it can't hear wait what still no sound no the sound the sound yeah i hear it somebody's there they're saying it's quiet okay i'm turning it up i'm telling you i turn it up i turn it up i turn it up oh my god i know why it's not working i literally have system muted i fixed it i literally did you scam by the way okay i fixed it i fixed it i i just had the mute button on oh my god i'm an idiot i'm an editor you are okay i think i think hey listen okay i'm sorry i'm sorry second please for a second george just calm down and listen okay okay it's all right everybody's here now we're gonna take no laughing it's not funny and now it's fixed so let's go i think we're ready i don't hear anything i don't think they sound on this i think this is yeah was there no sound on that video okay wait wait okay wait let's do one more and then one more time just because there's that one didn't have sound george that one just okay that video had no sound for something at the time no no no no okay once once i confirm that there's audio i will start the timer it's time the challenge begins as soon as the next meme plays go ahead and it's about to happen yeah and no pornograms no no no no no it's not funny it's not funny that's not funny you know what go ahead [Applause] [Music] guys i thought that was juan this is actually under your budget um [Music] geico it's easy to switch and save on homeowners and renters insurance the audio engineering in that one is just well that was that was like i love this video watch there's no audio wait there's no audio i heard it you didn't hear it i didn't hear what was that it keeps showing them for like a split second okay okay okay we got this we've still got 58 minutes we haven't left yet we haven't left oh and it's been a whole minute and a half it's been a whole minute and a half it's have been a whole yeah so wait wait wait if any of you guys left does that count for the counter oh god okay okay okay carl loft no did you no all right here we go i breathed out of my nose i just wasn't funny it was the dog's reaction to a fart like that's just not funny i didn't even hear a fart i heard it i said it's kind of a dog is this the bit where you're not funny i just i just hurt the dog i mean i'm gonna laugh because of how unfunny some of these are guys you gotta get your funny up because we're not laughing right now it's it's just not funny okay i'm sorry here we go i'm a brick wall now look the time the timer tennis ball against the timer is just running carl come on i didn't laugh i didn't i didn't this is so this is so bad for you carl this isn't done this does not look good yeah this is not a good idea it's not a like it's not even sound do you hear it i can't hear it it's probably it's probably a copyright from the beginning oh oh okay i mean oh it automatically conferences on whatever oh it's smart but look we still didn't laugh and just for the record um never going to give you up isn't funny so oh oh longest recorded sentence was nim's longest recorded sentence was give orange me give eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me give eat orange me eat spinning in a chair for five minutes okay listen i i was like trying to fix the timeout i just came back and it's just like me orange okay fine that's enough that's a love okay i know there's no context that would have made that make sense that was that was that was really funny that was actually really funny like the sudden cutoff was was really funny okay okay one love okay oh my god oh they did it again but this time it has no audio this time what monkey longest sentence what did it that's interesting actually okay there's no audio life could be a dream it says oh it's probably going life could be a dream oh so it's getting rid of copyright music oh okay so guys chat chat try not to use copyright music it'll automatically take it off [Music] i keep pausing the timer i'm an idiot come on i'm fixing it that was [ __ ] up i can't believe he did that to those kids yeah yeah i just love i quacky that that doesn't count right i love that i love the question i love that question how does that count if you laugh [ __ ] up he started punching those kids all right listen let's all right fine look two dollars okay wow wait i just realized that's like 25 dollars just to add an out of laugh and actually it's 25 pounds because i don't get the conversion rate 25 pounds that's gonna weigh a lot at the end of this it is okay okay okay we got this we got this no more laughs we've got 54 minutes yup let's go you know what we've all got our glasses on that just proves that it's not funny for some reason right look how not amused i am i'm not i'm not amused in the slightest so some of these have actually been pretty funny um i really like the the monkey one the monkey one and then i'm gonna be honest the fact that the monkey one came back immediately after with no sound for some reason made it even funnier and that's true and that's the one that almost got me so like you yeah i i thought i thought i thought it wasn't that funny but it just went on for too long and and it started so i have a public service announcement apparently people are sending some very inappropriate things and uh my mods are working through them so guys no more inappropriate things please because it'll be annoying because yes that we're not gonna we're filtering out the bad things um so hopefully we'll have no bad things okay well we're waiting we're waiting you know i'll pause the timer wait the time is frozen it's literally frozen if i like minimize the timer okay boom boom wait if i do this oh that's a bad idea let's not do that all right we're waiting we're waiting so chat no weird videos please because they will be skipped cracking call just on their phones i am just i'm just gonna i'm just gonna tell you this george i found many of these videos funny in a normal situation i'd be laughing my ass off at most of these but you said that the stream was if you laugh you lose and guess what i'm not you're not a loser i'm not a loser i'm not a loser so i'm not gonna that makes a lot of sense i'm not gonna laugh see if i start making jokes cracking jokes being funny being the the funny guy i always sam i you know it's it's just going to kick-start my funny machine and i'm going to laugh and i'm going to lose and i don't want to you don't want to lose because losing i don't want to lose i'm trying not to lose i really don't like losing oh okay okay i smell you actually smell like ass george i think it's time i think it's time jesus christ he actually you actually don't you actually don't shower you actually don't shower george you know what but that's okay george you you're still you're still my best friend how does this look i'm putting my hand behind you you are my best friend you're my best friend george wait is it working no you're working your green screen no you're no you're too low you're too low there you go that looks so wrong that looks so wrong i'm just gonna so wait uh i've clicked the play button and nothing's happening let's get a little closer no no no we don't need to get any closer than this why am i cut why am i cut off why why is only the half of my face present at this moment because that's how the green screen is like where's phil where's phil the button's not playing hi george hi george can you fix that quack dude do you have a face the quackity bun is activated that's why i've never done a media share because it's always so confusing to me well uh just refresh refresh the screen or what you can do is control the media share through your streamlabs.org and just um browser share your your um window window share in the window hold on wait georgetown i'm going to continue drinking my vanilla vegan protein shake okay you do that wait i think i just realized these these make everything so extremely dark why is it not it's not playing it's not playing um hey your timer looks really good there oh [Music] i messed up my voice so hard last night i actually messed it up i started talking so much it just [ __ ] up my lungs hold up hold up hold up hold up can i can i cursing your streams can i curse your streams george i'm gonna curse on your stream yeah you can curse on history [ __ ] wait what's going on the more i curse the lower the cpm gets am i pregnant because you're waiting it's working over here wait it's working over here it's not in it wait [ __ ] shut up shut up shut up [ __ ] why is the media share properties i fixed it i think hey hey wait wait wait wait wait wait wait falling off the screen all right all right there you go we did it we did it we did it here we go all right here we go am i pregnant am i pregnant am i target am i gregnant am i peggy right i'm not kidding is there a point i refresh a conversation or am i okay should i be pregonate how do i know if i'm pregnant can i be pregnant can who get pregnant it's going you don't see it okay i think it's good mr bubbs do you love me too no oh no [Music] okay bye potatoes scientists were able to mimic nessie moon's voice by recreating oh that was good if that made it all the way that way so fast that would have gotten a laugh [Music] oh a man has fallen for a man in lego city here you can put these on oh they're closer basically wait i know these guys oh they skipped the meow part you honestly think you're [ __ ] funny why why are they skipping so quick i don't know i don't know i killed how much money people donate so oh okay we didn't explain this oh yeah yeah yeah so it's that person doing two dollars and he's going the entire video through dude every 50 cents is one second of video um so like the long okay it sounds bad the more money you give the longer it plays like it's just it's the only way because otherwise we get it is the only way because otherwise we get spammed with donations it's the only way it's the only way the same man last night was a coral runs too many ads no no no no no i'm the most stream before this by the way every time somebody subscribes what happens man's on his ark this man he's on his greedy arc he's on his greedy arc and i know about enough of it oh my god okay wait here we go here we go okay cat's meowing okay not funny that was me [Applause] hmm [Applause] that's not like a half-life 2 effect ah what's funny about a taco bell commercial i thought it was kind of funny okay what the funniest the funniest out of that video was that they donated in canadian dollars that was the funniest part of that one that almost got me oh okay okay okay oh oh that person donated just up whoa that had potential i don't really know what that was why why how did that have potential i don't know what it was oh no one is he might worry it's balls what kind of what kind of sounds are his are the cat's balls gonna make i don't know honestly i don't know i don't just aim they were aimed at that i don't know i don't know okay they were trying to they're trying to get it out of a discord kitten testicles is it glitching on stream what's happening no no no because it's like some of them are playing with sound someone without i'm gonna definitely watch your stream for the next just uh just just do the thing is you're an option what does that say we are experiencing some technical issues please try again did you see that that doesn't count i was laughing at the technical issues it says too many requests the thing um memes that are actually memes that are actually funny clickbait i was clickbait it keeps reading clickbait that was actually clickbait wait how is it from what i saw i didn't mess up i could be wrong in new york hmm okay concrete jungle what dreams are you know why uh why a media chef why why isn't it just so complicated you gotta you gotta make a mouse stream is it oh that one probably sucked why don't just probably wasn't that funny that carl please what's up every every clip of mine is a thousand times funny it's a thousand times a thousand person oh it literally just ended oh my god no because i saw that there was definitely there's something going wrong because there's still more okay here's the thing here's the thing george tell your mods not to pause the videos because streamlabs media share is so buggy so make make sure they don't they're not like um pausing the videos and and skipping too much and like and like yeah just let it play so accept the videos put them on the queue and just let it play don't even wait for us don't wait for george to start or stop talking just let them play on autoplay put them on the queue let them play and just review the ones that are not on the cue the ones the ones that are pending so that's how you do it i have word in they say we don't pause them and aren't skipping we watch the entire thing but all the videos are nsfw and too short why people people are actually on there trying to get george bandark no people are just on there giving george money for free arc that's true that's true you guys are still spending money on on nsfw content wait what is it what's in the money why is there no audio is that meant to be audio there's definitely meant to be audio did you hear okay you're not the option is there an option that like that it's like automatically mutes copyrighted content or something [Music] is there an option that turns off that wasn't that wasn't even a chroma key test that was just a guy that was just a picture cat falls off wheelchair okay these i would laugh my ass off at these that wasn't funny i would the chroma key testing one yeah did you see the quality on that thing that was that was really good oh my god not that many people are subscribed to him that is pretty funny guys if you're not subscribed already click this is the video that's brought me the closest to laughing guys there's the percentage there's the percentage if you're not subscribed please please please i don't have any time for any gossip now yes oh this is this this is one kid that was in class and said and said he wanted to be in a profession but the teachers misunderstood them yeah and and they got me do you remember that carl i don't remember that one no no is that a real thing then why don't you say yeah you you start smirking and saying yeah hey you just i thought you were starting up a story he's just told me for one story i was leaning into your bed is this tommy for one second shouting i you you yeah you go on um you i what does does it work on your screen like the audio and everything sometimes it does all right press play we are right here in front of the and it went away wait you didn't see it can you not see them guys i saw that i see him i see him i saw that one name a yellow fruit and she says orange she said orange that's literally i didn't like i don't know didn't laugh chat no sound okay here we go how tall are you how tall are you your group you know what the issue is the title spoiled it for me it really did that's an oldie but a goodie right isn't it goldie lion king random death that was awesome that was a good throw quacking you made me laugh that doesn't count i'm not i'm literally not even laughing at the videos like why can't he just make it a laugh get scared to death why is there no audio that was that was a thousand it was a thousand percent funny holder i did say so myself i have that song i have that song i loved okay i love that quackity does that count that counts of course that counts of course that counts quacky makes my you laugh you lose a thousand times funnier put that in the title i'm only adding it so people don't get upset oh ah oh my god if it was a minecraft and tubbo wasn't that tommy or my did i just miss c tommy did i why is there no audio come on let's go king can you hear what are you he's getting horny wait didn't yeah he got horny and cowl gets horny on cam wait did you hear did you two hit audio no but i saw simon cowell get horny just got straight yeah he got sure he was just munching on that pen that was awesome for simon cowell if i were on live tv like that you know i could never mind yeah that one had no idea that was headed that was headed in the wrong way did you check this out did you catch that call what that was awesome okay one second okay this is epic is that okay okay um okay okay okay this is epic how epic everybody we're now reaching the for 51 minutes i'm not going to lie that was pretty hot that was pretty yeah simon simon call yeah that was pretty hard yeah that was i agree come on come on streamlabs does stream elements have never really happened to re-watch yes yes they do streamlabs please oh oh oh i've seen this oh they didn't even put the bit in guys when you when you donate a collectible you can choose where you can choose the start time what happened what happened jordan i don't know we missed it now we missed it the queen of england that was hilarious that was that was funny because they're playing at you laugh you lose on a you laugh you lose stream but it actually what does that say what does that say what does that say about this what does that say about us as people what does it say about society turn off the copyright filter george how how you know i don't care about copyright anymore how do i turn it off uh tell your mod to turn it off that one reminded me of quackity for some reason why over that cliff oh is it because of my driving you don't think my driving is good you think no i was talking about the water speed i'll have you know i if i recall correctly you and austin show both commented on how well my driving was my driving's really good actually i i've had a few comments from people in the past telling me that my driving's really good so i don't know how that reminds me i liked you i was talking about the mannerisms of his tone oh my god you're so you're horny i'm getting horny call you're getting horny mix dies minx literally dies in that that's crazy yeah dog dog hacking tick tock all right oh my god are you alright why did he do it how did the why would he hack tick tock i like tick tock why would he hack it it was about to scream and then if it cut off oh no oh my god oh my god that is such an old you might i i you might as well start like oh oh my god not bad not bad that is such an old video guys guys you guys should know that my favorite my favorite viral video is charlie bit my finger if you guys put that that's gonna make me laugh without a doubt it's not it's a little warm not going to make him laugh charlie charlie bit my finger um the new the new manuma guy do you know oh yeah that one's one oh yeah uh classics that go under the radar oh yeah i've heard of that oh for sure no one's not many people these are these are i don't actually know if many people in the chat have heard of those ones which is kind of crazy if you think about it oh guys dude this one actually might be funnier without the sound this one actually might be that one was wait i know what that was he said dr deuce i could see why is there no audio that was awesome that was really good that was pretty awesome hockey song for bad boy halo white that's not even cop i made that song that's not even copyrighted wait what if someone copyrighted it for you no that's impossible that's kind of nice of them i know there's no audio on that one i don't know sometimes there's no audio i oh my god that was pretty nice of them um okay let me try this huh my oh it's so broken it's so broken who made this who made this this website i think joe did so we can contact him if you want oh oh it's replaying the quackity song with no should i tell bad boy halo that i love him i got i got that donation and i never said it too bad boy halo am i jerk for that yes am i jerk for nominating uh every single [Music] donut that was beautiful that was beautiful it's just not funny i remember i remember when um on a live stream i think it was carl's i i actually so i ordered this is a long time ago i oh my god it just doesn't have the audio the audio is broken anyways i was uh anyways i was at the entire story tell you a story king so i was in carl's i ordered this was a long time ago i ordered burger king here you can put these on yeah oh you can put those that person paid five dollars and got one dollars worth i'm sorry guys i'm so sorry i don't know everyone look at me look at me look at me look at me i'm looking at you that person paid five dollars they got one dollar worth i'm sorry guys i'm sorry it's it's glitching don't worry george george will play him all again every single one he's gonna play him all again i i don't know how to fix it i don't know how to fix it guys donate nice things donate nice videos about me and george i think i'm pretty sure there's a lot of videos out there with me and george on them and we're really good friends george you want to look to the camera and tell everyone that we're best friends oh there's no audio like why why is that one that one that one that one was funny i've seen that one the the mummy just got something like that why is there sometimes audio and sometimes not what if i do this [Music] with a major twist and what's your twist breast milk no way no that was so unnecessary that last scene was so unnecessary it really was it really i i would have laughed at that if it told you how to react it told me they told you how to react i'm not a baby i'm not a baby i'm a grown ass man because you can hear i said no way and then yeah i killed george oh oh true taylor was that an snl skit those sounded like snl laughs i don't know but it was very funny i walked to burger king um then i walked back home from how is it playing for a second i guess it's physically not possible for it to play for a second it's just glitching we're speed running trying to make us laugh they're actually trying to make us laugh so hard that they're trying to show it to us i'm about to streamlabs for this yeah what's up with streamla oh no i really wish i could i beg you please fix i really was like these fixes you're i and i have horrible experiences with the stream labs um media share thing please fix it it's okay i'm having fun let's go oh my god that looks so that was awesome that was like baseball i really kind of like baseball wait the cactus thing yeah okay what did we just watch jordan what did you just see on your screen well i i was confused because it's literally not even right now yeah oh my lord oh my lord oh my lord i'm convinced people are just finding these videos they are just finding these they saw this a week ago you know it's crazy most people using tick tock right now probably don't know what vine is like what's lying hard i know what it's a real bike she's 16. whoa whoa whoa doctor dude dr doofy do you guys know what a spuma means what does it mean inform us it means like like load busting so he's like coca-cola loaded busting what does that mean load bussing busting busting it was loaded but i lied to you i lied to you i lied to you it means it means um what's that what's that like little um like when you pour i lied to you i lied to you i was i was doing a bit and then you just completely ruined it for me i i'm not even gonna talk about it anymore i don't like tommy in it eric what does it actually mean then is that the part where you're not i'm in my are in my tummy in it ark wait i thought he just exploded that how do you have foam it's it's foam it's foam oh it's foam boom okay okay i thought you said both sex do you want me to tell you what load busting means busting what does that mean load when you bust up what does that mean to bust a load wait what's the load means when when you get a lot of you know you know when you go to church and you confess and you get a load off your chest that's when you bust the load so you wipe a load off of your chest when you no that's not that's not what is it should you get rid of it right i'm red no i want to angry birds you guys are writing is that among us what was that was that a mugger um okay one second one second jesus like the closest thing to making me laugh was that among us is that a mug would that put that in any situation ever among us it's not funny and that's funny so check this out no it's funny it's funny so it's that among us so guys we're gonna have a little intimate a little break here because gonna guess what it's gonna be fixed it's going to be fixed it's gonna be fixed so i've paused it i've paused it in the meantime on george's stream we're gonna play grand theft auto 5. that's true okay you know what let's get the gaming glasses on and let's start playing grand theft auto i'm playing grand theft auto this is so fun so we're gonna play it in full cam so that you guys can't really see our game play yeah you guys can't see the gameplay you just have to believe that we are actually yeah yeah in between this intermission you guys can you know what i'm saying what twitch prime i think this is going to be you can twitch this is going to be uh no no no no no you know what i'm not running out i'm not going to run an ad because i'm not that would that would be funny that would be funny it's not carl look i'm not going to run that you know i'm not going to know that have you scammed that guys you just what did you just do me george no no to be fair to be fair and quick disclaimer to everyone streamlabs media share is extremely broken i've tried to do media share streams before it is very very broken so don't give georgetown don't give george a hard time he's he's not trying to that being said i am going to make fun of him and pretend like yeah no yeah me too okay okay so am i so listen and to be clear he is selling out even if it was working that's true oh yeah absolutely i'm sorry that's selling out far more than an ad oh yeah no no no no no george's shameless it really is the idea about shameless and then he has the idea to throw ads in my face i'm not running an ad i'm not running out of time there's no ads that's a bad luck guys anyway guys it's it's a dollar for 0.5 seconds i actually changed it i changed it to 25 cents because for some reason george is in history okay i will explain the reasoning i'm going to explain the reasoning so the reason it's half a dollar for a second is because i didn't want loads of people to donate with media shares that then won't get shown because if we have too many we don't have enough time to go through all of them you know what i mean so i thought let's make it higher you're really you're really no i'm just i'm just explaining it i'm explaining it because i don't want to i don't want it to look like i'm trying to get like loads of money you're fine this is obviously all for content we're all having a good time i'm kidding i'm i'm kidding everybody's having a good time so everyone so in the meantime at the end of the day we're all sex however you know what i'm saying yes we are we are sex hours we are this is true we are the original sex towers everyone else who claims to be a sex tower is not a sex hour no expect like ask any of your parents they're all lying what that's true that's true any of their parents true that's true that's true but um i mean if you ask my mom like i'd like if i'm should i wait can we ask can we ask her right now can we ask your mom george if you are a sex tower what do you say can we ask you something we ask your mother i just thought about how awkward that would be if i brought my mom in here to ask wait she's is she that no she is she is she is no she's not wait has anyone ever seen your mom before a long time ago technically she's a cannon already whoa she's canon carl i need you to call her back and tell her that all the things nasty things you said to her that i said are completely untrue because you told your mom that i i had a crush on her or something and you don't like my mom i love your mother carl wait can we love your mother okay can we can you can we get your mother on the line however you don't like you you could tell me you could tell me i have a crush on this person i'm not gonna go to that person and tell them hey carl cat has a crush on you you know like so you're not you're not proper you're not saying that you don't have a crusher you're just saying i shouldn't have gone well i'm just i i've never seen your mother but i'm sure she's a beautiful woman um so listen i'm going to tell you this carl i need if um where's the media where's the media shirt george all right okay okay we're media sharing i i believe it might be working right now okay wait i didn't see it do it again okay hi guys it is media share time we're back in the game are you guys ready are you guys ready no more live one hour in the stream has just started the stream has just begun okay let's go timer begins and let's go canadian dollars again how are you i'm under the water please help me you're too much raining [Music] among us there's no audio come on photo hi okay oldie buddy i missed all of that what the [ __ ] that was a good play that was good that was good um oh you see this one's great this one would be good with the audio i think student forgets that his teacher was still hearing him i would have been good with audio but and maybe this one would have been good with audio as well i'm not sure margaret's tongue comes out oh whoa oh my gosh oh there's no audio i mean he put his finger right in there someone actually donated charlie bit my finger what and there's no audio but we can imagine charlie that really hurt cheese i love him i i love the way he said that here it is i wonder what's going to happen oh my dream [Music] well a dream sucked in that was that was crazy [Music] i hope this is the whole video turn around come on that was it that was it that was pretty awesome i'm holding a red wall oh there's no audio we don't need audio we can imagine oh yeah i'm glad this one doesn't have audio chat real smooth no audio you guys don't have audio right okay no oh that's carl carl is that minecart there's no audio again but oh that's crazy if you haven't seen that video it's on my youtube channel and it's it's it's you can watch it right after this stream and then after the other stream and then watch it tonight you know watch it that's crazy well tomorrow george actually told me he didn't invite me to this one because i'm just yeah like i'd make him lose in a few seconds i didn't say that he [Music] morgan and morgan and confirmed and mark morgan and mario and we're going to morgan and more we're going to we're going to morgan we're going to move more in and more and more we're going to morgan so as my mom and dad would say right before they talk they all look like they're at like they all look like there's like somebody aiming a gun at them they all look like they're from arkansas or kansas okay people say that arkansas i say that all the time it should be arkansas how do you guys both have pens ready i don't have a pen and even if i did i would not put it in my mouth all i do is all i use is notepad i don't need pins there's no audio all right all right let's go oh no it's light it's already lit oh smp members that's that's my only technology we got the youtube silver play button i work out how to fix it you just adjust the volume whilst it's going and then you fix it you just have to i just have to constantly be clicking the audio good you found a fix whoa whoa what is going on wait what he is actually he's actually flying he's actually flying wow oh who are you rooting for one of them one on the [Music] oh i love that song oh come on that wasn't a song that was a sound effect oh no okay what does that mean what does that say about us as a society honestly i don't know right now we've had this one already i worked out how to fix it all you have to do is change the volume slightly whilst it's playing and then we get audio again which is definitely not something i should have to do but it's not it's not you shouldn't have to do it at all oh my god are you okay quinn there's no audio where's the money lebowski have you guys seen the actual movie it's crazy wait what they were baptizing him that was i think that was more than baptizing yeah no that was that was a little too extreme um as far as i'm aware they just like uh well actually don't quote me on this because i'm not sure so they're reminded no say that scared about me through everything every time i cried to you okay leave her alone that almost got me that was crazy no what what i was going to do it just did how do you like i don't care okay just play the innocent all you once screw in no no no no no no no no don't do that i'm kidding i'm kidding that was a joke he's a choker the joke is a jig it's a joke it's a joke your honor what all right come on come on i thought that was from the actual video joe oh oh no that's when bad joe mum would you oh those are moments in my life that i do not want to revisit george and i can't believe i would have played it i'm sorry you just played it in front of 300 000 people i didn't play it i didn't that was not me you just played it in front of 400 000 people it's not even 300 000 people here you you literally just played 500 000 people when i when i'd rest in peace rest in peace that was messed up well too i like that one i like that one that was good oh oh my god i like the swing one that one was good the sweet one's good the swing one's good there i said it did you just love carl i'll call colleges carl's a bad person you know what carl i'm gonna pay for for your mistakes there you just laughed at someone hitting their head on the floor and i had to pay 25 dollars for that are you happy are you happy carl they hit their head on an egg dude they hit their head i hope you i hope you're a happy car that was on the floor that was some good aim i like the aim on that like he went for it that was some really good aim good for that guy good for that guy he caught me off guard that's awesome that was awesome that was messed up carl i hope you're happy with yourself stop please and also you might want to turn your head down because if i talk loudly laughs have you counted four laughs well one was just i mean that's not that's mildly funny but that's just kind of cool i like that that's like nice game design you know they they took into account guys edited it in that must have been edited in oh really well that's in the funny word edit it and guys we have 22 minutes we have 22 minutes doesn't roll off the tongue edit it in edit it in edit it in what was that what was it like a gun edited it in edit it in see that edit edit oh my god this one's funny this one's funny right here this one this one's really good this one is pretty solid george george this one's really you are really good with us come on george george you're not laughing okay i thought for a second my screen was glitched there's just nothing there and that's okay because if i click this button [Music] why is it not showing show the refresh wait let me refresh it in streamlabs maybe uh mediashare like that boom does it work now get him king okay i fixed it i fixed it he fixed it he fixed it all right now the stream starts for real now the stream has just begun now it's just begun no wait what is that oh he's safe ships he's safe what is that man oh my god all right i think i might have lost the other one okay that was awesome um oh i'm gonna add a laugh for the one before hold on guys wait was the nile did the nile one remind you of george at all no which one would what did i laugh at taste it's so cool cheeto cheeto me and college is her toe oh it wasn't even the full cheeto it was tough the dog with the butter butter dough i put the butter on him the ending yeah with the end i like the ending i like the video i i yeah when you said i like the ending i was about to make the noise that the ending had so that was kind of messed up that you would almost push me to do that in front of 500 000 people five hundred thousand oh wait we bumped up to six hundred thousand people it's actually six hundred thousand guys go get your friends get them all in here it's time to get to six hundred thousand views i've had enough of being a 200 you know what you know what george let's start the stream i'm ready i'm ready it just started okay you know what guys finally ready the stream has begun okay the stream has started the stream carl's like stream in no man's land okay i just saved you carl you like you're just like sleeping uh can you turn me up too somebody said to turn me up oh look i'm like a teletubbie you make me unbuckle have you ever played that game i don't know i just ended up it's a movie carl um i'm like a teletubby yeah like a trash one thank you thank you winky it's called quiet guys pepsi hey check check i don't think i just realized but i don't know the teletubbies are literal walking television so that's why they have these things on top because those are antennas yeah no wait we just worked it out their antennas for the televisions that are on their tummies the teletubbies that's insane you just worked it out how much do you think it would cost to become a teletubbie it is so surgically you just surgically yo don't be raised as i am okay understandable understandable anyways back to the teletubby talk how much these are how much would it cost to legally and physically become attack how much would it cost how'd you become a teletubby to put a television on my stomach in my stomach in it you have to like surgically insert it like showing out the ball here i'll lift up my shirt yeah like like imagine you just walk up to me you're like hey dude put on some ed ed and eddie it's like a stun i have a tv or like this [ __ ] you're not getting paid to promote that shuttle something call i have a tv about this big yeah yeah okay and then all of the wires go through my stomach wait rambo yummy how much for that car i think oh god it's so long someone paid twenty dollars for this i think you should recreate that call i could never do anything that rainbow does as good as rainbow you should recreate it i think i think you should at least attempt to recreate me what has happened bills of minecraft just happened yeah told me are we the bad guys tommy dream it's called tommy in it out of le manburg that was that was the funniest moment in the dream smp that was the funniest moments on dreams and p well this is this might be the second funniest nice one quack see yeah nice one you're an hour 20 minutes in and you haven't started your stream yet nice [Applause] [Music] can i tweet it george tweet what that picture of you no no no no no please three times i lose but if i can beat the game before i lose all three of my lives i will you have this thing george you have this thing oh hey ron hey billy hey billy hey what's what what's the thing tell me the thing you have this thing on your videos where at the very start of your video you are completely looking like you look so different you look so different than what you look like in the rest of the video yeah okay okay tell me more i don't think i don't think anyone notices that ever i don't think anyone okay it's my brother i'm glad i'm glad that one didn't play i'm so glad that one didn't play if that was i'm okay george i just realized something what'd you realize what is it i'm not gonna tell you i realized something and i'm not gonna tell you what i realized oh come on come on spill the tea what's up give me one share with the class what is this son what's this then why are you just looking at the ground what's happening i am calling my lawyers wait what just happened what is going on i hate media share stream fix it now streamlabs streamlabs i'm not even streamlabs please i beg you please why is your thing so broken you know what why why why i've tried to use it i've had tr i've tried to get people to to moderate it for me it's a mess why doesn't it work it's it's one of the biggest things for streamers who have working media shares and it's just working out and it works i'm gonna you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna make my own media show and it's gonna work flawlessly well not if i do it first so i'm going to make it i'm going to make one that works not if i do it first this is dog water what other just streaming someone said aren't you a lawyer quackity what's that what's up with that what's up with that oh what what does that mean what does that have to do with anything ever lawyers have lawyers it's like what what does a mailman have to deliver zone yeah yeah that's true that's true uh people people people sometimes people people who are psychologists they have their own psychologists you know like it's uh i can have my own lawyer people really excuse me in the mirror or something yeah exactly you troll i'm gonna try i just said take the baby debbie you shouldn't yell at your girlfriend yes guess what your girlfriend are you okay then don't you skippy has a girlfriend do not guys please please do not tell back do not tell bad [Music] look at this video it's just constantly playing above the limit mm-hmm yes because let's just watch scappy's videos [Music] no no why would a quacky moment keep you up at night better be on that bed no i love you carlos no no wait it's replaying bro come on come on you don't even say you love me anymore i like that haircut george you should get that haircut again i didn't see it horses that seemed like a strange thing to warn somebody is it any wonder people are afraid of technology technology oh no he had a point okay why is it just awkwardly silent now this is called awkward silence no no it's called it's called comfortable sign you know what that means it means that we are such good friends that doesn't matter how stop it stop it is the person just laughing i would i would catch it she's like pulling it out never happened they're not falling out they were just kind of short for the oh deep they were not falling out why did i have that you're not talking to me that that's not not yeah you see those carrots on the side that's crazy oh my god what are those sound effects they added oh my god okay it's not poggers that's not pog okay it's a hard knock life for george it's a hard knock life he installed the moth mod into minecraft but this time if you laugh you lose i do really pollen did you say paulie no no no no no every time i laugh i lose okay all right we're good oh okay all right what was that whoa that wasn't me beyond basis read vanessa lawyers tj lawyers lawyers what do you know about lawyers quackity i know much about lawyering okay what do you know about lawyering i know that when you're in court i was going to say you got to tell the truth but so many lawyers don't do that i would tell the truth if i were a lawyer would you i'd be an honest lawyer like a lawyer basically i'm gonna get a speeding ticket well i'm not gonna hire you well no no don't um i'm not a lawyer yeah i will be in two years what do you think about that you're gonna be able to do it as a lawyer you'll be able to provide us with legal advice absolutely yes i would would i would can i yeah would i know would you um would you want people to like seek you out for help what um yeah yeah sure so you think people should try to like commit crimes no no if you're caught under under if you're caught under the hand of injustice i will make sure that justice comes your way like you think people should speed and stuff absolutely actually just punched wilbur why did he do that wait wait did wilbur die guys is wilbur alive i don't know get diarrhea behind your head that's a beanie that's me why did he say that why'd you why did you really think that was diarrhea why did you say that quacky was that actually diarrhea quackity quackety guys please this is this is so personal to me this is so personal to me like seriously what was i supposed to say what was i supposed to say the man had a big pile of [ __ ] dripping from the back of his head okay here we go more than quirky the only reason i gave it a call i can't even actually remember there was a reason this is actually so uncool that's an interesting like time stamp to put the video at that's funny that's when i had george's number and quackity didn't wait no i don't think that's true oh wait is it oh wait that's exactly what you're saying okay just saying that i've actually got my number last let's go ahead and that was kind of [ __ ] up if you think about it because at that point okay i don't like this clip i don't actually like this clip i don't actually that clip is not that cool i can't hear it by the way wait what pause on my is it is this going for you carl nothing's happening right now it's going for me okay okay come on come on there's one with a monkey flipping around let me let me just open it i'll just open it again it's fine well the text said monkey or something like that oh okay i opened it i opened it guys please you tried making a pickaxe with planks why did he do that george please everybody's been there george everybody's been there you've probably been there you've probably been there i have never been there you what's no how i like just wait a minute i keep talking over the media shares because the media shares aren't even playing on my screen anymore oh cry about it no way no way i'm colorblind i don't know if that was funny or not you're carl blind i'm right here you're blind that is actually so messed up george i'm right here that is actually someone's sub george you are such a girl you know fun fact about george paul all right i'm gonna have a replacement for me real quick oh my god come on i'm just gonna have this person replace me oh my god he's laughing he's actually laughing do you see that that's not me if he doesn't loses george hello it's me george it's me jude's not fine i'm here really thin what are you calling pinhead oh my god george is on the facetime call george is on an actual facetime call right now wait where i'm coming i'm all messed up oh oh my god wait i think you should get rid of that get rid of the picture no no no no dude i think you should keep the picture up no i think i should keep it too i think i should give it to you what did they do to you george they [ __ ] up your haircut yup aren't we all didn't we all decide we're going to shave our heads just screw it that's true yes sir we are we are we did decide that that's true we're doing that next week right i'll do it tomorrow oh tomorrow okay okay come on come on where's the media right where's the media yeah this is actually messed up like how could it be this it's so broken it is so broken you have time dude do you still have two and a half minutes left of the channel yeah i've only got we've been about five times that's not too bad you guys slept five times i've been i've been i've been doing this so well the entire way through i'm awesome oh you're sick wow you're really good at having a bad time quackity you're so good you're so good oh my god wait i said there it said that if you laugh you lose me sure wait quackity just laughed that doesn't count does it it doesn't everything doesn't of course that cat it was like it was like a laughing of solidarity like i i laughed with you not at the joke he made you know like like wait wait shout out this account chat welcome to cs go oh csgo we're gonna take a look at something everything it does it counts it counts me and mark simpson were tall what do you think about george [Laughter] yes oh i have to add two i'm gonna say say something to you right now oh my gosh why all right okay okay okay i'm paying i'm gonna pay i'm gonna pay i'm adding three i'm adding three we're at eight what car why are you like in me oh my god that's 38 seconds left wait you literally have to add another one now why i don't know george george george [Music] whoa that was pretty cool that was that was pretty cool hey that was awesome they're going to school anytime soon [Music] wait that's sad as in we are going to add in no words no words no words you know what george you know what george play the entire video on stream play the entire video on stream no no no no no and that's going to be the new you laugh you lose challenge oh my god the time is up what do we do now you fix the goddamn media share you fix it that's what you do no you owe people that's what you do that's what you do you actually owe me subs right now you owe me and carl subs yeah yeah what you need to do what you need to do is you need to worry number one get your [ __ ] together number one number two oh and oh oh rio you need to re-re-re-re oh oreo oray oray riri oray i mean i felt like that was probably at the top of reddit one day it must have been like surely right i'm going to be switzerland good for him good for him good for him good for him good for him you know what i'm not gonna lie [Music] good for him jordan what do you mean what do we do now the challenge is over you you laughed eight times you suck you actually suck you suck oh my god i hate you so much so much and then ten per left to each me that was not in the rules that was not in the rules what how was that not in the rules how was that rules at what planet was that not in the rules okay all right all right george george you gotta you gotta tell us exactly what's gonna happen with um with um what are you why are you smiling you're smiling at me this is what you're gonna do you're gonna add 10 minutes to the challenge you're going to fix up the media share you're going to fix up the media share and we're going to have a definitive round okay okay okay 10 minutes right now i'm turning 10 minutes i've paused the thing mods mods queue up some banger videos we've got 10 minutes 10 minutes this is a definitive round okay don't have it hard enough yet i'm sorry mates i'm sorry oh wait a second okay there we go mods have informed me that apparently you're sending some some some not good stuff okay like well like what like what here show me show me in the discord you know what's the best part is whenever whenever people like do end up putting out not good stuff and then they're gonna have their parents try to email charging back just send them the video that there's that their kid trying to make you watch on the stream that's what you should do guys guys because i get emails like this all the time that they're like my kid donated all of my money to you and then i'll like look and those are the donations that are like hey f you might be i and i'm like oh really your kid is talking like i i had a dad i had a dad messaged me saying hey who are you and why has my daughter sent you a hundred dollars why explain yourself explain yourself and then and then and then next stream that same person kept donating and i didn't realize this until i read the other uh the email after that stream but next stream that same person kept donating why why why is that person's dad confronting me and not the person that keeps taking his goddamn credit card all right cool cool if i was a kid i will if i was a kid and i took my parents credit card and like donated to people my parents first of all wouldn't even know like there's no planet where it's the person's fault that's 100 on me like i'd be in so much trouble right it's just weird that these like sometimes parents are like my kid thought that they had to donate to you and and are you kidding me this is the environment that you're establishing and i'll like first of all donations have never been mandatory and then i'll check and their donations like hey you look like an idiot and you're stupid i'm like the reality is parents keeping no parents aren't watching this no parents watching there's not a single person no there's not a single phone type you have no idea how annoying it is when you take your mom me or daddy's credit card and you use it on streamers that is the worst thing you could ever do we don't like it your parents don't like it so don't do it please holy [ __ ] i agree get it through get it through your head do not take mommy or daddy's credit card do not use funds that aren't don't spend yours you can't look at all the the parents in the chat by the way look at him there's so many so many parents well subscribe with prime if you're using your parents credit card because i want to see i want to show you guys how many people are doing the wrong thing callahan's spamming one yeah look guys if you if you're a parent and you know what twitch prime is just use it it's a twitch prime it's a free sub you get one a month so if you've already used it you might have it again you can just literally click subscribe in prime and boom it's a free sub and it works it's free it's free and it's awesome it was messed up maybe what happened what happened because because he he said did i miss it what happened oh my god i said i said if you are using your parents credit card subscribe with the tier wood right now so we could prove how many people are doing i mean okay i don't know if you should do that but i mean you can use twitch prime that costs nothing you can use your you know what you can use your parents kidding though you guys you you can it's you can you can use your parents amazon account to link it to your twitch account and you get a free i'll go out and limb and say nobody's parent would get mad if you linked their amazon to twitch well they might do they might think oh it's gonna take money from me but guess what it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't you link your amazon account assuming you're just using a prime subscription i don't think i don't think there's any way that if you link your amazon account you can take money from the amazon account right i don't think there's a way ah i'm sure somebody would figure it out but i don't think there's a way but people are crafty yeah like among us what did you say oh see you later bye just give it five see you later bye oh deal later buy a uh regular in the car network streams call network what's that huh that's my alt stream where i do other stuff that's like what hey [Music] oh like you watch eddie and eddie on the old stream i watched over the garden wall on it oh okay you watched olive garden really we went to all garden carl yep as jim thanks wait what we got those big girthy bread sticks uh-huh okay and and we and we dipped it in the the nice girthy thick soup chassidy spicy lip bite that was a emergency thank you for the gift it was pretty good what is this phrasing what what are you well so are we going to do that definitive round we're going to do right now are we ready are we ready i think we might be good okay everyone's assigned a gift apparently hang on destiny is dizzy thanks for gifting five 420 blaze high for um i'm gonna put it full screen just because of how you guys are ready i am nevi thanks for gifting jess and thanks for gifting oh my god everyone's gifting everyone just decided to gift all of a sudden thank you guys thank you okay are we ready for the definitive round let's go let's go around here okay here we go um start the timer and does it look like i'm leaning my my head on your shoulder george a little bit yeah and espy thanks for giving another ten okay let's go let's go let's go okay let's go defend everyone play okay they're playing playing the love you lose no you didn't get me you didn't get me what is that it just killed the seal he actually just killed the seal no it didn't ah wait you're not done building it oh my god is that where it's from is that the original video [Music] is that one direction my control key just fell off [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no oh no oh just enjoy it oh we missed her all right oh you're laughing your own stream that's real humble of you hey george you're standing right there laughing okay i replaced the ball i replaced it i replaced it i'm gonna replace [Laughter] that's that's me in the video laughing not me i'm getting a raid thank you so much toby and it for the raid i appreciate it okay i'm back tommy i was the rage you massive [ __ ] no oh this kid's probably gonna do okay i'm adding in love with that one that one that was good that was you know quirky that was a funny meme congrats what you you made which one the right the raid was funny the raid was funny oh my gosh quackity makes it's not found a thousand times find it funny interesting that he thinks raids are funny this will be a callback later true wait stopped is are you guys still singing on your screen there's nothing here there's nothing here oh go okay okay here we go it stopped again i think i we're on 10 laughs now we're on 10 hours i it's not subs by the way that's 50. you guys imagine this for a year you guys are imagining something for you and then you have to give me and quackity each 100. no that's not how it works tell me you love me george please george let me stop putting your thing on mine oh my god what's what are you doing carl is something funny i can't oh my god is this so quiet for you to come [Laughter] we've waited very long for you to come and you finally came thank you for coming george thanks so much for coming we have been awaiting you oh okay that counts no okay of course that counts i can't stop making me laugh george i can't stop i tried to stop one time it just won't work george [Music] has evil sisters just being a meme forever with tommy that looked like an old clip right yeah yeah wait which one's quack is he quackity my quacks you raise your hand work ahead uh yeah i sure hope it does oh a classic that makes sense we've got four minutes left on the on the the final meme okay wait which one is okay quack tea um yeah yep yes yeah rockety save say hello in spanish hello in spanish he's you know before i met you george um it was you and sapnap did a stream together playing fall guys but go on oh wait and i really wanted to play with you guys but i didn't know either of you you just wanted to play with us just wanted a game yeah i wanted to so bad it's anticipation why did i laugh at that one i don't know i was laughing at call that one i didn't have to add i thought i thought it was quackity um like get your story straight please yep oh i i i have to keep checking back to you look at all those chickens adventure time's so good dude i mean it's just classic i'll keep switching okay booze 14 we have 14 laughs that's the bad boy halo number wait how many subs is that 17. 70. 70 for you 140 for me in quackity no no no no no no no no no seventy for you five each for me and quackity five okay i'll do five i'll do five unless there's any more laughs then it's ten what is he saying what does he think he's saying oh your name oh my [ __ ] god that's the best clip of all time what was that at the end why is there nothing the ending was so good i don't know what was that let me in please that was really good that was really good you actually got got by bad boy halo i did [Applause] that doesn't does that count i keep switching back on georgia stream to make sure that i'm not missing anything you're not visiting you're saying all of them there'd be some letters surrounded by a gap then clop it is that even that's not part of the video that's not part of the video that is not part of the video that's not part of a video why man is 30 seconds left and he's at like 16 or 17 though oh my god listen 17 is it actually 17 okay so 17. there's no videos there's nine seconds there's nine seconds no videos this one's not funny i think you should add like five minutes no because it's actually working now this is the first time in the entire stream that the media share is actually like always decently working this one at the start was probably the first one that almost made me laugh who won exo jd thanks for getting invited well the timer went off so like are we done no i think it's actually working it's actually properly working so it's just out of five minutes i say we do a speed three minute round then yeah yeah yeah three minutes three minutes this guy stinks i know chad i'm sorry but we're gonna do three more minutes 30 minutes okay 30. stop okay okay okay okay speed run three minutes okay here we go here we go here we go 10 seconds in no memes tt jill gifting five thank you jill good bob good five bob there okay come on here we go here we go what this is what's happening okay this is what's happening oh my god why were you wearing a suit now that he's got his suit and tie because um i actually don't remember oh i do it's because i was a businessman and i was doing deals with dream [Applause] dude that's cool [Music] it looks like they're dancing hey i think they are is this how you get your sick kicks in the uk that was best of tick-tock uk is that how you get your sick kicks george we actually have these things called televisions [Music] you're glad that we added three minutes quackity yeah three minutes just to get a stick book we got stick bug it's so sad that whoever that person was just stick bugged like a lot of people [Music] is that unedited they press the quackity button are they healing balloons it's too late wait it's actually working for you part of that one diabetes no i wasn't wait the cat just said that debbie and peach thanks for gifting thank you so much thank you thank you rest in peace wilfred brimley wilford brimley is the one who originally started that word and he's rest in peace that was sad that was very sad george could you please put on your goggles for the last 50 seconds please please go ahead just in respect of the last 50 seconds of the challenge we have some goggy goggles all right here we go [Laughter] hey we unless you both love to die hey dw is just such a good character thanks for giving kiwi thanks for gifting thank you i used to binge watch arthur all the time [Music] oh god is he okay it's gone he's gone kermit dies on an accident if we if we laugh one more time if we left one more time in the oh in the zero seconds all right this is the last one apparently kevin collins run in here come get y'all jews [Music] okay yikes sky thanks for gifting five so the time is up we did it we did it you guys didn't get you you didn't quite get to 100 subs you nearly got it you got 98. you know but you know what i think oh my god i will round up the [ __ ] yelling one the yelling one with the with this british youtuber what's his name what's his name no the one where he was explaining the word and he just yells oh tom scott who's that no no that's not top score no no that wasn't the guy thomas scott that was that tom scott it's a guy who talks like this and starts explaining things with uh his hands uh no who is it who is it wait who's the guy who's the guy who's a guy tom scott tom scott i thought you said tom scott no i literally what was that clip what was that clip the clip where he just shouts is so good [Laughter] i've seen his videos and he's like straight face all the time and it was just it was just so out of town i want to find that video that was so funny that was actually so funny oh my god okay all right do you want to i won i didn't laugh even once i didn't laugh even once you did you did you're proud of me actually thanks for getting 10 and nevi thank you no i'm not proud of you at all i didn't laugh even once i didn't laugh even once i literally didn't really proud of me just in general um you know george i'm proud of carl why are you proud of carl why aren't you proud of me i literally didn't laugh because carl could at least take instructions and bring the correct equipment to set well what's the correct equipment we talked about this month in advance we said we talked about this month in advance we said quakti you must bring the george goggles googles and he was like he was like i'm gonna basically call him yeah yeah these these things right here they're called george goggles they have no other name we should have okay so with this plus that beanie plus we have to think of one thing from me and that would be the sex hackers outfit i was gonna say the the frog hat but you can't because you can't have the beanie and the frog unless you put the frog hat under the beanie well think of something but we need to have one of each so that it's like the sex havers these videos are beautiful thanks for being a great person anyways i hope you enjoy the compilation all right oh is it so good oh my goodness there it is oh can you are you trying to get rid of you're trying to end it you're trying to end okay yes because i'm really excited for what you're about to announce okay okay all right guys um one second one second uh valerie and carro carmelli i totally pronounced that right thank you for subbing so and as me jim thank you thank you so you know what i want to announce it i'll let all that called on his headset down first and moving on i heard it all so i heard that i heard it as well oh okay that's great that's great um so quacky what are you doing right now it looks like you're intense okay doing something yes i am i am so so this is something i've been planning for so long i really have been planning this for so long at least so so everyone keeps asking for for feral boys gta right so i thought what could be a fun way to play gta i want to so what we're going to do to play gta i want to do i want to do manhunt like minecraft manhunt but in gta 5. and no way yes but listen listen um uh let's see we got we got george carl of course sapnap bad maybe dream will be there i'm not sure yet he hasn't said anything but we'll see would dream we'll see i don't know what did he say he'll be late that's what he said last night what did he say he said he said i'm reading it right now he said i hate quacky well that's [ __ ] up we don't know if he's gonna be there but who cares um who cares it doesn't matter we're going to do minecraft manhunt but in gta and that's what we're going to do are you are you boys excited open up your games because that's going to take you like ages today get your stream going go get get out of here wait can you just don't leave the call don't leave the call don't leave the call george thank you i'm gonna have to leave the call actually i'm not even kidding because i have to switch computers okay all right you know what leave me alone i've got this i've got this i've got this i'll say i'll stay here with you i'll stay here with what do you mean what is that what do you mean what is that wait no put me in full screen okay okay okay so i'm setting up and everything okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait call delete call quackity why are you deleting carl why are you deleting carl oh i messed up quackety drag where are you wait where are you hello can you see me can you see me can you see me can you see me can you see me hello can you see me can you see me hello can you see me can you see me hang on reset how do i reset it can you see me stop saying that guys carl is going to be i found you hello wait why are you so small are you is this literally your stream that you're setting up right now yeah yeah yeah it is but like like what do you mean you're so small like what does that mean exactly like you don't like how i look right now you're just really small what mind your own goddamn business i'm trying to like you know whoa my stream is literally lagging messed up yeah you need to find something you need some more friends i'm telling you i mean i've been telling you this for a while quietly is i can't make them bigger because streamlabs is too laggy right now so we're going to have to deal with this thing oh mickey mouse oh my god like mickey mouse now oh it's so laggy i hate streamlabs oh he's gone okay i'm gone it's so bad it's so bad all right i'm gonna get my stream you know what i'm just getting rid of you because i can't i gotta yeah i gotta exit call and i'm gonna start screaming okay goodbye quacky thank you for coming on oh he's gone all right guys oh that is loud okay um music music music uh uh uh boom okay so listen oh streamlabs is so laggy um okay let me close out of this text oh no media share oh god sub goal no which one is it that one it is so laggy okay i got it i got it i actually got it okay guys i'm i i'm so sorry like it was such like it's so so messed up um i tried i tried okay why am i so small um but hopefully you still you still enjoyed it because i thought i thought that was fun wait i can just go here okay boom pool cam um but yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed the stream we're gonna we're gonna stay here for like another five minutes while quackity gets set up so do not leave yet we are oh i need gift subs i need gift subs all right guys i will gift my subs so i i'll round up to a hundred even though i need to just technically give 28. but let's do 100 let me do it oh i i had fun on that stream that was definitely fun but streamlabs needs to fix their media share that it was so messed up all right here we go gifting 100 100 subs hey baby baby call us back hey hey what's up call i'm gifting subs you want to see me do it yep i'm paying 500 pounds why this is so messed up because like why why is it 500 pounds and also 500 it's the same like pounds are worth more than dollars like i'm paying how much is 500 pounds 500 pounds in dollars i can't even spell 500 gbp usd 690 dollars that's messed up twitch you need to fix that okay i'd like to not be that guy but that's just messed up that's messed up alright here come the subs i need to get my two-factor authentication code let's not read it out loud even though it's fine i don't i don't say it out loud dude just say it i'll give you a clue the first number was nine it probably wasn't i don't remember all right here come the subs complete purchase i'm in it so that i can get a free sub let's see just call get a free sub you know what's funny i just realized i went upstairs right because i was like oh i want to watch george i just did it i was already popped up i did it joe's not found is giving a hundred tier one subs wow he's so generous i've paid i've paid i've paid yeah i'm gonna go help set up okay okay okay goodbye cause i love you thank you for having me on your stream thank you very much awesome today you're very handsome thank you carl is he gone he's gone okay ah the subs are still coming through oh my god okay oh quackity is literally live i thought i was gonna have to stall all right guys quacky is live he is doing a minecraft manhunt but in gta grand theft auto 5. so um go watch it i'm going to rate them let's see can i read them or do i have too many viewers because i've raided okay it doesn't work okay i have to host them wait it just came up that i'm gifting more subs did i do it twice i don't know oh god my streamlabs is so laggy zeros please please make stuff less laggy please i'm begging you i'm begging you but yeah guys i hope you enjoy i'm so sorry i really am if your clip didn't get showed um shown because of technical issues i'm sorry i really am um i'm sorry but listen we're gonna go to go on quack d stream i hope you enjoyed the stream thank you so much for all the donations hope you enjoyed it all the subs as well thank you guys so much and um slash host quackety okay thanks guys bye bye quack any button quack quack wait let me just double check he's live first he said he's live but let's let's double check and also follow the stream if you're not following click the follow button right now click it click it okay guys it is time to say bye bye bye but i will be on quickly stream so go over and watch quackity okay i'm gonna copy and paste his name so i don't mess it up okay and now i'm leaving bye
Channel: GeorgeNotFound Streams
Views: 1,615,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, If George Karl or Quackity Laugh We Lose..., minecraft hunting, minecraft vs, Dream Minecraft, George Minecraft youtube, George Minecraft channel, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.14 survival, minecraft 1.15 survival, minecraft 1.16 survival, georgenotfound highlights, georgenotfound live, georgenotfound streams
Id: WkrowPn2jlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 17sec (7457 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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