The New Minecraft 1.17 Update Is Insane!

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in this video i tested out the brand new minecraft 1.17 update they added a whole bunch of new stuff such as new mobs and crazy new cave generation so keep watching to see all the new features also according to youtube statistics only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you enjoyed the video please consider subscribing youtube sometimes glitches and unsubscribes you so if you think you're subscribed already please make sure to check you still are and enjoy the video i'm here so oh my god okay so i'm kind of tired but i accidentally left my twitch chat open and then was like oh my god he's gonna stream um because i was in the chat because it like you can see when i'm here so everyone thought i was gonna stream so i felt bad so i'm here i am here uh this is a very unplanned stream but there's also a plan so it's kind of planned it's not planned but i had an idea i had a last minute idea and yes i got pressured into streaming by you guys i got i got pressured i just saw someone say don't feel forced but i'm here it's too late it's too late okay i'm here hey yo this is very fun thank you john thank you so as you can see by the title crazy update what could this update be who knows who knows what the who knows what the update could be so so yeah i i felt like i had to stream because everyone thought i was going to stream so i'm streaming but yeah basically um how your guy promised in your offline chat that i give you more money to stream so here i am i didn't actually see that i'm sorry actually i did i saw you give it some subs i think so thank you for that thank you for gifting us when i was offline thank you um can you name a cute habit that your dog or cat does like sleep on your chest or nozzle against your face um cute habit um hmm i'm thinking i'm thinking uh i don't know i mean they follow me around that's kind of cute i guess they just follow me around wherever i go unless i lock them out my room they just always want to be with you so i guess that's one um can you say happy birthday to my sister if she turns 14 soon and loves your content happy birthday eve happy birthday oh my god dude stop we know you're pregnant no that's not the update i'm not pregnant believe it or not i am not pregnant okay not that's not the update oh my god hina hino vg thank you for gifting 20. thank you so much thank you thank you thank you thank you um because now because of course with my lucky with stream while i'm at work have a good stream regardless thank you thank you but yeah i can't i can't stream when everyone's not at work it doesn't work like that i'm sorry but you can always watch the vod you can always watch the pod and if you miss the vod you can sub to the vods channel just go search up on you i can't i can't even bother to get the link actually you know what i can't be bothered because it's i actually get a lot of subs when i do it so i i'm going to be bothered actually um so wait okay yeah here is the link i'm selling out my own my own youtube channel guys if you want to subscribe to the youtube channel where i post the vods so if you miss one of the streams you can go to this youtube channel that's in the chat right now and if you subscribe you'll never miss a vod or a stream because they get uploaded there so yeah go subscribe oh my god um so yeah i was like almost gonna just say oh i just searched it up but then i realized wait i can just link it and get way more subs by doing that because it's just like who's gonna type it in when they can just click it you know hi how was your valentine's day love you okay my valentine's day i was actually here i actually have a sleep app on my phone that who just rated me h bomb thank you thank you so much h1 i hope you had a good stream hbom 94. thank you so here let me check this out um on my phone i have a sleep app that tracks when you sleep and stuff um so i woke up at 4 30 a.m on valentine's day so the 14th and then i went to sleep at 12 p.m so that's eight hours later right but then i woke up at 2 p.m so i only slept for like two two hours and then i went back to bed at six uh 7 40 and woke up at 6 00 a.m so like the whole day basically almost i was asleep um so yeah that's what happened that's what happened that is what happened i was sleeping i i've been so tired recently i don't know i'm even tired right now like i wanna just go to bed honestly but i'm gonna stream because why not so i'm here and i feel like a bit sick i don't know why um and no it's not corona before anyone gets any ideas i don't leave my bedroom the only time i leave my this room is to get food from downstairs so i don't have anything okay i'm fine i don't know how i would whatever okay um george we've been manifesting a stream for like three days and it worked i'm so after your stream but don't feel forced to stay too long i was yeah okay it's probably not going to be that long of a stream because the stream idea that i have probably not going to take that long it might just be an hour whenever i say that it ends up being like five hours though but i don't think it's gonna be that long so yeah i don't think it's gonna be that long of the stream um q vinnie x thanks for gifting five i think one two three four five yes thank you thank you thank you can you say oh my god okay i'm not gonna say that but but hello i'll say hello fiona how about that i'm not gonna be mean to fiona hey george you're my inspiration and you're my favorite stream can you please say hi wilson it would make my day and i don't care if you pronounce it right wilson i think i think that's how you say it um surprise update let's go i already got dream to do this so can you say that maddie violet has poo poo hands oh my god okay and amelia thanks for gifting five as well thank you and nikki wait how many did nikki gift that's a lot i don't know i think 10 maybe 20. i it doesn't why doesn't it tell me they need to update it so it just says the number instead because what i see is i see nikki has gifted his sub nikki has gifted a sub nikki is gifted to sub like to the person to the possibility oh it all stacks up like why can't i just tell me the number i just want to know the number it's kind of simple i just want to know the number but apparently it doesn't work like that anyway um george take all my s wait take all my student loan seeing as uni has basically been councillors oh my god don't give me all your student loan money please because you still have to pay it right i'm assuming um you know you just got to keep that money free and claire giving 50 oh my god thank you claire thank you so much thank you claire oh my god so many gifted subs thank you so much claire you were on carl's stream this morning then on dreams and now you're streaming yourself thank you for keeping a european timeframe i haven't i'm a substance any of that the call stream seems like so long ago wait i haven't slept since then right i don't think i have wait have i been have i been up a long time today i don't even know i don't even know what's happening like i woke up at yeah i woke up at six six a.m wait i've been up quite a long time no wonder i'm kind of tired i've been up for i've been up for 15 hours that's quite a long time oh okay i should probably start doing the actual stream because i'm gonna get tired um this is a long time i've been i've been awake for 15 hours i feel like i haven't even been awake that long maybe that's why i like i i'm tired because i actually am tired i don't even know i don't even know anymore so so yeah i don't know what's happening i just saw someone say that's not that long is it just me or is being awake for 15 hours a long time so if you wake up at let's say 8 a.m like a normal person 12 hours is 8 p.m and then three more hours is 11. that's kind of normal right waking up at 8 a.m for like work or whatever or school and then going to bed at like 11. i guess that's not a long time that's like kind of this is like getting tired time right kind of normal okay i'm not in i'm not in should be tight no i should be tired this is like normal territory to being tired except yeah no yeah it's right i think i should be tired anyway i don't know hi george from clay clay clee i don't know how to say your name but thank you hello i feel like out of breath i'm like i don't know i feel weird and serena thanks for gifting five hey george it's my birthday soon can you say happy birthday afro i hope that's your name right afro happy birthday and becca beck thanks for gifting 10 i think again please if you're listening streamlabs add just say how many subs it was because i can't see and it's annoying and john thanks for gifting 10 thank you john hi george how are you what are your opinions on dino nuggets i have no idea what those are i'm assuming they're like chicken nuggets i like chicken nuggets you know what i'll google it dino nuggets why am i in caps um what are dino nuggets um they're just chicken nuggets i think i think they're just chicken nuggets i like chicken nuggets i mean i've never had this specific chicken nugget but i'm sure they're probably fine i don't know can you mess up a chicken nugget i don't really know hi i have exact oh two exams can you wish me good luck and say hi to how do i say your name tanya i don't know but good luck tomorrow good luck to your exams i hate exams exams are so annoying i feel like probably everyone hates exams this is not like a new opinion but i hate exams i don't luckily i don't have to do any any anymore but i hate exams i yelled at carl for this last night so now time can you please decorate your walls because they're so boring you can't even see my walls i have minecraft as my background what do you mean my walls there's no walls okay my to be fair my walls what i'm looking at they're kind of decorated i have art right here i have um youtube play buttons and and um i have a hogwarts sign um it's like there's actually not really any space on my wall in front of me that i can fill up there's not much it's kind of filled actually but yeah anyway hello mr george um please say you'll come to the dream jail group chat wait what dream jail group chat wedding um i already asked carl but he was so focused on me having 16 fiances oh my god please say you're calm i can't make any guarantees i'm sorry i can't make any guarantees okay i think i should start the stream right i'm just sitting here like doing nothing i mean we could just do a just chatting stream we could talk we can talk but actually i have i have a plan i have a plan that i that i came up with 20 minutes ago i have a plan um so yeah let's just go let's go speed run these these donations kiss adorable gifting subs thank you thank hey george did you see the gnf updates talk in your offline um i don't know what that means since we peer pressured this manager streaming thanks by the way we should all buy much at george not found our shop this is true there's merch at george my founder shop there's a link below as well i streamed because you guys wanted me to what's your go-to tesco meal deal um i haven't been in in probably like two years wait something like that but i always used to get the southern fried chicken wrap with um whatever crisps that's chips to americans i was feeling like that day um with what drink did i get i actually don't remember what's that like okay people from this probably like an amer this would be a uk thing it's like what is that drink they have an orange version i think and they have like a summer fruits no summer fruits what's that brand that's like summer fruits oasis oasis i like oasis the summer fruits one um serena thanks for gifting steve as well thank you thank you hi george i dm'd you a lettuce in a moat png tutorial dedicated to chat for the third for third wheeling um i will check it out i'll check it out thank you i'll check that out but we don't have time right now we don't have time to be adding a million emotes we don't have time like live stream um i feel like all the hot and cool people slept through valentine's day that's probably oh wait that's what i did okay i see what you mean thank you as well thank you let me in please they didn't scare me this time so this is wait that was from like ages ago i need to work out how to get it to like be up to date because whenever i get like a let me in please it's always like five minutes delayed and then i and i thank them twice and it's weird um but thank you again for the for that 20 gifted subs thank you so much hi george you look extremely handsome today still said he never used my mic hawk emote i'm sorry um can you please tell the quackity roblox scriptchat i'm not a simp don't get me banned for saying that twitch twitch i'm allowed to say it okay and it wasn't in a bad way i promise um so i'm not gonna say it actually wait you know what i i don't know what's tos anymore i'm just not gonna say it anymore but thank you for the donut and hayley v thanks for giving in jackson thank you um oh hello my favorite conference room let's go my friend is actually on her way to my place so we will enjoy your stream together thank you thank you for the dinner pink fire flower thank you would you consider doing crew neck sweatshirts for your merch we would love it um yes i would consider it i would whether i do it or not that's another matter but i mean i probably will one at some point okay i remade the let me in a moment because i looked at it too long and it got ugly even though it's a tiny square wait put the let me in emote in chat let me see it it's just it is kind of it's i wouldn't say it's ugly i just think it's kind of small but i will check it out thank you i will check it out okay there's so many in the chat now okay i'm sorry guys i i'm like i've been here for 20 minutes i feel like i need to start but i'm like oh my god there's too many donations i'm sorry guys i feel like i can't read these all i'm sorry i'm sorry oh my god there's too many guys i'm sorry i need to start i need to start what do you have in plan for the cooking stream and it better not be make a sandwich um i haven't planned it yet but it will be something cool probably quick question but is your merch made in europe or america because if it was made in america then obviously it will cost more to get shipped to europe um yes it's in america um so when you like check out you can see how much it's going to cost for shipping so it's not going to be like oh boom you know it you'll know how much it is but yeah it is more depending on where you it changes depending on where you live i'm sorry i can't we can't make it all the same price because it costs more to i feel like okay you guys understand that i don't have to explain that hello don't forget to take care a hundred dollars for curry thank you so much akari i'm fine i'm fine i can end the stream at any point i'm fine if i need to go to bed i'll go to bed thank you so much for the 100 thank you thank you akari i recently got a pet rock what should i name it rocky okay and remy thank you for the gifted subs okay um i feel bad but i need to start the stream guys i'm sorry i'm sorry if i missed your donation but we need to start we need to start ah what i just do okay um so what is this crazy update i hear you ask well boom it's not working why is it not working hello uh the button's not working why is the button not working hang on uh hello the button's not working can you hear me pressing it why is it not working if i do that okay now it works oh my god the button works the button works okay boom what do you see that's right minecraft snapshot guys this is epic this is actually this is actually an epic minecraft update so if you don't know yeah it works now so now i can okay yeah it's working so if you don't know there is a new minecraft version coming out soon um 1.17 and they actually did a crazy update so today i'm going to show you here it is ready oh my god do you guys see this do you guys see this are you are you seeing the same thing that i'm seeing that's right minecraft this is if you this is the 21w06a 1.17 snapshot guys it's minecraft like you've never seen it before look at this let's get a cinematic camera it's not it's not working hang on what what okay clear okay okay i i don't know where i'm going with this okay basically that's obviously clearly that's not the update basically what they did is okay now if you actually don't know now i'm gonna blow your mind ready spectator mode are you ready for this you ready if you've never seen this prepare yourself this isn't a ravine wait is it i don't know i don't think this is a ravine wait this maybe it is okay wait just wait wait is this a ravine or is this part of the update wait i'm confused okay look at this look at this look let me in okay that one scared me that one scared me thank you nikki thank you look at this look at this what is this like you could okay watch this pov you're mining on the new update oh my god why did i have to choose the one side with pov there's a new compass icon okay check this out ready check check this out pov new mining update what is that like what even is this do you hear that it's like really quiet can you hear it boom okay i don't even know what this is either block of amethyst what wait okay so you mine it with this what is this calcite i don't i don't know what this is i don't know what any of this is look there's like these things wait it just broke so the ones with cracks break how'd you get them do you need self-touch small amethyst bud i don't i don't even know what you do with this stuff medium amethyst bud even just just the noises are worth the update like what is calcite does it do anything does it do anything i i don't know how to i don't know how to use it wait this is new right tough what is tough this is tough doing a thing tough what do you do i i quickly looked at the um the update page and it didn't say anything about this stuff wait let me look at it again minecraft snapshot because like it's not telling me what it does it's not telling me um okay minecraft snapshot here let's we can read it together i think if i press this boom um so they added this stuff uh cheese caves and spaghetti caves okay um i mean they didn't mention any of this tough and i didn't mention any of the the other stuff wait let me oh wait there's a different update here okay this one wait they added an axolotl [Music] okay i kind of know what this stuff is uh wait i want more updates what else did they do how do i like see all of it minecraft 1.17 is that one like the wikipedia page wiki wait wait wait wait hold up okay what happens on here um okay look we've got everything wait my head's covering it um no okay i'm i'll just sit in the middle i'm in the middle now oh no i'm like okay there i'm like in the middle now so we've got here i can zoom it up a bit ah you're getting an ad okay whatever guys microsoft azure you can code you can experiment and build your next great web app i don't know guys um they added these amethyst buds what do they do uh they start out small and they grow and become an amethyst cluster wait i'm just okay i'm i'm gonna be in the middle of the screen i don't care amethyst wait how do you spell amethyst oh am e i'm with this cluster oh it's like the big boy okay what else did they add they added oh yeah okay they can only be mine with silk touch i work that out on my own i'm am i just a genius i don't know amethyst cluster uh it drops amethyst shards if broken wait i could be a better streamer if i did this and then oh my god why is it black okay wait was it black for you guys as well for a second or not i don't even know maybe not uh hang on bang bang bang okay and check this out ready all i have to do is profile no scene and then i do that and then this i think i did it so now if i press this and then this and then this okay now i'm now now i'm the best streamer because i can switch okay what is an azalea uh variants with either no blossoms or pink blossoms bush like blocks planted on dirt and grass okay let's find out azalea fl okay we got a bunch of new stuff what is this i need dirt grass wait what dirt path wait rooted there's too much new stuff there's too much new stuff i don't know what any of this is okay grass let's go wait is that a whole new noise or is that just for these new leaves oh my god quackity's calling me oh it's just a new noise for these listen to that i like these ones okay let's see what does quackity want does he know i'm live i don't know quackty i'm live streamer doesn't know how to play minecraft i'm learning he hung up listen to these leaves wait what is this azalea leaves what's even different to these to like oak leaves they look the same or am i okay they don't look the same but they're basically the same i like the noise but these ones these ones are these ones are good what are these things what even whoa okay this is actually good this is actually good look at this think about the possibilities that you could make these are like mini little trees okay i like these i like these these are good these things get a plus one from me wait how did it my phone's on do not disturb how did my do i have quackity on the thing that goes through do not disturb no i don't how did how did it come through the do not disturb i i don't even know oh he messaged me he said answer me now i did answer him all right i want to find out what's next what's next on the list of of stuff um okay here we go button boom so we worked out these block of wait i want to try break the amethyst cluster i want to do that i'm with this cluster cluster i want to do this lily love thanks for gifting five thank you and depressed latte as well we're gifting i don't know five as well i think i think um i was going through a really tough time until i found you and dream you guys helped me through a lot and i really appreciate you love you no problem i'm glad we can help you how do i say your name stalax i think i think thank you so much thank you okay we'll check this out already wait silk touch does it give me the whole thing okay it does give me [Music] another right pickaxe okay what are these another amethyst shards what do you do oh i have no idea what these do i don't know what these do but they're cool and tony paulford thanks for gifting five as well okay we're moving on we're moving on we've got a lot of stuff to go through i probably can't check everything okay the copper stuff that's kind of boring like it's just this is kind of boring oh yeah they added candles okay look at these look at these ready so they added candles so okay they have them for like every color let's get a blue one and then let's go over here into a dark area laney thanks for gifting five thank you lainey okay wait bone meal the small tree okay bone meal it doesn't do anything it doesn't do anything it doesn't do anything wait can you build me all these no all right we tried good idea guys good idea but no oh you need to light it clean the steel okay i mean kind of cool not bad but like they'll have their uses they'll have their uses and catastrophe thanks for gifting five as well if your phone is on do not disturb and someone calls twice in a row your phone will automatically ring the second time regardless of it being on the do not just herb oh that actually makes sense because let me explain that's from class city thank you so much claire for the 50. thank you so much um that makes sense because like i would i'd be so confused sometimes why why the call was going through when i was on doing all the stuff like i would get woken up because i always put my phone on do not disturb when i go to bed and then sometimes it would wake me up and i'd be like why why is it making a noise so if they call twice it does that wait can you put the candle on a cake can you no way please oh my god it's like um they're like the the sea pickle things wait cake oh you can only put one on but you can put a you can put a candle on the cake you can put a candle on the cake that's actually that's good that's good oh but you can't break it off without breaking the cake but that's cool that's that's cool i like that can you please say happy birthday to hannah happy birthday hannah and quinny thanks for the five gifted thank you okay now that's cool that that's a worthy update that is a worthy update what else did they add you know i'm gonna cover up the ad with myself they don't get free advertisement every time i switch over uh okay close enough um uh drip leaf allows an entity to stand up for one and a half seconds before it falls through it okay drip leaf what is a drip leaf show me drip leaf there's no oh drip leaf big drip leaf you got that drip let me in what's the point it guys what's the point of this item what's the point of this is there a point bone meal it no way wait can i just go infinitely high oh someone's if you put a item on it what's the point of like the what's the point of it like stand okay i'll stand on that what's the point but like what's the point in it crouch or not okay i'm crouching you still full what's the point parkour it's a parkour but like oh you can make a trap with it what if okay check this out what if i mean this is like i feel like this wouldn't work but me maybe so imagine imagine you have like a a tunnel like this it's got like these noises when you break this block every time okay so you have like a tunnel and then someone's chasing you and you're like like ah you're running down the tunnel you get to pass over it but then they can run over it anyway okay okay trap some parkour guys someone will work it out someone's smarter will work out a good use can you put a noteblock on the amethyst and other new box to see if they make new sounds that's a good idea actually no block no block on stone no block on air no block on amethyst no new sound oh put a carpet on it okay cop it it doesn't work it doesn't work anyway nice try nice try guys you tried that that was big brain try but not big brain enough because it doesn't work okay oh the glow stuff okay we're gonna we're gonna go find everyone's favorite mob okay whoa yeah like look at these caves so this isn't normal this isn't a normal minecraft look at this cave like what even is this you're like you're gonna be mining around one day and you're gonna stumble into this thing like what even is this is there some random cave at the bottom and also look at this ready i'm at minus 50 i'm at minus 50 right now um normally it only goes down to zero right no no no no no no not anymore it goes all the way down to minus 64. is where the bedrock is i'm at minus 48 here in this weird weird cave like it like it like loops around which means guys i'm at minus 40 which means technically diamonds can spawn like here now you could be running around and just find a diamond right here okay above you this far above you it's gonna it's gonna be weird it's gonna be weird like try find diamonds okay um okay spectator let's go find another cave uh let's look in here i just wanna see diamonds on the oh that's not wait what is that it's glowing glow lighting there's another random thing that glows for some reason um okay diamonds look i'm at my minus 36. so you could be running around in this cave boom and more diamonds on the roof like when does that happen you see you look up and find diamonds torch let me in please thank you john thank you look diamonds in the roof it doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense like minecraft as we know it is gone it's gonna be changed like the whole experience okay it's not completely different but like you know what i mean it's like it's just weird it's weird it's weird it is weird what is this wait this is oh it's like low lighting on like both sides of a blog okay i want to find a water thing is that one whoa look at this wait what is this oh it's just one water source that just comes down whoa with a lava one okay wait do i have shaders oh no i don't i'm like on the snapshot but like this would be a cool look at this cave hey look what even is this place this massive cave like if you ever saw something like this in minecraft before this update it would be like one in 7.5 trillion like actually like this this looks like um those things you know where you put the coin in and it swirls round like it looks like one of those things and then there's creepers everywhere there's glowing stuff water falling from the ceiling glowing stuff everywhere lava falling down like the marvel tournament yes exactly like that um whoa oh my god i mean i think this is just a coincidence i don't think this is meant to happen wait water next to what is this oh this is copper water next to lava water next to lava okay i want to find okay this next thing is gonna blow your mind whoa okay look at this wait no this isn't it i want okay this is cool though look at this where does this come from so they have like lakes under water now okay there it is look look at this oh my god like you can be mining okay here look new pov new pov ready pov or mining oh okay i don't know why i'm doing copper new pov ready here we go pov you're mining in the new update oh okay that's kind of cool and then you just find like a lit a literal lake wait it's like a two level lake oh wait no it's not it's just a bit of stone but whoa this actually kind of reminds me okay off topic but um someone that i know for like a project at school made um like a fish tank right that had you know i'm i don't know why i'm going off on this tangent but if this is a you know like a normal fish tank it's just like a regular rectangle right his fish tank was like uh it was like this wait wait how was it it was wait i forget how it was actually okay i'm i feel stupid now but like okay i basically it was like this no this is what it was like no this is what it was like this is literally the perfect example imagine like there's a wall going up here and like here so his fish tank had like an open section here and then a taller section like this and the water wouldn't overflow the bottom section which like you wouldn't think that would happen you would think because there's water up here and this was glass like all this stone would be glass imagine imagine all this is glass and that's his fish tank like how does that work i don't know how he did that i think it's something to do with like i don't even know but like you would think this section would overflow because of the section like flowing down into it i don't know how it worked but it was cool but wait there's more glow squids your favorite mob it's actually really cool it actually is like i kind of i lowkey wanted that that like um the mushroom cow thingy but these are actually kind of cool like look at them they're so majestic oh it's so strong it doesn't get sucked down look and they make noises can you hear them wait we want more wait can you put a number no you can't no they're dying they drop glow ink sacks whoa when you hit them they like stop glowing for a second okay i killed it ah oh my god okay we got glowing sacks okay what can you do with the glowing sacks i hear you ask item frames you turn them into glow item frames for some reason so wait let's do a comparison item frame item frame versus glowing item frame i mean not gonna lie i mean i guess it's kind of cool i was about to say like i don't see the point but it's not bad wait use the glow hang on oh you can't turn it into like glow dye imagine you could turn it into glow dye and then use it on a sheep like okay you turn the glowing sack into a glow dye and then you combine it with like any other dye and it makes a glow color of that dye and then you can make glow wool glow sheep that'd be kind of cool oh you can put it on a sign sign wait well you can wait how use it on signs wait how glowing sag what just happened oh what nothing's happening right with color how does everyone but me know how to do this okay let's make it yellow wait oh it glows okay it glows i like that see that one that one is cool that one is good like i like the glow the glow signs that one's good and the squids they're popping off as well so i want to see what else is in this update what else is in this update hanging okay blah blah blah blah moss carpet kind of cool powder snow oh powder snow actually that's kind of cool i think powder wait powder snowball oh it's like oh my god what's happening to me i'm like what's happening to me oh my hearts are like frozen frozen they're freezing you can use it mlg in the nether wait oh that wasn't meant to happen uh hang on hang on i'm going up i'm going up let me in please so it works and then you can just pick it back up so you're telling me this was another what am i doing it wrong okay you can mlg in the nether you can emoji in the nether that that actually changes a lot that's like that's big that's big that's actually big okay big big change oh you can wear leather boots and it stops you from going in okay and you can you can crouch to go through anyway okay that's cool but where'd you get it from where do you get it from i don't know why it doesn't say okay so rooted dirt they just added like a different version of coaster okay skulk sensors okay how do you spell it skulk sensor well it's like wriggling around so this is like wireless redstone because like uh look at this so there's no signal i jump now there's a signal and there's like it works through walls so you can do some cool stuff with this um i don't know i don't know what but some cool stuff okay so something cool is gonna come out of this that's all i that's all i can tell you that's all i can tell you um what else what else oh the tinted glass tinted glass tinted glass i think this is like how does it work wait what it's transparent to players but it does not let light through oh okay so you can make like oh that's what you use the amis amethyst shards okay so i think yeah so like it's like fully dark in here but you can see through did i just box myself i just box myself but yeah it's like pitch black in here even though like it's you can see through so you can use that for stuff i don't really know what for i don't know before but it's it's something um bucket of okay axolotls axolotls axolotls axe a bucket of axolotl okay okay let's see oh my god they have different colors oh my god look oh my god i don't know what they do what do they do i don't know what they do but i like them wait let me see what do they do axolotl axolotl um they have different colors the blue is rarer it has a one in twelve hundred chance of spawning wait did we get a blue one i want a blue one wait is that a blue one no no hey did we get a blue one i want a blue one oh they have babies i want a blue one i want the blue one i want the one in 1200 so these are like what color are these ones i don't know wait okay i think i would know if there's a blue one it's like a dark it's like a darker blue okay it's gonna take too long it's gonna take too long but look these are the different color ones here loose i don't know wild gold cyan and blue and the blue is really rare and then all the other ones are equally rare as each other okay kind of cool so what else what else is that okay my button there okay what else actually bundle what is a bundle okay this the noises the noises uh are annoying actually yeah what do they do actually what do they do um intended to give regeneration one and remove mining fatigue but it doesn't work okay they're hostile to fish squids and glow squids they will only attack drowned and guardians when tempted with tropical fish what does that mean you can breed them and that's about it i mean maybe they'll add more features to them i don't know but for now they don't do much glow berries glow insect powder snow uh oh the spy glass yeah so look at this it's like they added optifine but without adding optifine and making it worse because you have to have an item and you have to right click and then it it does this which is this like kind of weird uh you can press f1 to like make it kind of usable but i mean i see where they're going with how they don't want to just add a zoom button but like they could have at least made it so it doesn't have this thing you know i don't know i feel like no one's gonna use this because it's just like i don't know you know it's just like i don't know it's just kind of uh i guess if it's this or nothing you take this but it means you have to like carry it around you can have it on your offhand yeah you can have it on your offhand but like eh it's all right it's better than nothing better than nothing all right it's good for like pocket edition or bedrock where they don't have up to fine i'm guessing i don't know it's all right um would you consider talk to dreams mum as the next sub goal uh i don't know you'd have to i'd have to ask during about that one oh my god someone turned it with just uh quackity's nobody asked song lyrics um oh no i'm so sorry by the way my donation audio i said of course you'd stream when i'm at work wasn't saying that you had to stream when people aren't working it's always funny that i've had like no i know i know i know it's fine don't worry do not worry okay let me see what else is on the update list oh it tells us what the accessors do the first amphibian added to minecraft okay there's your random minecraft fact um plays dead when damaged oh let's test it out does it play dead i'm sorry i have to hit it maybe you have to be in survival mode okay play dead or maybe it is it's just not moving that's playing dead okay come here play dead that doesn't look dead to me i don't know spawn it on land okay oh no um oh my god what is it doing what oh my god okay i think it's playing dead where's it going where are you going all right it kind of works it kind of works it kind of works i want to see what else they've got what else glow squids okay yeah cave so we saw the caves um drip stone caves drift stone caves i want to see this one oh it does not generate naturally in normal worlds i could have been like running around for ages trying to look for it and they had a commands boring boring blocks oh they had a candle cake wait have a variation called can okay can be created by using a candle on an unintegrated account counter on the cake comes with 17 colors okay got it cauldrons can now be filled with lava and powder snow okay cauldron i want to see this cauldron lava so this is what a normal cauldron looks like and then apparently even i like that i like it can you go in oh you can can you go in this one you can this looks so weird to me it just looks wrong but it's cool it's like an evil witch's cauldron i like it i like it okay what else what else is on the list minecraft composters do some boring stuff oh you can shoot snow out of a dispenser grass path is renamed to dirt path why why why did they do this dirt path i don't i don't like that it's a grass path okay it's grass lapis lazuli block green into block of lapis lazily i guess that makes sense particles now blah blah blah blah blah flowing water no longer breaks rails no way that's kind of cool actually because everyone's train tracks used to get destroyed by water it's true it's true they don't get destroyed it just goes over them wait wait a second wait one second rail rail okay redstone torch okay water mine cart oh my god let me on let me wait why is it only going that way oh because the water's like flowing yet what if i oh no because the water's like wait where did my water go no okay hang on wait i could just do this right this would probably be easier this is this looks so wrong just laying tracks down the water okay wait let's go across the whole thing okay we're building like an underwater rails um redstone if this works this is kind of cool this is actually oh no uh [Music] how do i okay that's how so redstone blocks you guys are geniuses okay redstone block very good boom why is it not going wait is it red i can't even tell okay that's red it is red hang on wait this one's not red okay now it's red oh there it goes wait keep going no ah i keep move okay okay i'm doing this like so inefficiently just move move out my way okay here ready oh it's going back the other way wait is it slow it's slow right okay whoops okay here we go it works you can go underwater you can go fully underwater a rail waitress in a thing whatever this thing's called a minecart i like that i like that that's cool that is cool to me they changed the clock to this i was like more gold and they made the compass more silver and thicker thicker thicker compass okay um okay dragon drop a copper oh they got rid of the golden but i'm gonna change it to a copper from the drowned that's okay i guess oh skeletons turn into strays when they're in the powder snow that's cool um okay what else do they add is that it is this all like boring stuff now oh look oh planned editions clay pot painted clay part brush the warden okay i want to see the warden the warden if you don't know here it is it's like this thing compared to an iron it's big and it like it does weird stuff i don't i don't i don't remember what oh if you don't know what it does here you go take a screenshot because i'm going to scroll past it um in three seconds because i don't know why but i okay i'll read it it's like blind and it's like you know this the sensor thing that i showed before it's like that but in a mob form so when you move around it like senses you right that's how this mob works it senses where you are and like comes towards you which means you can do things like this oh so when that lands is it gonna i think i threw it too far away hang on did i throw that so it like saw it i don't know you can you can make it do cool stuff like it chases you it senses movement it moves towards that source of movement so can i detect vibrations like projectiles blocks breaking blocks placing it doesn't detect you if you're sneaking so you can like sneak past it yeah i saw it um and yeah they're like they're mega strong they do 30 damage full near the right armor from full health just uh three and a half health well yeah deep dark biome new biome at the deepest depths of the world wait can i go there now locate biome deep oh i can't i can't go there yet i can't lush caves oh wait azalea trees um i don't know mesh caves mountains so they add like proper mountains unconfirmed features underground cabin oh it's like oh okay it's unconfirmed that was like from the video so okay i think we pretty much went through everything one thing i do want to do though is is um so wait what is a bundle bundle it's like a bag wait what how does this work oh my god i would have died if it wasn't for that water okay wait time set zero let's go here what is a bundle wait what why did it just throw a snowball how does this work what do i do with that guys help help me what does it do right click i'm right clicking it wait what oh you can like how do you get stuff out oh you can only take it out in the order you put it in so you can only put like some stuff in like the bucket doesn't go in for some reason you can put some stuff in here you can put up to 64 items i guess can you put like multiple items in oh you can so it's like a shulker box but you don't have to place it down it's like when you're mining you can just put all your oh but you can only hold wait so it has four dirt and 12. oh okay so you can literally only put 64 items it's not 64 stacks it's actually just 64 items and like i'm guessing you can only take it out in the order you put it in but you have 1927 you have 36 items so it's like almost like two inventories in one spot and can you have you you have more than one i guess right yeah so you can have like so many items you can have so many stuff like you can go mining and never have to like go up again you can just fill your inventory up with with bundles and how do you make a bundle how does one create a bundle here we go bundle two string and six rabbit height it's not even expensive you can store other items except shulker boxes you can only hold a stack of items but you can hold different types items with smaller item stacks take out more room in a bundle and non-stackable items take up the whole bundle ah oh okay so if you want to put something like a non-stackable item like a water bucket it has to be empty yes got it and then something like an ender pearl and [Music] takes up how many spots four okay got it so now this can't fit because it's already got something in it okay so pretty useful wait bundle in a bundle oh but you can't put like what you can oh but it like fills up to like the right amount so 24 plus 5 is 29 but it goes to 33. so you can't like infinitely stack them they use up each they use up each other's things but that's pretty cool like that's kind of cool so you like look at my inventory oh wha wha wha wha what what what what it's like a magic trick it just keeps it just keeps going it just keeps going like it looks like you're just cheating it looks like you're doing some weird magic stuff it's weird it's weird okay so there's one thing that i want to try because check this out ready keep an eye out on my why normally before it only went up to 256 256. okay 256. it used to be 128 as well i don't know i don't remember when they changed that so we're at 155 we're still going we're still going we're still going we're still going look how high up we are look how high up we are okay oh my god my finger's hurting my fingers hurting come on come on and 256 but then we just keep going we just keep going how high up are we how i don't even know what the limit is i actually don't know uh how much higher can i go okay 320 320 is the highest okay 320 is the highest and remember zero isn't the lowest anymore minus 64 is the lowest so it goes all the way down oh my god um what does that say no verified only what does that mean i don't know what that means but thank you so much for the 50 dollars worth of bits thank you no verified only what does that mean i don't know but thank you so we go bedrock here at minus 64. okay hang on tp me okay oh my god it's like laggy i have 32 frames per second for some reason but it's fine we're gonna do the the tallest mlg water ever done let's go wait let's drop the water bucket and then go boom clean entry first try first try how long was i even falling for i'm going again i'm going again let's go howie let's time it one two three four five six seven okay we got we got too much too too much skill in one go we had to die but it's like an eight second fall that's crazy it's like the world is like hang on before it used to be at one point it was just 128 right and then they made it 256 and now it's 320 plus 64. now it's 384 blocks like the walls just getting bigger and bigger and apparently you can extend it i don't remember where i saw that um height um see here from minus 64 to 319 um i remember i read it but i thought you could like you could like change it i don't know but basically the world height you can do some weird stuff with it now and make the world like mega big oh slime block at the bottom okay um yes let's do it i don't know where i died i do know it says it in the chat 169 minus 196. wait what oh minus okay here so let's put a slime block wait what i thought i was in game mode i thought i was in game mode okay slime block wait what if i mog slime blocker oh never mind okay wait i don't want to ruin it i don't want to ruin it okay here slime block wait wait wait oh it's this side it's this side wait i i didn't get to see like how many blocks it was okay hang on hang on hang on hang on okay here okay keep an eye on the y let's see how high we bounce up from minus 64. minus nine minus nine so it was minus 64 minus minus nine uh i don't know 64 to nine okay so 64 minus nine is 55 the whole chat already got it before me i'm meant to be good at maths for summer whatever i'm tired okay i'm tired i've been awake let's go let's go let's go let's go boom oh wait there's like a cave up there hey watch this clean descent ready so i go down into the cave and then boom zero damage into this cave that was like uns unplanned that's pretty cool i like this i like this update this is a cool update yeah get out of here i don't know is there anything else to show do a honey blog with the honey blocks what do honey blocks do i i don't even know honey block do you bounce on them oh you don't wait okay we're not doing honey i'm just gonna die show the mountains the mountains i don't think are out at the moment if i tp blur blah blah time set zero okay let's look um this looks like let me in please wait i don't think i saw that one jay thanks for giving 10 thank you jay oh i see it that's from 10 minutes ago i'm sorry jay thank jay we yt thank you for the 10 gifted thank you hi i love your vids you are so much fun to watch mardi gras wait i don't know how to say the next one mardi gras oh parades that's literally an english english word mardi gras parades are cancelled in new orleans do you celebrate anything like that what is mardi gras i know what is it i figure out what it meant what it is uh what is it carnival celebration beginning on or after i think this is like an american thing i don't know i don't really do any any any um thing any like public events i don't know i don't do stuff like that i just stay inside my room it's it's safe here i don't know um but thank you for the donor thank you wait why am i why don't i see anything hello oh cause i was in crit uh spectator mode it's french yeah it sounds kind of french and i am not french if you didn't know this kind of areas looks cool i want to like why is there sand in the middle of here hmm i want to see like one of the new binds but i don't think they're added because i can't locate buying them unless it's like let's see let's quickly look to the list um i don't think mountains wait these already existed right these already existed wait are goats in here goats aren't in here i don't think there's goats yet i think that's in a different i think that's coming later because i remember i saw i think they added goats to bedrock didn't they i don't remember wait you saw them like here that's a sheep right okay that's a sheep uh drip stone locate bomb drip oh drip stone caves hello unable to find within a reasonable distance wait are they that rare oh wait i don't think they i don't think they actually added them hang on drip stone cave only generates in the drip stone caves line which is currently only available through single biome caves or floating island world types okay so we can go see it if we have to make a new world whoa it's saving for a long time okay how'd you do it how do i do it more world options world type single biome okay drip stone caves create world here we go here we go drip stone cave check okay no these are cool they have like stalag mites pointed drip stone oh and they have these ones oh you like take damage if you fall onto these i think yeah let's check let's check um let me take damage on these um john thanks for gifting 10 thank you thank you john the pooky cafe group chat says hi even though we're all dry wait what does that mean um well my day's been good thank you yeah look at this cave so would you take that just by walking on it i know i know you don't okay you just have to like take the tiniest amount of damage full distance onto it drip stone block so this is a drip stone cave we've got some copper stalagmite i don't know which one is which stag am i inside tight okay this bit's cool whoa oh wait they fall as well i think yes and they drop oh you can make like traps with these wait no okay you can like you can kill things with it boom trash creeper wait do they have the different biomes then do they have all the other ones i want to see i want to see new world no single biome um are there any new ones drip stone caves i don't think there's any new ones there's not did i miss one did i miss like a did i miss a new one like they added new biomes but they're not here yet i don't think they added them lush caves i don't it's not here i don't think you can see them yet somehow i think they're coded in but you can't access them i think i think i don't know i don't know why but i want to see birch forest like only for some reason oh my god just endless birch forest i don't know why i wanted to do this this looks kind of cool endless birch forest um there are someone said are there new advancements i think there are i think it's just like things obviously like relating to the new thing um oh no there aren't actually there's for the one where you have to eat everything they added glowberries obviously because now you have to eat them no i don't think there are there's actually not new adv new advancements so did i miss anything i don't think i did like in that biome list i don't think i missed anything right um ah i didn't miss any of the new biomes right i didn't i'll do one last check because i don't want to miss anything i didn't see anything about the lost caves no they don't have it void [Music] what what is this it's a stone planes biome called the void wait you can't see it ah i'm in the void this isn't the void minecraft this isn't the void what are there any oars in this like i kind of want to i kind of want to like beat minecraft in this i don't think there's any oars no there's nothing are there caves there's caves this is so weird yeah there's like no oars they have they have all the new cave generation but they don't have anything else and they just have planes biomes whoa look at this place though this one's cool this is a cool cave but they have no oars this looks so wrong this is weird alpha dallin thanks for giving five thank you yeah this is like a weird flex this isn't the void whoa look the cave like starts here and it goes all the way down wait okay there we go this is epic and it comes out the other side let me in please eric thanks for gifting ten thank you let me in please oh go to the nether let me try let me try set block portal nether oh wait oh that's disappointing it's normal oh well and avery egg 2001 thanks for gifting five thank you wait one more thing i want to do is i want to do it in the mushroom biome cheats on mushroom wait what is a mushroom fields what's it called i thought it mushroom field sure i think it is this okay let's see what happens let's see what happens is it what i think it is oh my god it's just an endless mushroom biome wait when do they name it mushroom fields i don't know but this is cool i like this it just goes on forever wait did they have the new caves oh they do hey look at this cave oh can you imagine like in real life swimming in this this is like horrible imagine just swimming down in this yeah it's like so claustrophobic i want to make like a survival world on this just constant mushroom by him and just see what happens so yeah let me see did i miss anything i think i got everything in the update i think i got everything the caves and cliffs update 1.17 coming out mid 2021 okay cool so just i'm gonna swoop through everything to see if i missed anything i missed the copper stuff but i don't know i don't really care about the copper stuff for some reason you can make a lightning rod which it like farms lightning strikes to it moss block okay fine i'll look at the moss block it's peaked my interest what is a moss block moss what does this do it's useless bone mailed wait a second bone mail moss carpet okay weird kind of useless and i i don't know i think i got everything right i mean this update i don't think this isn't even everything they're adding more stuff i'm pretty sure so when this comes out it's going to be it's going to be crazy because this is going to be the default version of minecraft i can't show the warden i'm sorry the warden isn't out yet i can't show it but yeah they this update is going to be so cool when this gets released i want to see the last caves but i don't think i can go see it and these mesh caves i i don't think i can see them okay this guy just confirmed it i thought it was going to be a oh this one probably 15 mesh caves you'll see it later is it a picture what is that i don't know what that is it's a mesh cave apparently glowberries okay let's peep the glowberries actually let's peep them glow berries glow barriers can you plant them you can't even plant them what do you do with them you just eat them you can't even eat them or maybe you have to be hungry let's run around take damage okay let me in please catastrophe thanks for gifting 10. thank you and guys use your twitch prime who has a twitch prime do you know you can link your amazon account and get a free sub it's literally free guys free twitch prime sub right now it's free all you have to do link your amazon account to your twitch account and then click subscribe and click prime and you get one free sub every month you might not even realize that you have a free sub right now just try it just try do it try it see what happens you get a free sub you get access to like i have like 60 emotes you can get access to all the emails and guess what it's um wait oh i was going to say it's in subordinate it literally is someone just put it in sub only mode oh wait it's not even in suburban mode wait is it now oh i disabled it now i enabled it it wasn't sub only it's in sub only but if you want to type in the chat right now you can do it for free by twitch priming you can do it for absolutely free and also if you have twitch prime if you have sub you don't get any ads so when i press this button that's going to run one minute of ads you get no ads and it's perfect hi can you please say hi to me my name is lisa hi lisa hello guys i'm gonna run a 60 second ad break get your twitch prime in because i'm gonna show you something really cool i promise it's going to be really cool after this 60 second ad break it's going to be the coolest thing you're going to want to stick around i'm going to run 60 seconds of ads guys you can twitch prime right now to get away from it you want to get away from the ads get away from the ad twitch prime twitch prime twitch prime i'm gonna drink from my twitch prime bottle look it's not focusing focus oh my god focus you see this that means you should twitch prime that logo means twitch prime john thanks for gifting another 10 thank you hey look who's priming blanket official [ __ ] dxzy g8 m-beans um rigby caitlyn uh uh wait it's going too quickly it's going too quickly uh hazel is cool i can't like read a name shoe see roll moon lover guys thank you for subbing thank you for subbing thank you thank you who else is sobbing dinosaur soup uh priyanka chloe controllers kyle lauren little fishbell uh jazz musty uh actually brianna yoshi guys twitch prime it's actually free i'm gonna run on the ad i'm gonna run a minute of ads i'm gonna run a minute of ads i'm pressing the button right now i did it i did it i press the button you guys have an ad unless you twitch primed in which case in which case you don't have a minute of ads and you can listen to me um say really cool things that i'm about to say such as um hello um here look we're back in minecraft oh guys you guys see me eat the berries the non-subs don't get to see it i'm eating the berries and it was really anti-climactic it was really anticlimactic but that's fine that's completely fine um god you said you might release new milf it's uh new much for six mil and i'm in desperate need of some new children i found your merch can be found at it can be found at georgetown final shop so yeah um i i did plan to have new merch for six mil but it wasn't ready in time and um i want to make sure it's perfect so like i have to get some the samples sent over to me um from america so it takes some time and like it has to be made and adjustments i wanted to be to be perfect like the first sample i got i wasn't happy with it so i we had to adjust some things um so it wasn't ready in time so um yeah it i don't i don't know when it's gonna come out basically i don't know but hopefully soon and if i if i if i speed up anymore it subs it it might be for seven mil i don't know um but i don't know i don't know there's they're sending me a sample that should arrive within the week and then if it's good then we'll be good to go so maybe next week we'll see we'll see see this is the secret info that only the subscribe um but yeah thank you guys so much for the subs who subbed let's see or auras wish cubs 1120 cecilia layla hq amac bella herbert thank you guys for the thank you so much for the primes thank you um did i have anything else to say i don't know um i think so that was that was the 1.17 snapshot that's all i wanted to show you guys today i i didn't actually have a plan other than showing this so i don't know what else i'm going to do i might just end the stream honestly because i've got nothing else to do and i i only really streamed because i felt bad for lurking in my offline chat and people thought i was gonna go live so so i'm here but i'm glad i did because i had fun this was a good stream exploring the new update and i hope you guys enjoyed it too i don't know is there anything else i could do it's like really hot in my room guys follow the stream if you're not following click the follow button as well that's completely free as well follow follow follow how many followers are we at two million five hundred twenty eight thousand when you get to three million like how do i have more followers on tick tock than on twitch how oh quackity called me and i i didn't it didn't go through here i'm gonna tell my phone off do not disturb so then i can see his messages i don't know what he called me for okay [Music] hi today is my birthday and i wanted to oh it's my friend's birthday i want to surprise her can you possibly say happy birthday natalie happy birthday natalie happy birthday so i've shown the update we've got a sunset and um oh quackity appears to be be bad at me what wait i spelled what wrong what yeah i love you so much oh he's calling me i love you so much can you say hi to my hi to me my name is fletcher hello fletcher okay here's quack d i'm live what do you want why are you mad at me you texted me you texted me out of nowhere hello or like my phone was on do not disturb and you you called and messaged me and sent me two weirdly uh emojis wait i don't know what they mean out of nowhere you just text me hello well like i didn't know what did you want something why did you call me and text me why didn't you text me hello i don't know okay i i was just responding to you no you started a new conversation by saying hello are you like in bed or something what did you say to me are you in bed yeah how can i tell how do i know let me introduce me wait because what because you talk to me john thank you for the 10. say thanks thank john for the 10 gifted subscribers thanks john for gifting me 10 subs oh quackety speaking of gifted subs would you like to tell the stream what happened yes quack see i'll tell them if you agree to play jackpots with me ah i want to go to bed are you kitty you really you really called me early in the morning you're like let's stream and let's do a train let's train it up yeah but like you were meant to be on my stream but then i'm out of nowhere no no warning no nothing you go live what am i supposed i'm sorry okay this is what happened this is what happened i like opened up my twitch chat i don't know why i did it i just opened it for some reason and then i went and got food and then i came back upstairs and like my whole twitch chat was like go live good luck oh my god he's here he's gonna go live oh my god and like twit everyone on twitter was saying go live go live go live and like everyone thought i was going live i was like oh my god i'm tired i don't want to stream but then everyone's like oh guys he's not going live why's not going live he he's like he's like he's like teasing us why are you doing this and i was like alright fine i'm gonna go live so i went live and like so yeah that's the story yeah all right well listen i'll do the thing i'll do the thing okay i'll do the thing if you agree to play jack box with me tomorrow what time uh around this time i can't guarantee i'll be awake i mean i probably will will you try but here's the thing here's the thing you need to do the thing anyway so like you don't you don't have room for negotiation here oh okay how about this i'll make a good effort to be there for your stream tomorrow i'll attempt to be on your jackpot stream tomorrow are you trying to just like plug your jack box stream tomorrow maybe not tomorrow we'll see let me i am not so thank you for gifting five so wait are you are you doing the thing all right guys so this is what happened yesterday oh you want me to tell them okay i'll tell them unless you want to tell them so yesterday me and quackty played speedrunners which is a game which i played on stream that one time and quacky was like oh oh i've been training george i'm so good at the game i'm gonna beat you um and we played a few games and we had this one game that was really close and he was like all right you want to bet on the next game we have to play this map though because i know this map we play the map and it was for 50 gifted subs so quackity i believe it is i believe it is time to pay your debt uh i just tried to save payment decline you run out of money i'm going to take a low now payment declined what happened daddy the baddie thanks for giving five what happened you can't give me you you can't money where's your money quack you lost it all i don't know you lose it all like gambling or something what'd you do no i you know you know what i mean what did he do i okay i gambled it okay i gambled my goddamn money and deal with it okay because there's nothing i can do about it i can't pay you now this is really sad oh you're gonna take money from a man with no money you lost all your money i don't have well my payment was declined to be fair i bought one pack of chicken breasts today at the grocery maybe all my money was put into that how how expensive was this it was this chicken no it must have been like what like four dollars that was your last four dollars yeah well you know how it is yeah all right you know what oh my god i was about to gift 500 yes terrible that would have been 50 gifted subs from quacking hq thank you quackty why didn't you do 500. you wouldn't have got a refund there'd be no refunds and skyler's daily thanks for gifting five thank you wow quacky paying his debts look at that let's go are you happy that you took money from me that you took money from me i am absolutely like i am you know i'm happy to take the money because guess what if i'd lost which i almost did actually wasn't it like three two it's first of three rounds i think it was three two it was close like i this could have been the other way around well you know wait is that a bad boy hello ratimo oh it is he added he added a rat emote bad boy 31 rat what why is his emo tag bad boy 31 i have a cool email as well i have a roblox dream wait what is it wait what's your thing wait where oh i see it quack wait your thing is quacky quacky dream one what is your thing i don't know what happened quacky quacky dream one i just typed it did it work wait oh my god the whole chat is that it's getting tired people are getting timed out wait it doesn't even work am i like not a dr wait what oh my god am i not a quackity sub oh you're you're a loser in your own stream i can't believe it was a capital d did it work that time it's a capital d wait i can't see i can't see did it work i i maybe i'm not even subbed to i don't even know am i subbed to you i don't know you're not subbed to me wait let me check what i'm checking slash george not found i still can't believe you took my last money [Laughter] have i lost money why did you say it like that straight up no i am subbed to you dream one wait i'm trying to type it again oh now it works wait so so then you replace it like that is this gonna work oh my god my like what is it then what's all this then wait i'm really trying to like your emotes like they're case sensitive and you really like mess them up like one of them is a capital one of them isn't okay i finally did it look i did it i finally did it like one has a lowercase d one has an uppercase d wait have you seen my um gnf sleep remote look at this yeah look look wait guys you know you can twitch prime right now for free to get the gnf sleep remote guys if you twitch primed to george right now you can get the sleeper emo and then afterwards you can go and subscribe to me too yeah you can look at the gnf sleep remote i really wait i actually really like that yeah you can twitch prime for it and get it right now for the low price of literally zero literally zero link espresso is gifting five subs thank you link espresso let's go so you're streaming tomorrow quacksy uh hmm yeah probably or probably the day after tomorrow not sure oh but i'm hoping for tomorrow okay yeah okay that's cool you can set up a spicy lobby a spicy lobby guys are you guys ready to pop off you ready to pop off i like woken up ever since you've like come on the phone i'm like i'm ready to pop off i'm ready to pop off right now he's popping off he's popping off time uh what's up with you and let's go and luigi like when did that happen you came up with that you can did i yeah you started doing that and it stuck it stuck to you like a honey block yeah you influenced me because you're an influencer oh that's me albert thanks for giving five hi can you and quickly say happy birthday aphra i don't know can we no we can't oh my god quacky really said not happy birthday oh i forgot i was meant to say this was my birthday stream i forgot to do that you can't have your birthday after mine okay it's my birthday next stream guys oh my god because quirky gets an extra birthday next stream is my birthday put it mark it down in your car the next stream my birthday was on valentine's day because i was really lonely on valentine's day that's why i made it my birthday that day yeah but you're just gonna make your birthday on a random day yeah because that's gonna be my day i'm gonna i'm gonna have a second birthday okay you know you know vg thanks for getting ten thank you thank you thank you wait why is it not doing the thing say let me should do it maybe you should do it like saints patrick day or something why so you can give it like a reason like say like oh um just be like let's go let me in let me oh my god wait the primes are rolling in jo oh my god george not clothes just subbed with prime george george george listen to me all right i'm listening listen to me i have a proposal yes you fly out to america i go on i take you on a drive to your very first base pro shops or bass i don't know what to call it bass pro shops have you ever been to a bass pro shops george no a bass pro shops is like the most the most store that you we probably could honestly we probably could so what you do is you fly to america someone just hosted me with 30 viewers mccoy does things thank you let's go let's go gamers screaming oh you're being toxic wait what wait how's that toxic you're being rude that's no that's an excuse to actually get you to stream more what am i going to stream there's no content left see you you were you were you were unintentionally toxic there no jello not found thanks for gifting five thank you i was trying to do a good thing for the people and then you just turned it into me being toxic you you've i'm jonathan thank you you've successfully manipulated me that's what you've done how okay let's continue so we go to this shop to do what to see it it's like a it's like a it's like a disneyland but for like republicans is that what you are it's a republican disneyland because there's like hunting stuff there's like boats there's like there's like uh oh that's where i got my t-shirt do you want to see what my teacher says okay everyone's trying to raid me now it doesn't work guys it doesn't work unless you have a certain number of viewers i'm gonna show you my t-shirt okay the one i got there and show it on stream okay how am i gonna show it to them just show your phone on stream oh advisory number one way of to avoid coronavirus go fish yes yes what do you think george i think that's kind of weird all right well now i have to hang up to go back to normal call hello he hung up on me but he's going to call me back he's going to call me back there it is quirky i'm streaming i'm streaming i'm streaming i'm streaming what i'm streaming [Laughter] why did you grab the t-shirt like that why did you do that i was gonna like i was gonna like get put in like in a little ball and then i realized how weird that looked when i grabbed this shirt like that after that's why that's why i immediately like put my hand under like oh shoot wait can you actually can you guys actually say happy birthday afro i don't know can we we don't need it twice i don't know can we okay you know what i'll say i feel bad now happy birthday afro wait how do you how do you can you spell that a-f-r-a happy birthday aphra why i need to say the exact same way that i said it dude no no i grabbed it i didn't grab it like that on purpose it was like i just grabbed it [Music] george tomorrow pancake get i almost said pancake gay pancake day perfect excuse for a birthday wait is it really what did you say wait is that pancake day pancake gay guys um that would actually be perfect if i could do my cooking stream i can't do it yet though i can't do it yet i just can't i can't i can't because you don't know how to cook he's actually taking cooking no i know how to make pancakes i know how i know how i do i use the one two three method you know what that is what the hell's a one two three method it's one hundred grams of flour two eggs and three hundred milliliters of milk and you mix it all together and then guess what pancake mixture then you put it in the pan and then you it makes a pancake what's so funny about that oh my god i just oh my god i'm looking at it now it's eminem weird he's like it's hard to me just to grab a boob why did he grab it like that your face your face when i grabbed it your face when i don't know okay i don't know john with another 10 thank you and jasmine with five thank you guys thank you for the gifted because i was you guys should go to the base bass pro shop pyramid and memphis what does that mean is so fun they have like a pyramid yeah there's this it's like it's literally like number seven biggest pyramid in the world and it's like they're just flexing what do they sell they sell random stuff yeah yeah yeah bestie you're not on minecraft anymore oh yeah so like it's like it's like think in your head alabama okay think it like alabama i don't know what alabama is like i know that stay but like and imagine all those but they opened up a store that's what that story is oh okay got it can you say happy birthday olivia i love you and everything is going to be okay i've said it there you go happy birthday olivia oh you speed ran it's manhunt conjoined twins you can pair up with dream and work together to beat the end while being chased by sapnap conjoined with bad or something along those lines oh it's like that video where you're like stuck together oh that video was so hard i remember that video i don't think we could do a manhunt like that it would be like it'd be too hard like the movement i remember the movement on that was just like ridiculous like it wouldn't be a proper manhunt it would be like a joke like it wouldn't feel like an actual manhunt it would just be like a comedy video um but yeah i don't know do you have anything else to say quacky or am i done am i done no george no i don't i don't quackety am i done streaming for the say day alabama alabama resell wait my thing just glitched hey like minecraft and then look at this wait look it's the pyramid oh no way are you from the pyramid yeah wait ducks unlimited what does that even mean uh i don't know what's that to do with you wait what what did you say nothing it's fun for me just to grab a boob all right i think i think that right there is a signal to end the stream so guys thank you for coming to the stream it was kind of unplanned but also kind of planned uh i mean you didn't even tell me where you were yeah it was unplanned that i didn't actually want to stream but then it was fine because it was fun and then 10 seconds before i was like wait i can just look at the new update because that's kind of cool and i can tie some like crazy update and it's kind of clickbait but it's not clickbait oh my god goodnight george good stream hope you stream again soon i will try to guys click the follow button it's free and then you know when i screaming next click it click it click it please please please please please follow me please i want to be i want to get three million followers please my tick tock account has more followers than my twitch like i spent hours and hours on this twitch account on tick tock it takes like 20 seconds and i'm done like how does that make sense bro he's oh my god that clip is everywhere one click oh the t-shirt one i stopped i saw my camera like wait this is you messed up you messed up you messed up hey jojo great can you please say hi to my buddy ashton hello ashton hello so yeah thanks guys thanks for the subs thanks for the followers thanks for the donors thank you guys i almost like threw up for some reason i'm like i feel sick i was like i feel sick i feel sick i'm sick of you quackity ew i'm gonna drink this water so yeah boom thanks for coming to the stream you know what i'm gonna run ads three minutes of them but the stream's over so you can leave now but if you're subbed here's three minutes of extra content bye guys it's fun for me just to grab okay we have to talk to the to the subs for three minutes what do we talk about this is the sub only content this is what they paid for all right all right listen i'll tell you one thing i'll tell you one thing all right okay i think no i have nothing no no we have to this is the sub only content well i'm very excited because i'm multi enchiladas that's one thing um yeah yeah they're like they're like green you wanna send me a picture when i get them no i'm gonna google them and [ __ ] [Music] i can just i can say i don't like the look of a food it just looks too mushy no no go to enchiladas and then type in s-u-i-z-a-s okay these look a bit smoother these ones look nicer jasmine thanks for gifting five no i'm not cancelled i'm not cancelled i am not cancelled [Music] so wait there's a minute and a half of sub only content what do i say guys um uh why can i stream for two hours straight and then i have three minutes to do something interesting i can't wait what if i do this ready this is this is epic sub content ready [Music] ready here we go here we go i've got the speed run music on wait oh my god let's go stop it's for the subs he's speed bridging [Music] oh parkouring through a mooshroom bomb what will he do next what will he do what will he do yes up the mountain he goes he's out he's only 360 backwards no scope 360 720 xd lump foul [Music] over the bridge under the bridge backwards down the subway i don't know why i said that [Music] this isn't allowed it's not allowed [Music] [Music] thank you for streaming before you go can we get a fit check also if your cooking stream is entirely pancake gay then you're wrong um i didn't do fit checks okay i don't do them yeah cause you have no i've got no friends you actually have no pants on right now that's not true if there's something bad with that i don't either all right guys thanks for coming to the stream that's definitely the moment that i end the stream um and i'm going to read a person that i'm not going to say baby plus my pain has gotten out of toady george george listen to me yes listen to me george you have to read my channel after what you have to read my channel read what no rage a rage or offline channel yes no i think i'm okay all right bye cookie are you leaving me no i'm staying here i'm just saying i'm just saying bye kogi okay who do i read uh let's see who's life right now who's lawyer you can you can you can head over to the retirement center and raid a good old old field he's playing minecraft he's just chilling he's just chilling he's just killing oh ramu just went live what's he doing creating a rich as well they're okay so we've got rambo and dream s p oh we got filzer and hardcore on hardcore minecraft so guys you can choose you can go to either foolish gamers or foolish gamers what's he doing he's foolishly gaming he's gaming like a phone he's playing s p who do we want oh my god who do we want that's crazy no one likes no one likes old man phil so that's kind of [ __ ] who do we want no we can do a poll we can do a poll wait dreams calling me oh all right bye quackity yeah bye bye then dream i'm live gym i'm live gym i'm live george how's what why would he do that why would he do that why would he do that all right guys uh all right well it would appear rambu won the poll that's weird why would rambo win the poll it's almost like he's got the most viewers that would vote for him what if this was all a trick and i'm gonna raid the person with the least votes wait quack he's calling me again what george i'm stuck [Laughter] oh my god okay this is whatever who do i read i feel like i should read the person with the least votes just because like you know i don't know if people want to it doesn't even make a difference like if i raid the person with the least votes the people that voted for the person with the most votes this is gonna leave anyway and go to that person you know you guys go you guys go do what you want i'm gonna end the stream who do i raid though you know what let's see i'm just gonna i'm gonna do this i'm gonna i'm gonna do this i'm to raid an order of view count lowest view count just to help them out you guys go do what you want after with raid it's fine and um yeah bye guys bye goodbye goodbye oh i spot her terribly wrong okay bye bye bye bye bye bye oh let me in please who said that quackity's 50 gifted are you serious okay bye guys
Channel: GeorgeNotFound Streams
Views: 1,392,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, The New Minecraft 1.17 Update Is Insane!, minecraft hunting, minecraft vs, Dream Minecraft, George Minecraft youtube, George Minecraft channel, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.14 survival, minecraft 1.15 survival, minecraft 1.16 survival, georgenotfound highlights, georgenotfound live, georgenotfound streams
Id: BcaWMtmA-n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 30sec (8430 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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