Minecraft, But Everywhere We Look Turns To Bedrock...

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minecraft but everywhere we look turns to bedrock in this video I code it so everywhere we look turns into bedrock this makes it way harder to pretty much do anything and make sure to watch till the end I don't want to give away any spoilers but something epic happens and if you're not subscribed what are you doing just subscribe it's free alright so everything is telling to better he's top let's get wood Oh what these ruin my tree I'm Norman area dreams haha alright I made some this here I'm going down here wait did you make a bench yeah okay oh no you can't look away from it break it okay come break it okay I'm breaking it okay are you oh wait what haha how much stone gee what we both need to use at same time dude I only have eight it's so hard to mine like this you keep getting it for you I need a pickaxe as well okay I'm just I'm placing the bench down I don't care if it disappears I don't even need a sword like I don't need a sword I'm looking away from that all right by their eater oh no I you dared me I'm gonna get some coal else but huh wait why don't you check this cave it might be iron okay this cave sucks oh my god everything is just bedrock oh look at the water we can walk on water wait can we get fish oh oh wait oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah mr. Krabs they call this food over here oh yeah I ran by it okay look you can kill the mobs with it there's so much food here this is amazing look at me walk across the water here I go yeah yeah oh I have nice burn I'm only cooking one food anyway why don't what he's the core just wait what what would you do oh my god is because I place a torch grab the fork put him in this one hurry okay stop looking at it oh there's chicken here that's no chicken I mean all right let's just Jesus across there what the water dream oh okay oh my god mrs. died Oh oh yeah the water could be dangerous oh my god I'm gonna watch out don't go in the water if you fall in the water you're dead you can't we can't even get fish oh it's almost nighttime oh all these vines are deadly oh there's a skeleton oh where are you I'm getting him I'll chew him you're gonna die you're so dead what just came through the bedrock are we cooking yeah yeah hey wait wait place it wait oh no what if I could creeper comes or something we should go up in the tree oh wait no I'm looking at it oh we have to wait a little bit we could have made two furnaces were like just sitting in the same one we could have had on the way you went into this furnace you didn't stop never it's okay hey doing were supposed to say George stop being an idiot watch this I don't watch this actually because I'm using I have a furnace oh yeah I don't have any coal whatever just use well I don't have any I don't I don't okay we're great come on hurry up and cook I want some pork in my belly dream maybe just do Oh I tried to sneak what you were doing calculate I have 27 uncooked pork now Oh Edmund well this this Enderman is like teleporting away from me tied to an end of it my axe broke I better get there before my stuff T spawns how'd I do an Enderman is like the first time I can't wait to finish cooking this food I'm so excited and yes all right all the foods cooks dream okay we need we need iron we need iron we need cave oh I see the iron I see it yeah don't look at her you gotta look at your toast thing I'm looking at it there's more that it's wrong right now became here like above you don't know cobbler you gotta be careful oh I see I see I see don't look oh I almost looked at it all right so you'll just worry about what I didn't see any I didn't see them I am in capital now being more cat boy list this cave is packed to the brim of goodies there oh there's a mineshaft always so many mobs here oh oh my god dream itsu me mo upstream I'm good I actually Berea ah oh my god what am i doing they're gonna live I'm gonna live i I like completely freaked out and just like just being an idiot I need a hill though oh my god that was close I just killed the iron I hate this there's so many mobs here where are you we need to meet up I found lava I found lava dream we can go to the nether come to me that's gotta be diamonds down here this so much stuff I'm running out I don't know where I came from I don't know where to go I'm kind of trapped no diamonds okay actually yes okay I'm going to be careful not to look at them okay I'm making a furnace I'm gonna smell clay I don't even have an iron pickaxe right well what's your exact words wait where are you oh you're there okay be camera here be careful the diamonds are right around this corner I'm being careful okay I'm making the pickaxe their way dream they're right behind you just be careful I can't get rid of the water thus Alex you ready I got one I got two all right so I have 18 iron plus 4 that's gonna be 22 so I can't even make for lion-o no food okay oh I I just deleted my furnace and today I'm getting it okay there's more diamonds wait right oh there are there's so many wait you'll be careful for that we could get hello I'll get rid of the lava get four hey whatever I'm just mining oh there was two behind there so annoying there's two that we like comrade I just looked on accident I did I mess it up sure that was me there's another one out of that what the hell is this creeper make it in okay look at him look at him look at this place okay yeah you okay you know what you do it this pickaxe I don't trust myself okay nice I got it I bet there's more diamonds there's got to be we have enough okay there's at least one more that I saw at least one more that I saw okay we mark this I'm looking distally just get them like there's so many diamonds we don't even need anymore what do we need more for if this was a regular a regular challenge we would literally have full diamond Hey maybe not very close to it was we need the creeper to come and explode this right here right oh this is cream it's the scream stream this creepers don't look at it yeah it's that it's that dirt right there yeah okay Becker great they'll be diving underneath it echoing creeper right there no it broke every block except white don't look down little done okay here we go this step right here which one the front one on the back one the front one the front one the one close to the creeper yeah here we go just do it yeah what wait did we get one all right begin this mine announced yes like may combine it yeah so I'm making diamond boots iron leggings helmet a chess play I'm just gonna try to get a flood this isn't really thinking that many tries I go on I go on making a flint and steel I just realized we're gonna have to make the pool this is gonna be should have made a diamond pickaxe why because it can be almost impossible to do this let's let's try it we have to do at the same time because as soon as I look away you've Citians gonna turn to bedrock no the obsidian doesn't change oh you're right okay okay okay that's good then we're good place a lava a nice place of water here yeah right already three two one go okay nice wait why do we start here we can't even okay dream we're just starting again over there okay let's do it all right very nice over here yeah oh wait oh no but now look now we're in now the bedrocks inside the portal I know but you need it from the other side here no you have to make the portal over here okay yeah okay we do hey I put the lava here hey I'm listening I'm listening to you whatever backup okay yup we're gonna place it on top of that one yeah okay now on top of that top of that one wait okay yeah whatever it's fine but now we have to write go across now I know listen we're gonna do the other one just let me get it oh hey I know how this is gonna get scum in there okay go do it okay go okay go okay all right now the roof is gonna be the heart oh my good how we have what we have to do it because we can't place it in we have to do this you're gonna place lava on one of the bedrocks I'm gonna place water above it okay choose one and go yes all right now the other one go yes no it's fine it's the port is the port we can we can look upon we can look up photos okay let's just go through yeah we have food right we have loads of food oh no this is bad spawn I don't like this um it looks like it goes out into the open up there okay okay open under this fortress right there let's go nice okay let's go look at the blaze ball I'll try not to well I got two more diamonds nice wait what does that mean what do we do with them how many four yeah we can we can make a third pair of boots oh that's a spawner the fence is around it right up there right up here oh okay we're gonna get around here hurry hurry hurry I'm trying ahh are you in I'm in ok nice you bought one okay I'm so totally gonna look at it oh my gosh I'm just looking at the wall you're hating me I'm not hitting you alright I have to I have to okay I'm zero I have one actually I to look at it okay I'm just running I found another one there's nothing here it's three blazes here nice kill it I got another one I got another another blaze rod huh oh I looked at the spawner Oh God know the ways at least okay I killed them I got one okay I've got four I've got me so I think I just looked at it I did I looked at this boner how many's you have not enough but there's new blazes left that we can kill okay that's just pray they need these too and like hopefully they drop just be careful because wait how many do you have oh that one didn't drop one oh please he dropped yes he dropped one it went in the lobby oh we did it rockin the Blazer I didn't fall in lava nice look at it oh there it is I know it was like that was that was lava but I looked at it turned a better or like while it was falling how many do you have now honey please rise I have four I have five that's that's enough let's go let's get out scale the wall bedrock edition oh my god minecraft bedrock edition wow it's almost like I saw that on the comments of my my last video where we did better on the bedrock filling the world minecraft but it's that's gonna be your comments section minecraft but it's actual minecraft bedrock again there it is let's go that was a really successful nether trip now what's really successful you have oh how we gonna get out of here I don't know oh we can't just dig out we can't we can't we're gonna have to find a way out but I already have three pearls so it's okay I think this way is the way out here's the mineshaft okay nice longer probably just right oh it's right up there I think we'll be up here alright um I don't think we were from up here but oh okay be in here at least wait this is sunlight here we go there's like no way we're so good yes I'm gonna daytime is beautiful let's go alright throw that into right see what goes oh nice let's go look I come here like I mean I'm not even doing focus you were doing on purpose I was look at all these cows what is this like moo moo Meadows or something you know moving meadows no only people in the comments I want moving meadows I hate you I hate you No okay it was partially my fault but you've killed it oh it's behind oh wait it's right here wait what is that you right here oh it's that oh nice I got it um okay so we need to look for it mark these chords and we need to look for like a cave around here somewhere that leads down oh my who's keeper here wait really so we wanna go in that general it's not a cave you suck you want me excited oh this isn't a cave either uh we actually I don't know if this is possible we might have to look around oh there's another cave here oh this camera here oh well this one goes deep oh it's dead end oh no it's not kuzey because really deep okay is this story towards another fortress left the never go down or the stronghold stronghold that's a dead end down there I think ooh be careful dude what there's um in this mine shaft there's railings if we look at the railings it'll trap us oh okay so be careful just look up and come through here okay oh it's like a cave spawner this gun I think we're going towards that think so it's a clueless creepers that's it it's right there all right let's go wait don't look at the slab center cut the slabs oh my god oh wait if we look at the buttons to press them how are we gonna get through this soon as we look at the door trying to better our can you like oh you can look at the bus in them click it I know we can go yeah but then but then what if we get trapped in the next room okay so this is gonna be weird how we're gonna have to do this George because if we look at the door yeah the door is gonna turn into bedrock do we have to we have what we have to do is I have to press this button and you're looking at the button no okay but I have to press this button and then we both have to somehow get through this door without looking at it without looking at it okay so look at the bottle empresa so as soon as I press it we both have to run through the door together otherwise okay just well yeah yeah yeah that just press the button all right you ready yeah three two one go another Chester I'm not hey wait is wait this is Paul are you through I'm I'm not oh I did a button on the other side there's a button on the other side I ruined the button on my side okay you can save me okay be careful I might bill to get through anyway but oh I can purl through okay wait how do we get through here oh wait we can we can just get through all right but we have to keep looking we have to keep looking at me to the ground I don't we have to do there's no need to look at the hinge when you open it right yeah please open up hey I'm going through it up look up and go through do not look at the door look all the way up just look straight up you won't break the door if you look up and walk through don't bump me I can hear an Enderman I'm through No oh my god dream I'm gonna stop messing up have pearls what if we get stuck in here oh my god oh okay all right we're just gonna hope it's gonna go if we get there and we can't oh my god okay so wait you see it yes I see it I see it come on get a walk no okay you wait here oh you know what is not a creeper there's not a creeper there's another creeper being exploited okay come here huh no oh I'm trapped okay I might be able to push myself through but it's risky wait hang on dying wait these might distort I did I did wait how oh I know how trapdoors trapdoors Chuck oh yes okay trapped Ostrom oh my god we could just done that before no no that wasn't trapdoors you what I did was I looked at the door I have a top half and then I broke the top half so the bottom half broke and then I got and then I was just put holding W so it pushed me through okay but we can use trap those anyway alright we can yeah let's make him let's make them oh there's a pearl in the chest okay nice I'm going in are you going in what I'm in oh you mean in the portal room hey no I'm going in to the end okay you can look at the frames that's fine hey let's just get rid of oh okay okay so I don't have any pose anymore I have three so we can we have four therefore there's seven so there's one two three four five six seven eight nine we can place it one of them dries that's what I had okay so now we need eight and how many pawns you have three three right now so he's need five I already heard an Enderman I don't know when you find that in demand he was over here I think where was that wait he's so close yeah he's so close I think he's over this this wall wait what no what he's like in this wall or something diamonds oh my god I have five how many you have I have three maybe get chess play okay oh I found Hanuman okay I'm getting ice I'm in like a whole mineshaft you can probably find lots of stuff here oh I got on the Pope okay nice so wait how many do we need five five Oh Slenderman here there's an item here okay I got one I got one I got I got everything is killing me my die am i dying there's no right over here nice kill em kill em skeleton never come back try to kill an Enderman there's like ten mobs trying to be like his bodyguard so you only need three three more pearls and if you got one nice we need to two more I need two more okay I've got a bow I have six arrows as well Lerman kill it kill it kill it I'm telling you dream kill it oh my gosh they're so powerful I didn't drop one I know it did we need one more yeah I'm most pleased yes I see an end Minh okay I'm here in the bees drop one I want this challenge to end please please where is he come on yes we got it wait what is what we actually done how many do you have uh six six we need to make work back now without like about messing anything up okay so we need to go towards that dream 1950 we may have blocked ourselves off 1915 it's just like through hair I think if I just trapdoor through here okay 1915 885 unless this way oh did you place it okay come on oh oh wait oh are we through no turn around okay okay wait oh my god okay get there okay okay okay I'm not wait we've this is the way I think I remember this way do i I don't know oh yeah I roll pretty that tres with nothing in there like wait is it just hit is it just hit this is it this is it wait wait wait where are we oh yeah this is it 1815 it's like right above us it's literally right above us how do we get up there huh okay oh it's up we need go above it's above wait can we go up it's up here I think hang on I'm pretty oh it's right up here turn up here huh wait this is it why is it so dog okay all right let's go plenty to give to oh my gosh we just go through it way are we ready wait stop I have beds I bet we're making beds I wait here Bobo for me give me bow okay here's your bow Javaris yeah how many just sleep here when you just leave makeup put a bench down and give me some planks oh no because then the bed gets broken oh yeah we can't sleep we can use these to kill the Ender Dragon though maybe a little bit no I will here oh let's make this let's make that I lost my bed I have I have okay okay we only have one shot of this then I I seriously I'm not getting any any gravel I mean any Flynn oh my god I've done it like a cool room with bedrock at this rate I actually am high every bedrock here is a failed gravel what is happening oh my god oh my god many more blocks good I have 12 blocks like how are we gonna kill this dragon okay let's get some cobble before we you don't even have a water bucket now you're gonna die I have a sack of box okay I think with I have no water anymore though we need to get pearls when we get through we need to kill some inner man okay alright guys should we just go okay okay I'll go first wait here okay come through okay tower tower over you tower okay I'm just getting off this edge because I don't want the dragon to come screw us boom nice now we can't look at them to this trailer I'm definitely not about to go the Dragons right here oh yeah look out look out look out I'm destroying this healing thing no I was about to shoot that one but you got it oh when we look at the healing things in the in the cages it just turns the cage better our oh that's bad be careful nice I just wrote one the ones in the cages I got one with the trash nice yes okay I'm getting this one up here this is the anything we're using a hurry spot did I get it on nice nice you got it okay cuz I can't hear where did we get all of them well no no this one third one third Wow oh yeah okay okay I'm just gonna you go near it and I'm gonna shoot and you tell me if you hear ready Oh bang you hit it okay I think that's it here we go this is the dream this is it ooh oh okay dude and I'm low okay I'm eating yes we're doing lots of damage I'm scared he's gonna she's gonna poop me it's fine good please please dream I saw those there my life flashed before my eyes oh oh okay never again hey come come on drew okay oh wait don't eat us okay oh this complete this allowed to be it this could be it could be in this please please please please please please okay don't go back don't go back don't go back come back get up oh my god okay how does that you die if you die I can finish her oh you're dead your life okay we've actually wine we've won show everyone surely dude oh my god yes okay be careful wait for her to come down wait for her to come down there all right this is it let's go no way we have to get we have to get the I destroyed the egg okay whatever I don't need the egg alright guys thanks for watching if you enjoyed make sure to LIKE and subscribe and check our dream he's in the description he's an origami bird I suppose bye
Channel: GeorgeNotFound
Views: 10,809,799
Rating: 4.9363832 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, Minecraft But Everywhere We Look Turns To Bedrock, minecraft bedrock, Dream Minecraft, George Minecraft youtube, George Minecraft channel, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.14 survival
Id: I4fdyLUeVhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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