GeorgeNotFound Builds A House During Dream SMP War...

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kill the with us oh my god there was a giant war on the dream s p minecraft server but instead of fighting in this war i decided to stay safe and build myself a brand new house far from the action also according to youtube statistics only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you enjoy the video please consider subscribing youtube sometimes glitches and unsubscribes you so if you think you're subscribed already please make sure to check you still are and enjoy the video okay so i need to decide where i need to put a house where can i put my house um hello everyone hello hello hello i'm awake yes oh wait i can fix this oh i just i don't have a crafting table hello do you oh a baked potato that's actually quite nice i will take that i don't have any wood okay i can just go oh look at that okay crafting table so i'm just gonna do some just a quick little bit of housework whatever you call it maintaining the bridge you know so um perfect okay so not done about thanks for gifting five subs thank you okay so we need to we need to work out where i can put my house because i actually haven't had a house really for the entire smp like the community house in the spawn at the beginning was my house um but obviously like it's not really a house anymore it's just kind of like a thing i don't know so okay let's just go i like this side of the path i guess this is the only path actually um so i could put my house like i can't really put it here like all the space is taken up um which is kind of annoying so where can i put my house so this is i don't know what that is this is puns house i don't know what what is this oh that's like carl's thing right it's carl's polar bear what's this oh i've been in there that's harry potter's house and there's like some things here where can i put my house like i actually don't know where i can put it so this is walmart this is there's like actually no space left on the s p everyone's taken this good spaces where can i go uh this tower thingy tommy's house another tower thing um i mean i could live in in the wall nah skeppy and bad's house where can i live what if i'm moving next door to skeppy and bad like i live like right there like right there wait what's that oh there's something over there there's something like everywhere i don't know why there's like literal things everywhere everywhere okay what if i can't this is kind of too far away like i don't want to be this far away your hair looks great you better have paid your mom maybe i did maybe i didn't no she did it for free wait where can i where can i i don't know i don't know i'm going back i'm going backwards i'm going backwards but thank you for the donation how do i say my name oh carly someone thank you carly so i'm going back i think this is too far away where's all my food i have some steak oh okay well i'm going to go who's that oh it's carl hello you can have a slab have slab oh callahan's here as well leaving now i have to make a house bye why because i don't have one surely he knows i don't have a house all right bye carl see you later um yeah it's like all this space you haven't had one for months exactly today is the day i finally make a house all right so yeah it's kind of like a big day because i haven't had a house almost this entire smp and like carl said it's been months so i'm just gonna make a house cause like it has to be done it really does um thank you oh look at this boom boom boom boom stupid zombies thank you everyone for subbing as well i can't read out all the subs because there's quite a lot but thank you everyone for subbing i really appreciate it thank you thank you thank you are you supposed to oh yeah that's true i do kind of live with awesome dude you're right but it's just like too far away like that house is too far that was an enderman that house is just too far away and like it's hard to get to like i don't understand how his like methods work i just don't understand so i'm just gonna make a simple house we just need a simple house for a simple george okay i can't i can't be dealing with all these complicated things so let's go check out over this way so actually let's go let's just for his history's sake let's go see my original house so this was my house and now it's converted to a crafting table house which i don't agree with um then i made a secret house down here which you swim down which then got ruined by the sewers that's fine um so you come down the sewers and then this was my house okay believe it or not i lived in this cave you know what i'm gonna take my furnaces back i kind of want them these are all mine okay hey get on my chest is there anything good in there this is my chest it's not my only chest and it's just filled with junk and you took my only good things okay i'll take the bricks they're kind of cool um wood that's kind of good and i can always come back and get this stuff but like kind of useless okay and look like what people just like griefed my house like who comes down here to grief my house i don't understand and then look i had this like way out of my house this is the strip mine wait what okay i look people people are even griefing my exit of my house like okay anyway um wait what look they they they cause callahan to die okay well i fixed that now but yeah like this is the strip mine so you can just swim up and then you can come down and it's really cool there's a strip mine but yeah um that was my old house kind of trash so eric's house is there i don't think there's nothing really over here but there isn't there's an ocean over this way so like there's not that much space i burn you you melt me what what does that mean i burn you you melt me i don't know what that means but thank you for the donation hi george can you say hi to sippy cups dead chinchilla please what hello wait what anyway these donations are confusing me but thank you i appreciate them thank you so actually maybe i could build a house right here there's a nice bit of there's a nice plot of land here whoa this is like from did i put this here was this like the first day of the smp does anyone remember this like i was trying to hide from a from an enderman or something or a zombie was this me i think i put this cobble here like literally the first day of the smp i was gonna destroy it but i don't think i can like i don't know this definitely wasn't me it's like wait who put those fences there what is going on so eric's castle i could put my house here like this right here is alright and i've got a tree farm right next to me so that could be useful should we put it here and i can have my historical monument right in front of my house i'm running out of oh i have 64 mustang never mind that's going to say i'm running out of food is this a good spot or should i go somewhere else oh wait a second hmm let me quickly do something i actually want to um i've decided just now that i no longer want a sound for subs wait how do i do that just because like it's just constantly on like what's the point you know and this is kind of annoying so if i do wait test okay so if i turn that off save someone sub hey look it worked now there's no sound is that good should i keep it like that because it's just like like what's the point you know what do you guys think keep it or leave it okay let's do a poll and wait okay i'll just do it poll uh keep sub sound yes i'm dying it's fine no wait okay so keep say vote yes if you want the sound that goes zing zing or vote no if you think we should just remove it because like there's not really a point right okay 87 are saying no okay look i've just improved the stream now it's a lot quieter all right well that's kind of cool but now i'm not going to know if someone subbed i want to keep this i still want to keep the sound for i think gifted subs are different let's do that okay yeah that one still works okay so gifted subs i'll get a sound for so um only if you just okay that's good right okay anyway um i need to build a house this is like a potential spot yeah let's go this is a big deal because i'm making a house and it could take a while and i'm going to live here whoa that looks like a smiley face look at that i kind of want to like you know how like dream has a smiley face like fundy has a smiley face that could be my new icon someone screenshot that that could be my new icon it's just a smiley face i don't know hi george currently watching you in class can you say hi rochelle and laura also i just turned 18 yay to november birthdays happy birthday and hello rochelle and laura so let's go let's go keep looking around there could be a better place for a house did i pick up your stuff by any chance um uh what did you have i don't remember what he had did he have armor no he had full iron i don't have his iron i think it's still at the bottom of the strip mine uh no he's lying full nether right in tools i remember he was full iron he was full iron he's trying to troll me no no no no uh what's his name again there at bottom of wait oh wait you gifted subs but i think the subs have to catch up like this is a test hang on but john thank you for gifting five subs i think it's gonna pop up wait because it has to go through the subs before it gets to the gifted subs at bottom of strip mine but thank you john for the subs thank you i think it should pop up we'll see we'll see hopefully it works so this is eric's castle let me see over this way actually let me just check something really quickly um checking i'm checking i'm checking i'm checking something it's very important it's very important okay i'm no longer checking okay so over this way like it's a bit harder to build a house over here because it's just like a forest and i'm gonna have to get rid of all the trees it's like the other place was way better whoa what is that what is that right there um who built this who built this why is this here is this bad did bad put this here okay anyway all right this area is kind of cool but it's a bit far away i think the place behind the um i don't have a boat i think the place behind the tree farm is actually good what's that oh i think that's pong's place hey george it's my birthday today and i've been spending it alone it's incredibly nice to watch you stream at the moment could i request a virtual hug for rose if you're willing please thanksgiving hope you're feeling good today i am thank you is here you go vote your hug thank you for the donation and happy birthday um yeah let's go back to the tree farm i'm gonna go back and that's gonna be where my house goes so i don't really i'm not very good at building um so i'm gonna need some inspiration um does anyone want to like um tweet like a a picture of like a cool house to give me inspiration uh here do a hashtag um uh george house and i'll look just put just tweet our pitch of some cool minecraft houses hashtag george house and i will i need some inspiration because i don't i actually don't know i don't know how to build so i'm going back to the tree farm let me load up george house latest okay no one's tweeted it yet okay all right i'll get over there and by the time i get there i expect some cool minecraft houses oh look there's a free boat right here um oh i'm kind of going the wrong way but it's fine just a bit of a detour i'll take the boat hmm don't need that okay so like i don't what do i even have i have cobble i have birch i have brick i mean i can always go get stuff but like right now who's this callahan wait kan are you watching my stream he's been traveling for years can you hear me callahan can you hear me speak to me if you can hear me oh he can hear me okay um okay so do you want to help me build a house yes or no okay callahan's gonna help us come on is gonna help us okay i'm gonna look at the hashtag anything good any good houses okay let's okay actually you know what let's let's show this um actually let's do it in a different browser in an incognito window so nothing gets leaked wait you have to log in why georgenotfound does that work without being logged in it does can i search i can search okay here we go close that okay now i share my screen boom okay so we've got that's kind of nice actually that's actually pretty nice um i don't know if i can do that though what about that one's okay hmm now these are good houses this is good work guys this is a modern house um wait a second oh it's like a um like a house in like a um like a natural house okay this one this one's too much i can't do that one oh there's a zombie behind me okay um yeah um hey george your formal merch just came in the mail today i love it i love your streams have a good one thank you danny this is the formula merch i hope you like it i hope you like it and g clearwater thank you for gifting five subs thank you so this is like this is definitely an interesting design um what is callaghan doing okay kind of like already building but anyway let's just keep looking so okay i don't think i can do this one that's not even that's not even a minecraft house that's i asked for minecraft houses this one's nice a mushroom house i don't know where you get the mushrooms from them stop breaking blocks i can just hear hi i'm in history class right now but i've decided to watch your stream instead can you please say paige do your homework so i have motivation paige do your homework okay do your homework it's important okay this house is like a little um it's too small this one's like skeppy and bad's house it's very modern so i liked actually like one of the top ones that i saw oh it's gone now oh no okay it's in it's like in order of latest where was the one that i saw that that was nice like literally the first one that i saw what the this was like a triangle um george i have found out i'm colorblind and it's a shock i was wondering if you had any coping methods with it as i only found out the other day and i don't know what to do if you have any ideas that would be great um oh and rpg there you go thank you for giving five subs so um yeah i don't honestly like i don't know how i would react if i found out just now but um like a lot of my life isn't really i don't know how severe yours is as well but like most of my life isn't really impacted that too too much um like you don't need to know colors for a lot of things um obviously it's like nice and all but i don't know like i honestly don't know like what to say to that um i don't know how did you just find out i don't know where was that house that i was looking at though that first one that i saw oh here's that one that one's really good it was before that did they delete their tweet this one's cool but like it's what if i do this right and then it goes down into like a cool house below you know um where was the one that was like that i liked oh wow look potentially sensitive content here let me just see what that is is that like helping me not show bad stuff let me look what that is oh no it's just a house what do you mean potentially sensitive content look at this potentially sensitive content right here that is i'm glad twitter blocked these out for me upside down house that's interesting upside down house um that one's cool um oh yeah look the gifted subs work thank you g clay water again thank you um gross minivan donate 20 but no message thank you gross minivan thank you so where did that house go where was that first house look i really want that one back like literally like the first one that i saw okay maybe it's this one but it says it's sensitive so i'm gonna check this one's nice actually but that one is nice are these like campfires that have been put out that's pretty smart um yeah where did that house go do you guys know which one i'm talking about it was like almost the first one i saw oh i actually had a house like this like a million years ago well like 10 years ago probably um i made a house in the side of my mountain like that here let me check the sensitive content it's not this one okay i'm really upset where is this cool house that i saw i don't know where it is okay we'll find a better one we'll find a better one okay let's scroll houses houses houses um can you say hi to gabby and daniel hello gabby and daniel thank you for the bits thank you mushroom house i kind of like the mushroom house mushroom house what do you think about the mushroom house this one's cool like this is like there's so much detail hi george build.hobbit house it will fit you well considering how short you are what if i do build a hobbit house hey let me block this out hobbit house minecraft images um okay boom i mean this one's cool okay you know what i'm gonna do a hobbit house but not because i'm small i'm actually average height but they just look cool and i like lord of the rings mushroom house what if we do hear me out hear me out what do we do a mushroom hobbit hole okay where do we get mushrooms from where's wait where do we get mushroom does anyone know where like a mushroom callahan do you know where mushrooms are he doesn't know wait why is everyone saying yes do you know where the wait okay you're saying yes to the mushroom hobbit hole but do we know where mushrooms are like i we need a dark dark oak wait dark oak we need a dark oak forest where is dark oak forest anyone know does anyone know i actually oh interesting hmm no i need the mushrooms oh what about them um we could someone understand the chat we could use like the nether stuff like the the red nether stuff could use that i think the um the mushrooms are nicer though i have so touched uh i have silk touch on the speck axe what kind of mushroom you need uh both both like the blocks not the actual mushroom so i i have a silk touch where is the dark hook forest does anyone do we'd actually not know dream dream must know because he got the dark coke forest originally but he probably forgot where it is ah okay what if we go on a mission for a dark oak forest so no one knows awesome dude has some around his base maybe really oh wait you mean he just found them and took them bone meal a mushroom oh true wait i can bone mail the mushrooms who has mushrooms please give me okay okay we can do that hi i love you so much what's your opinion on right person wrong timing what does that even mean right person wrong timing i'm gonna google that i don't know what that means right person wrong time um i actually don't know what this means what hello can can we go get them i i need the mushrooms it's when you love someone but you're not at the right time in your life to make time for them um what's my opinion on that okay my opinion is um okay so it's in terms of like a relationship so you see that you've found the right person but you're not ready i guess you're not ready so you just gotta i don't know i hope they wait or i don't know i don't know why you're coming to me for relationship advice honestly but i have a both of you callaghan i dropped it okay let's go but yeah i honestly i i'm i'm not the right person to ask that but if if you don't feel like you can do it right now then it's in your best interest i would say to not do that thing okay let's go let's go let's go we need oh okay um okay let's go let's go let's go where are the mushrooms okay yeah this is why i don't like the uh awesome dude's house because we have to go all the way along here oh wait there's a portal here and then like and then what where do we go now here let me snag that boat real quick actually because otherwise i'm not gonna be able to get back okay so we go through here wait is it just a portal now because it usually is so complicated are you building a house yes i'm gonna build my own house oh wait what okay well now it's simple oh whoa what wait what where did he go no no calhoun you can't go through the wall okay i'll let you in callahan yeah all right let's see the mushrooms where are they where they at one mushroom oh wait honestly you only really need one don't you because then you can break them and get more so i just need a red mushroom now and then i need bones i actually oh i'll take that bone meal any more bones okay i'll take that bone meal thank you thank you um do you have any more is there any more one word i think any more browns does he have any more browns okay we're saying we might be able to do this can i write a book about you in the dream team and publish it one day um i suppose so um also i got a face mask with a picture of a new with a picture of you on it i don't know if that's creepy or cool i mean i'd have to see it to know if that's cool or not but no i don't george take some buzzer okay i got the oh wait callahan got me some more bones i think i'm good thanks i have some bone meal and i got more browns thank you okay hey i hope you're having a great day i love you and i'm sending so bad i've made a ton of tech talks tagging you you never saw them yeah i don't really check my tick tock mentions honestly um can you say hi to andrea i love you and keep doing the great work thank you andrea thank you okay let's go back let's go build my house actually let's just check this works first before i go back oh wait you need to put it somewhere dark um do i have to do it at night or wait how'd you do it what if i do like wait that didn't work oh wait did it work wait how do i do this like that okay and then i can do this and then is it whoa that is a tall mushroom okay so if i use the axe oh it has silk touch on it so do these drop mushrooms i think there's a chance they drop a mushroom oh no wait why is it such a tall mushroom uh how do i get up there okay please please please okay so okay oh yes okay we're getting mushrooms okay so i'm gonna like farm some mushrooms like this and then once i have like a sustainable amount i can then silk touch them you know because i only have two brown mushrooms right now oh five now actually callaghan you can't steal the mushrooms okay i'm gonna okay he's fine he's not gonna steal them he's gonna give them back right we're gonna give them back right callahan i can't reach that one all right let's go i don't know if there's stems i don't think okay the stems don't drop i don't think but then these ones have a chance of dropping an amount of mushrooms i don't know what the amount is but yeah why was this mushroom so big i don't think i've seen one that at all before she's oh okay i'll get cheers wait carla hand give me all the mushrooms how many did i get 18 okay that's good that's good um we've got to have like some spare iron in here for shares let's see this chest there's more bones that i'll take uh more bones one iron there's an iron block but i don't know if he wants them more bones shears i want fresh shears any more iron okay i'll take these broken shears and these broken shears and combine them into less broken shears and then uh there's more bones there okay surely we're fine now did he just give me something wait what happened why is he saying let's go what happened what happened um more bones okay wait okay you know what i'm just okay i'm taking one of these i'm sorry i have to i need the iron so then i can get fresh pair of shears so that goes in there that goes there okay come on what happened to his head okay i i don't even know all right let's get some red mushrooms oh so this is kind of annoying i have to like build like a um a little hidey hole place the mushroom and then i can get out and then i can ah okay then i can cheers on even faster what you guys lied to me wait then they're not even dropping okay there we go okay let's go let's go let's go let's go why aren't they like dropping mushrooms is this faster or slower it's the exact same why did i it's an axe okay it's an axe but like this has this has silk touch though i can't use the axe because i'm trying to get more red mushrooms um all right well that was an hour why is if i just like and why is my inventory just so packed with random stuff fortune acts i don't have a fortune axe i don't oh yeah that i don't have a fortune axe um yeah that would be that would be nice okay you'll be my backpack okay take all this random stuff hey keep my furnaces safe you can keep all that stuff you can have the redstone you have the shears because they're useless to me um okay well i guess i'll like here's what i'll do i will make wait let me just look it up minecraft mushroom block because is it is it a horror on axe like which one is actually okay i'm going to use an axe so surely there's a wait what there's no ender chest here do i have one in my room please okay i do so diamonds and then diamonds and then sticks okay sticks crafting table crafting table make sticks make axe and then i think we have an enchanter here actually wait callahan do you still have my lapis or you don't because i think we have an enchanter in the house now i think do we how awesome dude did we make an enchanter in house is there i don't remember um all right whatever i guess we don't have one i'll just use a regular diamond ax it's fine oh yeah it's at the zombie spawner okay true how do i get there though okay i think i remember i think i remember why is calhan in the door oh my god okay you need to stop being in the door callahan okay i think the enchanter is like wait is it down here i think it was like it was like in a mushroom wasn't it where was it oh callahan knows callahan knows apparently um oh wait oh yeah here it is hang on i missed some donations let me check uh goggy it's your homie me again with your streamly donut i hope you're doing amazing oh having an amazing day love you so much thank you mia thank you whoa okay so i go down here and then there should be an enchanter oh and there's oh whoa any fortune books okay let's just see what do i get unbreaking it could have fortune on it any fortune books any fortune books no where's the lapis do you have lapis callahan lapis please please have lapis he doesn't have lapis um how is there no lapis at an enchanter wait i had lapis in my ender chest surely wait there's another chest right around this corner i remember okay there's not i lied wait is there oh my god how is there no ender chest here i'm pretty sure i have lapis in my ender chest okay let's go i'm gonna go back to the house quickly there's seven right there okay okay i'm coming back seven i'm coming whoops that was painful okay thank you callahan thank you um axe thing i'm not even level 30. okay that's like an l uh okay can you even get a fortune on like a level eight enjoyment under the villager that's a brewing stand wait what wait if i just kill these oh my god okay it's not enough xp um okay well you know what it's fine we'll just use this i'll get level eight enchantment efficiency two and why is there not a fortune book no fortune okay it's fine it's fine and there's not even what kind of enchanter is this there's not even like a uh the thing that gets rid of the enchantments anyway all right it's fine let me check okay let me go back it's fine we don't need we don't okay it would be so much better wait can i use wait i have a fortune three pickaxe does that work it's just let's show you that works right it's just slower to break the things i think it's just slower to break but it would still work right and like give me extra mushrooms i think i think it works um hey corgi i might be a bit late for hashtag george house by dmg a small cozy house i made a while back i think yeah i think i'm going to do like the um the mushroom house mixed with the hobbit hole i think that sounds cool high cookie this is my first donut anymore from california do you like boba fest yes what's your boba order i haven't had it that many times actually but when i i think i've had it like two times and when i did i got it was like strawberry like the little bursting strawberry balls um with oh can i have some dirt calaman actually i'll just use this it's fine actually yeah give me the dirt back um with it was like apple flavored whatever so it was like apple and strawberry is is jim still god like i actually don't know maybe i haven't spoken to him actually i actually did speak to him the other day he messaged me but i haven't spoken to him in a while before that um so let's see how this works whoops okay fortune on the pickaxe okay yeah this is this is working this this is working now okay this is working now now i'm getting a ton of mushrooms okay wait never mind i'm not vc4 does dream have tips on building a house let's see vc4 george yeah hey um you said you're building a house right yeah well good for you i actually have a house completely ready for you but like the point is that i built it myself whoa whoa you you want to see this you want to see this do i though you really do what's your what's your chords i'm an awesome dude's house oh you're far can you come back to the dream smp what i'm on the dream sm like this one this one okay yeah i can come back i'm just here because i don't know i was just here because i was getting stuff all right i'll come back over come on come on okay we're going back um yeah i'm just building a house like i i realized like i've been on this smp for months and i just haven't really had a house this entire time and the house oh callahan's driving okay um get in callahan okay wait you still had room yeah okay yeah i realized like i just didn't have a house and i was like today's the day that i'm going to get a house hulk thank you oh tier 2 subs thank you for getting 10 tiers who subs thank you so much you're going to come out of the nether portal right yes okay well i'm just wondering i'm trying to go to where you're going to be so i can meet with you white trust me trust me dream don't kill me seriously i'm not i know i'm actually not 100 jeremy if you kill me i'm going to be very i promise you i'm not going to why did you sound so sorry the opposite why did you sound so suspicious but i just wanted to know where you i just wanted to know where you're going please don't kill me i have almost please george i'm being completely certain i'm being no i'm i'm being 100 serious please don't kill me i'm not going to kill you please dream i'm coming through this point no i'm not gonna get i'm standing please i'm trusting you do not kill me i'm not going to please i'm not i'm being serious i'm behind you turn on oh um okay let me get let me get there in here uh get who in here eric oh eric this is where they said eric who's erin all right just follow just follow me real quickly okay hey carl sorry again uh just a little bit calm down yeah sorry call oh call's gone okay wait i'm just i'm waiting on uh wait what's happening here this is my last donation but i donated four times because i love you and you're amazing i also blank dream i'm not gonna say because people are gonna clip it but thank you oh it's a 60 donation thank you so much ice queen thank you wait let me get out of this thing okay hey i love you hope you're doing well i'm doing well nicole thank you thank you so wait dream what's happening uh just one second one second is this is this a trap dream follow me it's not a trap it's not a trap i don't want you to kill me i'm not killing you i have all my stuff so do you remember a long time ago it was during the first war actually um we established like a chain of command in the dream smp a chain of command like because we were we were appointing areas king right sure yeah we established a chain of command okay what's the chain of command it was eric and then it was you oh to be king but uh that's why i'm trying to get arid in here but if you come over here um one second let's kill this creeper um yeah we need to get him in the vc did you want to dm and message him in game and say uh vc4 vc4 why didn't you do that well i did just you did so uh okay tell er dream says vc4 i'm like very suss of this no no no you're not don't be sassy i'm waiting on i'm just waiting i don't like this this is scary like why why are you being so sus no no no no that's at all not that's at all i don't think eric's here okay um we technically we technically don't need him but uh i i would have liked him to be here but george yeah you're king i'm king yeah this whole castle is yours wait what follow me and you can go to your throne hello so oh welcome eric okay wait let's just wait just wait a second all right um can you come to the castle please what's up i just it's me puns and george need to speak with you real quick and there's gonna be no violence don't worry yeah wait what just happened just just wait george this way i'm on my way can these chickens die yeah i'm going over this way yeah let's go okay now you stay over there just wait i'm waiting at the front the puns come with me where are you all right you're here he's at the house he's like right now okay yeah just uh let me know all right um hey pawn tell me escort eric come on eric let's go hello hello hey george follow us too so i don't know if you remember eric but whenever uh whenever we during the first war whenever um we were establishing that you were the king we established a chain of command do you remember that i i'm from my space you gave me the kingship yes and then we had a chain of command as well after that so afterwards we had um george as the second in command so eric i need you to take your crown off i mean i know you took it off but i need you to take your crown off on your skin is that a layer you can take it off it is but it also reveals my eyes all right i need you to do it i can't you got to do it i mean i'm not asking you we have three of us here yeah take up the crowd why is this happening i can't do this all right you can you can do it the easy way or the hard way but you're doing it so just to just let you know george eric has betrayed dream smp and has uh decided to side with pogtopia in the war and um help them with their their uh their naughty behavior why why the only thing and actually the only thing i advised him if i told him to say neutral i don't even say he has to help us i just said he should stay neutral as king but he didn't he didn't listen eric you just gonna stand there the crown please there it is i didn't realize he betrayed him we'll be fine all right we'll be fine take off the crown i'm just here minding my own business and i find out if you want if you want you can put your crown back on you know once you're outside and away from here and it doesn't mean anything but in here you take it off can't do this man i'm sorry what do we do now all right let's escort him out of the castle all right get out is just he's just leaving see you guys bye-bye don't come back just make sure make sure he goes all the way out puns oh yep keep going george congratulations this whole castle is yours i'm the king you're the king i'm the king you're the king this is my castle king george george it rings the bell king george the first you are the first george you're the you're the first first of my name and you should get rid of all these flamingos first because it's kind of annoying that should be your first order of business yeah callahan i'm gonna uh callaghan your first job get rid of the flamingos callahan that's his my squire i'm the i'm the new king yes no way congratulations george thanks puns tools oh oh i dropped the shares i gave you the shares callahan do you have them oh oh he's got rid of them no way this is a disgrace come on callahan king george the first let's go goggy i'm the king was it that simple yeah oh look at him go look at him go he's destroying the flamingos does he have an axe here car hand take this axe behind you i mean i guess he's just he's really wants to get that wall okay there you go you can destroy this stuff so i know you said you don't need to build a house you have a castle now as much as like this is a house it's not a house you know that's just that's true it's where i reside when i'm doing my duties the queen doesn't the queen does not live in buckingham palace all the time that's true that's true i'm gonna i like i appreciate you handing over this castle to me i will definitely make use of it but for now i'm gonna have callahan clean out all the useless stuff um and i'm gonna go build a house elsewhere and i'm thinking i'm gonna build it by behind the the fore uh the tree farm because there's like there's a nice little plot of land over there what do you think yeah that seems like a good place all right well and the good thing is you own all of the land like everything everything you can do you can build it anywhere you want actually if you want so i could like on top of someone else i could like remove tommy's house for example and build my head yeah you could if you could put it anywhere yeah anywhere anywhere you want as the king of this land wow and that's a lot that's a lot of power they won't listen to you me and paul you have to us to puns and dream yes wait i need a crown how do i get a crown you can just you can put one on your skin you need to get a layer someone make a skin for him and put it on twitter so you can put it on no way oh king george king george my friend says that dream is your queen and you're going to be king goggy just thought i would tell you are you the queen dream no no no no i'm not the queen i'm not okay so i'm just the king it's just there's no queen yet you're just the king hey you better not like die or anything because if you die then zap naps a second in command and then that's not i don't know how to watch yourself even if i die it's not like i just lose i don't mean like i don't mean like die in minecraft i just mean like you know oh if you get if you get overthrown or something then oh okay right okay yeah we wouldn't want sadnap in power that that would no no that would spell disaster i'm sure that'd be that'd be bad well i was not expecting this i was gonna get back to having a chill stream building my house and like all of a sudden i'm king like i was not experienced i was not expecting that probably never i actually almost cried like my eyes were watering i'm not even joking that's amazing i don't know if anyone could tell my eyes were watering that is great but yeah um um but congrats yeah yeah thank you a king come stand stand here and puns you stand here and i'll be here okay okay look there it is everyone block your shields perfect wait let me and we do probably need you and like there we go like 30 minutes or so george just so you can see minutes yeah you can help like uh us defend um uh schlatt yeah you guys look good over there god dang thank you h-bomb i got you i'll get you a screenshot don't worry oh thank you thank you thank you awesome well i'm the king now that's pretty crazy it's a mangle you're king now congratulations yeah you didn't hear eric's just like been removed from kingship this is your throne now i've been i've been boarding here this entire time since i've been on the server oh yeah now no you can keep staying here that's fine oh thank god i'm having free and i want you yeah i'm having callahan clean out all these flamingos that are here for some reason um so don't worry like that the place is gonna get cleaned up nicely and it's gonna be bird poop everywhere i'm glad yeah yeah so this place is gonna be much better now that i'm in control so if you have any like questions or queries about the place you can just feel free to tell them to callahan or you can tell them to me directly if you want but uh callahan's in charge around here of cleaning up and doing that kind of stuff so can you clean up my area too i'm kind of lazy uh yeah i'm sure calhoun can do that for you is this your area here yeah yeah yeah as you can see it's it's just you know messy there's just chests everywhere you have a whole dog i'm heading out uh congrats george i will talk to you soon bye all right bye i dream want some potatoes sorry i have to get used to saying that yeah i'll take i'll take this i'll take a stack oh that's it there there's like 40 no that's fine it's fine i'm more greedy i've already gone to the stack i've already got a stack of mutton i don't really need much but honestly what i was do i was this is kind of weird why is that wait where's the netherrack here can i get rid of this yeah that was just to keep the water there oh i didn't see the water i'll leave it there don't worry we can make it we can make it prettier don't worry don't worry king there we go back up a little bit boom oh we had the same idea uh teamwork that's great to see you love you have your pink wool i was thinking cool thank you thank you thank you but yeah um i was just chilling building i don't know if you know i haven't had a house basically this entire smp i was like i'm going to build a house today today is the day i need a house so i start building my house and then jim just comes and tells me i'm king all of a sudden um and then that i just have this whole castle but like honestly i can't live here 24 7. this is it's too it's too big it's too like majestic you know just like you yeah yeah exactly so yeah i'm i was planning on i'm building my house wait let's see can we see it from here it's kind of in the the castle grounds oh yeah you see wait what is that over there oh yeah it's right it's gonna be right over there right about north west northwest from here north west yeah behind the tree farm there's like a nice plot of land that i'm to build my house on oh that's great yeah i'm going to miss you not having and being my roommate over here though you sure you don't want to take the top bunk up here let's have a look it's a bit it's a bit empty up here i don't know i'm planning on making a little hobbit hole in the inside of the hill i'm just gonna live there you know live my little hobbit life and um i can remake new zealand yeah i'll just remake the entirety of new zealand it should only take a day perfect perfect are you going to go do you need any help with that do you need any tools i can help you king don't worry um need mending i i don't need mending no i have i'm pretty stacked on everything like i am the king i have these resources available to me um but yeah i'm i'm probably gonna i need to farm some mushrooms which i have i'm just working on that that's what i was doing actually i was just farming some mushrooms then dream had to come ruin my day by telling me i was king so um yeah ruin your day there's some more oh you just have some free mushrooms okay thank you thank you i don't know if this is what you need but just have some fungus have some fungus uh okay i'll take it just in case thank you thank you is this callaghan oh callahan's here yeah callahan you can clean this place up if you want i don't know i don't really know what to do i don't think he does either no yeah this is a tough job i don't really know what to suggest but hmm so what are you doing here today i have no idea george you have no idea i i just saw everyone was online and i was like oh boy friends so that's why i'm here okay there's like 20 people online george this is unbelievable whoa yeah like if you open tab there's like two layers of tab has that ever been it's about to be three layers of time if someone else joins wait how many people is this two four six eight ten twelve fourteen sixteen eighteen twenty twenty two people i don't even know there was nothing that many people where are these people coming from they're just sprouting out of the ground wait is there one huh did you become king because you're back to back mcc champions championship um i think that like might have had an influence on it but i'm not 100 sure because i was second in line anyway and then eric apparently betrayed so i had to you know take over oh some soul speed three uh yeah you could have it have it have it no no i have soul speed three on my boots anyway i'm the never right i don't need them feel free you can take them you're right they are my oh they're yours yeah this is this is mine no your boots no no no no no no no i wouldn't i wouldn't dare to no you can take them they're yours they're yours but yeah i need to go um build my house so okay i don't know what your plans for today but i'm gonna go build my house north west it sounds like a really good stream yeah george i wish you the best of luck george hello george it's me quackity thank you oh my best friend george george what are you which side are you on right now like side of the map i'm in eretz castle i'm no no south of the community hub team team sides what teams which is on our side jesus christ you fall asleep through the events and and oh my god are you here uh george you realize all this is happening because of you right george what of what what's happening jesus christ what what i just see loads of people on is there like a party or something what's going on that's what i thought i know you just hit a really big deal yeah i'm just here building a house like i don't know what's going on why is everyone here oh he's gone do you think they're here to see your house surely word of my house building didn't spread that quick i don't think so i don't know george you're a really popular guy i mean i i don't know i don't know about that but that's weird like why is everyone here i don't know but yeah i'm gonna go build my house so um i bid the farewell h-bomb i bid you farewell good luck george thank you if you need any help callahan's your man i like this i like you being in charge thank you thank you farewell goodbye all right that was fun i'm king apparently oh callahan's here all right let's get rid of this get rid of that oh okay that was not good um so this is my last donut i love you a lot well done i'm becoming king goggy and also please don't get overthrown stand up wouldn't make a good king you're so right um you're so right ice queen emma okay i i i actually don't know how to react to these hundred dollar donations thank you so much i was like i noticed that i'm just like thank you so much ice cream emma 100 donation wait how much did you donate before you did before thank you so much emma thank you that means a lot thank you thank you thank you emma thank you so much i didn't i didn't even notice for three minutes i'm sorry but thank you so much all right so oh what is this oh come on is attacking me come on just try to kill me it was a joke what do you mean it was a joke how is trying to kill me a joke i knew you why is there a massive hole here oh my god i'm falling all the way down okay this is actually unacceptable oh my god i actually can't get up how okay i have an idea what if i get a pearl okay let me up let me up wait callahan can you just drop water down oh my god this is so annoying are you joking um i'm just tearing up okay whatever ah my first donation i just turned 18 on saturday so i'm feeling uh oh you're feeling this thing that thing colon d i hope you're doing well also don't get killed i can't just try to assassinate me so oh and now he's saving me look who's decided to save me now he's gonna pick it up last second oh he didn't yeah yeah that's what you get okay get shot by the skeleton sorry why is there a massive hole there did you make that callaghan like i'm so confused um okay so i need to place a mushroom in that hole wait can i do it like on the surface surely i can so let's build a little hut like this whoops okay mushroom goes there and i tear down the walls and this goes wait what the mushroom disappeared did you break it callahan um you're dying callahan i'll save you i'll save you okay so i get that i get that wait why did it break did i break it i don't even know so it's still there it's oh it's because i broke the block next to it okay i actually have to do it the way i was doing it originally i had to go down and then like in here and then dirt like that and then also dirt like that okay this is how you do it so that goes there oh wait there there there and then okay now it's gonna work boom oh oh mushroom house okay let's go i'm really bad at donating to every every stream anyways uh have a nice dream my house is gonna be beautiful i love you lots thank you thank you thank you not donna bell hi you're my favorite you and the whole crew are so much fun to watch and i love what you do with me in the world if you could read my donut well i read it thank you for the donut victoria thank you thank you so let's get a few more mushrooms wait i can actually okay let's finish this mushroom off because actually i have quite a lot now you only really need one mushroom left and then you can farm the rest so if i do this and then oh wait that was a bad that was a mistake so i need to go back down wait i need to do that that that that that that that that okay now i'm gonna start farming oh i'm an idiot okay come on come on okay now i can start farming them with silk touch so we get out the silk touch like the whoa what am i doing so clutch okay boom so i get all these red mushroom blocks perfect i don't know how many i need really but wait do i still have that mushroom house up oh no i don't have it up anymore oh wait i do it's right there okay so let's do this so i'm gonna get all the mushroom blocks do i need these ones as well they're not very nice what are they mushroom stem you know what i'll get them anyway because why not maybe i'll find a use for them mushroom stem use an ax it's faster you are right i am i have silk touch on my axe i forgot i was about to correct you and be like i need to use the fortune but no i am wrong you are correct um okay let's get rid of that get that and then why is this so like annoying to do red mushroom let me out why why does it break why you break red mushroom don't break don't break don't break don't break don't break boom okay oh look at this okay yeah the axe is way better okay done got a ton of these blocks okay now we need some brown ones so i'm going to get the brown ones is that was that an egg okay brown mushroom okay bone meal boom that is so satisfying just the sound alone is satisfying okay just because i feel nice i'm oh my god thank you emma with another 100 donation thank you so much emma just because i feel nice i'm 100 gonna stop yes please please stop you you don't have to donate this much i'm serious you actually don't have to but thank you so much thank you thank you so much emma thank you um okay brown mushroom and because of that why is it so tall it doesn't matter i'm just going to pee with my axe wait quiet let's be quiet for the satisfying sound okay there we go wait is minecraft asmr a thing did i just like come up with the next big thing minecraft asmr okay look i have a ton of blogs now um all right so now we need to decide where to put my house so one second let me hmm okay so tree farm is right here land is here i don't really want to build it on like a rocky bit i could build it like oh because it needs to be in the wall what if i do it like right here right in this wall right yeah that's perfect right here right here why is everyone saying goggy wait why is everyone saying gay now what's happening um wait hang on um wait wait what happened why is it what's hap what's happening um i'm confused anyway what is this why is there a ton of cobble here this is ugly and unsightly um okay i don't know what's happening anyway it's fine you guys feel free keep saying it i don't care um let's just fill this in because it's ugly okay i need more dirt let's go get more dirt where can i farm dirt from um okay that's ugly um that's ugly okay and now let's go over here that's ugly why is that there okay so we gotta farm some dirt okay that's kind of ugly you must go okay hi george hello julie thank you for the donation hello okay let's get some dirt whoa what is that oh that's the spawn area okay i'm gonna get some dirt from like right here i build straight line and get dirt this strawberry is actually so good okay i don't think i need this much dirt but i'm gonna take it so what else don't i need okay i think that's probably enough let's go back um what is that like why is there random random water everywhere perfect okay now i'm just going to clean up the area around my house just make sure it's it's nice okay so what are people doing around here like they just think this is like a dumping ground like what okay cleaning up cleaning up okay i'll get rid of this look at that okay i'm going to keep this because i think i think i placed this from the original smp so yeah here wait what are you doing callahan what is callaghan doing what even is that mushroom block where did you get this from where did you get that from callahan okay um this pond is a bit broken what if i fill it in okay fixing the pond wait i'm just ruining it now uh how do i fix this i need like a block right there and there okay and then is it fixed okay pawns fixed i'm just like i'm actually getting good progress here i'm fixing everything uh people are saying you're gay because of the flag on the castle well that's oh it was eric's car so eric put them there so i don't know oh look okay fix this okay and beautiful when that when this grass fills in and grows through it's going to look beautiful okay perfect um hi it's my first donut you popped off his king and i was wondering if you could say hi to logan haley maya milena melena malena and darcy so if that's a lot of people we love you well thank you i've i've said hi so whoa i didn't even make a sound i broke it so quickly it didn't even make a sound why are there like random blocks everywhere i don't like this who's who's done this wait i broke that who put that back is calling like trolling me like unfixing stuff as i go i don't know anyway let me check something okay um okay perfect so where do i build the house i think oh my god callahan stop placing stuff okay i think i want to put my house in this wall and i have like the pond right in front is this a good place i think this is a good place so hmm i'm gonna build it like right in here so oh god this is gonna be like hard i'm not a good builder uh hobbit house okay so they kind of have like slabs and then okay so we need a door door is the first thing i need door i have no wood okay this tree has to go i'm sorry i need wood wait i have wood i have wood it's fine so okay here's what we're gonna do get some wood whoops that wasn't meant to happen crafting table and then two of these go right there and then let's fill this up with my stuff and food food mushroom water bucket okay perfect so what do i need i need these what does a birch door look like i don't want a birch door i want one of these doors okay let's get rid of this tree dark oak door wait what is this spruce not dark oak what does that look like okay i like that door so the door is gonna go chicken wait how much space do i have to work here i have like this hill okay i've got a decent amount of space so the door can go right so wait hang on i'll show you the picture this is what i'm looking at let me do this this and that so this is the house i'm looking at i want to kind of combine it with like a mushroom aesthetic so i want like a little hobbit house in the in the in the wall so i'm gonna have like the door and a little garden in the front with a fence and this little thing and a little chimney um but it's gonna have mushroom aspects to it because i don't know the mushrooms are cool so let's see um [Music] so firstly door right there wilbur was shot by j schlatt using bow okay people are fighting for some reason that's fine so here let's um what if we we don't even need to work on the inside just yet but yeah let's do like some uh i'll copy that little staircase thing because that's kind of nice so they have um what was that was show by just like using bo okay so the door these go in front okay i'm like learning to build i'm not a good builder so that goes like no that goes like that and what's in the middle is that a trap door guys help oh that's a video i want picture are these trap doors oh they have to be they can't be slabs okay trapdoors so i make some of these wait no wait okay there and then no put them against the block like that oh my shovel's too op okay it's working and then i put that like that can i get through okay like that and then like that and then i have no more i don't have enough no i need more okay we're going to be renewable we're going to replant replant the trees oh wait i can just like i don't have to break any of the trees i can just keep doing this tree maybe this is enough oh okay let me in let me in okay give me that perfect and then replant you creeper goodbye look this is the start of something beautiful okay this is gonna be the best house on the smp i'm telling you i'm telling you this is gonna be the best boom bam what do they put on top another one like that is that right and then you need like nice blocks instead of dirt here so they used what did they use they used like this warped plank i'm not going to use that i'm going to be creative i'm going to use ah i'm going to use what am i going to use hello birch i'm out of birch but does that look good i don't know okay that [Music] that is not good wait mushrooms you're right you guys are right mushrooms oh wait is that good um callahan's in there okay so you can get in with this yeah you can still get in with this trapdoor being here oh and look when you don't want people to come in you can just lock the door like that and then no one can come in here look lock the door and then we're safe okay so we've got this okay that's good and then so they have like little windows as you can see i like the windows i like the windows um they got some lenses i got some mossy cobble and this is just so much detail and it looks so good but we're gonna do it in our own way okay so let's go back let's go back so we need we lock the door hey look i'm gonna like expand the house really quickly okay kind of like really in the way here one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five okay perfect i posted these kind of houses in the tag i love the added mushroom a lot more though very cute thank you yeah thank you for contributing the houses were very good on the tags thank you guys so the house is like extending right round here so if i put the windows like there so there's two blocks there and then we need like hmm what did they use they use trap doors for windows regular trapdoors i kind of like that that's nice what are the what do these trapdoors look like and these good then you can't see out of these ones [Music] what are these okay these ones you can't see through you can only really see through the oak trap doors i think let me kill this what are the what are the jungle ones look like oh my god i'm dying to everything i'm dying to everything why why does it have to be night time come on get out of here as one shot the spider okay wait what did what did jungle slabs look like oh my god leave me alone i'll just take this branch off this jungle tree no one's gonna notice just one branch that's all i need okay give me that what do these look like jungle house jungle house jungle house jungle shop door i mean are these see-through please wait where are they okay oh okay i like these ones these are nice we put them like that yeah okay okay why is it like a zombie apocalypse whilst i'm building my house it's just not necessary it's really not necessary okay jungle jungle more these go like that like that so i should probably like do that okay no no no come on just to keep them closed oh keep them closed okay like i know it looks a bit bland right now but don't worry it's gonna it's not it's a process okay you have to like you have to wait you have to wait um so they have like oh they have bushes in front that's so good they're like bushes right here sounds like a garden okay wait i want to outline the garden let's use um what fences should i use i'll use these fences i think let's just use up the butch the birch is kind of useless how do i make a fence fence spruce fence oh age bombs here hello h-bomb okay so oh we can have like um let's see how wide they make theirs this is fairly wide it comes like like this okay so i outline the garden kind of like this should i keep the pond in the garden or have it outside why are the windows closed the windows need to stay like that bridge over the pond you are so right you are so right so we're gonna have a bridge that goes over the pond okay i need to get rid of this tree then bridge over the pond whoever said that needs a raise even though you're not employed okay wait callahan do you have the shears if you have the shears dispose of these leaves callahan so we need a bridge over here i'm gonna get rid of this like ugly is this a underside it's just it's this is this doesn't ruin it's ruining the aesthetic come on so i think i think the way i want it is going to be like this okay no i'm going to need more spruce i need more spruce fence oh i don't have wait what okay there we go 21 more so i follow this little ah wait so i need the bridge to go like over here and then the entrance will be like have some planks here okay what if i yeah what if i just do it like this i think this is good i think and then the bridge will like go here and then like this and then we'll wrap it around like that so where did this one start this one started right here and then this one there's an egg there okay this one can start like i might have to like reform this lap this land a bit add lily pads yeah i think i will i think i will lily pads let's see what the pole says 95 yes okay lily pads will be added don't worry but not now because i don't have any and that can be a finishing touch so when you like reformat this area a bit what's the word when you like redo the land reformat there's like a word for it i forgot uh someone's gonna say it any second now terraform that's the one that i was looking for okay so like this like that get rid of that get rid of that ah no like that okay wait i think i need i want to go a bit further back i think i want the fence to start like oh of course i think i wanted to start like actually let's check so it's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten oh it's here but it doesn't have to be even i think it should start right here because that's where i want it to go and it's my house i make the rules okay i make the rules around here all right so we just have to make this a bit wider because otherwise why is there a fence right next to something that you can just jump over even though you can jump over the top okay it doesn't necessarily make sense but it's fine no one's going to be invading my house like why would they invade my house that doesn't make any sense okay fill that in okay this is gonna be a bit of a straight line and i really like that because this one kind of wrapped around i can make it work i can make this work so i still have this i know i have bones oh i can't reach so i can just jump here take that okay perfect okay i don't know that's probably enough actually that probably is enough do i have a lot of sticks fence okay 22 that's got to be enough that's got to be the egg is still here is called here come on still here he's just looking okay so what if i actually you know what let's do ten one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. so we'll start here so now it actually is even but then i can like come out a bit like this and then it can like wrap around a bit like this boom how does that look that's pretty good right and we have a bridge that goes over here is this good is it i need like a a vertical view let me go right here and the reveal okay okay i think i want to fill those blocks in and we put a bridge a mini little waterfall right there and then let me pressify it okay i want to fill these in like that maybe like that okay when this grass grows left looks kind of straight hmm you're right you are right how about like that now it's too angled okay this needs to go there is that better i think that's better now right better i think that's good okay so then we need the bridge so wait do we want the bridge to be centered with the door does it have to i think it maybe does so if that's the case then that has to come across a bit more um so that this is the center this is the center one lines up with the door make it centered okay i'm gonna make it centered and then i'll have two two a two gap like that boom okay wait how do we what do i make the bridge with what do i make the bridge with um how about mushrooms down the middle right with like other stuff on the side of it and i'm just gonna build it and then we'll see what it looks like okay says that so this will be like in the middle right and then we have like stuff to the sides of it to make it wider i don't know if that's gonna look bad it might look bad i don't know uh cobblestone dark oak on the side campfires campfires campfire so if you place the campfire down uh i need it kind of higher than that can i like silk touch it wait you can wait no way if you place it back it's gonna be lit again isn't it it is that makes no sense so if that goes there okay wait wait a second i need to think about this okay i don't know if i like this then i'm gonna get rid of this for now let me okay i'm just gonna start again i'm starting again fresh start so we put this there that there oh it's like a different angle oh hmm wait if i go one up where does it land um yeah you can't really like i don't know if i want to use campfires anymore because they don't like blend very well what do we think who'd have thought being a sim would be so expensive i'm addicted to giving you money oh my god please don't please don't um you can stop you can stop okay hope your house turns out all cozy and nice also what do i have to do to play minecraft with you uh i don't know honestly but thank you for the donation but please please don't get it don't don't do that don't keep donating if you can't please but thank you so much slabs okay let's try whoa i'll take some free pearls thank you okay so hmm okay that's cool i was about to grow you anyway wait where did that extra log go i don't know anyway how does this work so why is this so hard why is it so hard to build a bridge okay let's see so i have these slabs fish in the pond i will i'll get fish for the pond so i will go that's the middle i need more dirt okay slabs and what if i like do that i'm missing this one out on purpose it's for the vibe okay it's not it's not a mistake and then wait can i break oh no how do i like that no so i do that and then stairs on the sides hmm maybe so that goes like that let me bring it all the way across oh yeah i wanted to put a little i wanted to put like a mini little waterfall somewhere so i put it on the left or the right how about like right here i mean both what if i put one there one in there that's quite nice wow impressive and what if i boom and we can get nicer flowers later but for now i don't really like the tall grass for now okay okay okay um okay this is working so wait if i put a campfire where does it go is that like weird to have a campfire just randomly there like if i have another one maybe like that let me fill them in and just gives like a bit of texture to the bridge you know bit of texture oh i'm running out around slabs you always got to text your bridges what if i get like one more and put it like here or something i have no cola but there was coal somewhere need coal coal coal coal just one there's got to be more okay there's more over there i can go pillage the land for resources here we go nice nice nice okay i don't actually have any stone so you fill this in and done they're fighting who's fighting um let's see carl jacobs went up with a bang due to a firework fired from rocket launcher by technoblade what are they doing why are they fighting that's kind of nice um okay let's get some more campfires up in here boom hydraulics can you say hi pog champs for me it's the name of my friend group and we're all watching you currently hello pogchamps hello thank you for the donation what if i put carl jacobs dies again to techno blade come on carl you're better than that you are better than that carl okay so i can't put them there so where do i put it there ugh i don't like it though no that one goes there then i'll put like another one here and look at that we got a bit of a weathered bridge okay there's a wall going on go help dream and stand up and call them puns um what kind of war what do you mean quacky just died he fell i don't wha i mean i'm just building a house like i don't think they're having a wall right now honestly i don't really know what's happening car needs to stop closing the windows or opening the windows so look what do we go what do we think about the bridge ew that looks horrible right there that looks bad that is no bueno ew how do i fix that how do i make that look better how do i make that better that bit does not that bit there that little island not good um i mean it doesn't look so bad now right what if i yeah okay wait what if i go find a fish check this out i'm gonna go find a fish in the ocean i don't have a boat i don't need a boat it's fine um hi george my four mil hoodie arrived today i'm so happy congrats i fell congrats on becoming king thank you also what about using vines leaf blocks and lanterns to make it look pretty that is the plan that is the plan oh and also subscribe with twitch prime that is a good point that's a good point if you have a twitch prime you can subscribe for free it's absolutely free click subscribe click prime and it's free thank you for the donation thank you and i hope you like the merch four mil merch you can get it at it's available right now right now right now um oh look fish do i want a cod looks like cod's the only option right now okay come here dolphin any better fish there's a salmon wait is that a salmon oh it's not a salmon never mind what if we just have one car that just lives here um there's dolphins oh no i was gonna say what if i got a dolphin but that's like it's not the same um yeah it's just cod round here all right i think i'm gonna use cod okay let's go we just have one little fish wait should we name him what do we name him um i don't even have an anvil what is what is this area right here i don't know maybe dream grog fish and chips um hmm i don't know let me yeah we'll work our name another time for now whoa that actually kind of scared me for now we're just going to chill with the fish in the pool i kind of want to get rid of this huh it's fine actually this is this is a creeper hole let me fill this in what happened to that i don't know okay let's fill this in someone blew up a creeper here dirt whoops okay better um hey george one of my friends just got broken up with can you say a pogchamp for jamie wait what pog jumper game broken up with all right pog champion getting broken up with there you go pog champ uh wait what was i just doing oh yeah the fish we just have one little fish that lives in the pond all right enjoy your home he likes it in there apparently that's fine that's fine with me you can live in there stop opening the windows please please the windows are not to be opened look at him he's just living life so we've got the bridge i need more flowers i need shears so i can get leaves for bushes i have one oak leaf so i wanted to put them like under the window it's like one would go there um let me look at the picture again yeah so they go in front okay and the door oh wait no they go like wait i think i put the windows in the wrong place the windows in this picture are like one ahead well yeah i think they're better when they're hmm you know what i don't follow the screenshot i do it my own way i need more leaves where do i get leaves i need shears i don't have iron okay do you have iron callahan do you you have iron callahan do you have iron what if my house was just one block wide no that's done we're not gonna do that hmm i'm just thinking like what else can i do okay um whoa he's getting acrobatic um okay so hmm i'm trying to think i'm thinking i need iron let me go get iron wait can i you can't soak touch vines if you use do you have to use shears i don't know i don't know how to do this why is there a grass block there why is there a spider here why is it daytime what just happened it just became day okay wait what if there's iron in here vines just what i needed okay take the fish hmm you know what no i don't want to i just want the cod what are you doing says awesome dude um i am built building my house i'm building my house how does he don't know if you ever named the fish can you name it jimothy the fisherthy um maybe i'll think about it let's get vines that's how you do it um okay spruce leaves spruce leaves fun whoops yes i am building my house it is fun okay leaves what do these leaves look like interesting dream needs your help george he's in trouble with the others there's a war and dream s p needs its king uh what is going on like what is what is actually happening i mean i'm just i'm just vibing here i don't think they need my help so we got do i hear someone super creeper um okay how do their leaves look so nice what if i want these leaves these leaves are kind of better i think okay let's get some jungle leaves climb leaves jungle leaves jungle leaves eight i need more more than eight how do i get up there like this okay leaves leaves leaves okay okay perfect okay i have a ton of leaves now boom oh surely you can make this jump okay hang on okay i want to make this jump i want to make this jump hang on oh my god please okay there we go i knew it i knew it so okay these leaves are way better way better so what if i get those leaves there and then like make it a bit wider like this beef dirt leaf okay don't worry we're gonna it's gonna get better it's gonna get better than this we're gonna make it better somehow i haven't worked out how yet but it's going to happen oh so the next thing that's going to make that's going to make this like next level oh vines as well what if i like like this oh there's the fish okay okay like that we get some vines okay okay ooh what if we get like like that like we double vine it up like oh combine it up vine it up like that okay i fell um and then what we need to take this to the next level i'll show you the screenshot is this like little bit over the top because that's what like defines the shape of the house so these are stairs and slabs i think that's what i'm gonna do now stairs and slabs stairs and slabs okay whoops i don't have any more i need more i need more spruce trees if you don't name the fish bilbo i'm going to sue you that's actually a good idea also what's your favorite lord of the rings movie love your content thank you um hmm i'm thinking honestly probably the first one but like like the first one i don't know like they're all kind of like one movie to me like they just all kind of just blend i can't really remember where the cutoff points are um like the first one is nice um i don't know yeah i like the first one the first one's cool so yeah maybe we'll name the fish bilbo if you guys don't know that's the character from lord of the rings main character um well actually no from the hobbit um and then this is like a house inspired from lord of the rings so we've got some some of those some of those some more of those some more of those and then we need to incorporate the mushrooms somehow we've got all these mushrooms okay i got all these mushrooms for what i don't know i'm gonna have to work out how to use them i have brown and red mushrooms i don't know how to use them all right so i need to like oh so it comes like in front i'm going to use the mushrooms to build with just because i can easily break them so it goes one block up and then one block out is how they did it let's see how that looks wait that's not how they did it or is it no they weren't they went one block higher okay the says when you go one block higher one block higher i think like that make a mushroom cap roof on your door wait what does that mean like like this maybe is this what you mean oh look i can climb okay tommy is the president why wait hmm kind of weird so hmm how did they do this actually does that go like that wait how did they do this look at this how is it like down how is this in line like that because mine's not in line how do you get it in line oh wait no how do they do that oh are they slabs not stairs okay there's slabs not stairs okay yeah okay so it's like these are slabs not stairs and then like that but then it comes like a cross and they like build it up so it's like it looks like it stairs but in reality it's not stairs it's like a trick it looks like stairs okay here we go now we're talking okay and then you just keep going so then this goes like like that and then like that and then like that and you just keep bringing it down okay i think it's gonna work so i need more of these i shouldn't have made all those stairs okay wait how do i get up there like that and then we have to go like that like that like that is that it i think that's it and then you like fill that bit in but i'll do that later and then like that like that it's coming along it's coming along like that and then whoops give me them wait how do i get that okay it's working oh no okay i messed this up hang on i need to go two across not one two and then like that and then i brought it down like one hang on one two three four one two three four okay then this is like it and then i need to like hmm i need to bring it down into the ground somehow oh what if i use stairs oh i'm just running out of space now is that weird like that wait why does that oh because that one ends right next to a wall oh and then i put it right there uh-oh so then if i fill this in with dirt which i have none of how do i have no dirt okay there we go fill this in with dirt oh okay you can't put dirt there that makes sense boom um hi this is my first time doing you should look at your house with your color blind glasses when it's done by the way love your videos keep with the google work thank you maybe i will maybe i will i mean there aren't too many colors here but i can try it out so we got like a little thing here what if i put mushrooms up there in this gap like that what does that look like okay interesting so in the picture like they don't use dirt they use like sand or something or sandstone which looks nice because it's like a mushroom stem it's like a contrast what do we think about this i'll do this this one side and see what it looks like oh let's get these okay okay yes yes okay go to these you know screw the vines okay that was a mistake actually i needed those whoops i don't know why i did that i don't know why i did that i have no idea khan's still just here okay i don't really like the vines actually they don't like the right color are they like they're too like dark they're too dark like i'm in the wrong biome no i want to see with the windows closed don't don't open them okay tubbo's the president now what is going on over there where are they they're doing some weird stuff over there this is kind of ruining the look as well like this isn't meant to be here this is just like my personal items for now okay cool this is quite nice so far um keep the vines do you guys think the vines are good i think the vines are like not that good i think they're too dark plant flowers i'll get more flowers that's like a finishing touch where's my fish oh it just jumped oh my god he's actually acrobatic don't jump out of the water fish okay okay lanterns yes lanterns how do i make a lantern oh wait i need to put that back down why did i break this lantern you need i nuggets oh oh i don't have any iron okay oh whoops okay i need iron i'm gonna go find iron surely there's some iron just sitting in the in my castle right i don't have my endopols okay wait what if there's iron in here don't mind if i just take some iron do you any iron well okay there's not even any chests okay they disappeared keep vines let's see you're saying yes wow interesting i wouldn't have thought you would have liked them i can put them back okay let me go find iron any iron in here no no no no it's like the boat chest apparently egg chest okay these are eggs i need i need iron chest this is gonna have water isn't it no iron okay um let's see up here iron iron wait i sold lanterns do you want soul lanterns or regular i think regular lanterns are better how is there no iron iron please there's no iron there's actually no iron hmm i need iron where's the iron okay come on tech nobody just killed tubber i thought tubber was the president what is going on over there like what they actually doing they're being weird that's what they're being iron nuggets and then lantern you need torches torches and then lanterns i have two lanterns is that all i need that actually might be all i need one on each side of the door let me find some more iron just in case though how is that there's like a million eggs where there's no iron what is going on wait filzer phil's is on pog okay that's pretty cool phil's got added okay i team with him once on mcc and we win and he gets from the s p it's that simple okay let's go back i don't i think i only need two i only need two i think okay let me go check out this house so where did they put them they put them like either side of the door i think that's nice that is nice that is nice kind of still just waiting for me so they go like oh you can't put them there no so they had them hanging i don't want them hanging because that's my choice not because no because i can't is that good what if i oh is that better left or right left or right left or right left or right right okay everyone's saying right okay right use chains i don't know if chains are good for this this is like i don't know no chains should be here okay yeah this is good nice and then and then um hmm oh they have like little i like that how do you make the barrels barrel barrel slabs and spruce oh slabs and regular things okay so i can make them out of any wood what do i have why do i have like no wood i just don't have anything okay wood and then then barrel three barrels okay and then i'm going to put them like like this how did they do because they look good they had them like on their side it was like oh no it was like like this got some barrels they blew up the mamburg they blew up le man bug the man burger's gone it's gone like fully gone i'm gonna go check it out wait before i go i'm gonna put this stuff away sounds like it's dangerous over there wow look at callahan utilizing my facilities that's fine take all the space you need callahan who's that wilbur wilbur's over there okay um all right let's follow wilbur i'm stuck content i said dream team same seed speed on who can finish first dream would win if you aced that would have been the cleveland century it would have been it would have been your house has a creeper's face on it does it and why is there a duck there okay let's go let's go see i i don't know they're saying they blew up le man bug i left my ender pulse that was a mistake oh well let's go so lumber's like right over there everything's explode be careful what are they doing do i do i yeah do i need to go talk to them or something like what what is go they summon the wither oh oh yeah i'm running i'm on it i'm on it it's not taking damage oh my god are you serious where is it where am i going oh oh my god we need to take them down together and now everyone where's the other thing you have we're getting both no you think i'm just going to let you kill the withers called the all for the blizzard phil are you here [Applause] i don't have any errors in the mood right now dude okay bill where are you i'm up top i'm up top i'm shooting from from a pack dude this thing is aggroing me it died it died no one of them is dead one of them it's taking a lot of damage right now it's really low really right here i'm dead oh my god i got it i don't even know if i'm shooting at someone i'm lagging their pc strategically more weather do you have more weather techno do you have more weather okay which one of you guys are pro-government all right none of us we probably nope nope nope i'm no definitely not no no no no no where they are governments am i right they really suck who's that callahan guy on the distance does he want to form a government didn't what the hell what did i do this happened there will be no new government today i'm here i've been here this whole time is so good at minecraft if this would have happened i've been streaming for two hours what do you mean george not this tenno blade slap do his stupid dumbbells [Music] there will be no new government today it'll be over my dead body by look at me don't kill him it would just be a pity kill you're president of nothing your country is gone no no the land is still here sorry foundation you can rebuild okay okay listen we have to watch i'm gonna kill everyone here until there's no government am i understood technically doesn't this kind of make you a tyrant a form of government the ends justify the means tubbo this may seem cruel in the short term but in the long term by preventing a system of government preventing a fascist takeover i want to point out something jay schlatt was lawfully elected for all the stuff we say about him at least he was elected all right he might have been awarded him people voted for him you guys just did a hostile takeover and then you were like you just seized power for yourselves he's right you were the truth he's right quacking why are you agreeing with me you know what that was not the traitor tommy tommy the traitor was wilbur no no it was the traitor the traitor was wilbur wait so wilbur pressed the press agreement what was the agreement was that no matter what literally no matter what happens he would detonate the tnt that was the agreement that's what you said when he left what well just our agreement we had was that no matter what he would he would have detonated all right i got the nether star and that's why i was playing with surrendering i was fighting with anything didn't i kill you like five times [Laughter] i'm still counting it i don't it's not the first time i've had nothing okay big q any anyone that was on our side for that anyone that is in turbozlamanberg go on vc2 that's that's gonna be your kill list techno disappears for 10 minutes and this happens everything's exploded here what even happened pretty messed up enough that's a great idea i'll leave party island alone anarchy anarchy loves parties i actually i know where i think i know where um wilbur's tnt chest is techno do you want to take you to it oh i have three stacks okay well that's plenty i came prepared what actually happened like i'm confused are you guys fighting or something of course you're confused he's just based out through the entire plot well his i just want to hit his twitch title was building a house that was his twitch he's got like the minecraft peaceful music on the back and in the chat to see and kill kill kill sam where's all my stuff i have it man things went a lot better than i was like no one told me something was happening that was exciting whoa this water is making the whole destroy thing kind of difficult yeah yeah that water be doing that there's a whole power plant there that probably what is going on wait why is there still tnt here wait techno is blowing stuff up yeah man oh you're blowing it up still yeah wait why are we why is he getting any more tnt like in this like middle area you know should i give you something can and full netherright goes i'm poor let me destroy the walkway here it's a bit too intact for my taste oh you're you really are blowing it up it's like all gone ah wait who has the flame bow can i light one mom said it's my turn on the flame i want to try i want to try who has the flame bow flame bow anyone oh no the van i call one just leave absolutely nothing should we check in on the new how is the new government doing there is still a government is someone saying my name yeah yeah i love you some pressure plates oh pressure plates wait wait yeah yeah i'll drop you some more there you go boss thank you thank you thank you uh i'm going to do i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm doing it well i'm out of tnt oh you left a dent pretty good that's a pretty big dent a little bit of property damage has happened today i'm going to be honest i i came here expecting i thought i was gonna be like a 1v10 and then there's like why do i have 12 allies who are you guys yeah i don't know what happened with the whole side thing i was i was given like an epic speech and then everyone like started fighting and i was like oh oh i just spent two weeks on that speech and it just didn't happen but the second speech that almost happened again but not i was watching enjoying like everyone dying and the quackity comes chasing me and i just knock him down with cobblestone and kill him that's a great speech tag now thank you bad boy halo thank you does anyone have tnt a little psychopath i just want to blow something up i want to be part of this i want to go well i guess i don't get to go i'm sorry i don't carry tnt around with me does anyone have how about this does anyone have gunpowder vc5 i do not well i'm just kind of confused as to what went on here but i think we all are george i just kind of wanted to watch death and destruction and then it happened oh there's another chest for me to take i'm just like looting this area not a bad idea honestly yeah i got two ender chests i got another star um oh look at this oh you got another stuff from the weather yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna have a beacon in my new house that's gonna be good um you see fills us on the server yeah i noticed actually when did philza get here uh right before it all blew up it was convenient that was convenient i was like i was like we win one mcc and he gets on the s p that's like that's the rule i guess once you start winning mcc's you're on the server yeah oh there's another ender chest here there we go i'm just farming right now hmm oh sound up your hair sub nub yeah can you like what actually happened i'm confused i'm back i'll tell you later i'll come back i'll just tell them later and just tell me now because i'm not even sure so it appears some tnt went off uh yeah a little um no actually that was just that was just a creeper giant zombies oh the giants they added oh wait do we have them we have those giant creepers now yeah oh that makes sense because the llama that was running around party island's gone oh i think i oh i think i saw that blow up i think i saw it blow up oh i liked him i think he got stuck in the crossfire unfortunately llamas are the primary victims of war no one thinks about the llamas when they start a war they really don't i'm really just looking for a creeper right now dude you are a little psychopath yeah i just i just want to be a part of the explosion i want to feel like i i did something here did j shot is jasha like unwhitelisted himself after this i don't know what's happening is he okay he had a heart attack and died i don't know i wouldn't even kill him now he just left his minecraft server like an hour later put lava on top of water i'm not out oh that actually that's wise chat i see what they're saying oh it's too late for that chat i'm sorry i don't have any more tnt actually you know i'm about to get some more tnt yeah i'm going to go check my stay and we can get rid of the water by dumping a bunch of lava and making it into cobblestone oh true that's true i don't know where lava is uh the neva thank you george i love having a smart person in here like george yeah i put all the tips and tricks you see i've been playing minecraft survival for the past two hours so i've really like i've really been understanding how the game works did you kill the underdragon i didn't know i killed a weather though i'm pretty sure or did i just accidentally walk i'm gonna is there another vc that everyone's in because i just walked into something what do you walk into it's everyone's just hanging out here but they're in like three different vcs this split up hmm where are we going i'm gonna go into vc4 all right i'll follow you that seems like quite a bit of this could be so hard there's a hole yeah it's honestly i can't even be bothered it's not [Music] yeah i'm not rebuilding lumanburg i'm not going to have it i'll pass on that too yeah i agree we should not rebuild the man or any government yeah let's start a new uh not government let's go technically government stop using the word government it angers techno's blood let's hey hey guys let's start a new collective all right let's go oh there we go leaves right now that's mindiera classic connor i expected nothing less here wait wait let me have a word with connor um hey george thank you for putting out great content that i can watch no matter the mood i'm in no problem thank you for the donation thank you okay man i hope you had fun what a blast huh oh my god i get it blast i ran out of fireworks somehow my rocket launcher was almost broken well i'm so sorry that you you almost broke one thing technoblade what the revolution guys took so much stuff out of my base all right they can't complain look at me oh it's like what i have i have four oak signs are you cute you can't message him george this is all because of you george you see these craters in the ground you see this place in complete ruins if you had woken up for the damn election we could have won we could have been taken seriously and manbrook would still be here but you decided to sleep through the damn election george hey connors welcome aboard me i'm gonna play minecraft have you ever heard of minecraft before no i'm looking forward to learning about it yeah dude come on all right where are you i got i got a i got a gift for you oh you want me to play right now or are you are you not playing i wasn't planning on playing right now oh but if you want to give me something carl jacobs i really would love to get something could be arranged yeah yep okay so you're in spawn i'm assuming you're going to see here look at no george george i know man that what's what's this it's your fault george this is literally yo big cute you have some food i'm about to die yeah yeah yeah yeah can i get one big q real quick george just just real quick if that's okay with you sorry goggy okay let's see how it is yeah i'm glad you do they don't they don't want me they don't want me it's fine let me just kill the switch i'll just help them you know kill the witch it's fine i don't want to talk to them it's fine i'm just i just want to get out of this water let me out oh my god let me out let me out well i don't know what to do now what do i do um i've been rejected this is so sad what do i do build the house i mean i could build the house that is a good point now you know what i don't need these these people anymore i was gonna build my house let's go build the house wait i do wanna just have a look around i just wanna have a quick look around can you hear my summer crumbling i'm hungry did you hear that um oh i have a gift where are you uh where am i i'm in explosion place where is he quacking tubber um look at them talking without me that's fine um some have left the game skeleton died wait wait where is everyone can someone tell me where like everyone else is on the server like there's two people here where are like where is everyone else where's everyone else at tommy's house vc dream i don't know if i can summon dream but i mean we can try let's see what happens i tried summoning him h-bomb sand oh gunpowder yes you put them together and you get here you can have one okay you know what time it is let's go make our mark on this world are you ready yes yes yes boom bam bob no no yes no no okay it's fine it's fine i'll take this thank you um what do i blow up what do i blow up what do i blow up um please do not explain i mean oh my god okay well i've done my part and that's all that matters if you think about it whoa everyone's in my vc mm-hmm the dead sea see eric why not up in the air for one of the first times in a very wait oh yes okay maybe that'll be elsewhere there will always be a seat in the badlands for the king envy i'm the king be quiet george i can't believe you slept you're just you're just my roommate george i've moved out i've moved into the castle and i'm building another house george they speed us out george well the house was too far away so i was going to build a new house close to spawn which is what i was doing and then dream just made me king so that was still oh yeah george is king what what what do you mean because because eric was betrayed us so george is taking his place as king i mean aaron was only king because we appointed him eric you're no longer king wait have you guys been sitting here thinking aaron was still king they were talking to him like he's kings you guys have you guys need to repeat that whole conversation with george now instead of all right are you hearing what they're saying is there another one in the castle no no yeah george's eric can live in the castle he's like like george is like on the throne i mean bad we got the wrong person i mean like each one lives in the castle too that doesn't make age now yeah anyone can live in the county on how it feels the only reason we wanted air is because we need the castle and he doesn't have the capital well who owns who's the owner of the castle george georgia what but eric says he's the owner eric's but technically i own the castle okay er eric what but i'll i'll allow you right technically george castle but but technically eric can can do whatever he wants i mean huh i mean i built this thing so why let's just perform registered in daylight yeah all right let me ask this i could probably take all three of you alone oh yeah will you join us what you're trying to you're going to have you're trying to bother you're trying to stop another battle with the king you're starting another war for no reason no no you guys were you guys were looking for conflict but not between yourselves but now if you get involved in the conflict all it does is make you weaker it's like conflicts could benefit us it wouldn't benefit you at all it could benefit the capital no because there's no way you would win it would just be perpetual war okay well i think i'm down for a little bit i am prepared no george all right so when do you want to do this do you want to do this now george do what george i've brought you underneath you never battle you as my own there's no there's no no i've flown away from the nest uh is owned by the rightful owner which is george guess what we're heading over there let's see if you can hold it well we don't have to hold it because it's no matter what it's just whoever goes and sits on the throne in terms of who's called the king which george all right we'll have errors oh no because that's not for you to decide who is wait a minute did you guys just hear what he said he said we're not part of the dream smp it's part of the badlands he just officially acknowledged the best that's true that means we officially own everything north of my house and everything's nothing no no even even parktopia and members don't know anything like i said you're easier i come kill you right now if i want to say oh my god you have good stuff because you try hard to serve every twenty five still probably there is there is limits how much how far skill can take you i'm sure there is but but when your skill is negative one and my skill is like a thousand then there's a huge enough difference in that i think you can take that wow i mean okay i don't i really wouldn't think so well where are we gonna meet for this where we're meeting i mean how i don't understand how i mean you'll see i kind of want to see this fight where are you two fights it doesn't matter doesn't make any sense are you guys fighting i guess even played 1.9 pvp like it wouldn't even be close the only difference is like if you like potion spams or something then it's like okay but that's not where are you just posting spam and then anyone could just go do the same thing you're right you're right take two seconds awesome here where are you where are you repairing my armor if i kill you dream you'll let me appoint eric as the king in this guy no matter no matter what i'm saying no matter what george is the king there's nothing you can do about that then we just need to kill jordan kill doesn't matter george is still the king even if you kill him killing him he's just a king i want to fight you dream but he is he has he has power because we have power dream speed has power um awesome what do you guys think i think we have more power than gms in peace i don't think i don't think that dream enjoys the only the only reason you would think you have more power is because you try hard the server 24 7. that doesn't mean you have more power that just means you have more items and you can lose with all the items in the world somebody with no armor can walk up and throw six incident push on you you're instantly dead this is interesting items mean nothing it has to do with how you use them not sure how much conflict i i want to get into at the moment i'm not afraid to fight i literally will drop dream right now i won't even what items do you have i have everything i need to kill you okay i'm assuming you probably just have insta damage questions i don't i i have instant damage potions but i won't even need them if i don't want to you don't want me to you don't want it what makes you what makes you confident what makes you okay then i won't drop you with instant damage potions i'll put them away right what makes you confident i have no more instant damage spots what makes you confident i know that dream we can't give away our secrets what makes you confident you will die to me if you fight me that's all i know what makes you confident i promise you that you will die yes just say just just james just say what he's scared i know he's scared i'm not scared i'm getting intel cause he's saying if he's if he's being confident when he's trash then how is he going to be confident he has to have some reason why he's confident you see this is where you are confused you see being good at minecraft does not always mean you're good at pvp there's a level of strategy that can be used in survival minecraft of course there is well then fight me and you can see my strategy but that's the only one i don't know what items you have that's the point of the strategy i think you should fight if you fight me you can see i think that like i feel like no matter like what unless you potion spam me like there's no there's zero chance i will i will not drop like and i have a god apple too like there's i would just eat a god apple even if i was about to die and then i'm alive hmm i just feel like you're like i don't know why you're so confident like i feel like it's something there's no way that's a good point if he has a god apple it doesn't matter it does not matter it does not matter how many god apples do you have on me i have one he might not be able to kill you but that's not enough why would i why would i be able to kill him why would i not be able to kill him you'll see me can't kill me why not yeah unless it's like a total one dying you're just totally dying just kidding i have no totem and i'm dying that's the easy way to just kill me again and that's what i'm saying just kill you again if you're totally dying yeah that's why it's not what did you think about dream come fight where are you where are you awesome is either very tactful or very crazy i just don't see i don't see how i have maxed out armor i have a maxed out weapon i have a maxed out bow i have potions of every variety i have a shield i have a backup shield i have a god apple i have i have gaffles like unless you're just saying things yeah exactly then you would just lose because you get outmatched because i have something that you don't have because you don't know this existence well then that's what i'm saying that's that's why i'm asking what that's exactly unless you're unless like i'm thinking like end crystal clear come to church no no you can't fight in the holy grail i'm not i'm no killing in the holy ground no killing in the holy ground i agree come to church prime and meet me oh hi puns fun's been held hey puns uh we might need to kill some people in casino i'm well awesome dude yeah i'm it's impossible for you to kill me what's up techno someone's doing a king thing here yeah how many guys are you um so all right who wants to overthrow george do you want to overthrow george tech now that's the thing is there's no overthrowing of george because it's like there's no land that he owns because he doesn't own anything he's the only reason he's called king is just just for formalities well you know what let's stop him before he gets land well there's no there is no right there's nothing he's never he doesn't ever expand there's nothing a great idea let's just people in many ways he doesn't have he doesn't have a gun let's go audience retention let's go so awesome dude is he's feeling mighty confident saying he can kill anyone and never die and i'm curious how he's saying that well i mean 1.16 pvp is very defensive so if he doesn't have experience bottles so we couldn't really kill him with durability it'd take like 10 years to kill him but we could and technically we could always just you know andrew crystal him but i don't want to do that well that's what i'm saying i'm saying i'm saying just straight pvp like you take with if he just has problems i want you to listen to me five arms i will not use ender crystals i will not i'm just saying like strength like if you just have strength pots we just kill you crit you out like it's easy that's what you think yes why am i wrong why am i wrong you're not going to get out of this where are you guys i'm just wandering okay i will not use end crystals i will not use tnt but you will not kill me and you will die in the end no matter how long the fight i mean literally no matter no matter what i wouldn't die the worst case scenario it's just i just pull away and run yeah like there's no dying there's no dying here like i just feel like you'd die because i'm better than you your armor will break before that no matter what you do the fight will last until all your armor breaks and then i will kill you am i not supposed to like jump him in the holy land or something because you can't you can't fight you can't kill him in the holy land okay i kind of smacked george in the face earlier but that's fine there's just no killing yeah well it's george so you know you can bring them near to death if you'd like to but no killing oh i am telling you when my armor is about to die ooh bad repair sorry yeah he is experiencing some experience bottles just spam him yes my armor won't break that doesn't make you invincible i almost guarantee i could just crit you out and you would die okay let's try it all right science test what if what if they mean like and again worst case scenario i just pearl spam and i get away what if they do fight in the holy land and then when want like worse worse worst case scenario i just log out oh that's not true there's no scenario there's not a single scenario where you would kill it obviously anyone can say i'm invincible look at me obviously that doesn't count i think it's time for you we need we need like a code of honor here i just came here to kill george and we're all standing in the neutral zone i'm not to be killed i'm not to be [Music] he was on yeah archway no i was i was on the inside side of the archway look i'm sneaking over the archway see i'm i'm in the holy land i'm in the homeland you cannot that was higher than i am in the holy land you better not kill me in the holy land you better watch joe you better watch are you running do you want to test it dream and see how long i can survive against the greatest females so bad for my audience this flex is dumb because it's not like a flex of mechanical skill it's a flex of items it's a flex of things but i was just thinking i think i could probably kill him anyway you know he's like he like no life why it's so hyped for me because i know something that dream doesn't know which is so rare and dream doesn't know and he won't even know if we fight until the fight ends well there's just so many different mechanics that like like there's a mechanic that you have no idea you don't even know of its existence and i know you don't well is it is it uh like a soup like the the the or the po potion of the turtle master or the soup whatever it's called the uh soup there's a soup soup i think the people want to fight right now yeah we should give them a start wailing awesome dude fight fight i don't know if i could run the two let's let's see if we want them down i don't know okay just gonna stand still and get crit out i i don't know he said he said that he can't die that's like his flex one person could not kill me alone that's what i was saying saying you could not kill me alone so why does two make it possible what about techno fight fight fight fight fight this whole conversation is just they didn't balance this combat system properly so you can just heal way too fast that's true just fight let's get it over with awesome good versus technically in a battle to the death battle to the death i don't know how long my my armor lasts listening and i've never done like a full nether right i'm breaking through the fight to the armor breaker that's your secret dream your sword is gonna run out of durability after two hours [Laughter] ten years later are you ready i want to see a fight wait who's fighting dreaming tech uh dreaming also need to attack no one awesome dude just stab him dream i'll drown out all right now on your finger over here wait can someone like ready just wait oh my god oh yeah that's got a ladder on it oh my god yeah yeah [Music] i'll just get rid of it for now just so i can see this is the item reclaiming if you die you get all your stuff back crazy oh wow are you saying that just because the awesome dude might die but i'm just saying that he's got anything wait is he just saying that because he can try it away at all times it's a fun fire he might be able to try and away at all times but that's just running that's not fighting are you ready when the arrow touches the ground the fight begins of course i feel like running is part of fighting in one point the arrow is coming down it's down go no that was the arrow the george shot wait dream i'm in the holy land he just he just hit me oh yeah oh my god get him bad boy what the are they fighting is he fighting now oh they're fighting they're fighting bad's trying to get in the way of it bad bad you're gonna die bad i won't die but he's gonna kill you fat he's gonna kill us why are you on their side oh this is all gone wrong oh my god awesome you get like five critical hits oh my god oh my god oh hello now i have strength boy trident away he tried it away oh he hit the ground oh my god he's lagging about oh my god wait where's techno and bad god where's bam techno is there two fights going on take no dream what is going on i can't i can't watch both fights at the same time okay okay stay over here if they're fighting now oh my god this is this is speed potion hey bad i'm taking i should totally come and fight over here so i can see it no no i wanna oh my god his feet are weak hit his feet i feel like water is like giving him regen or something i don't know if there's something that does that but he did just see it going off his kneecaps break his kneecaps do something just cut you can cover the water that was cool oh he'll lock him in the pond where's he going that's smart oh oh oh no oh my god you have to win this game you have to win this he's gapping up again 1.16 pvp is so fun and here i'll switch to a sword it'll be it'll be like much worse man oh my goodness he's strategically lagging not now big q i mean he's my arm is barely even broken [Music] i think there was this dream guy that was attacking you with some sort of weapon yeah yeah with the sword i think oh my god interesting wow i gotta say i'm very surprised during well i mean it is dream so what are you wait why do you think awesome dude was going to win everything so bad yeah i don't know where the confidence is from but i don't think your health regen was regening quickly enough awesome that's right it wasn't because i have strength with a sharp five no way he's like i don't think your health is rejecting enough when you're getting crit out with strength too and sharp five yeah wait crippy one stream creep me once with my sword no i don't i don't know hey drink this wanna all of us agree to kill george well who would well know the the holy land is like protected by the server see everyone get you get you get punished by the server yeah yeah you're out of here slash killed if you're it's one strike and you're out it's the only land on the server that is governed by god okay so george's house is now the holy land we can go do whatever we want cool [Laughter] wait that's not george had no land scam he has no land he has no land what was the tactic what was the awesome dude's tactic i'm guessing it's something to do with being in water he would just hop in water whenever he was low and then i covered the water and he died we'll save the tactic just for the memes reddit investigators will find it why is everyone saying flatty patty what what is going on what chess i have like a full set of armor that has no durability none of my stuff is in there can you put in the chest please i have three pieces of armor yeah one reason that i was like you should i kind of stopped using my strategy because my armor is on like ten durability was never who picked up your trident you didn't have a plan for low durability well i did i did but i didn't have any just i could get it oh my god that is gonna be the biggest anime fail i've ever seen i was more doing it just to like make it funny and i wanted to oh this man that's saying i i guarantee you your skills won't matter i can take you and then it gets dropped so quickly let me let me finish also i had 64 golden apples can i have at least like some of them back uh um oh can i have some of them jim well what's it but what's it called i'm the king jamie you must obey i don't have any i don't have any though there's no uh uh i feel like i'm missing stuff i might know okay yeah i need some of those golden apples please i'm gonna have to take some tacos get your pick these weakness arrows can i attack some some uh some golden oh it's fun now so listen listen listen here is what i was doing so with the potion of the turtle master and a trident with riptide you can still move at like a high speed but like you are basically immune to damage you take 60 reduced damage but i don't know i think dream's also good enough to block like he was blocking like 90 percent of my hair and he probably did more than 60 percent damage than you anyway so he just wins i was hitting you way more than anything and you were hitting me with the sword and i was hitting you with an axe exactly well i was swapping but i wanted to keep you on fire because you didn't have fire res at first well i mean i was i didn't take like any damage i was never even close to dying i love how quiet you go the only time i can go to dying was right at the you can say what you will but yeah i think it's time for bravo and have a little fight hey bad what do you think about fighting techno blade now yeah no technically it will be bad bad okay technically you can be confident i mean it was bad yesterday look i watched techno before that battle in uh the former manburg area i watched him and he just like looks at the ground he's like just all these potions he's like [Music] like he's he's a bit too beefy i i'm confident i could tank him for a little bit and just survive let's do a tank test let's see how long he's revived his onslaught because i popped the uh turtleman uh turtlemaster potion so everyone is turtle yeah well do you have turtle potions i actually have not got turtle potions i was gonna do a stream of that do you want one i need no stop i need stream content please basically george is still king that's what we've determined here yeah good job dream good work well to be fair he's just king he's king of dream smp and and that doesn't mean really mean much other than that it's just he is king in the north it doesn't mean much but you guys can you can negotiate with him if you want because you said you're gonna do a show with eric george because you are king yes we would like to come to you with a petition we want you to officially honor wait wait wait wait wait wait for me to listen to your request i must receive some golden apples as payment oh my god that's not a problem i'll take some golden apples thank you all right some more you may give me two as the king which i am to please declare everything north of eric's castle and everything north of my mansion south of ireland's castle oh sorry south of aries castle and north of my mansion we would like you to declare that officially declare it the badlands what does that mean wait why don't we use bad why do we need him to declare that i'm just saying make it official wait dreams what does that mean you shouldn't do it i shouldn't do that no because no because dreams owns everything so it's just like you technically so i'm just giving you they just want me to give away free giveaway territory we want you to sublet it to us technically in your mind in our mind you know leman berg never existed and everything the light touches yeah everything is out so everything is ours so you want me to give away no officially recognized territories or countries we're not trying to take it out you want me just to hand over an entire section to get over you're labeling it it's dream smp dash sub sublet the little area would be uh badlands like you see how that spawn over there right the community house you're basically just officially naming it that like that's obviously the community house that's obviously eric's castle you'd be just be officially meaning i've checked with my my advisor and uh he said that we shouldn't do that no he didn't want you you could you can reapply for this posit for this um for this label you can reapply in the next seven working days can you just move over there outside of the church of prime yeah george did you see the skin people made you for uh for the crown i didn't oh somebody at me on twitter on it so i can send it to him um but seeing as we're already here in the church of prime i mean it would seem like a shame it would seem a shame to not endorse twitch prime right now twitch prime everyone you get one free sub a month by linking your amazon prime account you can sub for free right now that's fact oh i just used a poll by accident and me using a pulled accent is proof that you should subscribe with prime right now because i threw it just like you should throw your twitch primer right now throw it into the into the ether any primers where the primer is at where the primer is at rhyme all right here i'm linking it to you on discord george hey man okay all right george thank you for that marvelous petition there no problem no problem that's what he does is king he's very great i'm i'm like all these primes thank you uh i'll give you one back thank you i'm gracious i am okay how do i download this again oh download okay and then if i go here and then go here and then go here click this type that browse for this file double click the file and then then do that oh no okay one second having some technical issues here um they're trying to push you out of the holy land george no no no no no no okay that's fine i'll just go back in don't worry hold up let me just get back into this primer i would just defend you anyway don't worry that's fine my king oh come on yeah look everyone's flexing your your your emotes look at those emotes you can only get them by subbing yeah you also don't get ads if you're if you're um i'm about to run an ad i'm about to do it i'm about to run an hey check this out ready someone throw a hashtag you see this all i have to do is boom boom eric can i speak yeah look at that he has a crown turn around dream oh my goodness that is what you like to see look at that that is shiny that was great i will admit it does look pretty good it actually does look pretty good it does look good but what if i just left this on 24 7. look at his his is like why is why did you have a crown era yeah it's like he's a poser wait are they different oh they are different yeah mine's lgbt colors oh i'm color blind [Laughter] well look at my crown it's nice it's a beautiful crown george what do i do now i'll tell you what the first thing i'm not going to do is i'm not going to um declare the land south of eric's castle let's head to your castle okay let's go to my mansion that's a good idea actually he just called it well it's eric's castle but like because he built it but technically it's not it'll always be his castle let me just slay these foes really quickly there we go as a good king i don't like this typing what are you guys scheming each other about doesn't matter we love you as the king am i trying to assassinate you with insta damage potions but it's okay i mean if i wanted to do that i could have just done it to you if you think about it that's true i'm talking about anne frost because zan frost has uh has uh i don't know no no loyalty is a cat hats are tricky i am actually glad that we got to test it out that's so strange i don't know how you did so much damage like that because i was critting yeah but hold on hold on listen i crunched the numbers for it right and you didn't crunch hard enough according to according to the math that i did right when you have a potion of the turtle master ii effect applied yes you have slowness like eight or something right but the trident counters that but then you add on the fact you have full netherright and that it has full prop four it literally like it should be impossible for an axe with sharp five with a crit to do any kind of damage to you that much resistance strength two with the cr you know crit is is proportional so if you have strength too right right right it's like 120 more damage whatever so even if you do 60 less the crit makes it do double as much as you're cancelling out um but i like i did the math for like the maximum damage you can do with an axe with strength too that's a lot it's interesting that's very interesting basically i owned you and create you out i mean dream let's be real i'm not embarrassed that you beat me at pvp okay let's let's make everything let's keep it real for a minute imagine i can't believe that dream was able to beat me at pvp i'm so disappointed in myself i should go cry about it so all the flamingos are gone callahan did a good job yeah something you guys i saw a flamingo cleaned up nicely him you guys stop fighting him yeah stop stop fighting the squire yeah the squire was about to be found yeah oh my goodness callahan stays still kelly apparently he'll come back and he'll come back and grab his stuff and then he'll be fine let's go i'm gonna drop his armor off don't don't jump me oh it was just a signified death not actually eating and stealing stuff he [Laughter] didn't protect me just drop it on the throne drop him on the phone they killed the squire oh that's not good and i will kill you oh my goodness i mean i i i honestly i honestly think i could probably take it are you gonna help us kill cream okay and that that's a little much that's a little bit creepy i don't want to mess with that guy just remember how confident uh awesome dude was before you make a mistake i'm not if you try and kill me and i kill you i am not giving you your stuff where is my stuff where is my stuff if it's a 2v1 and you're trying to take me on and i actually killed where's the stuff where's my stuff what are you missing literally everything apart from my axe and my shovel george unless he gave it to someone else george where are you are you gonna move back in i don't know i mean i'm i'm building a little house around here your stuff will be at the house no no do you have my stuff [Laughter] where's my stuff it's gonna be at the house i guess i dream i need my stuff yeah who who has who has uh george's netherette uh i do not if someone does your stuff will be at the house believe your view do you have it awesome dude yeah i do come back and give it to him you have to give it back i'm standing right next to him you have to give it back me and him are going home no no no no i'm not going home aaron no aaron don't die it's not worth it i need my stuff can i kill the squire no no you cannot you cannot kill them okay you can shoot once at the square how about that can i actually okay i shoot once i'm gonna show you a map wait come here come here callahan come here squire is getting he's gearing up he's gearing up no that says normal gear it's a squire gear hold on hold on hold on i gave him that game i gave him off george what are you missing how about you look at me and guess what i'm missing i want you to you look gorgeous i mean i can't tell here's your pick game okay my two pickaxes is another right chest plate but i'm pretty sure he's here that's i think that's yours is that the right chest plate uh yeah that's mine i need i need my i need my sword are you gonna are you gonna move back in oh i don't have your sword i actually don't have i need my sword and my armor i have your armor and mine give him toss him the armor i him to move back in well he will move back in but he just he's gonna move back in but he needs to oh he has all the armor wait what about the boots i picked this up earlier wait is this my stuff i think this is my stuff i kill him i just need my oh with my sword i don't have that no i have it i have it come here so i need i need some food i need my four gapples here we go here i need some food i have some my under chest but i can't believe i was slaughtered on my own i have something it's okay it's okay technically you weren't on the throne you were over i am just drawing your chicken here what what a squire am i right i mean come on no he had his mind in the right place he didn't want it to get dirty on the floor he'll stick there for you george on the floor thank you oh i probably had some other stuff but i don't know what it was i can't believe this ridiculous like i said giving being the king isn't what gives you power it's it's the it's who you have defending you like that gives you power hmm yeah at this point i kind of want my castle there man like i can accept losing the kingship you know that's a i always knew i was a figurehead i didn't have any sort of power that's fine you can have your you can have your castle george is just george is just sitting on his throne yeah this throne area the throne is mine throne it says yeah um the rest of the castle though you can have no problem we have no objections i think h bomb was living here too but no objections yeah each bomb was in you can do whatever you want khan's been cleaning up a bit you know i've brought in callahan he's like free work you know he just does work around her yeah so if anything it's better you know what we'll do the same thing okay don't shoot i need a water bucket as well oh my own water bucket so bad you wanted to be officially recognized so we don't do that but we'll do exactly what we do for le mansburg if you guys want to say you're the badlands i mean we'll call it the badlands but it's that doesn't mean anything yeah it's not good enough for me i like that that time badlands love that's right that's i mean i can build a machine there now all right i i acknowledge george's king yeah there you go that's what gorgeous might be my youngest roommate child of course i wanted to be the king look at him look at him let's go look at him recognizing him how cute look at me i'm the headless we can't even see but he's invisible [Music] you guys were lagging you guys were lagging yeah yeah yeah you must be right of course this is the squire's seat look at me with my king my crown i'm in the dog the dog pog the dog is calling a dog yeah this is callan's spot wow is anyone interested in seeing um the hobbit house i was building yeah yeah sure let's take a little royal visit to the to the house leaving leaving the nicest castle on the server to go to the hobbit yeah yeah the king gets as he wishes see i was this is what i was doing on my stream i was i was building a little hobbit hole you're building a hobbit hole yeah you don't like your room in the house anymore well it's not that i don't like it it's just it's too far away it's too nice he wants to live somewhere more grungy yeah that's that's that's also part of it i need to humble myself as king yeah it's easy to get carried away i'm sorry for you though you meant actual hobbit hole oh this is awesome this is really cool yeah what it's not finished yet don't go inside yeah the inside's not so impressive i haven't tried that video goodness you don't have to take all my stuff by the way that's fine you can leave that i like this but look i've got a little pond is my fish still here yeah look we've got a fish and did you actually like build like you didn't look this up or anything ah it looked something i took inspiration i took some inspiration he definitely googled this i took some inspiration from him i was about to say i've never known george to be here this is like detailed builder it's like yeah that's pretty nice though what do you think the plants and yeah it's like a mushroom it's a mushroom hobbit hole i don't fit you because you're so short it's perfect george you know it would be perfect if you want to if you want to leave that's okay if you want to move out that's okay but i'll set you up an indeporter here as well and you can come back to the house and the portal interporter you just click a button it'll teleport you to the house that's what we'll do but then it would be good because it's like this will be his this will be his vacation home so so you guys like the house you like it are we gonna have a funeral for j flat oh no oh no we hate that guy we don't need a funeral no we don't have a funeral let's ask the king george do you want to have a funeral for jay schlaff uh i mean we don't have to have it today but you can bury his body later it can be on it can be up i guess for debate i suppose okay if anyone wants to go to a funeral they can go we don't want to we don't want to take away from the grief well if they're if we don't have a you know a place to bury him then we're just going to be leaving him like somewhere randomly do we really want that where is he right now he's just laying on the ground you say corpse yeah he had a heart attack so he was probably that's what i heard i heard that too but we need to bury his body so that we can finally put his stench to rest yeah he stinks you don't want him to haunt us he's he's very stanky can you stop looking through my barrels you barrels i was leaving you goodies in there oh okay dibs let's have a look what's in my bag literally literally just over here i didn't take anything thank you i took a free golden apple oh i want that thing nope no he's mine he's mine he's mine he's mine no no no where is he there he is i'm gonna head out guys yes bye good fight earlier good fight good fight oh you didn't almost fine but goodbye [Laughter] frankie's gone killed her no i'm kidding oh my god jordan is fine protection is no more no george george come here my child all right no no no let us be all of you guys go go go go come come imagine this is a productive day don't you think come on i'm very happy with the end result come here we need to talk to you later we do yeah do you want to go talk now real quick yeah we need to hear that good luck with your hobbit house thank you and you need help and when you want to come home you let me know you understand okay i'll still love you bye child they're gone they're gone they left just like that um wow okay that was an interesting turn of events what do i do now purchasing confirmation that dream is your night king george group shot fan artists need the clarity thank you thank you for the donor well um hang on one second hmm okay this is interesting we will see what's about to happen why they still here what are they doing hmm what did they just kill what is going on he's gonna die why are they fighting outside my house um is he gonna kill the squire he's not gonna kill the squad i mean he just got outplayed um big q is not interested in talking anymore apparently he's not interested he doesn't want to hear it let me see thank you come on he's an answer he's not answering all right he didn't answer he didn't answer well there's not much i can really do he didn't answer all right well how long have i been streaming are we giving me three and a half hours house tour you guys want a house tour okay there it is oh are you gonna try to kill callahan why are they trying to kill callahan what what are they doing why are you here i thought you were leaving oh he's trying to through the trap door they're not even talking what are they doing well okay all right okay okay okay okay okay all right you can do that all right well oh thank you thank you i don't like how they're all just here around my house it's kind of scary hey look i'll put the trapdoor up and they can't hurt him and away they go just like that what are they like really trying to kill calhoun or something i i am so confused what that what they're trying to do [Music] okay well i think i'm going to end the stream i'm tired and i'm hungry um but this has been a productive stream we got a lot done the house is in action ready to go the um i'm king so like say it let's let's go through i'm in this room i became king i made a house i started the house at least the house will be finished and it's gonna be epic and um and uh what else did we do oh yeah we saw like something get blown up something like that i don't really know what was happening with that that was kind of weird um and yeah i'm gonna go eat food because i'm hungry so yeah thank you everyone for coming it's been epic hope you enjoyed thank you for the donations for the subs for the bits for everything and um oh yeah click the follow button now click the follow button click the follow button click the follow button click the follow button click it okay bye bye bye bye thank you for the giving itself right at the end diana thank you thank you very much okay goodbye goodbye bye bye bye
Channel: GeorgeNotFound Streams
Views: 3,110,582
Rating: 4.8902454 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, GeorgeNotFound Builds A House During Dream SMP War..., minecraft hunting, minecraft vs, Dream Minecraft, George Minecraft youtube, George Minecraft channel, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.14 survival, minecraft 1.15 survival, minecraft 1.16 survival, georgenotfound highlights, georgenotfound live, georgenotfound streams
Id: SHvgFKcFbJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 54sec (13014 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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