Dream VS George Minecraft Manhunt (Full Livestream)

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compared to durian ah is that loud that is loud that's loud it's good okay so we're on a random seed um we've got a desert we've got a one of those things uh one of these things and okay so i guess we just oh wait we have one little meme so i guess i'll explain manhunt if anyone somehow doesn't know what manhunt is um dream so the goal is i have to beat minecraft but dream has to try and kill me um if jim kills me he wins if i beat the game i win dream has a compass which constantly points towards me so he can use that and always find out where i am um so there's no hiding pretty much uh if somehow someone doesn't know what manhunt is i feel like everyone does but you never know but um dream is um a bit better than me so um i have a bit of an advantage that we've added which if we press this button boom okay i have um i'm gonna be having four four rows of hearts um because that actually makes it fair believe it or not um so yeah that's um this is the meme this is this is this is what we have to do to make it fair it's the only way it's the only way and if he dies like if he loses like pretty early then we'll just give him more health and he can go again yeah okay um so are we ready too thanks for gifting 10 thank you i might not um i've turned donations off and i might be missing some um gifted selves because i'm probably gonna be like try harding but we'll see um but yeah are we ready to go um yeah i guess do you want to go suppose saturation a little bit just so we um okay we have fair saturation at the end effect give [Music] both of us um saturation i'll give it to us for like five seconds one right sure yeah oh i just did it again okay i think that i don't know all right so yeah um i have a bunch of hearts i've got how many is this 10 20 i have 40 hearts but it's we we fought before and and dream we did one fight and dream beat me we had eagle stuff and dream beat me when i had when i had 40 hearts yeah it doesn't it doesn't apply though it doesn't it doesn't know it's gonna necessarily apply it's gonna be very different in a real world situation yes it's gonna be it's gonna be different okay i'm gonna win i'm gonna win i i have high hopes i believe in you i i do i actually do yeah um i'm setting up a hotkey for my mute key one second where why are you being quiet i you can't cheat i'm trying to set up a okay here we go dream hello dream i i need my things that's this is fair my thing is how am i that's not fair i already started i already started i'm going this isn't fair i really have to i have to i don't uh i don't care i've already started it i already said hello can you hear me i can't hear you i can hear you all right okay oh you're such a you're oh you're so oh you're such an idiot she's such an idiot you're a cheater you're a cheater oh hey jeremy are you coming for me oh he's not coming for me wait i'm scared wait why is this what is this i want stone george oh my god i'm scared stop i'm like i'm actually like nervous what i'm like shaking ah there's a pig i thought it was you for a second okay i'll get this this is useful i'm so close like this is like not oh wait you could come with a sword and kill me right now this is really bad where are you oh you got stone age no dream yeah where are you dream i don't know where am i i don't know i don't like this i don't like this wait what if i play music and quick quick quick oh my god okay wait just don't move for a second don't do anything this isn't fair if you move oh it says you're at the beginning cheating i just had to change the volume okay oh my god okay that's true guys it's true that's true i'm gonna do it quickly i'm gonna do it quickly i saw it but i felt like i didn't have time if he comes and kills me it's your fault it's all of your faults you have so much more health than me though i need to i need to get stuff like oh if you come down in here i'm gonna beat you if you okay i'm not actually telling you where i am anymore but if he comes down here i'd probably kill him like if i didn't though that would be really embarrassing okay i just want to overload on this wood oh my god okay chad's helping me that was really cool oh i'm right here no you're not i'm sneaking up behind you right now no you're not i mean i am but i don't like this i don't like this how do you do this with four people chasing you what is wrong with you oh i hear a skeleton nice okay here we go got some of this good stuff this is so scary this is actually scary like i'm like messing up like i'm actually nervous like actually i didn't i like i was completely fine before this started i was like it's gonna be fine and now i'm not what jim got iron no there's no way oh george there's no way dream yeah are you smelting maybe i'm smelting something you don't know you don't know what i'm smelling though you don't know how much i'm smelling well you got iron i saw that this is not good you got iron i did you seem nervous george um yes oh my god i'm kind of popping off right now all right i thought i just saw your name tag did i no you you legit you got you got armor oh there's a skeleton okay dream has armor this is not good the song's over oh oh my god okay i'm going i'm just going i'm going i can do this i can do it i can do it i can do it i can do it all right oh no okay yeah i realized something guys everything that you're spamming you are right and i i realized this but i kind of i get there's time for that later there's time for that later it's time for that later but right now oh the server's like kind of lagging for me i think is it i don't know slightly okay um okay i need something good i need something good now stop grabbing stuff just stop stop dropping stuff and start just start losing stuff please please all right oh there's nothing else in here okay all right it's fine and thank you guys for all the subs thank you i'm i'm okay i'm so nervous i'm so nervous but maybe i'm getting all right so you're this way oh my god why are there no like wait what is that oh i thought that was a temple ah there's nothing in this mooshroom so many mobs that spawn it's pretty nice oh it's gonna be night time come on come on why is there nothing here oh there's one of those biomes those are good as well i feel like i don't want to say everything because like you're going to hear what i'm saying i can meet my mind yeah that's that's all right i'm using my mind that's how i'm like no no that's you're right you're an idiot you can't i can you can't hear me you're an idiot that's how manhunt work you can't it's not allowed jim's an idiot dream say one two three or you're an idiot you muted your mic there's no one no i didn't i just haven't seen it okay i would never meet my mic during a manhunt that would be against that's not even against the rules we've never said that's a rule well i mean because like it doesn't talk about camera have that ever happened i don't know no it's never happened you might have done for all i know how would i know if you've done it because it'd be in the video yeah i maybe you just forgot that you said something oh my god oh all right oh god this song's really loud this is not good hang on ah don't come kill me right now or i'll be mad at you oh i never i would never want to make you mad at me all right not quite enough for like what i want but that's fine you're lying is it gonna make me think he's here you don't know what i'm doing oh it's raining i don't really like oh i thought that was whoa the servant is lagging it's actually lagging what it's not looking for me it's not lagging for me or at least i don't think it is i think it's lagging it's fine we're fine dream where are you killing a monster okay oh my god ah this is actually scary um i like playing with the music it like makes it kind of scary i'm actually lagging the server like this is it you lagging or is it the river i think it's the server because my stream is not lagging at all i don't know it's fine we're fine oh you have a shield dream you can't hear the music is it that quiet and if i do this can you hear it you can hear it right okay now it should be loud now it's loud for me i'm gonna take my headphones down is this better now this should be better okay my epic atmospheric music hasn't been heard this whole time apparently is it loud now is it too loud let me know too loud now okay okay okay there that's gonna be good right okay it's good now all right there we go now i'm like i'm basically like set george like oh you're all set i'm set you're gonna be i don't know you're gonna have to see what happens i'm using my mic i'm running back towards him but that's where i'm going to give you a decent time to get stuff but like now i have stuff and i have backup stuff hidden so it's like there's nothing there's nothing you can do you hate extra stuff i did oh song just give it subs thank you i can't see the name but thank you i got the note like the sound for thank you um being an iron pickaxe wait what wait should we make it so you can't track me in another like it used to be no what i think that would be kidding me i think that would be a good idea no it would be a terrible idea you're about to go to the nether they give you a bit of a head start it's okay though i'm not going to another well you probably are oh yeah you are what you mean i am how did you how would you know chat all right i'll track your location so it's fine be in the nether any second oh where where is george not found aware where could he be oh my god no the photos is right here the fortress is right here the fortress is right here come here george stop come here george you got the fortress please stop actually stop wait oh dream actually stop how did you hit me through my shield what no dream suzy drew seriously [Laughter] george why did you not get more than iron boots what is wrong with you you're so you went to the nether before you're getting like okay listen this is my plan i i got a bit of iron off the start and i thought i could just beat you i just i thought i'd just get there before you i'd be able to get away and then i'll be able to get myself i'll just get out you oh my oh my god george you had four i gotta lose some help no but listen let's innocent we do it again we'll go again and i'll have more health this time how did you kill me that quickly like i don't get because you have no armor and i have an iron axe what do you mean how do i kill you that quickly did you have like everything yes well i mean i almost did i think it's like right here as well like this is this is never gonna happen again the next run i'm gonna i'm gonna be spending half an hour looking for a fortress oh okay all right listen guys it's okay it's okay um because we're going to go again i'm going to have you got no armor that's ridiculous once you have armor you're like set that's yours i had so much more health than me that seed was so good that seed was so good okay it's fine like what are you gonna do you're just running i didn't think you could kill me that quickly i okay okay look it's fine oh my god it's completely fine i was expecting you to be like decked out and i was like okay well were you just waiting like by the portal or what no no no i i saw i like saw you last second there i was gonna i had the iron to craft stuff too but i saw you going in and you didn't see me so i'm just gonna go in after him he's probably gonna be like standing there and you weren't sorry you didn't even fight back yeah i was trying to this is cape and i gotta heal myself and he's just doing like 10 hearts at once like actually actually so many so much damage okay jordan i was probably doing like seven hearts or something because i was critting you with an iron axe and you had like no armor you had the least armor possible i know okay get back in okay we're going again so let me give myself this so i need an i need i think this okay and then this okay guys i let you down i let you down but guess what we're gonna go and get your roll of health now i have an extra row of health i'm gonna uh give us saturation i can't believe i died like that that was that was like that was the first time we even saw each other too george you got you got to put up more to fight than that okay round two is like round two ding ding ding okay we got this this is the rematch guys and then and then there's the rematch this is this is manhunt vs dream rematch okay um so can you just let me have a head start again no you you have you could just beat me to death right now with your fist you have five times my health why are you how are you legitimately asking for a head start come on let's go let's go i think it's quiet i don't know if the music is quiet is it quiet i don't know if it's quiet but it's probably quiet oh well i can't turn it up right now dream stop chasing me we're just running in a straight line you can't we can't you can't catch up to me surely surely you can't catch up to me yeah i could have but oh you left me he left me okay is the music quiet guys does it need to be louder ah this is annoying i don't want to get these birch trees i hate birch trees okay that's good okay it sounds quiet to me wait i have a plan i never have a plan okay this is good this is good how have you already got a sword what he's just running running at me no wait where did i come from where i come from george where did i come from no i came over there what come here george oh george no this is ridiculous it's ridiculous come on come here yes you gotta be so low you gotta be so low we won guys we won the manhunt we won it's over the game is over i won let's go let's actually go i made an axe i should have been uh yeah but you didn't you didn't because you're a noob and i'm better than you outplayed and out memed just like that i'm the greatest of all time played how low were you how long honestly how low did you get it doesn't matter irrelevant yeah yeah probably like one irrelevant just like you ah i was so good i almost got you no you oh didn't am victorious yet again guys that deserves a twitch prime if you don't know what twitch prime is um you can link anyone's amazon prime account if your parents have it if a friend has it if you have it link it to your twitch account and then you can click subscribe click prime and then boom you get a free sub and it renews every month so you might not even know you have it you might have already used it you might have used it on someone but it probably hits renewed just click subscribe check if it's there and boom prime prime away you get all the subs all the subs all the emotes it's like it's like 65 emotes you get no ads ever and it's epic very epic oh my god and i'm better than dream at minecraft this is the best day of my life wait ah i'm falling and dying okay you know what we're back to intense we're back to intense we may have won the war but we haven't wait what's the phrase we have won the fight but we haven't won the war we've we've won the fight we have one we have won the fight but we have not won the battle yet or the whatever i don't care the war the battle i don't know you've won the battle but you haven't won the war same thing same thing you know what i mean okay but where oh i have x-ray hmm i just don't know like where you are which is really bad really bad that's like one of the most intense parts of manhattan you know i just don't know where i am you don't know where the hunters are this is so bad you just know they're hunting they're lagging yeah and i'm about to kill you oh my god oh my god that was so um oh my gosh i'm just going up i'm on one heart in a cave i was getting killed and i almost died this is actually i don't like or i'm lying i mean you don't know you're right i don't know there's a portal where tell me where tell me where where oh okay hey dream hey what's up i'm just gathering some resources some resources you know who else gathered resources t6119 they gifted five resources hmm guys you can gift resources too for free with twitch prime what if we did that like you could like gift me things in game you'd just be op you'd have like everyone just be doing it just to be like ah that's so funny as we'll do next time depending on how this goes yeah depending if i beat you which i will this is actually very good what i just got because it allows me to do this oh i just realized something actually you're so annoying me i'm actually lagging like the server's lagging it's not the server it's not the server it's definitely yeah but my stream stream's not lagging explain that one genius i don't know maybe it's just your connection to the stream versus your connection to impossible it's impossible but you know what i'll beat you still even whilst lagging i don't i don't need good connection all right i think you're just making excuses but that's fine okay okay so i'm muted now i'm muted what i really need is iron because during probably or oh he doesn't actually he's probably getting it though oh hello hello what are you doing how did you get armor oh you crafted it all in the same thing wait because you didn't get no oh you did a quiet hardware you already did i did a while ago you didn't realize that it was like 30 seconds after you killed me i need a cave like you literally have better stuff than me right now i have nothing because i'm just efficient you're a fish didn't you're a fish yeah efficient you're confirming that you're a fish yes i'm efficient guys dreams of fish wait yeah minecraft but my friend minecraft but my friend is a fish new video subscribe to the youtube channel minecraft but george's ideas are yeah but the thing about it if you're a no this isn't the conversation to have right now this is intense manhunt moments featuring george and dream part five okay i desire a cave that is bountiful full of iron wow you made an iron pickaxe i did yeah okay so there's a cave there i think george dream yeah i need stuff i need stuff like so quickly like this is this is just not good did i just play this song i did this is just this one's too much this one's too much okay here we go oh my god i'm just like i need stuff like this stuff's good still but i need more stuff i agree yeah [Music] you agree you don't even know what i'm talking about you're not watching my stream right here you need this stuff you may not be watching my stream i'm not watching your stream but i agree you do need this stuff there's no caves there's no caves anywhere not one single cave [Applause] all right oh my god why they're no caves there's actually nothing this is this seed is dog water dog water seed so many mobs it's very annoying what kind of mobs every kind the annoying kinds so like when you do manhunts do you are you just like always looking behind you i feel like i'm just always checking like what if what if you're just there you never know right yeah oh my god this isn't good guys this isn't good ah there's like a million zombies there's actually like so many zombies good fight them you should kill them all right now go on a zombie killing arc you should you should do it i i was but then now it's just getting annoying because they just keep coming and they just they don't stop coming there's no caves it's actually it's annoying that it's nighttime there's just so many mobs why are these mobs so annoying wait my gosh why wait a second okay this is so annoying i can't do what i want to do because these dumb mobs all right how do i know you're not lying you could be really close to me for all i know maybe i am what are you doing i don't know take a guess looking for me maybe hmm i feel like i should get a compass no that's not fair you have five rows of health george what are you so afraid of if i if i confront you like you can just crit me out that was way too close was way too close don't worry oh my god this is so scary come on oh if it comforts you i'll tell you what i'm doing i'm getting food right now how do i know you're not lying if you don't but you can choose to believe if you want i have x-ray all right okay i should be pretty good oh my god this music is way too epic for what it is but it's kind of epic it's fine it's fine i don't have time to change the music i don't have time i don't have time i don't have time i just realized something i just realized something not so good what did you realize i don't have something that i should that's good very good actually keep not having that thing that you desire i like it when you don't have it because i'll have it very short i think i'm one off i need one more okay nothing here it's nothing here what if we pop a um one of these detective dream song okay um it's actually annoying i'm like being a dj and getting hunted at the same time this is not fair pretty far from spawn i'm reasonably far i'd say i don't know you're very far maybe you could say that well i did i did say that i am saying it right now where did i come from where did i come from your mother where did i come from yeah where did you go now is all the time for singing always the time for singing whoa what nothing kill the mob so i'm guessing you got scared by something no i don't get scared what am i doing i don't like this angle i can't see the top wait i'm literally looking up i'm an idiot this is so scary kitty darling gifting uh 20. thank you so much thank you thank you thank you okay i can do it i can do this i thought i just saw you you can do it george okay look at me guys i have good stuff i have one of these um what else do i need to make guys chat help me what else do i need to make i don't think anything else right okay i could make okay yeah i could make that i have no i have no wood what oh it was it was the sheep's eating grass i thought i thought dream was here you being very quiet jam i'm not oh you're not okay whoops my bad i thought you were talking not talking i mustn't miss hard oh george george what i see your little little trail see some fire do dream george where are you hey where are you george dream george i see you no you don't oh yes i do what am i doing you're right off the edge of a block oh you just jumped down oh run run dream run for your stop stop run come here george oh george hmm oh you got a boat oh wow you have one too no i don't of course one two you have one too i would never make a boat that sounds like a dumb thing to do he's in a boat he's in a boat he's in a boat he's in a boat he's in a boat stop stop seriously seriously oh you're hitting all the way closer george dream actually get away from me seriously he's right behind me he's right behind me hmm what do i do what do i do what do i do i need a thing hmm all right give you a little bit of space there waste your food i'm fine with that just keep running i have plenty this is not good this is not good i'm gonna kill you george oh my god yes yes you did half a heart to me george yeah i slow you down though i slowed you down i'm still right behind you no you're not your father your father george hmm george just stop running give up and die hmm no oh george come here come on come on yes no way there's no way i actually killed you i killed him let's go oh my god oh my god he's cracked he's cracked he's cracked you're on oh you get all my stuff now i get it all this is it's all mine it's all mine this is so sad they're for you because you're an idiot and you lost i had so much health if you're an idiot you're so dumb and stupid yes yes i can't believe it i can't believe it i can't believe it oh you ran away i stopped my water place i wrecked you i didn't know oh yeah you wrecked me you totally i did i did i definitely i did like at least like triple the damage yeah he completely destroyed me guys everyone saw that guys right you all saw him own me right hey you're right let's let's burn his trash let's burn his leftover trash boom oh it is the best day of my life i can't believe it i can't believe it um did you come the question is though did you completely ruin lava pool because if you didn't oh you're in big big trouble dream okay um luckily i had extra stuff so yes but did you have a bed nearby that's the question hmm i don't know i had i had an extra i had extra stuff that's all i know i know that took all of my extra iron and all of my extra everything and put it into a chest that i hid oh that's so great i'm so happy for you it is it's marvellous like my medicine do you even get that reference no yes because you are an idiot oh this is so good oh sorry yeah we're done with this so hmm i got really good rng i broke one piece of gravel and got a flint oh hacks question mark it's not enough i don't have enough lava hmm how sad that is actually sad you already all right no i'm not that far away hmm whatever let me in please all right it's definitely a setback it's definitely a setback but it's okay i was just listening if there was more lava i don't think there is and i need my own first liverpool dream i thought that was you i'm close so you should be looking out so there's endermen here but i don't think i have time honestly to deal with them you can just do trades i'm gonna regret it but maybe i won't because any times left staying up here it's dangerous and once i'm in the nether i feel like i'm i feel like i'm safer in another for some reason i'm probably it's actually probably worse i mean i can knock you in lava and your health doesn't really matter when that happens i just i don't know why i feel safer than ever i don't know why i don't know why all i know is that's very annoying that you destroyed my laval like my tactic was i was gonna get the lava and use it to kill you but that didn't even help me i could have just killed you normally and then i would have had the lava point i'd be in the nether boy yeah you should have you should have you should have fought me that i don't know why you ran the whole time because i was my plan was to go back to you george you have to listen you have five times my health five times yes but i'd have to i'd have to beat you if worse then you would beat me five times you've killed me twice with forex health okay that's true i didn't want to take the risk i didn't wanna i didn't wanna lose that early i wanted to give myself the best chance possible so i thought i'll go to the liverpool and and i thought that would be very beneficial but it turns out it wasn't at all all right so i didn't have i don't have quite enough i'm mining a little bit because i have quite enough for full everything but i am i back that's my stash my secret stash where i keep my moustache and spruce mustache and you keep your big fat ass okay kind of weird well i mean it's the truth debbie thanks for gifting i can't see how many but thank you i see your name a bunch thank you oh my god okay i can do this i can do this we're fine completely fine you know what we're so fine you know let's actually let's do this okay we're fine we're completely fine look this is the bit of the manhunt where you don't expect any any any like little jump scares because everything's happy we're all happy [Music] nothing's gonna go wrong well and working it's working it's working that was weird all right all right oh george i got you there really badly well i had to got you there really badly i heard you like click your keyboard and crap [Music] all right perfect all right go here kind of cool i wonder how far you are for me we're gonna find out nether okay all right george i see you i see you i literally see you i'm right behind you hmm all right ah it's gonna take so long to find the fortress like i got so lucky last time that the fortress was just right here yeah well i'm just mining multiple sets of full iron that way if i die again when i set my bed then i'm all good i can instantly come after you how much iron do i have 34 and i have okay might be good enough i don't know where that come from what i just wanna circle oh this nether is actually annoying me are you being so quiet [Music] concentrate i'm like looking i'm gonna have to dig straight up i can't find anything all right hopefully i don't die so uh [Music] this is what i knew would happen like i'd get really lucky on the first seed and then the um like finding the fortunes now it's just so hard i can never find them you will find one like i don't know how to do it like it takes me so long there's nothing here all right okay my position is decent put these down give me some iron all right let me collect some wood we could make this like a real manhunt and i could run an ad like like it is on youtube you're so dumb like what would happen if i ran an ad i mean it's gonna be like it's gonna be 10 minutes of me looking for the nether fortress so might as well right actually just out of interest i wonder if it's good to run an ad right now whilst there's like kind of nothing happening because don't they kind of force as every like so often on twitch right i think like sometimes like we could be in an epic fight and it might run an ad i think it happens like every hour or something i don't know i don't know all right yeah like uh i have full iron again i'm [Music] [Applause] happy okay um all right i guess i'll do this okay so yeah i'm just like thinking if it's like i'm scared like it's going to run an ad germ at a good time i don't run an ad so dream wants me to run an ad well no oh you're so dumb you're like trying to blame me so you can run guys dream wants to run an ad i'm sorry but like realistically if we don't it might run one at a good time and right now i'm just looking for a fortress so like it kind of makes sense right so here don't just stop whatever you're doing dream whilst i do this quickly okay um everything i'm going to run 60 seconds of ads just so it cleans up the whatever okay you can you can twitch prime you can sub whatever you want you can see this epic one minute of content of me looking for the nether fortress okay i think i did it um wait don't go yet don't go yet okay you can go we're back in the game we're back in the game awesome so now we won't get ads at a bad time you know yeah that's that's super smart george you're a genius whoever would have thought of that i know i still haven't found this stupid fortress okay all right that's not a lot of extra stuff that is kind of annoying i kind of wish i had more iron all right well if i put this in there um if i put like this that's pretty good if i put half of this pretty decent half of that and the good thing is i can just like cut you off so like you find another fortress it's like okay and then you take a million years to find it and then i can just run straight to it so all this time you take finding it it's just like it's just my advantage like you lose all that time wait say that again i was lit for you just like not even listening i said that because i can just follow straight to where you are you can spend all this time running around finding the fortress and then i just run straight to the fortress like at the ideal whatever and i just and basically you just waste all of that time so i get that's like an automatic advantage of the hunters by like a huge amount you're you're right you are very right jim and like i'm just wasting so much time trying to you actually have an advantage which is unfair because i should have the advantage well i mean you already have a lot advantage [Music] okay all right should be pretty good so my compass points this way i'm coming to you right now it's fine i'm so far away in the nether like it doesn't even matter at this point what that wasn't very convincing i'm off to see the nether the wonderful nether of oz i just realized i'm muted right now i didn't even reply to him saying that's convincing [Music] i think he might this isn't [Music] but guys i muted again this is the thing even if he knows what can he do i suppose he can block his sword his shield but then i haven't i don't remember last night i'm hoping it was fire so i don't know we'll see how this goes okay i see fire that's probably a lava pool it's probably yours i'm guessing hmm your portal okay all right okay hmm let's think [Music] catastrophe thanks for the gifted thank you you're definitely you're definitely going to trap me i don't know how though i'm going to think the thing is this is this is oh that would be so good no okay listen you're a terrible actor no listen little i'll tell you i'll tell you the advantage that i have are you ready i tested about like a thousand different nether entrance portal traps okay and i know how each and every one works in every way so theoretically the the most powerful nether trap the portal is actually lava which is surprising that that's what it was that's not what i was expecting from my findings that is what the most powerful nether portal trap is um and so if i how do i put myself off of fire because it's the nether how do you do that um maybe i go through a different portal i mean i could do that and i have to be far enough away to not link up which isn't actually that far i'm talking about linking up to like a portal in the nether it's not not that far i mean so as i run away from your portal and go to a new portal there's an ocean here i can travel pretty far this would be nice i'm use it guys is he bluffing so do i just run now do i pick up my bed and run okay here's what i'll do i'll lava this puzzle and i'll run i think that's what i'm gonna do all right all that time literally sitting there for nothing i don't even have gold oh my god i don't even have gold and now i come through one second oh you slept if i manage to meme you again you don't have to go so far that is very true that is exactly what happened all right here we go oh wait you did that on purpose what happened nothing i just wanted to see your reaction okay and what do you think of my reaction i think you took a lava trap and you are but you only did it to one side so i can just let him break the dirt and walk out the other side dream dream yes yes wait wait wait wait no no no no oh my god oh oh oh my god no way there's no way what oh my god you tried to trick me didn't you you actually tricked you you the hell did i try and trick you no way i actually just out brained you i thought about it at the very last second what if you trapped the other side you literally did that you act no way oh my god i actually oh my god if you had got me with that that would have been in dream one million iq montages but now it's in the george 1 million iq montage oh my god guys guys i just out brained dream yes i did i had you dude i mean i didn't i don't see how i mailed into the nether i wasn't trapped i didn't lose any of my stuff you trapped the other side of the portal didn't you what i mean you thought this isn't this is what i was thinking let me get the let me get the music let's get this okay this is what i was thinking i was thinking oh this is so easy i just killed dream with nothing let's go through destroy his bed and then kill him and that's what you thought i would think as well but no you trapped the other side of the portal like a little nimrod you did like a smart potato but then a smart potato i don't know i mean i get to come through with nothing and i get to discover what's on you know what's going on i get to to look into stuff you know figure out what's happening okay it's the question is how did you get down i guess maybe you were already down wait how did you get through the lava oh you just broke the dirt oh i'm an idiot i'm actually an idiot you're like i just helped play a dream like i went there with nothing because i knew you were trapping and i was like okay well i want to figure out what it is before i lose my stuff so yeah i probably should have no but okay here's what happened i would have it would be fine anyway i would have just gone through the lava i brought blocks with me i would have just gone through lava with no armor placed blocks to block off the lava and then died and not cared respawned and then been fine but listen um i thought you were gonna go through a different portal because that's what you were alluding to well yeah i wasn't gonna do that because that's i have to go so far in order to make it link up oh you lied to me you said it's not that far i know i lied you lied you're not allowed to lie you are allowed to it's like that's like half of what manhunt is that's like zero of what manhunt is it's all about integrity man integrity that's what it's called yes i need gold these things are so annoying oh you need gold i need gold i need gold like now you're in the nether yeah i've been in the nether for a while these guys are so annoying like they're actually op if you don't have gold they're so powerful didn't ask plus ratio plus get a job all right so now now we are really on the fortress hun before i was not you're a bad liar you're actually annoying though because you're far and another is annoying to like get around it is you're right it is very annoying to get around and i hate it i almost prefer the old one just because it's easier but this one i guess is cooler yay they're not attacking me alright now i can actually come after you i couldn't for a little bit because they were annoying okay i'm guessing you didn't go across here but i kind of have to oh i'd be so mad if i found the lava right now oh my god my sprint wasn't on i just almost fell on the lava i blocked clutch otherwise i would have fallen in that would have been really bad that actually would have been really bad yeah that would have been unfortunate i was like not even looking all right hey all right i'll help you find the fortress because then i can get to it and i can break the spawners before you get enough yeah okay somehow through this wall okay [Music] what you're dead you're dead you're dead i'm dead you're dead you've got to be dead you've got to be dead oh dream i'm coming for you um um oh my gosh dream come here oh my gosh it's really impossible come on dream where did he go this is dream hunt wait where are you a dream dream how did you escape george where did he go you actually just lost me i lost you i mean there's no way you survived that how did you survive you were in lava no i need you i need to kill you right now where are you where are you there's literally zero chance you'd find me i just dug into a wall and then blocked myself in how are you ever gonna find me i actually just like completely threw i had to kill you there this isn't the end room i know this is the nether oh oh oh shuts up oh that's so tough how low did you get with the lava how low did you get how low did you get how low did you get i wasn't even that low i wasn't even that low you had to have been low no you don't get it i wasn't low you know you had to vin low like you had there's no chance you weren't low you were in two buckets of lava and i got a couple hits you were in a bucket of lava how how were you not dead how were you not dead because i got out of it really quickly you were in it for so long like you were swimming it you're like taking a bath in the lava that was a mistake you surviving was a mistake you had been really annoying you had to die there i didn't i mean obviously i didn't have to because i lived like i'm i'm not i'm not making myself look very good here like i should have killed you there like i'm just nervous i'm nervous yeah i'm so sure i'm nervous why why are you nervous i don't know all right let me get there really quickly so i can break the the spawners give me a minute yeah come near here see what happens see what happens i will i will i'll be there in a minute just give me a second just give me one second okay you killed one all right well how did you go this way oh i found your little thing okay all right that made me nervous i was nervous there i don't know how i lived i clutched up i clutched up there i don't know how you lived like i clutched up a lot there like i i i clutched up that was clutch you should have seen my perspective that was clutch like i got down to one heart but oh you should have been recording this this would be cool were you recording yeah you know are you no what's up dream what's up where are you noah oh you're nowhere nowhere yeah i'm nowhere that's great i thought you just hit me he's nearby he's nearby dream what a pleasant surprise to see you here oh i can see you through walls how coincidental hmm where's the other blaze spawner i already broke one oh oh you're so annoying oh oh dream let's go rematch part 2 dream let's go you're taking damage you can't hide i can see you if i'm going down oh no no yes how low are you how long i'm so low i'm so low i guess maybe i understand me how much art lava does lava and i created you it's over it's over so much sense no it's over it's not over at all it's over it's completely over it's over it's actually how is it over oh my god it's over ah how much how low were you you need to tell me how low you get i was like halfway definitely you had to be on your low you had to be you had to be you'd be waving no i unless you lost two rows of hearts no no you lost you definitely 100 you lost more than that i i did i i count crits and i i created you i think three times which is already like basically well unfortunately oh you might have a something for me actually can this thing leave you need to get in the habit of telling me how low you are you need to get in the habit of winning oh i'm an idiot i'm i mean you do have like a million times my health oh i should have killed you there i should have killed you i should have lobbied you and ran a little bit and then ate that would have been the strap i thought you were i just don't know i don't know how much health you have so i just can't tell usually i know how much health i can like count it ah well dream you tried but unfortunately it wasn't good enough i mean oh i'm gonna come back and he dies to his skeleton i died on purpose i want my longer reset he died on purpose guys he died on purpose i did i did okay well you fall valiantly dream but unfortunately i thought valiant here well i mean i'm outside the portal right now and you have to come back through it so i don't have to do anything well you that literally admit on rules oh wait oh wait but what he where where are the chords huh ashley thanks for giving 25 subs thank you thank you so much thank you thank you whoa so you're saying i have to go back through the main portal that's what you're saying what i'm saying for me and how rules are but we're not playing by manhunt rules coincidentally we're playing by my roommates i don't know are we well i mean i would assume so i mean it's not you could you just never travel you just win instantly that's why it's that's why it's like banned because you know you'll be like a million blocks away and you just win that's sure what if i don't know the travel buddies no that's another travel you you have to know the trouble no matter what if you're if you don't go through the other portal okay um well there might be a problem a small problem yeah actually you know what never mind don't worry what's the problem don't worry oh are you saying that in like uh guys did i open f3 once i was by the portal if so can someone please go back in the vote and show me the chords of the portal please please i haven't i took a screenshot ah wait this is i could have gotten you there i could have gotten you there if i'd played better i could have gotten you there i know for sure i just have to play better yeah you just have to be that's that's dream's takeaway he just has to be better no that is my thing my takeaways i just had to i had to have played that better to be fair i should have killed you the first time well yeah you should have but i probably should have killed you the first time too no well i wasn't yeah i'm even really close well the second time i got you in two bucks lava and you hadn't even got me in lava you didn't get me like how did i even get so low i think it's just that it's just the accident i didn't i wasn't blocked using my shield i don't think i was just trying to rely on the lava bug so i was like holding my lava bucket and not i should just shield fight you like i'll beat you okay and i know sex no guys that's 6161 i'm pretty sure it's from the one before this nothing absolutely nothing so what are you doing jim what's your plan my plan is very simple to kill you you're not doing a very good job of it i'm doing a pretty good job i'm doing good based on the circumstances i mean i can't really ask for more than that hmm i suppose so um yeah run away okay well okay um dream dream dream i wonder what you were doing right now i'm very interested i wonder too this is kind of epic it's kind of an epic gamer moment hmm that's not good i don't know how to i don't know where i'm going dream i'm lost oh you're lost yes let me help you huh choice not found lol xd and my inventory is full uh what do i need that okay okay so you anything to talk about jim uh sure let's talk about how you're gonna die and lose i just don't know how much that's the the problem is like so much of how i fight is based on like i just i i literally count in my head like okay i did this much i did this much they're gonna die now and then now like it's just too complicated i'm getting into like it's like lava in the 15 hits no that doesn't it doesn't work because it's like oh yeah you have to divide divide by four yeah divide by four but i'm also saying like the lava and stuff so it's like square root it and then and then finally finally complicated the whatever the it's actually a really good i never thought about that george the binomial theorem of it [Music] ah okay oh you're mad at me oh i'm stealing your gold the problem is like i want to fight you again but i feel like the nether is advantage to you because i can't put down water and you can just put me on lava and that's like kind of busted i can't do anything about that you can just you can just literally like you said you're like if i'm going down you're going down you just like jumped in the lava with me and took the damage to put me in lava this is like that's just like what am i supposed to do that i can't send myself out or anything like it's impossible like at least if you do that usually like you would die because you just you would throw yourself in and you would 100 die usually this isn't usually this is like an actual manhunt you would die too like and i wouldn't die because you'd just throw yourself in and then i would just get out and run and you would just die because you were too deep in it well you should have thought about that before you let me have four times your health well i mean it's five times but it was four times oh yeah whoops my inventory is so packed to the brim with goodies and it's annoying because i don't want them anymore i'm like i've got too many goodies okay why am i trading with this one idiot when i could just go somewhere else and trade with like 10 idiots all right screw it so i need to work out how to get back where did i come from hmm this is not good what if we put a little uh explore track [Music] i'm exploring okay so oh okay this is good this is very good um i don't know how to say your name but it's a it begins with an a and ends with an end with an n thanks for gifting five subs i don't know how to say that i don't think i want to try either it looks hard is the music too loud i don't know hmm too loud okay i can't be able to change this up to change the volume so we just changed the song because apparently that sound the song's just loud [Music] not my fault i feel like this is kind of loud too okay i did it hey yo hannah getting 20 thank you hannah thank you so much thank you thank you thank you thank you so much okay boom hmm play some ariana grande i don't think i'm allowed i'm sorry i can't do it hmm where are you jeremy hmm there's not very many people where are the traders where are they and chloe thanks for giving 10 thank you and ekko bobekko thanks for getting five so there's no pig lands did you kill all the pig ones or something like where are they yeah that's actually what i did i don't know how you knew but they're just not here what is this that's interesting play road trip no dream's gonna copyright strike me what did he give me he didn't give me anything he's did he get oh strong okay trash trash trash kind of trash see before this thing i was like oh we should play one point sixty point one so we get better drums you'll be fine i said just i said just get a pass i said can't just get a bastion if you're really complaining ah i said that's part of that that's part of manhunt getting the pearls see i just want to get the pearls instantly i do want to get them i got i got a pole drop and i got tuition now let's just move on um all right well i guess i'll just thank the subs let's see who's this deadly gifted a bunch thank you again anna lee yates1001 thank you um they buggin get to the summit you know that tick tock they buggin what's that take though what happens is that the beans one i don't know come on oh you i have a gift for you no you're don't leave i have a gift for you izzy dizzy thanks for giving 10. thank you well i'm out of gold so let me in please you should have thought about that so i need more gold i need oh look at this oh oh my god actually cracked momo thanks for getting 10. thank you look at this whoa this is kind of epic that's also kind of epic wow look at that [Music] okay whatever oh no this isn't good um chloe and debbie thanks for gifting again thank you thank you okay here we go you like that dream see that fast there you go that's what i said oh god what have i done oh no i said before i was like and usually it's like so hard but like you can just tank it because you have so many so much health if i die i get to go back if i die i get to go back no no you don't you don't you're so much health there's no way you should die to anything the brutes are so strong you can probably take them you have so much health you can take them yeah i just killed them easily that trash me saying if i die i get to come back was a joke i knew i was never going to die i doubt that it would have been a joke if he died oh that would have been a joke it would have been a bet it wouldn't have been if you had died you would have been like no i was being serious i was being serious no well yeah but we need plundering music i don't have plundering music so instead i have zero music what is going on oh my god these things are so annoying oh my god go away please where are the gold blocks i don't know how the bastions work oh god this is so annoying where are the gold blocks like where do they spawn yeah i didn't kill these idiots different oh no please die that'd be the best thing ever it would actually be the worst thing it would be pretty great especially saying you have like 100 hearts or something [Applause] okay oh where you going no come back okay let's just re let's heal up and then go in okay this is a problem right here i oh i can do something actually i can do this wait okay ah it's actually frustrating um this i guess okay okay blaze thanks for gifting five thank you ah okay i don't have gold anymore oh you can't hit me i'm too quick oh nevermind i just want to heal up all the way hmm but i need gold can i lose hunger there we go debbie thanks for gifting again thank you in catastrophe thank you and valerie palacios thank you okay what are you doing jeremy i am just getting resources like you're giving me all this time and so i'm just like sure i'll get some resources all right why not sure yeah why would i not do that i'm just looking for the nether fortress all right all right i just need to do this before i go down there where did i come from i have too much stuff in us thanks for gifting 10. thank you i don't know what to drop that like maybe this [Music] i don't know okay go back here i'm gonna drop this i need the gold blocks i don't know where they spawn diamonds okay diamonds god i don't know don't order them have gold no some of them don't have gold right like gold blocks right or do they all um they all have gold but some of them are hidden at least i'm pretty sure watch this be the one where it's hidden well a lot of them have like hidden ones but they have visible ones too i don't know i don't know exactly how it all works i just haven't seen a single gold blog ah come on there's nothing there's no gold okay i came here for nothing i'd actually have nothing i gave you all this free time to do whatever you wanted and i got nothing to show for it there's nothing here how do i find it whoa that's kind of cool um where guy okay i'm using my chat guys where is the gold in the wall like where cheating wait oh is it behind the little like like totem thingy like the different looking blocks do i remember correctly no there's nothing down huh just in the walls how am i i can't just dig through all the walls looking for gold blocks i don't oh my god oh dream help me why would i ever do that i don't know [Music] yeah you're right i wouldn't i'm gonna come up here i don't know i don't know how this bastion works behind the pig blocks okay yeah so like the little special blocks okay where is that thing gone that's what i mean by totem block when i said that by the way oh not two at a time please oh my god what are the odds of that happening what happened i just probably just died when i teleported like literally probably i'm never gonna find that part of it dropped okay i need to find the little blocks with the faces on them i i think i saw one earlier another right scrap okay okay maybe they're down at the bottom i'm so sure i saw one did i not see one oh no that's not one i'm being an idiot dream yeah usually my god everything is so annoying yeah usually at the bottom okay no we can have ex detective music because we're looking for the things where are they will they be found i'm looking around and they're nowhere like this right dream's going to come find me with full diamond like actually that's probably what you're doing that's actually what you're doing nope where you get the diamonds from i got them from the fortress chest hmm a fortress chest you say oh my god i i just don't know how this bastion works i'm sorry i don't know how it works i guys what do i do what do i do help i need help did you find them no oh no is that it did i get all of it is that everything that was really bad i was being an idiot how do i get out how do i get out go what is your problem um hmm oh no oh that did not just happen i didn't know they all got mad at you you just don't sound like you're you're being very smart george i'm being very smart okay okay extremely smart so smart in fact that not even you could comprehend it i saw something in the chat that's kind of cool what is that enough though nothing i need more people it's too slow this isn't going the way i wanted to be that's not that surprising someone just said is this how long manhunts actually are long a lot longer usually like four hours like this is probably going to go on for another little bit don't know exactly how long maybe only a couple minutes who knows who knows who knows okay okay guys it's time to speedrun all i need is a batch of good friends i can help me get what i want penguins aren't your friends george yes they are no they don't know you there's two two of my friends what if i slowly load them over here like this come on see it oh i picked it up take it and you come this way okay come on what are you doing jeremy um nothing you're not doing you're literally doing nothing you're doing nothing yeah okay all right now i'm gonna do this where you going are you feeling i'm just going to die it's going to be disappointing yeah for you not for me you'll be hyped yeah i would be i would be mega hyped just like i mega hyped that elliot just gifted subs and so did b and devi thank you guys thank you what's what nothing i remember what i said okay come on like the trading rate on this stupid version is so slow it is it's actually annoying like i almost just want to go to the overwatch and kill undermine it's still way less than that wait what's what i think it's one out of every i don't remember there's no way i used up all that gold and got one two pearl trade oh my god i did it's gone this is just so slow it's ridiculous and i don't like how like quiet you're being well it's just like i'm being calculated you're five times my health and you have like decked out stuff like it's not going to be an easy easy thing to do i need to have plans it's so annoying what am i i don't know what i'm meant to do i i just go find more and more gold until eventually i get loads of trades of pearls oh cool okay why is everyone doing exclamation mark claim guys exclamation mark claim does a whole lot of nothing so oh someone did a prediction what's the prediction for oh it's probably for who will win right i would assume i i want to see like the percentages for say what was the percentage on the on the on the what you call it the prediction ah dream this is not going well right now yeah you're right i'm having complications hey what am i meant to do now there's a gold not gold there's a ghost where where is it you can do exclamation mark claim or you can twitch prime it's up to you so i think it's clear you're not trying to kill me right now you don't know that well i do because i've been in the same spot for like 20 minutes maybe i'm just doing like a bad job i mean i don't know 57 say i'm gonna win jeremy what do you think about that yeah five times my health and you're decked out i wouldn't be surprised okay okay you know what i've had enough of bad trades so therefore i'm inventing good trades basically you take this gold you drop it to that guy right there and you get good trades from them instead of your usual trash we're off to a good start and another good one another excellent trade and to finish it off here we go what's it gonna be on the drop wow this game is annoying dream yeah like it actually is i went to the went to bastion bathroom yeah i did that as well obviously okay what if we go for good trades 2.0 it's a possibility that i will now get good trades where did i where even was i where was i i'm just running in circles right now i don't even know where i was i don't even know okay there's a guy here and i have to make another crafting table how many crafting tables have i made that i've just thrown away i don't know too many okay boom take this and be happy take this okay just give me something good please i don't want this nether quartz just give me something good dream say give me like the pig emperor no know they don't know they how did we've done the pigment prayer in three videos and none of them are out yet really yeah watch your videos with them oh i guess you don't want frost quackities oh wait what's the other one i think it was your video that you haven't like another video we did i don't know there was another video there was a hundred percent there was like quackities spoilers i was from a while ago though he's doing a george and taking a week to edit george takes like a million years did it that's actually why i um i was gone for so long i was so inactive as i'm i feel like you guys noticed because he was like putting off editing that's the only thing not because he was because every time i would ask him let's listen let's listen every time i ask him that makes me want to stream he'd go i have to edit and then the next day i'll give you anything i didn't edit at all i'm like did you want to do on a stream like no i had literally i have to edit it i have to then he wouldn't do it and then he would just keep like pushing everything off even though he was making zero progress listen um i'm listening okay wait listen when i have something to edit i don't like to do anything else but either procrastinate or edit because i feel like if you procrastinate so much yes yes because i feel like oh i shouldn't stream right now because i should be editing but then i end up just not doing anything so um that is why i was inactive because it took me a week of procrastinating and doing nothing and i hate it i hate it i'm like oh my god i'm being so unproductive i'm i'm doing nothing and then and then eventually it's finished and now look i'm streaming right after i upload i'm back i'm back i'm back on the grind because i can be productive again now because i don't have anything to edit until we record another video then it's like oh time to edit again but it's fine it's fine it is fine because i got it done hmm i'm actually running out of food that's how long i've been here for i'm running out of food but this this like getting gold for the um for the pearls it's just so long so long i don't know what to drop either like i need everything pretty much i guess i can drop one of these okay um is that any more gold no there's no gold and no piles either gold with no pearls there's gold right there okay come on come on what are you doing dream just what are you doing i'm waiting for you you're the one taking a million years oh so you're lying i'm not gonna come try and kill you and then okay i'm not gonna come try and kill you and die and lose all my stuff okay see it's wasting why don't you just crumb some parts for me leave them by the portal and then we can move on okay that sounds like a great idea actually i didn't think about that okay come on come on please please dream yeah it's it just takes so long it takes a long time to get old you're at the cut out part of the manhunt the man cut out parts of the manhunt where there's nothing happening at all let's go the best literally don't idiot you are so dumb you are really dumb for real okay it's fine i'm just i'm just playing minecraft right now you know what let's switch it up okay let's not do that see it's the it's the music that make it it changes your mind like right now now we're having fun before it was all stress oh scary oh what's gonna happen but now it's just like ha who's looking for gold we're just looking for gold like a little silly goose oh look who it is it's pete it's me it's good old pete my friend who gives me excellent deals he gives me amazing things such as ender pearls and more ender pearls that's that's pretty nice of him and he's about to pop off and give it to me it's guaranteed it's guaranteed here we go it's about to happen is it yes right now right now this is pain this is pain dream not for me [Music] wow there's gold how epic yeah this is great this is exactly what i'm looking for this is perfect perfect oh no the fun song's over what if i had another one to play right now oh i do boom oh this is this is actually i'm running like okay memes aside it's actually made me feel better like actually what songs were you playing before i was just playing like intense stuff and ooh tension and retention that's where you went wrong but now now i'm just having fun now i'm just having fun before it was all spooky scary skeletons now it's just muffins and pancakes until i come up behind you and start to kill you and then the sad music the happy music is still playing and then it's creepy at that point which very well could happen you know you don't know for sure definitely could and then we would have music that doesn't fit the mu the scene so that would be very rude of you and you shouldn't do that this music is just so good whoa i'm kind of breaking the blocks to the beat i was a bit i was kind of backpack okay oh i'm farming up a lot of gold dream you know that means it means it's time to get what i've been looking for you know that is what is that pearls okay i wish you the best [Music] the only problem with this good music this nice happy music is it's gonna put me in a full sense of security and you probably are just gonna pop out of thin air and destroy me no okay listen i have 15 gold that's a lot right it's a decent amount yeah so i give them to this guy and he's going to convert them into the eyes of an enderman all right well i just realized i don't have any of the classic happy songs on my soundboard why not come on island fun and i don't know i i i just don't have them what if i were to yeah i got them this is a classic do the funky strap this is a classic in dream team video music you've probably all heard it a million times okay this is annoying me come on come on come on might not take so long okay back to that crying obsidian cool that's not the last gold isn't it there's a bit more got pearls i'm guessing question is do you have enough or not yet maybe by that sound sounds like probably not yet probably i mean i mean possibly but it would be very unfortunate if i assumed i had enough and then dreams trading distract pigments with gold you are trading how interesting hmm there's just like so much nothing here so you are in the nether that's confirmed unless you just came in and then you're going back out hmm could be could be call me thanks for gifting 10 and goose nugget thank you thank you thank you so look at this this is nice this is good i need an island fun where's island fun i don't see it let me in please island fun let's find it where's isla fun i don't have it there's no don't have island fun wait you're not allowed to kill me i need island fun i need island to progress there we go ah so much better pump so okay so so so so ah how's it going not so great honestly i got pearls you got pause why are you trading you got nothing else to do what else do i have to do you're just you're doing nothing i can tell you're in the nether so imagine this whole time i just left and i was going to the end i was checking because i was worried i was constantly checking my compass i mean so good if i had tricked you somehow okay so what's new dream nothing much nothing much they're pretty good they're pretty good i actually like them these ones are these ones are pretty good okay i'm glad that you're getting good trades i really am because um because you didn't ah what else is there okay there's that i want that for sure um and thank you hannah for gifting 10 i think maybe more actually i don't know i can't see but thank you thank you so much ah okay where do i go where do i go all right oh my god i can't even find piglets anymore okay this is kind of annoying there was like no mobs when i passed through here then i go back through it and there's like a billion mobs all right whoops oh look who it is is it whatever his name was again it is how do i know oh my god i'm an idiot [Music] throw that away all right i think i'll take that this this game is getting to me dream this game is getting to me why things are going wrong and it's not good i think it's pretty good oh maybe i will just come and kill you because you're kind of annoying what do you have you're probably a full diamond maybe i don't even then you'd have like a huge advantage literally no matter what i got actually you would have an advantage even if i had i think i think i'm pretty sure even if i had prop 4 full diamond you would still you would still have an advantage i mean maybe 100 like 99 i don't know it doesn't give you that much it doesn't give you five times the i think it might no way i don't know it does a lot maybe maybe prop four maybe why that okay so hmm oh my god this is ridiculous come on it's just taking so long yeah i can imagine okay come on come on this is it the last few trades i just got iron nuggets from a trade it's not like the same rarity as paul's hmm i think it's the same i don't know i mean i think it's it's fairly rare i don't think it's them as pearls though ah so bad this is so bad i just like you know i don't want this music anymore [Music] just give me pause please i got no more pearls i i don't know what to do anymore how do you not have them yet i i don't understand i would love to know as well jeremy june has made diamond armor well i mean one piece you could have made them all for all i know you probably have you've probably been mining diamonds like i said you probably are i wouldn't be surprised you've had enough time oh my god you're enchanting hey how have you had this much time it's ridiculous what is wrong with you me what what's what am i doing wrong this is why we should have played a 1.6 point one point your strategy was bad your strategy had to have been bad like there's people that can get all the pearl trades and like like there's there's there's like they're like the best times like 13 minutes or something like 11 minutes or something i don't know something crazy you've been in the nether for like an hour this is so annoying just happened i don't know so you got a halt you got an enchanter you got books hey oh my god okay let's do this let's do this we can get it hmm let me in please is this where he just was yeah let's just do this one i think of that i have a good plan actually let me in please hmm let me in please let me in please let me in please uh mmm you're in the overworld maybe where are you oh you must be in the world too then no you could not be actually where are you jam i don't know where are you hmm i don't know actually hmm [Music] this is very interesting it is oh george a dream it's annoying that it's nighttime it is very annoying so what are you doing um nothing really nothing you'll be doing something doing nothing at all hmm nothing at all you say nothing at all interesting well um i know where you are where am i well i mean there's only one place that you could be which is which is that my portal right okay hmm dream oh there's a oh oops there's a wandering traitor here there's a wandering trader let me see what his trades are they're gonna be trash they're gonna be 100 trash wow five emeralds for a bucket of tropical fish and the llamas are spitting at me i know they're not a skeleton oh sweet that's pretty useful i guess not really but kind of skeleton i get it you're annoying so that wondering traitor huh yeah what about him what do you do you're so quiet you're intense you're you're you're focusing maybe what are you doing jeremy nothing let me in please hmm oh george oh george oh there's an eye vendor let me grab that oh it broke cooper was after you i don't know why why i did it come here george time to die it's been too long where nothing's happened george come on dream okay i'll follow you you're going away from the stronghold i saw which way it went it went this way you're trying to confuse me you're trying to confuse me it went this way it went no way it did not it did not go this way it did actually didn't it did i went you're not going the right way oh now you are you doubting it now are you doubting it are you doubting it because you're going the wrong way bucko hey george come on dream what oh you're dead this is this is it this is the one you can't beat me in the water you can't beat me in water they can't even water then you run oh my god come on dream come on george come on no oh my god and go george oh george i'm gonna go yes oh my god come on dream stop stop oh george come on oh my god come on come on come on yes yes yes no no no i was glitching oh come on come on come on oh no no the poor the fort the end the whatever it's called the stronghold it's so far away no it's like on the other side of the world oh my god come on oh george please come here george spare me i'm not gonna spare anything come on come on you have the most op food source too just get out of here okay come on how are you so annoying come on no ah let's go let's go [Laughter] yeah let's go on my arrow at the left i shot it i saw you pearl so i just shot an arrow and i hit you oh my god oh that was epic george you have to there's no way you wouldn't you have to see my little bunker you have to see my poker that takes me too too much damage past my my palm yeah you were too far out of reach and i was like i saw you pro and i was like oh god this is the only chance i got to kill him so i bowed you and you hit the arrow you hit the i hit it i hit it [Music] oh i'm so annoyed well you couldn't do it with four extra and you couldn't do it with five extra this is the saddest moment you look at my bunker okay well first of all let me go how do i get to my like spawn point is there a way i guess if i go to the end and then go back tp to me i'm gonna spawn i can just oh you'll be well i look so i had what i'm wearing now and then i made a little secret bunker and it's below here and then if you go in here and then look what i have this is my backup stuff what is wrong with you i i oh my god i i go and look what i have now look what i have like just look at this this is my stuff i have i i just basically just i have like i'm putting in the chest i mean i have like i just have so much stuff but like i have four pearls and then my armor is this stupid song oh my i'm actually mad like you're dying you're diamond leggings and chest plate and sword and i had a power one bow and sharpness once i was how long was i in the nether four like i was in the time i was in there for like an hour and a half probably but either way it doesn't i mean either way like i i had my my base of stuff i just kept getting extra cells like i guess i guess there's a chance he kills me i was pretty confident you wouldn't kill me but was i guess there's a chance i have nothing better to do but just collect more so i literally just sat there collecting more but i had this all i have right now pretty early on like i didn't if you if you'd come out 30 minutes earlier i still would have been just as stacked as i was but um okay well well played but whatever when did we die why did i die i mean it was um well i chased you i chased you over because i want to see how many because how many pills did i have i didn't even have that many like i had ten total i think i had ten i don't think i lost one around here oh that's i was here yeah okay okay so if i locate this stronghold i think we're close to here i'll locate it from here it should be around this no we're right here yeah we were right over here it was 1800 blocks away pretty far right wait no we were going west no no we were going this way this is the way literally this is the path we were following and then we turned right here and then right over here wait what oh yeah south straight this this way is where you're supposed to go huh okay let's go so i had ten polls let's see i'm sorry today i had four though if you killed me would have gotten four pearls so oh let's see i actually had five and i threw one and i missed here's the portal room it's a two eye i would have had enough i know i wouldn't have i would have if i killed you and got them well no if you had 10 then you would have had enough but if you didn't find that the odds are there's one in the chat there's the the odds are there's one there's one right here there's literally one in this chest you would have i probably would have lost more than one pole though one more pile escaping i guess oh trying to go and i used a paw as well so i still even with that i wouldn't have had enough well no because you said you had nine so you would have with that yeah but then i had a i had eight because i had ten when i left then i used i lost one because it broke and then i used one trying to get away with you right getting away from your at the end okay so i still wouldn't that was if i killed you i would i would have had enough and there's an enderman here that was crazy the beginning like legend the beginning was so good like obviously like when i was in the the nether like hardly anything was happening like the beginning was so intense and epic well that's usually that how the manhunts go pretty much it's like that there's like there's long periods where nothing's happening but then like when stuff does happen it's usually really crazy ashley thanks for giving 25 thank you oh well i did have like five times the health but you had five okay you lost the four times you lost you got much farther with five times i will say it's hard like if i just had iron like i pretty much have to get something like i have i have to get some advantage like my first idea was okay i'm going to get i'm going to get like a gap because i don't think it'll help me oh never mind there was 32 million channel points bet on this and the majority bet on me to win i'm sorry it was close though yes guys thank you for the support and then maybe we'll try it again and we'll give him uh sometimes my health 10 hecks to help imagine that imagine you lost like i need like increased pig luck as well or at least just one point sixteen point one like that's that did that be fair that kind of does like i don't know even if i had more pearls like i i guess i sort of died but i was just no because i was in there for so long like if i just got the pearls you still would have died though well maybe if i would go down a lot earlier if i just got the point yeah but i was like i said i i was just getting extra like you saw much extra stuff i had like i had i had plenty of stuff for a while yeah but still like like i was in there for so long like you you managed to get like three extra sets like even if i killed you like you would have had another two sets i just found like epic caves though like the caves i found like when you went through my portal you must have saw them right yeah yeah by like right by the ground like bedrock almost yeah yeah there was like epic caves like i found i found i found like 19 diamonds i think yeah that was a crazy crazy manhunt yeah i want to like if i took that and edited it as if it was a manhunt how it would turn out i guess like it'd be pretty it'd be pretty good it'd be pretty good i mean it's not like it's not like it wouldn't be like the middle the beginning i thought was really good the beginning was kind of good good right it's pretty good well i think you think that because you were like killing me it was like it was like i think it's early it was like really tense like i thought it was epic well yeah yeah it was it was tense yeah i was pretty i was pretty close especially even after the first fight the the for after our second nether fight i was like okay i'm gonna kill him like there's no way i'm not i was like in the nether i like i almost killed him i almost killed him and like that's like the easiest place he can kill me yeah did you um did you trap the portal after you after you like died no oh you didn't no oh no well you couldn't my thought process was this what i wanted to do was i wanted to i like i knew you had a trap and so i was like all right i don't know what trap he's doing so i'm just gonna put i'm gonna go like a little bit far away from the portal i'm gonna like secretly hide a chest put all my stuff in it and then go through just to see what it is here's what it was i'll tell you what like oh if i had stayed oh so you had a bed on the other side and you're gonna come through with nothing yeah i know i did come through with nothing remember yeah so what my initial trap was is i just had a bed right by the portal oh well that wouldn't have worked anyway so wow lucky you didn't do that or something um it's it's because the portal like you know there's if you put a block between the bed and you then then it blocks it the portal is kind of a block so you need two beds it breaks the portal and then you need to do it again so it wouldn't have worked i would have lived well technically if i had let you get out then it would have worked right but i guess you just wouldn't have got out well if i saw it if i was like i was gonna just click it it's the second i saw you al what did you just do thanks for gifting thank you hit the bottom of my desk um but yeah no like i i that that one that wouldn't have worked that thing is like i i tested like so many different different uh portal traps before like i tested like going in and out with invisibility and you know bed trapping and like all this stuff and so yeah um and i i didn't i did i was i was like okay there's probably something he can do to kill me here that pretty easily and like he has so much health that he can even just like put himself in lava and just be swinging at me and he'd be fine and i was like okay so i just need to go through and figure out what it was so i just like i took off all my stuff and then i went through it and you're like yeah and you killed me and i was like i was like why are you so hyped like i went with nothing on purpose like i would you think i would just stand there and like with nothing you kill me because i was hyped because i was thinking okay i could kill you this is this is my plan well this is what this is my thinking was right so i killed you like oh my god i can just go through the portal because i saw you just set your bed before you came through because it said sweet dreams right yeah i was like oh my god i can just go through kill him again and like destroy his bed and then he's reset all the way back to the beginning but then as i was standing there and stuff you wouldn't have found it i would have maybe seen your name tag oh maybe you would have found it but i would have had all my stuff i was in the portal and i was like oh my god what if he's trapped the other side of the portal yeah i could have done that i just didn't i didn't think you would i i didn't think that you would like run in i didn't think you would run in i thought that you would try a trap it would kill me and you'd think like you bested me you know and be like yeah yeah cause you wouldn't see me or whatever like i don't know what you're doing i thought maybe you put lava so i was gonna go through and then like die right and then you'd be like yeah like let's go and then i come through again and surprise like a minute later i'm just behind you with full everything oh my god and catastrophe thanks for getting i think it was 20 thank you ah well i tried i tried so hard and good so far but in the end it didn't matter well what now i don't know maybe we can do it again yeah let's go again let's go again let's start again let's go no right now no i'm joking oh my god i've been going for three hours um do we have anything else to do um i guess not you want to just you want to fight me in a fair fight with the extra with five rows we did four rows don't find a fair fight with five rows yeah let's go up yeah hang on you can just say kell george oh careful to my dead body okay time certain game roll doom of spawning false kill at e type equals okay so why am i invisible what can you see me yeah okay so we need what full iron full iron is shield and then steak i guess flying shield and steak you're gonna how much you're saving uh just dude just give yourself a stack okay okay whoops ah okay so boom okay are you ready dream to fight me in a fair 1v1 yeah well not fair but it's very fair okay three two did you give yourself your extra hearts one go george did you okay are you just ignoring me go okay why are you ignoring me oh you're dead yeah you're dead you're dead come on oh you're you're so easy imagine i kill you with less than losing 10 hearts oh i've lost 10 hearts how low were you not that low oh oh no that low he says not that long no i wasn't that's two that's two crits i was like right then let's go again you're like screaming when you have like a million extra hearts let me see further like i didn't well i died i did well i only i would have died once i would have only died once all right maybe even more i don't remember i'm cracked i actually just beat you okay well i'm in hmm you're doing better than you were earlier i was so nervous like i was doing i was doing i'm saying you're doing better than you were in our fight earlier uh like before the stream yeah come on dream come on i'm an idiot sandwich oh now your dad come on dream oh that's a big one yes i only lost half my health i'm cracked no there's no way oh no i know there's no way i there's no way you lost half your health george i had two rows of households oh you've already missed it you already missed it why no but i'm pulling up your stream now okay yep all right go it's the wool of truth wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hmm which song oh you only have why do you only have four oh i've only had four this whole time you're an idiot yeah not not during the manhunt but during these fights i have yeah are you ready okay let's go let's go let's go this is true i've only had four this whole time oh how do you land that hit because i'm cracked you're getting some nice hits oh there's one some very nice hit stream oh oh george there we go i'll give yourself five no i'm giving myself five no i'm gonna give myself three no give it give yourself give yourself seven give yourself give yourself ten give yourself ten no give yourself ten no give yourself ten ten hearts give yourself ten no give yourself ten rows just try it just try it just try it ten rows just try it okay i have 10 rows no you don't i'm looking at your stream lagging and you're behind let's go no i'm not let's go let's go no no i'm not fighting make it ten fight make it ten fight me i'm not fighting you ten why not because i'm gonna beat you with three and a half that's why okay a little cocky are we how how give yourself 10 no no i won't don't you know don't look at my stream you're gonna see how low i am and stuff i'm looking at it only before just looking to see how much healthy you're looking at it stop i'm not how am i looking at it with mid-fight you're easy get yourself 10 give yourself 10. no i'm giving myself give yourself 10. how are you losing and giving yourself less george give yourselves because i'm getting better i'm getting better you ready you're right you're not i'm beating you worse each time i was like on full health go you can't see me i'm behind the grass oh give yourself ten let's go give yourself ten one time yourself ten one time one time why would you do it one time no i'm not you're doing embarrassed you're going to lose that's why that's right with three what do you mean 10. i just clapped you i only used like two rows of my hearts you're an idiot give yourself no 10. no i'm not giving myself two rows of hearts no i will bet you give yourself 10. what's the bet what's the bet the bet is that you won't give yourself 10 because you're a give me a bat that's not the bad it's a bet i just i bet you i just beat you with three what do you mean give myself 10. give yourself ten why because it's fun all right give me that bet you'll beat me then no because then you're gonna go like you're gonna play like some dumb strategy where you just run for a million years or something find me with give yourself 10. fight me three all right if i win then you have to give yourself 10. if i win you're an idiot sandwich and you have to tweet out i win you have to tweet if i win okay do you agree with me if i win you have to give yourself 10. and if i win you have to tweet something no that's dumb are you ready oh that's so dumb how's that dumb well it's dumb it's done because you have three times the health of me give yourself ten or let me win and give yourself ten you're an idiot all right are you ready all right i'll fight you and then i'll win and then you get yourself ten ready and why was if i win what do i get you get the pride that you were able to win with a three times nerf i already just did that i don't need it anymore i just did it you ready go george run [Music] doesn't help him except for now he's doing run tactics oh the grass has saved your life the grass is a paid actor oh how'd you reach that's close and i give yourself 10 no you're in yourself i just beat twice in a row you're an idiot alright go again then go again you have to have a consequence this time i'll okay i'll beat you like seven times in a row george no i just beat you with if i would lost i had to do 10 hours which i didn't want to do and you got nothing you got away for free okay listen you should do 10 anyway because it's fun you shouldn't it's not fun i'm just showing you three i'm destroying you you're not just right you would have died twice during that fight and you ate like double as much as me i didn't even eat i really tried it once oh your helmet broke don't care don't eat it he's trying to do the same thing that i do it doesn't work when you know it's coming let me in please a half times george go again you want trash there's no 10. give yourself 10. then i'll actually try and i'll whoop your ass with 10. oh this is the this is the song from this is the song from the lava fight in the nether hunter video let's go it's a banger oh my god there he is the dream his natural habitat gives losing to george losing to george it's ruining my moment okay let's go i've waited so long you know what wait no stop stop stop yeah we got a bit of build up on the song this is what we want is what we want replace your armor if you have to okay guys this is it this is it this is a it's a masterpiece this is like not picasso what's his name mozart it's like a masterpiece dream you are dog water if i beat you for the third time in a row you are officially well you still you are officially um an idiot and it's gonna be forever known april 11th dream is an idiot day i will be commemorated for years and years this will be known as dream is an idiot day and everyone will remember this because they're going to set reminders in their phone if you lose this fight april 11th 2022 will be the first whitey this will be the first dream is an idiot day all right april 11th next year will be the official dream is an idiot day yeah if i lose i have to fight you will tell you if i have to fight you no no no no no if george loses then the april 11th becomes george is a dog water day so that that's that's there's your stakes cause george has three times the hearts you've lost twice in a row and i've beaten you more overall and i beat you with four rows multiple times and with five when you had full are you ready to let's go now give yourself 10 hearts let's go i didn't even get below half health now you have the official george's dog water day and ten hearts wait no double no double nothing no get ten hearts go if you lose if you lose the tent you you lot you give you twice in a row with extra hearts for the opportunity to try and say its dream is an idiot day and you lot you blew it but but you can save yourself from george is ultimate dog water day by not losing 10 hearts that's the only thing you can save yourself from like you need to recover you need to recover the 10 heart like there's no way well i'm just not going to lose the ten hearts okay okay well then just don't cause that otherwise it'll be super it'll be ultimate dog water day george's ultimate dog water day guys it's still like it probably will become a natural dream is an idiot day okay they can co-exist no it's not it can co-exist everyone knows everyone knows agreements start tweeting about dreams stream is an idiot day guys this isn't salty no oh my yeah with ten hearts come on with ten ten rows of hearts i've had enough of you i've had enough of you whatever if i win this that's ultimate dog water i don't know how to give myself 10 hearts is it like i even know you try mess with a couple times i don't think you can even do it you can you can you can fill your whole screen how many even is this one two three four that's way more than ten what am i thinking okay this is not the time one two one two three four five six seven eight that's too many one two oh my god one two three four five six seven eight nine ten i need two less than this one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay i need to fill this row it needs to be right there okay i have 10 hearts all right 10 rows of hearts and there's no way like ultimate dog water day has never happened in the history of the world all right let's go here one second give myself stuff fresh stuff all right all right you ready what did you clear my inventory no come on dream this isn't even fun why because i'm just gonna kill you hmm wait a second i shouldn't underestimate you because this would be really bad hmm okay oh what the seaweed what no oh and that's it guys that is it confirmed dream is an idiot day april 11th 2020 let the people know it is dream is an idiot day guys i'm so happy to let you know that it is dream is an idiot today because today we we um we celebrate the fact that dream is an idiot fun that was a good challenge yeah it was definitely a good challenge yeah you raised you really tried your hardest but you lost i'm in i would have beaten you with the three you got below three three rows this is gonna be the best day of all time it's gotta be right yeah i agree george's dog water day it's the best day of all time that's not what today is april 11th wait i just went on twitter george's dog water day is trending you saved yourself from ultimate dog water day like you're lucky you got so lucky you could have you could have easily if that was if it was a flat plains there wasn't water there you would have lost it would have been embarrassing why is why is my one trending and your one isn't wait what if it is what what do you mean because you lost we signed an agreement and you lost everyone understands that you're the only one you're trying to play it off like why couldn't i why couldn't i manipulate everybody to believe that it's not george's dog water day it's george's dog water day it's number 12 untrending and it will only go up it'll only go up this is false that was fun though i had a lot of fun yeah i had so much fun during the manhunt and everything was fun my back is like wet that when i just leaned backwards it's because my sweating because you were so like no i'm yeah i'm sweating because i'm wearing this um this george not found much and it's really warm and comfy or you're sweating because you were try harding and i got it from jaws not found.shop and it's really cool and awesome well i'm just glad that we can all agree that it's dream is an idiot day i don't i don't see i'm looking in chat i don't see anybody agreeing it's okay though you'll another another time you'll get a chance you'll get a chance to make it like declare a day you know like you could you could you know in the future maybe next time there's like we do like another one of these manhunts or something and you have 17 rows of hearts all right well unless you have anything else i think i think we're done huh wait we have a very secret message to say after this ad break don't we dream uh i guess which you can skip by stopping with twitch prime well okay so this is the end of the stream so that means we run three minutes of ads of extra content um because that's how the streams work we we i guess okay i was about to say i don't run any ads during the stream but then we run three minutes at the end and that's how it works but i did run one minute of ads during this room but to be fair that was because i was just thinking about you guys i was thinking oh what if it puts an ad at a really unfortunate time so um me and dream we're about to speak about very important secret stuff in the next three minutes of ads don't we dream um i guess yeah like we have that one thing i'm pretty sure in like a lot of places now where like it's it's like it already is or it's about to like officially be ramadan right i don't know if i'm saying it right but so um i don't know the dates well it's it's i know it's tomorrow but i have a story about ramen so that i'm gonna tell during the ad break actually no i won't do that let's tell her now um so my ramadan story is um i had a teacher who was uh who do you celebrate it's like you celebrate ramadan right okay anyway um and she was like we had um we had this assignment right and she was like guys it's gonna be ramadan next week which means i can't mark your work because like i'm not i'm not 100 sure how it works but i'm pretty sure you can't like do work during the day um i think and you can't eat i think i know i think when the sun is down i think um so i guess she just she wasn't gonna mark her work um she's like guys you have to finish it now and she was like just pushing us to do it right guys you have to finish it you have to finish it but i'm pretty sure like she was like just lying and she just wanted us to finish it earlier so that's the story um what a great story right but um but now we're gonna go into the super secret three minutes of ad content that you can bypass with a twitch prime sub which is free and we me and dream are gonna discuss the most important things for three minutes straight so dream okay i'm pressing the button and you can skip it with a net with a prime or a normal sub up to you boom okay dream we have three minutes what do we do dream tell me something tell me a secret dream um a secret tell me a secret i don't know i don't know secrets they're priming for these secrets a secret i don't know i don't know tell me tell me leak something leak something um leak something what if i can play something no no no what am i supposed to say what am i supposed to do you gotta have something ready i don't have anything what do i have hmm okay listen um dream okay uh when are you uploading next uh i don't know soon um come on dream what provide some content for once i provide content all the time i will be uploading soon okay um guys questions in the chat questions in the chat all right here i'll i'll start singing i'm just kidding sing some of them no but the fact is okay that was worth it we got something we got something there we go no that wasn't that wasn't anything i was not singing therefore it was nothing that was singing i was not singing that was saying that was definitely singing well then this is singing that's not singing that was singing clay clay that was singing clay okay fifth hunter oh who's the fifth hunter gonna be dream is gonna be me on an alt yeah that's leaked actually guys you heard it here first the fifth hunter is george on an alt it's me um i don't see questions this is your time for the question this is it this is the time right now it's number two trending there's no way that's epic yes dream is an idiot day is trending dream is an idiot day is trending keep it going keep it going i'm in oh my god it is number two it's literally not material it's literally number two it's not false you're just betraying you're just no no no no no stop stop that's not even fair the the trending person is gonna it's gonna i will sing i will sing a little bit if you if you guys make sure that dream is an idiot day no he's lying he's lying and you make sure that george's dog water gets to number one he's lying he's lying i'm not lying i'm not lying i'm not and he's dog water wait he's an idiot you're a dog to be fair but oh my god um hmm um oh someone just said when's the podcast coming we still haven't done that yeah we should but we should probably do that i'm sure probably ah we miss you this is what we need to do we isn't it so guys recently we started it was actually my genius idea i was like um let's schedule our videos like let's schedule the time i i innovated scheduling i invented scheduling so oh yeah you're so genius actually no come on admit it we were a mess before i said let's schedule videos and we've been a mess since then no we haven't no we haven't how have we not because when we just when we say we're going to record something we do it okay what about the last three things what about the last three things we've gone to record is it the same thing that you're talking about well no two of them are the same thing what was the other thing um i can't say message me because i know the last two things they're like don't really count i guess i'm reading out what you just said he said he said nothing he just like patted his stuff the last three things but there was only two and the two things okay well technically there was three things but they were all the same they were all yeah they're all the same thing i'm just gonna say what it is it's just recording dream shorts like that's less important than recording like our main channel videos because there's so many people and the thing is like it's not that big a big deal if we push it back a day or two because we record like a lot of the time at once it's like if we record like five or something that's that's like enough for like a week's worth of videos right but when we when we used to sit there and be like oh let's record our main channel video later today and then we just wouldn't and then it would get delayed for days and days and days that's when that's when it's bad so george not found invented scheduling and ever since i don't think we've ever missed a scheduled recording session everyone's been everyone now everyone's everyone's tweeting jeremy's an idiot day all right all right you guys made the decision you made the decision it's fine fine i mean george law that's not even fair like george lost and then now his thing like george that's ridiculous wow so sad everyone's saying george law like i refresh it and there's like every two every one second there's like new ones what's your whole take on george lord jeremy my hot take is that george's dog water what if i was canonically dog-watered like what if i george my founder in the law was literal dog water like actual dog water like i wasn't human i was dog water new george my founder coming soon um i think the three minutes of ads are up surely i was gonna say shirley who's shirley isn't that like um your girlfriend wait you're so stupid oh are we still alive guys guys don't clip it don't tell anyone should i tell them about your girlfriend i don't have a girlfriend oh he has a girlfriend he has a guy he doesn't know what to say he doesn't want to say he's a girlfriend he doesn't want i don't have a girlfriend he doesn't want to say who it is he doesn't want to say who the girlfriend is there's nothing to reveal i can tell a funny story about your girlfriend okay [Music] yeah exactly you're an idiot this is why this is my story this is why his dream is an idiot day do you want to tell you do we tell a story about about your girlfriend i don't know what you're going to say i don't know what you're going to say i'm not going to i'm not going to say it i'm not going to agree to it just because i don't know what you're going to say you're going to make something you're going to mix it up i'm not going to make anything up okay george you just exposed yourself i didn't expose anything yourself you're an idiot no you expect everyone exposed everyone's saying her name is clay no no he has a girlfriend yeah okay anyway i don't but okay and you can keep you can keep denying it all right well if i have a girlfriend then you have a girlfriend i mean i don't but you actually do that's what makes it funny you're an idiot i oh i'm an idiot now yes you're an animated flustered you're all flat i'm not flustered your girlfriend's going to see this okay whatever um why is everyone playing for who's calling 4k dreams coin 4k i exposed no no george i'm not caught george is caught in 4k on george's dog water daily that's actually insane yeah okay then let me tell the story if you're not caught then let me tell the story i don't know what you're going to say what are you going to say i'm going to tell a story about your girlfriend what's the story type it to me okay he you're such so dumb you just had nothing low you did the exact same thing whatever all right um i mean george got exposed all right it's the end of the road shout out your channel um my channel is twitter.com george has a girlfriend someone probably already has that out let's see george if not they have it now no one has it let's see who's going to get it see how long it takes let's start the timer one three four five six seven eight i reckon by 12 9 10 11 12. 13 14 15. no one has it one 16 17. that's weird maybe you can't get is it too long or something it might be too long if you are saying it's too long yeah oh it's too long oh oh well well i believe um this is the end of the stream um for the record i don't have a girlfriend um dream do i have a girlfriend jeremy yeah why are you lying no meme no me why are you lying why are you lying why are you lying i'm not lying why would i lie george i guess because it's probably dream is an idiot day so that's probably why you're lying oh george don't be salty that it's george's dog water day come on all right um george is gonna tell his girlfriend's story next week make sure to tune into his next stream notifications on let's see yeah actually guys um let's run a poll watch today a pokemon go to the polls um did you get a stream notification on your phone yes no because if you didn't know for like a week straight notifications were completely memed and we got way less viewers and it wasn't fun um so let's see assuming you have it on okay 85 right now i said yes so they probably fixed it wait for the 16 that said no that's kind of interesting do they they either don't have notifications on or it's broken still i don't know um i don't think i got one and i have notifications on for you oh like i just scrolled through i didn't i didn't get one for sure hmm but then again like i don't know i don't know all right well this has been a fun stream except for the the blatant lies at the end but whatever um george like it's okay yeah guys he doesn't he doesn't have a girlfriend thanks for all the subs he doesn't he doesn't have a girlfriend i'll just i'll lie for him it's okay that's so dumb um but thanks for all the subs i had donations turned off so i'd have to say thanks for the donations because no one donated unless wait technically someone could have donated i could have missed it actually because the minimum is like 999 dollars i wonder if anyone donated let's see let's see uh good no one donated perfect oh click the follow button if you're not following follow me right now it's free um we're trying to get to 20 million followers by the end of the month so it'd really help if you could follow and um goodbye uh i suppose let's see who can i raid who can i raid who is live hmm tubbo is live what's tubbo doing oh man he's on the smp all right um he is on the smp i'm gonna rate him wait i can't i have too many viewers i have to host him all right guys thanks for coming hope you enjoyed bye love you guys happy ramadan bye bye bye
Channel: GeorgeNotFound Streams
Views: 506,062
Rating: 4.9511209 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, Dream VS George Minecraft Manhunt (Full Livestream), minecraft hunting, minecraft vs, Dream Minecraft, George Minecraft youtube, George Minecraft channel, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.14 survival, minecraft 1.15 survival, minecraft 1.16 survival, georgenotfound highlights, georgenotfound live, georgenotfound streams
Id: t-p8zvi8tio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 32sec (13112 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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