Minecraft, But The Void Is Rising...

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Road rage Iā€™m pretty sure

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/BiteConnect šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 26 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
this video the void is literally consuming our entire minecraft world i've got three of my most hilarious friends together and we try to play minecraft while our world is eaten alive this was so funny this month 51 million viewers watched my channel and didn't subscribe that's more than the entire population of canada that shows to not subscribe if you enjoy please subscribe it's completely free and you can unsubscribe anytime enjoy guys i hate to break it to you but um we need to get resources now like out everything yeah everything around here is going to disappear the void is rising tommy we need everything okay i'll mine this wood yes steal everything from these villagers i mean they're gonna die you know um we all are we need them though wait remember we should kill this guy oh wait that guy oh yeah this guy he's funny-looking yeah we should kill him actually resources dude yeah i'll get him phil i'll get him just oh [ __ ] he killed [Music] okay you can trust me you guys go have fun we're gonna go mining okay you can trust me why didn't they invite me follow me yeah but the void right i know do we even know that the void is real i mean come on we haven't seen it yet yeah well yeah i mean i'm pretty sure this mod is like really unstable that's fine i'm unstable let's go what the [ __ ] here we did it we've got the most important job of all thank you i won't be hip i want to hang out with my buddies hey there's not going to be a place to hang out with your buddies if you don't get some resources phil tell me where i'm taking my clothes off what do you mean just kidding i've already taken the mob my god yeah see there's no void we don't we have nothing to worry about let's just stay down here at the lowest y level possible i don't know why you're thinking why 11. we don't know that it's going to disappear yet oh oh yeah oh [Music] okay so it's definitely real definitely real it is a white level 20 already it is going so it is real spawn phil our sport is why level 80. oh no i need a bed where am i where's my bed steal a bed from a villager i don't actually have a bed either phil's like can i bunk with you can i sleep with you phil can we sleep together i would love to sleep with you i would love to sleep with you what the [ __ ] i don't think it's a crazy request i i think it's called optimizing our experience oh my god what the [ __ ] is it still there oh you're gonna do it oh let me out with him running round oh hey would you look at that friend oh look at mine that's pretty cool oh wow yeah oh oh well oh well there we go [Music] what is it thank you hey hold on let me oh my oh my god i'm hungry you should probably go and tell them about it while i get the iron i you know what yeah i will do that i will do that hey guys good news the void is completely stopped and it's not rising at all oh mean for us there is no more void we're safe i don't believe that for a second oh no no no you should believe me um i'm stuck in a cave right now so um i'm not worried that i'm stuck in a cave obviously there's no there's no imminent danger but like yeah so like well like i would i would prefer to get out of this cave oh there's there the dirt goes okay i have not gotten the dirt and it is out of my reach i thought the void stopped i thought the voice over yeah no the voids it's no it's just it's just on the ground just directly out of my room no no one no one took my dirt no no no the void no no no no no okay this is bad this is what the [ __ ] just on the ground and i picked it back up i picked it up ripped up the dirt guys guys up here guys i need [Music] oh thanks mate can i have some no i'm going to make a helmet i'm going to make a little kill now i'm going to make easy spill phil when the void comes beyond no no no listen to me phil when the void comes what do you want to have in your procession yeezys i would much rather have two so this is what i'm going to do i'm going to craft some yeezys okay yeah q pal we need to have a word phil no i have bees look phil i got yeezys phil rambi told you about it all right do you like my yeezys yeah he said that it wasn't rising but i think it is no i said i said that it was i said it wasn't right those ears got something he said it wasn't he said it he said it from there he said it stopped have you ever heard of shared hallucinations i think that's what's going on right now man okay fellas can i sit you both down for mainly big [Music] sketchers or something you seem a bit too uh over the oh you know look i'm looking at that face of yours and although it believe me it is handsome and then the pissy arms i missed you know tommy the situation is nothing there is nothing here hello why are you talking to yourself you're so weird because you talk to yourself oh that's the point holy [ __ ] oh my god anyway the void has pretty much taken all diamonds uh all diamonds gone all diamonds gone in the world every diamond gone you're telling me i can't you tell me i can't make diving easy crackity we're gonna die stop talking about diamond jesus why did you tell them that it wasn't real why did you tell them that was a [ __ ] real good news i found some iron bad news [ __ ] i got the goods no give me my [ __ ] back i got the goods back that's mine there it is it's over here [Music] [ __ ] okay tommy this is my way of coping i'm just sad a [ __ ] child stole my yeezys and then we're in a void world that's gonna be destroyed thank you i want you to come with me the the yeezys are gone the yeezys are just gone listen to me please for a sec yes i have this iron i can craft you more yeezys but i need you to come with me i need a shut up shut up you i need you to listen to me come down here look at this do you see do you see what i see oh one second [Music] look down here look down here it's real it's real big don't no no come back come back come back okay it's real it's the void and it's and it's gonna keep falling but i can craft you yeezys but you need to listen to me you need to listen to me [Music] i'm yes to it don't don't big you because i can craft you yeezys you want yeezys you think about the voice you the void hates women what are we sure that the void is still even real i mean come on it's pretty real i definitely saw it for myself it is it is there i'm avoid denier film oh no all right not my rambo boy is not real not rambu it's gonna be real hard for people to be an apologist for me after they find out that i'm a void denier that's for sure come with me i can craft myself you gotta take it i just really want my yeezys i need you to take a deep breath sit down sit down please please just sit down with me so all the kind of meeting are they having over there hold up i'm zooming in let's have a look oh i see what kind of meeting are they having yeah look they got little chairs and everything vicky look at me hi you keep talking about sex yes yeah and i i don't know why and then you scream over everyone and then you talk more about sex and then you scream more and then you talk more about sex why tommy the reality of life is that this void is going to eat everything we know so i might as well have fun in my last few moments of life but why does that entail wanting to sleep with filzer okay okay okay listen um let me look inside my head let me look inside my head a bit i'm looking inside my hair tommy yeah no i want to sleep with pho bye i'm making a crafting table to steal a crafting table i'm ready to sleep with you that is the last thing i wanted yeah coming from you that is yeah i don't listen yeah i need your therapist help you i want to show you something welcome taking me to a peaceful place away from the void what up the stream what's this oh my god i'm taking a messy piss we're swimming look up here sit down look the void is going to be so far away from us but you must tell no one look at me pick you i want you to take this oh you're yeezy a crafting team no no you're yeezy don't tell anyone about this and what i need you to do because it needs to be peaceful you need to help the team this is great you know living life is a void denier is really just it gives you peace of mind just don't have to worry about the impending doom of being swallowed what impending dude okay okay oh no it's real it's real it's real guys i've tamed him here's what happened big q desperately and god knows why i wanted to sleep with you i'm a changed man filzer yeah i no longer want to sleep with you that's good that's good because um i think you're ugly oh i would never sleep with you ever in my life i hate you fills a minecraft i despise you look at your stupid face and your stupid little hat take it off bill take off your stupid little hat come on i can't it's glued on it's do no no take the brain off phil take it off okay okay you're not gonna like it i was not lying i don't like fills with minecraft anymore i don't like those minecraft [Music] he called me ugly [Music] oh yeah what kind of arguments are you guys having you guys are so immature man not like me all i do is be mature that's the biggest [ __ ] you've spot all video what the [ __ ] i'm not gonna lie to you guys i'm just about ready to let the void consume me i'm ready to get real up in the void's face you know yeah me and the void are gonna get to know each other let's go back to our voice channel it feels like i'm not gonna lie to you i don't think any of this is worth it anymore no we're we're going to start a new civilization quickly you can make the restaurant that you really like yeah it'll be great dude come on are these you teaming up are they teaming up with it oh no you know what matters oh it disappeared magic who the [ __ ] is that who the hell is this um you won't sleep with me but you'll sleep with this guy no no you're misunderstanding the q i product oh no oh no oh no it's me oh no no no no no no when i caught you guys phil's minecraft is sleeping with the residents no okay phil yeah i'm just gonna ignore that phil we've seen what you're doing no stay over there stay over there phil phil look at what i've got here phil we've seen my only bed i couldn't possibly have any more beds oh my god he sleeps so much how many people are you sleeping with phyllis oh my god he has a specific bed for each person why don't i have an inside battlefield tommy [ __ ] you [ __ ] off with bamboo meeting big q are gonna start our own business [ __ ] you [ __ ] no come here yes and you're not invited what phil i'm not we're not don't come over here i want my heart oh wait tommy oh you gave me those easies but you don't deserve them and you know what those even aren't the originals i have the originals quackity you son of a [ __ ] bill's uh oh what the hell um don't have the gorilla grip on the bottom wait wait no come with me come here let's go let's go get them over there they think that they're better than us they think that they're more mature wait how many pills is zoom in on them i have one i have an idea okay i'm gonna get him to talk to us and i'm gonna go over kill big q then pull back yeah all right all right phil's a minecraft what's the plan okay you know what see them over there see them over there we're gonna knock them off let's kill some fires make a boat okay while we're over here you make it you make our headquarters defenses man [ __ ] these guys honestly yeah intimidating intimidating this is how we get him what did i tell him tell him to jump tell him to do a flip you're right i'm a [ __ ] that'll get him come to the edge they will come to me you won't come to the age [Music] get over here yeah this is what you got for [ __ ] up no i didn't [ __ ] up for come to the wedding come to the house you built your little house [Music] the only way for you to get the originals is to come over here oh no oh no that wasn't hey there hey what's up man how's it going you seem to be in a bit of a spot of trouble there i seem to be in a little bit of a pickle and i don't care no hey get away from me no get away from me please don't break it literally fighting here no no no no no i've got him cornered no no no no no hey no no no [ __ ] up tommy [ __ ] off hey tommy listen i thought i thought you gave me therapy i thought you couldn't throw it i thought you gave me therapy toby yeah i have all of the pairs the void's on his way pears go go go go go go go go stones can i have one of these i'm gonna keep that no i'm gonna keep remember you know you idiot control of all three [Music] it's fine okay we can make you new yeezys don't worry um the void is still rising nothing has stopped oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god what are we gonna do we can survive we've got this all right no we can't yes we can see that see that little mountain up there there's cows okay we could build the restaurant right there i'm gonna sleep with them no no where are they phil i'm gonna write my will your will i don't want to die you don't have to we're going to win this don't worry i am leaving my [Music] my easy in this will oh man my yeezys go to the tesco company incorporated what do you mean i don't even know jessica gets to keep my easy okay you and i are about to fall out if you're about to give your yeezys [ __ ] please please we got past this don't stop talking about sex with me stop it phil has your teammates kind of uh gone insane a little bit talked about giving his yeezys to tesco rambo is also on about the infinity yeezys and how he has all the yeezys now you're laughing but it's like it's really weird phil look at me yeah we could be pals all right but i need you to promise me that you're gonna take back everything you said are we not homies nothing but steal things from me what do you mean yeah but because you weren't listening to me and you were spending time with your i don't know what relation big q is to you but you were spending too much time with him you know what no no no phil we're meant to be the best of pals phil you can't you have to apologize first phil st you're sorry i'm sorry okay apologies for being so damn right i messed up [ __ ] you you were [ __ ] up oh whoa i'm out oh wait wait rambo [ __ ] what what turn around oh oh everything is gone wait they're on their website i think they just i actually have one i have one one shot [ __ ] guy we got one shot him get him get him take him out no anymore we can't die all we got to do is just get higher than them but they're above i'm going to sleep with these cows i said please don't sleep with them we were here for three seconds quackity three seconds and you're already talking about sleeping with the stock we're gonna try and make ourselves a little little restaurant here and try and coax them over food and then betray them let's just breed these cows let's free these cows oh you said it you said it old man i'm gonna okay can you no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you said freedom not like that oh you can't change your mind now you can't change your mind i'm breeding this cow all right i'm gonna breathe oh my god cease your [ __ ] holy [ __ ] there we go it's all gone rambu it's all gone we could bridge them but we gotta say that we're peaceful we gotta say that we're peaceful we'll make a middle ground till the ground this is what's gonna happen all right i'm gonna build my own restaurant yes yes this is my drive-through yes i would like one beef burger um extra bacon extra cheese [Music] there's my review i will not be coming back [ __ ] you [ __ ] up phil we've made a safe haven in the middle come to me we've made middle ground no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no she is immediately shooting let's get there immediately shooting we're trying to get the wrath trying to betray me when he said let's be friends again and you try to shoot me off who tried to shoot him off i did that tommy did you can't hold our actions against us okay fail you can't hold me accountable you absolutely can and will hey because 50 of our community did something doesn't mean our community yeah let's hook this one out let's hook this one out yeah exactly welcome see middle ground oh okay well he just immediately hey hey phil what are you doing what are you doing tommy oh you got cows what the [ __ ] fizza what are you single [ __ ] look see the holy yeezys phil i just went to their base they have nothing over here came over here to steal out [ __ ] it makes so much sense look at these [ __ ] give him yeezys what will it take to get those yeezys kick you don't do it don't do it just need you to listen to me phil okay phil oh dude quickly whilst you're doing this they're stealing all of our [ __ ] come on man look all right all right you're [ __ ] you tommy you lied to me didn't you you're a liar you're a dirty you're just like that's what you are i've never looked at you let's go fellas let's get the rest i'm replay [Applause] oh my god i'm running back and running back and running back phil you [ __ ] how dare you kill me phil you [ __ ] killed him you were stealing our [ __ ] dude i'm gonna pull your face out inside out all right stay away stay away from my fills of minecraft stay away stay stay away oh my god oh my god phil phil he just eats up now he's anyways guys please we can talk about this take it back phil phil listen yeah i know that we've had our rough times but i've always respected you i've always joe who i haven't respected is the guy that's spamming penises in the chat right now phil join our side and forget about him and we can just we can just move on last time i forgive you and you never trade me phil just forgive us join us we're the two most mature people here all right yeah we would never spam penises in the chat i don't know why you [Laughter] [ __ ] you fail my [ __ ] [ __ ] you fuzzy you will pay with daddy it should take its course oh you [ __ ] up oh my god okay there is only one source of wood now no the show's an area look look to it okay we're gonna get blocks and we've got to make the jump the chosen land [ __ ] speed bursting okay keep going okay i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going we're almost there we're almost there okay we could probably make it we could probably make it what are you doing yeah we probably mean nothing we're done with you what are you doing explain don't go get yourselves now oh [ __ ] okay wait wait oh my god oh my god call me security guard wait wait go go go go go wait go go go go i've been meaning to say this to your face you're ugly and you don't deserve a happy marriage you deserve a sad marriage you deserve a [ __ ] man exactly what i will sleep with you phil don't worry exactly why did you get naked bill i hope i hope after this recording you go downstairs and your wife goes phillip i don't want to spend time with you anymore no more soup bro yeah i hope your wife tells you quackity's a better option oh my god his face seriously writing now hey hey phil phil phil keep going spells are minecraft you don't deserve joy you know what phil do you think you soup phil i'll give you joy and make you the suit wait go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go grab me you're a bastard stop talking to him like that wait stop yeah hey hey nice catch they don't work in this version they don't work oh they don't work please yeah we'll go up just the same come at me [ __ ] [Music] we oh i won no no no no no we weren't a we weren't a wee one i'm still alive [ __ ] off phil
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 6,376,591
Rating: 4.9681163 out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, funniest minecraft video, minecraft but, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, challenge, modded minecraft, ranboo, quackity, philza, dream smp, void rising, lava rising, Minecraft But The Void Is Rising...
Id: rLSSaUv6DwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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