The FULL Roblox Iceberg Explained - Part 1

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a wise man once said i don't think i'm gonna make another iceberg video a wiser man said never trust a youtuber yeah i didn't think i'd be making any more iceberg videos because you know the trend is kind of dying out and i felt that i covered everything i wanted to cover that was until i saw this beast i got a lot of requests to cover this iceberg or to cover the contents in it and since we destroyed 15 000 subscribers in a month i think you guys deserve this this thing covers practically every concept known to roblox so if you're one of my viewers who knows nothing about the platform this will be an apt introduction to all it has to offer for the sake of time sanity and my computer i will be uploading this video in four parts also i will be skipping entries i talked about in previous videos so be sure to watch my other videos if you saw an interesting entry that i missed before you complain in the comments also i'm going to be skipping any myth entries or entries that i think are just downright stupid fair warning i'm definitely going to get stuff wrong because although i've been playing roblox on and off for some 10 odd years i'd be lying if i said i was always a huge part of the community also i'm going to skip topics that i just don't think are interesting enough for the video like only the most boring of boring topics for your sake and mine thanks to four koi lewis and many other members of my discord for help with this iceberg without them i doubt i'd be making this video in all honesty up i'm going to take the advice of one of my comments now and shut up so we can get along with the video let's begin with the tip of the iceberg if you've ever played pretty much any online multiplayer platform you've probably already been made familiar with the expression noob it's no different with roblox in fact through roblox was my very first exposure to the term noob is just an internet slang term for new player in roblox noobs have a general look characterized by the yellow body with the blue torso this is probably the most popular imagery associated with the term noob as roblox updated their default avatars however technically what a noob is in game has changed but i think everyone's going to remember the classic yellow dude as the one and only true noob [Music] cafe groups slash games are places that people gather to role play while going to a cafe these include groups like frapp which actually landed in hot water for copyright sizzle panda express and many more these games have a history of being trolled and rated i've done it before myself since it's kind of gamer nature to disrupt people trying to do serious role play i'm gonna put you in here i'm gonna put you in this guy's put you in the window as of recent many of these cafes which were named after real companies have had to change their names and branding because of roblox cracking down more and more on copyrights groups in roblox have a group wall function one of the few places still alive on the roblox website where you can actually still post public messages ever since its creation these group walls have been spammed with unnecessary messages advertising free robux or hacks or posting some scary chain message or something dumb like that or just somebody chatting in annoying multi messages roblox has a pretty active myth community although it's been less active in recent times essentially roblox myths are like creepypastas that get shared around the community except some of these myths kind of have the air of maybe it's real there's a community of myth hunters or those who try to uncover evidence of these myths slash look deeper into them some examples of this are one x one x one x one guest 666 and gauze the myth community is super huge though so i will definitely have to cover it fully in a later video ugc stands for user generated content and these are basically items like accessories or models created by select roblox users rather than roblox admins themselves over the years roblox has allowed more and more of these onto the marketplace especially in recent years in fact a majority of clothing and stuff you see on characters nowadays are ugc items a very popular ugc item creator is reverse polarity whom i discussed in my previous two videos and who follows me on twitter he made this super saiyan hair which was a cancelled ugc item just in case that's what the creator was referring to listen if you've had a roblox account for any amount of time you've seen these literally there are so many ways scanbots will try to get you to click links and gain your personal information i'm not even going to go through them i have seen actual scan bots joining games as of recent which is really annoying but what are you gonna do [Music] builders club was roblox's premium subscription program you basically paid a monthly fee to get certain benefits that free users didn't get mainly a certain amount of robux every month among other things it had three tiers builders club turbo builders club and outrageous builders club back in my day i had tbc for a while i think thanks to stealing my parents credit card credit card and i'm gonna be buying 400 robots for this card now she said i can only buy one but um some more now it's just been replaced with a standard premium roblox kind of deal basically the roblox video stars program is a partner program famous roblox youtubers can do with roblox if you have over 100 000 subs and 10 million robux related views you can sign up and roblox basically signal boosts your videos and gives you early access to events and stuff like that who knows maybe one day i'll be able to join if roblox hasn't blacklisted me already which would not be surprising in the slightest fake hackers are just basic exploiters who try to trick little kids into thinking they're the second coming of one x one x one x one or cool kid or something it's really not that hard to buy a cheap exploiting script and make yourself fly around in a random game or something but it's usually enough to trick the younger player base why does everything including personal servers have to be builders club only into thinking you have the ability to do any serious damage to roblox as a platform flamingo fan club is a roblox fan group based around popular roblox youtuber flamingo it has over 5 million members making it one of roblox's most popular groups of course with this popularity comes a lot of drama and toxicity since it's basically roblox forums 2.0 griefers are just people on roblox who want to disrupt serious gameplay and really any roblox game there are many ways to grief but it should not be confused with exploiting or cheating griefers don't hack or exploit and unlike cheaters they don't want to win only to cause pain to other players i think most people have played roblox for a long time have gone through or are going through a griefing phase as did i but it gets boring pretty quickly this guy that's all i need to say this dude look at this you guys are look at me what is going [Music] sometime in 2018 screenshots of a dev forum post were floating around claiming that roblox was going to remove the classic r6 models and that roblox was switching to an 18 plus model of course they were just doctored screenshots something anyone can make with some good old inspect element but it was good enough to where lots of kids bought it make sure to fact check before believing things like that some games exist solely for the purpose of stealing your personal information a comment tactic for some fishing games would have once you joined a fake maintenance window pop up on your screen asking for you to log in if you did enter in your details whoever created the game would now have your account information stored and you would have nothing to show for it it goes without saying but never enter in your login information unless you're sure you are on the official roblox page often if i'm not sure i will enter in fake information and usually after that the fake login will show its true colors although it doesn't always work stay safe kids [Music] back when forums were a thing it would be an all too common occurrence to have them rated essentially what a forum rate is is it's having a large group of people spam the forums with all sorts of messages so that those who want to have normal conversations would have their messages flooded with all kinds of troll posts this mainly occurred between the two subforum factions rt roblox talk and ot off topic these two sub forums would often rate each other because for whatever reason they just had beef of course the most popular forum raid was probably the quackety raid but i already talked about that extensively in my other iceberg video skyblock is a game on roblox where you manage various floating islands in the sky it's pretty self-explanatory now if you haven't played the game you're probably thinking wow that sounds a lot like minecraft skyblock well minecraft thought that too due to the name alone skyblock ran into lots of copyright issues they had to change their name to skyblocks and then to roblox islands and in june the game was taken down entirely it's now up under the name islands and fortunately we are able to avoid another brick bronze situation developer events are events that are held inside already created games rather than games being custom made for events for example the egg hunt yearly event switched from being an original roblox event to being a dev event scattering the eggs across popular developer created games people didn't like this format for a variety of reasons mainly that it was just more boring this way and it clearly took a lot less effort and when roblox stopped paying developers that their eggs were featured in the criticism only got worse ah this entry fills me with nostalgia online daters are people who go to roblox to have online relationships they have been a staple of the roblox community for years being generally disliked among the community they were and still are pretty cringy it's always pretty easy to tell them apart from other players based on appearance alone in the past oh dears abused the roblox 2.0 body and often wore quote-unquote trendy clothing nowadays they wear r15 although normal players use r15 as well and often go ham on the egrow slash eboy clothing they are closely tied with the tiktok community as well which i will talk about a bit later jj sport is an exploit software that has persisted throughout all of roblox's security patches it is an extremely popular exploit yet it's not been patched i don't know much about exploits so i'm sure the comments will explain it in further detail but it essentially allows you to have things like auto aim and arsenal or speed hacks and other games some people claim it has a virus hidden in it meaning that if you download it the creator will have full access to your computer the creators claim it's safe but who knows honestly if you have to resort to cheating in arsenal you suck so just stay away from this kind of thing just to be safe [Music] cow cow man man thingit or cow cow for short was roblox youtuber greenlegocats123's alt account he mainly used this account to troll some people thought it was funny some people thought it wasn't but it wouldn't matter as the account would get banned in june of 2017. the admin cited exploiting as the reason but lego cats did not believe this as he never exploited the only video which had evidence pointing to him exploiting was a video in which typical modders exploited and gave his account admin permissions lego cats came up with a theory as to why he was really banned alex neutron the owner of meep city alex neutron and green lego cats had beef a lot of beef which basically boils down to lego cats dislikes meep city understandable soon after their beef cow cow was banned the prevailing theory was that alex neutron used his high status in the community and as a roblox intern to get the admins to ban calcao for revenge whether or not he was actually banned for exploiting or something much deeper is still widely up to debate when guests were still a thing each guest had a number assigned to them i assume it's either completely random or based off of how many guests were there before you i don't know but that means that there's a guest one the first guest i guess you'd freak out if you saw him in your game i don't know roblox is an old platform that has gone through many clients in its lifetime you can talk to many people who have fond memories of playing roblox as early as 2006 but the issue this entry deals with is roblox's strong aversion to actually archiving old clients due to this the actual classic clients which were used to run roblox in 2006 to 2007 are completely lost to time becoming its own sort of lost media lost media iceberg there have been plenty of attempts to recreate and replicate the old client but the official one has yet to be released with no statement from the creators as to whether or not they have any plans to release it guest 1337 was well not literally a guess but technically they were a normal roblox player they were a guest activist i guess he protested on forums and in games for the fair treatment of guests he argued that they were given a negative reputation for no reason and deserved the same rights normal players did he was really vague about what the rights were but whatever he created a protest game that got 2 million visits in less than a month so it's safe to say his message did get around he was banned multiple times for spamming and was accused of exploiting as well on february 11th of 2014 his account was deleted for good and his activism for guest rights was put to an end not long after guests were removed entirely so i guess guest 1337 never really got what he wanted just like the name suggests spam models are free to take models decals meshes and sometimes audios that are copied and uploaded over and over again into the library in hopes that the player will just take one since there are so many often times though these models have malicious lua viruses that can take over games and severely limit progress in game creation ribbon sim is a very well known roblox commentary youtuber known at the time mainly for his roblox watch series it took a look at various events in the robots community and criticized them through a satirical lens well the majority of his like most other robloxians criticism was towards the moderation team because oftentimes mods just look at this dude that's something that even implies outside of just roblox moderation well all the criticism of mods never went over well with said mods and so ruben's accounts started dropping like flies one after another reuben's accounts were being banned for no good reason this came to a head when ruben made a video calling out noble dragon for following an nsfw furry account on his main roblox twitter after this any reuben sim account wouldn't last very long and even mentioning ruben sim could get your account banned even his girlfriend's account was banned it's a blatant abuse of power but you know mods will be mods i guess uh dot wave or better known to you guys on the internet as oof is the classic death sound that plays whenever you drop to zero health in a roblox game but not a lot of people know where the sound originates from that's right it's not an original sound but the sound is actually taken from the 2000 game end of messiah just recently some legal issues propped up because of this because as it turns out roblox didn't pay for the sound or credit the original sound creator tommy talarico despite this teleriko said he was honored to have the sound featured in the game and asked for minor compensation he ended up asking for a really small amount of money still roblox didn't want to pay to keep up the legendary sound in the game instead opting to remove the sound entirely unless you pay robux to include it in your games rest in peace little buddy we're gonna miss you [Music] actually couldn't find any information on this entry i can only assume somebody managed to steal this roleplay or the roleplay itself was actually a stolen game similar to the stick master luke stolen games i don't know tell me in the comments [Music] limiteds in roblox are specific items that have a limited amount this means that naturally an economy would form around these limited items people buy and sell a variety of limiteds for wildly diverse amounts of robux for a variety of reasons i even have a few limiteds myself it goes without saying that the less of a certain type of limited there are the higher the price would be of that limited and that does indeed ring very true for roblox's limiteds there are some limiteds that only one player in the entire world owns because there was only one created and there are some limiteds that are literally priceless yes these limiteds are unobtainable because the accounts that had them were banned and roblox did nothing to distribute them a good example of these are a few of the roblox tablets some of the owners of those tablets accounts were deleted meaning that they couldn't sell the tablets even if they wanted to so unless roblox gets involved directly and redistributes the tablets which so far they haven't these relics will be frozen in time unable to move hands for all of roblox's lifespan again i could find no information on this but i can assume that some older roblox clients pinged what's called a false positive on certain antiviruses meaning that those antiviruses flagged it as a virus this might lead people to believe that roblox was a virus but it's more often than not that it just detected some straight code that could be considered a virus roblox's moderation system makes it so that not safe for work audios or images don't get posted onto the catalog or put in games but some creators have found ways to actually bypass the auto moderation essentially they corrupt an image audio file so it becomes unreadable through roblox's auto moderation techniques and then place the nsfw audio or image on top of that allowing it to bypass roblox's moderation completely it's an interesting method that leads to a lot of images and audios being in games where they really shouldn't be now i'm sure you know what tech talk is at this point it's been around for over two years now and has seen the rise and fall of many unique communities one of those communities is of course the the roblox community the roblox tiktok community combines roblox with the popular trends of tick tock specifically the dress trends meaning you're going to be seeing lots of roblox e-boys and e-girls [Music] unfortunately [Music] [Applause] [Music] our thoughts were kind of a trend from 2017 to 2018 where people mainly girls would dress up their avatars very realistically creating this really uncanny effect they took their inspiration from people like nicki minaj ariana grande and various drag queens and it's very easy to see they're often made fun of by users like ruben sim and cow cow because they were heavily affiliated with online dating and the quote-unquote roblox gangster community yeah i know i don't think anything on this iceberg could fill me with as much rage as this entry did as a brand roblox is spelled with a capital r and all other lowercase letters still there was a time when roblox went by roblox in all caps i always remember it being roblox in all caps it's even that way in my bookmarks but at some point maybe it was always this way they switched to a normal proper noun format for their brand name but this has not been covered up completely people have done digging and found many instances where roblox officially went out of their way to use all caps when referring to the website instances that are still around to this day it's very interesting and i wonder why they made the switch [Music] war clans are certain military-themed groups on roblox there are a lot of them all with different agendas but they are all themed around well war they often have battles and wars and many of them are plagued with toxicity and abuse really this entry deserves a full video at some point experimental mode was a weird feature roblox added in september of 2017 apparently it was an optional setting for user made games that essentially allowed other players to potentially add their own scripts to games that they didn't own making games with this feature extremely vulnerable to harmful exploits additionally it was criticized by the community for having harsh regulations nobody could join games that didn't have filtering enabled on now unless they were friends with the game creator this caused every classic game to be unplayable because they didn't have filter enable activated and those games couldn't add it because it would break the scripts after only one week roblox basically discontinued the feature entirely which was definitely for the best back to the very common topic of uncanny roblox avatars virtual k-pop groups are what happens when unfortunately you combine roblox and k-pop which was probably inevitable this was actually really interesting a group of robloxians decided to form their own k-pop group in roblox zts was a fully functioning roblox k-pop group that would go on actual music tours and they looked like yeah it's it's pretty disgusting but an interesting attempt nonetheless so it has a bit of my respect [Music] back on the roblox forums there used to be rumor that supposedly the staff had created a hat for some sort of 911 memorial event this was only a rumor and there's no evidence that this was real but if it was then it's most likely that roblox didn't release it because it would have been seen as distasteful divine sister is a roblox group created by valindra who are known for a lot of things but for one they are one of the largest lgbt groups on roblox divine's sister has come under a lot of criticism over the past few years for a variety of reasons mainly because of the content they choose to show divine sister is a group aimed towards mainly younger children yet features an abundance of nsfw imagery and topics such as sexual content and cult behavior this group is very controversial and has had their games taken down multiple times for a full breakdown of the divine sister situation i suggest you watch some ordinary gamers video on the topic the streets is roblox is equivalent to a dark rp but it takes place in the urban ghetto it's an interesting thing to get into but not scary unless you count the horrors of low-income neighborhoods walking in the kitchen in his mom that's why it was all the more scary and mysterious when players began to see a ghost appear at random spots around the city at night at first players didn't believe it was real but there have actually been various recorded sightings and it's clear to see that this was some easter egg probably for halloween finobe or finope uh is a website that emulates classic roblox and it currently has the 2012 through 2016 clients it is one of the most popular classic roblox emulation sites but has gone through a lot of controversy with plenty of drama in the community and issues with the client it does not even compare to the dumpster fire i will discuss next though energy cell is the creator of graphictoria a platform similar to finobe which was meant to emulate classic roblox now that's all well and good but energy cell and graphic tora's existence was extremely controversial it begins with rblxdev which was an early platform meant to emulate classic roblox energy cell filed a claim to take that website down claiming falsely that it was a phishing website not only did he do this but he also stole code from rblxdev this is only the very beginning of the controversy though because the actual graphic toria application did some very shady things upon installing graphictoria it would disable your antivirus so that it would not flag it the application would log private information such as ip hardware id and emails and store it so that energy cell had access to all of it of course this in itself is a bit fishy but energy cell definitely used it to its full potential leaking the private information of pretty much everyone he didn't like if you signed up for graphicatoria your information was screwed energy cell often used this information to blackmail people into staying on the admin team and if you left you probably were going to have your ip leaked additionally energy cell made two fake personas claiming to be his sister and his girlfriend on these accounts yes even on the sister account he would post sexual messages directed toward himself under the guise of being the female accounts as well as make sexual comments back these were on public discord servers for children he also used one of the accounts to catfish an underage boy into sending a picture of his sword which energy cell proceeded to mock and spread around this is still not even close to covering the entire story so if you want a full breakdown please watch this video that covers the entire situation energy [Music] please stop muting me energy cell i really love you energy cell let me play my song no you don't like my stupid song now due to how roblox works games that were created long long ago can still be played and don't get automatically deleted after a certain amount of time or anything like that there are still plenty of games from as early as 2007 that you can still play to this day but are completely empty joining these games is now an eerie experience as you walk around the long forgotten maps although you're by yourself in these abandoned games it doesn't always feel like it many people wonder why this is flamingo who i've already discussed previously is very well known for his myth videos where he goes into various myth games and investigates them this entry is the theory that myth creators pay him to view their myth games so that their myths gain popularity i mean it makes sense flamingo has millions of subscribers and his myth videos rack up millions of views so it would only make sense that if your game was featured in one of his videos it would gain a lot of attention which is really all myth creators want whether or not this is 100 true of course we will probably never know even if miscreators aren't paying him directly those videos do get him a lot of views so in a way it's an indirect transaction if you know what i mean but it might not be anything real and that's going to be it for part one if you thought that was interesting you best stick around for the next few parts from here on out things get a lot deeper if you liked the video definitely subscribe and turn on the bell at least until i finish the series please trust me you're not going to want to miss any of the next few videos after that if you're still unsatisfied you can always unsub thanks once more to my discord for the help on the iceberg we've got a great community over at toasty's world so if you want to help out with the next few parts or just want to hang out and chat with me and other fans be sure to join the discord link in the description anyways i'll see you guys in the next video peace [Music] foreign [Music] is
Channel: Toastee
Views: 447,564
Rating: 4.9470406 out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Scary, Creepypasta, Ablertstuff, Flamingo, Myth, Roblox Myth, Roblox Creepypasta, Toastee, Iceberg, Roblox Iceberg, Minecraft Iceberg, Comedy, Funny, Roblox Funny, Gaming, Gamer, Meme, Creepy, History, Greenlegocats123, Ruben Sim
Id: DUKrprRebL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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