The Animal Crossing Iceberg: Explained

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[Music] one word animal crossing [Music] i mean what's there not to love you got animals you got bugs you got fish you got balloons and most importantly it got crossing ever since 2001 it was released at the n64 people have loved this game i mean uh okay so look the original release for the n64 and people loved that version so much that i got poured to the gamecube later that year that version got localized worldwide and is what we know today is animal crossing but that localized version got re-translated back in japanese and that version got sold again and people still bought the game why would you buy three copies of animal crossing but why do people love it so much well i think it's down to the simplistic nature of the gameplay there is no big evil force revenue forward no world ending threat like other games you make progress animal crossing because you want to you want to see your village improve you want to better know your villagers and you want to catch that hammerhead shark but then you keep getting sea bass instead sea bass get it this lack of a force driving you to make progress along with the fact that the game runs in real time really lets you take the game at your own pace and experience it like your own little world your own town you could say i think that's a genre of game a lot of people enjoy however because these events were much more spread out and since the internet was still in its infancy even if you played animal crossing as much as you could there was still a good chance you'd miss something and obviously this led to a lot of rumors and so today i felt compelled to take a deeper search into what's really hiding inside animal crossing but where to start well where else better than the infamous iceberg itself but hold on a second there's two of them yes today we're not going to be covering just one iceberg but two and by the end we should have ourselves the ultimate animal crossing iceberg well that's it for the intro and we've got a lot of cover today so we're better to start than the tip kk swing [Music] well definitely not the creepiest song we're going to be covering this iceberg the song definitely has its fair share of spooky elements for example the backwards audio used is a little unsettling some people have also described the song as being sad or lonely which i i fully understand but personally i kind of like this song it do kind of slap though [Music] tom nook is a loan shark i mean no matter what game you play tamnak is a sneaky little bastard but in all games you are in debt to him the second you enter the town however i think this theory may stem from something else in particular first animal crossing where you have no option to deny a house upgrade you just have to take it regardless of what you feel that definitely feels more like a loan shark behavior and i think that's maybe where the theory came from mystery of the snowmen snowmen are characters who first appeared in wildworth and city folk they can be made by stacking snowballs that spawn randomly across your town on top of each other once you cycle the snowballs the snowman is constructed and begins speaking does this mean that the player gave life to it or is snow sentient does this mean they feel pain when you walk on them snow is frozen water so is water sentient gamecube gyroid face glitch on animal crossing gamecube you can visit your friend's towns by inserting a second memory card into the system however if you accidentally reset the console while in a friend's town your friend's face no not your friends your face will be changed something much much creepier your face is not the same as the gyroids which is really eerie especially on the gamecube interestingly however this isn't a glitch but more of an intentional easter egg of sorts left in by the devs to remind you to save all i can say is if i was a kid and i saw this i'd [ __ ] myself city folk base in animal crossing city folk on random nights after 8 pm if you travel to the city the cones blocking the exit may be moved allowing you to enter a new area the recetti surveillance center inside you can talk about rossetti and his brother don their base was also in de bhutsunomori e plus where it could be found randomly when breaking rocks this surveillance center carried over into future entries as well being a public works project in new leaf but not yet new horizons due to the fact that resetti doesn't seem to be in the game bells are seeds bella is the currency of animal crossing and can sometimes be found by shaking trees there's also a money tree that can be grown by planting a bag of coins into a golden spot in your town these trees grown to full trees with bells instead of fruit that's it that's all i got for this one champ is porter's brother champ is a monkey villager who can live in your town and porter is a station worker who runs a train system in most animal crossing games i mean they're both monkeys so they could be brothers but it's never confirmed in the games but then again it's never denied either isabel is overworked isabel is a special dog villager who made their debut appearance in new leaf isabel is a friendly polite and hard-working dog and is eager to help the player in any task you can assist with she works very hard so it's implied that she's overworked or at least what the community thinks uh however she appeared in smash bros and also mario kart so i think she's doing fine good soda gulliver is a special flightless bird villager that can occasionally wash up in your town he sometimes will mention that oh god i was partaking of a bit of the old good soda with me crew when i tumbled over the prow into the sea this was that good this heavily heavily implies a good soda wasn't was alcohol of some sort pigeon milk in the roost cafe brewster will ask the player wants milk in their coffee pigeon milk hold on oh oh god no real mare in adam across the new leaf the game begins the player being mistakenly dubbed the mayor of the town the next day the player will receive a letter from the actual mayor who says that one thing led to another and now it's up to you we never find out in any of the games who limia was supposed to be but many have speculated some suggest he was meant to be rover because when he first meets the player he quizzes them on where they're going and some have taken this to mean that he's trying to figure out if the player is fit to be mayor or not while researching i also have people saying they remember rover being worried and flustered about a new job he had but going back and watching the cutscene myself i didn't see any of this so who is the real mayor well we may never know and with that we finished off the tip of the iceberg but if we want real answers we're gonna have to go a whole lot deeper [Music] starting off the next tier just like the last one with another kk song this one is leading a lot more towards the spooky side uh the backwards notes really needs to be what it is the whole song sounds distorted and warped cursed almost and seeing kkk stand in the corner isn't helping and continuing on from that we have another kk theory uh kk slider is always naked why do i even try farley farley is a character that appears in animal crossing gamecube and only appears to the fountain once the player has a perfect town he isn't a villager but more similar to nook or captain as in he's a special character unlike them however exactly what farley is is unknown although it's widely believed that he is some sort of troll goblin gnome thing some also think that his voice is the one heard when you're speaking to the fountain serena inspired by farley serena is a dog villager who only appears in animal crossing city folk according to her wikipedia page she is a fountain goddess who appears as a statue in the fountain in the city as well as making a physical appearance in the fountain in the player's town god that's a lot of fountains she upgrades the player's axe for them but the interesting part is the use of the term god ass what does this mean is there a religion in animal crossing and how powerful is serena where did she come from this is the only appearance of a god-like figure in the entire series so it has to bring into question how weird this is blanca another word character animal crossing is blanca she first appeared in animal crossing gamecube where she randomly shows up when visiting other towns the first time the player meets blanca she has no face and she asked him to draw a new one which was an amazing character with absolutely no unintentional consequences whatsoever while any idea in concept when thinking of blank as a character and looking at her face with any drawings it really gives off an unfinished or spooky vibe no conrad's backstory tom and duck are both shop owners and in the animal crossing series but apart from that they don't have much in common right wrong while not much is known about red's backstory quite a bit is known about tom nooks so allow me to tell you a tale of the melancholy life of domnick grew up in a small town just outside the city and he was best friends with sable growing up the two will climb on top of the observatory and spend the night gazing at stars together a few years pass and a young bright-eyed tom nook decides to move to the city to become a big entrepreneur sabo however couldn't follow as she had her sisters to take care of tom's time in the city wasn't easy however as he encountered a lot of what he calls pitfalls despite this tom still wrote sable telling her all about his experiences in the big city and every night sable would pray for tom wishing that he could keep his spirits up while struggling to make his way tom's dreams of becoming a big entrepreneur never took off and he returned to the town a changed man one of those experiences might have involved red as nook tells the player that foxes can't be trusted and that working with red has caused me problems in the past red himself is a sneaky art dealer so maybe he organized some sort of crime but of course some fans have decided that a failed romance is what calls the black bud as fanfictiony as that sounds it might not be entirely wrong as tom states in wild world when referring to his time in the city yes i have lost more than just money i've lost a friend [Music] isabelle is an alcoholic okay so apparently in japan his ability to explain the difference between the words whiskey and whiskey which i don't know with you but i've been speaking english my entire life and i never realized there was a difference apparently it has to do with where the whiskey is distilled and how it's distilled anyways isabel also explains how much she enjoys whiskey which along with the fact that she works 24 7 may suggest that she's an alcoholic timmy and tommy are adopted this is more so fact than theory tommy and terry tommy t what the [ __ ] timmy and tommy are the twin apprentices of tom nook tom explains it to the player that he thinks of them as pupils and himself as a mentor he wants to teach them about good economic principles in order to stop them from suffering like he did as a young businessman although not related by blood some villagers will tell of a rumor that tom nook found them in the streets and fell after them so he raised them by hand resetti makes kids cry this is something that actually happened ever since the first uh game rossetti's forceful tone and constant anger has made young children cry this led to warnings being left in the manuals of wild world and city folk and him being completely optional in new leaf before being removed in new horizons goodbye rossetti you will be missed mythological creature villagers there's a surprising number of mythological creatures in animal crossing you know obviously you've got tom nook who's the tanuki you got red the kidzune the you got captain the captain then there's the villagers drago dragon phoebe the phoenix hans the yeti and julian the unicorn to name a few all very cool looking villagers but that's about it for this one [Music] alien tv broadcast or 3 33 am in both animal crossing new leaf and new horizons under the right circumstances the player can find a creepy alien broadcast the aliens are nowhere to be found in the game except for this message and although they are probably just an easter egg by nintendo what if what if they real source of the balloons ever since the first animal crossing game one way of getting items was to shoot down floating gift boxes held up by balloons but where were these prisons coming from is there someone out there just packing up couches and floating them into the air villagers that aren't animals there are only a handful of villagers that aren't animals at all like not even mythological ones there's rabot and sprocket which are both animal-like robots there's mystery creatures like farley and serena snowmen and spirits such as jack and wisp but that's about it wanted posters in animal crossing gamecube at the back of the police station there's a wanted poster for two individuals but who are they they don't look like any villagers well i mean this one could be an owl but the one to the right is clearly human of some description some think that the owl figure is based on booster from super mario rpg and when compared to they are similar the ones right however no one knows the go-to answer is just a generic disney mouse character due to the circles of overhead but nintendo made this game why would they include a random reference to a non-obvious disney character personally i think that it's like that the posters depict other villagers in very generic forms so for example i think the left one is maybe an owl villager and the right one possibly a mouse now there isn't a mouse village with that long flowing hair but anacotti brie and bracolo have long enough hair so maybe it's them boondocks boondocks is a town located to the north of the player's town in wild world the name boondocks is referring to the word boondocks which means an uncivilized poor area peli or phyllis will first inform the player of this town and ask them to make a donation according to them bondakins just eat grilled cheese but since there's no cheese or bread they're forced to eat fried dearth without ketchup after a certain number of donations one of the pelicans will inform the player that boondock scenes are making a well for mud bats and that tiny tommy hicks will finally have a proper fifth birthday the player will also receive feathers after a certain amount of money is donated the player can continue donating until boondocks becomes a thriving city called boondopolis you can never visit boondocks or bondopsoever and it's never shown to the player so some have come to believe that the town is fake along with this there's also a slight chance that cranky villagers might say they've heard toto more muttering something like i'm having a steak tonight or that he's insulting a brand new plasma tv after the player starts making donations the player will occasionally receive letters from boondock scenes in one touch letter the line my turtle is better is used which could be in reference to tordemar as he's a turtle if that wasn't obvious already it could also possibly be that tournament is taking the money the player donates and has made up this whole boondock story that sneaky [ __ ] i never trusted those eyes brutus the bulldog bruce the bulldog was a supposedly evil villager present animal crossing gc unlike other villagers brutus would show up in your town for one night wreak havoc such as chopping down trees kidnapping villagers and then leaving the next night bruce was said to be a purple bulldog with red eyes and a black shirt with letter b on it he would apparently only speak in binary and he would completely erase the players save if you attempted to speak to him and if you dared enter his house it would crash the game there's much more to the brutus rumor that i haven't mentioned for example brutus was said to do multiple things that met with you such as sending letters in binary crashing the gamecube some even say he kidnapped your favorite villagers not just any villagers and was able to grant bad luck on specific dates on that date the player would constantly trip over and get more wasp entries rather than bells but there's no evidence of brutus anywhere except for one supposed screenshot it has been lost to the internet but many disregard this as a hoax personally it gives me similar vibes as herobrine up being the early days of the internet when rumors on games were spread like wildfire animal crossing pioneer program coming up to the us release of animal crossing nintendo held a contest to get people excited about the game's release you have to fill out a form explaining why you deserve to win in just under 50 words the players would then get an early copy of the game along with a poster and a letter from nintendo in the end about 125 teams of two won the contest and received their copies early the real mystery however is what is contained on these discs although pioneers have come out until there's no major differences that doesn't mean that there's nothing subtle these copies were sent out about a month before release and winners had direct contact with the localization team now one pioneer has said that localization didn't get changed but i think there might be more hidden on this disk the problem trying to find out is that these disks are so rare and are likely never to be sold but i mean who knows maybe brutus is on there bergsala summer ds i don't know why this is even on the the iceberg but if you haven't seen this already it's these beautiful dss that were given away as part of a swedish competition there were supposedly four of these ds's we only have photos of the spring and winter ones however and i don't know about the summer on all ones whoa slow down there buddy big news breaking news we actually just found the bergsalas i don't know i always said we own it anyways they they found that the summer ds it's it's right here it's real strange because unlike the other ones which are based on i think concept art or something from city folk and wild world art this one is actually a variation of that and not the same artwork as the rest of them which is weird but when you look at the what the artwork should be technically and what it actually ended up being it's it's a lot better in my opinion but we [ __ ] have it it's here this is this couldn't have been timed more perfectly like i'm editing this video as we speak and this just came out so like wow but yeah now we have all four dss and also apparently there was two sets of them because some of the dates and some of the ways people have these yes's don't don't exactly line up so a lot of people believe that there was just one set of these guys made for two which is really interesting because i would love to get my hands with you someday they would probably cost me a small fortune but i mean look at them they're [ __ ] cool as hell aiku village in animal cross new leaf a building called the dream suite was introduced it allowed the player to visit other towns over wifi without any other players there players quickly began to show off their towns but one player garagu decided to use the dream suite to tell a story this story instantly became known all over the animal crossing community so now let me tell you the story of ike village you awaken in a seemingly perfect area with a doll at your feet looking around you're standing on a weird black and white static like texture surrounded by trees with perfect peaches hanging from another person standing with you a small child wearing all red her name ike she tells you this is inside my dream heading north you were greeted by the first house inside you are presented with a scene of a birthday party three people are gathered around a birthday cake one is like a the other two are unknown in the back of the scene there's a door blocked off by a drawer that can't be moved upstairs you find what seems to be a play area with three paintings and the same doll you received earlier these paintings depict ikea's family one of ike's family members and a dog continuing over the bridge the perfect area from earlier begins a change bushes are scattered everywhere and there's junk and sweets scattered carelessly across the ground arriving at the town hall you find a picture of ike's family above a megaphone just to the east of that a graveyard with each query filled by a doll side note in earlier versions of ike village there was apparently dog houses accompanying the graves which could suggest that the family member was searching for the dog however since it was changed maybe the developer did that on purpose so just putting that out there for this site you find the second house inside is a maze of green tech science and stools along with leica she says your voice reaches no one taking the right exit you find a dark room filled with owl clocks taking left and right between two statues one of an angel the other a devil scattered across the floor are bags of items red shoes balloons as well as a large flower taking the left exit you remember the bright room filled spinning wheels in the center is a doll looking over a shark tank with the statue of a woman behind her the walls and floors of this room are covered with seemingly random patterns taking the north exit you move the dark room filled stuffed toys facing away from the entrance you look around to see two paintings of eyes watching over the dolls ominously upstairs you find an idyllic depiction of the creation of sin from the bible complete with a snake an apple downstairs you find a banquet of dolls with a plentiful supply of delicious food however looking behind the little red doll she holds an axe that is all for the second house rushing outside you maneuver through a field of rotten turnips dead bamboo shoots and dead saplings this new landscape is the most similar to the original perfect scene with water fountains and trees but this time they are much less organized and this is reflected when ika says the scenery was always impure next you continue into the third house and inside you're greeted by the same doll this time however she isn't holding the axe behind her but out front and center she is surrounded by a maze of bookshelves inside this maze you find a portrait of ike and a family member on the opposite side you find a second portrait of ike but this time with all of her family taking the right exit you maps a rundown room filled with eggs and a grand piano in the center through the north exit you find a room with two diaries encased in the middle torn out pages are scattered across the floor and hidden in the corner is a small music box continuing upstairs you find a room filled with furniture all covered in portraits of ike's family and family members the doll sits in silence staring soullessly into the tv downstairs you find a similar room filled with furniture the doll is facing a small pram and there's a bed in the center of the room with an outline on it marking a dead body and that's all for house three back outside you continue upwards to find an area almost identical to the layout of the beginning area there is much less trash here and all that remains is house number four and ika she delivers her final message this fun dream is soon ending walking inside you presented with the same room as the beginning except now rubbish is thrown everywhere and the drawer at the back which once blocked off an exit is now moved continuing north you were led into the room containing ike and a doll trapped in the center surrounded by heads all facing towards them upstairs you return to ike's bedroom to find the paintings have been changed ikea has been removed as well as a dog and her family members the doll is now holding an axe like we saw in house 3 and all the dolls are facing away lastly you continue down to the beach where you find a pair of red shoes by the shoreline walking back up the beach we find four leaf clovers crossing over the waterfall you find several offerings after the grave buried within the grave is a skeleton time capsule and little red doll [Music] there are many theories about the story of ike village and initially people thought it was very simple about evil doll that killed ike's family but i don't think the story is as simple as that personally certain details stick out to me and hinted as being much more deep and complex than originally thought the creator himself has said that there is no true ending to ike village so i'm gonna do a bit of theorizing all right this is off script i i'm not i'm not gonna read the script i have nothing written here we're going off script for this part okay let's examine the evidence of ike village what do we know for certain okay first off some pretty big indicators at the end we saw those red shoes by the shore which in japan is um common culture to take off issues before committing suicide and since they're next to the ocean it can be implied that somebody killed themselves and who else wears red shoes but aika okay well if we presume that ike killed herself we have a lot of explaining to you as the hell how the hell that happened it's very hard to piece together the first few houses the first one obviously depicts you know a perfect scene you got her with her family having the birthday and either she receives this doll or she's had this doll before um but the doll has been there since the start that's the constant along with these paintings of you know her her family and the dog the dog never really plays a part so i don't know how crucial the dog is and since um garaku removed the doghouse by the graves i think maybe he wanted people to stop focusing on the dog so yes let's take it from that angle thinking about house um house three where is it house two i think it's house two with all the with all the um lights okay actually if we go to the house with the stools and um but then in the room on the left you have bright colors random spinners the doll looking over a shark with the mother with a figure behind them this could suggest panic and maybe that the red doll could represent ike right right okay hear me out red doll represents ike and in that moment she's feeling pressured from someone from an outside source to make a big decision right that means the shark and all the flashing colors the spinning wheels is it represents the stress or like panic she was feeling again this you could point us back to the ticking clocks and then also upstairs with the depiction of sin hold on what's it the idyllic depiction of creation of sin from the bible that also you know represents person making the wrong choice and down i think hold on hold on hold on i'm getting brain waves i got it i got it i got it i got it oh i got it every room in that house is mirrored so the left and right room they're mirrors of each other and this makes sense like i said earlier the left room is about choice of a big decision so is the right room it's ticking between good and evil trying to try to figure out which decision to make and all the red represents either ica or the franticness of trying to decide upstairs you've got a creation of the [ __ ] sin from the bible and downstairs you've got a doll about to betray people it's exactly the same they're mirrored i'm a goddamn genius ads for the rest of the village i i don't know what's really really [ __ ] me is that maze of bookcases that one's throwing me off i have no idea what that was about um but i think really in the end if i had to sum up everything i've been thinking true i would say ike village it's an incredibly well-made fan story um it really gives you a lot to work with and the fact the author himself has left the book open so to speak it gives the freedom that it has had i think that's really what made it take off why am i saying this next next [ __ ] point animal crossing 2 at e3 2004 nintendo showed off a video of what will become wild world however the gameplay shown off is much more similar to the gamecube sale of animal crossing this is because it was a planned sequel to animal crossing that was early in development we know very little about this game all we have is e3 footage along with two screenshots one of the player next to a bell shrine which replaces the wishing well and is it the japanese exclusive you know the bots no more feature of animal crossing also ace and anacotti are shown having a picnic we know this is a screenshot of animal crossing 2 and not the butts no more e plus however because anacotti is using the international symbol for laughter and not the japanese one the other screenshots simply show their player by their house with peaches nearby the game was likely ported to ds and reworked into wild world or were simply scrapped in favor wild world able sister's parents if you remember from earlier we talked about tom nook's backstory well it's time for round two baby the clothing shop able sisters was originally run by the parents of sable label and mabel until a fatal accident left the sisters parentless shortly after their parents death label and sable gone to an argument which is a label leaving home for a new life in the big city sable was left to raise mabel all by herself we also learned that mabel was too young to even remember her parents or sister labeled before she left adan's the fact that sable's closest friend tom nook also left for the big city and she really has had a hard life better better but i need more [Music] keeping with tradition we have kk synth now unlike the previous two songs this one is a lot more electronic sounding but it still has those creepy vibes especially with this section right here [Music] i don't know why but something about this sounds sad or ominous to me animal crossing cures depression i mean sure it's a nice peaceful slice of life gabe sure why not [Music] anti-government animal crossing ban this was really interesting so during the hong kong protest people would just post on the streets but then you know the whole yeah happened so they came up with a new way to protest and they chose animal crossing people started putting up paintings across their islands with messages like free hong kong revolution now all this writing leads the game being banned and taken off shelves in china and hong kong [Music] animal crossing is a child labor cult okay so this one is like brutus it's a rumor that's been floating around since the game's birth and basically states that tumnuk is using the player and other players to do work for him he uses bells as currency and puts on a show with villagers and such however when researching this i somehow stumbled upon a fan fiction that takes all these ideas along with some other ideas and combines them all together into this big 15 chapter story which took me way too long to read in short the story revolves around a young happy lad who believes he is going off to a fantastic adventures at summer camp named billy this country has to be wild world and when he realizes he can't escape it suddenly becomes an episode of survivor and billion was fed for his life gyro has become a center plot point and have some power to turn children into animals this process is called animal crossing see what you did there then yadda yadda tom lucas martial mouse with cancer who is now a crazy dictator and bam that's pretty much it as much as i am joking i did actually enjoy reading through it the creator obviously poured a lot of time and effort into it i mean we got fully drawn scenes audio readings two endings and a fully animated fight scene summarizing the whole thing would not do it justice so i'll be doing a live reading of it on stream on youtube at this date the date shown above i don't know what it's going to be but it should be either the wednesday or friday after this is posted so yeah there it is you should come check it out we're gonna have a good time we're gonna read the story we're gonna watch the fight scene anyways speaking of gyroids [Music] gyroid sounds gyros themselves are weird little statues you can place in your house in all animal crossing games what makes them creepy though are two main things the sounds they make and the way you get them dryers are primarily found buried underground and some of their sounds resembles drowning or screaming gyros are based on figures which were statues made for ritual use and buried with the dead as funerary objects during the kofun period of japan this could indicate that they mark dead bodies hidden under the animal crossing soil or that they themselves contain the souls of deceased villagers [Music] animal crossing is purgatory this theory suggests that you the player are actually dead many people regard purgatory as a place of punishment but others understand it as a sort of waiting room a soul stays before entering heaven it is in the second interpretation that your character resides you are driven to purgatory by a car or train depending on the game you take your most innocent form a child and are placed in a town populated with cute friendly talking animals the perfect environment to keep you calm your character is clearly unaware that they have died and this is something your own personal purgatory seeks to hide from you why because your character is not in heaven yet and isn't safe from suffering heartache and other traumas from the knowledge that they have passed away this is also why there's so much to do fossils fishing bugs to keep you from getting bored coco and stitches are dead coco is a rabbit villager whose face resembles a gyroid as previously mentioned the gyros are based off statues for the dead her in-game description reads she has empty black eyes and a mouth with a hollow head what stitches is another villager with a creepy appearance she's an orange teddy bear with stitches for eyes and a body made up of fabric both these villagers look as if they're dead and according to their descriptions i guess they are dodos if you didn't know the dutto was an extinct flightless bird that was endemic to the island of moiritis east of madagascar in the indian ocean but you see in animal crossing there's a dodo villager [Music] tortimer is a puppet figure i don't know what they mean by this like maybe this is in reference to another theory on the iceberg that tom nook is behind everything as in turtlemore just a puppet for tom nook to use but i did find this cool little figure of tortomor on pinterest so you can call me an investigative [Music] journalist frillard passed away further to the special character that was first introduced in city folk where he appears in the marquee taking dr trunk's place on rare occasions in one of these performances we learn that he's 110 years old this wouldn't amend much until the new horizons direct came out in that trailer people spotted a gravestone in the background and speculation went wild originally people thought it might be tournament or joan since she was replaced by daisy may however by the game's release both these options were ruled out frillard however never appeared in new horizons meaning the grave could belong to him haunted paintings in animal cross new horizons red will arrive on your island and sell you paintings however not all of them are real now the only way to tell the difference is to have a phd in art history oh or i guess you could buy it and interact with it yeah some fake art acts weird and has been deemed as haunted for instance a portrait may open its eyes or a statue may float these oddities only appear when interacting with the object at night however one of the creepiest examples in my opinion has to be the back of the graceful paintings in which you can see a human shaped stain as if the canvas itself is possessed humans are second class citizens this can be in reference to two things one is the fact that you can buy a human skeleton but this skeleton is much too tall to be the same as the players meaning the player isn't human also we never see a character whose description fits the skeleton so where these came from is a mystery maybe the human skeleton is similar to dinosaurs in the fact that it's a fossil now or if we assume that player is human then it might be the fact that tom nook charges the player for their house and has to pay off constant death unlike other villagers [Music] baby now that was a good lair but i still have questions and there's only one place left to go you heard me right baby we're heading right down to the underbelly kk dirge and finally the creepiest animal crossing song of all kk dirge right off the bat durge means a lament for the dead especially one forming part of a funeral right so no suddenly here this is just straight up a song for the dead way to be subtle there kk way let me solve it listening to this song it starts out with nothing but a single note for the first two seconds before being accompanied by what sounds like deep harmonic chanting we then hear some electronic sounds and a busy sound that constantly grows louder until peeking and fading away the song appears to continue on normally but is suddenly interrupted by two clashes of a metallic object followed by someone holding a low note and then the song repeats this is definitely the creepiest casey song and gives off cult vibes the chanting the ominous sounds the clashing of metallic objects makes it even to me at least like some sort of execution or ritual creepy curlos dialogue colonel is a villager first introduced into butts no more e plus as a cranky islander his personality type changed a new leaf to smug fast forward to new horizons and there is a chance that carlos will tell you about his workout mishap in his basement commenting that nobody can hear you scream from your basement this is an incredibly creepy line to leave into an animal crossing game especially from one of the villagers the thing is though this isn't exclusive to curlos this dialogue auction can be said by any of the smug villagers why would they include this and why is it every smug villager do they all just have a basement that nobody can hear them scream from oh [ __ ] that's a theory in itself zipper t bunny zipper is a really weird character in animal crossing unlike any other villagers zipper actually has a zipper on his back it's where he gets his name he gets aggressive the player mentions it and denies that it's a suit however this has just made more people theorize that it is a suit but what might be underneath well something is filled due to their shared habit of making a slides in grade out text and how much they dislike their job however phyllis and zipper can be at the same place at the same time so that pretty much d proves that theory others think he's taught him her but he can be disproved the same way maybe there's something much darker under that bunny suit maybe zipper is in fact some sort of horrific monster or creature or possibly another player just like you gulliver is a failed murder victim gulliver is a flightless eagle villager that's found washed up on your shore randomly he explains that he fell off a ship and his crew is dismissive of him this could suggest that he didn't fall but was pushed overboard [Music] new leaf 7 pm negative aura this one also talks about negative 4 and wet dry where i mean 7 pm music in new leaf yeah personally i don't feel it i don't hear it but i mean i kind of understand what they mean the repeating sounds the clip-flop in the background could give it that vibe but look at any other song from new leaf they all start to repeat those songs it was dragged out over an hour so i don't really feel the negative worry here tell me if you guys do wisps master wisp is a special spirit character who's a simple white ghost roughly the same height as the player what he was before he became a ghost is unknown and up to speculation when wisp arrives in the player's village they must catch spirits with their nest for a reward wisp said he works for an organization and will mutter something about a master and what he will do if his spirits aren't recovered little is known about whispers boss others that he's a very scary person whom whispers afraid of he appears to be violent beating wisp up after he fails to turn the five spirits in oh god holding the animal crossing manga chestnut chestnut is a beta character in animal crossing gamecube she can only be accessed by using an action replay code she appears as a squirrel with blue eyes and a turquoise dress digging around the code we find that her texture and model refers to her as xsq which likely means extra squirrel however in the game's code she's called acev dokutu that can be broken down to action event dokutu characters with eevee in their name are traveling characters like crazy red sahara or joan dakudo i'm just going to keep butchering it over and over again most likely a shorthand for dokutoru which means a doctor in japanese as strings before her name in doputsu no mori plus include sick and patient these things point for being a traveling doctor of sorts she may also have healed a player if they happen to get stung by a bee on that day since medicine was introduced until wild world she was likely cut though due to uninteresting or useless mechanics or just time constraints [Music] beta items oh boy it's time for the beta items they my favorite part there's not a lot of cover so cat 13 cat 13 is a dark brown cat with tan question mark stripes on her forehead apart from her appearance we not only bother likely due to cut time or time constraints that's the same thing or replaced by any of the hundreds of other cats blue fish blue fish is a beta item it's just a simple blue face with hook on the slip likely used while programming fishing dummy's better item that takes the form of a white triangle with jet with red japanese [ __ ] characters in the center when placed the character reads dummy this item can be sold or seen in the catalog this is considered to be either a glitch item or two protesting furniture weirdly and i imagine an accent you were able to get this item without hacking or modding the game for some reason you can obtain dummy in two ways by talking to a villager inside the inglewood through specific conditions or as a reward for the picking two cards game you can also get a form of dummy in city folk where it appears as a regular apple blowing yellow boxes this is a beta item only accessible via cheats once placed this box will appear until you reload the zone once you've returned the box will appear and begin moving side to side it has physics attached to it and can push the player around what the hell this is used for is unknown paper airplane paper airplane is a beta item only accessible through treats it appears in a buggy state as a type of paper when placed in the ground it is visible but just like the glowing yellow box it too reappears when you reload the zone jesus it also has the weird ability of duplication and potentially shut down entire acres or even leave your entire town unplayable if you leave a duplicate enough sickle the cycle is an unused beta item only accessible via cheats it was never completely finished but does appear in the player's inventory is a net when equipped it appears that the player is holding nothing but acts like you were not holding a tool this item also apparently appeared in animal crossing guide i don't know what the hell my crossing guide is apparently this guy from the original gamecube who knows and that's all the beta items i got all of them done oh yeah 64 dd animal crossing was originally going to be exclusively for the 64 dd which if you don't know is a disc drive dd add-on for the n64 it's going to be used to make much bigger games keep up with competition or just add more content to existing games for example ocarina of times infamous or zelda anyways in an interview from 2016 the producer of animal crossing details what the original plans for animal crossing were the idea for animal crossing began with the idea that we could use a 64 dd to write massive amount of save data to make a kind of game that hadn't been made yet at that point the theme that i considered was playing with others the beginning of the design was that you'd have this rpg like world with a massive field and multiple players would enter according to gucci he wanted to play video games with his kids but since he was a full-time developer he would often arrive home late and they would be asleep i couldn't play games with my kids even though i knew it would be fun from the beginning my idea was that if it is going to be this way maybe there's something we could do where someone in a similar environment to me could come home late and play which would somehow overlap with what the kids had done for instance say the kids were adventuring in a dungeon during the day and made it part way through but then something happens where they can't move any further then some trace of a statue that can be left and then when dad comes home at night he could use that information that the kids left as a hint and clear the dungeon and proceed further i wondered how that style of relay type play would be from here the idea of animals being the game came from the idea that instead of the player being all powerful like most rpgs the player would have to use powers of animals to progress this interview goes into a lot more detail about the humble origins of animal crossing and all in all the original concept of the game is a lot different to what we ended up with i would love to see a fan recreation or even nintendo themselves making a rpg like this but i doubt that will ever happen [Music] okay okay so they straight up just have the wii u game at the very bottom of the iceberg jesus christ i really show them what people like that game the night clowns no hold on i think we finally reached it the answer to a question i've had ever since the start all right i can finally know what the night clowns are now what aren't i clowns you may ask well have no fear young viewers for the creator of the iceberg username for username himself give us an explanation new horizons released in a new era of video games they tend to be more in tune with internet culture as such new horizons has some slightly off-kilter dialogue that aligns more closely with oddball humor often found on the internet blah blah blah no one could hear them scream from the basement oh here it is here we go well sometimes if you convince a character in your campsite to replace a villager in your town the former will mention that the other was already thinking of moving out why because of the nightclub now you may say what night clowns yeah night clowns do they explain the night clowns no and i have to emphasize this no they do not no one talks much about the nightclubs but they are enough to motivate a villager to move out once the opportunity arises this baffles players to this day who have to ask do the nightclub because of any connection to pierto and what are the nightclubs the fact that this question is unanswered to this day makes it so much worse maggie who second thoughts are playing at night among other things [Music] perfection utter perfection this is the best theory i've ever seen in my life i finally know what night plans are i've never been so happy [Applause] well that's all she wrote it's been a journey and we are finally conclusively done holy [ __ ] this is taking a long ass time to make this took a lot of effort to make from a lot of different people so if you enjoyed i really would appreciate a like and maybe even subscribe uh originally i was going to say the wrongs at a thousand subs and try to get you to subscribe but we somehow hit that milestone while i was recording the script which is [ __ ] insane i just want to say thank you to you know all my fans already which i'm going to keep that brief because i have a lot more [ __ ] planned for that for that whole celebration thing i'm definitely thinking of making more of these it took a long time to record the script and even researching researching took the longest time like i've already pretty much recorded the entire script in just two days it took me like the better part of a month to research it so if you have any more ideas in the comments leave them below i have a few myself this uh super mario sunshine one looks decent also if i can find one on pikmin or smash bros i think that could also be pretty good but you guys know better than me leave in description and also just before we finish do not forget to come out to the live stream at this date and this time i don't know when that date and time is going to be but it's probably soon you should come check it out it's going to be great going to have some friends on we're gonna read through the um to the the terrible secret of animal crossing which i it's a pretty good story so hopefully we'll have some fun with that um we're also gonna be doing some [ __ ] we're also gonna be celebrating a small bit because 1 000 subs so you know come check that out if you want to anyways i really do hope you enjoyed thank you so much for watching hope you have a great [ __ ] day and [Music] bye when when equipped when equipped when equipped when equipped my god upstairs you find an idyllic depiction of the creation of sin from the bible ew upstairs you find an idyllic it did how the [ __ ] do you say that word oh my god it's here in my script like 50 times how do i say it how do i say it idyllic idyllic idyllic yeah [ __ ] teach me how to pronounce it google how am i gonna how am i gonna end this video
Channel: Big Marsh
Views: 889,956
Rating: 4.8788795 out of 5
Keywords: super mario 64, super mario 64 iceberg, super mario 64 creepypasta, icberg, iceberg explained, animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing wild world, animal crossing city folk, animal crossing gamecube, doubutsu no mori, iceberg explained game, very original video, animal crossing creepypasta, gaming mysteries, creepypasta, animal crossing new leaf, jaidenanimation, dobutsu no Mori, animal crossing iceberg image, iceberg images, iceberg image, mario 64 iceberg reaction
Id: oWVSs-qR1Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 42sec (3282 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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