The FULL Roblox Iceberg - Part 2 (Ft. Yoshimi)

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bahahahah i slowed it down myself and yes, it sounds VERY familiar

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Dethronee 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

ya its karamelldansen

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Kurenai_Chi 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
ah you're back for part two good to see you again let's do a quick recap in the last video we covered layers one and two of the full roblox iceberg and today we will be covering the third layer now this layer is pretty hefty and i'm going to need some help so joining us today will be yoshimi hey guys it's yoshimi i just want to give thanks to toasty for having me be a part of this collab i really enjoy his content and it is awesome to be able to help cover this behemoth of an iceberg for you guys to watch if you guys don't know yoshimi covered a different roblox iceberg long before i did but he also you know does other stuff aside from roblox content i also like to cover obscure lost media internet mysteries and music releases i enjoy so if any of that sounds interesting then please feel free to check out my channel after this video if you like creepy content you should definitely check out his channel and if you like my stuff you should definitely check out his exploring spooky roblox places series by the way this isn't even a collab plug i just genuinely enjoy stuff well without further ado let's jump into part 2 of the full roblox iceberg after extensive research we believe that this entry is in reference to survive the killers kill house mode a mode in which you could practice with various weapons on a shooting range very basic austin roschle better known as nimbles was a roblox game developer they're well known for making games like egg and wait for four hours to leave a room on may 17 2020 nimbles passed away at the age of 21. at first nobody knew why their family requested that their cause of death remained private but on may 31st 2020 nimble's twitter account posted a scheduled tweet linking to a now deleted secret tag to github post named goodknight.rbxl which read the following if you're reading this i've probably been missing for two weeks i'm not alive anymore on may 17 2020 i took my own life you're the best thing that has ever happened to me thank you for being with me the support and love and friends i've made have kept me going as long as i have i definitely wouldn't be writing this if you weren't here for me i wanted to keep going until i finished all my projects but i won't ever be finished with them haha my work is one of the few things i can find joy in and i'm glad i was able to share it with you i'm sorry if you expected something more personal i didn't write any personal letters that's a lot of writing and everyone would be similar to this goodnight nimbles may 17th 2020 rest in peace nimbles you left us too soon if you're ever feeling depressed ending your life is never the answer please talk to a friend or call your area's suicide hotline in 2007 roblox ran a contest where three judges watched a variety of funny roblox youtube videos whichever video one would get a custom hat designed for them as well as 1000 robux the video roblox gone crazy by jj 5x5 was crowned the victor and they got a white top hat made for their achievement this hat now goes for around 80 thousand roebucks nowadays little angels daycare is a seemingly innocent roleplay game where you can do things like attend school raise children and hang out the game is extremely popular with over 30 million place visits little do the large majority of users know this game had a dark secret buried beneath the surface one day in 2017 an exploiter supposedly typical modders discovered that there were a series of rooms deep below the playable area that could only be reached through noclip hacks first there is the rather innocuous news room but below that lies a nutshack room and then below that lays a room with six small jails some pentagrams and an illuminati symbol this was a fully blown satanic ritual room now i could continue to keep the air of mystery and general spookiness around this entry by saying ooh the creator of lady is a satanist but in reality it's just a joke room kind of a weird joke considering it could jeopardize the thing that is most likely making you a lot of money but oh well believe it or not roblox was not always marketed as the little kids game you know it as today it used to be marketed towards younger teenagers but around 2010 they shifted their marketing towards younger children like six to eight years old by making building tools easier to use and making the graphics a lot brighter and more colorful this was most likely just because they were beginning to get sponsorships from companies also marketed towards younger children so it was generally a lot easier to just shift their demographic and it made a lot more sense the great strategy or the 2006 roblox theme song was a song made by badliz a finnish musical composer it went on to be featured in the game trailer for roblox in 2006 making it the og or original song by many as it was released one month after roblox release into the gaming genre the song can be found on spotify itunes deezer and tidal as well as youtube itself robots rally was the very first roblox convention it took place in the palace of the fine arts in san francisco on august 1st from what i can tell it went pretty well they discussed future updates coming to roblox and had various q a sessions along with giving out rewards to players there were no more roblox rallies after this event making it a one-of-a-kind experience if you managed to get there egg drops were roblox's very first attempts at making easter egg hunt events egg drops took place on easter and the week after every year from 2008 to 2010 2009 featured no official egg drop what it would be is random eggs all falling from the sky of any game where the creator enabled egg drops the eggs were all available to pick up and as soon as you did it would appear in your inventory as a hat if you had a free to play account you could pick up a maximum of six unique eggs if you had builders club though you were given the egg basket gear item that enabled you to pick up as many eggs as you wanted it was an interesting idea but players wised up creating games specifically for egg drops called egg funnels these games were gigantic funnels that covered the entire base plate that would collect all the eggs and funnel them into the center of the map so non-builders club members could avoid accidentally collecting eggs they didn't want and pick and choose from the contents of the pile the creation of these funnels actually caused the admins to retire the egg drops idea entirely and come up with egg hunts so that players would actually have to work for their eggs msc6 was a super moderator on roblox and is generally considered to be one of the most hated moderators on the platform many people disliked her for how much she abused her power and platform banning anyone for saying anything she deemed to be out of line some people even thought she was a bot at some points even master chief alpha one of her co-workers joked that msc 6 is actually a highly advanced search and destroy cyborg now from what i know vaccine script seems to be referring to a lua virus that has been circulating since 2010 that copies the host script and pastes it into every part of the game's workspace which might cause lag in some games this is one of those malicious scripts that you find in free models so be careful sorry guys looks like we have another entry on the lost media iceberg in terms of roblox we couldn't find anything on temple of the zombie besides a single post by a user named reverse builder asking about it and mentioning user namiko namiko now researching namiko namiko brings up nothing but deprecated posts about a certain roblox iceberg was it the same roblox iceberg i don't think so because the comments describe an iceberg that doesn't quite match up with ours but still this whole situation just leaves me scratching my head this was a cancelled event that was sponsored by nickelodeon it would have taken place in disney purple's roblox's top model and zathara's adventure hobby along with a new game called nickelodeon blimp race which was to be developed by david d usering and edel you could have won 10 prizes including but not limited to the slime suit the slime shooter and the slime tie which all stick very closely to the kids choice awards slime theme unfortunately the event was cancelled due to some copyright issues with nickelodeon not sure exactly how that managed to happen rest in peace what will you build is a 30 second roblox tv advertisement uploaded to youtube on august 23rd 2012 that shows a variety of things roblox has to offer the ad features building creations such as a replica of the eiffel tower and experimental jet while showing gameplay of the game jet wars advanced battle as well as boasting millions of players are building in roblox there are some rather interesting errors to this such as in some scenes real gameplay is not actually shown this can be seen in certain shots such as the sniper scene where scopes didn't actually work like that back in 2012. various assets are also shown such as water and sky boxes that didn't exist until 2013 also a minecraft tnt block is shown for some odd reason take with this what you will it is definitely a strange advertisement roblox what will you build now if you don't know vault 8166 is a roblox myth slash it's a facility where supposedly certain hackers or important people had access to that gave them control over all of roblox allowing them to do pretty much whatever they wanted in games like use admit commands and such or take control over every roblox account this entry claims that vault 816 is not a myth and it's not actually a physical vault rather a collective of powerful hackers with a variety of bots and exploits that give them access to roblox the way the myth claims they would have now there's no evidence such a thing existed though and i highly doubt it's real but it's interesting to think about i don't know players who invited three or more friends to roblox via email would gain the inviter badge this badge was retired in october of 2013 meaning that you can no longer get this badge but it still appears on the profiles of those who received it making it quite a rarity to have in a generally unknown game called greenwood town there was a strange room with blood markings on it multiple torture devices scatter across the game and a ghost in the town's sewers not much is known about it but it is assumed to be a victim of some sort of murder okay first of all i believe that the poster actually means hospital nightmares three not hotel nightmares 3 no game seems to have ever existed under that name now hospital nightmares 3 was a very popular horror game on roblox in 2012. it mixes the very popular hobby content with horror and it was very effective in scaring children including me at the time the lobby is the classic cafeteria area that you start off in was there possibly another unused version of this lobby lying around i don't know unfortunately i couldn't find anything about it throw it in the lost media iceberg in 2017 roblox took almost all of the old purchasable heads off sale to make way for the more diverse heads that came with arthros which would be released in the following year the decision was generally disliked by the community as many felt that this was an erasure of roblox history now everyone knows about the oof sound but there was actually another death sound that can be found in roblox's file called ouch basically nothing is known about it but it is speculated that this sound was found on an illegal free sound website and it was meant to be the sound that played whenever the player was damaged but it was taken out due to being too annoying i agree personal servers were a feature on roblox where if the player wished they could mark a game they were creating as a personal server this would make it so that only one server could run at a time and you'd build inside of roblox instead of roblox studio and these builds would automatically be saved over time you could also assign ranks inside personal servers which would grant players the ability to do different things inside the game many players garnered around personal servers and it eventually became its own community with building personal servers quickly becoming the most popular because you could promote people to become a member and let them build inside your world they were later replaced by team create in 2016. the paper hat is a hat that was added to roblox in 2009. the texture itself has a headline that says telemon releases the new future of roblox wait did you say gears which hints towards the gears that would come out in the next few days the first gear was released the same day as the paper hat which is the roblox classic brigand sword the cruise was a 2013 event that was cancelled for unknown reasons it was going to have its own custom game that would have had a survive the disasters theme and would have been developed by hot toth you would have earned two hats a mcconnovor and the grug package it was probably canceled for the better because i wouldn't want to see people walking around in that package [Music] roblox clans were yet another deprecated feature now this iceberg has a lot of these which is fine it's interesting to remember all the features roblox tried out in the past anyways claims were introduced in 2014 as a connection to player points that would add more depth to groups if you paid a certain amount of robux you could turn your normal boring group into a clan clans would compete for a top spot on the leaderboard basically players would gather player points through playing any roblox games and then the clan score would add up their total amount of player points and put them on the leaderboard this feature was removed in 2018 when player points were scrapped as well [Music] was simply a mobile version of the roblox website created in 2016. the mobile website gave users special items that could only be accessed on a mobile phone such as the jacko mask however users were able to figure out a method to get these items on pc which many believe is what led to roblox eventually shutting down the entire website the following year was a 2007 april fool's joke made by john chadletsky in which he said in a blog post that google bought roblox for 380 million dollars it was then debunked by someone which pointed out those errors the use of the word new with the 380 million dollars considering the early stage of roblox and the fact that google didn't buy the goo blocks domain david bazouke then made a blog post congratulating the user that pointed out the mistakes and said that he had already bought the goo blocks domain still to this day just redirects to the stamper tool was a tool that was introduced in late 2010 it was primarily used in roblox studio welcome to roblox building and personal servers the tool inserted models and decals from either the user's items or predefined sets created by roblox roblox deprecated this tool and building method in october of 2017 and later blacklisted the word stamper entirely facebook connect was a feature that allowed roblox players with facebook accounts to be able to share their roblox status updates places and avatars to their facebook friend if you registered to roblox using facebook back around 2010 to 2011 you would be rewarded with the epic face item which was based on a meme that was very popular around that time sets were simply groups of models or decals that players could make that the other players would subscribe to basically like folders for whatever reason roblox deprecated this feature in 2018 but using the insert tool you can still pull up old sets that you had previously subscribed to shidletsky became a bot refers to toothache should letski becoming a bot like the roblox and builderman account rumors shidletsky's trade bots which is the more likely option of the two they were infamous for sending players either really great trades or really horrible trades even he himself admits that he used trade bots which would send people these trades although there are some people who still don't believe that he uses trade bots this obviously led to some hate and some confusion hate for the real bad trades and confusion because people wouldn't have expected a trade from someone like shidletsky nor have ever met schedletsky so they don't know why they got a trade from him now this iceberg is not referring to the shadowrun video game neither is it referring to the shadowrun ttrpg but the shadowrun roblox obby in this hobby you had to run jump in balance for 200 stages before reaching the end and what happens when you do you're transported to a dark game called loneliness simulator where you sit at a solitary bench entrenched in darkness a path of dim light leads you to two quotes about loneliness we live as we dream alone and solitude is fine but you need someone to tell that solitude is fine additionally there is a pair of red eyes watching you in the distance that you can never reach now one may interpret this as a deconstruction of what it means to be lonely another may interpret this as a creepy and unsettling game in reality it's probably just the devs telling you hey yo you wasted a portion of your life on this stupid roblox obby you have no friend no family this entry refers to the trailer released by shedletsky over 12 years ago to promote the addition of custom shirts and pants into the game it caught on pretty quickly and instantly became a meme amongst the early roblox community watching it now though it's honestly really surreal and a bit creepy shirts and shirts and shirts roblox and shirts roblox sure shirts roblox roblox brings you pants pants and pen goodbox is another revival project focused on emulating 2009 roblox like graphictorial or fine oak i'm sure it's got its fair share of drama but i wouldn't be able to know because the community is pretty heavily moderated and i don't have access to it bait and switch games are games that in the title and thumbnail appear to be a wide variety of games such as hobbies tycoons or simulator games but once joined would teleport to a single much more low effort game that is not at all like advertised this is essentially a clickbait method where a botnet will create as many appealing thumbnail and game titles as possible to appeal to little kids and then have them redirect to their crappy game that nobody would otherwise play so they can farm robux from one singular game rather than making a dozen unique games additionally these type of bait and switch games often cycle through different thumbnails and titles so that they don't even have to generate new places and sometimes even certain free models would have scripts that take over games and force them to teleport through the bait and switch place just another scummy money grab tactic that you should expect by now from the roblox community if you look around for really any amount of time you can find various videos or places dedicated to recreating the tragic events of september 11th most of the time these recreations are made out of respect but sometimes they were made for edgy memes either way it's always weird and a bit unsettling to see the twin towers fall in roblox this was yet another old feature that allowed roblox users to join a party together and once the leader of the party joined the game everyone else inside party would automatically get teleported into the game this was a useful feature at the time because really the only other way to join your friends games was to go all the way to their profile and click join and when it came to parties it would automatically try to join a game that the entire party could fit into of course this party feature was removed entirely and replaced with a feature that allowed anyone to join friends games just by clicking join while in a chat still kind of missed parties though these are simply blog posts that were basically roblox's way of letting developers show what they've been working on through official blog posts there were specific conditions you had to fulfill before being featured on these special posts these being your place had to be on the front page at least once you generally had to have a way to lose die and well your place had to be good holiday magic was a cancelled roblox event that was supposed to take place between november 2018 and january 2019. there's almost no information regarding this event and there are currently no known prizes for this event that exist window fjords was a commonly used track in many early roblox games mainly horror games with it being a usable module before sound files were added it was composed by minomis of domu and fine ground coffee crew this track might be known to you however by telemon's sword on some occasions exporters and roblox use their abilities to perform lewd actions on a random victim locking them in well inappropriate animations the most infamous case of this was when this happened to a seven-year-old girl and it was reported on by the insider some of y'all are messed up pre-2006 games out of bounds this topic has been widely disputed on what exactly it could mean researchers claim that it could regard a few things first it could mean that you could access out of bounds areas and older versions of roblox games through glitches and exploits it could also mean that you couldn't build outside the base plate an older roblox client however either theory is hard to test considering many of the older roblox clients are still considered lost media the 500 bribing incident was when someone bribed an outsourced moderator from india to give them access to the admin panel in which they could see users various personal data like phone numbers emails and mac addresses of millions of accounts that could be accessed by roblox moderators the biggest thing of all they could bypass the 2fa of any account and sell their item another thing that was revealed through the leak was a hidden feature called protected users protected users are basically those users that were less likely to get moderated by roblox all star creators high ranking devs and people with a lot of limited items are considered to be a part of this list critical strike was and still is a very popular class-based arena fighter game on our favorite platform roblox it was very popular and things were going well for the creator epic critical until march of 2020 when everything would fall apart epic critical was exposed for being a bio and being a 13 year old if you want the full story about that you should watch quineco kittens video on the subject after this of course he quit roblox leaving it to his dev team to continue work on cs but they too quit leaving the game dead in the water that being said it still has a rather sizable active player base which i won't make any comments on play strife instead [Music] back when the roblox forums were first created the main sub forum was general discussion it was changed to roblox talk or rt because it was confusing general discussion didn't mean discussion about anything it meant general discussion about roblox so it was just changed for more clarity that's all these are games that are either replicating or inspired by the cleric as having almond luck again some of these may be made out of respect but most of them come off as extremely insensitive at best it's honestly wild that some of these games are still up on the platform [Music] fun box was a now deleted game that was simply a white box that would begin rapidly flashing several different colors and playing loud distorted audio which was obviously intended to induce epileptic seizures and generally scare people this game was often used to troll be it through getting someone to play it or forcing players to teleport through other games what i will show you next is footage of the fun box flash warning roblox is a platform which generally moderates their usernames very closely obviously not allowing for swear words to be put in usernames however of course for as long as the website has been around people have tried their hardest to have swears in their names the most well-known incident of this happening was with speeder 420 an account that somehow was able to well be named what it was named he got very popular and then of course banned still he persisted making several other bypass names each one getting banned just like the last as i'm making this video he supposedly still resides on the platform under this bypass name which has not been banned although it might get banned now that i've ratted him out oopsie roblox points not to be confused with player points were a free currency system that predated robux in 2005. you would earn these on a daily basis or be rewarded by playing mini games that's it it was removed in 2006 and again replaced by robux tbc only items refers to when some hats on the roblox catalog were restricted for tbc bc obc only members you would usually find bc only items though because the only tbc only item that was available on the catalog was just the tbc skateboard otherwise it was all bc only or higher i'd assume that some items were also locked for tbc but then were cancelled behind the scenes so now we just have bc only items these were later replaced with premium sale items this was a canceled 2012 event that was to sponsor the clone wars line of lego star wars building sets it is unknown why it was cancelled and little information was known about it until 2019 when the darth vader and stormtrooper rigs were publicized assumedly to be used as packages iron noob was supposed to be a forum where players from different games would gather one of those games would be roblox this form was created by schedletsky which was what caused it to have a massive following the forums eventually died but some have tried to revive it since then the latest one being around 2015 where you can actually still access the website now the 2005ers are a very small group of users who joined roblox in 2005. they are as follows baseball builderman john doe jane doe diana eric ii retinia and test additionally there are five other users who joined in 2005 who are now banned from the platform there was an early model for a redesign created in 2007 presumably by john chadletsky based on the model's code name john the mesh was discovered in 2017 10 years later and was remarkable because of how ugly and out of place it seemed people think if the redesign was put in place roblox would have become a completely different game it also appears to feature an unused version of the 2006 roblox logo on the chest of the model in 2018 all eggs for that year's egg hunt were leaked onto the internet exciting players as they looked forward to collecting the eggs that were shown however once the hunt actually ended and players collected all eggs they realized that not every single egg that was leaked were actually collectible as it turns out roblox ended up scrapping certain eggs such as the gross egg and its color variants it is unknown exactly as to why they did so though in 1989 david bazuki and his brother greg would release an educational physics game called interactive physics he did not know it at the time but this game was technically a very early prototype and predecessor to roblox it was essentially a very basic and two-dimensional version of roblox where you were given a set of objects nicknamed a toolbox to play around with as you interacted with the 2d environment and mess around with the physics it went on to win multiple awards and was very popular which is probably what inspired david to move on and create roblox over 10 years later the ghost walker is a weapon in swordfight on the heights iv and eventually was brought to the roblox catalogue as a gear it's rumored that this weapon collects dead robloxians similar to how the sword itself has the unique quirk of collecting levels after every kill after certain levels are reached passive abilities like damage and invisibility are increased it of course does not literally collect robloxians but it's more of a lore speculation slash head cannon during the 2013 egg hunt players got word of a new feature that would concern the eggs some eggs would actually hatch and produce a brand new item the scrambled egg was one of the rarest eggs of 2013 and many players speculated would this one hatch some players wanted to see it hatch while others didn't want to which led to many fights on the forums depending on which side you were on you were either disappointed or egg-static to learn that the scrambled egg would in fact not hatch either way the following year the idea of eggs hatching was canned since if an egg hatched the original egg item would be gone forever and players didn't really like that roblox is a very popular website for children you already knew that and also has a rampant online dating scene well there are plenty of communities in roblox that try to take advantage of and exploit these young children in 2018 green lego cats posted a video reviewing weird online dating groups which obviously appeared to be a body ring these groups had discord servers and were centered around doing very nsfw things that no kid should be doing there were plenty of messages requesting nsfw pictures to be exchanged and it's likely that a majority of the accounts requesting the images are wow this honestly disgusts me but that is part two of the iceberg if you enjoyed it be sure to like and subscribe thanks again to yoshimi for help with this video please check out his other videos and of course thanks to my discord and of course if you want to help out in future parts you should join my discord server and the dedicated iceberg server we have i am absolutely going to need all the help i can get for the next portion of the iceberg you
Channel: Toastee
Views: 237,690
Rating: 4.953876 out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Scary, Toastee, Iceberg, Creepypasta, Albert, Flamingo, Greenlegocats, legocats, creepy roblox, scary roblox, comedy, meme, funny, roblox iceberg, iceberg explained, roblox meme, bobux, gaming, shedletsky, hacker, roblox hacker
Id: qQkqhXTMYzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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