The Super Mario 64 Iceberg: explained

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Nice job! I’ve never been a huge Super Mario fan but the surge of SM64 stuff popping up on this sub recently has been really interesting to see!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ballbag_gaming πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Keep up the good work dude. Sub added. Make more vids like this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Xenostera πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video! Threw me back to the days id spend looking up "L is real" as a kid πŸ₯°

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SamiCrab πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Looking forward to watching this. I would also think it would be dope if you could do these for the Iceberg memes that have popped up for Minecraft and Roblox. I just find this all so interesting lmao.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KiNGKhyri πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is great and your commentary made me laugh a few times. Quality stuff right here πŸ‘πŸ»

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mikelolwow95 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

good job man. nice presentation and well edited

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/burgpug πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sorry for the late response, but I wanted to point out some other odd facts I found during my own personal deep dive into the game both before and after the iceburg.

Wet dry world has a lot of oddities but one big one I found was that it shares some similarities to an odd unused level found in some pre release footage. The level itself is simple, a few blocks mario stands on, some puddles of water, I think some enemies (boos maybe? been a while). I assume this was a test level that transformed into wet dry world during some point. Though it could also just be a beta version of the castle's courtyard. If anyone knows what I am talking about, let me know because I could swear seeing a 5 second clip of some mysterious beta level somewhere.

EDIT: Found it, turns out it's two separate levels (maybe). strange stuff (clip 1 | clip 2)

There's also a image of metal mario standing in either an early version of hazy mazy cave or an unused level due to some oddities the level shown in the image has that the final cave doesn't.

There's the beta look for whomp's fortress which just looks bizarre and off-putting.

There's a unused bowser sound effect that sounds a lot like the bumper for ytv

For the brain diagram I remember seeing an image for and an alternate theory of what it means. The brain diagram is that the wet dry world level represents a brain diagram when you look at the levels layout from the top down. It could be the scientific study on how mario 64 effects the brain. Something to do with increasing the grey matter I think.

And the ghoul medal could be a reference to the unused collectable keys that were in some boos during some point in development. Maybe the keys would have been used to unlock a star or a switch of some kind?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've been watching it, I'm intending on finishing it off later. Very entertaining to listen to, so thanks and good job (:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Amber351 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yooo! I watched this video a bit ago. It's really well made and I appreciated no jump scares (but that Super Paper Mario music made it horrifying! Lol) Loved the vid, man :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Shadow_Edgehog27 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] okay i'm gonna be real with you i'm not gonna waste your time with a stupidly long intro you can probably understand how these iceberg images work and you definitely know what mario 64 is the only thing i want to explain before we get into it is in the bottom left i'm gonna have a little health meter corresponding to how confident i am in my explanation of whatever thing i'm talking about full health is i a hundred percent know exactly what i'm talking about and i'm fully confident that it's accurate and zero health means it's just a shot in the dark and i have no idea what i'm talking about so let's just jump right into it l is real isreal2401 this is a classic famous rumor relating to the plaque in the castle courtyard that has the star above it some people think that this plaque says el israel 2 401 hinting at maybe luigi being in the game or the release date of paper mario in north america in reality this plaque doesn't really say anything the texture is only 32 by 32 pixels so even extracting it from the game you can't really make out what it says if i had to guess i would say it says eternal star but again it probably just says nothing space world 95 beta space world was sort of a public exhibition sort of thing where nintendo would show off upcoming video games and of course mario 64 was shown at space world 1995 one year before it was eventually released this is one of the most famous video game betas out there with tons of footage of it existing around the internet and that's probably why it's on the top level of this iceberg womp's fortress tower 1up in womp's fortress if you punch the back of the tower that appears after you've defeated king womp there will be a one-up most players wouldn't probably think to punch it on their first playthrough but in terms of obscure secrets it's paradoxically pretty well known bobbum battlefield bridge hanging on the underside of this bridge in bob on battlefield you can hang to it like any of the other climbable ceilings in this game there's pretty much no reason to actually do this which is why it's kind of obscure half a presses and parallel universes now i could make a stupid tired joke at the expense of pan and koek or tj henry yoshi but god knows both of them are sick of this by now so i'm just gonna basically summarize some of the stuff that's in the video but honestly penan does such a better job at explaining it than i ever could basically a parallel universe is a copy of the geometry of any super mario 64 level that exists way out in the distance relative to the regular level normally in a casual playthrough you would never ever be able to access these and these are only useful in terms of things like the zero a presses runs half a presses are basically just a notation used in isolation so what panon describes in his video is that in watch for rolling rocks he does the entirety of that star with the a button held down so he notes it as 0.5 a presses but he says in a full game run that it would just be counted as one eight press people in the comments section seem to not understand this to this day saying that no you can't the button is not analog you can't have half an a press whereas he specifically says it only exists in isolation of that specific star and tool assisted speed run impossible coin slash goomba this is another pen and coic topic super mario 64 has a few coins that are not collectible one of them exists in tiny huge island because one of the coins spawns underneath part of the level and in the final bowser level there is a triad of goombas and one of them spawns where there is no ground so he appears at the death barrier and his coin cannot be collected again just watch the video pan and cook put out on this that he did a couple years ago [Music] big boo unused text there's a piece of text within the game that goes unused that says you're mine now he he i'll pass right through this wall can you do that you can make npc say this extremely easily but it's unknown as to why it went unused maybe the boom the castle would have said this when it comes to things like this there's not much we can do but speculate don't become his lunch in hazy mace cave there's a sign that says a gentle sea dragon lives here pound on his back to make him lower his head don't become his lunch the first two sentences make sense but the last sentence seems to contradict the first one dory can't even harm you in this game honestly it was probably just the translators having some fun since dory might look a bit scary to a small child playing this game mirror room the mirror room in the upstairs floor of the castle is where snowman's land is accessed but many players naturally want to go through or behind the mirror there actually is collision back there but no way to access it other than maybe backwards long jumping in the ds remake you actually have to enter the mirror to find wario as well as a secret star dancing flowers mario 64 has a few weather effects such as snow as well as lava bubbles in lethal lava land and bowser in the fire sea the lava bubbles basically stick to the floor or in this case the lava and play their bubbling animation there exists a similar effect in which flowers will stick to the floor and play a dancing animation volcano blocks a bunch of cubes are just thrown about near the star platform inside the lethal lava land volcano they're probably just there for decoration but you know they're on this image anyway might as well explain them secret aquarium i don't know why this one is on here you literally need to go there to get all 120 stars you can backwards long jump into these fish tanks but there isn't anything there ghoul metal in big boo's haunt there's a signpost that says you don't stand a ghost of a chance in this house if you walk out of here you deserve a ghoul metal this is literally just a pun on the word gold metal yellow cap switch the three cap switches in the game the red the green and the blue one are all actually the same object but each color switch just has a different parameter set there does exist a fourth yellow switch in the game much like the ones from super mario world and would have unlocked koopa shells broken paintings there are several paintings in the upper floor of the castle that don't act as level warps some of which are direct copies of existing paintings on other floors if you ask me though it's just nintendo being resourceful with their textures and chose to give the upstairs wall some more flair hmc alcove there are a few little ledges in the toxic maze that don't read out of the maze presumably they exist as a means of letting players breathe for a bit and without their health training as they navigate the maze e.t in the pyramid the hieroglyphs in the shifting sandland pyramid have the letters e-t on the right side ignoring the conspiracy of aliens built the pyramids this was either just a random bit of humor snuck in or the letters were placed there at random by the japanese texture artist without any thought of their significance jolly roger bay vanishing fog this one is interesting when you first enter jolly roger bay there's a subtle fog that rests above the water and the sky box has a sort of yellow green hue to it after collecting the first star it goes away forever and doesn't come back even if you select star one again you have to start a new file just to see it again it's honestly very overlooked and not as pronounced as the other details in levels such as the womp's fortress pyramid appearing or the big dud after defeating king ba-bomb one of the pink bombs will say thank you mario the big ba bomb is nothing but a big dud now additionally the pit that previously only had two steel balls rolling around it has three in it and it'll only go back down to having two if you select the first star and fight king baba again yoshi's saddle in every official picture of yoshi the saddle or shell on his back has a white outline in super mario 64 it is entirely red even stranger is that the rim of the saddle is actually modeled but colored red instead of white yoshi's polygons are colored by the game itself and the only textures he uses are for his eyes bugged fire texture when mario is burned the smoke textures that spawn behind him are meant to look different than the ones shown in game it's extremely subtle and unless it's been pointed out to you you'd assume that's how it was intended to look unagi's tunnel in jolly roger bay unagi the eel has a small hole that he emerges from there's actually a tunnel behind it that is fully modeled but mario has no way of accessing it and it's unlikely that a normal player would even see it blarg blargs are enemies that appeared in super mario world and a couple other mario games before super mario 64 would be released an untextured model of a blog exists in super mario 64 along with a few animations and it can be reinserted into lethal lavaland with a simple code shhh please walk quietly in the hallway is a rather obscure sign that exists on the upper floor of the castle no idea what this one means mips throwing the rabbit that appears in the castle can't be thrown normally but he can be thrown underwater this is only possible if you clip through a door and bring mips into the room with the two pillars a 1996 developer interview also showed that mario was able to throw mips by the ears earlier on in development jrb box this box on the jolly roger base ship has some weird collision on it and it can do weird amounts of damage to you if you just kind of look at it wrong it's really just such a strange object because most players would just walk right past it without even thinking and it doesn't really pose much of a challenge even for new players womp king turns into the castle king womp complains that womps are used to build things and after he dies a castle is built where he once was if you want to be more morbid maybe they use this body to lay the foundational brickwork [Music] wet dryworld skybox wet dry world is a unique level in a couple of ways and it's one of the few where the sky box is not shared with any other level in the game according to a tweet from super mario broth it's an edited photo of casares in spain this also relates to the sky boxes or photographs point on the iceberg debug menu names by inputting a specific cheat code you can access a hidden level select in mario 64. this level select contains a beta version of the title screen as well as a bunch of different names for all of the levels in the game mainly these are just shortened versions and or different names of all the existing levels anyone who's coded anything will tell you that using shorthands for names of things is extremely common true locations of the painting worlds like with most video games we rarely stop to think such benign questions as i wonder where this specific level is in the mario universe however womp's fortress returning in mario galaxy 2 implies that the paintings are sending mario to real locations instead of him just literally entering a world that only exists within that painting for example if the painting in womp's fortress was destroyed womp's fortress would still exist independent of it and the same could be said for any of the other painting worlds tiny huge island also seems to be similar to the giant land from super mario brothers 3 specifically the one level where you can change between the big and the small version and tall tall mountain may hearken back to the athletic levels from the first super mario brothers i guess i should also just go over tower of the wing cap true location here as well since that's also on the same level of the iceberg tower of the wing cap has buildings nearby which implies that they are connected to a piece of land far below but of course we don't know anything about the land down there haunted dirt texture some people claim to see a face in this dirt texture and bob on battlefield but i don't see anything maybe the iceberg image is referring to a completely different dirt texture but honestly if you guys see anything please let me know because i straight up don't notice anything in this lethal lava land painting fireball while there's no shortage of fire in lethal lava land none of the fireballs in the game have faces it does closely resemble the fireballs that rain down on mario in the final battle in super mario world island in the distance in the bauban battlefield skybox there are a few islands way out there obviously inaccessible since they're just part of the sky texture mario enters wet dry world early in the got milk commercial i don't think that this is true because in the got milk commercial mario has 37 stars and while wet dry world is in the upper floor of the castle getting to the second bowser level only requires 30 stars to open the door as well as the one star that's required you collect in dire dire docks so it's entirely possible that you can get upstairs with only 31 stars let alone 37 zelda 64 beta assets in wet dry world ocarina of time known as zelda 64 earlier on was in development around the same time as super mario 64. and the two series just generally have a lot of shared history as being two of nintendo's biggest a few screenshots of the zelda 64 beta kind of resemble mario 64 specifically wet dry world and these doors are almost the exact same there's also the famous space world 95 video of zelda 64 where a very different looking link is fighting a copy of himself with none other than metal mario's texture bob village i think the iceberg image is referring to this image which depicts a bunch of bombs in an empty field next to some unknown figure in the nintendo 64 development kit there apparently existed a man with a sombrero so this could just be him come to think of it it is kind of weird how mario is the only human to set foot in any of the levels secret slide dimensional rift i guess this might be referring to the fact that the slide in the castle is way way too big to actually fit inside of the castle i don't know it's a video game it doesn't have to really make that much sense like mario goes in the paintings and stuff and no one questions it womp's fortress interior fortresses are usually built in order to protect things but you can't go inside of womp's fortress the japanese name is essentially the same but it could be read as womp king's fortress or castle but like they probably just named it that after they've built the level in galaxy 2 you actually can enter the center in order to fight king womp side note but if you want a rom hack that lets you play a reimagined version of womp's fortress and that lets you go inside of the fortress play womp's castle by phileg the end screen i've heard a few people say that the perspective on the end cake screen looks kind of weird and i can't deny that in the background if you look closely there's some weird thing that kind of looks like a weird yoshi rainbow rides village super smash bros melee has a recreation of rainbow ride from mario 64. and in the background there's a tiny little town on a mountain side which is not present in mario 64. yoshi commits suicide after collecting 120 stars and getting up on top of the castle you can talk to yoshi he will give you 99 lives and jump into the horizon which some people interpreted as him committing suicide removed courses a total of 32 levels were planned for the game but there are only 15 main courses as well as eight other levels making that 23 levels in total big boo's secret laugh in big boos hunt you can sometimes hear a lower pitched version of the boo laugh used in the game 120 has spiritual significance apparently the number 120 is something called an angel number and whenever it shows up in your life it serves as a message from angels that it's time to take initiative in a creative undertaking or some okay i'm gonna be honest with you i have no [ __ ] idea what this means you can assign meaning to any numbers that you want 120 is not unique in this regard so i mean sure i guess 120 has spiritual significance but spoiler alert i don't really believe in this cold cold crevice there's a sign in cool cool mountain that refers to a place called cold cold crevice down below this doesn't really mean anything and it's just a nice little bit of alliteration moving on mario 64 is freemason initiation the game begins in a masonic hall where there is a checkerboard floor symbolic of the world of polarized opposites the physical world on which the ritual is based there's also a solar disk red carpet and the hull is three layers the coins in the game are actually pentacles and they are the coins from territ and occult symbolism in this game you play the role of a mercury type character traveling to the earth in between the realms the thread goes on to basically describe a bunch of [ __ ] that is you can kind of link it to freemasonry but i mean it's like come on come on it like come on dude how bowser got into the castle with his sub in dire dire docks there's this hole that leads to the outside of the castle which some people have theorized is how bowser got his submarine in there big boos haunt forest when mario enters big boo's haunt he's actually entering into that little cage that comes out of the big boo in the courtyard so why does it change from a regular sunny day to a nighttime forest well my theory for this is that since he's shrunk down to the size of the cage the blades of grass around him and sticks and stuff look like a forest to him that doesn't really explain why it's suddenly night time but hey no theory is perfect original resolution textures mario 64 textures are at their biggest only 32 by 64 pixels wide which is tiny in comparison to the textures that are used in video games and stuff today now it is entirely possible that nintendo may have created their own textures from scratch but they could have also used textures that used to be much higher resolution before crunching them down to fit on the n64 cartridge but it seems that we might never actually know what these original textures looked like ally with info a toad on the upper floor of the castle says here let me tell you a little something about the castle in the room with the mirrors look carefully for anything that's not reflected in the mirror but in the ds version they changed the end of that line to say look carefully for anything that's not reflected in the mirror and an ally with info i think this is a vague hint that you need to use the power flower in order to pass through the mirror and i guess in the mario universe it wouldn't be too unreasonable that a toad would consider a flower to be an ally of his i would have said that the toad is referring to wario since you need to enter the mirror to access the level where he's imprisoned but the toad will still repeat the ally with infoline if you're playing as wario the toads have unique dialogue that depends on which character you're using so it's not like they just copied over the dialogue they used for mario it was an intentional thing that they left in metal mario texture initially i wasn't sure what the metal mario texture could be but ecumber on twitter made an amazing discovery about the origin of this texture so please give them a follow because this part of the video wouldn't exist without them basically ecumber was looking through a dump from a silicon graphics indie which was a workstation that was used at the time and they found this image if you flip the image upside down and squish it down to be 64 by 32 pixels it's almost an exact match for the metal mario texture used in game wet dry world negative emotional aura okay this one is one that i feel very strongly about because for some reason whenever i play mario 64 i just kind of want to stop when i when i hit wet dry world you know it's it's just such a weird feeling level it feels almost claustrophobic i guess so wet dry world is composed of two different parts the main part where you are raising and lowering the water level and there's like secrets and stuff and there are all these little enemies running around that like flip you around and stuff and there is the little town part now as a kid i don't think i ever actually got to access the town without like looking it up and even today it's like kind of weird and cumbersome to get to because you have to raise the water level lower the water level blah blah blah and once you're in that town you can't really get out and it's all like boxed in so the level feels again claustrophobic and there's just i don't know it just feels again it feels like there's a negative emotional aura there that i can't really explain i guess maybe the music combined with the very dull visuals combined with the weird skybox and the feeling of being boxed in i don't it just feels so weird and it like i'm glad i'm very glad that at least one other person in the world feels this way about wet dry world because it's it's a weird level peach is behind the stained glass window the stained glass painting at the front of the castle is certainly iconic but once you go inside you'll notice that the texture that they use for the interior version is actually slightly different so there's the belief that this isn't actually a window with just two sides there's a little tiny area inside there and at the very end of the game when peach finally spawns in front of the castle there's the belief that she was actually behind the stained glass the whole time it makes sense in the context of mario 64 the whole game you're entering paintings and stained glass is well it's not a painting it's a piece of art so peach being trapped inside there thematically would make sense toad's literally trapped inside the walls a few toads in the game verbatim say the lines were trapped inside the castle walls or the princess is trapped somewhere in the walls and even bowser in the final fight says that your friends are trapped in the walls again this might just be a figurative thing but what's more interesting to me is i'm sure most of you know this that the first super mario brothers game bowser turns toads in the bricks and you know mario smashes the bricks people think that oh he's murdering them but no he's just freeing them from the bricks or something the point is i would like to believe that if you were to take this line literally bowser has again turned the toads into bricks and they are literally part of the walls now hazy mace cave is the castle's septic system this is kind of just the meme the hazy maze cave room you could interpret it as a [ __ ] toilet because the walls of like pipes there it's kind of gross i guess there's this image which i hate looking at it but i'm gonna make you look at it too so there you go bowser broke the door the door that leads out of the castle courtyard has a layer of bricks around it which could imply that they had to be placed there after the door had been broken through as they mismatched the colors of the rest of the wall the possible hole that these bricks are filling is suspiciously bowser bowser-sized forbidden door possibly just the one in the mirror room again i think i've talked about that door like three times so far wiggler's body parts are used in the bowser fights the yellow spheres that border the bowser arenas look very similar to the ones that make up wiggler's body however if you replace the texture that wiggler uses for his body the spheres around the bowser arena won't change and vice versa meaning that they're not actually using wiggler's body parts full omen archives okay it's time for a bit of a history lesson here so bear with me in 1993 silicon graphics signed a deal with nintendo to produce the gpu used in the nintendo 64. silicon graphics also developed mips standing for microprocessor without interlocked pipeline stages which is where mips the rabbit in mario 64 gets his name from the omen archive was a leak of nintendo technical documents which was perpetrated by a silicon graphics employee the archive was a dot rar file that was uploaded to the internet in 1999 titled omen.rar even the reason it's called omen is unknown but in short this is the reason early nintendo 64 emulation was able to exist however since these resources were obtained illegally any emulator developer looking to use the owen resources is liable to be sued due to using these illegally obtained materials i'm no expert on the subject so i implore you to do your own research on this topic but that's basically a short history of the omen archives the june 29th 1995 build this was apparently a beta build of the game which had a glitch where textures would rapidly flash possibly causing seizures there is very little information on this build of the game if it exists at all the first time the public laid eyes on mario 64 was in november of 1995 months after the supposed june 29th build ironically the circulation of this iceberg image has filled all the search results of this build with more fan-made stuff than any actual evidence of this build's existence so for the time being i'm gonna say that this build isn't real i should mention that from this point forward a lot of the content on this iceberg is mostly made up for the sake of being creepy or mysterious now i'm all in favor of shitposting for the sake of perpetuating creepy myths but the purpose of this video is to be educational about mario 64. so i'll mostly be skipping over the [ __ ] ones mario 64 is definitely personalized though that one is a hundred percent true the wario apparition okay i love the wario apparition as much as the next guy but this was not an actual thing that happened in mario 64. this image on the side of the iceberg only exists because of a 1996 nintendo e3 conference in which wario's face is superimposed on top of mario 64 where he insults the game in true wario fashion ah this is terrible who would buy stuff like this anyway however because of this line the wario apparition there have been a bunch of fan creations around the internet with like weird creepy wario and mario 64 things it's really great i'll link a few in the description or something toad projection i couldn't find any information for this one but my best guess would be that sometimes in the castle you can get the camera to misbehave and you can see objects standing in an empty black void i know for a fact that this works with the star doors and i couldn't get it to work with toad but they're also objects so in theory they should work the bowser room this is an edited image by chris o'neill of oni plays i don't really watch oni plays but there's some episode where they just talk about making this image back in the day nothing about it is real so let's just move on brain diagram allegedly there's some brain diagram hidden in the assets of wet dry world or possibly some other stage but i could find no tangible evidence of this and honestly i've looked through all the textures of mario 64 more times than i'm willing to admit and there is no brain diagram that i know of course in the bowser painting there are several paintings of bowser and peach throughout the castle and there are some of the few paintings that you can't enter of course bowser has three different levels to his name but i guess that brings up the question which level would you enter if you could hop into bowser painting in the original the background used is completely black but in the ds version it has sort of a greenish gray background which matches up most closely with the bowser in the dark world background i guess it's fitting since you first see the bowser painting right before you're thrown into the dark world [Music] delicious cake a string of text in the japanese version just says delicious cake and it's located in between the names for the secret aquarium and the castle secret stars the only guess i could make is that the developers intended for there to be actual lines of text on the endcake screen put delicious cake there as a placeholder decided not to enable the text and just left the delicious cake string unedited which honestly wouldn't be too out of the question internal plexus of the castle the exterior of peach's castle is actually way too small to contain the maps they are able to explore inside this is standard video game stuff and this video by skelex illustrates this pretty well i think this also relates to the secret slide dimensional rift thing that i mentioned earlier in the video nfr cartridge differences nfr cartridges meaning not for resale were copies that were sent out to stores so that customers could view or even play demos of them in the store some nfr carts were specifically made so that you'd be locked out of certain areas or they may have even contained content that didn't make it into the final game however the nfr cartridge for mario 64 has no differences than the one that was actually released aside from the not for resale label on the cartridge miyamoto stole mario 64 from argonaut argonaut games was a british development studio that worked with nintendo in the snes era and their most famous game was probably star fox in an interview with eurogamer jez sand the founder of argonaut revealed that they had pitched a yoshi game to nintendo which would have apparently been the world's first 3d platformer nintendo didn't want to take such a big risk with an outside company using their pre-existing characters and the 3d yoshi game never ended up being made however it did get repurposed to become croc which was released on the ps1 and sega saturn sand then went on to say in the same interview quote miyamoto went on to make mario 64 which had the look and feel of our yoshi game but with the mario character of course and b crocked the market by around a year miyamoto came up to me at a show afterwards and apologized for not doing the yoshi game with us and thanked us for the idea to do a 3d platform game the thing is though i don't believe that miyamoto completely stole the idea for a 3d platformer video games had been moving towards 3d at a gradual pace and it seemed like the natural progression of how video games would evolve over time and it makes complete sense that nintendo would release a mario game to help launch their new console jazz sand went on in the interview about some other stuff nintendo did and i won't deny that nintendo definitely [ __ ] argonaut over in the end but again i wouldn't claim that mario 64 was outright stolen from them shared nightmares i'll leave you with a more thought-provoking one for last super mario 64 was many people's first experience with the fully 3d game and of course many people played it when they were kids that also means it would naturally pop up into people's dreams over time as well there are a select few moments in this game that stand out to many people as being creepy intentional or not the mad piano the giant eel the infinite staircase i've even heard a couple people were afraid of the chain chomp when they were younger in a game as open-ended and expansive as mario 64 for the time it's no wonder that a lot of people would end up having similar dreams about it here's another thing that isn't really related to dreams but i found interesting anyway in your mind i want you to picture mario running around in super mario 64. now did you imagine mario falling into a pit allegedly it's hard for people to separate the two things almost as if mario can't exist in your mind without having him fall into a pit the reasons for this are seemingly obvious many of us probably have a fair share of memories from falling off courses like rainbow ride and mario's scream when he's falling is probably burned into your brain right now still it's a fun little thought experiment to try out so you've made it to the end of the video i know it was a long one but i hope you learned something new you did stick around until the end so it clearly interested you i could go on with the repetitive youtuber outros like this video was really hard to make or please like and subscribe but this video has gone on long enough i do genuinely appreciate any support you'd be willing to give on this video and honestly i had a lot of fun making it but for now goodbye
Channel: Mish Koz
Views: 3,637,945
Rating: 4.900785 out of 5
Keywords: super mario 64, every copy of mario 64 is personalized, wet dry world, whomp's fortress, throwback galaxy, super mario galaxy 2, mario, peach, princess peach, bowser, luigi, wario, th
Id: qK4L4wR3-pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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