The Plants vs Zombies Iceberg Explained

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i've been struggling for months on the idea of whether or not i should create my own iceberg video i've always had a blast watching other people's different icebergs on youtube and while watching them i think to myself damn i really want to make one of these the main reason why it was such a hard choice to figure out whether or not i should do an iceberg is because what do i do it on i seriously felt like everything had been covered in iceberg form for example we've got the minecraft iceberg roblox iceberg pokemon iceberg diary of a wimpy kid iceberg and the list goes on and on after brainstorming on what to do and what i may be able to look at it hit me plans versus zombies was definitely a huge part of my childhood and i figured this would be awesome to look through in an iceberg form i came across three pvc icebergs that i really liked and after not being able to figure out which one to do i kind of just blended them together and made it into this new one thing before we start if some of you are unsure on what an iceberg actually is it's pretty much this the higher up spots and entries are the chill less obscure common knowledge just the tip of the iceberg the further it goes down the more obscure weirder and i guess more unknown it gets so let's get started bloom and doom seed co a fictional company in plans for the zombies which manufactures and creates the plants seed packets as seen at the top of every packet at the very end of the zombies on your lawn music video it says that the music video was produced by bloom and doom records because of this players think that bloom and doom co may be part of a larger company [Music] mushrooms are not plants this entry on the iceberg just points to the fact that mushrooms in real life aren't actually classified as you know plants they are a fungi which are actually more closer to animals than plants great wall edition plants vs zombies great wall edition is a chinese version of the original pvz game with minor changes which include reskin zombies and plants as well as slightly different gameplay this game for unknown reasons was removed from the app store in most countries including china [Music] gigafootball zombie this is a harder and tougher version of the regular red football zombie this zombie only appears in the online version of plans vs zombies planned for zombies 3 the long-awaited third game plans vs zombies 3 got released onto android devices july 16 2019 for pre-alpha testing this pre-alpha had stopped and ended february 10 2020 with the game days later being soft launched in a few select countries october 14th 2020 the soft launch would be confirmed to be unavailable on november 18th 2020 to apparently make bigger changes it is currently now unavailable to play the game while it was out didn't get very positive feedback and a lot of people including myself were just really displeased with how the game looked played and how it just felt in general it seemed like a ripoff or copied bootleg version of pvz [Music] slender man and garden warfare 1. in the map zombos estate there is a small easter egg where slenderman is able to be seen in the woods i remember playing this game a very long time ago and thinking how strange and obscure it was seeing slenderman in a plans vs zombies game in the tactical taco party dlc an update had been added where slenderman gets eaten by chomper which is pretty neat [Music] early pvz-1 concepts there is a wide range of unused earlier concepts which can be found online from when the game begun production in 2007. there is a lot of early different concept art earlier graphics and early names to look through to save time i won't be going through all of it and instead we'll be going through just a few which i find really cool and interesting so here is a list of a few concept titles and names here are a few concept plants a few different concept zombies here is a concept of the buckethead zombie in a sort of red painter style what surprises me about this is for the longest time just until now i found out what i thought was blood on the zombies bucket was actually just red paint and some screenshots of early prototypes and betas limbo page the limbo page is a hidden amount of data in the pc version of plans vs zombies that has 20 playable mini games these were meant to be added to the game however were cancelled and eventually not used this page is accessible through third-party memory editing programs such as cheat engine and changing specific data values rejected pvz-1 artists i could not find a whole lot of information on this one at first until i found what i'm pretty sure i was looking for a picture from the plants vs zombies phantom which shows different sketches and earlier concepts of different zombies peashooters and sunflowers from i guess a variety of artists the designs on the bottom right would eventually be the ones used in the final version [Music] unused zombie tiny track this was a track that was meant to be used for the final fight against zombos however this track was eventually cut and cancelled for apparently the intense parts of the track be not long enough to sustain the entire dr zombos battle here's a little snippet of the track [Music] the pvz manga yeah i guess a plans vs zombies 2 manga exists which i don't know i find pretty cool looking online i wasn't able to find out what company was behind this or how old it was but there sure enough was many different screenshots of the manga comic with some of them being pretty funny and also listings to purchase this manga early garden warfare peashooter design this is an early concept for the garden warfare peashooter and it's just straight up cursed i'm really glad the artist went in a different direction when creating the pea shooter and didn't further develop into this monstrosity deadplants.exe this is a popular plant vs zombies creepypasta which follows the story of a pirated version of pvz i'm obviously not going to be reading this whole creepypasta in this video but i will for sure post a link to the story in the description if any of you want to read or maybe watch it 2 seed slot challenge a challenge in which a player has to beat the whole game of plants vs zombies using only just two seed slots this challenge is entirely possible as proven by youtuber shy guy mask however it is very and incredibly difficult to do bad guy is pvz theme there are definitely noticeable similarities between bad guy synth melody and the pvz theme tune here's an example of what i'm talking about [Music] [Music] in an interview with rolling stone billy points out and says that it's literally planned versus zombies you know what it literally is it's not at all the same melodies but it's literally plants vs zombies and wizards i'm not sure if what she means by this is that it's literally sampled or if it's just so similar that it's just literally the same you know i don't know rare death animation when eating walnut in a few different versions of pvz an incredibly rare death animation can occur after an allergic zombie bites into a walnut i believe there is like a 0.01 chance of this death animation occurring so if you get this in game just know that you're very lucky crazy dave is based off employee now i don't know about you guys but i had no idea that crazy dave is actually based off a real pop cap employee named david roll all the things from pvz that crazy dave has like the scruffy facial features and messy car were all referenced to the employee david a special thanks to david can also be found in the credit scene ice level the ice level is a strange level which can be found in the limbo page the reason why this level is so strange compared to the other mini games is because this level is considered useless no one knows how it works or how to play it there is no restart button it cannot be saved at all and it only contains 6 seed slots with the plants in these slots being peashooter cherry bomb walnut repeater chomper and snow pea the reason why this level is actually here is because the creators of the game wanted to add a level which was covered in snow and would have had the yeti zombie appear this snow level they had in mind for some reason wasn't able to work out leaving this game at an unfinished state it is supposedly said that the developers had forgotten to take away the data for the level itself and only remove the level settings crazy dave is actually a zombie there is a theory which suggests that crazy dave is actually a zombie many fans of pvz have pointed out that he doesn't speak any type of language he wears a pod on his head just like how zombies wear cones and buckets and in the first plans versus zombies game he also gets captured by a bungee zombie and you can see his pot fall down did he get his brain eaten i myself don't really believe this is true and i don't really think he is a zombie at all but it's definitely cool to think about [Music] the player is crazy dave's imaginary friend a theory that you the player the one that plants the plants and does everything is actually all just crazy dave we don't ever see you the player anywhere in the game when dave talks on screen it's theorized that he is just simply talking to himself also in the trailer for pvz 2 dave is credited for saving the world and you the player are not mentioned anywhere almost as if dave was the only one there imps were originally going to be children there are beta and prototype designs of zombie children were they scrapped and then changed into imps it does in my opinion seem a bit violent slaughtering zombie children which is probably why these zombie children weren't ever used tree of wisdom is the utopia the tree of wisdom itself is the utopia with it seemingly growing infinitely it's guessed and thought of that the whole goal is to grow the tree to a point where it's able to function as a new home and a world for humanity safe from any zombies
Channel: ShaiiValley
Views: 907,389
Rating: 4.9252987 out of 5
Keywords: iceberg, pvz, plants, explained, zombies, iceberg video
Id: t26SnaxXUwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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