The Pokémon Iceberg Explained

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in every fandom there's a layer of mystery and pokemon is no exception with the franchise being around all the way back since the 1990s there's naturally gonna be a lot to cover so today i'll be discussing the pokemon iceberg i was originally gonna cover one of these but i really don't like where some things are placed so i made my own you're looking at the ultimate iceberg the deeper you go the more mysterious and obscure things will get i was inspired by mesh cause so if you haven't seen this mario 64 iceberg yet uh you should well i'd better stop wasting time because this video is gonna be a long one where better to start than one of the most infamous pokemon rumors in generation one there was a truck located near the ss head many people speculated what its purpose was that's when the playground rumors kicked in apparently according to the rumors a mew could be found under their truck kids in the 90s believed almost anything and making mew completely unobtainable didn't really help but no matter how hard anyone tried they weren't able to move the truck missingno is another classic part of generation one everyone in their right shoe has heard about this guy if you can even consider it a guy missingno has a bunch of different forms ranging from the classic tetra cell block a ghost and an aerodynamical skeleton m is a name shared by glitch pokemon found in generation one it can delete your save file due to storage systems being unable to process level zero pokemon the gs ball was introduced in the pokemon anime in the episode titled pokeball apparel in the episode professor ivy wants professor oak to examine the pokeballs since she can't open it ash then has to go retrieve it from the orange archipelago which that in itself creates a whole different arc once he brought it to professor oak he didn't even know what to do with it either so he uncharged ash to take it to the pokeball master himself kurt once you brought it to him it was never heard from again in an interview with this dude in 2008 he explained that the gs ball was meant to contain celebrity and it was going to be the focus of a large arc in johto but it was decided that celebi would be starring in the fourth pokemon movie so the story arc just seemed to be redundant and it was eventually shown you and ditto have a lot more similarities than you might think they're both pink and their shinies are the same shade of blue but the similarities go way beyond appearances ditto and mew are the only two pokemon that know the move transform and they both weigh 8.8 pounds in pokemon yellow you can encounter ditto in the pokemon mansion where research on me was made they had to have made some mistakes before cloning knew so is every ditto just one of those mistakes this was spoken about a lot when x and y first released in lumio city there is a building with multiple floors if you go to the second floor using the elevator a scene plays the light cuts out and the hex maniac appears it moves but lacks a walking animation she says the phrase no you're not the one that disappears without a trace pretty spooky i know if you're not expecting it but some people think you can find her again on the fourth floor of a hotel she says don't talk to me if you do i won't hear the elevator there's been a lot of speculation but there's no definitive answer as of yet before gold and silver were released in america there was an image of a certain blue rodent many people weren't sure what it was some thought it was a pokey god i'll explain later since it shared a few similarities with pikachu it was dubbed peekaboo when the games finally were released it was discovered that this poke god was just camaro lavender town has always been pretty creepy it's overall just gloomy and there's even a pokemon graveyard known as pokemon tower here but that's not the main focus of this infamous creepypasta how the story goes is that the original copies of red and green had a lavender town theme with higher frequencies that make japanese children commit suicide some people claim to see spectrogram images in the music sounds pretty stupid now but back then people were pretty scared knows that the pokemon world is filled with creatures called pokemon but what happened to the animals in the early days of the pokemon anime animals like fish birds and even mongoose were referenced to an even seen and how does the pokedex know what animals are the landshark pokemon how would you know pokemon sizes have always been pretty weird in the anime they've been pretty inconsistent but in the games they've done a decent job but are they measured from head to toe or head to toe this was never really clarified and might explain why fur is so tall according to the pokedex another classic theory this one is about gengar actually being clefable shadow they both cannot hit each other due to their typings at least before generation six and the fairy line was actually going to be the face of pokemon so i could see their role as being similar to jack cross and black boss from the megami tensei series some people think that when the brass tower was struck by lightning and burned down the three pokemon inside that turned into the legendary priests were the three evolutions this makes sense because ecruteak city has an emphasis on evolutions because of the kimono girls but it really makes no sense they could have easily escaped if they were evolved i think that they were just three evs so them being trapped would make a lot more sense it'd be a lot more difficult to escape without elemental powers when they eventually did perish they were resurrected as entei and suicune nobody really knows what's under a diglett fans have speculated but there's never been an official confirmation there was a line buttered by diglett in a mystery dungeon game about it feeling his feet or something but who knows what horror's weights underneath mu3 is another playground rumor there's certainly a mew3 right well it was joked about in the original pocket monsters manga but other than that year 3 is just a myth when mega evolution was first teased everyone thought mega mewtwo y was three and i don't blame them [Music] people used to speculate that butterfree and venomoth had their evolutionary lines switched the reason being that the internet looks a lot more like butterfree and vice versa cubone is a pokemon who wears its dead mother's skull but who exactly is the mother many have speculated that the mother is none other than kangaskhan if you remove cubone's skull it looks suspiciously like a kangaskhan baby a lake revealing beta designs for many generation one pokemon shows that marowak was originally supposed to have a pouch interesting in the generation seven games the cubone line is able to call upon kangaskhan for support a bit too suspicious if they ask me ash's father hasn't really been talked about in the pokemon anime some people suspect professor oak others say it's mr mime but i believe it to be silver from the pokemon chronicles special the way he reacts when richie mentions ash is really strength he's a bit of a surprise reaction which you wouldn't really expect if you just told some random dude a random name so as we all know at the end of the first episode of the pokemon anime features ash and pikachu looking up at the sky after getting attacked by a horde of spearows and seeing the legendary bird ho but what exactly does this mean for both of them hoto is said to grant eternal happiness to those who gaze upon its feathers so what exactly makes ash happy going on a never-ending journey with this new partner pikachu that might explain why he never ages or maybe it's just the animation not changing but it's fun to think about obviously not everyone in the pokemon world is vegan so where does all the meat come from are there milk tank slaughterhouses scattered throughout the world or is it all just substitute me there was a set of flashing lights caused by pikachus shocking some rockets those flashing lights caused 685 children in japan to have seizures porygon and its evolutions were banned from appearing in the anime even though it's pikachu's fault back in generation one jinx had a slightly different design instead of being the purple we all know and well no her skin is pitch black many people mistook this for blackface and don't really blame them what game freak was trying to go for or at least what i hope they were going for was a style in japan known as ganguro ganguru was popularized in the 1990s and features girls with tanned faces and contrasting makeup this is another classic theory there's a lot of these at the tip of the iceberg i know basically when blue challenges you on the ssn he uses his beloved raticate after you inevitably defeat him there's no pokemon centers on the boat so instead of asking for help he just lets his raticate die i guess he was doing a nuzlocke or something because the next time you see him he's in the pokemon tower he mutters the phrase what are you doing here your pokemon don't look dead and he's missing his radicate he kept a consistent team and this is the only time you switched out a party member i'd believe this theory but he's always swapping party members raticate just sucks so he just threw him in the box this one's pretty simple i'm just gonna put a picture of the screen so in generation one lieutenant serge states that electric pokemon saved him during the war but what war is he talking about unless he's a fake of war veteran there was no prior war in generation one but i rather know why than when during the generation three era many people spread playground rumors about the moss deep space station some say you have to wait until the rocket launch timer reaches zero once you do you would be sent to the moon and you could fight deoxys a bug in generation 1 allows you to fish in the statues you find at gyms or in any room of the elite floor but when using a super rod the game will say it looks like there's nothing here when you find bill's laboratory there seems to be something behind it some say pokey gods were located there others say that's where you find the other starters but nah that's just bill's marijuana farm so back in 1999 nintendo released an issue of nintendo power for april fools it claimed that you could get mario's favorite dino pal yoshi by evolving it from dragonite only problem is that a lot of the issues took months to get to their destination so it was less obvious that it was an april fool's prank buried alive was meant to be the final boss of the original red and green until it was scrapped or that's what the creepypasta wants you to believe anyway when he battles you he sends out a decaying white hand this might be a reference to the girl at the pokemon tower talking about a white hand on your soldier if you lose he just eats you alive in pokemon black there's a cutscene where you follow zoroark into n's castle once you make it there the zoroark is nowhere to be found but n is there we know from agatha that she and oak were rivals at some point so it's fair to assume that they were both trainers at one point as well when he gets to the pokemon league blue is champion but who did he have to defeat to become champion oak it's oak there's an unused boss in red and blue where you battle so it's likely that he was the champion take a look at cloister does it look familiar well what about now people theorize that when cloister inevitably dies it becomes a ghastly vastly comes after cloister in the national decks they both turn blue and shiny they both have a capture rate of 190 and both are five foot eleven genesect is said to have been an ancient pokemon from 300 million years ago who's been modified but what pokemon is it another pokemon that was around 300 million years ago is kabutops wobba fett seems pretty normal at first until you take a look at some of its pokedex entries it often talks about how it tries to hide its tail kind of weird and it gets even weirder when he notices tail has eyes so is the real pokemon actually a tail and is blue bob just a diversion it would make sense seeing how he's a punching bag pokemon the poke gods are the holy grail of playground rumors kids claim that they evolve their charizard into charcoal or their mewtwo into mew3 basically it's just fake ascended evolutions or pokemon that come after the original 150 like ho or togepi there's some unique ones though like doomsday i've covered gengar and ghastly now it's time for haunter it's speculated that a voltorb is a pokeball haunted by haunter how fitting it's trapped because it lacks the button to release it so it explodes in anger in the first pokemon anime we see a girl who's never seen in the actual show some people think it might be green but it's actually just the last trainer basically the japanese intro makes a joke about looking for pokemon anywhere even under a girl's skirt there wasn't really any recognizable character with a skirt and pokemon at the time so they just used a generic glass so an established rule of pokemon is that evolutions don't trigger until you reach a certain level but i guess some trainers drug their pokemon because they're evolving early lance for example had a level 40 dragonite a level 48 dragonite and a level 49 dragonite dragonite doesn't even evolve to level 55. not only did the scumbag have under-leveled pokemon he also had illegal moves lance's dragonite knows barrier but dragon knight can't even learn barrier until generation six lands his aerodactyl knows rock slide in generation two eric doctor can't learn rock slide until gen three we need to get this scum off of champion board he says scum i tell you he's pokemon creepy black is a creepypasta about a bootleg copy of pokemon red where other trainers and pokemon can be killed the creepypasta actually came out before the official black so mimikyu is a pokemon he puts up at disguise so it looks like pikachu granted it looks kind of bad but they're doing their best apparently anyone who sees mimiky's true form dies so what terrifying future is beneath the club vietnamese crystal is a bootleg copy of pokemon crystal that become notorious for its horrible mistranslations although it is unknown exactly when the bootlegged version was made expect to believe that it was in circulation as early as 2001. it was likely translated from a chinese language bootleg of the game which itself is translated from a japanese version which explains the horrible translations in this world pokemon are called elves and your rival loves the word trashy he has an entire monologue just repeats trashy a lot having two identical spindoes one of the rarest occurrences in pokemon even rarer than encountering a shiny spindle's designer based off personality values and there's over four billion different possible personality values so the chances of having two identical spindle are extremely low plus any of these designs can be shiny so if you count shinies there are over 8.5 billion possible designs that's more people than alive on earth in katherine's game files there's a bunch of unused tracks it's pretty cool there's some songs from other atlas games like persona but strangely enough there's a battle theme from pokemon diamond and pearl thrown in there diamond pro remakes confirm the unknown king is the villain of a creepypasta called unowned king's cursed he's an ancient pokemon that can sleep for thousands of years when he wakes up he kills anything that crosses his path one day a boy receives a copy of pokemon silver during christmas which had a complete pokedex and decides to continue the game following the instructions that a man had given him which will inevitably wake up the unknown king there was an item in pokemon x and y with no context the player is given a strange souvenir by npcu hints it's from a different region this region was later revealed to be alola the bird type was a scrapped pokemon type from generation one it was most likely replaced by the flying type both missingno and m are bird type and normal type glitch city can be accessed by performing a glitch using the timer in the safari zone glitch city is a corrupted version of whichever map the player was on when they ran out of time the city will have swapped tiles everywhere unreadable signs and so on and so forth cmonfile is one of the most eerie places in pokemon it's a wrecked oil rig that fell into the sea after the corporation running it went under and now it's plagued by treasure hunters and haunted spirit tunes you find piles of books and files on unemployment and the workers losing their livelihoods the workers were horribly overworked and underpaid no paying during overtime is mentioned in one of these files there's other documents too so what exactly are they hiding the japanese jungle booster box displayed what appears to be an elongated exeggutor this is most likely what the inspiration behind alolan executor we see today they look exactly the same first pokemon movie there was a scene from a trailer that never showed up in the movie that scene depicted what looked like an older misty with a young girl presumably a child was that ash and misty's child 20 years later there was an interview that debunked this theory apparently that red-headed girl was supposed to be a generic woman not an older misty even though they looked suspiciously similar on your way to the pokemon carlos league we're able to see what looks like a hidden town or pond in the distance maybe it's a cut event who knows so the ore region is mostly a wasteland it's based on arizona so that may be why but let's ignore that for just a second what exactly caused it to look like a wasteland in the first place there's a bunch of ruins all over the place so there might have been a war throughout the pokemon anime we see a woman and her daughter according to the theory ash and pokemon don't exist everything is simply a story told by the mother to her daughter the events we see in the anime occur in her daughter's head which explains why ash doesn't grow up every region is a different story the theory states that there is a fourth member of the creation trio they're all based on the three types of matter but there's one missing plasma the original dragon was probably fire and electric type these are the two types of plasma kirin is supposed to represent the absence of energy being an ice type while restroom and zekron is the presence of energy project azov was a plan to bring the world back to its first state assaf was a term used in alchemy referring to mercury which was believed to exist at the base of all other metals the generation that followed had a ton to do with alchemy so perhaps they were hinting at it here have you ever stopped and wonder what eternity's eternamax form was supposed to be no well too bad there's a theory that claims it's the corrupted hand of god or arceus whichever sounds cooler it may be based off the biblical seven-headed dragon that in the book of revelations throws one-third of all stars down to earth and is banished by the hebrew giants which ultimately leads to the end of time this might explain the origin of the wishing star in the darkest day in diamond and pearl there are some books which state that human and pokemon were once the same this is widely accepted so far to the point that it was normal to have relationships with pokemon and if that's true maybe that explains all the humanoid pokemon we see ron paul was running for president back in 2012 the guy who originally sung the first pokemon opening made a parody version supporting ron paul that's that's it mewtwo strikes back when ash runs from the cloning machines to save pikachu from being cloned the machine tries to stop them but wait hold on those look like human bones are they made using modified bones youtube killed all the scientists in the lab before rebuilding it as new island with his fortress and all so does that mean he used the bones from the scientists to create a machine where else would he have gotten him so he's being funded in red and green's betas erika was a ghost type gym leader her sprite shows her cremona right over left which is reserved for the deceased at funerals golem of champ looks different compared to their pre-evolutions golem becomes more reptilian and loses a set of arms when it evolves and machamp gains an extra set of arms and has a more human face people think that in exchange similar to kerablast and shellmet was planned these two pokemon only evolved but they're traded with each other so maybe something similar was supposed to happen with golem and machamp but was ultimately scrapped recently the beta for diamond and pearl was leaked there was a ton of cool beta designs that we saw like garchomp and the chad himself knows past i'm not going to go over everything but some of these sprites are obviously just an idea like arceus so there are a bunch of unused pokemon game names most of these are put in place so rip-offs and fan games aren't made delta emeralds grey and z are some but there are others weird ones like pokemon crimson and pokemon brown gmax toxtricity is in sun and moon as a poster at the game freak office you can see the color scheme in the coil-like tail kinda crazy how something so small can be so important if you don't know poryan z is corrupted version of porygon oregon is a reference to polygonal graphics porygon 2 is an upgrade to smooth things out so what would porygon 3 be maybe a hyper realistic oregon from a bad creepy pasta in the original pokemon anime there is an episode where ash and friends go to bill's lighthouse on the door there are some pictures of the legendary birds and some other pokemon like ditto and arcanine but mewtwo is on the door as well how does bill know about mewtwo he's someone's signs for a project gone wrong so either he was involved or mewtwo is somewhere out there or maybe it's just a coincidence on november 15 1997 an early playable demo of pokemon gold and silver was shown at space world 97 considered to be lost in time groundbreaking revelation happened on may 26 2018 an anonymous user unexpectedly dumped roms of the elusive demos online so now we have all these really cool beta sprites originally we were supposed to get pokemon pink alongside pokemon yellow mention a pokemon pink can be found in ancient source code for pokemon yellow which includes test audio for more voices from the animated implemented into the game how we know all this is from a nintendo server breach all the way back in 2018 a guy was arrested but he shared his findings with his friends and they're slowly making their way into the public in the space world 97 demo instead of starting a new bark town the town is called silent hill it was probably changed to avoid comparison to oregon release during development called silent hill or maybe they thought the name was lame i don't know imposter hook a pokemon tcg exclusive character was originally going to appear in pokemon gold and silver as a villain he looks just like professor oak but he has a scar on his forehead no explanation was given as to who he was but he appears in multiple different pokemon cards the space world 97 demo and poster oak has sprite he was probably going to be involved in the plot but was scrapped between 1997 and 1999 this would explain imposter oak's appearance in the tcg which was released back in 1996 when toke appears at the goldenrod radio tower to record his daily radio show team rocket probably hired some sort of imposter to help infiltrate the radio station hookah is a pikachu that debuted in the pokemon episode pikahuna victor tells ash that he has no idea where puka originally came from hookah is very different from most pikachus for one he has blue eyes just like a little oven raichu hookah can also sense big waves coming to the beach where he lives causing his eyes to glow with strange aura to form around him if that doesn't scream psychic type i don't know what does and he loves to surf this is just way too coincidental let me guess puka loves pancakes too mystery zones other void often seen in pokemon games you may not notice it at first but once you notice it it's hard not to in diamond or pearl it's actually possible to go into a mystery zone and go to event locations using this method which is pretty crazy prior to black and white's release someone who is known as a very credible source seeks that there would be 157 pokemon in black and white and that a green cobra pokemon was one of them there was 156 pokemon however in the next generation we got zygarde a green cobra pokemon kind of weird how zygarde would have had a role in three generations imakuni is a name of a costumed character played by this dude and was used to promote pokemon cards imakuni appeared in many promotional live events conducted in japan between 1997 and 2002 but isn't around much nowadays pokemon pick cross is an unreleased puzzle game for the gameboy and gameboy color announced in various game magazines in spring of 1999 it was developed by jupiter corporations but sadly never saw the light of day however in 2015 a pokemon pick cross game was finally released the instant bike shop text glitch can be found in pokemon red and blue but not pokemon yellow if you talk to the shop owner while pressing v through the dialogue it will temporarily enable instant text speedrunners debated if this should be banned or not ultimately though it was allowed because you could get kicked out of an instant text mode by pressing start healing your pokemon or changing routes the ruins of elf lines up with hiroshima when johto was superimposed onto japan the people who were killed in the glass left the black outline made of ash a noun looks similar to these so people connected the dots together and this was the result [Music] because of complicated copyright laws with sheppro and the dubbing company in lebanon we most likely won't get the arab dub of late johto to advance generation arab dub was switched from being based off four kids to the original japanese version no more jellyfish donuts i guess back in the 90s pokemania was at its peak everyone wanted to get in on it and burger king was no exception they made these toys that came in pokeballs but the toys weren't the problem it was the container it was a choking hazard so they had to recall all the toys the oxis is known for its many different forms there's a form that excels in every stat bucharest is known to increase the rate of your pokemon's ep so did pokerison originally come from deoxes the godstone is a key item found in the code black and white and even their sequels it has no use whatsoever but it was likely used for an event pokemon but that's just speculation black capsule is an unreleased key item from a special event when playing heart golden soul silver the lock capsule would have been transferred to black and white via relocated when received the player would have taken it to mr lock in castilla city he would unlock it and give the player tm 95 aka snarl although it's impossible to get without using cheese what's weird is that it's obtainable as an item generation 4 5 but after that there's only reference to in the code of almost all the pokemon games following it the stage based on the sprout tower from pokemon gold silk was considered in the development of melee ultimately though it was scrapped but at least we got okay floats full trainer nick is in tourists for being one of the most rigged npcs in the game basically if you ever saw him in a bug couching competition just restart your game in the space world 97 demo though the main character had a brother named ken ken sprite was reused as cool trainer nick sprite in an episode of the original anime james is getting swallowed by his weeping though he screams something in audible though when played in verse he says leo burnett and four kids are the devil this might have been his voice actor making a joke or maybe working conditions weren't too great at the time in non-english releases of pokemon diamond and pearl rg's tool sprite was edited because the pose it was in looked a lot like a nazi salute it was changed in all versions of platinum in 2009 a man dressed as james from team rocket packed a new york pokemon event with racist gengars this was done by modifying the roms of a ds distribution card that shops like gamestop used you could modify the ram and distribute a pokemon just like an official event somebody made a racist gangplayer named n-word injected it into the rom used a flashcard to run the rob and took their ds to nintendo world for people to download gengar he put fires up in everything the ganger was equipped with racist moves such as thief and slack off bolio along with pinister with the names given to two fake pokemon evolutions for popplio were posted on 4chan made 2016 as an alleged leak and people seem to love this evolution the most the third was created on may 16th 2016 and allegedly leaked the final evolutions for the gen 7 starters obviously it wasn't real but i would take ballio over pre-marina any day these were two episodes of the pokemon black and white anime that were scheduled to air in japan on march 17 2011 but was postponed because of an earthquake and tsunami tv tokyo said in 2011 that it would air someday but this statement was never updated upon it was removed late in 2018 the episode's events have been removed from continuity entirely these two episodes were supposed to impact the plot heavily essentially team rocket was supposed to have a game war with team plasma it would have marked the anime debut of team plasma in the return of looker but due to team plasma's debut being delayed the plasma grunts were never shown in their original outfits from pokemon black and white the teeny's name comes from victory and tiny its pokedex entry states that it creates limitless energy inside its body and releases it nictina can be found at the bottom of the liberty garden tower it's based off of the liberty island in new york harbor in world war ii scientists at the manhattan projects created little boy and fat man two nuclear weapons to use against japan little boy was tiny compared to fat man its limitless energy is a pretty clear reference to nuclear power and its fire typing is probably a reference to nuclear fireballs viktini is america's victory bomb in 1993 a console known as a sega pico was released used bookshaped cartridges known as storybear each time a player turns the page on the cartridge the screen changes to replicate the image in the book three pokemon games were released after 2002. this is the only time sega had a license to a nintendo property a lot of water types are based off of weapons like blastoise having cannons or sharpie being a torpedo or remarry being a revolver there's a lot more examples of pokemon like this but could they have been used in a war in the war referenced by lieutenant surge he said electric type pokemon saved him during the war and water types are weak to electric types camellia was supposed to be a second rival in the game pokemon masters but was cut she was found in the game files but later on during the update she was cut out entirely pokemon are not held in pokeballs against their will we have seen many different instances of pokemon breaking freedom just because they want to ash wasn't able to keep pikachu inside his pokeball misty psyduck broke out whenever it felt like jesse's robber fat broke out all the time if you don't have enough gym badges your pokemon will flat out disobey you pokemon are perfectly freak creatures that choose to serve their trainers if a trainer and their pokemon have been falling out where the pokemon doesn't feel happy or safe with their trainer they can just leave it's not like a trainer can really fight back a fire-breathing monster pokemons stay with their trainers because they've proven their worth by battling and catching them pokemon can make their own decisions so in a sense yes they're sentient when pokemon x and y were first released many people were encountering what seemed to be monochrome pokemon monochrome pokemon began as a rumor and were allegedly rarer than shinees but it turned out to be just a glitch that would happen if a pokemon's color palette didn't load in properly pokemon would revert back to normal after being caught i really wish this was real but oh well the 3ds pokemon games are almost one gigabyte larger than they should be the reason being that each area has its own texture and character database instead of reusing the same one some cutscenes even use duplicate maps instead of using the overall one in sun and moon's files are over 50 lily models that are copy and pasted throughout the game's code concept art shows a drawing of her and her twin sister the art depicts harper and sarah as lana's older sisters with lana being the youngest in the final version harper and sarah actually lana's younger twin sisters apparently harper and sarah's anime designs are deep in the game's code but i couldn't find anything while researching recently it was discovered that in diamond and pearl's code there were different encounter rates depending on the date on 9 11 and the bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki for example there's a 10 less chance of encountering pokemon however some holidays only have a 5 percent decrease in spawn rate but we also found out pokemon are more likely to spawn on certain holidays such as christmas eve the 4th of july and st patrick's day okay so allegedly the term bulbapedo comes from an alleged scandal that occurred within the bulba garden forums the mods allegedly had a private section of a forum and some illegal shady stuff went down in there apparently the mods included young teens and allegedly there were older mods receiving nudes apparently an admin from the site made a comment on the vp board of 4chan about underage love having no age or something along that lines i'm saying apparently and allegedly because i'm not sure if any of those claims are true i found some sources but apparently 4chan is known for hating bulba garden that's why i'm making this though finding the deep mysteries of pokemon so take these claims with a grain of salt a lot and i mean a lot of people and competitive pokemon have been caught using hacked pokemon the hardest part about vgc is team building they don't really want to waste time messing with rng via breeding or resetting for legendaries the whole competitive scene is just really sketchy and people suspect a lot of top players of cheating it's hard to tell though unless they accidentally slip up and make an illegal pokemon calvin reilly was out playing pokemon go when he was abruptly shot out of nowhere police ruled out that it was a robbery because his phone and wallet were untouched a reward of one hundred thousand dollars was put up for any information but it didn't work the case of calvin rally was unfortunately never solved sanford university conducted a study on the human brain the study explored humans developmental window during which the visual cortex forms regions that recognize specific objects like faces words and surprisingly pokemon the results show that these pokemon selective regions exist in the same brain areas among people who played pokemon as children apparently it is irreversible so we have a region in our brain that is dedicated to pokemon now so apparently the homestuck foreign spanned fanfics and fan art of the characters getting pregnant a while ago in response toby fox composed a 15-minute rock opera about male pregnancy and posted it on the forums for the memes getting banned in the process this absolute mad lad snuck in the background music from it and put it into sword and shield as the battle tower theme in the original pocket monsters manga the first pokemon red catches is an unnamed pokemon it escapes shortly after but it looks suspiciously like a scrubbing bubbles primordial soup is said to have been here when the universe was first forming the first bacteria were formed from it and is said to be the ancestor of all life since ditto can turn into any pokemon people think he's primordial soup so apparently the guy who illustrated the electric tale of pikachu was a hentai artist and from what i heard this is pretty common in the world of manga but he illustrated a dozen of jesse and james having some fun and even misty it makes an appearance in the end in hindsight it should have been really obvious that he was a hentai artist just look at misty's breasts this video took a lot longer than expected it was originally supposed to come out like about a month ago i know i probably missed a ton of things so comment something to add on to the iceberg i'll try my best to reply to every single one anyways thank you so much for watching
Channel: TheRogueRenegade
Views: 1,513,103
Rating: 4.8569555 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Iceberg, Pokemon Iceberg explained, Mish koz, Mario 64 iceberg, Pokémon theories, Pokemon, Pokemon intro, Iceberg explained, Mish koz mario 64 iceberg, Pokemon theories, Pokemon facts, pokemon iceberg explained, Pokemon facts and theories, Pokemon timeline, The pokemon iceberg, TheRogueRush
Id: P1a4xNI-dm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 21sec (2121 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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