The Final Destination (2009) KILL COUNT

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I don’t know why, but James saying β€œFEAR and RESPECT the ESCALATOR” made me laugh really hard.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hellaquin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fun fact : An early draft of this movie's script had a version of FD5's infamous twist ending with the main characters escaping Death and moving on with their lives only to end up on the train with Wendy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bleepbloopbotz2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So is death coming after everyone in the theater?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Copywrites πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

(Just a small heads up) The explicit version's background music is louder compared to normal, nothing against James and the editing team, is still fully viewable, but some people may notice it and enjoy the video less.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SpearLifebee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

God, I could talk all day about how stupid the opening disaster in this movie is. Plane crashes, highway accidents, bridge failures, those are actual things people get anxious about. When has someone gone to NASCAR and felt scared about dying from a race crash? The 1955(!) crash that inspired this movie is one of the only times in history a motorsport-series crash has killed spectators

Never mind all the cars are made of nitroglycerin and scrap paper and explode when getting T-boned, and I can't even figure out why that pit-crew guy put a screwdriver in the bumper anyway???

And the effects look hilarious, in any of the scenes of people getting crushed by rubble it looks like a single PNG of rubble going down very fast and shaking in place

Hey who else is eager to see the fifth movie effortlessly shatter the Kill Count record forever

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tutwater πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ugh, I hated this one. But James makes it fun to watch

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kobobble πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I got a kill count for my 17th birthday

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NinaTheWeirdo420 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So James mentions wanting to find a way to cover the "Scream" TV series on the show. Hopefully, if him and the others are able to do so, that means they'll also possibly cover "Ash vs. Evil Dead."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheScourgedHunter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man, I was real confused when he wasn't counting the kills in the theater and George getting ambulanced to death during the second premonition. That's how much I forgot about this movie.

Can't wait for next week though. FD5 is a blast.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FriskeyVsWorld πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the killcam where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies i'm james age ADIZ and today we're looking at the final destination which is a fancy way of saying final destination for and/or final destination 3d yep this is the much-maligned 3d extravaganza that came out in 2009 the same year as saw 3d perhaps it's not a coincidence then that I fucking hate both these movies also heads-up I'm recording this after I got back from SummerSlam and my voice is still kind of shot sorry but that's bound to happen after your witness Seth Rollins frog splash Brock Lesnar through an announcers table and your eyes don't deceive you that is in fact Chelsea and me back there fist pumping our brains out by God Final Four which I'll call it to save time has a lot of the same problems as it's pink blooded saw brethren primarily the fact that all of its characters are walking talking gaping assholes that will afflict any viewer with a serious case of misanthropy characters have never been final destinations focus but as the movies carried on the sign characters evolved from being boring and forgettable to obnoxious and cynical with everyone either a snarky douchebag or a walking hard-on Final Four is the culmination of that evolution and while some people argue that this is intentional because watching shitty characters die is enjoyable that only gives us a few bloody moments of satisfaction the other eighty whatever minutes we've just got to sit there and deal with their bullshit once again James Wong and Glen Morgan who made the 1st and 3rd movies were swapped out with writer Eric brass and director David R Alice who made the second movie meet the new boss same as the old boss perennial producer Craig Perry also returned always a champion of increasing the gore but unfortunately for Final Four the graphic kills which have always been the sole strength hand indeed raison d'Γͺtre of the franchise are really unsatisfying everything looks way too cartoonish and fake and I get that this movie's going for a more darkly comedic tone but make me laugh at jokes or circumstances not your shitty digital effects how many people will die is this series hits rock bottom let's find out and get to the kills of the final destinations [Music] the movie begins with a pretty cool song by Shinedown awesome I'm fuckin popped too bad this movies about to shit the bed hard this not NASCAR race at McKinley Speedway is being watched by her soon-to-be prognosticator Nick played by Bobby Campo who would go on to be that a fare heaven teacher in The Scream TV series which yes I've seen and I enjoy and I hope to one day cover it somehow he's here with more model cutout characters like his girlfriend Lori her friend Janet and this hunt dude who's here actively rooting for the drivers to crash and die and you gotta scrape him up the fence with a shovel a shovel whoo ha ha you're so fucking cool our future deja vu moments to herald the upcoming disaster include a binoculars flask the kids share with a nearby couple some signs that this building is in need of repairs an obfuscation allow boy who's a gentleman enough to move for the sake of their sightlines and imam UL over there putting tampons in her kids ears for sound production because yeah a real person would totally do that we also briefly see other future fugitives of death including a mechanic there with his girlfriend and a super unsubtle racist dude who whistles Dixie Tunes at George a black security guard this movie's disaster kicks off with deaths go to spell gust of wind he must be a huge fledged storm tail fan it's wind all the fucking time with this guy like what your wind can unscrew bolts now that's some Opie wind death a premature pit stop exit leaves a metal doohickey in the road and that causes a disaster that starts killing people with effects that could have been done by any seventh grader with an Adobe subscription the deaths come via crushing torso cutting and Looney Tunes sound effects they also come via 3d wood shards Wow we see a ton of nameless cartoon characters killed in various ways before Hunt and Janet are cartoonishly crushed by a chunk of ceiling then even more nameless cartoons suffer these same cartoonish fate it's weird to me that this looks so bad because they're just using the same technique they did in part two combining green screen shots with some digital editions I don't know if it's the lighting or the parameters of they're keying effect to her watch but for some reason everything looks real fake which is a damn shame seeing as how they filmed a bunch of cool practical stuff at the Mobile International Speedway in Irvington Alabama like they had an actual car on actual fire slide down a green-screen track into a pillar and a dummy but in the actual movie that shot doesn't feel so real part of me doesn't understand why they shot anything with dummies like when they slingshot at a 40 pound engine into one since in the movie it all ends up looking digital miss premonitions a stir ends after Nick watches Lauri and George get consumed by a fiery explosion that also blows him back and impales him whoa secret rapper racetrack Nick gets one look at the binocular boos the stylish cowboy and those tampon ear plugs and he knows they've got to get the fuck out of there his rush to leave causes as always a fight to break out and as always a bunch of people get caught up in it and eject themselves from the situation with the racist dude Carter telling his wife to stay in her seat and yeah they named another character in this series Carter no I don't know why since we all know there's only one thing you think of when you hear that name in a final destination movie car you the characters yell at each other outside until they hear the crash taking place inside and seize some awful looking fiery chaos stupid redneck things dude it looks like the stage show for Nero's fluke concert back there what the fuck's the matter with you anyway most of what we saw in that vision is taking place right now you know - the main characters dying and a news report later literally spells out that 52 people died in the catastrophe so we'll count 51 deaths right here with a big ol thanks to Action 7 for doing my job for me and I took one off because while the racist dude Carter argues with security guard George about going back inside for his wife the mechanics wife Nadia gets killed by a wayward tire flying through the air I'm assuming that news report counted her among the 52 the effect when it first happens is pretty bad but I will give credit to the practical corpse they show afterwards then we get a title car and the most badass opening credits I've ever seen in them a dope-ass hard rock theme plays over x-ray depictions of the kills we've seen happen in the series it's all very stylized and does a great job getting the viewer excited since it reminds them of the best thing these movies have always had going for them the gory graphic kills but after that we're back to the kill free parts of the movie which is never much fun in this series because we got to sit here listening to shitbag characters like Han sure choice heads or tails but you know I like head a memorial is held for the accident victims and while Nick and Laurie are there they run into the Tampa mom Samantha and her husband Samantha is played by Christa Allen who I've got to say is trying her damnedest in this role she's come a long way from getting agha that by Jim Carrey in an elevator mama they think Nick for saving their family with first draft generic dialogue while bland sappy music plays in the background take care thank you this movie had a new composer after the woman who wrote the music for the first three films Shirley Walker sadly died of a stroke in 2006 at the time of her death she had apparently scored more major motion pictures than any other American woman and her work included James Wong and Glenn Morgan's other horror projects like Willard and the black Christmas remake even the first film she worked on was horror 1984's Ghoulies would she Co composed with Richard BAM rest in peace Shirley at the Memorial Nick and Laurie also formally meet George who's played by master shrimper Micheal T Williams said previously seen on the kill count as Joe Dixon and purge election year where I somehow forgot to point him out dude was Benjamin Buford blue how could I miss that before George can tell the kids all the ways you can serve shrimp racist Carter walks up and blames George for his wife's death I wanted to go in there after munch he spits a hard n-word at George and threatens him as he leaves later that night Nick has visions in a dream which hurt honestly just embarrassing I feel like these are clues in an old Myst game should you get the read pages Nick or the blue one Nick doesn't know it yet but that shitty vision was foreshadowing drunk ass racist Carter driving a tow truck to George's house where the security guard is shockingly shading in his character by reading from an AAA book oh and there's a picture with a lady in the back there too wow it's like he's a real person nice but racist Carter doesn't see George as a person and after the guards lights go down he gets straight to work putting up a cross to burn in George's front yard death also gets straight to work and knocks a bunch of stuff over until Carter's truck is driving on its own and playing wars why can't we be friends loudly through its speaker which does admittedly make for some pretty funny music backing as racist Carter gets caught by the trucks hook and dragged down the street between Sparks and gas a fire gets going and races Carter is killed in what ends up being an outright comedy scene that feels straight out of scary movie complete with the explosion that produces a severed burning head props to actor Justin Wellborn who did a partial burn stunt and was actually dragged down the street under the supervision of stunt coordinator Jeffrey J - nom and double props - stunt performer Steve Davison who did a full body burn while being dragged down the street you know how I love a good fire stop now put that guy out you crazy kids as though racist Carter's death wasn't enough of a self parody already when news of his death is on TV the next day we get a scene that's literally in the satirical horror comedy cabin in the woods with a redheaded heroine standing around in her underwear solely for the sake of the camera this movie is so bad and dumb that it's inadvertently a template for parodies snick has another crappy looking vision that brings him images of scissors and cigarettes an alt rock album title if I've ever heard one and he tells Laurie that he thinks his dream from the previous night for told him of the flaming tow truck in today now that reaches guys dead haha yes Samantha and her kids are still alive but she's now in danger according to Nick's PlayStation one cutscene she sends her little monsters to an arcade with some money then goes to get her hairs cut at a beauty salon oh and a patty damn Sam you treatin yourself huh the salons various tools and accessories conspire to create a slippery floor and a hair spray bottle bomb but those end up being red herrings although her kids eat shit and the bomb goes off the ceiling fan it dislodges doesn't fall on Samantha instead she's killed after a line of blunt force shadowing I've got my eye on YouTube when a stone hit by a lawnmower across the street go straight through her eye and if you're wondering why Samantha gets killed but not her husband or kids I guess maybe they would have escaped the disaster either way whereas Sam was left behind getting trampled by the crowds before that engine fell on her news of Samantha's death makes it into the paper but it doesn't seem to faze the horny haunt we just thought sir really hot milk hey does that guy like sex and stuff I haven't been able to tell Nick and Lori tell huntin Janet about the visions he's been having as well as the history they've learned about similar past incidents like flight 180 and how after all of those disasters the survivors subsequently died but we survived so now does that mean we all die yes that's exactly what that means we're four movies in here you know this man Nick also shares the tried and true theory that another person's intervention will cause death to skip a kill but this is all too much for Janet and she leaves all freaked out as for hunch he resigns himself to the possibility that maybe they're right but he intends to carry on as per usual so I'm gonna do what I do best I'm gonna get later I'll haunt your soul fucking cool dude Nick unlocks another level with a free online flash game and that inspires him to go back to the racetrack and try to jog his memory of the order in which people died he thinks back to all the deaths he saw in his premonition but he can't remember who died after Samantha Nick and Lori are then discovered by George who responds to their theories sounded like George friggin Washington young man this sounds creepy they watch the security cam footage that shows how dying is easy young man and Nick sees enough to figure out death's order looks like the mechanic is next and maybe if we can stop this mechanic from getting killed we can break the chain and the rest of us will be safe yeah dude that'll definitely happen it works every time they tracked down the mechanic a guy named Andy and visit him at the garage in which he works which is a dangerous place indeed and he's been having a hard time ever since seeing his wife gets squashed by a tire and turns out George can relate to him since he recently lost his wife and daughter in a car accident he caused while drunk driving George continues to develop his character while the others just kind of knotted him a bunch not knowing that inside the garage death is getting back to work again when it finally springs it strapped a gas tank is launched that catches Andy in the chest and sends him flying partially through a metal fence this is another kill well here I don't know why it looks so bad since on set they had a you with a pre-cut back that they pumped full of blood tubes and actually rammed through a fence what the hell happened here moving down deaths list nick says that haunted Janet died at the same time in his premonition so he splits with Laurie and George in an effort to track down both of them haunt is predictably doing the only thing he claims to be good at even though he taps out after finishing himself and leaves his lady partner unfulfilled haha and look he's already getting excited to disappoint another girl but hunted better get away from that pool because nick is seeing ominous signs and more shitty visions warning him that water bad fire good uh yeah check out that not so subtle Easter Egg referencing Ali Larter character from parts 1 & 2 her name was clear rivers not Claire I was never saying it wrong she just had a dumb name hunt gets into a fight with a little kid who gives two of the funniest nose I've ever heard in my life give me the gun give me the fucking gun no after confiscating the gun by fours Hunt discards it in a way that ends up turning on the pool pump which recently must have gotten turbocharged or some shit cuz look at that thing that's some overkill meanwhile Janet the personality list is also putting herself in waters way by getting an automatic car wash a fact she mentions to Laurie on the song she loses reception before Laurie can warn her about the dangers of agua but it's already too late a mechanical failure caused by a wayward car antenna stops Janet's car in its tracks right in the middle of those fun spinny washer things Janet's sunroof opens and a big pipe bursts sending her screaming towards a prestigious death when hunts lucky coin rolls its way into the pool he dives in after it only to get caught by the super pool pump pulling at his bomb my bum is on the drain my bum is on the drain the pressure keeps building and it's causing lots of pain so now he and Janet are in simultaneous situations of aquatic danger with Janet's getting extra sudsy but lucky for her Lauri and George drive into the carwash and save her from getting her face clean off their intervention saves her life and she's rescued from water and pipe alight but unfortunately for hunt Nix unable to find him when he finally gets to the golf club pool hunt is killed when the pool reaches maximum pressure and sucks out his insides which splash up into the screen whoa and land on the deck in a bloody mess this nasty kill required actor Nick Zano to get some underwater training and the scene took three days to shoot he'd have to stay down there while they got different shots and in between takes three through instruments like these hoses not too hard to act like you're drowning one that's going out you gotta get in that headspace of death like I'm dying but then I'm underwater and I'm tied to the bottom of the pool then you start losing your cool it becomes very real very fast oh also the digital blood in this scene apparently has an excuse they were shooting at a public pool and couldn't contaminate the water with any fake blood so they say at least since they successfully intervened to save Janet's life the survivors figure that death is either done with them completely or it'll skip her and move on to George either way George ain't worried peace with it you know my family's waiting formation I'm ready to go and so that night George decides to end his own life Nick and Lori come over to check on him and find him hanging from the ceiling but hey he's not dead yet although turns out not the lack of try I've been trying to kill myself all day since George has been unable to kill himself they think that means death really has given up on them entirely awesome let's pop some 3d champagne corks well to life what do you all got planned for it I'm travelling like Paris maybe some beaches San Tropez San trip what aren't you college students where's all this globe-trotting money coming from Sam and Laurie may have been premature with their travel plans anyway since all of a sudden nick has another vision that includes some water dripping and a 3d snake yes I mean whoa a news report reveals that there was another survivor from the racetrack they didn't know about that tall cowboy a guy named Jonathan grows he was rescued in the rubble which is not the same fate we saw him suffer in the premonition and if I would ask him to move like I did in the premonition he would have died instead he survived that means Jonathan groves must be the next one on deaths list which is why Nick and George rushed to the hospital where he's being taken care of also residing in the very same hospital is a racist old man you know how many you five I killed in Korea so fun watching assholes all the time the old dudes tub starts to overfill with water after the nurses leave him alone and it looks like his room must be right above the Cowboys cuz now there's a waterfall coming down on his head Jonathan groves actually manages to get out of his bed and crawl across the room but by time Nick and George find him it's too late the tub falls through the floor and crushes him I'm not entirely sure if it makes sense for the tub to be there when the leaks began right over Jonathan's bed all the way on the other side of the room but my editor Zoran says it makes sense for some reason so I don't feel comfortable berating it as stupid maybe I'm just the stupid one who knows Laurie and Janet the two most useless and underwritten characters in this whole damned series are at the mall to see a movie so that's where Nick and George had next while Georgetown's Nick a bit about his late wife it's like deja vu my wife say that deja vu was like gosh whoa okay we're doing that kill again damn I mean I knew the dude had to die but now we're down to exactly zero interesting characters farmer while Laurie and Janet make their way to the theater we see a lot of construction going on outside and within the mall giving us lots of dangerous details that these characters should be looking out for hey you know maybe they could stay safe if their parents had taught them to fear and respect the escalator but I guess they didn't since Lori shoelace gets caught thankfully it snaps off before a bloodbath can ensue leaving the girls safe for now Nick arrives at the mall and has another vision that shows the girls being killed when their theater blows up into a fireball sure enough deaths already Gustin winds about and soaking sawdust and flammable chemicals in a room under construction that's right behind the screen in Laurie and Janet's theater they're there to see the latest shitty 3d movie love lays die but Nick has a hard time finding which theater they're in since apparently this thing is having an endgame sized opening he eventually manages to track them down and he gets Laurie to leave with him before the fire that's broken out backstage can spread to some barrels that are spontaneously combustible I'm sorry what you mean they're combustible right because spontaneously combustible would mean they're apt to blow up at literally any time you really think there would be spontaneously bustable barrels lying around a construction site movie cuz that's just fuckin stupid anyway Janet refuses to budge so when that barrel spontaneously combust she's killed alongside all the other theater patrons who are not only blown up but also stabbed and stuff we get some variety props to the stunt performers being flung around on cables and props to the crew who actually blew up a theater facade for real moviemaking is fine the fire continues to spread and causes one to three more big explosions in the mall and as wait sorry four more big explosions in the mall the last one tears apart the escalator which finally gives us the bloodbath that was promised when lorry is pulled into it's exposed gears and squeezed like a bottle of toothpaste great use of some soft fake legs made by makeup artist Mike McCarty of K&B it's an awesome and graphic kill oh shit kills have I been forgetting to count kills this whole time I have probably because those all took place inside a secret eyeball mall whoa which is it J job booze like gosh we got whoops yeah that was all another premonition but unfortunately Nick's unable to save George from his ambulance death the second time around it happens off screen in reality here but we did see it take place during the vision so when it comes to the awards time I have to factor that in Nick races off to the mall in order to stop the deadly explosion and he's able to find the construction site fire before it's reached critical spontaneous combustion levels although he puts out the initial fire death finds away and ends up shooting off a nail gun which pins Nick to the wall and starts a stream of spontaneously flammable liquid that's headed straight towards a second fire but Nick things fast and uses the world's longest tiki torch to set off the fire sprinklers in the room which puts out the fire before the barrels can get hot enough to spontaneously explode the 3d movie watchers in that theater don't even know how good they have it and I'll tell you what it's a lot better than us 3d movie watchers have it cuz we're stuck with this piece of shit two weeks later the three survivors meet at their favorite coffee shop where they're laughing and having a good time help Nick's even known as a local hero you saved a Lana man thanks random guy but this happy ending doesn't stay happy for long since Nick starts getting a bad feeling about everything he sees not just the shitty acting what do you think babe hey yes space cadet you want to come back down to earth the movie ends with another disaster that kills all three of that but since it cuts to the end credits they're shown in that cool x-ray style that was used in the opening credits not a bad way to do some stinger kills like that although honestly I'm just happy this thing is over how many cartoonish kills were flung into our faces here let's find out and get to the numbers heads or tails dopes 61 people died in the final destination and as per usual with this series most of them 51 in fact were of indeterminable gender the others were four women and six men giving us this mostly gray pie-chart and with the wrong time of only 82 minutes that left us with a kill on average every 1.3 4 minutes I'll give the golden chainsaw 4 coolest kill to hunt he's one of my least favorite characters of all time but man did he die well this death is unique and splash tastic Lee gory of course but it also gets points for the psychological horror going on here he's surrounded by other people in the pool who he can't contact and who don't know he's in trouble that's some scary shit man dole machete for lamest kill will go to Johnathan grows crushed by a bathtub that maybe shouldn't have been there logically and in the final destination series I'm giving out the primo premonition award for the coolest kill seen only in a vision this time it'll go to Laurie's death during the second premonition when she was caught in the escalator gears and turned into human go-gurt this was also the film's late director David Ellis's favorite kale it's gross yes it is David yes it is and that's it the final destination came out in 2009 in glorious 3d and is definitely one of my least favorite films I've covered on the kill cow thankfully the fifth film is actually pretty good I'll show you next week until then I'm James a JD's this has been the kill gown thanks a lot for watching this week's kill count I'd like to some patrons like Nicolas Beauchamp Alex Green Danielle Colwell Aidan Galloway Taylor and Nayeli hopefully my voice wasn't too grating during this it actually hurt me a lot to film this but I had to get it done schedules are a thing 3d with I just had to film sometime sorry thanks everyone be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 9,495,233
Rating: 4.9231105 out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, final 4, final destination 4, 4th, fourth, sequel, series, franchise, 3d, final destination 3d, worst, eric bress, david r ellis, bobby campo, shantel vansanten, nick zano, haley webb, mykelti williamson, krista allen, nascar, race, racetrack, speedway, racecars, crash, tow truck, pool, pump, fire, car wash, carwash, escalator, mall, movie theater, DMKC
Id: LTkyhd9svUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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