Final Destination 3 (2006) KILL COUNT

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Thank you, James, Chelsea, and the crew, for the really well-done photosensitivity warnings! I really appreciated that, as someone for whom flashing lights are a migraine trigger.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 14 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/centernova šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Iā€™m really enjoying these longer videos where he includes behind the scenes footage and background trivia of the making of these movies.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 14 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/DoneDidThisGirl šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

I remember when the 9/11 photo part happened, I was watching this in a theater in NY. People were... not happy.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 31 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/NeverEnoughMuppets šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

60 rides on a Corkscrew coaster built by Arrow? That makes the raft filming from Friday the 13th part 4 almost seem appealing.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 11 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/SilverFirePrime šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

I laughed at James calling Ryan Merriman DCOM. The man knows his Disney Channel Original Movies.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 10 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/xander6981 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you, James. I shall be using "willify" a lot more often from now on.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 9 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/SlinkyGuy šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

A+ detail for the Jason mask with the tanning goggles in the background!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 8 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/hellaquin šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Bu-caulk-e. Nice.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/thebrood138 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Fucking loved this video! Although the ending of the film could of been better

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 5 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Pheonix462 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 16 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the killed cow where we tally up the victims at all our favorite horror movies I'm James age ADIZ and today we're looking at final destination 3 released in 2006 you all know the ding-dang deal by now with these movies and there aren't too many surprises in this threequel which is fundamentally the same as the first two films thanks to a detailed premonition a small group of people are able to avoid a tragic catastrophe only to be hunted down by death in a certain order falling victim to its mousetrap murders in increasingly graphic ways part three sees director James Wong and producer Glen Morgan returned to the series after their absence in part two once again they co-wrote the screenplay together and decided to make this third film more of a standalone feature as opposed to part two which was a direct sequel to the original it still takes place in the same world as the first two and acknowledges the events that happened in them but part three doesn't have any of the same characters returned sadly not even William Bloodworth and instead Tony Todd's involvement this time through is relegated to a couple of voice acting roles James Wong wasn't a fan of how the second movie's characters had nothing in common between them other than the disaster they avoided so part 3 sees a return to teenage classmates who are just graduating high school and mistakenly believed they have their whole lives ahead of them the clairvoyant protagonist among them is Wendy Christensen played by frequent horror actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead in her first starring role Winstead was previously on the kill count for the eyeball infatuated black Christmas remake and the anti fluoride prequel to the thing the thing here her character serves the same purpose that Alex browning and Kimberly Korman had before her only in this movie she has a trail of digital pictures to give her clues about deaths designs as far as the franchise's signature kills go by final destination 3 we've reached full on Gore Hound mode producer Craig Perry the only top-line talent involved in every single film of the series was the blood and guts cheerleader responsible for the ever increasing viscera on display unfortunately even though the special effects team put together a lot of cool practical effects it looks like most of them were covered up with CG blood doesn't make them any less memorable though oh hey before we get started I know but vd for this movie had some kind of interactive choose their fate thing but I don't talk about those scenes in this video because they're not canon they're just part of a fun DVD extra which means no I won't be killed counting Kimberly and Burke from part two who in one of these things were revealed to have died in a wood chipper accident yeah Craig Perry said that scene can be canon but to me it's not so please don't leave comments saying I forgot to mention those scenes please please don't leave those comments how many people in this movie unknowingly queued up for death let's find out and get to the kills the movie begins at an amusement park where the future looks to include a title car do you believe in fortunes or do you only believe in more tangible things like the cold hard steel of this ball that looks like it should be chasing Laura Croft around that dumb looking ball transitions into an awesome power tower type ride that a group of friends are having a blast on all except for Wendy Christensen that is who would rather just take pictures of all that fun for the school yearbook now get it Wendy you're just proud of your high school and why not the swim teams did have the best high died after all wendy is here for mckinley high school's graduation celebration with a friend group that consists of the usual crowd for these movies generically attractive and paper-thin sometimes veering into full blown creeper territory captain the creep shot her there is played by decom darling ryan merriman previously on the count as that totally worthless buy plot character who spent all of Halloween resurrection watching a damn live stream although Kevin's a sleazebag a no I will admit he's got some major ups man bet he learned that shit in jig class for luck of the Irish Kevin is dating Wendy's friend Carrie he played by Gina Holden who was both the pregnant waitress who got belly bursted in a V P Requiem and the completely innocent wife character who was burned alive inside a brazen bull and saw 3d fuck I hate that movie Harry is planning to dump Kevin's ass after graduation since the dude can't even go two minutes without gawking that other ladies like these whale tail and early on toddies Ashley in Ashland Ashley is played by Jalen Simmons who was seven or eight years old when she was in the it miniseries as Laurie Ann the little girl whose death was the inciting incident for the rest of that movie and Ashland is played by crystal Lowe who was also in the black Christmas remake alongside Mary Elizabeth Winstead eyeballs while taking more yearbook pictures Wendy runs into her stoner looking little sister Julie played by a 20 year old Amanda Crew who would go on to star in Silicon Valley we also meet a few other characters like athlete Luis Romero who's a real strong boy and high school graduate Frankie cheeks who's creep star outshines even Kevin somehow but my favorite character is the devil mascot of the parkcentral rollercoaster a big ol mammoth of I'd call Devils flight takes a real cool devil to be voiced by Tony Todd man that giant devil is actually a practical mofo made out of two tongues of styrofoam and they took them six weeks to build him and according to production designer Mark Freeborn anatomically-correct whoa devil man's got nards major props to Mister Freeborn not only for the devil dude but also the gothic looking queue for devil's flight which they had to build from scratch as someone who can appreciate a good ride cube whether it's Haunted Mansion or mission breakout he did a damn good job making one that looks and feels real Wendy's a scared of devil's flight and it's not because she's a devout Catholic or anything she's just got a bad feeling like deja vu of the future and also as you'll hear many times in this movie she's a control freak you know I'm such a control freak like I couldn't handle it they say the real fear with these rides comes from the feeling of having no control her boyfriend Jason bear a real nothing boy convinces her to give the ride a chance but due to some nonsense that only makes sense if your reverse engineering a screenplay the couples end up swapping partners before they take their seats on the ride which means Wendy and Kevin are together in the back while Jason and Carrie get seats up front the other characters are strewn about in the back car with Frankie cheeks pulling out his camera to remind us of how gross he is / - sweet sweet titties yep pretty gross even grosser than old sticky gum on a ride yeah the car takes off but there's already some fluid leakin so you know that's not good it crests the first hill giving the riders one nice last view of the park and after it reaches the top and the chain let's go we're off on a magical murder ride during the rides first loop Frankie's Joe Francis camera falls and triggers a mechanical breakdown on the cart that unlocks the seats and takes off some wheels the front cart falls off and kills its passengers in a crash while the people in the back cart hang on long enough to get deaths like a broken back due to scaffolding or just straight falling out the cart while the things defy statistical physics and hangs out upside down in another the roller-coaster disaster was filmed at two separate times one at the beginning of production and the other at the very end principal photography for the film began at Playland an actual amusement park in Vancouver and their corkscrew roller coaster was used as a stand-in for devil's flight although they did use computers to turn the 75 foot high real white coaster into the fictional 200 foot high coaster for the movie using a previous program they were able to plan all the shots they wanted to get then after measuring their clearance on the coaster using a bunch of foam arms they attached cameras with remote controls onto the coaster cars allowing them to get dynamic and interesting shots of the characters instead of boring static shots nailed down right in front of them and although riding a roller coaster a bunch of times may sound like a fun job to have it quickly got old for the cast who over the course of three days had to ride that damn thing a collective 60 times the second part of filming this set piece which came at the end of production wasn't that much easier for the cast either although this chunk of shooting took place inside a studio using hydraulic coaster carts in front of a green screen the stunt performer still got whipped all the fuck around and the actors themselves would have to spend long periods of time hanging upside down impractical rigs wow this really sucks balls although I personally think the roller coaster disaster pales in comparison to some of the others in this series you've got to give James Wong and the rest of the crew credit for shooting it in an innovative and exciting way this was not an easy thing to do and everyone deserves credit for coming together and making it happen Wendi and Kevin managed to rock the cart back down the loop but then Kevin gets cut in half on a wayward PI and Wendy is rocked out of the cart and onto the track that's whoa inside her eyeball secret people theme park Knights one last fun fact for the sequence the shot of Wendy falling was literally the last shot mary elizabeth winstead had to do during principal photography I think it looks like a lot of fun though it's like one of those indoor skydiving tubes thankfully the movie doesn't waste time here and after one look of that ride gum Wendy sounding the alarm she forces her way off the ride and gets everyone in the back cart evacuated giving us more taste of asshole when it comes to these characters can you please control that bitch damn it's gonna crash the hydraulics the coaster miss you're just trying to get some fucking attention man characters have never been the strong point of this series but buy this movie I actively hate them which makes for a grueling viewing experience it doesn't help that Luis goes all Edward Furlong on Kevin here fuck you Oh God that blows I will give credit to actor Texas battle though not only does he have an even cooler name than Ryder King strong dude also runs a foundation that assists underprivileged kids in South Africa good on you man a fight breaks out and causes the right operator to make some legally questionable decisions so even though Jason pleads to be let off he loses out to the other riders and their blitzkrieg popping and thus he's stuck on the doomed rollercoaster which has got to be real rough for Wendy to watch since she knows what's coming has to be expected the accident she envisioned does indeed take place and lucky for me this one was real easy to count besides Jason and Carrie heat there were five randos on the ride giving us seven kills to start off with kid I can even do a proper gender breakdown in this one need the last day of McKinley High is mostly a bummer thanks to the accident and that old windy son-of-a-bitch death Wendy seems to be the only one with survivor's guilt though since the others appear to be doing just fine including Ashlyn and Ashley and this Hollywood goth couple Aaron Omer and Ian McKinley Ian McKinley how pathetic is it that my last day was the same as playing high school Kevin talks to Wendy and tells her that she's not alone see he went online and did some learning about flight 180 and the ultimate fate of its survivors they died in the order they would have if they stay on the plane unless someone intervened and it skips them thanks for the rules Kevin see you later well big gulp sorry thing that characters would probably not be drinking in a movie today but here we have the ashes slurp slurp slurping away at the tanning salon which is also a place that most characters and real people probably wouldn't go today and that's a great thing because that's actually how I got this scar on my shoulder as a high school senior in 2006 actually same year this movie came out I stupidly went tanning for a couple of months a weird mole popped up I didn't get it looked at for a year and what I finally did the doctors said it might be melanoma aka skin cancer I had the mole removed along with a whole bunch of extra skin in a lymph node and after that I was clear of any cancer and now you know the story of my shoulder scar Ashlyn and Ashley aren't worried about skin cancer though they just want to look they bronzes so they get ready to hop inside these tanning beds while delivering dialogue that really makes me hate them I forgot my iPod Slean Brittany I feel like the only cool people that come here what yeah they crank up the rooms temperature in order to get comfy and give us this movies heaping dose of gratuitous nudity as they naked Lee sing along to the Ohio players poorly destruction begins a-brewin but honestly if they had just listened to the rules like not bringing their drinks inside the tanning room and not fucking with the salons equipment none of this would be happening right now I feel like this one's on them not down during all this Wendy's sister julie has been trying to make her feel better Stan she's a guilty mess I'm usually such a control freak but I didn't do enough to stop it to comfort this control freak Julie gives her a bracelet that somehow I'm lucky I guess Wendy goes through the pictures she took at the theme park and discovers that they may be providing some clues ooh the supposed clues these pictures offer are all too cryptic and ambiguous for me to get anything out of them which is pretty much on par for this series that's all about making mountains out of mole hills in any case the picture clues are much less clear than the focus on both of these sisters has James Wong plays around with a split diopter shop fine since Wendy's better than me and looking for clues she realizes that this picture of the ashes evokes fire which makes sense cuz those babes not to burn a powerful gust from the salons air conditioner knocks some stuff on to the tanning beds and ends up locking the girls inside their glowy tubes as things heat up glass begins to crack and skin begins to boil Ashley Ann Ashman are killed after their tanning beds both catch fire and they're cooked alive inside this highly acclaimed and oft mentioned kill was accomplished by having stunt performer Leslie McMichael do a burn stunt using a gel that allowed her to be a flame for up to 25 seconds holy crap that is a long time to be on fire man and the kill is capped off with a hilarious match cut to the ashes twin caskets at a Funeral this movie has some real fun directing by Wong so it's a shame that the characters suck as much as they do no Mindy stains really suck man what these characters I know that's what I just said Wendi and Kevin get to talking again and after she repeats a conversation that the audience has already heard your fear is from a sense of having no control she says that she has been feeling an evil presence around her ever since the accident it's cold yeah that's called wind Wendy that is literally just the wind pack it up folks we figured it out it's wind by time the wind dies down Wendy's become a full-blown conspiracy nut and holy shit a 9/11 truther to see shadow well what do these pictures have to do with us dude I don't even know but you need to get the fuck out of there if she starts talking about steel beams her crazy train continues that she shows him her photos of ambiguous clues and the heaviness of the whole thing ends up taking her to the ground I'm sure Lucy wait I'm sorry what did she say oh that's what I thought she said since they've already figured out that death works in a specific order they know that Frankie cheeks should be the next one to die in order to take a better look at his photo and look for more clues Wendy tells Cabin to pull the car over let's nice to see if things haven't made you at us toll-free da ha they pull into a drive-through and take a look at the cheek see picture but they don't see anything in it other than a stuffed spongebob prize that isn't actually in the picture Sponge Bob lives underwater what's know it isn't everyone knows who lives in a pineapple under the sea all of a sudden death starts messing with all the electronics around them and they end up trapped in Kevin's car while the driverless van begins hurtling down a steep Vancouver Street such a steep road necessary for this scene was a tough spot to find four locations manager Danny McWilliams and once he did they still had to deal with the fact that the script called for a drive-through to be at the bottom since a fast-food place didn't already exist there they had to make it from scratch and it just goes to show that with the right talented people in the crew anything is possible Wendy and Kevin are able to get out of their car at the very last minute but the collision they avoid sends a truck engine straight into the back of Frankie cheeks his head killing him in a splatter II mess because I guess he had been sitting in his car right in front of them the whole time you could have set that up a little better movie this kill is another excellent one that they accomplished by combining clean shots of the vehicular destruction with shots of actor Sam Easton reacting and of course a blood filled dummy head that they called the splooge hat it's a good thing they were able to get the shot at although since their first attempt resulted in the cameras themselves getting final destination the first thing that I think most of us felt was shocked because it's so unusual that anything goes wrong and those things they've been tested six ways to Sunday and and heard me ever anything goes wrong thankfully no one ended up getting hurt and the end result of their efforts is some excellent gore Wendy and Kevin study their digital picture some more and realized that there were two unknown people sitting in front of them on the coaster before they then come across the illegal upskirt that kevin toe yeah you feel that shame Dean calm but in the picture behind those cheeks they see Frankie cheeks and it looks like he's got a fan behind his head so turns out the picture thing really does work for clues they had just been looking at the wrong picture knowing that the jock Lewis is next in line they look at his picture which shows a weight coming down on his head but there's also a sortie boy over there so who knows what's gonna kill him better get down to his new colleges training center to try and warn him either way Louis doesn't buy into their worries though and as the testosterone increases alongside the cutting speed Lewis declares himself above mortality that of course leads to his death after some swords cut a cable and bring a couple of weights down to sandwich his head try to control that weight a little better on the next ref dude don't let him slam like that this kill is probably the best example of practical effects gone to waste they had another splooge head this time of actor Texas mantle and crushed it for reals with some weights but in the movie it looks like it's completely covered up by CG blood it's kind of sad after another boring crime scene it's on to the next people on the list that couple Aaron and Ian who both work together in a hardware store hey Aaron did you know your boyfriend's got some seriously psychopathic tendencies that dick just killed the bird behind you all these meat bags suck so much like everyone else Aaron and Ian shoot down Wendy and Kevin would snart and they also proved unable to help them identify the mystery couple who sat in front of them on the coaster Ian's surmises that even if their theory were true and death did have an ordered plan couldn't the last person on the list save everyone else by jumping the line and killing themselves he's gonna save five skip times yeah too bad we just saw that kind of thing not work in the previous I get that these characters wouldn't know that but you got to give the audience something to keep them in suspense you know instead we predictably get another kill and the setup for this one is an extra shade of rube that involves a whole bunch of shit like a magnet stick and off the chain chain a grabby hook a big ol bukkake has helped driving forklift and some mighty blue all that and a bunch of hammers eventually try to spring a couple of kills but since Wendy was able to read this picture clue in time and since she had a little help from some sawdust bank sawdust she manages to save Ian from a bunch of wooden stakes Erin however is not so lucky and she ends up getting blown back into a nail gun that turns her into a Santa boy who went to scratch their face a little too hard the behind the scenes on this one is simple it's a dummy head dummy but that doesn't stop it from being one gnarly death man Wendy and Kevin realized that since she intervened to save Ian's life death will now be skipping him according to deaths Charter rules of flight 180 that means the new targets are those mystery folks sitting in front of them on the car but without knowing who they are ship they might already be dead I'm next and then you Wendy takes a little dusk nap during which her sister Julie sneaks in to steal back her good luck bracelet upon her awakening why Wendy happens to see that very same bracelet around the wrist of the mystery person in the picture he gets the mystery person's Amanda crew before heading out to warn her sister Wendy looks at more choose your own clue photographs and settles on the name McKinlay as the clue to her death as for Kevin his pictures got a flash in his eyes kind of like oh my god like a farmer went off in your face ah jinx you owe me a soda he had things about to get lit at the town of McKinley's tri centennial celebration fair where kevin is working security seems dumb to me that he would still go to work at a time like this but whatever hide go to work - if it meant seeing a Paul Revere reenactment hell yeah history's doh Wendy also loves history so she races to get to the fair aborting all the random wolves that cross her path step on it Wendy you don't want to miss the Ben Franklin guy do his kite thing oh this is hopeless a light thing oh shit you missed it fuck you Bennifer whoa dude it's not that guy's fault Wendy didn't get there and I'm Wendy arrives right as the lights go down for the firework show and as the pops get poppin she and Kevin try desperately need to track down an annoyed and evasive Julie Wendy sees Julie flip the thumbs out double birds and hit reminds her of Julie's picture clue but what could that horse me it's probably alluding to this poor tied up horse who's getting harassed by a couple of shit birds with firecrackers it flees from them and terror and eventually winds up dragging Julie around by a rope around her neck what a chick would be dead for shell probs - Amanda crew - to get this footage they actually tied a rope around her neck with the harness attached of course and dragged her across the ground she even emphasized to them not to go easy so it would look good in the shop pretty kick-ass of her and she was in good hands with stunt coordinator JJ mcaro who helped direct this well-trained Liberty horse for the stunt what a good boy that horse drags Julie towards a harrowing death but Kevin intervenes and cuts her free with a sword great that's a burden but there was another mystery person in the picture who was sitting next to Julie on the coaster now which one of these two friends was it oh I guess it was that one some random chick named Perry how about we fly that thing at half-mast in her honor death moves further down its list onto Kevin and uses a weird-looking horse kick to knock him down so he can be killed by a flat nope never mind Wendy just intervened and saved him Wow that's gotta be a record for the shortest time spent at the top of deaths list and that means it's Wendy's turn to be a target and look who's walking up to them Ian McKinley McKinley has in the clue from her picture Kevin makes a cart Aryan suggestion to him but unlike Alex and clear McKinley's not going gentle into that good night he starts towards them and blames Wendy for Aaron's death all while the town's entire discretionary budget continues to explode in the sky after a cocky proclamation that he's never gonna die McKinley narrowly misses a bunch of fireworks that go off at him but he's unable to avoid a cherry picker that falls on him and smashes him in half for a fucking brutal kill McKinley's death was originally not as graphic it was also pretty the end of the movie but when they went back to reshoot a new ending they also took the opportunity to add some more gore here so actor Chris LEM she donned a pair of green screen pants to help give his kill just a little more mission accomplished now if you're like me you may be wondering how ian mckinley wound up back on top of the list again even though it was supposed to be Wendy's turn now best I can learn from the Internet is that wendy was wrong when she assumed Ian was the McKinley clue from her picture after all had she not intervened earlier you wouldn't even be alive to kill her instead the McKinley sign that killed Ian was supposed to kill her but he inadvertently intervened moving her out of that spot and it caused death to skip her I guess I think all of that is confusing and dumb but so is most of this series they're just making these movies to kill people man like I mentioned the movie originally ended right there but after poor reactions from test screen audiences they filmed the new ending five months after principal photography and wrapped it takes place appropriately five months later when Wendy is a college student with college friends riding on the subway to meet their college ends she starts getting the willies which only will if I'm or after she notices a big old 180 in a reflection through the window boo gasps she starts seeing ominous poster clues everywhere and even here's a devilish voice coming through the subway speakers then all of a sudden Julie appears and gets on the train too and hey what do you know Kevin's here as well this kind of coincidence can only mean bad news and sure enough thanks to a hungry hungry rat shit starts going motherfuckin haywire again light warning for photosensitive viewers I'll play this tone when it's safe to watch again because the second catastrophe in this two-for-one disaster deal we've got going is a flashy screechie kill fest that sees julie get taken out by some airborne metal and Kevin sucked out a window to a splattery death to film this crash which is kind of hard to see through the editing they used miniature trains that they freakin slingshot it down a track how fun is that I'm always a fan of using miniatures and movies when the subway trains finally come to a complete stop and the flashing lights and Wendy is left the sole survivor surveying a service tunnel of death then she turns around to face another train coming down the track which sends her screaming straight back out her eyeball whoa secret Irish subway yep that was just another premonition they're all still alive and before we wrap this up I've got a shout-out mary elizabeth winstead devotion to acting in this movie in all the behind the scenes stuff i watch she seemed very earnest and serious about the craft and her talent actually sort of backfired while they were shooting this new ending after she spontaneously shed a tear during a faulty first take James Wong decided that he really wanted another one for this shot I just I'm waiting for it tear but due to a change in the shooting schedule she hadn't even prepared for this scene and with the pressure on and everybody watching it was hard for her to produce another tear on cue it's just eventually after 14 tags she was able to make it happen resulting in that very good-looking shot Kevin realizes what Wendy's tear means and he tries to pull the emergency cord but it's too late the movie cuts to black and we hear crashing sounds now this presented a real dilemma for me I was going to just not count these skills since we never get an official tally of the victims and because it technically happens after the movie ends but the more I thought about it the more guilty I felt ignoring that after all these people seem pretty damn trapped on the subway train so the accident is almost certainly going to take place and thanks to the premonition which are always shown to come true we do get visuals on at least some of the people killed here and so my decision is to just trust that Wendy's premonition actually takes place and then since I don't have an exact number given to me just fucking purge it up and count all the bodies I see with that in mind the last kills of the movie begin with Julie who as we saw got sideswiped by a flying metal wheel yep sorry Wendy it's rough then again as noted Kevin is turned into strawberry shortcake between the subway card in the wall Yami after the subway crashes I count a total of 12 more bodies and allow me to break those down for you please three are lying in the foreground right here and what's funny is that if you brighten up a later shot of them you'll see two of them moving not sure if that's bad background acting or if they haven't quite died yet but let's put them on the list anyway they're pretty fucked one ladies hanging out a broken window there that's gotta hurt and a peek inside a subway cart shows us the bodies of Wendy's college friends Laura and Shawn finally a sweeping overhead shot that I also had to brighten up show six additional bodies lying around great all that leaves is Wendy and since I'm trying to be internally consistent with these movies I'm gonna count her death as well hit by a train in the subway tunnel man what an ende for Wendy how many kills was death able to collect this time through whether they were laid or right on time let's find out and get to the numbers 29 people died in final destination 3 and thanks to gamma correction and frame by Framing I was able to discern that the victims included 15 men and 14 women with both background kills and actual character kills pretty evenly divided with the runtime of 93 minutes that left us with a kill on average every 3.2 one minute's golden chain saw the coolest kill was a tough one to give out but I'm gonna go with Aran all MERS unfortunate adventure with a nail gun I know lots of people love the tanning bed kills and those are great too but the jerky violence of that nail gun going off is a bit more impactful to me - almost ready for lamest kill we'll go to the 7 roller coaster victims who flew off the rails all the individual deaths in this movie were cool so I think I've just got to give this to those rail hopping kids and for the final destination series I'm giving out the primo premonition award for the coolest death featured only in a vision honestly not many options here so I'll give it to Kevin who's cut in half by a metal bar sticking out and that's it final destination 3 came out in 2006 and although I don't much care for it it might be the most popular one among fans that's fine man like what you want next week's sequel though is a movie that everyone collectively hate so that's gonna be fun to talk about until then I'm James a Chinese this has been the kill Kyle thanks a lot for watching this kill Kyle I want to thank some patrons like gunner Lawton Brendan Copeland Sarah Hughes Robert Stoll Kyle Elrod and Joseph Mitchell everyone asking how nice the fan is to have it's not actually on when I'm filming this is a mask that means part of another shot was layered in over this shot same thing with the roller-coaster I can't have him going on filming they're too loud be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 8,681,884
Rating: 4.9352064 out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, mew, mary elizabeth winstead, james wong, ryan merriman, dcom, roller coaster, ride, theme park, derail, tanning, bed, nailgun, kris lemche, texas battle, gina holden, amanda crew, alexz johnson, tony todd, crystal lowe, pictures, photographs, clues, corkscrew, DMKC
Id: gvdYmphOYSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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