THE FINAL BATTLE | DOOM Eternal - Part 7 (END)

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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to will this be the last episode I have no idea but I'm excited to find out we have to make and do that cuz I have a shock but basically that means I can do whatever the hell I want with it hello torso please thank you oh you guys oh such such lovely lads okay if we playing a lot a half-wave Alex in between this and all my reflexes are playing it off Oh baby Oh give me that tangerine you'll be my little tangerine boy stop it stop just get out of here yes smelly boss I am here see greenlight always tells you where to go move fire one I need one of these in my house Manny's got one of these for my home don't punch the wall grab the wall okay this is going to get a little annoying it's fine it's fine everything's normal it's fine visitor kill all three but the third guy I didn't even torch him he must have found out the good old Jack boys in town at the doomed Slayers freedom [ __ ] [ __ ] up yay what's up I am going to do a thing looks a little bit like this not that did the thing that I wanted it to do by person up insufficient tell me I am insufficient food don't you know who I am and down there I actually did have insufficient ammo so the games not wrong Rizzy where is he hey you survived a shotgun a super shotgun blast at the face you know what I have to commend you for that not bad not bad at all at all wait it still have low ammo I just picked up 30 jeepers so I was complaining about the ammo so the way this works is that I thought these only activated when the thing here happened I didn't realize it was just increasing my ammo naturally I even got the extra health and then was like Oh extra holes from this thing did not even realize that I could have grade my ammo I'm such a dumb I guess I should get this one I thought it's like oh I just get more ammo from these things I don't know how my brain works sometimes ok I'm just too busy killing and too busy slaying to even figure out how the game works so now I have 225 ammo really wish I had done that earlier process soon the carmaker's world flashes this could have been avoided different thank Samuel to know what eat with low ammo still plowing through the gates that just means three even cooler than we thought baby great what are we doing Oh omit Gordon make love to my ears that that sweet sweet sexy music ah oh it feels good oh it feels good baby let me swatch that hey whether I sound like Macho Man Randy Savage be brother Herbert you get sawed in half sorry I'm being very annoying I'm just really excited okay give me your neck give your torso give me everything your toes 401k actually don't know what a 401k is cuz I that's like an American thing that I always hear but it-it's just hard to be funny cuz a lot of my audience are American supercar be like Sean you're hilarious thanks guys thanks really appreciate the chance [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] whoa get out of the air and get onto the ground then we'll get on down well I chopped in half hey you survived a lot longer than I thought you would I don't want everything that I like using fun I know I could get ammo and health out of dumb but it's just a lot more hilarious to kill them the way I want to hey dude back here with ya you know what we're doing this no [ __ ] them up well that's not the right thing to use on him no it's not this is though okay okay I have no help I don't like that I'd only ever know help that's the wrong one what am i doing what are we doing what are we doing that then go to [ __ ] die I hit the wrong button I didn't get help I just be a stupid haha feels so good oh it feels good to be a [ __ ] gangster I give me hope have a lot of extra lives anyway you know what we don't eat them for final bosses we need to for medium enemies and normal encounters why are you even alive anymore don't you know the whole world's on lockdown you know what here England actually went into lockdown today like five minutes before this reporting crazy times I mean there was a super swell actually I don't like these it makes me too fast it's like oh my aim is all over the place now that's from those monkey bars but lockdown well for me I'm always a knocked down anyway because I record a lot at home and I never really go out but for anybody out there right now take this [ __ ] seriously the worlds in a tumultuous time and only we can make a difference where is Justin going to kill itself we have to make sure that it hasn't got a chance to spread it's already too late to stop it but you can slow it down so we can figure it out okay that's all I'm gonna say about that necrovalley part two where's my cover part one where you did I read it already that's an opulent place this is one of the soul spires identified in the argent two texts built into the central columns of neck Raval although most soul spires were linked directly to Arrington or through a hell priests create a continuum gate this particular one is linked to or dak the homeworld of the makers there's no kin continuum gate I guess I just say it that way presumably due to the con makers natural distrust of those under her charge have we been to verdict cat remembers a lot of different places we've been to anyway the soul spires were designed by the makers to accelerate the processing of mortal victims into argent energy and built in secret by central slaves under the direction of the order dag this force labor was a crucial step in fulfilling the con makers desire for argent as beings from Iraq are unable to cross over to Hell's dimension interest I cannot wait to pop up the con maker if I miss anything back here nothing so mmm something there there's no more Slayer gates anyway those are the ones that I felt bad about missing I really like doing the Slayer gates and this is wrong argent energy the suffering on earth the bloodshed all for this once the soul is extracted the husk of the human body over time transformed oh the extractives soul remains damn so they bring humans down now what did you get that [ __ ] thing god damn it normally when he punches a wall he kind of goes through it as well let me just get the lay of the land sorry Hey [ __ ] don't you go like a sack of taters righty nice one nice one there daddy Oh oh there's something happening is there an Eric's vial here somewhere March file wolf bodom what the [ __ ] is here I don't know I'm gonna [ __ ] kill it all here yeah yeah hairy sack and nappies would you go oh I'm a big scary demon all I'm lorded whatever all I killed things that's my thing oh I'm so strong number [ __ ] [Music] we're ATS a good one this is a good one for you mm I can't fire twice and rapid obsession no I have an idea it's to get more ammo aha the greatest idea I've had playing this game so far I also need help [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] me ask the constructor thinks an eHealth around anywhere there we go that'll do me oh my god my tiny dick [Music] she's Christ we're on her suck come on can I put it what I hear he Badgers ours I'm just gonna leave it at that [Music] I'm slitting by slipping it's a lie thank you for the help I really appreciate it right what's my challenges put my blood killed more than one enemy yeah perform a black glory killin a tyrant I've been Xena tyrant yet in this level or if I have I killed him too quick all we have wasn't in the last section that I just played perform a left side glory kill on the arch file damn it alright I send the souls fire [Music] fuel the eternal flame the makers need for the essence is prime without it they must suffer the monstrous fate of Transfiguration and see their wisdom and faculties slither from their twisted forms Oh so people come from earth die go to hell their soul is sucked out to give the makers essence the power their world and then the bodies are turned into the demons that we end up fighting and so there's so many of them but they need that essence to not transfigure but the bidding of the con maker herself the order of that dag has devised a method to improve and accelerate the production of the hell aura what once took eons for the savage beast to attain can now be accomplished in short order by argent intellect and with greater efficiency and consistency we constructed the soul spires vast halls erected in the savage lands by our slaves and under direction of the order even though we raised a monument on their ground demon Kane does not hurry us during assembly of the soul aspires for the Kon maker herself bartered a deal with the Dark Lord Sauron that rules over the shadow walkers a bargain was struck the demons would be given fresh world and souls to consume bolstering their forces and expanding the corrupting domain of Hell and the makers would be granted access to the flow of argent ah interesting the procedure inside the soul spires is thus the captives are tortured until no semblance of humanity remains within them a raft of hope the mortal soul is vulnerable and can be easily extracted this we achieve with a machine from the enlightened mind of the con maker herself the Eve ulcer once the avulsed has done its deed and the soul has been extracted the victim's body is ejected into the wasteland whereas before our cunning meddling that becomes a demon over time there you have it spelled out interesting enough they have to use machinery to do it um what was the full order that I wanted to get yes kill 15 pinkies at the full-auto mine killing a demon with the full automata will drop shell Emer oh my god so killing them gives you more ammo you can just keep it going forever I had a mastery token so I can overcome it hell yes I'll be so strong everyone's gonna want to come to my door it's hurt someone god this is a tiny little gap that was close ready all righty okay a little bit hurt that's fine you need a little bit of hurt every now and then [ __ ] okay that's a lot of hurts that's not just a little bit of hurt that was a lot of hurt I hate that a lot of hurt socks might literally just back to where I came from yep cheek a flesh and metal doom 2016 nights eat I'm gonna die eventually Shawn yes everybody hosted I'm sorry all right um nice nice not so bad yeah this I missed I like the secret encounters cuz normally when he punches through the wall he goes into the gap but this time when I approach the wall I was getting ready to boost and everything and created large wall weather statements saved from extinction damn heels well is this a power that they did doom Slayer got then oh my god that's unreal looking that's so cool twisty soul tornado alright there's something over here see it people are like check you know those are light sentinels who have died and are giving you out I'll just stand on top of it that's fine seeing so the demons can't go to them and the makers can't come here or the like vice versa you know what I mean we gathered the volatile aura and store it in a van in vast reservoirs there is there it is coalesced with Wraith energy and subjected to the infernal fires of Hell itself in the heat of the primal fire the essence is loosed and captured for our game the final stage of the process is divided of the gains Oh is the dividend of the game sorry vast quantities out the essence are fed directly to Arrington or to power our machine and drive our engine the rest is reserved for the con maker though she may never set foot in the dark realm she has devised means to teleport essence that the Holy Land that which she calls or deck the domain of angels her use of the essence is unchallenged for it was she and her court that gave us design to capture the essence and her payment is just the payment is just what ha ha very funny mean thanks me and I'm my biggest fan pretty lights it's control third Knorr yeah all the guys giving me pancakes or everyone's like Sean those are dead sentinels and they're fighting very hard to give you power a mic yeah I know Freyja look messing with my boys one up better than him is this going to get even cooler at the top of the spire he was pretty upset about it Oh Khan maker [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] nice [ __ ] them in the ass if you're ever gonna Oh God oh good you're gonna [ __ ] out any about eet ass is the way to do it we know boosts what's happening okay you kiss your breath please you're insane it's not fight it's not right my lord evolve in heaven now I'm good punch what the [ __ ] is even happening I didn't know where I was I was stuck in the wall I just saw you in half an hour your fight what's happening blood punch I didn't even do anything games broken his fall called sudden jeepers well ow ow ow God suck my ginormous doom balls but no boost cuz you need to land to get a fact [ __ ] me up for a second God see that's what I mean sometimes it's [ __ ] little [ __ ] walkie [Applause] it's like let's just take it one day at it's fine what am I going I miss something now whatever my claim knows I see if there was ever a sound that gold would make it's that sound that is happening right now if you ever imagined what gold would sound like it's bad okay destroy eyeballs in we're the next a ball that whoop good rather than take so much more than the last one hate it how's it going Oh Chompy boy stinky blinky I I dashed into him and killed him whoops I assure you that was not my dad the goal of my plan and no secrets already got the thing yeah blade that I map using time and place everybody time and place save the crucible save my the toners help the law by to enslave platelets break the chains drop it into the well below okay you got it let's do a challenge on you what was it a back kill got it dude one back hill right off I'm gonna do it watch this hey maybe not how much health do you have we would like all of it back Hill oh wait Thunder colors the back killers okay that was the back I thought was like a back leg kill or something I know there's gonna be different versions you need to talk and die a death or what happens when you get covered in missiles that don't blow up immediately they blow up eventually and then you get killed nice a blood upon shoe everybody sucks and can eat my ass in spectacular fashion yeah you come here go man I need ammo on a soul-satisfying that's so satisfying don't mind if I yes okay that works a [ __ ] treat who's left alight do you even really count as a lie even if you're that weak that's deep also very insulting [Music] [Applause] that's weary I'm sorry could you go over that one more time Robbin it by is held here oh whoops you know I just like the challenge great the thing that showed up okay there's no time limit on this that's awesome and you too you want to join your friend there you go you're released from your prison your shackles [Music] these [ __ ] leaves you're saying we must hurry but I I feel like I have time whoa joint Skype demon ritual symbol here I come card maker yeah yeah yeah this stuff doesn't matter no I have the on maker I'm gonna use it on the con maker to unmake them this is a whole new level he'll fight maker drones of precision bolt headshots who killed 12 demons while in midair acquire one collectible toy okay so those things that I fought in the Slayer gate our maker drones dude this place is magnificent looking that just glitch the environment just keep getting better Wardak this is order the homeworld of the makers a brief age analysis of the structures and architecture here indicates that this world is older than any other in our databases similarities can also be drawn to multiple pangalactic region or religions indicating that the makers influence was not limited to urgent inure and that over eons their influence has spread across the galaxy and potentially the universe some imagery is akin to religious icons in the Orion Cygnus arm of the Milky Way an area which includes earth the name or deck is common tongue in the maker language but can approximately be translated to the word for paradise or heaven in hundreds of different languages oh so are the makers I guess there would be angels so this actually is heaven and then where all the demons are is just literal hell I guess that makes sense I don't know I never put that together further cementing the theory that the makers have had a religious impact on mortal beings for millions of years so that's our like humanity's heaven stems from in this game the sprite they're seeming godliness the makers have a past at some point in their ageless history there is mention of the Father a logical alien entity that endowed the makers with their vast knowledge and technical ability analysis of maker artifacts and scripture indicate that the father may have been a singular being that split to form the maker race or instead transferred the his incalculable power into the vast structure known as or deck who sent birthed the makers in perpetuity it seems that the makers though exceptionally long-lived eventually suffer some form of biological and mental degradation at which point they undergo a process known as the Transfiguration wherein they allow a voluntary death and resurrection somehow tied to the father this process may have been complicated or damaged in the recent past there are no records of how the father came into the makers when it was first discovered or if it had any physical form before the makers the first mention of the father is in regard to a building named the Luminarium it was a temple of sorts where makers would go to seek answers the essence of the father was stolen by one of their own by a maker referred to as the Seraphim who the Seraphim is or what he did with the father's consciousness is unknown isn't this er from the guy who made me am I the father reincarnated records showed that one day the Luminarium simply simply ceased to communicate and that a deep scan of its data banks revealed no remaining trace of the entity or dock itself exists in an anchor state utilizing highly advanced dimensional shift technology to allow a static position at a sub quantum level you got that is that all in your brains now this essentially inverts their position in relation to hell both planes of existence are fixed outside the bounds of the known universe a lower and higher reality the con maker oversees all with an or deck and now utilizes urgent energy to prevent the Transfiguration yeah I might be misinterpret this but to me this sounds like they took the essence of the father who was stolen by a maker known as Seraphim and that's the guy we saw in the flashback and the Seraphim gave it to me I don't know it could be wrong though wow this is so pretty I love that there's an actual halo here as well because if the halo is a portal all right Oh heaven elevator nice this engine is really damn powerful I love that these these like space dust like have you ever seen like the the nebulas the Horsehead Nebula and the pillars of life you can google them right now that's what these look like so [ __ ] awesome also this looks like slate now where are we going okay I should go over there to get the crucible I hope that there is a cheap college somewhere that gives you infinite crucible that just lets you wield that all the time and it never runs out you never have to replenish it and you just get to saw through everything all the time because that's what video games should be is that you play it normally and then just give you cheat code so you can [ __ ] break it and play it however you want at least that's what I like okay cuz everything so far damn the coders are so nice can't make your [ __ ] wait musics so creepy oh I thought I was just gonna put me in it whoops okay I needed a dash from it I think wait what oh I could just aim myself Oh cuz I have the midair control this sounds like an angelic choir version of BFG division [Music] okay okay this is weird this is weird okay all right what can you just send me from there to here no I feel sick no just close behind you this is so spooky [Music] okay there's one thing here and I didn't miss anything on there nice how do I get up to yours I don't know hi anything I can climb anything I can shoot anything I can break his all this stuff so I'm sort of like maker [ __ ] you know sums are like we're crazy coupies I know I get up to that one cuz it's turn me right in the face oh there's that ah figuring it out that make sense bump bump bump bump I love this futuristic [ __ ] lighting is so good it's a mastery token to me hello earth what do I not have yet how would I like mastery over all right God Almighty I have the mobile turret and I haven't even been upgrading this either increase movement speed well in the mobile turns out what would hurt mode transformation speed increase by 50% I have been kicking ass at half capacity only two more weapon points though as music is so eerie these are Sentinel don't look at mother [ __ ] servant get those biceps the icon of sin oh gods big you cannot stop the procession [Music] where'd you get that heart who told you that stinky Oh Oh damn oh he out here and Sochi dudes lair ow Annie sticks the landing Oh their face is their weak point ah got it fun oh and I can get the other one then by jumping in the air and shooting in a [ __ ] teeth okay hold on rarely nice let's kill 12 dudes in the air and those guys are prime real estate for that okay let's just let's just do this properly our movement speed in that now is awesome you know that counts as midair too [ __ ] downtown I wanted to get my challenge hi you didn't die from that it's a super shotgun usually seven dead times Hey yeah listen to me God can't do that hey hey that's a that's a bigot oh that's a bigot but look one chip I sure do did it [ __ ] do anything it sure didn't I do this that's a word feel good to get attacked like this though what where's the big lad that showed up different they just showed up fun fun fun fun fun anymore Sentinel drones around us Sentinel drones maker drones let me get the western mastery for this honey what I brute force it it's not oh the best one you say that like oh shoot in the rocket before you land and then killing them still counts nice you say he's gonna grow stronger and everything but is he really or is it just that thing where you're like hey go do this thing [ __ ] I didn't check to see if I missed anything don't scare me like that no mastery token um yeah this I thought I got this but I'm gonna save it now for the mobile turret to get what would hurt no longer stalled it just goes forever all right lovely place you guys have I can I can honestly see why you'd want to protect it you know as the the makers and all that [ __ ] you know whatever you guys are into nice I can see what you want to keep this place thanks cuz it's well this place this part of it kinda sucks this is very HR Giger alien looking to me it's not really feeling this one the icon of sin looks like [ __ ] Mechagodzilla or something so awesome do I get to pay at this [ __ ] big guy in the left as it is written in the prophecies of ancient Sentinel scripture the Titans towering elder demons of the infernal age would return on earth from their immortal slumber the Titans are believed to be harbingers of the end times primordial forces of chaos and destruction this is very Nordic born from well very doomed but very Nordic you know I mean born from the tortured spirit of the betrayer son it was by Hell's unholy design that the icon of sin was given flesh the fearsome Titan forged from the essence of mortal suffering once bore a human soul a soul now transmogrified and entombed within the still beating heart of its former self the betrayer seeking to free his son from eternal torment within the depths of Hell made an agreement a pact sealed by the black faith of darkness that promised to grant his son the chance to return from death the son would live again but not as human in Hell's endless cruelty the sunless dam to become the icon an inhumane existence bound only to its former humanity by the now disembodied undying mortal hurt he's just not he doesn't have any humanity anymore so this is the dude that we met earlier his son Jesus that day it was just a betrayer he was a [ __ ] numbnuts he [ __ ] it up for everybody what a dumb-dumb it's all I have to say so the dudes there should've been there to say tell him he was distinctly thank you for all the armor perfect who do this nice Hey oh nice Sergi get back here you're freaking pain elemental oh you went down like last week's dinner I don't know what that means but it sounds epic this is for a secret yeah so you could encounter biggie let me Adam what do we got coach let me out nice oh this place yeah by which I mean hell yeah oh this isn't hell this is heaven no heaven yeah this take it over to that this oh my god this music really sounds like some of the soundtrack for annihilation that movie there's this there's a song in that that sounds a lot like this is it anihilation I'm thinking or a rival I think it's annihilation they're similar or soundtracks doing that you're scaring me [ __ ] it up once and I want to do it again oh these tight little narrow corridors both tolling nearby oh you guys afraid to fight me on your own power and merits Oh everyone you both Toro meet Bob toda we're little [ __ ] I think you're [ __ ] both coding now I am the only wolf thing here pop goes the weasel there are another Sentinel or maker thing here do they kill it [Applause] okay whatever I'll do that insufficient fuel come on give it to me hey boy good to see you good to see you too dizzy unit is here good to see you good to see you not really dope terrible disease because he was an [ __ ] to use this one or not it's fight you come on man I had you I had you wish you were this close killing them but this now just gives me more ammo nice never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and algae great luck [ __ ] face hole wherever that is actually Oh huh I thought it would get both where'd you go I love the little there's a little poppy sound when you shoot their head off normally you can't hear it in the middle of destruction and death and violence we're hearing that a little yes in the middle is it's very cute go up there then I guess come on gravich the con maker herself the cool design every 10,000 years the collective maker consciousness known as the singularity birds a con maker a Supreme Being destiny bound to lead all of or deque until the next con is born the singular that's a lot of pressure the singularity which contains the conscious soul data for every maker that has ever lived and died processes and refines this data as a means of selective evolution as hierarch of the conscious neuron matrix to which each maker is interconnected it is physically impossible for a maker to refuse the collective order of shared consciousness and disobey a con this system has functioned without error since the creation of or deck until now with the disappearance of the father the makers are incapable of creating a successor to the con lineage allowing the existing con to hold her claim to the throne indefinitely it's Wow that sucks for them let's see something else was just right here right oh hi okay I II didn't mean to switch back to this whatever if you [ __ ] work Golden's are going as they say I don't know who says that somebody won't say that well that was very easy how many weapon points for ya baby um this one nice nice that is exception oh my god it's so quick she was like walking along now it's like what up it's Jackie boy yeah yeah yeah yeah more powerful longer on earth I get it dude she's a [ __ ] record oops I thought you were closer nice the time in such extreme focus I'm not even saying anything freaky oh good let's lay Sean remember that I like that Bertha less way we're Sean didn't talk for a long time sure honey you completely miss with that first one [ __ ] [ __ ] some health lights Thanks [Music] damnit right trade [ __ ] whoa hey gotten better at taking out them at least man they really suck when you first encounter them they feel so overwhelming because they're so aggressive constantly Omega system acquired setting the course for the earth dimension now Vegas the father yeah I know I was just gonna say I know wrong you set the three [ __ ] times gonna have to take you back out okay where to now buddies let me get there found it they do put a blend who use it very very well you ever see one man turned a machine gun into a shotgun in women whatever I've never seen the man killed things I have four I was that man are they going all the way doesn't feel like the direction I should be going hi I need health and other things thank you oh right you're Okanagan Irish while here somewhere for him be there he there he am holy [ __ ] I mean don't get me wrong I knew this thing was strong but Jesus Christ having a picnic in the park that's crazy straw okay okay okay okay okay okay help please thank you Oh [ __ ] like a punched in the middle of that need to be popping those domes though cuz they damn it they give off way more health than [ __ ] that way still didn't [ __ ] kill him God don't let me die here come on we're are they though head poppers that yes they give way more and you give some if I do this Thanks and little maxy little all over the place we got there in the end it's important thing miss anything that's awesome everything's awesome look at those games awesome thanks thank you thanks cheers cheers Cheers good see it let's see make her angels man those designs are dope that's off to the oh I can't even do it cuz it's so short hats off to the art department in this game these revered figures serve as speakers for the con maker earning positions of leadership and high esteem within their species angels of or Dec are gifted with orator rings golden halos fused to their armor as a symbol of their status and rank these divine I would prefer if something was fused to me for like powers or whatever these divine beings occasionally gather in Conclave are at the summons of the cotton maker but typically do not work together instead being assigned as independent advisors and overseers amongst maker control rules this is very compact I saw a thing Oh a little maker drone toy let me get the con maker as a toy I guessing either of these are good good I have no boost left hey now I'm over here I don't like that bonus so where is it oh here got it goddamn it myself that's damn oh yeah I want to do a finisher on them oh wait I did one before oh okay lots of bad [ __ ] over there what is happening to this game today jeepers lads haha oh yeah crucible that works I've just been kind of storing the energy you know saving it for a rainy day from that this is that very rainy [Music] days points away haven't ate okay so what do we want to get last rad sued take summers don't need that now - refilled and glory kills short and then the last ones we can put it into these thank you I need one more and then I'm fully complete on my suit damn I didn't realize I had that money all the stuff that I have now though furred is just like Oh bigger map radius oh now I I can move faster after a glory kill it's like all stuff that I didn't really care about I'm not so here how'd I get through please now I don't need Vega for all of them just the first one that doesn't seem a line [Music] miss Susan wah I climbed jeepers like get up to that hello how do i how do i whatever i just want to [ __ ] [ __ ] up I'll have to play by your rules and now I go right one is lined up from my perspective the Jedi are evil it's a from my perspective it didn't look like that what where the [ __ ] was I going oh the double jump on that one Oh [Music] their land on that Jesus that was a massive failure NGO never Marisa preach rope all the Amal win stick bag weapon points Traven need weapon points for much anymore I know you don't have everything but I can't have all the stuff that I want Oh secret encounter oh there it is this scheme just gonna drive me up the [ __ ] wall sometime just just do what you'd normally do what are you my having all the issues with it today things don't click the way they normally do Oh God really think oh one of these [ __ ] in that length of time okay I'm gonna [ __ ] die you know what that's fine you know what I'm not I'm nah nah nah I'm okay actually thanks I'm not risking losing another [ __ ] life all today just for just so I can say yeah I did it bets were after that's like new game [ __ ] crucible Blade II it lasted longer when he was like building a meter and not just three slots might want you not you you're the guy Lord Oh trouble 850 meters at the meathook really grab out of that Lauren okay you know what let's just pull this bad boy out no wrong guy jack has super powerful mega swords never using my face win now over this side what do you think about that [ __ ] hey I [ __ ] fell down are you thinking about that huh hey I see these skills [ __ ] epic hey hey I'm having a conversation here oh I got pushed into that [ __ ] up one place grabbing everything I'm all over the shop let's just go there we go there we go there we go job's not done completely yet Jesus Christ it never bite stoking all the tiny little things [ __ ] you and also [ __ ] you [ __ ] you and again doc [ __ ] you charge this bad boy up I don't that did anything we're not killing these guys wait they're mentally killed where did he even go since to give me absolutely everything I need the mist oh my god but the most fluid of arenas but we did it that's we came out on top and I didn't lose my ex-wife yeah yeah I have it was I can hear birds ubers Oh God the platforming is so [ __ ] ridiculous now oh my god oh my hair wasn't my mouth all lined up I really want to shout it out cool really cool with the race fully aligned the dimensional does not have much time left dude I don't have my passport with me though I think mine expired are the only two programmers right I guess I lived there so it's fine that's how you got a lot of health and armor [Music] subcon maker i'ma [ __ ] your entire world [Music] - yeah it's amazing looking so cool I think it'd bring it back all right I got most things in this stuff not everything but I get everything you need to leave something for later what the [ __ ] is that is that a race it looks like an arch mile do I have loan capacity art has tentacle legs god it's so cool everything else here what are you some subnautica [ __ ] damn wait hold on um demons demons can I see a race anywhere here I don't know it's all very confusing there was one that had a picture of a race that I wanted to see these are all the ones I can fight though so they're not gonna be there and you're awesome maybe it's an old con maker without the armor anything else I can break swim up stupid okay I feel like there's more to do with this guy I love this kind of stuff just big creatures they're so creepy you open badass dude well have fun being in your eternal slumber for diathermy now whatever you're doing you're straight - I am the other hand we'll see you later I go back to her to save her she kind of let you leave this place alive move the orb got it how do we do that though made other sacrifice in the name of our prosperity there so that they may in turn by dreams Wow so cool shootout the town maker de temporarily disabled her shield and refill your blood punch meter while she's vulnerable use your meat hook to get in close and then use the blood punch to deal damage oh it's gonna Sookie when there's a specific way oh yeah that is an icon maker without the the armor on you can see it there her legs okay so shootout urge a temporary to save her shield and refill your blood punch and a meat hook and blood punch okay did you come back hey let's meet hook her oh wait yeah I had these it disable her shield whoops I thought I could just go straight in a blood who [ __ ] Santos Gauntlet in the middle of the arena wait is that it gone for good okay I'm an I'm gonna use this oh god no no no - ie what is happening to this game today did you see that I went through the floor that works is that it is that it good feel like that gun is and it designs for her [Applause] you know what oh [ __ ] sorting layers to get through Jesus Christ I didn't realize the floor was turning all that [ __ ] Thanks I'll get out of here here nice you have a lot Jesus mmm oh that just refills the blood punch immediately got it oh God hi okay boo works really [ __ ] hurts a lot though right [ __ ] die I hate arenas where the [ __ ] floor is lava it's one of my least favorite video game trolls okay ice chuckles guy they're grabbing [ __ ] that they don't to grab [Music] [Music] ouch ooch ooch oh it relays no I miss it do you think I did fine struggling struggling and I don't want to be struggling there we go I don't think that's the end but God what an annoying fight well your chin look so cool without the armor the Powerball yeah heaven turns into hell eat [ __ ] yeah get it tubes layer to blood punch attacks can now be charged oh that's awesome I miss a lot of exploration ones all right time to go kill the icon of sin this is the level I was in before hahaha I love it this is my kind of [ __ ] stuff like this okay just big joint monsters roaming around in the background get that I've no I've no extra lives now so I need them [Music] shut up lady I've always hated you so much harmony [Music] [ __ ] music badass nice one nice one bro [Music] God's sawing through enemies of this is the most fun this is slowdown now either until it runs out of ammo it's sinister damn hate that that happens I didn't lock on to the right guy but you're standing in the way so just a pain in my ass bro bruises and [ __ ] here you are thank God grenade upgrades are really good get them as soon as you can if you're playing the game I waited way too long to upgrade my ice ones come on dance I want to use it it's so cool I know what I'm doing okay I guess not that but take these [ __ ] to church no no okay waving one help by what a little ones around and read head until you guys come on but like it should have but a tyrant Oh - you ever knew everybody show up I were to save just improvable buddy oh nice I knew it was gonna be one of you was hoping it wasn't so good just hit you immediately damn where am i where am i right now it's having cramming oh you guys hit me so hard you're like inconsequential my god that just went on and on and on didn't it you never you never stopped didn't pull this bad boy out sooner you upset the lights I can get some [ __ ] what a dingle BAM all right I was one of the crazier little arenas that we've come up against but that's so much fun just endlessly firing rockets ways everyone supposed to go yeah the Greenshaw guides me sure that I gonna send more where's him fly through the level again there okay that was actually meant for these guys down here we let it slide one up man we get to you one up man where's the way in little man still life Oh God what is happening ie I stole my first name oh he's gonna kill us all ever dude he is epic man how I get over there at this rate we're so close to the end of the game then just like I just want to see how it ends I always come back to get all the other [ __ ] later [Music] cash money Oh God Jesus I didn't even see you tried to get around you I tried to do two White's after that one I also realized that I was wondering how much damage the the chain did when I came out but I realized that that's not the the point of it being on fire the point of it being on fire is that it gives you shield when you use it so it's a lot more versatile the icons presents warps reality damaging the implicit order of our dimension merely by existing within it if the icon is allowed to remain unchecked it would lead to the total devastation of Earth followed by a breakdown of space-time around the planet the resultant black hole will eventually drag our entire universe down castigated at the mouth of hell as conquest to be absorbed by the dark realm neat the con maker had taken measures to augment the Titan installing maker technology throughout its structure to ensure it could be controlled with their ritual interrupted the icon is now fully Unleashed raging across earth until hell consumes all no longer bound by the heart of the betrayer son the icon of sin is free from any measure of control that the makers might have once conceived only the Slayer prophesized an urgent a legend to stand against the icon if the prophecy of him coming to existence existed and is happening you shall read the prophecy of me destroying him and killing everything is going to happen to you paid for that ow ow I'm stuck again [ __ ] me so many little holes in gets stuck in in this game you just buried me against this corner and I couldn't move Oh God thank sides I hate those guys I [Music] you make it gonna flip that one ah I feel like that other guy just exited reality no they're here to push me to a [ __ ] another corner again come on come on No Oh baby that was epic epic to the max get out when I load up there mom and dad said so put his head up and then kicks them until his head is the only thing standing it's awesome okay shoot the wall Shawn that helps on practicing nice how do I get into it that [ __ ] room oh I missed BFG llamo oh yeah because I just came up the stairs and everything back down I mean that's good it's good that I did it without it is now I have it for another fight all right Oh straight vibin bro that's how I got what do they do this is a punchy thing it was just from the other side stinky [Applause] eat it eat it eat it eat it it's so strong nice God I seem nice a lot in this playthrough everything is nice everything's nice and dope and awesome [Music] more of you that was it so fun the fireworks okay didn't think I was gonna get you but I'll take it Hodder Oh God just go come on [ __ ] [ __ ] and so I was this [ __ ] yes he we caught at this sword who wanted to get in that's got any cool environmental storytelling though I should be possible on him I keep saving it yeah this game is dope Arun big lad I saved the crucible for like a really big fight because this would nearly count or I could just use this that's also way more formal that didn't just outright kill you props to you buddy those people ax hack with that go down [ __ ] [ __ ] Hill subparts where's this buff potent and who why does he think he's so bought Jesus man was fast no probably cause of the both told him [Music] what is it slight bastard damnit all right this is happening yeah I like that a lot wait you're still bought then our toys you up those [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] everyone's [ __ ] everyone that existed is [ __ ] I'm almost dead if I die to that thing bit of viruses there's two left totems oh I didn't actually destroy it I thought I'd destroyed that in well I killed them all anyway because I'm I'll get your fixes Lester's fictions whew that was really intense I've got more I make a nice hell yeah somebody would punches look Daisy this is a strong boy over here oh it's a tough for those toes meat wagons having one hell of a day Oh yep that'll do it we have ammo in this I can fire rockets too there was a lot of angry bastards underneath all this help right here there is all of that coming from okay Hey and broken a lot today was above me all along my god something just [ __ ] me up TM o BM t mo which was beauty [Music] awesome holy [ __ ] why my my we must be coming close to the end now I mean well we already knew that but so much of this is just ramping way the [ __ ] off okay okay that's what we like to see gamers [ __ ] sake I'm a Rotter hey these guys suck I think they're also immune to ice creams which sucks to be almost not these immune to ice grades [Applause] [ __ ] your dog dude like Jesus Christ doesn't work ow ow oh wait poseable he's abusing Andrews abou rid of my boss dizzy I need to be under that water suck okay okay I am low health and I got no [ __ ] do-overs [ __ ] die please [Music] ah your label totem your buyer something this is one of the tougher areas I have ever faced in this entire game whoa I mean it's supposed to it's a dang dirty demon it never [ __ ] ends they are infinite well not exactly okay so there's an arch while someone here you are [ __ ] Oh okay okay Oh now do I have to do all of that again no no no no no go again shall we now that the Marauders dead stock up and help there you go now have a lot of money please these guys do that ever Jesus Christ and just [ __ ] retail on this God forsaken don't I need a good shot this arena is not conducive to good sight lights frizzy see okay don't get greedy okay greedy it's fine it's fine now did that work that's your [ __ ] did y'all right Jesus crisis is never-ending I have to destroy the I kind of said I'm looking if I can even [ __ ] get out of this room this room through like every [ __ ] enemy [Music] [Applause] nice oh my god that was the most intense room so far that kicked my ass man e times oh [ __ ] where you go how do I get out of this place wait go back down I guess sorry what I didn't catch that oh oh I don't think that that was supposed to happen I don't think I was supposed to be able to do that epic what salvation we looking forward my whole life I'm checking to make sure I'm still recording something recording for quite a while across that bridge hey you sure cuz I can't see and he's kinda hard to miss got him okay Oh she got Amuro to you I'm away from my ice to recharge certain grinning the best 14 possible I really just [ __ ] [ __ ] oh so nice give me a no I don't actually have to fight this thing it's party just gonna be like a QTE sort of fight like go here do this thing stand here do that could be mistaken nice here we go yeah yeah you had to go for a maneuver didn't you you just had to do it making it harder on all of us destroy all of the icon of sins Armour pieces to disable okay where was he shootin shooting the expose energy shell does no damage okay exactly that holy [ __ ] he hits like a [ __ ] truck okay he keeps walking yeah ooh I love that the blood punches can look like Santos gauntlets and he's just blood punch him I would I would love to find out I would love to find him no I can't that's that is that Graham oh Jesus hey how about we do this then look at that house tore down look at that health tore down that's what you like to see your love to see it your love does he hi hi there's bells right there how do they [ __ ] dying I cleaved him in half and took the help I guess not Oh wrong one I did almost no [ __ ] down keeps you in it you can own adventure a pinch of saffron well hey making a noise heats there is [ __ ] chaos everywhere it's so hard to see what [Applause] he's eight armor pieces we seen that right patience is a virtue as they say walk-in up Jesus Christ puts me back through the Bourget only for not doing very well lots of fire in flames and dead makeup that will reveal a titty is it the first time I've done that to one of them it was awesome well things do a lot of damage out I don't care who I get just get one fire and flames everywhere see this homes [ __ ] floor is lava [ __ ] I hate that it's designed to like keep you moving around but it's annoying get it yet can I get it be so what do we have Emily no wrong button travel time a nice little nauseous oh I even get that thing that was up there Oh Maurice M oh thanks get out of here we need any [ __ ] shield bastards everywhere get back here he's so close yes I would with me I have I have no idea how this arena works yet I've just been flying around on it this entire time not even really knowing where I'm going and what I'm doing I don't know if that one okay there's that one left are you do it that's the last thing today I have to hit I didn't know I can saw you enough I know what the last thing I'm supposed to destroy is something's happening took everybody's diet nothing's happening nice he's doing any damage anyway what do we shoot what don't you I'm too busy trying to figure out where the [ __ ] I go to figure out what I killed oh he's a para left wait that's it I got eight of eight I'm so confused let me there hat you know higher there we go is that it hey he's leaving okay whether it's already destroyed the body are you kidding me oh [ __ ] off some reason on this run I have barely even gotten hit so I don't know what's going on I need heaven know what armours left though here ah is that it I mean it was it once before as well with its owner fully destroyed the body is now exposed forgot it finish this fight got it Darren's appalled you got it buddy oh shoot and destroy eight Oh God let's do this again Oh God oh Jesus oh he's so mad he's every madman we call it max get one of this yeah the 60 count is a [ __ ] one yeah mess them up mess them up [ __ ] help I mean no no he is so much of that I don't writer boy Oh somebody come near me thank you thank you the sword really is the way forward in this section but you ain't against him basically of incident sword in this arena and word punches they do [ __ ] nothing against the big boy okay just show everything shoot everything you see a lot of times that's gonna be my plan for now hey didn't mean to do that but I'll take it okay there's a lot of [ __ ] happening and they don't know who's legs are what I know it's my ep this is an onslaught I mean as a probably sharpie I'm just trying to catch my [ __ ] breath yeah don't even do it half as healthy yet he just saw some light [ __ ] in half get some the Regis set up shop [ __ ] them up hey you guys not getting the way this is me meeting a big black I'm trying my best just to stay alive here and you're all coming in like oh we're demons we go we want to fight - this is suck wait your turn okay No [Music] how am I suppose in a chance to [ __ ] fight them if I'm constantly fighting all these [ __ ] let's just keep moving and take shots in it right now this works that works a [ __ ] treat geez got a giant laser face Equipe [ __ ] anything I need to get this [Music] whoa hi didn't realize you're here I'm sorry I'm sorry for everything I've done it or anything I ever will do look at this purple boy ruthless emotion I don't like that a purpley boy even really help god he's attacked please don't jump and get it this does that let me do more damage I don't know didn't really get a [ __ ] chance to see hello not really he looks so cool though Oh nice okay any small lads around small lads little tiny bites thank you you're small but not small enough these I can just do that to them now I don't really have to worry about it the focus happening everyone's freaking out here we go is that too [ __ ] many of them just give me a public break like in the middle everything else is going on ground most part is is that if I feel this after dude all over damn it so close don't even know what part of them I have left to kill I don't know what part of them has Armour left or not the chainsaw somebody's getting out here we go left his belly [Applause] I don't [ __ ] know I don't [ __ ] know no health no goddamn I cannot lose now not now you could see easier what's left nutus hands now thank God that regenerates but most of this fight this time uses less enemies showing I don't know why I mean I'm happy about it nothing's doing damage oh okay it is something else thank you give me more help more help thank you no more help why not everybody give me help it's a [ __ ] party come on come on Big Boy come on Big Boy okay [ __ ] yeah oh my god I took a long time Oh chop me to bits nice we did it holy [ __ ] my god it's so cool haha God you look so small next to the doom flavor holy [ __ ] it's so badass Eddie who will be there Sylvia your strength will be there as your will there so you for your fight is Wow oh my god what a [ __ ] amazing video game god damn it was incredible from start to finish [Music] holy [ __ ] Oh No dedicated to our friend and teammate Stephen Ashe oh god I need I need a little any little break before we launch into anything else holy crap get to go back to the fortress nice game complete congratulations you've beaten doom eternal you cannot continue exploring the forces of doom er require any items you missed through mission select you can also continue to test your skills training events battle mode master levels which are challenging remixes of the campaign missions nice new master levels are added regularly be sure to check back up that's cool Samuel we did it earth is free look it's all normal there's no more hell all over it you think people knew it was me see people knew who helped them oh my god we did it we finished it what a [ __ ] awesome video game couple of the fights near the end felt a little tedious I don't know if that that final boss fight just didn't really do it for me didn't really click with me didn't really make me feel like a badass beating them at the very end made me feel badass but it just felt like here's just a [ __ ] ton of enemies and there's it's just I don't know it felt cumbersome and tedious to me and then the second time I tried it that very end it was just way less enemies so I don't know maybe it was a management thing I have no idea and then the con maker fight was yeah I feel like though I guess you can't really do them normally if they're doing normally then it just doesn't work either because then it would just be too normal and too easy so overall they weren't bad it's just they didn't really feel make me feel like I was flying through it I know I was off today the final episode of all things but I am glad we beat it I'm glad we're doing I'm glad that I got all day Imperium keys I didn't get every single item around cuz let's face it a lot of it is just collectible stuff and it doesn't really matter in the long run I'll go off and do that in my spare time I'm just glad that we got through it and there's someone who didn't finish doom 2016 I'm really glad that I stuck with this one this is so much better than that game that game was like two hours okay I kind of seen everything that you have to offer this one just constantly kept the tension and day the speed and momentum and thrills going all the time the levels were so well crafted the sound design is awesome our direction was amazing one of the best first-person shooter video games I've ever played in my entire life I'm gonna come back and play this game over and over and over again there the developers should be immensely proud of what they've put together I'm glad I got delayed to put those final touches on it and polish it up because it really shows the game is so tightly tightly created and tightly wound and works so goddamn well and all its mechanics together just really start clicking towards the end I can't wait to go back and play some of the earlier levels and just really start [ __ ] dominating them with the the skills I've learned towards the end of the game I feel like I'm still nowhere near just kind of mastering any of the mechanics have seen some gifts and videos of people just really string and [ __ ] together and making the enemies look like a joke and I want to get to that level eventually one playthrough is just not enough for that and again I I play Doom 2016 for a very short amount of time and that was kind of the only doom game that I ever really played so I'm still basically new to all of this but I I could sing this games phrases all [ __ ] day the graphics were unbelievable as well some of those set pieces and the level designs and how it all looked just blew me away oh man I immediately want to start this game again and go back and play more and more and more good but sadly this is going to be it for the the let's plays on doom eternal unless I do some battle mode or something with some friends I have no idea right now but for the story side of things that's gonna be it for doom eternal really really damn good game really wraps up a lot of to do mythos and lore he did say your your fight is eternal so it kind of just opens it up that oh they'll come back we fight the I kind of sin again you'll blah blah blah blah but I really like how it tied back to a lot of the older doom games and really feels like the quintessential doom game out of all of them this is it this physically from working and building towards this for a really long time and it really shows and pays off and glad it's reviewing well I hope that it's selling well all of you should go out and buy this game I think it really deserves it and is an immense just contribution to video games in general and it's gonna go down in history as one of the best first-person shooters of all time but that's gonna be it from me thank you guys for watching this series and sticking with me and watching it every single day it was an absolute riot I had so much fun doing it and I can't wait for some of the other series that we're doing right now and for whatever's to come next love you guys and I'm glad that we played this game all together and I see in the next [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,978,213
Rating: 4.9281249 out of 5
Keywords: doom, doom eternal, doom eternal gameplay, doom eternal jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye doom eternal, doom eternal glory kills, doom eternal part 6, jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye doom gameplay, jacksepticeye doom part 7, jacksepticeye doom eternal part 7, doom eternal walkthrough, doom eternal lore, doom eternal campaign, doom eternal gameplay part 7, boss fight, unmakyr, ending, end, final boss, icon of sin, khan makyr, icon of sin fight, khan makyr fight
Id: rTV0bylIEcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 41sec (8501 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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