i will bite your teeny tiny toes off - Maneater #1

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did him dirty bomb y'all getting ready to eat some men y'all ready to become a look at those people on the beach dancin having fun kickin it back and they don't even know they don't even know that the most dangerous creature of all a youtuber lurks underwater and is ready to nibble on them toes Oh laugh it up there peeps sing your songs for you won't sing them for much longer the moon is bright on this fateful night and we all know what a full moon means that's when a shark is most aggressive all these years thinking you knew how fearsome the shark really was you don't even know ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to a game called maneater it just came out and I'm very excited I've seen trailers of this for years literal years and I've been waiting for it to come out for so long and then it just came out and I got an email that was like hey this game is that so now I want to play it God that fire in the left section looks really good oh here we go baby mr. shark alright how do you controls an adult bullsh we had fears and armed quite literally to the teeth she has lead to fear here in the Gulf I would like to keep this yes Oh muscular Marvel confident so good so sexy so sleek it keeps me juicy you gotta bite three times hook look oh yeah chop chop chop ooh certain often fishies okay that's good it's called maneater not fish eater but that's fine you gotta learn somewhere oh eat the mahi-mahi that mahi-mahi oh yes oho what's on the table today turtle soup I am the deadliest predator of the ocean watch this but yet you like that you want some more you want to go again smack smack me then go to shark come on king mackerel you're the king of is stupid got him freedom is on the other side of this gate and I am ready for come here turtle come here oh yeah oh yeah bite the ass sharks love eatin ass you got serious thrill 'she's dude wow this is beautiful place being out here Wow why is that in the sewers are there sharks in the sewers oh yes this is what I want this is what I like see that fin that fins coming for you it's gonna eat your toes oh give me that ass ooh new moves like it whip shot things you just punch them come here yeah I'm stupid grouper grab them Oh grab that's the best come here my my I want to get you I want to get you come here oh yeah oh yeah let me put you out of the water oh I didn't get to do that oh nice oh nice right it's time to start eating some folks right now we've just been eating fish everybody eats fish now we're going for the big game the land fish also known as man what's up human you want to go yeah be scared of the shark think it fasted me and your stupid jet skis I own these waters my dad owns them as well don't you worry about it mr. jetski I'm coming for y'all's ass I'm about to nip nip nip slurp it all up [ __ ] y'all oh yeah wait did one of those survive yeah look at you look at you go so slow at swimming I smacked it into the ground Oh eat him all eat him good have you ever seen someone eat ass that fast oh yes look at all these supple little simps I am going to devour i'ma eat that inflatable unicorn first but you're never gonna see me coming I strike stand the water with me I'm your friend oh you drowned all so sad let me have dad I'm learnin tan tan tan tan tan tan tan tan tired and I'm a hidin do in these bushes I'm a high in the water this creepvine wants peace you see the shark there your diet don't cuz you're a big stupid human you come in my house you were my placing that words scaly beats and hunters after you skinny Pete what do you think you're even doing huh oh all right nice dudes snatch them off the boat out son of a [ __ ] come here does my book this is my vote scale EP you should have sent someone better watch this one I don't know how to do it oh yeah you're sinking sinking into my waters I'm almost ages got him sorry I just need a snack on the go yep goddamn Sheena flip though that was that big mokona he just flop her own doll I walk well whoa cats these moves cats these moves you think you can handle this I'm a flip-flopping dick-slap and shirt oh she gonna make bees yeah I'm eat your beard last got a some dinner coming Oh skinny penis captured you I'm sorry what I am the biggest most fearsome thing in the ocean how dare you the Cajun food scaly Pete looks over the catch of the day hit him hit him at your fin right in the face this ain't a shark not the one now we're looking forward how do you know how I know now big enough this look like a mega - you know this has killed my shark I was pregnant [Music] guys hold on I need to take this in I didn't realize that today I would wake up and find out that I was pregnant as a shark this is coming as a surprise to all of us scaly Pete you better put down my child or i'mma kill you so I can identify next time I see when I see her no you're not ho ho ho yeah it took that hand clean off the tiny puffs responds with an instinct for survival yeah now I got a taste for the blood yeah oh okay sorry I've got the taste for it the Bloods in the water and now it's in my stream eat that hand gain its courage this is it huh new life you kid to hit these waters see how it is my mom died so I could swim come here yeah we're gonna grow big and strong in no time what's this the solitary hunter stumbles upon another source of nourishment KitKat bars where we got over here what is this that's so cool whoa physically playing subnautica right now let my shark look your cutie is an upgrade my organ no not yet what the hell am i doing this whole place got submerged his whole place got cleaned by the ocean that's nuts there's like a big submarine right here I think I can do it I need this dude this is so cool god this environments dope Bigby swap tours ain't gonna be given much tours anymore hold on have to get me Barrens where am I doesn't matter I'll just eat it why is there a giant plug hole in the water ooh enemies oh you want to go you think you own this ocean you think you can go up against a shark nah dude you suck here we go crash oh God back up can't even fight your own fights little baby those stupid baby fish now what's up oh you're both dead you gonna do against that sorry I realized that I have found a new calling in life which is to be a shark and be cool I love this game it's awesome I'm gonna mess you all up I'm gonna go bigger faster stronger than ever whoa oh you're big oh you're very big Oh God okay let's focus on him [ __ ] good yeah see these dodging skills this is state lock doggie for long though does it keep wait he can't bite back he's got a tiny mouth oh yeah baby I'm a level 2 shark it's so cool it reminds me of a tasty blue or one of those games where you just eat and grow and get bigger and badder and better than ever gonna be the world's greatest shark I always knew it this is my destiny whoa well we got up here secrets give it to me give us me give me those Kit Kat bars nice remember three already random mutations art rent they require large amounts of mutagens as a catalyst that's cool I don't really care about you talking I just want to like mess up my shark a little bit you know it's kinda what I am all about okay any mm to those so I just need to Oh 1990 seer I was born its destiny guys ain't afraid alligator bro how about that bellum hold on for a second shall we fight him she gets stuck in I don't know man he's beak let me kill this that's not muskellunge they told him oh god no I want to kill monster lunges the mere Scrooge I need them to level up Oh God okay ow you hurt a lot Oh Oh God don't you just hate it when an alligator bites your ass moose can you enjoy can get I think I'm [ __ ] him up no problem all right let's upgrade this bad boy this evolution improves the range cooldown and sensitivity of your sonar ability I just love my derpy little face any guys it's me hey shark I'm gonna eat your toes you need to be in a Corrado to equip or upgrade evolution items the hell is a grotto alright that was this thing that makes sense right this showed up then when I was here all right upgrade yeah baby 100% more 50% more radius and 20% so no cooldown booyah booyah booyah when do I get better teeth I want teeth that can saw through a baby's leg oh oh my god I don't think I should be under the water like this I'm dying Jesus fish out of water am i right oh man you can't breathe on land get back to the water soon they start suffocating almost kill the poor dude all right has killed 10 catfish that's easy fish is easily distinguished from others I don't care dude I am getting my ass knocked on right now dude leave me alone I'm just trying to be a shark do shark things are you gonna be an ass alright you know what we're fighting that's it that's it I'm getting it god the camera [ __ ] sucks he when I lock on as soon as they go by me didn't stop locking on oh yeah oh yeah ow actually hurt quite a bit okay dodge nice dodge play smack with my tail oh god I'm almost dead Oh son of a [ __ ] sort of an absolute oh yeah oh yeah I got lots of health again oh yeah and I got this whole dodge thing down brah how you want to go oh god he do suck it alligator or should I say see you later dude that was epic I messed him up the greatest shark that ever existed ain't nobody do it like Jack dude ain't nobody shark and like Jack shark hey what are these what's the crocodilly yo okay destroy a crocodile destroy a crocodile ooh Ike I want to take on these boys ah to be a shark just swimming through life I'm really worrying about anything it's pretty awesome me too apex predator in the ocean I just beat an apex predator that must be cool come here most coluche I'm so close to level 4 I need to kill a groupie coming Oh catfish will do give me give me that fish ass nice visitor Gerardo to level up okay in a bit I have some stuff to do over here remember what mommy taught you go straight for the eyes and then the ass how stupid crocodile alligator whatever when you all suck it's all the one they keep flashing and I don't know what that means oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah gobble that ass gobble that axe okay god there's bits of them everywhere that I want it has extra ass in it nice nice alright bail out bail out Christian Bale he's trained in these dream Oh this 11:15 there's a level four pop just go away is this out the other tiny fish field when I come after them Lord Almighty you keep saying I kept faster off because I'm in combat I'm not in combat they just they just won't leave me alone ah back there Wow the shark is now a teen whoa yes oh now I got the tail whip oh god you may have evolved and got bigger but that face the face only a dead mother could love I'm so much faster now though look at me go all right I'm going over to do this thing I don't know what it is third cave feminism what all right let's take on this mooska luge whoa I haven't been above water at nighttime that's so cool damn skims dope can I go into the city at some point do I have to stay in the ocean I guarantee you I'll turn into a man shark at some point and then it's over how does mr. septic Man get to the next area there must be a gap down here somewhere oh yeah baby give me that great Oh see all your other stupid fish yeah don't you train get in on this this is mine and mine alone everybody else stay out as a result of industrial pollution and sewage waste water whoa horse Lake was designated a Superfund site in 1996 dude y'all got catfish out here that's pretty dope okay get up onto the surface damn big shark in the big city it's a full moon - you want to see me around a full moon whoa what the hell is this it's at a nuclear reactor yeah radiated that's crazy okay don't go don't put your dick in that wait do I gotta jump this come on you can jump that I need to be in there how do I get in there it's right there I can't just do that epic oh man those cares on the road they're looking rhyme mighty tasty right now for sale call five five five two four eight three I don't know if that actually calls to anything somebody try it I'm not going to I'm busy getting catfished what is this hello sir your point of interest like the damn thing trash man trash thrown back in the lake by intoxicated locals also I think the guy doing the voice is a Chris Parnell from SNL and also Rick and Morty oh yeah baby oh yeah baby a new shark bra no big shark pimping buddy even for sharks it's important to create personal time for sober self-reflection this is my safe house so nice welcome to my crib over here you'll see my submarine it doesn't really work I don't go into it that often but it's more like a it's more like a centerpiece for the whole house down here you have my fridge it's got a couple of beers it help yourself and over here is just general hey the [ __ ] out of my grotto ooh Barracuda I never even stood a chance tiny babies in this world thinking that they can go up against the sheriff nah but I'm the apex well is enough chomping for today my teeth need a rest I bit down in this pipe earlier and now my teeth hurt so I need to give them a break scream is cool it doesn't remind me a lot of some other games that I've played in the past but it's really really fun so far and I really like the visuals and the upgrades and it's just so it's a fun time and you get to eat ass any game we get to eat ass is fine by me but thank you guys for watching don't forget to bite down on that like button I want to see it shredded and also don't forget to tailwhip that subscribe button so you're informed for when the next episode of it's gonna come out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] waited for the camera here
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,572,940
Rating: 4.9773498 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, maneater, maneater game, maneater gameplay, maneater ps4, maneater shark game, maneater walkthrough, maneater part 1, maneater shark gameplay, maneater walkthrough part 1, shark game, maneater shark, maneater jacksepticeye, maneater pc, maneater lets play, funny game, funny moments
Id: wyYS_dnqDuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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