Developing Anger Issues in DOOM Eternal

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Im guessing it’s bangarang by skrillex considering he said that, or perhaps a remix of it. Couldn’t hear it well enough to tell. Hope that helps!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/theparker4ever 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys this is doom eternal a little game for easy babies I decided to give myself a teensy weensy itty-bitty challenge I'm gonna play on the hardest difficulty what could go wrong oh he has a weak point then this is it guys it went wrong okay first demon little little baby little stupid idiot we got this that almost killed me you want to just finish the job bro this guy could start over take-backsies and like a thing quickly rolling down a hill things were going downhill fast I know you're supposed to rip and tear in this game but I think we're just gonna rip would die we're gonna die punchable I like the little pizza kind but there was no time to put on the little sauce in the little pepperoni in the little cheese's because that was the first real fight go back home ah look I'll be honest I need to get something in your chest look at you you're all legs but this was only the beginning there would be many more legs to my journey oh are you why are you flashing that's illegal things were going alright but I wasn't gonna make it any further without ammo I had to figure out where their thing it was all in that guy whoa oh this was a new demon and it clearly wanted me in its mouth and in my experience with mouths that's no good you know Gatorade you know Powerade well this is running it's similar eat it mmm hello thank you for coming give me I who decided it was a good idea to make meatballs this strong and now meet my balls friend attack one brilliant grenade one billions and then I evaporated and my water returned to the atmosphere you will not see from say that again to my teeth I had completed the first level and as hard as it was I got harder I was harder it hearted it hardened me and I would I am has no rifle hmm time to donate my plasma to those who need it feel better he PB pp I hadn't died in a long time and I felt like I was starting to really ascend into true gamer hood maybe finally okay we can go in for the kill what that was nothing but you I blew him up with my brain at this point I was nearing the end of the level and so naturally in an act of defiance towards God I decided to tackle one of the optional challenges what's this funny gun oh I see let's [ __ ] there's so many yeah I thought I got to move around come here [ __ ] how you are a mean bean you shall be disarmed no this time will be different oops silly me I hit the explode button that time wasn't different but somewhere deep down in my 80 bitty eighth brain I realized that this was the first real challenge I had faced and I would need to overcome it if I wanted to beat doom oh cool oh cool I've ascended far beyond where I was before look me in my eyes big funny spider what do you say yes I have mastered the entire flow of combat no one can stop me I'm good I'm god this games so [ __ ] hard I'm gonna go play Wii Sports time to become an ambush predator Guerard do you need a hand with that jetpack Godspeed brother we got any secrets we got any secrets down here maybe well I got the demons but I think we gotta call ghostbusters oh it bleeds out here why does it bleed I quickly found the rocket launcher and now had the power to turn enemies into gaping holes but now the game was coming after my gaping hole I like the rocket launcher what happened I had died quite a few times so I gave myself a little motivational speech to help me push on gaming gaming gaming gaming gaming gaming gaming but as inspiring as that was this is where the game really started to get hard you may be able to detect a small shift in my live commentary I wasn't I was at full [ __ ] health dude what even hit me what even hit me gotta go gotta go gotta go oh I blew myself up and I blew by I'm ba ba ba I need health I need help give it to me give it to me give it to me yeah I did not pay $60 for this I just need to get to him I just need to get what what what what what this is the time my gaming chakras have aligned that's it and I go for the serve she hits it back but I quickly come in with the your bones will never be strong if you don't eat your bones I did it I beat him what you might need to start looking for a new job little guy cuz I've been sucking pretty hard I hit you with the chainsaw and then I turn into coleslaw all right who's next oh look an extra life like I'll need that yeah yeah first boss battle buh buh buh buh buh skip it oh he has a weak point wow I wonder what happens next I guess we'll never find out I don't want to show you all the times I died on this boss because I don't want this video to be an hour long this fight made me hate myself but it made me hate him more so eventually I won on the level four and why there's [ __ ] two there's [ __ ] two why would you they're trapping me on the stand man that's uh oh hey there swine you look scared conquest I will set the portal coordinates for the super gore nest now so what well lookie what we need out here me and the boys are heading to the super cornice later if you want to join we bring the booze you bring the blood hold up the video is doom guy a gamer is that a gamer chair with ABS please remain calm what do you mean it's too hot get your ass in there brother the water's fine I don't know it's alpha day at this point in the game the sheer amount of colors shapes and noises happening at once in a fight had completely overwhelmed my single brain cell if I even tried to form a single coherent thought mid-battle I was as good as dead oh my god what's good where the [ __ ] am i what is even happening why are the walls growling what I am receiving so much stimuli to my head holes what am I looking at that almost looks like a new gun if you ask me oh but don't let's ask this guy remember BRR BRR BRR BRR yes but this is too many enemies for just one gun which is why I have three guns what's this all about why is the hard game hard to play why would you put me here yes a secret challenge I have trained for this moment 20 seconds I'll only need 19 and now I simply great hit him with a shotgun dodged the fire easy he's give me that heart so you can have it again he's he is dad he's gone take off the cannons take off the arm cannons it's the most powerful cup I've got it's got to get the job done with two seconds left oh and I did it eat your heart out buddy eat your heart out farts fart out far we finally done it boys we harness dark energies to create the greatest ribs known to man No my ribs my baby my sweet baby backs now that I've [ __ ] that tender nest of yucky huh Keys it was time to get Egon kitty down get good on ya where are we dropping boys it's me rocket launcher here is your prize bull [Music] okay whoa that was so cool you could have dodged my bullet watch this he's gonna jump in me fall into the abyss and it just instantly died oh man well that would have been funny primal combat ten nine eight seven six hey guys what's up oh down oh it looks like things hmm that's some good soup Oh time to game no I'm gonna eat your heart I'm gonna rip off your arms I'm gonna make us stuff your toe I found another one of these special challenge rooms and I figured out the trick with these is just to give a little bit of your humanity every time cuz there's no other option oh just a little demon a little little demon a little tiny little baby yeah oh you're you're oh you're big oh there's no longer any blood in my body it's all game or coolant [Music] listen you gotta make some sacrifices if you want to be doom on the hardest difficulty let's move on five oh look at his look at he boot look at he buckle look at he breasts and that was when I knew this was gonna be my hardest fight yet maybe even in the whole game maybe even in any game op ohh though apparently the next level takes place in the center of Mars how do you even get to the center of Mars you can't just shoot a hole into the surface of Mars I suddenly have an idea on how to get the center of Mars things were really starting to click doom honors used to be totally overwhelming but now they were the ones playing catch-up and I eat ketchup for breakfast so as I launched myself out of an orbital cannon into a space station and my sparkly ass came plowing through the wall I realized something I had gotten good and as I was getting ready to finish off yet another Marauder I realized something else I was unable to contact Steam online rewards XP and other online progress would not be sick god damn it looks like I need to do some troubleshooting whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who turn my ship off I guess I'll just turn their life off Booya Ben rang I'm so good now I'm so good I'm sorry my husk at least I'd still know how to beat these guys at least I can still fight these guys do you have a license to carry that firearm how did where did that come from I was wrong run will you and they made the game harder it gets harder the game gets harder there's so many puppies here but I do wonder - I just gotta keeps moving if I keeps moving I should be Shan tastic yeah I shaded here this game did not need swimming take me back take me back to the way I was just dying but I was dying all the to move out there I can't I'm what yes perfect this time it will go swimmingly and other water puns like [ __ ] whoa you see that [ __ ] buddy I just beat the hardest Slayer gate in the game and that was [ __ ] embarrassing [ __ ] what is this the Satanic butt-plug well whatever it is it's going in oh it doesn't like that it doesn't lose hello sir oh yes holy [ __ ] dude I feel like this game is unlocking my testosterone check this out you guys I got this cool new ability I charged it up and then I shoot like a pig line wow so cool you guys are gonna love this you I come in swinging wow yeah well I had that on whoops with the ultimate arsenal I could finally kill the ultimate demon just to make sure it all works I killed God first all right sick I then let the ultimate demon get a 10-second head start because I'm a good sport what's he gonna do destroy the earth come on let's find out oh [ __ ] I used to treat these guys like a boss but now their boss baby where do you think you're going my chainsaw pays neither the laws of space nor time these demons are called pinkies but this is the power of all five fingers come on you can do it buddy go let them get you down get back up yes okay calm down just a little off the top oh man that's what happens when the hairdresser's are shut down I'm sorry about that I'm so actually that was a clean cut that'll be 20 bucks there comes a day when we all have to face our own demons Hawaiian mine so big this is it the fight of the century the battle of the ages he punched me off the building I had to climb 90 flights of stairs but I'm back and I'm ready to fight yeah oh no it's so hot out you should take off all your armor and we go to Phase two yeah where are you taking me we're how are you gonna shop I'm completely surrounded voice I don't think we're making it out of this one oh we're on the second phase of the icon of sin that's why they call me the icon of wind oh wow there he is oh what the okay sir I am saying far away from your needy grasp ah the instant-death laser how could I've been so foolish where did a meat-eor come from please just die please just Oh another meteor I'm no meteorologist but there's a 100% chance of [ __ ] dude I am seriously going to piss and [ __ ] and call my mom we're having a half off sale what's Happ off you ask [Music] why for the love of God who I killed earlier sorry about that ah I finally did it I fulfilled the prophecy heaven hell and gamers alike everywhere are quaking okay that was fun bye well I did it I beat doom on the hardest difficulty what do you mean there's a harder one ultra nightmare you're telling me you get one life well hey there feller looks like he made it to the end of the line click on that subscribe button then check out that video playlists first
Channel: Slimecicle
Views: 5,946,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slimecicle, doom eternal, doom, doom eternal gameplay, doom eternal walkthrough, doom 2016, funny moments, gaming funny moments, gaming, video game, funniest moments, doom eternal funny moments, doom eternal playthrough, developing anger issues in doom eternal
Id: Z6nIRkrfHnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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