WHY IS THIS SO SCARY!? | Half Life Alyx (VR) - Part 2

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top of the morning to you laddies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to half-life Alice I've got him on the train he's on the move you gotta find CFU Junction before they get there it was perfect he said Alex at the exact same time I did Wow okay lots of body bags around that's a great sign for me I love it what is this should I breathe it really feel like you should have a mask or something oh my god this is do a headcrab on you I can't see from here no oh my god what a weird ass suit are you are you quarantine are you self isolating is this what it is should I shoot you anyway no I need a legend honey her I don't think so oh this is the Hat you can wear it there you go oh that's what you used to call me back in college the jackhammer okay you rid of that yeah okay sometimes in life you got to have your own fun you know oh my god I'm gonna keep doing it but look even just look at the way the light comes in here and cast a shadow on the boot it's so cool this looks like when I take my Invisalign out this big string a spit comes out what I do not have dillagi bore holes all over my mouth should i oh you have a special oh you were you had a special little zone gross torture there like special little things underneath them come on I almost had it aiming guns realistically is her more ammo good cuz I'm gonna [ __ ] waste a lot of it hi come on come here attack me hello right here right here fellas okay get ready for it no wait hold on I got it I gotta reload there you go come on come on okay you guys are just gonna be a pain in my ass Oh horrible huh all right but this good dammit rimi look well who knows I might actually start losing health here I feel like that was spot on fold over again fold over again come on do it do it well not over there come here come on come at me let's see let's see what we're up against oh hello okay so I gotta go that way all right Jesus Christ okay you guys are [ __ ] terrifying come on grab this goddamn I'm gonna just beat the [ __ ] out of you yeah all right just go just go I'm stroking everything I'm still gonna we go ha [ __ ] okay okay okay okay [Applause] these [ __ ] suck okay use this oh yes okay please please please just go just go just go it doesn't matter you don't need to kill everything you know sometimes you can just go also I learned that that is in [ __ ] hell the loos suck can I kind of grab in midair yeah oh thank god Oh jeepers all right let's I think this is the way forward so I want to I want to explore route but is Rhys Darby too dude who's welcome to too much this is the way forward [ __ ] you are you uh are you didn't okay everybody everybody good just wear one and they won't attack you I'm telling you I don't see what is that do not put your dick in that making sure I have all the resins just crouch down stay away from the ceiling nipple nice alright what's going on in here hello somebody help I mean tiny boy jail okay I think I have everything I love did I actually have to crouch down I'm slab squatting right now cuz I don't think there's is there a Crouch button in it I don't know whatever I prefer to actually Crouch real gamers really Crouch does it it just looks like a barrel of a shotgun not an actual floor shotgun can I eat okay apparently no shoes hat okay no okay oh you know I probably just use the pulley system that is showing me to [ __ ] use Geronimo feels less cumbersome that way that's a brake wheel come on okay Cup then that's what I'll probably do it oh no God dicks yeah get this shot here what the [ __ ] sometimes made a noise over there I don't like this what the [ __ ] is happening oh god am i dead oh I fell in by accident the shotguns right here though is this the one I just did all right load that god damn it man okay look alive look alive [Music] are we loaded okay we're loading um let's try this again can I eat okay I think I can actually just stop this huh yeah oh I can't actually use this what how am I supposed to get this thing now shoot it ah this does work well why wasn't it work in a second ago [ __ ] stick you in there and now I can I can probably grab it careful careful careful okay maybe not enough I swear I was pressing the button on this to use it and it just wasn't work rabbit there you go you have to use all the bookies no no come here look that's good right this is this is gonna be bad as soon as I grab this something's gonna kill me what's whoo-hoo cool okay I don't like this though this is a really interesting shotgun oh nice come here nice okay out of shells got it oh but you're out of time buddy boy [ __ ] yeah that was awesome how do I switch between guns then okay gotcha all right let's go oh god that's a completely different shotgun than the regular one in half-life I like it you guys are so gross huh don't touch me Reza yes thank you is that all that's in this area I couldn't just come in and got the resin on left I didn't have to waste bullets on this guy whatever we'll figure it out how much ammo do I have four mag 30-30 bullet flat this seems like the way forward so I'm just gonna go this way hold the head cruds in the wall look is there is there anything in here worth getting or am I in here like an idiot for no reason ah there's always at something no there's not yeah I want this okay move that [ __ ] thank you that would explain why you guys are there alright got it thank you very much now moving along downtown I really bloody liked this game it's so much fun to play I'm really trying to take my time with it as well I just kind of explore and look at everything you only get one chance at a first in first playthrough of the game you want to give to play again the first time once I know door Shawn we end up and I mean anybody who has like a favorite game don't you always wish that you could go back and play it for the first time again I have that with some of my favorite game like shut up Colossus I've never get to go back and play shadow to Colossus for the first time ever again and I really wish I could god this is nerve-racking every time one of them shows up Oh God should I yeah why not because I love it ah ah so much fun Oh God okay okay okay okay oh god oh Jesus Christ how can help hey sock Wow stay down damn it probably don't have any chakra shoulders do you guys do you guys have any chocolate shells anybody is it in your butt to the I already got shotgun shells nobody all right which way I never want to progress too far in case a Miss Secrets god bless gravity job so I do not go have to go into that [ __ ] anus hole right there Oh scare me I can see the way you switch weapons in this game being a problem later on yeah okay that's great and all but in half-life 2 you gave me a lot more than just one clip of ammo yeah there's been a murder here see somebody killed number one and they also killed number one do doc I was just gonna say thank you right I wish I had a flashlight dude these are multi-tool not have a flashlight all right pretty cool wallet for dead okay look catch okay oh Jesus hold on all that man the whole place shakes when you do that that's cool also eat [ __ ] okay maybe I should go back to this other place why is my hand all the way over there come back hand Tracking's losing itself sometimes it happens in this room because I have a lot of lights on and the sensor sometimes you're like yeah we're being overloaded I can't deal with it that's fine something oh god [Music] that scared me we're fine don't even worry about it okay one of these ones again time to not be a [ __ ] for a second time and now I have a feeling that my pistol is gonna be my go-to I I probably should upgrade my shotgun at some point let's see what we can do laser sight double shot autoloader grenade launcher can i okay yeah the switching of weapons is kind of annoying sometimes I can't play anything really I can buy one in the other one but I feel like I should probably just save up my resins I'll make that you can pull them from really far away you know so if there's a situation that you don't wanna be in see that see that bounce let that feel so fun it pulls it to like the exact location every time so it makes you feel like you're not gonna miss okay I don't think I need that yet sorry I just crushed a little bug anything else hiding around in your murky deep dark holes in your swampy septic gross goo penis no I came all the way down here for nothing okay remaining I need to remember that this healthcare I need a little bit wood Jesus that was weird but not a lot right now nail them sometimes it's weird cuz you go like this and you concede the enemy but having to get that dot to come right into the middle sometimes I mess it up huh shotguns you know you could just pick up Oh swallow them and then shoot them out of your mouth oh it was really worth coming up here get the box okay lots of ammo for the pistol now nice I didn't want resin though the resin is awesome I really want to upgrade my guns further and I don't know what upgrades to be getting so these headphones drift every now and then and I don't realize that the sound is like off in my ears until after oh just go down the ladder really easy can I get like a little bit of health out of this yeah so just use up the whole thing I can come back there then if I really need you all right let's progress my socks the terrible time to be alive oh how dare you how how dare you I missed a ton of resin here what's resin do I have now how do I see it as the player cuz you guys can probably see it on screen but what what shows up for you guys the hell from the bottom left and the resin and the ammo and all this stuff I don't see that it's just spectator mode either way I want a lot more resin to be able to upgrade like I need like 40 he's gonna pop out I can feel it in me waters are you resin I'm a resin sniffer I can source it out with my blood nose nice God if I had a mouse and keyboard I'd be a lot more effective but happen to actually shoot it myself now that's scary [ __ ] okay which one is actually connected to this new yes wait what's this one connected to Oh hello pizza all right don't let me in that's fine whatever go all right nice hold on I need both hands for this God what's up what it teleported me that's [ __ ] what the [ __ ] valve good God oh they suck so Satan see my hands are all shaky where's the resume where's the Resnick show me to raising buddies show me to raisin what are you hiding oh that's the flashlight I need it is dark good observation Oh something's going to come out of this this looks so [ __ ] awesome this game so far has just been a full-on horror game I know the half-life has a lot of horror elements in it but there's a lot of other elements to with this one is just full on the horror all right can I just know this can I just like grab this without any sort of problems like you no problems whatsoever I don't think it's gonna be that possible okay okay a touch flashlight - gravity globe oh okay oh thank oh nice thank you you're a great lad okay oh that's even Oh God oh this is even spookier now oh I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I gotta go I gotta go now I gotta go guys okay okay okay yeah this is fine okay I should probably start killing some of them that's really just fun oh no having to hold the flashlight like this makes it so much worse I even had to like look to be like do I have to shotgun out I guess I can see the number on the back wait I can fit more in okay okay Oh mommy oh this is so dark can we get out without incident is that a thing we can do honey resin no we good especially and it not unlike yourself there's also sensitive to the dark oh yeah meaning it should go on automatically when the lights go out that's very nice of it I can fit more it is right so 7 is 4 this is a cool little shotgun wonder if all the guns are gonna be do we have to shoot this I don't want to waste bullets wonder if all the guns are gonna be like little handheld guns like that right ah there we go that worked Thanks okay epic super epic thick what's the dot scary it was already scary I feel like I need the laser sight upgrade this is great for being able to see you where they are and they highlight like what the weak point is that's what the reflex does will happen to get this dot in the middle every time kind of throws me off it's like that extra it's that extra effort oh [ __ ] it alright I'm busting out the big boy [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh there you go everybody in the hall everybody in the pile I mean you guys are monsters but we're not savages here you know we just we got to clean up after ourselves there we go okay that's great thanks for letting me know all right rest absolutely right from a bakery across the street we used to call the bread and I know right that is your welcome Alex I shouldn't see my thing god damn it oh wait I have one there you go I gotta be careful though this [ __ ] right here well maybe you have stuff didn't drop anything useful or you did oh no that's my empty clip never mind it's so hard to see now I miss resin I miss resin how do I get you out fella there's a thingy there go around I just wasted that one well no I didn't not if I can hold it don't put it in you stinky okay it's kind of annoying that the flashlight is on the left hand I kind of wish I could put it on the gun is every time I have to aim now I have to use both I mean that eyes the detention I get it it's just this scary you know oh you don't say half a heart I've been totally help there you go okay can't take you back oh that's fine I don't need you again step up buzzing oh god what's happening make it out over this yes oh if you're giving me barrels it's for a very good reason like having to hold the barrel like this I know cuz use my other hand oh god oh god oh god oh god okay okay no no just come on down fellas I hate this I hate this what the [ __ ] is happening [Music] Jesus Christ got him I don't think I got the second guy though okay I sort of tons of health I need to realize that I can get hit a lot more than I actually think I can getting a lot of resin now you did okay okay okay okay okay okay this is so tense oh um why not I can't hold two of you so I might as well use it I mean I could if I freed up that slot probably bought this one huh this one holds more health where are they y-you know dead little [ __ ] everything's fine everything's fine I'm just looking for resin and ammo and stuff like that you know you guys know this is probably a waste of ammo on this [Music] go down Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] up throwing things at 30 bass okay everybody there's another barrel here now put it in all right do they miss anything hard from a heart attack this is a little spooky I can't wait to get out of this area you know what get out of the way you're coming with me red barrel we got some [ __ ] to kill but I miss stuff hmm don't care I want to I want to leave whoo boy that really tends to me up I couldn't even speak okay oh nice you came with me good lad when I when I can't actually move anything if you folks really wrecks I'm just like come on come on oh hey you health okay night I can't hold you I wish I could no we'll just use you why not I love injecting myself with dangerous fluids anything let's just keep going wait is that a good call fine soldier yep when you guys were off stealing the reactor I saw the convoy leaves Isaac you keep an eye out something's definitely up okay does you not have anything on him any grenades I would really like some grenades in this game also having to press up on this analog stick to claim over stuff sometimes makes me hit left or right that's why it's all freaking out I thought he said my flashlight comes on in darkness Jesus Jesus whoa okay I was trying to hit this ah well that give me a heart attack thanks game this game is definitely not for the faint of heart I'm a [ __ ] gamer I can withstand it I heard something well I'm hearing a lot of things but I heard like a headcrab I heard it again oh you're Jesus what's a combine sold right here so right now what it's like to live on earth on a scale of one to ten I'd say right attune I don't want what would you rate it before the convice shut up oh that's a toughy good day I'd say six yeah strong fur you can shoot right okay yeah Oh a night yeah that ran it would be nice really nice to connect you guys today [ __ ] it up I don't know what I'm supposed to be connecting okay oh I just much like to like oh ah okay I thought there were certain things that I had to completely avoid nice dude have so many supplies I can't carry another one of these open up the doors whoa so detail look you can open up [ __ ] drawers and video games epic denied life denied detained well supposed to get tonight you denied accost here piss off dosed I'll take that and maybe Ibaka box and macaroni cheese stop [ __ ] touching everything kind of coke in there you want to get you want to get sued by coca-cola vogue okay there's a little bit of jank with the twitching of things like the you really wants to grab everything around except what I'm aiming at sometimes I don't do we need health I mean kinda wouldn't hurt Adwords a lot oh and then let's take this one nice let's just keep ourselves topped off she'll be tip-top shape as I always say top of the mornin to you lady okay okay you know sometimes sometimes I don't want to use the gravity club sometimes I actually just want to grab things you know as absolutely bizarre as that maybe sometimes the gravity globe it's just not the best no no no I would like that back thanks hey dude how's it going hi fight you've seen better days Clara Nara epic okay now use the wheel yeah where'd you go I mean what I have been lied to this is bull honkey why don't you grab the wheel is it too big for you is it too much sons of [ __ ] there's so many dead people do you anything nice no what's up blood and guts and Ulsan is that the way forward let's explore yeah Oh gross touch it Wow okay what's up dude your proposition in yourself there you go yeah man yoga in the future is weird here we go I like the Klumps the shotgun ammo together that's neat oh man when we get to the next [ __ ] upgrade station I am going to really pimp out these guns I'm gonna put two guns in one oh nice take that his radio talking like that it's gonna freaking me out I keep thinking somebody's gonna show up come here oh Jesus look at very clumsy and fine oh I'm fine except all the holes that are in me okay okay there we go we oh god my face and I wake up in the morning huh so I talk about the book in Mondays ha buddy damn I never related so hard to a video game carriers Wars crazy sup Jerry what's going the [ __ ] is exploding up a bomb I knew what I knew they'd be resin I could smell it with my sniffers also I keep saying last time that the place looked like France I was thinking it looked like France I know there was Russian everywhere good some of you people in the comments always looking for a chance to call out something aren't you how would you just sit the [ __ ] down and enjoy a video game huh it's a lame doing except I'm [ __ ] my pants constantly wait they picked it up flashlight go on hello whatever now I don't even need it [ __ ] that sigh in particular Boosh yeah you won't get up after that will you uh I think you should reload this Wow Oh Oh God how does it feel no wait hold on huh okay you guys suck are you gonna get back up cuz you're not dead sorry I was trying to see if my my bed was still in the trash because this is where I live use I love this shotgun oh maybe year-round I mean it'd be great if there wasn't apparently this is still on the source 2 engine - it's crazy to think that this engine has been going for that long and still looks this good make my day sometimes when I hit the edge of my chaperone area ah in in the VR space and the VR world the gamer world it like pushes me back and then it's just like teleports me and I miss my shots right there hi why wait I'm Gordon Freeman ever just use his hands he's always like crowbar this and gee man that is use your [ __ ] hands Gordon no one likes a show-off can we do CG man in this it was so cool looking in the trailer I feel like I should take this with me look I should always be taking these with me I feel like that's a that's not a crazy take to have a stop god there's a lot of Jesus Christ I'm too strong this isn't my work is it may just nice oh using the old brain Oh God that's not using your [ __ ] brain anything and he doesn't there's resonance somewhere I can [ __ ] smell it we live to operate I know I read Russian look at this it's like one of those games you had as a kid you know where you can't touch the edge like okay well I died that's kind of neat though adding a fun little element to it can you what thank you what I'm I guess I'm wrong all right gold mine yep conquered by the combine get them off the planet so that's here one then another year to mass-produce the Russell's oh just quietly we will need to rebuild society first you know to get some basic infrastructure jobs money that sort of thing people won't be able to buy them in earth course yeah three-year plan that's not the instructions I can see you oh yeah definitely you're gonna want to put that in your to Oh Russell you're so fun hey there's a barrel there can I bring anything close to me see what I mean it's like normal and then you hover over stuff that you can shoot properly like a weak point kind of thing or there's a lot of our owns around here I need to be careful I'm gonna blow myself up if I'm not careful I feel like if I shoot one bar it's gonna be a chain reaction the entire way down here so let's see what shows up at the end is anything gonna show up and what are you doing don't something over there he here with us together thank you it's all undulating and pulsating and [ __ ] gross oh yeah oh yeah I'm going back here and I'm gonna shoot the first thing and I want to see if it's just cascade down the entire way and blow all of this hell straight to the seventh circle I hope so because that's going to look really cool really be just start this off right here seems good oh so I wasn't supposed to do that because that actually blows up everything and kills you God it collapses the whole system I thought these barrels were everywhere to be a cool thing to be like hey blow these up doesn't look awesome video gamer man no it's there to hinder me not make me awesome cuz I have to do this silly game again getting stinky uh-oh okay you're fine you're fine everything's normal everything's cool walk in a straight line there you go don't shoot that I know the temptation to see a red barrel as a video gamer is very strong don't shoot him either there's no headcrab so you don't need to oh god oh but I have to shoot the [ __ ] lock should I know Russell I've died here once before I can do this settle down Oh and I think I might be able to shoot diesels I mean oh I have a prescription most not shoot I think these ones are fine oh never mind so three year Russell plan I think you have a job for me murders Oh five to 10-year vesting periods obviously good sounds good good [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hey back up me sake do not hit the [ __ ] trigger you probably shoot something to see them they kill us all okay height Alec I didn't even do that Ross ah he did it he exploded on me oh what a day he had that she purse omigod says mighty alright well please don't start me back at the beginning of that okay Thank You Russell alright so I'm guessing I just have to avoid everything it goes against all my game or anything for me that's good how'd you get me out nice thank you [ __ ] I could use it I could use it I could do in some use it help don't you [ __ ] dare don't yes I know I can use this to mount I don't need to see it again over and over and over and over where'd he go he's in the worst place come on come on I can do this stop running away stop resisting [ __ ] Oh God I actually I actually need the health oh I just heard something in my room life is imitating it hurt is there anymore [ __ ] around okay I'm just gonna I'm gonna just do that to make things easier oh no no no no no oh God Jesus Christ you know when you watch like a video or a 3d movie or something and they throw stuff at the screen and you're just like yeah imagine that in VR where it actually feels like it's coming right at you yeah that's my life right now oh you almost ended everything heads I keep slipping hey all right not yours mine we're tired for this should I oh thank you appreciate it I don't think I need a health out of that thing I do however need to get the [ __ ] out of here good I have so much health all right where was this going I may even add full health I don't need to put that on or I don't need to use it I'll just leave you don't need to use everything just leap oh my god you know how I was saying hey I want this section to be over because it's spooky and scary and in the dark yeah that in that area I just did was even worse than that Oh God okay moving uninfected auntie citizen seven one three what what are you saying whoa oh it feels good to be out in the air I hear lads shooting each other hold on I'm looking to see if there's any resin around bodies and if there is I'm going to go get it and if there's not one second anyway there's not I have a gun too oh god I could jump unless unbonded oh you're over just a minor genetic modification genetic modification good rest I'm just gonna vote these days I have that I'm wearing jeans that's a stupid joke Siobhan don't make that and the animations are really damn good as I say as he goes on the steps all weird I love these huge open areas I wonder if we're gonna get any like crazy open areas at all like half-life 2 when you're in there the Boogie or the boat and things like that I don't think so but it would be neat okay there we go oh don't send me back down again well set me down as very deep depths of Hell modification time that's what I said all right what do we got okay well great my shotgun how much resin do I have 34 cool do I actually see that anywhere on me I'm auditor double-shot I want the grenade launcher I need six more damn all right let's get the pistol I need one more for the laser sight I really want the laser sight that's the next thing I wanted other than the grenade launcher um let me see there might be yes yes perfect i'ma spend them all I want the laser sight I think you can cancel it as well oh man where does it go someone's reason to make a [ __ ] laser I'm excited show me show me oh baby oh baby looks the exact same Wow oh my god that's so much nicer oh yeah aw that looks so cool I look that it's not just a perfect laser either it actually looks like a real laser would look through the dust and the fog [ __ ] yeah thank you all right I spread a [ __ ] ton of resin on this but it's gonna be one of the better upgrades for the pistol see what I mean he's got a lot of [ __ ] shots I [ __ ] you up goddamn turn on the flashlight Alex for God's sake he needs his heat I would really like one of your guns oh you look so sad actually no you look kind of goofy all right how much health we have full health I'm fine we're fighting combine no though I couldn't have reacted more to my laser than I did actually fighting a human enemy for a change well you know what I mean someone who can shoot back classic a knight had been drinking they're not gonna see me hi how's it going like god that's what murder is fun oh wow it's not fun when you try and murder me musics awesome though ha you guys suck here that wouldn't look [ __ ] ass just pretend they shot it okay just pretend that look really cool don't drink too much stay inside stay home so vitally [Music] right idiot [Music] huh where we going only a few shots left [Music] this makes me feel all awesome oh shoot I'm not even there yet you guys are done shooting him I'll be ready for you are you done oh oh come on dude down on my knees here that's it that's it come here come here [ __ ] oh give me those tongs hey that didn't really work he actually went really far away by now how's that feel huh shot in the face I know exactly how it feels [ __ ] socks regoing laser sight it's hard to use in the daytime well I'm hurtin so let's take one of these ha ha ha nice yeah sometimes I sometimes I just punch glass so I can feel the pain and feel alive yeah that's really cool man I need so much more reason now to upgrade anything I want the grenade launcher it's gonna be so cool now somebody peed all over this oh man fighting them is intense I mean fightin anything is intense in this game but having guys shoot back at you and actually have to dodge that's crazy right those others have ammo what rip yeah nice let's uh actually reload this nice um I could actually do it more oh I don't eat that it's here I might as well use it thanks little fella Oh God now what does that go to okay does that work okay let's send you there you across nope yeah should have I do can't use that and suck things off with a multi-tool can I yeah changing weapons right now is my least favorite pair of the mechanics because you have to hold it's like a trackpad and up and down and you have to like hold that and then just go into this but every now and then I just wanna I just want to only quip something and you were just press but it just equips something like equips the last thing you had I think sometimes it just gets a little clunky and clumsy you sure you can do that absolutely you just need to activate the terminal nice then you'll need to be ready for a fight they're not gonna give up your dad easily okay yeah I feel like I should just take in these environments more they're so lifelike but also not at the same time if you know what I mean like obviously this [ __ ] is all not real point the valve index the the benefit of that not only old all the headsets will work with it like oculus rift will work with this as well and it'll be fine but the benefit of the valve index is this game runs really well and I opted my index to 120 Hertz so now I'm playing at like 120 fps to be able to see [ __ ] and it's so smooth like there's no lag whatsoever there's no blurring you guys are only watching it in 60fps so that's completely different you're you're seeing it at half of what I do it's so smooth and only the index right now is able to do that can I actually huh maybe you can do something with that as they come in turn me now so that's what I mean like straight textures and lighting and visuals is one thing that really sells the realism of a game and this while it still looks like a video game is probably it is actually not probably it is the best-looking VR game there is it looks it even looks really nice in 2d like this would just be a fantastic looking video game anyway but in VR that those visuals really sell it but it's the framerate that sells it even more because obviously your eyeballs aren't 60fps they aren't 60 Hertz right that's a terminal their money so how do we know having those extra frames really adds to the experience and really adds to the realism of everything oh god okay you have three so let's see that rhymed and yeah nice so far the puzzles aren't too tricky once you figure them out the first time ever there's all the ones after that or are not too complex right I need one somewhere you would think ah Ross looking crazy in it okay oh I can't Jake's I would push myself in the head okay what's in here though boo lays shotgun shells I should say alrighty let's can I spin you here we go not God leave it there that's done that one's finished Oh I don't even have one in this spin you do I need four maybe god this is janky is all held just [ __ ] stay in one place there you go um yeah it is but where would I find one of these and I hope that was there one of those here pull this yeah okay nothing in that Oh God I am Oh God I am very very close to my desk oh let me see has to be here what [Music] do you ready okay Oh Oh completely second area oh Jesus okay nice Oh God not nice okay okay nice just [ __ ] brute-force it sometimes you know the other one is fine the other one is fine precision aiming and all that what how many at the end of the day brute force is gonna win a spread shot on something that has a precise target say no more FEM the hell is this this spooky room okay Russ I got it I'm a legend thank you for waiting around so [ __ ] long time yes there we go we did it we did it Ross [Music] okay this thing this thing has to be right there's gotta be another way okay I'm not on stage I was holding it down I was holding it down and then she let go of it randomly I didn't let go of that subject Alex finds assignment terminated reason failure to preserve mission-critical resources yeah let me do it again I didn't let go with the botanist because they're touching on the index controllers is kind of finicky sometimes okay I'm not letting go Oh Oh hell yeah that was amazing Wow okay that was so cool oh my god you don't normally get the cset pieces like that in VR I've never seen a set piece like that in VR seen the actual physics that the rocks hook and fly up and then that thing fall over for like those in a battlefield game right hell yeah the transport car should be towards the front of the Train okay yeah I think that's going I think I have to go in here well yes I most definitely have to go in here a big gross alien weirdos that's in the air um okay Oh God this way holy look there was like something out of one charted or something that was awesome dad how did you survive that you crazy bastard okay I'm gonna reach out and pull you up it's gonna be okay I'm ready oh good give me your hands come on doubters daddy daddy dearest tonight Oh God holy [ __ ] you [ __ ] legend we gotta steal it before they do where is the boat dead where's the boat ah yes look to the start got it dad it's right in the middle of the QC it's big we're either wait thank you nice dad I'm gonna go find this ball oh my god thank you haha thank you for to god I love your tail buddy what a nice lad oh my god though so intense that was [ __ ] awesome um okay so you go to you you go to you and I did not see the rest okay you go to you I did it I'm so smart oh okay that seems like us go to places on each a cut it there holy [ __ ] that was so goddamn cool that's one of the coolest things I've ever seen in VR oh man I cannot get enough of this game all I want to do is play this all day every day I thought that a lot of the VR games that I play I do them in short bursts like beet saber or like Walking Dead and I can wear walking it was one of the first ones that I played longer sessions of and one of my worries for VR was that playing longer sessions would mean you would feel more sick or I'd get tired or I'd be a key or I don't know it's just something would feel off and it is a bit more full-on than playing like a regular game of course but this just I know it's keeping my interest so well that the pacing of it the story the characters the scenarios the segment's it all just feels great so I don't feel like I'm playing it for as long as I am I'm playing for like an hour and a half just now and that did not feel like that it's just so so good I cannot think it's praises enough being like I said the visuals are amazing that set piece I'm going to be talking about for a long time but the sound design as well because like I said they the headphones on the on their index float above your head so that means that there's more space around it when you have headphones on it kind of encloses the sound and it does it emulates what it's like to have space but it kind of all feels like everything's at the same distance around your head if that makes any sense these feel amazing it really feels like stuff is either here or it's there or it's even further away it's it's like full 3d audio and it really sells the experience and they have like a lot of oomph and a lot of power to them as well and the bass hits really strong and stuff that's like right next to you feels like it's right next to you and I can really you've seen me played and unless they drift off and they go in a different direction and they're not sitting exactly where they should be you've seen me be like wait I hear something over here I can hear the head crap and then I'm able to localize it really really well and that does a lot for VR as well because it just really makes you feel like you're in the environment and without headphones like sitting on your head you have that sense of air and space that your ears can really breathe so that's an aspect of VR that I feel like doesn't get talked about enough and is really like it's really evident in this game for me but anyway that does it for episode 2 just keeps on getting better and better I cannot wait to see what happens towards the end of this game and I forgot how much spectacle there is in a half-life game and just seeing their train scene I cannot wait to see what else we get to see later on I hope you get to see like big tripods like fight each other or something like that it's gonna be amazing but until then I will see you in the next episode [Music] intense I know how else to describe
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,039,431
Rating: 4.9578714 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, half life, half life alyx, half life alyx gameplay, half life 3, half life vr, half life vr game, valve index, half life alyx jacksepticeye, half life alyx trailer, half life alyx valve, half life alyx vr, half life gameplay, half life alyx walkthrough, VR game, half life vr gameplay, alyx vance, valve flagship vr game, half-life: alyx, hlvr gameplay, valve half life vr, virtual reality, half life alyx virtual reality, valve vr, half life alyx part 1
Id: aiBXU5kfStU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 19sec (4699 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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