Markiplier did this RIGHT in front of me and NO ONE believed me...

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you see chad i would put my face on the code and you would think that that would be a likely story but as soon as i did that i like having my face nice and big you know got to get the face in there it's 90 of my brand the 10 is my voice the content is not at all my brand so putting my face over it blocked the killer's names when we ended so now i'm doing this so does the game know i'm bad but it's just like hey how about you should be crewmate again all right we're fine we're fine oh i don't like that stay away from everybody tyler no don't do it don't do it no don't do it i am a virgin no okay i did that is ryan gonna do that flip flap flop ryan did a swipey ryan is fine let's see if z does it and z do a swipey okay ryan and z are so free i trust them do not kill me if they do i'll be sad i'll throw a phone at your dad i saw him once i saw mark he was down he went towards electrical i think i can clear z and ryan doing cards i think i can clear tesh we were both running together too yeah i know that i was good i'm gonna give myself the clue we were fairly far away i will say i was running when jack with the lights went off and then uh i think jack you went off into admin i went up from trash where the oxygen is and then went down but the lights got fixed when i was in cafeteria so i just went to admin and say yeah hey ethan what were you up to i first went to electrical and i saw test there and we i mean you fixed the lights and then i did the electrical things and then i went uh i went over to reactor uh to do my tasks and then the reactor started going off so i went to put my hand on the thing and then the body was found yeah i passed you right ethan you were in bottom left engine and i walked past you i think wait where was the body was the body in it was in security someone could someone could have been an electrical and then i just passed by bob i just passed by a bob i don't know anything i don't feel good about not voting for someone this round but are we all scared i feel really good don't do your tasks i'm pretty sure i think what it's fine is it shawn and ethan were watching i don't know is it thanks see no one says anything to me and i said is it shawn and ethan all right tesh what are you doing he's doing that thing i'm not gonna [ __ ] see anyway um i have to go all the way to electrical a bunch of tasks to do there but i'll probably have to do wires and that sucks what's up z i think z is fine right oh oh boy oh boy how that looks tyler you want to explain yourself why you just killed him at the trashy oh no oh oh i literally saw the full i was running 202 as fast as i could yeah after killing like trash as well uh that body should not have been laying there still you know okay that eases the pressure listen tyler who else did you kill i'm not telling you okay it was worth a shot that was perfect all right well that eases it up at least now we have time because discord didn't die i can't believe you were right yeah last time crazy [ __ ] sake well that makes it a lot easier for us and a lot harder for them but watch me die anyway i'm just quirky like that i just love death why is ryan following me i don't like that i don't like that but i cleared him at the start though didn't i but i'm still nervous poor weight i saw his body just flump over in front of me tyler also tried to come back to get me but i think he realized that there's a kill cooldown because i would probably do the exact same thing egg bite you cool yeah he should have killed me there if it was him right unless he's playing the long con we're going to space lads but i feel like i've done my civic duty finding a body as it's being killed okay that's z i think z is clear we've cleared z a bunch z just saw me do asteroids he can clear me but a boom okay that's two chances ethan could have killed me uh oh that all right well well i guess what were you doing in reactor oh i was doing simon says okay did where did you go you just went straight down after that yeah i did simon says i walked out down through the engine to storage okay well you were about four meters from my body wait you had to do trash wait wait where was it the body was just above like just in the top engine right next to the walkway down oh well i wouldn't have seen it was it in the hallway uh i basically walked down straight down so unless it was out there i wouldn't have seen it anyone else have any other information i saw bob trash shoot right as the body was found and i was waiting to see if the bar would go up when he finished and that's i saw ethan twice and i feel like he should have killed me yeah and we obviously know it's not sean because why would he [ __ ] yeah i'm not that smart and z saw me do asteroids as he walked by i'm trusting jack at this point all right so we down to vote for bob i'm not devoted i mean yeah was over there too in my mind did anyone see him because i don't have a lot of alibi but i was just doing stuff oh no i'm with bob and ted bob's the common denominator we all think yeah so we'll go bob and then tesh if that doesn't work out or you i oh you oh yeah or me ethan didn't speak up that very first round that was the only that's the only one tyler killed someone directly in front of another person sorry bob he was not in my view range where i killed good [ __ ] oh good deserved it let's go boys let's go boys i'm gonna [ __ ] this up i know that for sure should i just go kill him okay tesh is my alibi i'll say that i watched him do whatever it is he did i thought i [ __ ] died oh my god you scared me so much all right yeah i thought you killed me here's what i saw jesus christ that time ryan killed chilled and then ryan tripped and fell on his own knife he was really desperate very helpful i saw child's body i made up the rest but i'm pretty sure it's what happened i was with bob like the entire time there were dead bodies in the top right i think what we're overlooking is the circumstances of these this apparent double homicide if wade saw them both die that means two of the imposters were in the same area at the same time oh no i was totally lying i only found a child's body i mean four people were in the same area at the same time it was only filled up there it would have to be five people in the same area for wade to be an innocent i don't know who to vote for wade's gonna vote for himself again because i'm skipping i didn't see anyone if i die think about what i said oh why did tyler go because i said something about him being well buy weight i guess okay oh my god i almost threw that [ __ ] this makes me too nervous man he's right i was in that area i literally pressed the button as the body was reported okay let's start locking some [ __ ] maybe close some people off i don't know where anybody is okay it's z as well and z is pretty good i'm so nervous i hate being imposter i'm so bad at it hi tyler i don't know who i saw there [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm going to report it well i found tyler's body down by the trash chute i came to do lights everybody was there and on the way down past it i found well i also saw you and tyler down there before the lights yeah and i walked up to do the lights and then when i came back down and now he's dead that's very funny because i did the lights twice i did him twice i fixed him twice bob watched me shower wait wait is doing do you mean the uh the doing activities i'm pretty sure i'm just throwing a lot of accusations at me i don't like a very direct result at sean i literally fixed the lights twice they went out yeah more more than one person can fix lights at the same time the imposter can fix lights well the posture can also take down lights i'm pointing my finger his face literally means nothing who should i point my finger at i think this is because he keeps trying to accuse me and he's somehow in all the exact same locations as the dead bodies so he claims all right i was not in the location i saw you entering the location voting for sean ortega we're going cash we're going what no fairly certain it's like wade and jack okay i don't know how we got away with that because tesh is bang on the money okay we just need to kill at the same time right we just need a double kill and then we're done is that it there we go good job i don't know man i don't play mario i knew it i declare moral victory oh thank god i did not want to be that twice in a row holy [ __ ] okay some people left that pretty quick this is the problem when everyone does it all at the same time i don't know how to figure that out then uh where am i going with this oh that's a weird one look chat a win is a win i'll take a win any day no matter how i get it even if my argument is flawed i will take the win okay so tesh did it tyler's still there for some reason i have ethan i know it looks bad but i really just miss you where was the body honestly bob's a sicko i'm not i don't even care i never hang out now wow above communications to the right of uh electrical defense and it was probably guys or bob i saw a couple of people walking into the laboratory which is very close to there i've been peeping with ethan we've been i guess like glue on a sandwich wade did see me try to attempt the like big whatever the node thing is i didn't know what to do for a bit oh you just checked what were you doing buddy yeah i didn't know that i went down and i did the little maze thing the the light thing that you have to track and then i went up and i did the switch next to the telescope okay i saw you i saw you walk into the laboratory last and that's it seems like you would cross paths with the body i did see tesh and sean do the lights with me i will say that i did see tesh tesh fixed it i walked in too late and then tyler walked in after i just want to thank ethan for not killing me as we hung out together for the first time in mind and shout out to ryan for not stabbing me because he has a vendetta against myself good stuff i'm gonna skip it for now let's hang out ignoring what you just said about jack he's like he could have crossed paths with the body ah he's a guy okay that's a very big accusation i'm just saying [Music] i mean unless he is just trying to really play hard but that that's a pretty [ __ ] big accusation based on very very little evidence so if it's z now we know i i don't trust z or tyler tyler was at the lights he went up to the box late okay i think z just did that task so maybe we can clear him i get my tasks done so i can follow someone i mean he doesn't have the worst logic when it comes to that but wasn't the body found away from this area so i don't know what he's claiming i also need to figure out where the vents are on these maps i don't actually oh [Music] holy [ __ ] somebody called a meeting right as i clicked report on a dead body okay i was gonna say it was early on and it literally he just had to have died so i clicked the button because i saw it on the vinyls jack you were over the body yeah it's down in the bottom right next to the where you match up like the specimen things it's still did you see suspicious i saw tyler come from that direction tyler went down below um in the walkway between the specimen in the area because i was trying to right nobody came that way from bottom right yeah you just saw me do the lava thing there's no way because i saw you going i was making sure nobody came from ethan so whoever was above went and got nobody came from ethan what do you mean we didn't know anything was down there i will say ethan's the one that's dead and sean just said he was over the body tyler i'm so suspect [Music] i don't like that i don't like what tyler just said but z is also throwing out heavy accusations against me so i just have to just suspicious of you that's all i voted for because that's my thing that's absolutely fine ethan i'm sorry damn it wait wait [Laughter] maybe he killed him like ryan tyr i guess we'll never know we'll never know that's true we'll never know i don't want to just say like oh it's z because he's saying a lot of [ __ ] against me because what he's saying to other people could look suspicious but no one's also backing him up on any of it i don't know man i'm pretty i'm pretty sure we definitely got tyler on that one pretty sure and definitely don't go together but in my head they do he tries to lie by making up the wrong locations and then he also said that he came from ethan to make sure no one was near him where was the body found you said you were following wade last time and this time right so where did you go i went to do the thing with wade yeah it's dead yes and did you kill him no no maybe he might have deserved it but i'm going to go with no i don't know i don't know if he's a genius or a [ __ ] you're going to treat this witness as hostile yeah i've been suspicious of jack for two rounds he was over the body last round he reports the body this round yeah because i'm doing my tasks and the bodies aren't everywhere so unless we don't have the other guy yet i gotta i have a question for you you came into the little room a little bit later you know what tyler was bad are you murdered straight to the upload uh the the communications due to my upload where i left mark and wade why are you protecting jack all the time i i feel we vote because i feel your marriage already i think we got one of them he keeps accusing me i don't like that this is my defense because i think we got the first guy correct yeah i think so too it's america in my head but z is really trying to paint a picture against me and we all know that i'm clear you know what i kind of want to just die to prove my point how the [ __ ] do i get out of this building unless it's chilled and he's a [ __ ] genius cause i don't think i've cleared a single person i just wander around doing my tasks i'm not even paying attention to who's where and what do he do task i don't think he do task ryan what showed up there oh admin i thought it was report [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] at least lights isn't a game ender oh it's mark it's mark it's mark [ __ ] oh you can't kill me what am i scared for mark was at the door he didn't report anything and then he came chasing after me thinking he could kill me again but didn't realize it was a cooldown no i i disagree because there are two people dead mark there's no way mark knew this game killed two people there's no way mark killed two it doesn't even matter i literally saw him kill him you're letting the dumbest player get away with this z confirmed mark was in the top right and he's innocent now it's you and i've been with ryan a lot and no screaming at the computer right now because he accused me so much news and look if i'm wrong then at least i'll be dead i literally saw him do it i got it ryan you trust me he's [ __ ] god you're we definitely got one of them because there's four of us i hate to do the shawn i hate to do this oh my [ __ ] i hate to do it because he helps get the other guy so i don't [ __ ] know at this point i don't know oh my god you got played so [ __ ] hard to assume i swear to god i know he's going to gloat about it for days you're welcome big brain uh well how do i do this oh man jack got one thing right i was screaming are you [ __ ] kidding me i walked over him on the body but i have an apology to uh to make for you i'm sorry oh my god no no it's it's fine mark has a liar voice i just realized because i could tell like i even knew that he was the imposter but i could just pull that trigger i can't believe that worked oh my god i can't believe he even admitted to killing wade and he also said he saw a markiplier up on the top just because it was three rounds where i was pointing fingers at jack and you were protecting him every step you were so obsessed with him then he was like you got gaslight it's so hard you saw markiplier up top right oh my god mark i told you i saw him on the [ __ ] body he really lied the first round he and i weren't hanging out together at all and i was so confused i didn't say anything i was like was i with you mark i locked those doors for you so you had a chance for your cooldown which one i appreciate that that was you i didn't know yeah man yeah sean saw me killed oh i know i saw it god 30 seconds i'm never gonna make it he chased me to the other door and i got scared and then i was like oh wait no he can't kill me i'll just record it i was so bold i couldn't even argue it was so good i can't believe everyone but my lies were terrible every time oh my god your lie was so bad i believe i was like that would be so stupid to lie about it is the third imposter for sure it was a third place for that one everything was just i i had my tin foil hat on everything was pointing to you i was going crazy honestly from from the outside perspective i would also have voted for you yeah i didn't know who i didn't know who did you face if we were confirmed on uh if we knew for sure tai was guilty i probably would have went for you but i kept downing in my head i'm like but he did get ty killed when he really got his body killed oh interesting okay are we sabotaging something immediately can i just do lights i'm walking around like a [ __ ] fool middle metal there we go lights fix okay how do i do this i have no game plan i don't know what to do wade you want a double kill [ __ ] oh uh oh oh oh i just threw i just threw so hard that was bad that was terrible that was awful did wade kill the other one okay enough time has passed that i can get away with it i need to get chilled i need to get chilled okay okay okay oh boy [ __ ] hell all right where is it okay i found the body in the office oh my god jesus christ is definitely clear because i would gather the whole time no i can well you can't clear me verify that they were both there i watched them do it at each other i just want to say wait hold on what did you just say i said i was just next to you were you i think so i saw you going into the the middle building i think okay in the in the office i don't know i was heading to do lights and i thought i passed you at some point in the middle building where the button is well why were you over there right where the body was the body is an office the mill the middle building is the thing why would i just out myself if i killed someone i just thought i just saw you inadvertently out yourself the only time that you would have seen me is when i was going up to the office because i was in uh decontamination the whole time there was nobody else there information wait which information yeah in the the building the bottom right i had a wire crossing task to do and i saw you in the building i don't know it's like bottom middle uh ethan which body did you find okay i saw wade chilled and tesh down in the bottom left corner i saw them all go past the camera one way and then i saw wade and tesh leave like the tree room i think wade is pretty sus um for no reason right i'm going for it you're hanging out with dead people wade yep good luck guys [ __ ] i hope you lose okay the barrel went up now i'm leaving oh i hate that i hate that i hate that i hate that i had to vote him to kind of clear myself because his lie was awful [ __ ] what do i do what do i do what do i do what do i do i don't know okay okay i just saw tyler walk out don't even sean literally was chasing me to kill me i'm not even near you and did not do it there's no way i did vet tyler the first time i was younger yeah but you also don't know what you're doing so i don't know definitely sean sean you were quiet last round awfully quiet it's definitely sean he was trying to wait from bob said he was so he switched directions to go towards ethan because ethan and i were near each other most of that round making sure we were no no no no come on it's definitely sean i'm not he was running around in the trash area and the ethan's body is right next to it bob it's definitely sean it is definitely information on this neither of them has been around me very much but i trust mark betting tyler in the first round because there were too many deaths for tyler to not have participated i think wade was actually bad so i feel like if it's not jack it's tyler three people died the first time i'm telling you the whole time it's sean it's no literally sean chased me and i ran away from him because he acted like he was about to close how could i have chased you out of a room with closed doors the doors closed right after i ran out of the room because you were chasing me somebody was trying to trap me i think sure yeah okay let's go with that tyler saw sean sean's cooldown was running so he self-reported to try to throw us off what i'm gonna go with the herd i guess i don't know let's see do we win or is mark leading us to doom by vetting the imposter ejected [Applause] okay ethan's clean oh i don't like that i don't like that i don't i was just about to say it's chilled because the bar didn't go up but now they're never going to fight me because i'm at the start
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,492,356
Rating: 4.973618 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, among us, among us gameplay, among us jacksepticeye, among us impostor, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us imposter gameplay, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, pewdiepie, crankgameplays, markiplier, among us markiplier
Id: _jm8UCvzrUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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