1 vs 1,000,000 | DOOM Eternal - Part 1

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to doom eternal it is finally here I haven't been excited about a game like this in a long long time and I even had the great privilege of playing the game about a month before it came out but now we're going back to the beginning I love doom doom is a big part of my life if you watched my doom 2016 playthrough you will know that doom is very important to me just because it's one of the first games I ever played if not the first game I've ever played I'm gonna go into this ultraviolence that's what I was doing when I was playing it before it seemed like a good level and hopefully this time I'll actually learn how to play the game and play it appropriately and you guys get to join me for the ride so far [Music] rip and tear our tilt is done well okay then say no more my friend whoever you are [Applause] [Music] these range we must pray now please pray that he is watching attempting to acquire the help recent signal nearly 60% of our planet has been consumed by the invaders you have the health reason signal locked in target is Mars the signal for my worry diseases that they fear not man [Music] [Music] I so ready for this I am so down for this uh who you think you can hit me no way oh my goodness they actually hit pretty hard okay can do thanks big big guy that is Vega from the original oh hello how are you no thank you okay so I am playing on an ultra violence which means that I do need to be at least somewhat attentive to the game and what's going on here ah yes my old friend my good good friend Oh tutorial oh I can skip this I already know how to play easy I love love love the environment I love it's so gritty it's so dark I love it so much what was punch II oh my god it's just II okay alright fair fair just eat I also got to remember there's no aim-down-sights okay much like my boom 2016 playthrough don't expect me to get all of the secrets I definitely won't be able to do that because number one I don't have the attention span for it and number two I don't have the patience for it number three I love the sticky bombs sticky bombs are a V bomb and I am all about the bomb oh yeah give me the sticky bombs oh my god yeah oh my god oh yeah oh this is brutal hello my friends are you doing hey good to see you oh I love it oh I love it oh hey how you doing whoa ultraviolence indeed whoop oh yes please baby tooth one oh I love it Boosh goodbye oh my god I know they expanded the number of glory kills in this one so there is a wider variety oh I am feeling this I am feeling it way more than I was when I played it at the preview oh I am feeling this oh I am feeling it and I am loving it look I don't think that you could do that to me oh I am loving every second of this it's so visceral it's so good that's the thing I don't know if I orchestrated that properly when I was playing just the sheer feel of the game is immensely good it is divine one might say [Music] [Music] whoo hey thanks man I'm just gonna borrow this straighten your crowd it's gonna just go fix a little line on your crowd is a little off there oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my go that's all it took come here you hey come back Oh got you got him oh good get all hell yeah oh yeah ever know if I was supposed to be able to kill that guy they don't seem to want to mess with me the only intelligence demons I've come across yet I let's do this I'm so ready oh my God look at this crap look at this what are you hello okay whoa whoa wait that's a hand what the hell what happened that's bonkers what happened to this place oh my god those demons holy crap yeah we how's that standing how is that standing oh this is so cool I'm a big fan a big big fan of environmental storytelling I love a game that can tell its story through the world around you and this is telling a horrible story of humans losing real bad ooh what do we get gonna have create this or do I get full auto not that I want full auto I mean sure I'll unlock it I don't know if I'm gonna use it but I can have it personally I think that uh press f2 swap with mods got it personally I feel like the sticky bomb is just the pristine premier warrior in all situations I feel like I could almost play through the whole game with just a sticky bomb but I know they don't want me to play it like that left all the pull-up objectives and dismiss got it boom baby man all these tutorials sure would have been good to know beforehand hey come back hey hey bubble butt hey come on what you doing whoa whoa oh hey you fighting down there why are you fighting well just let them do their thing I'm enjoying the atmosphere gosh so much detail Wow nice nice Robo dick whoa what is that how did it lose well I guess I saw the giant demon that was walking around but haha that thing's crazy so humanity had these tools this whole time and still lost s this doesn't bode well for me oh wait no wait I'm gonna kill everybody that's right I'm gonna absolutely destroy no one is gonna survive and I'm gonna devastate the countryside with my immense power oh yeah hey hey stop it love it the shotgun just feels so satisfying on the punches oh no it's a breadcrumb trail oh I know this who are you yep easy weak point Iraq Neutron certain demons have weak points that candy shop for extra dims got it I got new that already oh hey bud poink oh it's gone what are you gonna do and then I'm a switch watch this oh yeah oh yeah that's how you do it that's how you do the switches properly oh yeah that's the good stuff oh that is so satisfying it where are we no no thank you you don't get to play who you think you are who you think you are from downtown I'm I'm a kid in a candy shop right now I'm having oh my god I forgot you can string up stuff yeah you shouldn't looked hey bud oh no you're dead oh yes Pease see this is nice having an open experience where I can kind of learn the things my god I like the whole thing where I can learn learn things as I go that's awfully nice I can make it up there there's got to be another way around here yeah here is it OOP OOP oh yes please yes please okay weapon wheel press Q or mouse five swap your weapons you got a baby heavy cannon you know you know I love it you know I'm all about it you know I love it but I also love the shotgun shotguns good it's just got some oomph to it okay hello can i grab there we go I'm guessing this way yeah oh that way how am I supposed to be able to get up there oh probably in the area that I was just to get the thing that I just got there's probably another way out I'm an idiot all right cool ah yeah yeah of course right here then I could have seen easily hello map download okay good Oh Oh what is that Oh Oh mr. secret but that's all right where is that one oh this is fun yeah whatever all the music oh the music I am going to spend so much time listening to the soundtrack to this game it is like the perfect workout music whenever I needed to work out and I needed to pick him up pick me up I would listen to the first game soundtrack the 2016 1 for this one I can tell it's gonna take it to another level if you haven't seen the documentary where they have a death metal chorus they literally got like 20 death metal singers and they just have them sing all in a choir style do for one whoa sorry bud gone goodbye oh yeah they definitely want you to you know hey buddy they want you to utilize the chainsaw a lot just because it is the premier way to get ammo what hi was that the doctor from the first game or was that someone else I don't know what about over here oh remaining human populations part two oh I didn't even read these nearly 60% of the planets been consumed by the demons with the rate of expansion increasing every day the majority of the world population died in the first month of the hel invasion following the catastrophic failure virtually every man-made system military response was immediate but only marginally effective that providing safe retreat to the civilians with many fortified locations cut off from outside communications facing overwhelming opposition these makeshift fortresses have gradually fallen a growing number of demon presence one after another large portions of the air surface has been coming uninhabitable with swarms of demon scout and globe and most regions suffering from an atmosphere that has become infected and poisonous by process of some a form of alien terraforming weird so like hell is turning the earth into a more hospitable place for itself although several hundred thousands more were safely evacuated out of orbit in the mass exodus following the invasion the expected odds of survival is considered unlikely for many of these lifeboats carrying cryogenically frozen passengers religious iconography and communes are now commonplace amongst survivors with the collective perception of events taking on a biblical nature many seek authority from a higher power to rationalize the sudden destruction of their world believing these events represent a form of divine punishment now it's just the UAC being a bunch of douches hell barges whoa the top mighty thralls the help priests oversaw the invasion of the mortal world the thrall slave Titan of the underworld carried the priests temples into the wake of the battle providing the priest with a vigil of Hell's advance from a strategically impervious in placement from their temple perch the priests would emanate a powerful psionic influence imposing greater coordination among the chaotic forces of Hell and increasing their battle effectiveness the thrall possessing superior resilience proved indestructible by conventional weapons sorting all attempts by a RC defensive forces only by severing the priests psychokinetic tethered it could the Titan be neutralized an act that could only be accomplished by an infiltration of the temple itself I'm guessing that didn't go so good oh that's a lot of enemies that's a lot of enemies so I'm just having fun reading these but uh I don't need any tutorials and stuff like that okay I'll try to read some of the Codex is that more interest me as time goes on oh hi I don't exactly know how what I did all right let's keep moving who's fighting out here huh who's being a who's being a silly-billy huh one's a little bit of a silly-billy shotgun in their face huh oh man it looks like that the people here the humans in this age were technologically advanced but just not enough to actually survive this apocalypse and I guess with the environments becoming all be modified so that their people turn into zombies it's definitely not ideal right I can do that too all right whoa it's one of the things I just read about you it's like a Titan from 40k almost literally walk climb oh I know about wall climb oh let me make sure I got what's up here first though oh oh really that's not Klima below and whatever let's keep on it buh incus thank you all right whoo hey hey it provided me a way out here how about have a bye bud hmm oh yeah that's right I have another gun I forgot I have a another gun oh don't this [ __ ] huh oh god oh god oh god for the fireball from a wall oh this thing is no joke oh did they beat this up I swear when I was using this when I was playing early this thing was not nearly as beefy oh my goodness this thing this thing shreds now oh this thing tears it apart oh oh my hell are you talking about Wow a rap no John stop it oh [ __ ] hey hey hey hey listen that's not cool I don't have the resources to be able to fight you I wasn't okay hang on hang on I got I got like nothing I got I don't think this chainsaw is gonna work on you ah there we go well listen hey listen buddy buddy listen buddy that's that was uncool of you to do that to me I would yes tip I know I was just caught with my pants down house didn't have any ammo couldn't do the shotgun grenade trick wasn't farming up enough resources I suppose oh I should've chainsaw that's right I need to chainsaw more regularly I think you get chainsaw mo over time so I just need to make sure I always have it and you guys just die already wolf here you are got him okay what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna switch where am I whoa where am I Oh baby before for home ieave man those things suck environmental damage is no joke all right where am i where am i where am i what am i doing what am i doing oh oh that is unpleasant to look at that is that is no good okay okay so I got I don't have months for that precision bold micro missiles uh I mean honestly I'm guessing I would like to have some kind of sniper fire for it that's probably good especially because I have such incredible aim and there's no way that I would ever miss oh it's like something out of dead space oh you undulating ten ticular bastards oh no that's no fun she'd be a farming thank you for your contribution thank you very much all right yes please yes grenade yes yes yes please okay I know all about the cat go demon weak point I am so aware alright Luke mist oh I'm in the wrong thing oh yeah oh sorry I need to borrow this thank you very much alright alright alright alright sorry you missed me sorry sorry guys listen I am too busy to be bothered by the likes of you whoa no thank you thank you what what I do not have midair - I do not have that yet oh where did you come from buddy oh god they hurt so bad that guy is no joke that guy is no joke yeah that guy's absolutely no joke especially with that stupid thing on your head no no no no watch this Oh No yeah I just got to remember what mod Wow whoa whoa I just got to remember what mod I have on at any given moment so that I can be ready for what I need to do we're deal what okay you need to calm down oh my goodness you I went hi got it you are just so quick I do not like you coming coming coming I'm coming door hey there you go sleepy bye bye time alright whoa whoa hey hey hey none of that I didn't know you could stab them through with the chainsaw like ass word alright moving on let's just keep going uh-buh-buh-buh mm-hmm okay thank you for your support during this transition your suffering continues to inspire us I'm beginning to get the picture painted that the UAC are kind of evil bastards you know it's real subtle this storytelling real real whoa hey bud nice mountain and you're dead sorry bud sorry bud climb aboard oh that really that really looks Klima below whatever all right t-then all righty then whoop thank you thank you wait I smell a secret somewhere here but again I'm not persistent enough or observant enough to get it why are they all fighting each others I guess it's hell so chaotic kind of like the forces of chaos in 40k not to compare everything to 40k but a little bit formation of the whoa together we survive interesting what is the air see I don't think the air see with was a thing in the first game following the total collapse of international civilization nations and boundaries as we know them have ceased to exist a handful of remaining bureaucrats government officials and military leavers have managed to survive by you use of protective bunkers kept secret to the greater population convenien under the flag of the Allied nations this governing body represents all that remains of the rule of law forming what would essentially become a single world government military bases in communication with the a.n have made efforts to regroup and centralize their areas of command establishing fortified safe havens for survivors stockpiling food and scavenging for supplies only proprietary military use communications remain functional enabling military entities under command of the Allied nations to coordinate in humanitarian aid and defense operations by 21:51 the formation of the AARC has taken highest priority is considered to be in all practical terms the last hope for Humanity yeah I guess having her to me whoa hi I know about you I know all about you oh sorry you done got sploded hello big you all right guess we're gonna go with the whole floor but whole thing again I've seen you many a time and many a game not gonna surprise me this time damn sure do love floor buttholes oh hi where did you come from maybe you should spit it out you know you shouldn't just go swallowing everything you see you know I gotta get out of here yeah too late buddy bloom Slayers here God how scary must it be for these demons how terrifying is just my pure existence how pants filling lis awful is is every last moment of suffering that they hold dear all right never mind I'm kind of getting hurt real bad don't you dare he was about to he was bout tonight you're getting Duns Duns old I'm getting out of here I'm going up get some high ground off [Applause] uh-huh oh that guy God get out of here you suck so bad I didn't where am I I'm up I got high ground good Florrick you Oh alright now that was a bug but I love that bug that bugs great that bug of suddenly glory killing to the for the stairs above that saved my ass where am i where am i oh no you don't know you don't know you don't oh I don't know how they did it but they made the gameplay compared to the first game even more fluid and I think that's like all they're going for is like making the most fluid visceral experience possible it feels so good that's the thing it feels so good doom level - where's the doom level mean what do you mean doom level is my doom Slayer ranked up do I have more doom XP bug wobb wobb wobb wobb I have no idea oh wait I have an idea is that is it as easy as that is it this easy oh it's this easy looks like I've got a big brain after all looks like imma where the hell did you oh god your head Oh your hand God oh no all of you poor babies oh no oh no oh no oh oh no oh no oh oh your oh you're all dead oh all of you oh no oh oh your friends oh I'm coming for you I'm here looks like you couldn't run away fast oh hey I did it hey bud I know you don't got these guys love fighting don't they well si signore Wow God you suck oh my god you hurt so bad holy crap am i falling into the abyss I thought I was falling into the abyss okay I got a watch because they're kind of leading me on some of these fireballs who should I kind of leading me around I just don't need to be situationally aware when they do such things because that's how I get in trouble is by allowing them to box me in allow me to predict my movements I gotta say a little more erratic it's okay it's all good it's all good baby oh good there we go also probably mix up my weapons a bit more sometimes it's not what the con Mach good I love it Oh love it I love it I love it I love it oh man oh wow Wow oh they did not hold any punches when it came to making the level design brutal everything about this game is metal as all hell I'm here for it hi how you doing good to see you that looks heavy oh you're tough though you're pretty tough all right you guys have fun what is this Los Angeles I can't tell where are we I don't know whoa don't mind if I do okay fast-travel you say fast travel you say oh my so obviously I missed some secrets but I'm not too concerned about him help Rhys oh yeah who are these dudes what is the deal here powerful practitioners of arcane magics the priests have warped their powers to suit their in city's purpose harnessing the dark forces of hellish psycho man see to prepare earth for the final blood ritual by blood with the help priests bound to the Dark Ritual which now consumed earth and so long as even one of them lives the consumption of earth would continue allowing hell unfettered rule of the mortal world only by destroying the priests can the blood ritual be stopped and the earth saved well I think I killed one of them this morning so this game's gonna be over anything quick there's really nothing to it alright as much as I love listening to this choir of the Damned I gotta figure something out here okay hi hello how you doing good see ya are you are you referring to yourself in third person mr. e it was me you say I was the one who was meant to restore its Oh interesting very interesting ooh all right so I miss one codex I miss three toys I miss one cheatcode ah XP gained what that what is this season pass oh I'm a bum bum Sawyer sick nice I don't know what I got sure alright okay sure I don't know what that's all about playing the cheat cuts through mr. Schlick does not disable progression allowing you to use them can complete all aspects of a mission however slayer gates are disabled when using cheat codes oh I don't want to use cheat codes I like playing the game the difficulty where it's at is good right now fortress of doom okay my celestial locator where the flame belch I know what the flame does do oh hi oh my oh so this what he does it lights people on fire which for some reason he'll does not like I don't know why oh all right fine good it helps you get armor in the middle of it which I imagines gonna help me a lot when it comes down to getting the flow of the game hello Sentinel crystal tutorial this is the Sentinel crystal selection screen permanently upgrade your health and armor oh don't mind if I do I think I want to upgrade my armor first let's go for this it's weird there's a there's a lot of like upgrade system in this game it's not everything that I would have expected from doom but I mean I'm not opposed to it definitely not opposed to it just allows for a little more customization when it comes down to the game I wonder I got I can go through the rest of the game the area just yet okay cool alright there's a little secret in this place that I want to show you but I won't be able to get to it just yet I got to play through a little bit more but uh it's gonna be pretty sweet III really want to emphasize the game is just so smooth it's so tightly tuned it's just you feel powerful but you always feel on your toes which i think is just really cool so we're oh oh oh my okay so what's the story here that's cool mountain that's a cool whatever that is a gas giant what is that so what's the story here did this giant thing run out of power right when it impaled this demon thing cuz I was awfully inconvenient or convenient considering it might have been the last blow neat all right cool good pardon the music kicked up a little bit but I guess we're fine nailed it huh sorry everybody a little more panic a wolf are you doing a little more panic than was necessary [Music] alright oh I forgot I don't need to reload what a fool I am oh yeah hi this must be like my home world or something like that these are my homies except they're all dead Exodia translation from the league roster agenda book of kings what Treasury comes from our darkest selves driven by greed and want for I've been deceived by the Digue they came north with I the priests and as our allies to our cause against the con maker and her unscrupulous methods their silvery tongues wagging they laid a plan for us and sowed the seed of desire for hasty triumph they claimed knowledge of the makers source of power in the demon realm a vast foundry of souls where the innocent are put to the fire for the essence in the foundries destruction our victory is assured they told us and the fools that we were that I am believed our lies on their word we sent the doom Slayer in the night sentinels to destroy the foundry and priests castigate for their regress as the last veteran entered the demon's empire our final before claiming our domain the deed closed the path and left them stranded they were trapped lost in the eternal void by the action of the traders how could I not see their intentions am i blinded by grief for the loss of teresina bod of my people we have fled again with barely a legion of the night sentinels left to protect us the décor gone returned to their mistress may the race forgive my failure okay sure I don't know half of what that is but I'm guessing hi welcome to the party how are you doing see you around buddy Oh nice jump didn't work out for you this looks like something that I could punch oh it was it was something that I could punch hey don't jump over my crap you dick I burn baby burn switch baby switch chop maybe chop shoot maybe shoot yunk done oh whoa wait wait what's it stopping they're gone I'm a little confused as to what just went on there seemed like something wasn't adding up proper frickin boom frickin kaboom Frick fracking kaboom hey Wolfie yeah you're doing tell me that's a whole body suit that I can wear as a glove so I can headbutt and punch as I'm killing everything please tell me that I am now wearing a giant glove on my head and it's just poof doubles my height and triples my fisting ability okay how Punk blood the punch you say I know about the Baudette event so I just gotta sing real throaty style while a bunch of people I can do that no problem think you're doing hi Cooper 103 for one I'll take that yes please goodbye well goodbye oh okay blood punch I need to be smart about blood punch well that thing looks like that con maker person methinks there's something about this technological thing might be might be something about that ooh performing glory kills faster well I wouldn't be able to enjoy them launch into a glory kill from much further away getting a speed boost and that's good survive one deathblow and briefly slow time crease how long enemies remain staggered greatly increased movement control wall and air that's cool never slow down time enemies killed by blood punch shockwave drop health I think the health one actually is probably going to be the best I think right that makes sense cuz that way if I'm intelligent about blood punch yeah yeah injected into me that can't be good that can't be good that way I would actually know what I'm doing right or I would keep myself alive a bit better if I did that hope thank you oh hi 1up alright was that a secret or was that just there for me I'm guessing that was just there for me alright sounds good can't wait to get to killing things again Oh wha where do I go for the killing thing Oh literally the door immediately adjacent to the place I was because again I'm an idiot what is that oh I know what that is hope what oh yes please baby what did I get I get anything oh hey bud can you not be an [ __ ] yes I want this thank you oh yes thank you that was it that's all you got for me oh all right pathetic pathetic if you ask me just really pathetic oh I'm sorry I need ammo you don't get to live when I am in need of ammo I but oh what's that you shouldn't have swallowed it no thank you hey is it in there yo incus hey where do you come from point god this feels vicious blood punch to death point thank you who's still will hey got your talk I got your talk oh no it's all gone oh no no oh oh no you hey oh no oh you hate to see it oh no oh you hate to see it oh no well made that a damn shame you didn't survive alright okay complete all encounters in the mission to earn weapon points the demonic corruption meter tracks the points you've earned each mission as ten weapon points total spend weapon points in the arsenal tab in the dossier to upgrade your weapon mods I like bigger kaboom I like bigger boom if there's one thing everyone knows about markiplier is that Marky who loves him some big booms I love love me some great big honking kabooms alright let's see what we can do with these big hefty heaving couple wounds hello oh I didn't do that quite right okay maybe I get air - somewhere around here that person did not make it off that cliff hope yo incus donkus got it god I wish I could just lunge it objects that I'm angry at just out of midair completely change up my momentum so lamb and everything with my big meaty claws that'd be nice oink-cool oh yeah what do we have here all this ancient priceless technology punch oh man look at all this history of my people that I cherish so much incredible Biff oh no if only there was a way to preserve our incredible history our parents long history of the Sentinels I I'm preserving the history of my people by reading this very important article codex Sentinel history part 1 in the days before man's first spoke an immense shard of rock and metal I think all of the sentinels had a Boston accent was cast under the world from the heavens Thunder and Cataclysm shook the land is the skies for torn asunder the cosmic spear cleft a hole through our mortal lands pull the pole from the cold waste of the umbral plains to the fetid swamps of iron fang the womb of the world open to male amman race the firstborn spilled forth they took to the skies fierce tin their emancipation and their exaltation they brought vitality to the land and all that felt their breath were awakened from eternal slumber fierce beasts and an unforgiving biosphere rose in the passing of their shadow as the Wraith call echoed across argent DeNooyer first came the ancestral feral creatures invigorated by the magic of the wraiths they grew to enormous Heights mighty behemoths who waged war with each other for years untold the battles tore the land asunder and destroyed all creation caught in their wake the Wraith call continued to spread across the land and soon the Argenta emerged from the steppes our soul stirred into form but the power of their breath the titans towered over the wild blooded tribes but found them uncouth the secret of the sword was discovered and in the darkness of sweltering Mountain forged as we beat steel and it was strong enough to pierce bone and sever flesh thus we came to be born of rock and fire lowly and birth but risen by the straw of our will by the blessedness of the first ones we Forge sword and shield and took the hammer to the ancestress we claimed the minion of creation by right of blood and magic and the time of man came to be with the ancestral beast driven back to their bleak valleys we rose we tilled the fertile land husband did the beasts of burden and built towering cities in the hallowed place on the insidious Rhone we crowned king or marrow the Father the first of the line that shall reign in perpetuity we built the Cathedral of reflection to worship the first ones and formed the order of the day whose priests pay tribute to the race and appease their tempestuous hunger our sons and daughters chose the path of the sward of the path the alchemists for each duty honors the gods through our ways were righteous we were not without strife through our storms and great quakes cast our spires down barbaric tribes laid siege to our fields in search of the great gifts mother Argenta had bestowed upon our world and the song of the wraith call threatened to drive lesser men into madness we were not lesser men we defended that which the first ones gifted us our lands and right to the bounty held within we beat back the barbarian hordes and hardened our resolve we rose above the fire our bodies and souls tempered and an unbreakable will was shaped in the forge of battle what emerged was the heart of our Legion the order of the night sentinels cool man has got some things I can punch Hey hey dude how you doing bro buddy ah yes of the - I was right okay I get it oh ho ho hee oh hi thank you thank you for your howls of approval oh I all right I know killed some demons killing dead he liked my biceps cut holes in my armor just to show them off wah wah and here I go taking it man you know someone ought to stop me I'm so crazy here I go mine thank you the funny thing is I did our loss despite their transgressions against the government they are still of central aha what you interfere with now that you hmm alright interesting is written it is there are time to give manners if you continue you will bring down the heavens wrath huh funny okay they are no longer your people for save huh funny you're doing a lot of talking and I've got a lot of demons to kill so how about I do the demon killing and you do the being dead thing that'd be great King Novak who is this King no Vic sorry ruled over Sentinel Prime for many years as its warrior patriarch ordained protector of the sovereign Sentinel world's the Sentinel people defined by a legacy of war deem only those of warrior caste but fit to rule and in times of battle is is expected that the king lead from the battlefield rather than from the safety of the throne as it is written in Sentinel law a king unfit for battle is likewise unfit to rule for millennia the Sentinel people have secured their civilization against the threat of invasion from decent human alike passing on the mantle of battle disease about a generation and refining after the war bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla this King is boring and he sucks and he's dumb and also stupid that I mentioned ugly y'all can he do this though Oh didn't think so did not think so in fact I thought not thought big old not on that one hello ah hi well you look like you're ripping for a fight thing is I've got big great big kabooms and you've got great big nothing in your face acceptance oh wait no you have nothing on your face right good you silly Billie's these silly Billy's think that they honestly can possibly stand up to me I love it I love it I hit you I see that I hate you oh no you're dead oh they just fell over and died what a bunch of baby woo why is that what is it oh there's also a lore thing ooh I want shiny oh I see what the lore thing is well interesting that is interesting the wolf's our gentle legend speak of Sentinel be slow creatures and limited companions are the HUD Wars hoody so I've got a pet dog is what you're saying ooh grab it yes yes I did that okay what about this over here I see something going on over here oh there we go oh we made it oh hi hello how are you secret encounters are optional timed encounters hidden in the world any resources spent in a secret encounter will not be restored afterwards if you run outta time and fail you can retry okay oh hi Oh prop wrong one I was ready I didn't I didn't think that this was gonna be a thing I was doing it Pat thank you I'll need this and thank you whoa huh oh yes all right out the back of the ass on the greatest had ever lived I am the greatest in the history of forever and ever oddly enough also and ever I'm the best okay where am I going now what's do we have here okay there was a 1-up over there that I didn't get but that's okay this is he could overhear that I didn't get that's okay all this is in my book wait how would the Frick do you get that how do you get whoa what am I looking at over there stand oh hi hey bud I don't point got you take some flames that I totally wasted on purpose and it wasn't an accident that I accidentally did that it was just a cool accent you know to be talking about whatever I was talking about so yeah that's what you get what Alex fancy all right okay I'm gonna go whoop it into whatever this is we will don't mind if I do oh that looks like it's gonna die all right cool good yes yes please oh yes wait what punch there we go that's what I'm looking for pop goes the revenant so it's shoulder cannons oh no they're gone oh no and there goes your head I love this plasma cannon is beast oh sorry oh you wanted to live I bet I bet I bet can I have armor thank you sorry thank you oh I forgot to have - now that's right I need to start being smart I mean I was being very dumb obviously before but I need to start being smart immediately now oh yeah where does this go huh oh it loops loops that would have been good to know in the battlefield when I was in the middle of battle I wasn't doing that who's shooting me someone's shooting me oh oh hi alright well that was good you almost got me there you're very close real close I was there by the skin of your teeth but really really really close to push the button this looks like a button definitely looks like I don't want to go into the butthole I don't want to go into the throbbing pulsating butthole I don't like the throbbing pulsating butthole ah why did demons like to make potholes well my instincts are honed do a cat-like reflex they stand no chance against me right you'll never be able to get me I can't jump in this you know Wow oh I missed that one time okay fine you'll never catch me off-guard I've knew they were gonna put one in front of this map but you cannot fool me because I'm too smart too smart way too smart unbelievably too smart thank you oh oh oh my oh my microwave beam caused them to explode on - oh that's so cool that's so brutal that's so brutal oh yeah microwave oven yes I yes I absolutely want to microwave my enemies there was this weapon what was it it was like it was Duke Nukem like the original Duke Nukem there was a weapon that would like it was like a growth ray but eventually if you shot one enemy enough it would like it would get it would swell and then explode and kid me was just like oh it suppose vicious way to die you mean I get to push the button oh you mean I get to boost a bit oh you you're saying you're saying I get to push the butt whoa oh that's the objective wait there's a secret sorry I got the hiccups oh no guys oh this is good oh god help there's a seeker here now I've gotta find a way to get this a secret it's gotta be down blow blow Oh God oh this is how I die Oh am i sweating oh ah ha ha ha ha oh I got an album oh nice now give me something to microwave please I need it desperately I've never needed anything more in my life put it in the thing fire iron man thank you thank you very much thank you I do appreciate that Oh more law history the Sentinels part do OK in the time of grief when King Ettrick stook the throne a blessing came to the people of our gentle white porcelain beings from a world above our own brought gifts of dinner service to our great needs admirers of our convictions they sought to make bond with our swords and bring lasting order to our world these beings were unlike any we've seen before sword and shield held no weight against them the ethereal flesh of these luminous beings seemed unbound by mortality able to move through time and space they held sway over all the minions of the known and unknown dimensions through their ways we grew stronger our society bolstered by their infinite wisdom and all-knowing power assuring our people's safety for all time in this world and the next where we sharpen the blade and mastered our magic they bolstered the soul and spirit death would no longer be the end for our people the ones we call the makers our new allies in this brutal world have given us the security and death we fought so hard to achieve in life we would find eternal peace and our minds would rest easy with the knowledge that those we fought alongside in battle would join us in the lands beyond the mortal plane the strength of our ways the purity of our essence would by Maker law grant us passage to the great city in the clouds there are women and children warriors and kin alike would welcome us we adopted the holy doctrines of the makers gifted in exchange with the chance to earn eternal rest for our immortal souls and blessed her dock the Covenant we held now under the embrace of our new God's foster the peace we had never known for they were unlike the first ones whose presence offered no paradise from fear and the uncertainty of existence in a harsh and unforgiving world the makers embrace was warm and guided us into an era of spiritual prosperity I'm sure that did not turn out for the best in the long run I'm pretty sure that's where things went horribly wrong Yes No maybe so probably Oh what is this oh this feels like a trap this feels like I'm doing something bad here I go we've what is this what is this hello I see you nice anything else here probably not all right listen learned unless I learn where do I go Oh out climb up hello sweet stuff here I go that felt good I'm sure that was great what I just did probably good all right good great even the best Wow that is something Wow oh my oh my goodness hey buddy I hope you all come back here way way way way way away buddy buddy oh you know you don't need that yeah oh it's gonna do nothing oh no oh I'm sorry find your stupid face ha ha look at your stupid face oh look at your stupid I'm coming for you I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming it led nah ah damn it and you're dead oh hey bud oh no hit the corn they're gone your guns they're all gone hey but oh you are not you are not chainsaw bobble I thought you were gonna be Oh what an avalanche of goodies thank you can I have you thank you thank you very much oh yeah this looks ripe for a blood punch baby oh no wait something hit me hard what hit me hard whoa Oh Baxter life really probably this guy was shooting me from above for something like that something dumb you know I thought I was gonna fall oh you also god I got to pay attention for these dudes oh dude I did it I did it screw you screw you're in your stupid face huh come here you come here need to speak with you about something yes please thank you all right I want to melt something you're getting melted yes please love it so much I've never loved anything more in my life I love it so much I love it all right cool that was great that was great that was fantastic that was wonderful that was truly something special that was nice I am all about that hi can you not have that that's great thank you I'm gonna melt you now oh no oh that's a tan pop goes the weasel and you're dead I think that's a trick lighting on fire and then chainsawing is definitely a viable strategy that is something that is definitely gonna make sure that these guys never get up in the morning also I gotta remember to - Ashley yes please I know I'm probably missing a ton of secrets definitely Oh mr. big guy are you gonna go kaboom I really hope you do hi hi hey bud hey thank you hi goodbye oh oh excuse me while I ride your shaft sir oh wait is this is this a scene I saw from the beginning of this area this is what I saw oh I missed that armor over there but I know I need is fine oh my goodness oh yes please oh yes please oh yes blaster beam Oh Oh No wait how did it die before you stop moving hey bud hey big things big trees big breeze a big freshman dude big breach all right you hear me a big breach okay cool see you around bud see you around kid zero oh no alien guts oh god I'm gonna go out its butthole oh no I am literally going out this thing's pothole oh I made a joke about it being pothole before oh how many things did you eat it's an actual butthole oh you're actually a creature that eats people oh god no [Laughter] no no miss sorry I my lightning reflexes aren't what they used to be apparently [Music] hey bot oh I missed oh I can't jump oh I forgot I can't jump woof I can't - ah I can't - can't jump get out of here we're mobile we're mobile we're mobile no no no no no no no can you be weak be weak please I tried to get him before at Wow boom thank you all right whoo how many secrets have I missed so far how many red it was on the shaft that I missed what is that how do you get there wait uh where's like it was like some kind of fast travel did I not what is that yeah whatever you know I'm just gonna keep moving forward hope for the best oh yeah this feels good kaboom that's what you get hi bye oh thanks go on down need to go up there Oh point I thought it was gonna be a thing apparently not into the butthole uh huh interesting oh yeah now what did that do I'm not a hundred percent exactly sure maybe it allowed me to get up over there oh it did ah I see interesting interesting oh of course I need to turn on all these giant robots because for some reason they're all defunct and I'm not able to use them anymore Oh interesting all right what are you gonna oh yeah shoulder mounted cannon baby Oh shoulder mounted cannon baby Oh blasted oh please blast it oh please then thank you awesome I can't believe these things haven't rotted well I guess if you think about it what bacteria would be able to break down like demon guts that is a strange concept there's something down there oh there is what are you there was something that was gonna pull me in I get more ammo and I get loot magnet I love it oh no there's something behind me help help I'm under attack the doom Slayers being threatened help help where are you oh really there's no more likely story buddies likely story puddin skis likely story war I don't know how you climbed up there in the first place to be able to discover well you are gonna lose your gun privilege sorry just had to happen oh I love having more ammo this is nice right in your big dumb face face from downtown I did not make it downtown that didn't make it come down down from downtown Oh from downtown dead no you're supposed to be dead and there yo you're dead okay cool good thank you for playing along thank you you love to see it alright hi you want to blow up now you get this so I'm guessing these platforms fall down go boom ooh history of the Sentinels parts 3 with machine and enchantment of the makers the argenta brought our newfound clarity to the disparate elements of the Imperium void we took flight with the support of our God spreading the enlightened word of the con maker we discovered there was not one enemy but many worlds and people's unknown to the argenta were unveiled and we saw our own suffering reflected in their eyes our righteous Army strode in the battle under the banner of the night sentinels and fought for freedom of all peoples from the grasp of those who would exploit and prey upon them though we battled on soil not our own the blood we shed in foreign lands safeguarded argent DeNooyer and the sun's and God has that defended it through the strange peoples we liberated new alliances were formed and our beliefs became their own our armies swelled as the Argento traversed the Stars with gleaming war freak fleets the Khan of the makers approached King Rowan on his throne he sensed his God Restless by her disquiet manner the king and Khan spoke and the god revealed she had foreseen a schism in the blood of the argenta a test would be required to identify its host among us she spoke of a holy right to be performed on the strongest of our warriors only those that proved worthy would be tested for the impurity could reside in only the most resilient of our legion the divinity machine a great tribute by makers culeros would help us to cleanse any impurities from our flock ensuring our continued prosperity in this world and in the maker realm that awaited in the afterlife the malicious one if not exhumed from our ranks would jeopardize our safe passage to the heavenly realm of our doc the Dark One was not amongst them yet nor would he be from any generations only the mother God through divination and maker sight would determine when he stood before them the makers were truth and only their unclouded eyes could find the one who was marked the prophecy of the unholy one was written but through the ages the warning grew faint till only the Khan maker herself in the high priests of the ordered egg still whispered of he that would one day come to threaten their way of light am i that one is that me am I the guy I think that sounds like me I'm pretty sure that might be me now bye guys I don't wanna don't wanna point fingers [ __ ] I think that might be me a high blood punch is there something down here oh yes there is punch where am i why am I here is that really it that all I needed f-fine whoop Adobe Hopi doobie where am I going whoa back up apparently I was gonna die oh [ __ ] okay yeah Oh God look ya'll got it hurts up I go alright where is this what is this Slayer gate optional intents and counters ammos and extra lives will not be restored afterwards wha oh hi hi bud you die now I'm sorry what was this oh oh okay so I need to get a key so I can open the gate is that what this is is that what I'm doing cuz I'll do it screw it I'll do it screw it and screw you here I go what you gonna do stop me now where are we oh hi ooh yes that's that's a key now that's a key oh hell yeah make everything bigger that's what I say huh I remember ripping out a lot of hearts of these things when I was in the first game oh oh oh my oh my whoa well [ __ ] sorry I messed up there there's a lot of you ow okay that just hurt me more than anything okay all right I get it sorry just took me a second I get it I get it I get it it's a little bit of a little bit of a dude ah nice nice and I said there are so many of you oh my goodness there are a lot of you that's okay that's okay it's alright sorry I got enough bullets for everybody they said we'll wow there's so many of you okay all right yeah wait wait wait wait wait okay okay all right here we go oh you look fun oh you look very fun I marry you I marry you what are you gonna do blow up yep oh no a dreadknight not very dreadful if you ask me hello oh hi hey how you doing oh oh no you're dead I do idea I wanted to talk to you oh hi ow oh my god who did that holy [ __ ] holy crap who did that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa my god who is doing that who is doing that oh my god who is doing that to me who sent me that hard what the revenant is it the revenant that send me that hard I wouldn't have thought so and I gotta I gotta do a thing I'm gonna melt you yeah yeah melt melt melt melt melt melt do it do it do it do it do it BAM what no that was gonna be a melt giving me a melt apocalypse you're gonna melt you were gonna melt baby you're gonna melt you're gonna Mel Mel Mel Mel bout Cabo bad oh my god so many of you okay I just gotta stay on the move that's all I got you oh man oh man there we go give me give me give me give me give me give me that okay good good good good melt oh that's too much Danny okay there we go whoo whoo [Applause] Hey that was uh that was way more intense than I thought it was gonna be oh my oh in period keys acquire all six man periods keys to activate the maker device in the fortress of doom which unlocks the unn maker yes please yes please yes pretty please okay so there's something else that I missed over here and then it looks like that and then the red area and that's gonna be it for this unfortunately that is all the time that I have for this episode here but do not worry this game is gonna be come in almost every other day there's going to be a new episode so I'm gonna try to do this like with a one-day gap in between because this game is fun this game is pure fun the gameplay is so smooth it's so challenging it's so fast-paced if that's your style then damn go for it I'm playing at a higher difficulty I'm not doing the hardest but I'm doing eltra violence just because like that's what gives me a nice challenge like that arena there that I'm still learning and I'm still getting better at it but that was a fun challenge like this game is fun but if you can't handle that kind of level there are still other difficulty settings to do so don't be like scared or intimidated to play this I imagine if you're playing this on like hurt me plenty you're still gonna have a great time because you're gonna feel like a tank just ripping through demons but I can't wait to finish this game this game is so fun I am tickled to death I enjoy every second of it and frankly this is just going to be it's gonna be so fun so thank you everybody so much for watching stay tuned for more episodes when they come if you want to subscribe to know when they're here and ring the bell to get a notification please do that down with the button right there if you want to check out doom 2016 and my playthrough of that back when I still had red hair I believe it'll be linked in the description below and maybe it'll be in the suggestive videos down over there so thanks again everybody and as always I will see you in the next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,132,702
Rating: 4.9505196 out of 5
Keywords: doom eternal, doom eternal part 1, 1 vs 1000000, doom eternal markiplier, markiplier, doom eternal gameplay, doom eternal playthrough, doom eternal walkthrough, doom 2016, doom 2020, doom game, doom markiplier, easter eggs, walkthrough, lets play doom eternal, part 1, markiplier doom eternal
Id: D8Gz5zJja3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 50sec (5210 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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