The Family: The Reunion from The Carol Burnett Show (full sketch)

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one of the joys of succeeding in life is making your family proud of you the worldly honors and recognition are wonderful but the best part of all is returning home after many years to share your achievements with your loved ones at a long-awaited family reunion mama-mama you better hurry on up and get out here I've already made the lemonade and fellas gonna be here any minute who is it hop what was that here man I don't know sir taxi you still have a brown tweed sports coat ed for cryin out loud I haven't seen him myself in five years how would I know what he's got mama : just as soon as she got your call from the airport she's been in there prepping never sad huh what am i doing you come on in honey I wanna know every single thing you've been up oh uh honey no and get is this about you flying right back to the air I'm sorry I'm not go to it's just not fair I mean it's just not fair to any of us there's so much we have to catch up Oh Oh dad hi hey I feel on water from work today just as soon as I called yeah pretty much mom boss down there now yeah he finally did get that promotion now acme hardware that was last year when they moved to the new shopping mall Phil Phil I know you've been all over the world honey but you have got to see our new shopping mall it is fabulous yeah I'm pretty much my own boss downer Rosa please parse about an awful good assistant manager Mickey Hart uh-huh doesn't know much about varnishes and stains but when it comes to your nuts and your bad your truth and building come all this way to hear you jabber on about Mickey Hart well my work is interested now if you ask me he is a lame brain and I sure wouldn't leave a store of mine and his charm come on you T did you have to go to fill is telling us all about his world travels and he's just gonna have to repeat the whole thing if and when you get out here oh and for heaven's sakes honey make sure it say something nice to mama when she comes out and be sure and compliment her hair she has done nothing but fuss with it I will how is the career goin what I know it's going pretty good mmm-hmm last year I won the Nobel Prize and then this year I won the Pulitzer Prize for my new book on India gosh I can't remember the last time I read a book clean through you remember when I was a kid I used to just whiz right through them Nancy Drew mysteries and now what was our brood well I'm lucky if I got time to read the TV guy oh that reminds me we should put that DB guy back all the teller that you win you're through with it come a half hour to find the last night was right there under your big fat nose the whole time we're are complete under mark Jeff look at it it's biggest beef and life is not knowing where the TV Guide is big beef I've got marks Thank You Samba I want to hear about you well you know that I know I'm a little worried about you though yeah you look Haggard I do you really do not too long ago I saw a picture you want to cover some magazines oh yeah that was your time Time magazine big heart subscribes to that he brings it into the shop for years we else again another chapter on Mickey Hart can you even get him why put your hand could you do that one little thing for my Saturday side one time magazine anyway I mean what the hell would I be doing reading time anyway your picture was uncovered this magazine you didn't and I just haven't catch my own when I was over there at the mall and all that mall it something else but what's on use week to this we won't maybe it was Newsweek but I don't know I didn't like it cuz you your eyes were puffy and your face was all thin and drunk you know that wasn't a picture that was a drawing it was a caricature well whatever it was you looked awful I mean I was embarrassed tell anybody who was my mother Oh wonderful I love your hair oh you couldn't possibly it's filthy you just told you to say that now didn't you to die scum rain or shine I get my hair done everybody at 3 o'clock but last Friday know that sister yours there has to pawn off those two little holy tears of hers on me all you have to do is say no mama what you said you'd be back here 2:30 you know what time she got back here I couldn't help it if dr. Hanson kept me waiting for an hour and a half 350 I go to church Sonny with hair filthy to wonder they let me in the door dr. Hanson's a quack anyway hey I'm not a quack well I would take the dog to him feel you have got to meet topaz Oh topaz he is a cutest little French poodle we got mama for her birthday part is a whip T it's like I'm gonna go find and punish second is now well forgive me for livin to sleep on the foot of my bed after his lunch II except he hadn't been doing his business at all right mama that is passing and I had the same trouble with the boys my cheering odd you never did tell me well for Pete sakes why riled you up I knew it was passing he's kind of bald that's all I mean you'd feel I've never had any problem that way let's make the milk no no mom everything is just fine and that department for watch you just sit right there over your bill and tell me all about India right now why did they let those cows just run all over the street there and do anything they want Oh II see mama they're sacred that's the tradition ago shortly after this mama I found topaz he's in your bedroom you have got to come in here and see this y'all he gives excuse then you have to keep quiet what's that little Dickens daughter the middle my feelers looking at back with your buddies Rebecca Oh Phil uh you frightened topaz he ran into the bathroom Betty won't even come out and say hello I'm sorry we laugh we all just sit down ignore me I'll be out of here before you know it saying what's going on all this human thank you my lord you are mom hey you know I'd love to take you on a trip to Europe with me you need a feeling on Karen putting this lemonade picture on my good antique table without so much as a door handle or it a ring that left there I bet you don't treat that Danish Modern junk the yours like that Oh feel you just gotta stay over one night to see our new house no you know I'm sorry I can't I gotta catch that plane to London tonight I've got this interview with Princess I know I can't you need to schedule everything why aren't you interviewing the Queen she too uppity to talk to you no mom you see look you know what I want to know is uh is Prince Charles really in love with uh what's-her-name you know while Grace Kelly's daughter Oh Caroline mom Caroline are you sure it's princess is it Time magazine they never even met oh well well well seems to me like Nicky hurt subscription to Time magazine sure does keep you Phillip is trying to tell us about Caroline and Charlie me Missy mom I'm afraid I don't know too much about them you see I've been in India riding that pule it's a crime oh you're gonna stick with this writing game well yeah I think I might just as well give it a whirl a little while longer I mean really isn't steady now though is it you know what I bet you if you wanted to you could wangle yourself a column or something right here on the rape town Morningstar there's a job for ya just then you wouldn't have to keep gallivanting all over the world and burying yourself in places like India all the gods were saying of the India's fascinating uni I mean you meet the most interesting characters you want me characters honey all you got to do is walk down the Main Street or a town any time of the day or night yes got it right oh do we Phil you know we got a bald woman right here on this block gospel truth that woman is Bowl she ain't got a hair on her head boy howdy I'd like to write about her way out of a paper bag Phil's the only one in the family with any Talent well I had other talents mama I took piano and boys did not whenever we had cut me over you always asked me sing and play didn't you I did not you did so don't you walk out on me like that you did too and you know it I did too I used to I used to do turkey in the straw' to the Isle of Capri right now daddy's been all over the world Oh stick-in-the-mud is that what you're saying I mean no tellin nobody that's what it is in it oh yeah sure bill always got all the eggs in high school and I always got all the C's that's what you're saying we'll go ahead mama rub it in like you always do Eunice way you see that limit okay there's something that there she wants today he's gonna get it I'm telling you you don't believe that don't care hey really good mom I think I better getting along it's quite a way to the airport I don't ever stop playing yeah I understand you do what you gotta do cuz you're busy working man it sure was nice seeing you yeah sure honey don't make it so long between visits good seeing you feel huh you come on I'll back here you'll be up Columbus afternoon I think he's looking at hey mom would you I need to send you a copy of my new book oh you ought to do that Phil besides I got so many books now don't know where to put them is it cute well so long Shh win another prize make sure you close that screen door after you yeah buddy the fly's gonna get on the lemonade nothing Oh feel make sure get rid of them puffy eyes oh and noggin ami he can be the sriracha he's got
Channel: The Carol Burnett Show Official
Views: 1,017,426
Rating: 4.8146977 out of 5
Keywords: Carol Burnett (Film Actor), The Carol Burnett Show (TV Program), Sketch Comedy (TV Genre), Comedy (Theater Genre), The Family, Harvey Korman (TV Actor), Vicki Lawrence (TV Actor), Roddy McDowall (Film Actor), Stand-up Comedy (TV Genre), Reunion
Id: KhwwHQQKxzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2015
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