THE FAMILY HAVE GONE! THE INCREDIBLE Abandoned Millionaires House | Everything is left!

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hello and welcome to abandoned world Explorer in this video I'm exploring a beautiful house near the French Alps with beautiful views locals say that the couple who lived here when he lost his wife he lost all hope we've kept everything a person this information that is finest with a Sun piercing around the trees and standing here imagine walking hand in hand through these woods this beautiful magical place locals say as well after the passing it was only six and a half months later he perished they also said they could hear him having conversations too with someone who wasn't there I'm a strong believer that one day if he loves someone that much and you do lose him you will see them again I wonder how the children feel now with having nothing to do with their parents for so long now they're both gone and the children can't even take the place on as it's not left in any will apparently so this place will sit alone on in decay and in silence love you'll enjoy the video [Music] so guys another day another explorer we have found an abandoned shed stay tuned to see what's inside technically everything is abandoned in it so we've got snow around us but he feels that warm I could actually probably take my Finnick jumper off right now new snow and other people from Canada watching this now every like that's not snow I've heard about the snow in certain parts over there through that eras various in the countryside love in the forest I hate in the fact that my knee is that she feels like it's gonna pop doctor's orders keep it upright give it rest yeah I'm doing exactly what the doctor said leave this house is house isn't she no she's buried out air or water we're gonna find there's a main road somewhere down there but help you if was I with a snow in the background well one needs taking a beating today the Dan sticking the map we asked around about woodland where is the house this way yeah I love the New Avengers it's like Goonies without tunnels it's just like holes in the ground and right normos it around yeah straight in straight in because I've seen a Bigfoot my knee is literally no [Applause] so we look like trees massive you have walking through the woods to an unknown location it's your house you can just about see the roof there starts appearing within the trees and I know you haven't clicked on this to watch an adventure through the woods but here's cool to kind of show you what we have to do to get to these places all I can say is Wow wow wow wow hashtag well so we just need she arrived to this beautiful house she's so easy I'm trying to keep on low so I I'm starting down on the ground rule in this place face this place we don't think there's a way in and then it bar we're just gonna keep checking around you never know what the powerful ways to behind me over there there's literally a house and we think there could be a way in on about but we could get caught hello guys so after the woods climb in the water through the water food of snow we should just got in the shuttle oh so this is the main door behind me that would lead you into this beautiful chateau and as I turn the camera around greeted by the staircase and this beautiful all where you are standing it again we never thought these places alike but I'm gonna take you on a little tour this is the first room and coming into what I've heard about this place it's really sad now we heard the guy want a bit crazy that lives here after losing his wife and his kids disowned him I'm not sure what the family affair why there was arrived or why they did she fell out apart but this is what I've heard and literally he's used to set the table up every night for dinner he knows just his own eating how strange look how beautiful the table is I mean you can see how long there's mold cigarettes didn't the ashtrays that could be of excess I'm not going to say and you can see this place has been empty I was told it was 16 years it's been empty like all witches Kern's never seen LM so thoughtless look at this and the beautiful look butterflies and stuff I'm just like linen sort of material the juice Wow guys come on I thought this was clean terracotta I don't think it isn't fit complete well ice let me know what these stuff called up your tile floors there's a name for it but full on being City look at the pink dresser the marble style looking phone the Rose de Sophia is like a bill here as well a wallpaper in this crazy of a kind of call very retro 70 getting that sort of feel at a pink ceiling little dresses looks like someone has been in urine gone through their personal possessions probably taking stuff damage to the windows we didn't think it was away in this one until one of the guys spotted a way on the balcony and the kitchen still laid out no it's always been safe water damage you can see that so she come in full how cool without me kind of glass do you want survive still down on the sides there pots still there maybe the last meal he had so I heard it was a friendly neighbor who's sadly not around as well anymore two old friends that grew up come to check on their his friend and found him passed away everything's packed really nicely with all the different tea bags it's where the TV fancied and whatever I'm not sure what these are these different kind of our herbs and spices maybe that one knows that is completely gone funny got a gorgeous little cooker utensil still hanging if a nickel is like a little utility room it's incredible just how these places are it's a complete in time I don't know you want to get on with a video but I'm gonna shut these up people should if they were never look in there just least shut them have a bit respect and though some people going to watch this and say well you ain't never respect you in someone's house but yeah I agree I didn't bust in someone smashed already but he's there yeah Thomas already broke him - coming back through this little maybe little arts and crafts room [Music] publishes paintings and stuff but now a little curtains and thoughts you imagine how cold these places would have been back in the day you see that the mold would appear in bits like him it's not a woman paper it's like a I used to put up fabrics on the walls always to keep the heat you know don't know I think this is called terra cotta sorry the wooden floor I think I messed up there so he'd get on the laughs Amina in this room is did she just sort of trashed bits messed around beautiful corner unit the paint peel on the ceiling says it always amazing I'm loving his floor though as I came into this place this it's like yeah the concrete they used to blast in the walls all the way around this staircase is unbelievable you can see it's literally just Ron I don't even wanna touch it's gonna fall off but the slacks that would have gone in between and it's beautiful violence or pink carpet this how come well used to match the currents to the fabric on the walls this place is amazing already Wow it's a straight way you get greeted in the hallway by this beautiful diamond so as I come up the stairs that's one room two three four and another set of stairs so I would say the first room on the left and straightaway what is this about that's kind of weird he's got a beautiful I say beautiful but you got a doll here like it you could fool she's not post him with another I don't know it looks like a sock material been handmade doll next to it so you can interchange the heads a toilet we've always said a toilet this place is need to be sealed you can see the mold said she pushing its way for the wallpaper yeah this is such a beautiful house it's like a little secret door looks like cushions in that by the way they've blended a door in to the rest of the wall very old so no Rosa laughs you can see the waters that she's damaging his property every day everything's still here he scissors his cotton bars they all have used whether that decayed and the time stopped at 25 past 7 do you think 16 years ago time stopped in here I said come up the stairs just come out of the first bedroom into the second and while we we were guys this place is incredible I'm sounding like a little excited kid right there and the beautiful pictures on the wall of his wife and then he's not looking bored Reeb it's done oldies and ones are maybe her mother or his mother look at these beyond the door so he's sitting there painting a bunny and these gorgeous pictures this dresser is unbelievable what's that just paper clips and stuff calculate says maybe your work room so it's probably just a spare room it's just that one Reader's Digest so beautiful we need to feel like all hand-stitched and yo and beautiful views you'd have liked the small outsider that's why up in the mountains what's happened now was it done here disgusting so obviously someone's trying to see what was beyond and cut their way through the beds literally like we could just jump straight in and look at the beautiful black-and-white photos up there I don't a climb in the bed so you can have to just make do of what I can do so guessing maybe his wife for him so it probably would have been more him because there's pictures of his wife and stuff that obviously was very into doing his art and stuff and love old bottles guys there's probably the family pet yeah wouldn't it this is the hallway downstairs remember affluent as I said as a claiming beautiful you think this animals long-gone blessing so she's moving like a little story are amazing that clock stopped at all different times obviously I don't know that Scott Cydia to say that but yeah sort of see pop and outfit I don't know what they call these oh what a attached here I know I've seen them before so if anyone know what they are let me know Wow look at this a little ice a worn-out icy fault is a crazy side and then yeah so obviously that would have sat somewhere under water and what's that you off the losing his wife he literally is kept everything all those shoes just still sitting there and you think how many miles each one of these shoes of Walton look at the decay under that where the lips just saw the heel summer that long it's just right off it's absolutely beautiful and then she's gonna throw boots and all that lady bits they never won't go into that all right look at this stagnant water and here look where outfits are still neatly on the hangers this just probably like used as a walk-in wardrobe guys that decay in this room is unbelievable that bathtub is unreal yeah currently in the house hey guys follow me up to the third floor this beautiful payment who drawing absolutely gorgeous zucchini what is this the house of dogs so that really bizarre weird so guys on the top floor this beautiful place I greeted by again another archway this one's with different downstairs it's like you know I don't know it's covered in like some kind of house she's sure that eyes so another bathroom to my right a empty room probably use your storage so except there was mixed up some paint here and stuff oh no it's dog thing sorry excuse me take that back there's not much to see in that room okay yeah it's like a little office in this room here huh this room looks like some crazy stuff did you see the dogs they're making it Wow so this is where the heads were made and the bodies of these dolls I mean that looks pretty creepy I'm not gonna lie so someone sprayed it with something and it's dissolved it I just think this was a little craft room I think this place should be saved or locked up you know made sure was properly secured have you sad to see this getting trashed or things stolen I mean it's just definitely a it's just definitely quite freaking this this guy's just standing AG think these little faces are just staring out the window every day and all handmade and that she looks like she's looking to me there oh this is pretty freaky stuff and I feel gonna be like Mort right they're just dolls but they are I used to love these old and cassette players look at the batteries I just found a diary of the year I was born 1983 that is incredible so I'm doing really sad and sorry I know you're like come away come on come on show some more but I was just want to see what I was born so I was actually born on a Thursday 36 years ago it's incredible isn't it it's beautiful and imagine this in the summer where your door was wide open working away up here doing your thing it's incredible coming out of the room of dolls into the room of storage and there's some more wallpaper in there as well she's definitely loved her pink all he did was just dull parts everywhere legs a little chair imagine after she maybe create the doll she'd say it down 40 or so about it's just we yes I'm just finding two curtains and stuff I own the radio and stuff cause I don't about you but this is incredible already I'm literally amazed and blown away you know when I feel like I've seen it all in one place come to another place and I'm just blown away again absolutely amazing Oh cigarette oh so we're gonna smoke some Cartier anyway it is like and maybe not that you saw the dolls heads in there yeah I think in crafts oh yeah but all the little dolls in there Cheers you know yeah walk to the far neither window yeah and so then if you work out what year that our 2001 see so okay I was Tom 2:16 but it just proves it's nearly 20 years this place has been abandoned 20 years now I did hear that someone was coming in to keep an eye on it so maybe a friend than us when he passed away and that's why it's been since their little fire imagine if it was a died in town still there no it's not sure what they need to do we always do some other year hello mark don't get a passport get to France to come and explore me guys we need to help him out we need to get my passport you keep down about funds and stuff and it is expensive hobby I must admit but you know Wow well the paper wasted these are boxes and boxes of paper and surely there was a local score that can never had these loving a bin oh so they made all different things I mean that I've shown you here maybe this is plastic lids little bags cigarette boxes quite strange and I want to give that one up yeah these are what leads and what's in them how would tennis ball oops and if you noticed if you watch my videos there's no like noisy floorboards just go up to the fourth the third floor sorry I think I'm upset the third area but we're going up to the third look imagine is this beautiful house a beautiful house sitting in raw decay literally day by day this place is deteriorating now where are people were your honor booking has a lot of fiberglass Oh floor in here guys don't feel good no way look at this little bed oh it's double bed it's the room is so huge who would have stayed up here then lightly looks like a tart and saw a wallpaper not one paper there's five quick stuff again and the little clock caught a pass we're just just gonna call it fast better still made it stitch like I could just jump in and how beautiful this bedding is its own little sink install and just shows you how these places were built as well look at that craftsmanship huge amounts of timber used amazing and he's got his own shower give me some shots outside the house what a beautiful location no excited I get in a sweet shot should do another hashtag to enjoy amazing face see you guys this place is he I stand at the front this place don't upset your neighbors but you can kind of get the drift of this beautiful place and this would have been the driveway up to it you can see it's just completely disappeared anyway let's get out of here I shall go in the video here and what I want to say to you always thank you so much for watching the video and that of other explorers explore the buggy explore the fire's proving demons and flex exploring I have explored and just want to say thank you so much for the support everyone at sent me donations on this trip thank you so much bottom of my heart means a lot to me I love every one of you honestly if you wish to see some of the photos I've taken this trip check out Facebook abandoned world explorers also check out my Instagram vine and world Explorer I know so Twitter links are in description I've flex urban exploring exploring the fires exploring the pocky proving demons vanished he's obviously is a demon or as a Spirit Himself says completely gone all we see was a smoke heard the trees rattle and that was it he's gone you guys check out it boys China's that do great things check out their instagrams their links to their instagrams everything else are in the description of their videos and guess who they will be yeah so yeah love you're out from me out from Flex out from Dan buck and Andrew anyway guys stay safe see you soon love y'all take care so walking around this place really made me realize that this guy really did love his wife that he kept everything of hers exactly as she left it it's ashamed of some people have gone in and opened up stuff and gone through stuff but then you never know it could have been their kids that finally come back after they passed to see what mum and dad had that they could take you never know but this is about what I do and I enjoy it and make good friends of it love you all guys stay safe and see you soon on my next adventures love you loads you
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 443,854
Rating: 4.894886 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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