UK'S ABANDONED MEGA MANSION WITH POWER (how does it still work )

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this place has been empty for a long time it's a huge house and I'm gonna take you on a tour inside [Music] [Music] [Music] hello explorers long time no see so today I'm on my Jack Jones I'm supposed to be meeting someone but if they turn up they turn up if not I'd be exploring a mansion on my own I've heard it's a huge mansion so it's gonna be cold it's gonna be cold stay tuned so guys among these bushes in these trees lies a huge mansion I'm not even kidding young so guys heading down this Drive I'm looking for a huge mansion did you stand in front of this place you can see now how big this place really is this place is incredible just literally arrived at this mansion so huge we don't women at they follow me there I'm guessing she won this is a business like a hotel or something but was it a whole deck wall this is crazy I'm gonna take you around on the door so guys just coming in the first corridor in this place you can see look the decay it's got really creepy feel this place as well like a really creepy place his Daisy no keys flames he can sell by the deck or just our oldest places now all I know about this at the moment it was a wealthy millionaire woman who owned it and she lost everything I mean this guy's probably was once a glorious back garden as you can see the poster from the back door just sinned in decay I'll show you this fire plate look at detail on that fireplace is crazy absolutely crazy it's weird it's got like a dinner tray he was it like used as a hotel or Wow look at this just a whole rug on the floor and stuff and let you can see guys just standing this side of the house this is the rest of the house and it goes all the way around to the front entrance which you can see just about there yet very but my sinuses are so bad and our Keith sign and all my videos but honestly I can't even smell anything nose is so bad so there's another kitchen area but what she's flooring as well because this place has been abandoned for quite a while by looks of it as another little kitchen area I look at the old washing machine this says to me this place is definitely been empty for a long time and look up there guys this is just water literally gonna come in and stop deteriorate in this place I'll be honest with ya I don't know if I like the setup of this place it just seems like don't know where you are sucker maze Oh smell if decay so strong every room on gardening is just litter deteriorating above me my purses just like this nature in the room as well she knows like look you get kind of a creepy feeling here there's still belongings and stuff still stuff here it's just mad how it's all sitting here still this is such a big place I can't stress our business places honestly you can smell in here so strong I mean there let's fungi growing up in the ceilings about heaps of it the thing is really upsetting me at the moment is if I haven't got my mouse with me it kind of says to me like it is like a hotel but look at this how can i decay and decor it's so dated is it mad how they've used some like copper pipe in to make like a clothes route rights an ensuite as well okay climb is but you won't think guys in the UK places are like this just left and I can't stress that with the wit for this doorway I mean that is my life and it's my shoulders are literally getting stuck because I'm coming through look this is crazy sorry I couldn't using the world crazy babies it's about to mental called yeah that's the old life there's that much water in that line I bother me I just don't want to touch it this place is like a maze look at the doors I can see that hold as well without the way they're in to grow this is so creepy I'm not even joking it is so eerie in this place I've been looking a view this describes his absolutely mental you can see her just about the doorframe just had on this place has been empty okay I'm gonna estimate your I'd say 15 years 20 years let's look at this what it says 2009 so yeah it could protect maybe 10 years even a basement and the electric meters are still taking spoilers down here creepy crawlies but the ceiling looks like it's just bowing above my head if you can hear that guys believe that she was still humming who's paying the bills rubber glue hyo-joo locks and the kind of paint there's that she mixed up in the part and it's gone methylated spirits oh it's his paper and no newspaper guys this is 1984 let's get buzzed I'm coming back through the corridor cuz some haze is about the old type sweet models he used to go and get calls out he had quarter of lemon sherbet or something wow this just says it all this place is just literally falling down I mean that probably was a painting at one point even the floors are just falling through I loved his heart sings look at this sorry using the same Christ guys look at this come on after water still running sounds like an old horror film look at the soap it's completely deteriorated some like murder weapons a it's another old old newspaper here it's 1976 now if you see that on there I need semi seat the weight is power who is literally paying the bill where's this place sighs this is crazy so that remarks it's like guests so it was like hotel definitely getting us a hotel 2004 love each other God loves each one for you god bless you it's at leaning trees er nice isn't little kaiser succumbing for the main doors this would be like your reception or your hallway now guess this was used for a hotel this would have been like your reception coming in or B&B I'm not really sure as I said at the start obviously it was a rich with a woman at if that I passed away and that his mansion is literally deteriorating look at your whole deck or beautiful doorways and everything's got like in not the old styled pillars this is so calm I'm gonna start the room now right again look at that doorframe it's so beautiful because this place would be absolutely beautiful if it could be brought back up a look at paint tied it up some ceilings done and this is like the back garden love apart just nature's lychee to taking over this beautiful fireplace again the designs on there it's a baby of the spear it's kind of freaky look at this but it's been a husband or grandfather or the original owner before the lady bought it again love a beautiful fireplace you just feel quality in here gotta keep look at its Matt got a fire yeah and you think these are all thick marble and the power is interesting I do love all these shutter types on these windows now again I'll try and find out a bit history of this place like what his future is going to be if it's going to be pulled down yes these four beams are like absolutely call pillars should I say from ceiling to floor Florence just literally moving on my feet sighs these mirrors he's a sack of food Charlie a semi and the old posh leather gloves this is an old-style torch no way it still works it still works lights have come a long way now let's put this here so I can never hotel kitchen the smell in this place is the unreal combination fridge freezer away what's the freezers still on and how it start cooking just sad day two displaces I might do some Hoover and tidy up his place I can't look at the craftsmanship this is what I'm saying they don't make stuff like this anymore when to buy a fireplace up there I'd be hundreds and hundreds of hands shows his wealth shaolong someone hasn't been here I put a bucket to stop the water with a bucket it's just obviously I was feeling it always sell notice at the bottom of the door there like there's rats or something chewed that way for the front door the old lentement how bad so that cool this is look at this Westminster a stereo there guys this is why I don't give locations out because the wrong people coming here and their trash stuff like this it's lasted all these years for the old Granada color color TV now this fireplace isn't so Glen I must admit some of my liked it I just not feeling this one what is this that's an empty box fill it centers nothing in it but you know what this reminds you of for anyone that's in this field no I'm talking about this reminds you of the secret guard Herald that one is a Decker that's been left outside okay the our building slit she collapse in the wall on the other side it's just lit she falling it's not books and stuff never don't dare come in here I mean look how old those books are they're completely just rotting such a shame crazy so mines be just like the secret garden if any of yous us in the film honestly this place is absolutely huge I've literally done not even half the house I don't think one thing I do recommend guys don't have a great exploring your ideas stupid it says me and I'm out on my own so I'm gonna head back in you should see that he's back doors elude she's just hanging off I just literally obviously swung open and just stayed there ever since see the crime on the windows I mean imagine at one point this was a beautiful back garden there's like a wall there or something so you can't even see what was that yeah I mean what was here okay it's got like is that river running through is that late always a pond guessing it's a pond actually just looking on the back of the house oh I don't know if I'm at the back or what but it it's just lychee its nature is taken back lady was taken back this one it's again just in another part of the house as a bladder being put up for maybe maintenance at some point where I just can't even get anywhere always that was that part of the house and or is this yeah this is another section well you can make you mind that we sell fries and see how long this place has been absolutely abandoned there's a long time that it's really weird you can see wallpaper off my head is really hanging down like a paper chain there Christmas it's unreal somewhat back to this room there okay so I'm gonna go back through the old-style bowls everyone has got one of these in our little under stairs covered with scales I love these old vacuum cleaners really do so I've held up these stairs okay now getting closer to the ceiling so you can see the deck off oh I've got guys look at this it's so cool and you can see on the wall there's like him so as I get to the top of stairs it's not the first room I'm coming into as I said before you wouldn't think with a housing crisis in the UK the places are like this suck a roof area there again look at the beautiful fireplace the guys absolutely just lost my cat a beautiful cat called Hardy so anyone who follows me on Facebook will see and I lost him the other day oh wow look at the old Teddy he's so old it's not got a label on him nope there's no label on this one that's have no movies fun still matters like furniture left in this place I sure fort was gonna be an empty house complete empty oh wow the keys and stuff please the outside door from the back stairs this path is absolutely mental to a full marble surrounded bath look at the tab there his happy mad look at the quality of this you know stay it still looks cool and a sink that's what it not so cool it goes into another bathroom it's quite a weird layout I don't get this layout again that's even but we always soak tray there and everything even it's our route I'm just not getting it like why does bathroom on a bathroom Oh million guy in this room stinks stairs just keep going up and up wow this is such a weird spot oh my gosh look at this so some short doorframe of a shelf in above my head this is good please figure out some secret door honey if it's another hand when it kind of blending we got some c4 a door what Fonda on the deck or guys a bathroom to know what I loved these stark sinks this minds a lot 50s maybe love all he's old Paul heartstrings but failed yachts what's hassles that was chandelier they're really not liking this wallpaper but then I'm guessing it fits its time the walls guys just falling off not for kitchen anyone want to put a date on this kitchen cuz to me I would say 60s am I wrong 560 70s comment below if I them held Americana okay there's no you're no date on that is their kind you don't get anymore do you you know when it tells you like had to like make stuff the most fresh as you can it's another huge room yeah well clock stopped at 6 o'clock as it stopped or is that the hard time it's actually 5 o'clock the Moffatt oven so are we doing any more cooking is a hell pot some stuff still left it's really weird that every single place tells a story so on fancy like a eaten one of those yeah and what I try and do in any location I come in I always try and think of like what he'd have been like to live here question to anyone what is this does anyone know what this is it's like - putting a comment below I want to be educated a little bit know it's a dishwasher when did the first dishwasher come out I mean this looks like seventies eighties in it well I really don't feel like walk out these stairs it fills up that's the only way to the top look all these wasp Oh I really feel like uneasy up here that's a long drop I'm on the third floor or second floor you can call it this place is since so much war damage little kitchen Emmylou empty room this place is so big have a bathroom already confused at that let's get on to the other part of the floor be glad you have a horror film I saw that headboard it feels like I'm just waiting for somebody to pull underneath so if you get wrapped up in cobwebs if it died in this room stink is unreal ah this place is just perhaps it in massive ok this is the most glorious place I've ever explored but I just want to show you like how much stuff is just literally sitting around in your country like UK I can imagine a light hanging off here so just coming out here this is like such a weird thing I guess it was done for like I guess maybe they can have a little look you can see that above my head forever standing earlier honestly this this place is like Crystal Maze I'm just like romper room you can see that how much money would need spending of a store in this place every ceiling in every room I believe is just literally falling this wallpaper I doubt what they're called but you ever remember some teachers guys that you stand and stare at and it brings a 3d image out I don't know what they're called but if you know what I'm on about you'll kind of get once a whole days it's got these enemies Wow you can see what I mean guys explores every ceiling in every room that is what is that of course if you know what that is it up for that hanging me up thing or what or blow-dry I said what putting closing this place needs a lot of work Wow look at that just the balcony and everything's actually beautiful the bathroom for this walkway look at this old walk-in wardrobe check these hills out ladies all guys all closing that hanging up oh he's there that's some laundry thing or remember Dee's my mom you started he was a key lot silky hangers get his old style light and the creek this place just keeps going and going it won't off his desk when he working here on your favorite dates no the old letter opener just think this person who passed away Saturday working away you know what Stanley I've got to try this out from the past new Santa's change is long gone and now I'm sitting in that place look at this this is like one of those it sound too limited it's so cool that you know lamp just comes on this is math absolutely mad so I'm going to put everything back me anxiety how it was we don't leave any lights on anyone mad like her openness places it's just I'll bet you know it means every door oh it's just being a naturedly she's just coming in rat traps some old books oh is a sword top you can see our old some of these records are not very very old the Volume one you know Dave not info it's food these are probably worth some money Gilbert and Sullivan opera I think some way to them as well it's just so old there's probably so much money you're not collecting I'm just sitting in decay so walking around the rest this place sort of old like stuff and left behind it's such a big place look at this Benson issues just still paper varnish now look at that 1973 Wow all this old stuff little puffs tri-five anything like dates events weighted cigarettes on it there's still cool down down the date on your how old are these anyone knows comment below yes do me little workout there's an old style and laptop there is a phone works no dial in time I would Sony how's it then in say Windows like I work out this old there's the shield guys to the sword Oh Star Wars guys money playing people never kitchen I can't get over the place it's absolutely huge why is he what he's skinny doorways ghosts is definitely a boy's room their foot blue stars and their bunk beds Heidi partner Sheriff Woody their pod suit the sheriff you got bringing me okay looking through some of these like picking up some of these things about sunlight before you Claire laughs there anywhere doesn't like lands not like this house now I'm a clown oh it's nothing fun coming out the key to room into it what about house fit no fluency so bad again loads of kids toys they love this Skylanders and their swords probably playing pirates and stuff kids imaginations are actually crazy right when I was a child running around me Lego just building a little Lego see you won't think I'm still in the same place never bathroom it's another set of stairs please note the light switch has been checked and it does not pop out if it isn't pushed into heart again I'm Olivia carriage part Smith yeah there's like stacks of stuff freaked me out in if I see like a person Wow look at the furniture it could set or is it with our Renault Persia so probably a lot of this old furnitures probably at Leon's house it's just happy is his place it's like you think you're done and then there's more to see so I finished my grad so yeah Wow you could even get out of there if you cha know spice racks what is this I like that these our teens look at their little rod spending curtain rod this is completely open [Applause] I dare from the front or the back lost lost track it's just this place is just so big can never think I am love yourself box here I'm just shocked of the size of this place and how much stuff is completely zest this so stuffed birds these are all dead stuffed birds mmm be creepy for a head out of garage just found another old record player hit it sound call just completely gonna decay it right away so just coming back out of the garage a lot books and stuff I thought I was gonna have a long video this is oh no no this is a huge place smell up here again always makes you wonder if I'm ever gonna find one did that's gross I think I'd rather find something dead than alive a dead car oh yeah I can't believe I'm still in the same property it's just like room after room never bathroom such a weird layout though you can come out a bar form in your wardrobe but you can go back out there which exactly the way this takes you so you can see in the garage door I'm just trying to push I opened down there so I'm trying to work out where I am at it Partners has I just thought if I'd like to have a place this big I'm not feeling it the witnesses left open so here's the front of the building so I'm in the side bit now I don't believe it's just power everywhere in it well Gong has a lot at mirror and what is the mirror but that beautiful fat pig in this little room I could find tons of rooms this mirror would look better in this in this house he's a lot Leo annexes I don't feel about that as running water in this section so guys have just come out the back entrance to this place it's a be honest with ya we don't want to live here no but it's such a huge building you know and you can see like how just mother nature's literally just just destroying it taking it back and you can't even work out that part of the house it's lychee and there's another section guys that go ran that's that side as well it's just a venturing outside this place who's up for a swim that's probably lecture he's gone there I check that that reminds me of something art of em look inside that swimming pool [Music] Wow though guys so hopefully you loved that the video of the mansion this place is absolutely huge as I said if you like my videos please hit thumbs up hit that like and subscribe button loads of all places to come Rosewall mansions loads more stuff like this absolutely mental so guys stay tuned for next adventure see you soon love y'all
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 466,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lPpGpp7QqL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 22sec (2962 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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