We discovered an UNTOUCHED Mansion In France | everything is left behind

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/_Real_Alex_Jones_ 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
if you just click this video you need to stay tuned this mansion chateau is absolutely gorgeous you need to stay tuned please you will not be disappointed maybe with me but you won't be disappointed with what you see because this place is absolutely beautiful one of the best spots I've ever explored so if you've seen any of my videos before then you're gonna like this if not you're new to channel hit that like and subscribe button there's so many more locations like this coming soon love your [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so explorers look at this it's like a little magical path that completely taken my lease and this Chateau is just down there about my finger if you see that I've just had a fall no guys you can't see it but my knee is literally swollen the others about to go so I'm gonna slowly work my way down I don't know we're gonna get on so damn - mer cut the French Oh max is there it's just quite strange in the woods this is gonna be really hard now I need to somehow get to Chateau has Chateau but I am struggling like hell I'm walking like with a serious limp and I think my herb exiting is gonna be done this trip I'm not even exaggerating because it's on camera Richie it took me probably a five minute walks probably took me half an hour and I'm not even nowhere near it somewhere down there they're explorers it's like a little fairy castle just appearing in the woods so my exploring friends they're already in there somewhere just took me god knows how long to get to the car to get to the shuttle ooh but I'm doing it for you guys this is for you my knee is absolutely mullet place looks absolutely beautiful how do I get in don't know guys look at this standing in a courtyard of this beautiful chateau I'm gonna bail out there and the tower it's a so magical honestly I can see how long it's been overgrown so I'm a little mushy nor'easter that this place is crazy look at this imagine a horse and cart back in the day coming through it and you can hear the echo now at my voice the beautiful driveway to the hops there you would have seen how guys this place is incredible it really really is incredible look at this this is absolutely manic [Music] because I don't know where anyone is at the moment so sorry for being quiet a little bit this place is beautiful really is beautiful look around who only live in a paradise like this he'd be mad to say Matt couldn't live that way you could have your own little bedroom up in the fairy tale bit the ball was coming straight in the front door this mansion oh my god check this staircase out and look at the hair down there the grandfather clock Wow guys check that out look at the furniture next to me guys I'm so amazed right now I'm like wow check that out explorers I've hit the jackpot I've really hit the jackpot the table and chairs everything Society I literally like it's waiting for someone's coming just take a seat I need to stress about this staircase it's absolutely gorgeous it really is beautiful artwork and stuff so guys coming through the first from the front door this place this is absolutely beautiful and I know a lot are you already gonna cite this place isn't abandoned but I can swear to you now this place is a hundred percent abandoned and this has got to be the icing on the cake of this trip so far this is absolutely amazing no it's absolutely beautiful it's like we can sit down already and have tea you notice everything set the paintings or the beautiful artwork this is absolutely amazing places like this should be a lockdown though this should be yeah we're gonna see these places get damaged it's like a true little castle that even a little bit you walk through oh my god I'm sorry for my excitement right now but this is absolutely gorgeous look at this and they're wise and his side was French furniture and this Allah all the open stuff everything's still ahead like this is absolutely crazy it really is no wait everything's just sat around I'm gonna show you the meat cleaver allowed to be on the end of that guy's I'm telling you now this is something else it is absolutely beautiful and without you guys here I can't this is the best you're gonna get I'm afraid I'm gonna do my best to show you this place but it is huge so I'm gonna try and make it as short as I can but as good as I can and obviously I'm walking around with it damaged knee at the moment so I figure every room that's got a story this is into the kitchen it's absolutely amazing this place this is probably far the best location I've ever seen on exploring so guys I don't know what you think of that but I've got to say this has got to be the best I've ever seen it's just absolutely gorgeous [Music] by the way everything's just lychee sire their cups and everything are still in the cupboards the pots and pans still hanging on the wall and look at the beautiful stove bit there they would have had and the heating's heating in the sink commands I've seen stunning look at these cupboard doors all dakari everything's still here look at these scales you take the weight off you put it back on it's all just mop like a marble this really is a fairy tale guys it really is look at the cobwebs in these windows it's worms literally so crammed with stuff we've got so much more with a castle to see you guys absolutely amazing this is why place there needs to be sealed like this is such a shame to get rekt look at the staircase is amazing so guys just come from the hall into the second room at this place Wow oh my god how can you not be impressed right now look it here [Music] so I'm not even gonna speak much I'm gonna let the camera do the talking [Music] oh yeah mais je because I certainly am amazed this has got to be the most beautifulest place I have ever explored the fireplace the detail and this was Chateau is absolutely gorgeous Wow I never mean meat cleaver for the curtains and stuff I'd love to have the money and buy this place is absolutely amazing all the plaster work it's completely stood in just stood in tired look at the detail was in these chairs Wow this is gorgeous the statue was sitting up there would it be ashamed to see someone coming in reckless this needs to be sealed so the more rooms I explore this shutter I know it's just not there sitting there playing card still so net obviously a couple of other guys and explore one yep yep rod Aussie see who signed Chappell guys beautiful this is probably the best Chateau I've ever seen [Music] God is so beautiful [Music] yeah so guys struggling we're just staircase right now my knee is literally feels like it's going on me and the pain is unreal so as you can see looking back down a staircase hey that's the old phone isn't it this is old motor all the stairs all right it's really bad guys this place is literally incredible I feel like I'm walking around a movie set right now and start beautiful and looking down here [Music] what more can you ask for for mr. Tully is everything sir guys look at this honestly this Chateau is absolutely incredible he's I was literally gonna sit in the car because my knee is so bad and I would have been so upset if I missed this beautiful place are the beds there and her jackets still his jackets doing there how it looks like him so a military jacket so you'd need a lot of money to learn these in France this is crazy there is ever explore is it guys so sorry about the shout out and stuff so many shame his chair just broke him it was stolen room yeah how the clothes are just hanging out [Music] guys this place honestly it's beautiful Wow I'm still here from the mold still Arizona this is so beautiful obviously I'm gonna try to avoid as much mold as I can look at this another room now this is a lot more beautiful than the room I was down in then again bad mold I've got my mask on I haven't got gloves on but I'm not gonna try and touch nothing look at the child's bed [Music] honestly this is absolutely amazing I know I'm gonna say it again and now if someone's gonna say if he says amazing once more and a slapping look it here little children's room the animal further decomposing in a bed have their own little bathroom this place honestly it needs to be saved and turned into a beautiful hotel or something cuz it is absolutely amazing it really is I've said it again I'm like a child honestly right now in a sweetshop and I am not lying to you this is like Christmas for me wrap this place up give it to me on a bowl make sure you put a banner world Explorer on a label guys there's gonna be a lot of pictures on Instagram as well so add me up on Instagram check out my Facebook page links will be in description guys you know what I do please if you like this place to hit that like button come on just come up the stairs we've already checked this side out we've already checked this slider we're gonna head down here in a sec put my man John here Morgan shots YouTube channel check him out this honestly this is the cream of the cake look at that this is so decomposing it Wow this is natural and these just got it explorers this is I'm not even gonna say nothing I'm just gonna pan this camera around let the camera do the talking this is definitely the most beautifulest place I've ever had the opportunity and the privilege to stand in this place is riddled with mold so guys I can see why it's obviously been closed down or the family obviously could not keep it but this needs to be saved this doesn't need to be destroyed I'll be so sad because when I'll come back to France I would visit this place again just to see it again it's incredible it really is incredible so I'll just come out that decaying bedroom you shouldn't see the little toy house on the floor I've a little children's Furbys guys you must remember these everyone's known a Furby and some of these are probably the original what date summer in 1998 these are like original Furbies guys these are all probably around about the same sort of time 1998 yeah as these were new UK someone will probably steal this is what I keep stressing to so many people if you come into abandoned locations respect the location leave the exactly how you found it it's not yours to take we never break in as well I'm going to stress that another room this is one huge castle and you can see just everywhere is just suffering badly this is gonna be I'm gonna say it the most gorgeous place I've ever been Wow although I'm standing like I'm probably I don't know what's that a lot right now but a detail wasn't it just the bed alone is enough someone's decided to kiss the mirror gorgeous this place is unbelievable unbelievable this has gotta be one of the most fantastic places again I'm gonna say it last I'm gonna say it but this has got to be the best place I've ever seen in the urbex world surpass all the crazy toys there's some of the pictures of this place or postcard sorry not this place look at this land around this place though it's absolutely huge it's just a literally a massive castle on its own in the middle of nowhere how beautiful come on if you haven't hit that light bar please hit that button let's get 4,000 likes at least for this video come on help me out guys the bigger the channel the more overgrown the more I'm going to take you to places that's all ours you do if you can just hit that line subscribe and if you think anyone might like the video share my content it means the absolute world to me you don't realize how much it means to me you know I love every one of you and I'm gonna try and reply to everyone like always Turin do but how beautiful is it just doing little stuff left every bedroom toes a tail I just kind of picture people in here talking like calling their daughters for dinner or you know the kids playing in the bedrooms there's so called a shape in this room absolutely incredible it really is a little guys what is this does anyone know what this is it's like a shaft or something a kind of like pulley mechanism what would that be for when a shuttle so the last French guy corrected me on the not the shutter the shuttle so explorers a venture around on the top floor I missed the bedroom that goes onto like a secret little room that looks absolutely amazing I already seen a little glimpse through the door and I'm so excited but look at this again religious people this place is gorgeous and they're you know when I turned up earlier looking out to the courtyard obviously probably would have kept the horses in there during the day obviously doing back in the day should I say but like I am literally speechless I know you're gonna be like well you haven't stopped talking I know but maybe I do I talk a lot when I get excited and right now I'm really excited more steps when you've got these paintings and stuff why they left so right now I'm going to struggle with steps ok so this is the other staircase that I see looks like it goes down into like a spiral Tower do our steps now I did shut the door on purpose and stop filming because I want you to can I open the door and show you you guys look at this Wow so now all the people out there that absolutely adores and loves reading would love this their own library and all these sewing machines how this is so cool and it will grandma found it there nobody's books or a beautiful place it was singer sewing machine my dad I believe I think he was around about 1980 he did in sewing machine apprenticeship [Music] now that it's probably never heard of the sewing machine apprenticeship so if there's a job with a camera sometimes money just literally keeps going to me Wow guys if I do not take you to the best spots please just say but I think this has got to be one of the best surely gone I'm absolutely cops max I really am he's gonna give you a little line of some of these books obviously are French books yeah if we can see some of them I really hope you enjoyed this video I have lit she's really um I mean look at these clocks Wow just box up our box what the chairs did she broken away it really is a complete time capsule look at the old ladder she'd reached up for your book you can see our audience as well because the old knot and stuff this place is absolutely beautiful it really is Wow another spiral stairs lead off to more rooms a bit a stained glass window every room in this place has character even the bathrooms the toilets everything literally stunning that just shows you how big this place is that unique it has got three sets of staircases [Music] [Music] some of the little woozy because we don't see anymore well so even the back parts of the mansion aren't used anymore I've had pigeons come in here as you can see this carcasses on the floor there's free little birds down yeah Paul it was odds they've got stuck in here okay this is probably not one of the most exciting rumors by why not show you all the mansion you know someone obviously still staying here this would have in that room but yeah amazing really it is so coming back into this room I feel like I needed to have another little look [Music] that's like a posh commode okay this detail and all your stuff everything's carved hand-carved as well you know there's no machine work here this is all hand-carved this furniture is worth a fortune and then you get the odd idiot to do that guys please if you watch this video please respect these locations no one needs to see that okay the mirror the fingers of this gets smashed that's irreplaceable you're not going to replace that sign I saw at work it's unbelievable and here so amazing this place so cuz I've been on every staircase I thought I'm gonna take the wooden staircase this one and I'm gonna head up to the third floor we're probably gonna need to find in loads of mold all sorts but without exploring it we never know please mommy I feel really sketchy on these stairs doesn't really feel that safe see that the woodworm and the decay I love all the old paint flakes said this before and most of my videos [Applause] cigars on the top floor so looks like they've just been stalling up here you sit us into the loft I'm not gonna walk into love again that more storage of stuff this is probably as I said the most beautiful his biggest mansion I've ever done and I don't mean to end this video like that's probably gonna be the last rooms up here I know just in these love room to bed why are still incredible so we have a guest everywhere in this place [Music] you can say is Lucci the old pots and tins and stuff never room lovingness really am loving this well I'm gonna head back that before we go down so about a lot of these records and books a lot of his books through here every room it's about something here haven't sinned a broom yeah that's just made of junk I salute you every room is beautiful no time just Shamy it's just left and it's not Wow now you had it without done that into this attic area I mean you've got a gorgeous room not this just sitting up here oh my god this is so beautiful I'll go back in there a second I'm just gonna go around and even got a sofa that actually fits the curve curvature of the wall it is like a fairy tales castle it really is I smoothie is incredible why everything's just forgot I'm old on the bed look at the detail in this place pictures hanging on the wall so it looks like they started renovating or they at one point they did style and then obviously I don't know what happened there's so much money in this place why is it left this is gorgeous you can see from there likely the tower parts that's bits guys back out in the courtyard Jesus and they the guys back out in the courtyard this is the side of the building I know you see this at the beginning I'm gonna show you quick travel it will nose around here um boil away I didn't show the basement I've just gone down there and it's literally probably about knee-deep of water and and it's just literally it was nothing to see it was just flooded sorry my leg keeps going I mean look at this such a shame there's no piano stored in the barn loads of look at that old units all it's rotting away and the old bikes you can see that just the waters pouring through so many artifacts ruined and damaged through decay so explores standing back outside this beautiful mansion the clock was bizarrely the right time we found out that the family up and left 10 years ago and the reason of so is one of the doors choked to death in one of the bedrooms when they were supposed to be bizarre things going on so maybe on a telling her for a night visit we did hear the family did return after five years to collect maybe a few belongings but they never returned ever again what can I say explorers one of the best Chateau Chateau chateau it's better than it so guys one of the best chateaus I've ever got to witness I hopefully enjoyed it I'm sorry I'm struggling my hell with my leg it's absolutely killing me right now the guys hit that line subscribe button it means the absolute world to me and I will see you in the next adventure love you all take care see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 561,909
Rating: 4.9413371 out of 5
Keywords: urban exploration, abandoned house, abandoned places, abandoned, urbex, urbex exploring, urbex uk, exploring with josh, steve ronin, abandoned mansion, urbex france, urbex europe, bros of decay, Uk urbex scotland, exploring gone wrong, abandoned world explorer uk, proper people, top 10, top 20
Id: EHLPzaTdHy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 54sec (2094 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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