Abandoned Satanic Ritual Millionaires Mansion With Power Still On - The Family Passed Away

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whoa what was that the power is still on what one what what the heck it looks freaky look at that lamp too like there's so much cobwebs on it i feel like the family never spent too much time living in this mansion [Music] so go [Music] [Applause] yo what is going on you guys welcome back to the channel if you're new around here my name is steve road we go on epic adventures every single week and today we're going to be exploring an abandoned mansion we literally found this out of nowhere i'm also here with my boy radek he's back you guys you guys know radical ready by now um yeah like i said we just found this mansion we don't know anything about it but from out here we can see that the lights are turned on so there's power um wine cellar still here wine cellar got a grand staircase over there yeah and the inside so it's it's still yeah so i'm really excited for this hopefully we can just find a bunch of stuff that can lead us or tell us what could have happened at this abandoned mansion so yeah without further ado though let's get inside and smash the thumbs up button now at the time i didn't know anything about the mansion with further investigation i discovered this mansion had a tragic history revolving around the family a local in the area told me this mansion was built around the 1990s by a very wealthy businessman setting out to live his dreams in a beautiful home with his family unfortunately the family never got the opportunity to live in it a year before scheduled completion his wife and four kids passed away in a car accident the husband traumatized and heartbroken put a halt to the development in 1995. it's been abandoned for more than a decade and the county doesn't know what to do with it leaving it to decay and rumors for a home of satanic worshipers anyway shout out to our news patreon members of the week terry d brandon hartley and leticia keate thank you so much for supporting the channel if you also wish to support this channel and earn perks head over to the patreon link down below in the description i also want to say a big thank you to today's video sponsor thinkware simplify your drive with a dash cam the best on-road witness get the best parking mode to catch hit and runs for the ultimate vehicle protection kickware has provided me with their u1000 mod to use on my adventures this dash cam is hands on my number one favorite and this is why it has loads of features that makes me feel safe on my travels such as live viewing on the go driving impact notifications locating vehicle and geo fencing with built in road safety warning systems that will assist you in lane departure forward collision and front vehicle departure my all-time favorite feature though is parking mode that records and detects anything when i'm away from the car and better yet the dash cam records in 4k features time lapse amazing low light capabilities and a wide dynamic range perfect for the filmmaker in me to capture some amazing footage i highly recommend you check them out link is in the description man it's super hot so sorry about me sweating we have an idea of how to enter but you guys have to just look at the architecture from the outside the exterior is amazing i think it's colonial because of these beams right here looks like a little white house it reminds me of that mansion we did remember which one the white house mansion yeah so yeah this is like the white house mansion version or no this is like the white house mansion part two right here by the way guys if you have seen that white house mansion video it's been bought the owner was very nice and she loved the video and just wanted me to tell you guys like not to go there anymore because it's not abandoned so don't even try to explore it look at that tape okay it's like from the 90s probably mid-2000s so much is overgrown now let's probably like grass all grass at one point yeah i love the vines too um this is gonna be a dope explorer i'm excited why did i wear shorts again whoa what was that coyote at this time i don't know i got on camera that's crazy coyote yeah maybe at this time though that's not good i mean they have rabies if it's at this time oh hell no whoa that is that's beautiful [Music] oh man yeah these are big thorns i love this kind of explore where you like [Laughter] dude you like trekking through thorn bushes wait are you wearing shorts erratic yes oh we messed up you guys probably want to check out the porch first that's like so cool oh that's the porch you were chilling at yeah they had like the fireplace couch look at that that's beautiful oh my gosh the back looks better than the front oh yes i love the back i bet there was a pool somewhere somewhere overgrown right now yeah we might be falling in oh no this is poison ivy are you sure dude it has the red mark because he's not like have like those um eyes okay i mean i already have poison ivy on my leg like it's bad you can eat these you can eat those they're actually really freaking good yeah i'll have one right now these are not ripe yet they're really small but like whatever dude yeah no these are no these are straight don't die right i don't want you to die over here man how do you know it's not something that looks like like you know you gotta try this dude if it tastes good i mean it's poisonous it's not good for you what's wrong with you if it tastes bad that means it's good look how many there are yeah yeah they're pretty tiny right now so this is the shed huh yeah poor looking shed no wasp oh what it has on fireplace too dude i can like move in here that's what i'm saying it's like my own island yeah yeah man look at this i mean it's still like in back edition but it's not so much dust just like flew when you did that someone was probably like a hockey player at one point like yeah you're right here yeah or volleyball hmm it's volleyball because that's really fine so they might have potentially had kids probably big family [Music] that's what is that like old stuff or is that new stuff you can find it it's old stuff bro it's from columbus in indiana what the that doesn't exist here yeah for sure what's that even doing here though i don't know whoever yeah that could be a hint yeah they could they could have lived in indiana or they could have been from indiana and they probably just migrated to like massachusetts or something like that this must have been abandoned for such a long time for it to be this overgrown now dude 20 30 years something yeah maybe even 20 years oh what the hell i was just a like a chipmunk or something okay i mean i thought look at this right here though it looks like a hut i thought it was like some i thought the animal was coming from there i feel like a bear would live in there the bear was like probably as far as that tree and they're just staring at us oh hell no [Music] you're like like what do you guys do you just slowly walk back you walk towards it and then i'm like i'm like i'm gonna fall too and then the bear had cups with it too that's a bad that's a bad idea because it'd be super protective right away oh man there's a lobbyist but when i'm exploring i don't mind them at all i can just walk through them yeah like when i'm at home when i'm not exploring i'll just like run but when i'm exploring i'm not freaking out yeah so there's definitely spray painters around here that's a cool sound but not for this place yeah no look at this invested tree of like bees oh these are nice though oh there's a wasp oh my god that was this red color yeah it's an angry looking one oh my god all right so we just made it inside guys pretty dope already i mean look we're just right next to the garage it's like beer cans yeah there's been a party down here the power is still on gosh or who knows how long it's been like this i mean look how destroyed everything is like if this had to be abandoned for at least 10 plus years refrigerators yeah no um electric um generators for like oh okay what's in the attic i don't even know where to start to be honest let's do the first floor first and then get to the second floor because the first floor is probably where it's at at least that's what i saw no i got extra batteries i got an extra one too in case you needed it oh yeah you got the same batteries yeah boy some dark areas refining decorations specifically christmas decorations so that's one thing we're thinking that this place the family might have abandoned it or left around christmas time oh wow wow this doesn't look like it was uh used dude it's like it was like renovated yeah that's like they were still building this yeah look at this too oh my god those people scrapped everything maybe this place was being built and they ran out of funds that's what i'm thinking wait you know there's a message right there on the kitchen what the hell that's beans like dude i thought it was like cockroaches okay there's a all right there's a message here on on the kitchen counter angel movers are scheduled for wednesday if you remove granite around sinks let me know i'll take things too thanks andy i'm blocking the number right there yeah yo dude look at this bug dude it's a stick bug oh that's so cool bro oh my god dude it just popped out of nowhere that's so cool i've never seen a stick those are super rare dude i've i've seen them ever see them every year that literally came from the ceiling dude this could be a freaking haunted video or some [ __ ] oh my god oh my it looked looks like a stick dude it's like a twig man you could wow how did how did a bug evolve to this guy from the ceiling and then when you just were talking and just like plopped like hello yeah right i'm here this is my home that's really cool i gotta hold him now dude they don't bite right they don't bite they're like they're literally look at the butt though they got some pictures right there that's not a pincher i think that's like she uh distinguished between a male and female that is so cool that is amazing oh oh oh sorry guy the video doesn't haven't even begun and then like we're just hey funny dude yeah they're harmless you can hold them should i just keep yeah i want this pet yeah you can actually have these as a pet if you know what to feed them they're nice like the reason why i don't know like this is because they're harmful i think this is his home yeah this is his home we'll let him chill that's so cool just don't walk and kill the other explorers guy yeah because i don't know if people will be his mercy oh my god he's just dropping everywhere he's super oh well i haven't even fallen into a spider web i'll be sad i'll be super sad you take care of yourself couldn't explore further but yeah look at this kitchen and the wine cellar right here i mean the white cooler i meant wow this is beautiful this is one of the best band kitchens i've ever seen yeah wine cellar right here i can't believe they just you know yeah they just left like they never finished the place at all there's a stove and look the stove is still on it's blinking i mean there's signs of graffiti now but i think only the local kids probably know about this place i have never seen this on any explorer's instagram page the staircase is probably the best one of the best parts of this house right now blow you away that's gonna blow you away oh my gosh the chandelier fell too no these floors are sketchy wow yeah this is beautiful oh someone destroyed the handrail though yeah there's chandeliers right there it's a giant hole i don't know where it goes what the heck no that could be legit or maybe just like a prank all right night [ __ ] [ __ ] toes were here do you think they were doing rituals here they were an actual maybe maybe like i don't see let's take a really dope photo with a high shutter speed of me floating over the pentagram you're gonna walk on the pentagram yeah i'm gonna say bro what if it's legit but what there's were real satanist people that came here to did rituals and open up a portal wow so who knows guys so like we've been exploring in here for about 15 minutes i mean nothing really spooky has happened but this place could be potentially haunted funny enough my speculations were true posted in the local police website are reports of multiple people arrested here at night who were found to be doing a sheep sacrificial it was also confirmed by the local i met and he mentioned the place is often active at night so we just took that incredible b-roll shot shout out to radic for getting it we might think this place could be haunted by sexy rexy yeah she could be his succubus for all we know yeah we were here at night that'd be really spooky especially with the power on and the lights on that would be super super we should come back at night if this video gets over 3 000 likes we'll come back here and do a paranormal investigation so yeah smash that thumbs up on right now you might find sexy rex here hopefully doesn't follow us well it's strange because you never know like why did the family just all of a sudden decide to abandon the place and leave like maybe there could have been like hauntings happening you know who knows there's so much there's there's so much detail they put so much money look at that yeah it's like nuts they like spoke with this thing no that's not marble it's not like no i mean you sculpt the wood yeah they still sculpted that yeah they put a lot of time and effort and money into making this place you probably have like a portrait or something or it's tv at least because the fireplace is here and they're saying good job writing i might get haunted tonight it's okay ready you're gonna be bubbles oh yeah i think this was the living room uh there's there used to be a giant window right here now it's blocked off [Music] unfortunately graffiti people decide to vandalize the place but you got these handles right here that probably like open up the blinds and close them right so open it and it's the windows because i feel like these things also like they're gonna be like a hinge thing um where you spin up the windows like you know they kind of flap open over here i want to show you guys really quick yeah but how did all of this get inside here like it had to be like moved so i'm thinking it's probably the construction crew we're like refinishing the house and they probably put all the junk in here though because this room is actually really nice see if there's anything else i feel like it could have been like a little study room you know somewhere to just come and relax and meditate has that like peaceful vibe to it yeah gotta show off the fireplaces when exploring it's made of marble [Music] all right we're moving on the other side oh wow that leaves down in the basement didn't know there was a deeper ground level this one was really creepy here the lights was turned on i'm like what could be around the corner it's just a bathroom but man when you're inside a band place and there's paint chipping on the walls and there's still power on it looks freaky look at that lamp too like there's so much cobwebs on it [Music] all right so what do we know so far we know that they probably had kids they might have left the place during christmas they were definitely renovating the kitchen but now that we think about it they could have been renovating the entire mansion and just completely stopped the process there's gloves here there's a ladder right here right next up some cans for us spray brain adhesive paint right here oh wow adhesive empty and then paint brush too or like a scrub that's old man that's so brittle you can like you can stab yourself with that but man the wallpaper though it's just absolutely beautiful i wonder where this could be it might tell us of like what ethnicity or where they were from and then the fishermen here yeah so maybe like the owners were from spain i think you're right and look even the shape of the houses or the homes too that looks exactly like a like a spain building came we just came full circle back to the kitchen i just had to take a look at this again like the wine storage it's fancy like look it was um like a little refrigerator just for wine model 427 and a freezer up here didn't mention this too there's like an entire cabinet crate like all these cabinets man this is not cheap this is expensive someone threw it here they were pissed i think just vandals man they just come in wreck places i just want to see if the sink is still running water nope the wood finish is incredible i love the color of it too yeah it's like oak maybe yeah it's a huge kitchen i mean look at that it would go to the other one right here all right they're heading upstairs but i just had to stop and look at this wow this place is wrecked oh yeah but there's another tiny little kitchen over here and the light is literally still on there you know oh wow that's a beautiful chandelier i'm glad that's still here i feel like the kitchen part is so big they could have been chefs why would they have such a massive kitchen i'm sure they love to cook food oh my gosh downstairs oh on that yeah back here kind of look like it would there would be dead bodies in that just like hide them under those stairs what the hell what's up this is the bathroom welcome to why would welcome to be like watch me shake guys bro if you wanted to enter the bathroom through here you would literally have to just like find it like what hey i'm not gonna make it there used to be a wall right here dude that's why that's so funny man i don't get it there's a jacuzzi actually yeah yeah dude you'd just be sitting there i'd just be watching from behind like that's a weird one because it's got like a sink to it oh wait no that's a uh it's a white is to wash your ass nice so basically downgraded japanese toilets yeah the first room though is completely destroyed oh it's starting to rain out i'm not sure where all this dirt came from i think it's it might be animal poop just put my light away all the windows are open up here so there's some good natural light which i love and prefer oh my gosh look at this bathroom this is the best bathroom in the mansion all shared up no why come on that is beautiful that's made of marble look at the sink right here got two of them [Music] wow and the wood work too [Music] i think this is mahogany at first i thought that was a camera looks like a webcam this is oh this is so sad the bathtub too look what look what they were packing with the bathtub i think this type of tub was called a hydro massage tub basically you would have high pressure water coming out of those holes massaging your back as you're just laying on it and wow like a nice little pillow right there to rest your head and get the back of your neck oh my gosh well i feel like the family never spent too much time living in this mansion a lot of these stuff were probably used maybe like less than 10 times toilet here bake it [Music] i heard screaming what happened oh he uh he was just like messed around dude there's like a storage room right here or maybe this is just like a giant closet probably like a walk-in closet at least yeah yeah and it would just lead to the bathroom so right next door is probably a bedroom and this right here would just keep all your clothes all your shoes this is super nice i love the color too how it's yellow it makes me like feel really happy it brings me in like a nice mood and windows is just left open nothing we can really do let's see this bedroom this bedroom is pretty huge i really believe this was a bedroom just because how the way it's set up there's a huge walking closet right there at least the big bathroom and this could have been this was probably the master bedroom too and yes of course satanic ritual symbol right here or pentagram who knows if it's real or not there's just been the local kids trying to scare people away that come here but look at this though devil's home with upside down crosses or maybe it's not a joke and it's not the local kids just playing around like you would have to be pretty pretty mess in the head to just write something like that at least for me you know what i mean uh yeah nothing paranormal happening here [Music] oh holmes down here home to what [Music] a little tiny door let's take a look at the back view from up here there's a shed all the way down there [Music] i'm not seeing any pool from up here [Music] you would think there'd be like a pool in the backyard unless it's just completely overgrown now oh come on 666 really [Music] the lights are still on and everything [Music] [Music] it's just not doing anything [Music] nothing with this one either but hey this is chicago i think they were oh wait that says mount vernon philadelphia a bunch of states over here on the wallpaper boston new york [Music] now just imagine us right now we just found this place we had we had no idea this like was abandoned we just found a road that looked like it wasn't being taken care of we went up it and to just find this now imagine coming here and funny at night how creepy and spooky would that be especially with the lights on up here in the bedrooms and all these satanic signs it looks like the main hall we're like in the center right now with everything this leads upstairs to the third floor and right here is the stairway that we saw when we first got here probably the kids rooms or guest rooms yeah not too shabby bathroom right here i like the pastel green color oh man black mold everywhere i think it should be okay the windows are open there's airflow coming through so i don't think i need a mask oh bathroom is really destroyed man it was set up pretty nice this is another big bedroom another state satanist signs this one's also really big and it's more finished than the other rooms too even got its own fireplace so this room was probably for like the older kid that you would have who did this just coming here wrecking the place for fun oh yeah we were outside we can see the lights literally through this room you're on right there broken mirror they say mirrors are portals to another dimension imagine if we just see something behind me through the glass it's weird i'm not fighting any light switches there's no light switch here to turn this light off and who's paying the electricity bill this fireplace looks like it could have been nice some stuff was kind of broken off but had like some animal figures in it looks like a dog cat a cow with a human's head it's like maybe a rabbit [Music] [Music] all right i love my bag in this room so we're gonna grab my bag there's one more floor to explore this place is massive we've been here for nearly like two hours in yeah hopefully it stops because i still have to get some drone shots i know right i don't want to get my gear bro forever hell yeah might be still in repair though i know if you've seen the stories yeah from pennsylvania all right here we go okay this looks cooler than the second floor all the power and lights are still on here too hearing a cricket rip man bun this feels pretty sturdy i can't believe the fan is on in here and the light someone's electricity bill is going up wow the wallpaper is pretty unique too and a little bit creepy it's a very colorful bathroom nothing no water that's so weird where's the switch there's literally oh the switches aren't doing anything it's not turning any of the power off me that's why they're always on that's wild it's so quiet in here too just a closet oh my gosh this is probably my favorite bedroom you too feels so bad like okay that turned it off so who left the lights on in this room another pentagram but this one's upside down i'm not sure what that means well i was able to turn off the lights in here i don't really want to leave them on you never know if something like spark could happen it might catch the place on fire i really love preserving these places to me it's like i'm showing you guys to me i'm like i'm showing you guys that adventure i'm taking you here with me i'm doing a walkthrough but hopefully just like the other mansion before where an owner bought it and is trying to restore it i feel like i get a chance to bring these places back to life with exposure maybe someone watching this right now would love to like renovate the place and bring it back to life you know what i mean so yeah i really love taking care of these places and documenting them because because on the other hand you never know what could happen it's like it's a furnace in here that's still working there's so many closets literally still working oh my gosh all right i'm getting out these woods are making really bad noises as if i said they're gonna break that's wild it's really hot in here too this is still providing heat all around the building let's check out this room on the opposite side oh this one's way destroyed it has the same layout like every room has been empty so far but the architecture here is amazing and it's very different i think american homes are very unique they're different than like european homes and other homes all over the country so many bathrooms like there's only one around the corner this one's bigger though connected to the other room wow i love the look of this bathroom though some tiny touches to it like turtles on the wall that are carved like the black and white stripe too my last bedroom is right here this is the only room with stuff looks like that could have been like a little shelf for books or toys i like this a lot though like look at this this is like a kid's bedroom and the kid would come over here with an amazing view of the place i really like how that looks like look how big these doors are compared to me i'm ducking down right now that window is shattered i stick my camera through it man i would have loved this bedroom growing up as a kid but that's it that's the last room guys i'm gonna head back down and meet up with the gang all right just met up with the gang they've been exploring around too taking some photos so definitely check out our instagram pages we're gonna head down now i think we forgot the basement though so we're gonna check that out really quick yeah that's the scary part the same the best well not the best saving the most scariest thing for last that's a good thing yeah so let's go down these beautiful stairways wow some of the storage yeah unfortunately hey there's a christmas tree oh oh yeah it is a workshop a lot of broken glass all right guys here we go i want you guys to smash that thumbs up button if you've been enjoying the video time to go down the basement the scariest thing scariest part of the whole yeah always you guys on me i always say the basement for last there's actually an exit out this way oh perfect in case anything shows up we can just run yeah class or um what was it like classic right what what though he's upstairs again yeah maybe oh god webster i don't know man it's just like [Music] yeah like just little workshops underground wait what's this is this i thought that led through like a tunnel oh yeah it smells weird i don't know what we're breathing in maybe we should get out of here there's like a gas smell i don't know if it's very bad so we should probably leave soon i don't know what it was used for maybe for evil experiments yeah washing the the bodies yeah cleaning it up you know who knows what like was down here and what happened yeah i'm done dude i'm hungry my stomach's already growling just a boiler room freedom freedom i guess we should still walk around the outside for a bit too look at this little basketball hoop it's a size for a kid so their driveway was like a runabout it's a beautiful tree right there in the middle huh that's abandoned too all right guys we didn't expect this too but there's other buildings on the property that that's abandoned as well i'm not sure what they could have been used for this is like could have been like a garage though or maybe like a stable or three cars man they were packing money and there's a little house here that could have been like a guesthouse it will scope it really quick then doors wide open what dude this is really destroyed wow yeah this is wreck dude it's not because of vandals it's literally because of decay oh my god there's so much black mold yeah yeah it's bad it's very empty let's go up oh wow really destroyed really okay oh this had a bathtub the bathroom okay i'm getting out there's just too much mold in here that's the story everywhere yeah the best especially yeah there's nothing there's nothing other building i didn't go in i just saw the garage entrance and that's it garages uh is there anything uh the garage didn't seem to lead into inside the building oh but there is a way inside the building how do you know uh the basement so how do we get there you go through that really grassy patch oh it's small no it doesn't i didn't see the door there's photos the family members so here are some photos they could have been the family but i think one person looks like taylor swift so i'm not sure unless taylor swift lived here do you realize we're leaving you here ready climb this tree and you can't even get down from it well i got this you're stuck here forever i'm getting a foot cramp ah you're supposed to get stuck oh there we go got it don't worry all right we're good okay hurry because i can hear dogs barking and i want to get out of here [Music] how's it going everyone thank you so much for making it to the end of the video so i'm currently chilling here in buffalo new york if you're from around here definitely hit me up in the instagram at steve ronan if you guys have any suggestions of what to see or food to eat let me know such a bizarre place you know we just happened to found this on the side of the road and it was just a spontaneous exploration sorry for not really knowing the information firsthand but as you saw as i edited the video i put in um the history that i kind of found out later but a few days after i got to meet some locals they told me some history about it i also did a little bit of deep researching on the web found articles about that whole satanic ritual thing crazy absolutely crazy and mind-blowing what happened here it's just such a tragedy what happened with the family how the husband lost his wife and kids how he dreamed of living here in this abandoned home of his and that's horrible that's that's the worst thing to happen to anyone is just to lose their loved ones like that if we get this video to at least 3 000 thumbs up i'll go back again and do it at night and do a proper ghost hunt or paranormal investigation on the place um the guy who i spoke to said that you shouldn't go there at night because people tend to go there but it's weird because this place is in the middle of nowhere i can't see how people can just just go there it's deep in the woods so i'm really interested in seeing what would happen at night seeing if the haunted stories are true cool thing is though i've recently gotten hit up by two paranormal investigators you might you might be familiar with them um their channels are paranormal files and chris starr so they're gonna be coming here and i might take them to the mansion at night and do the investigation with them so i think you guys will enjoy these special guests they seem really really cool uh yeah that's all i have to say leave your comments and thoughts down below what you thought of this place um make sure to subscribe and hit the notification line bell and most importantly like and share the video come on let's get this video to over 3000 thumbs up within the day and i'll go back immediately at night but yeah until next time guys live a life of freedom wonder and i'll see you all next adventure peace [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Steve Ronin
Views: 565,071
Rating: 4.8540196 out of 5
Keywords: steve ronin, exploring with steve, Abandoned, Satanic, Ritual, MIllionaires, Mansion, With, Power, Still, On, The, Family, Passed, Away, Abandoned Mansion, Abandoned Mansion Power Still On, Abandoned Satanic Ritual Mansion, Abandoned Mansion Family Passed Away, Abandoned Satanic Ritual Millionaires Mansion With Power Still On - The Family Passed Away, Abandoned Satanic Ritual Millionaires Mansion With Power Still On, abandoned steve
Id: O7QeUnBEL8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 24sec (3264 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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