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as you can see how long this place has been empty we're gonna head in here i'm gonna fight some bushes fire some trees we're gonna try and get to this beautiful place it's amazing the size of these gates it's incredible another explorer in france another mansion you need to see this i want to spin it around look at this guys completely overgrown and taken by nature [Music] what's up explorers so it's been a long old day i've already upset one of the locals little ralph the dog i don't know his name but is that she going mad at us it's been a long day honestly absolutely shattered but we're going to try and carry on exploring so it's probably going to be the last location of the day what's up explorers so we're in the grand have a property we're trying to locate a place literally i'm going to show you now i'm going to spin it around and show you guys check out the face mask as well the properties we want is so overgrown it's in there somewhere all we can hear in the background is a chainsaw yeah guys if you like the mask head over to abandon world explorer gmail.com there's only 100 of these so i don't know it's going to be left when you see this video but we now try and make our way through the overgrowth is we need to try and find the place that's over here i can't show you nothing on it yet because we don't even know we're looking our way through this place absolutely crazy how can you leave a property this long to overgrow like this literally just literally worked our way through it and through here i spotted a massive black rat just running through so yeah if you don't like your spiders your rats just snakes there's probably everything in here i'm a bit worried about chainsaw in the background to be honest this is insane just to try and get to a house literally i can't even see it guys i'm more worried about the chainsaw it's absolutely crazy now look at this i've literally got all the way through everything i've been cut so bad i've been stunned it's like a thousand needles literally like this sticking in here look at his property literally in all this overgrowth it's a beautiful house sitting built in 18 1833 is out or 1888. what i'm saying to you guys this would have been your backyard you can't even get like two three feet away without getting cut you can see that there is some of the original garden ornaments how beautiful these pots are and you probably imagine the flowers that would have been on there back in the day and the path is literally just so bad so this would have been your main room a main way to your front door this house it's absolutely crazy to think that places are like this everywhere and sometimes i get amazed and amazed and amazed because it just never stops and look at the steps it makes you wonder the people that lived here this is like your main front door so you think even up to like anyone that came here visitors friends the family that lived here would have gone straight down these steps to the pathway out to the road honestly it took about 20 minutes of being stung cut bitten everything else i see a rat i'm not even joking just to get to this beautiful place well we don't know what it's like inside yet but we're gonna go and check this out so guys and girls we came the back way of this property now we've literally just gone through into the property this is the front of the house so this would have been your main door sorry i corrected it so yeah we've gone through the front door here as i said you can't even see nothing so overgrown i just don't get why properties are left like this absolutely beautiful and it gives me such pleasure now to walk these steps that no one's possibly walked for a long long time into this place spin the camera around as well because look at the door just turn the slider down a little bit and that in the embroidery and look at that and how they follow the wallpaper all over the ceiling to this place beautiful paintings you can see they're all like a gorgeous oil paintings as well absolutely amazing look at that absolutely stunning there's a signature there as well [Music] i'm loving the light [Music] this is so cool yeah everything's still set here [Music] literally just waiting for someone to come home [Music] and this is such a beautiful painting as well the two deers everything about it is just showing nature doing its thing [Music] i don't want to miss the flooring as well look at this this reminds me of the floor has anyone's in the film battery is not included sorry i'm a native bomb look at this it's absolutely amazing a beautiful lady there in the picture our wheelchair guys this place is absolutely incredible that's kind of eerie but then i suppose it's a place to put your glasses wow this isn't what i think is guys check that shell out there's one huge shell if you know what that was for let me know this doll is literally set facing down so i'm going to put it here it's absolutely incredible and i love these look at these beautiful double doors so you can open up the dining room into the sort of living room area this chandelier is absolutely gorgeous look at that and you can imagine i just kind of want to listen oh wow look at that so okay i don't know how these work but i believe because you're like a chain system you can pull them down if it's on like a counterweight so you can lower or hide them you like as much as you want how beautiful is that come on guys and girls it's a shame the violin possibly was in there maybe one day up and left and again it's that sort of law is it there wallpaper these are messy taped they're just cool looking books just the artwork on the front i really like that look cool a little weight there as well [Music] and always sat in these beautiful places as well look at the fires around that cast iron it's like a sort of scene at the gladiator when they're on the old um uh what they call the chariot chariot chariots chariots get it right dave and their beautiful marble fireplace this mansion is incredible i don't want to miss out that's why we look at the scene in this place absolutely stunning just the artwork and how everything was painted and hand painted around the edges so you can imagine back in its day forget all the overgrown imagine that all being nice clear out a nice beautiful summer's day the windows and the doors open in each part letting that cool beautiful breeze air in and the sun just coming through this piano has a two little candles on it it's a frank paris another beautiful painting up there can't get over this light it's amazing i'm just seeing some memories here see if we just bought that cabinet wow look at this this is so cool do you know what i would love to have a little retro room in my loft at home with just 80s and 90s thing you think the doors and stuff these keys once like opened imagine having them on your keys today to the main front doors and stuff for this beautiful place [Applause] i know the old vinyls what's that honky tonk honky tonk woman [Applause] it's a shame some of the cases are all missing but at least they're looked after still but barry what am i gonna do with you wouldn't it be funny if we found an lp that's a country ruled so many lp's here we could literally sit all day with this video and just keep going through i just don't want to bore you know you love you all i don't want to sit here and literally bore the hell i use so many books as well so i'm getting quite a vibe that's quite a musical family with a piano the old stereos the old lps so this would have been like the office room of this place i really like these look at these never seen them before like all glass ornaments it's a shame that we're all just chucked in here oh they're actually bottles oh no explorers you know how much i love my bottles but trust me i never take nothing guys and girls if you come back to this mansion any of you as you spot this place you find it you'll see exactly how it is on my video look at these it's just incredible it really is like things like this just make me super happy as you can imagine the sound just pier blasting in sitting here working in your desk so if i'm sitting here now this is my little room i'm editing a video for you guys music playing for me lps i've been in my dream but that also see just the wallpaper just literally just peeling down there's some more of those bottles up there as well they're absolutely incredible i'm really just looking at this one here so it's actually an aftershave bottle but how cool is that carrying your cologne man in a car guys come on you can't get any more manly than that see that just all the deck like the detail on this place like the veneer and stuff been put on even a radio so all this would have probably been quite fashionable back in the day like the little just pretty much how we got today the radio covers it's still a beautiful place so just looking back here now it's incredible imagine it though in a cold winter's night piano er the fire going listening to someone on the piano laying back down there with a fire roaring in there the light load down it's beautiful coming out of that room with the wheelchair and stuff walking this beautiful hallway of this place we're gonna head up the stairs and then we're gonna go in here afterwards but look at this gorgeous cast iron five staircase wow look at the autumn photo how beautiful these little things are it's weird how the wind alert goes through the staircase you can see how long this place has been abandoned it's literally rusting it goes up to the second floor as well wow something's collapsed or what's happening up there i'm gonna check that out afterwards someone take this first room wow come on explorers this is incredible another beautiful spot in france and the detail look at all this beautiful furniture his best would cost a bomb these days now it's still made uh the old shutters that this is not the only fools and horses the dale boy jacket from the people in america if you don't know what it is google dell for money falls and also you'll get it look at this what's this 1916 this paper gorgeous little baby floater there i'm really sure a lot of these are if you know what these are does anyone want any harry bows i should open the lid no date this is not a 1954 certificate whatever this is what's that elementary primary studies certificate and if you can see that on my phone it's quite difficult to try and hold both here if you can see that at all but that's what that is and this one here just trying to struggle to but it's so cool though learning so yeah so we've got a primary school certificate there it's just amazing guys it really is and you know i love just love exploring excuse me a little wicker basket this is actually a little baby's not a baby's but a dollywood car little bricks this is like one of the children's rooms i have times completely stood still in this place the books there's a little dolly's hat in the front there put that there so then it goes into this room look at this the wallpaper is actually like a little old it looks like a little flat roof house so cool this is obviously hercules new york schwarzenegger film ah this little dog would have been long gone now obviously a little blood pressure machine that is actually a plastic bullet that's actually still live and that's just a sink but i appreciate things like this i absolutely love them i mean how long this has lasted for wow look at the old radio or the tuning system whatever it is some of the old films exactly turn them out of two early judgement you don't remember these plastic cases as well that's like a velvet and a case oh john lennon it's a game called risky or maybe um obviously for a pc maybe i've just noticed as well as a few adult movies in here so now watch where i post new camera this is definitely one i can't even show you the front oh this is here the free dimension the viewer okay you remember these used to put the little slides in them and then when you put your little slides in you used to do that and then it'll flick to the next picture this is the sort of toys i'd play with when i was a kid i've been well happy with that you give a little children that today and they'd be bored of it for two minutes a little vanity set this is just one bedroom that would be powering this place no it's into a second room okay there's no bed in this one but maybe this was just like they used as a walking wardrobe because the all these tyres there all the clothing for her lovely little lady in red i imagine she was not really seeing any pictures of earlier or any late like just the baby pictures some suits there look at this jacket hanging up as well it's quite fancy the old gold buttons and more bullet shells if we know what those ones are what they're for i'm guessing their tank rounds but so what seven 75 sae-49 ame 63-f incredible absolutely amazing it's just the way the shapes of everything is obviously to fit the chimney stack again more vinyls just chucked on the floor as sizes tv this could have been like your home cinema system that so you can swing your speakers around when you maybe watch it and you want extra sand all right so that's just a whole wardrobe that's completely falling over as you can see it was maybe a bathroom but they maybe used it as just again another sort of walk-in wardrobe still cool come on you gotta admit guys only you can help my channel grow that's all i can say obviously a lot of people have been through a lot of hard time lately i've had a massive dip in my channel i need you guys to help me get that channel back up please share my content if you think anyone i love it [Applause] honestly all i keep doing is places like this for you guys it's all for you love you all you know that for it little things like this outside me there's a little old watch so probably lasted years and years of his life and now to be sort of chuckling on the floor straight into one of the old bathrooms they love putting their wallpaper don't they everywhere in this place ceilings walls all right they've put it on the floors really good i can into another bedroom a little alarm clock sat there i wonder how many years ago when it wakes its last personal it's beautiful place look at the doll's just sitting there like that just kind of waiting for their little girl to come home and play with them look at this little matchstick boat all made out of matchsticks here that's some clothes this kind of makes me feel like you know they was just packing a case and it was like no you've got to get out now get out sort of thing let's feel the little dolls and stuff sat round wardrobe there's this little kids i thought it's like little kids clothing wicked chair and look at the water damage in this place oh and that's fungi growing on the wood and this is the door no i'm trying to have a bathroom look at this place just falling down would you feel like we're in the same place looking at this the amount of water damage in here is incredible the way the books and everything is falling down they still look happy though a little picture the bed's literally rotten honestly guys the frame has just rotten away books you can't even see these books they're literally just becoming like paper mache these little funky little people cartoon toys i'm gonna get out this room i just feel like the dustin is unbearable it's absolutely incredible there there's always one of them in the locked molding you can smell it from my mask it's that strong in it honestly it stinks like weed you can see the damage in this place is so bad everything's literally still here loving these look at the old units little dvd player there's loads of stuff just it's amazing how much stuff gets left in properties like there's no other family i can't looks like that's oh that's not the life that has actually fallen out so it's going to fall on my head wow dave this looks like people were getting in this way looks like someone's got in this way look at they've made this mad no way i'll try and do that wow check this out for a loft how did they get these big chested freezers up here it looks at one point i was going to turn this in or into like a maybe more bedrooms and all the insulation everywhere it's like i'm standing like a shuttle but you know they've about to do a launch or something tell us it would have been a lot of model cars here a lot of boxes obviously the cars that they've been taking but it could be just kept the boxes as well see some expensive champagne there as well there's loads of like stuff being packed up here looks there's a beautiful bath under there and all there's a beautiful bath in there or something another adult movie i just see just amazes me every time that when you think you've seen it all you come into another property and you're like is this for real he said this many abandoned properties around the world i love this look at this little sink still incredible i can't get over that that obviously someone at some point has come across there to get in so i'm gonna head back down anyway just heading back down into the main area and literally as you look back down this corridor it's so beautiful though such a gorgeous house it just needs some love everyone's just chilling out around the table loving this french furniture i keep saying it but it's absolutely gorgeous what's this for now this is for i've seen this before indoors and stuff well it's sorry it's just the lock mechanism but i see something else that kind of like a latch it may be like a bottle opener it was in the door so a little bit of brass not sure what that was for look here as well i love the little horns on the bottom of the thing and look guys and girls all the cutlery is still in here as i said you imagine it's sitting on his table i can't believe i get to see places like this it's looking back the other side of the dining room a little watch sitting there so come on guys help me out all you guns look at this it's not an old vintage what is it rifle if you know what this is put in the links below this is so cool i'd love to have this absolutely beautiful i can't really see what that is there if you can work that out i'm not sure you're going to be able to see it and finally the kitchen look at this though the back door is just completely open steps you can't even get out there i try and visualize this um the family that was here imagine the smells coming from this kitchen love i've burnt the toast or a nice summer a nice roasting of being cooked obviously i know we're in france so main dishes all the paint on the doors just cracking up the sides disney plates smelling here is unbearable i need to get out of this room sorry so literally i'm going to try and work my way away from the front of the house i'm going to try and show you how it looks if i can get over it look at that it's crazy isn't it i think that nature she'll always win she'll always take back just spin it around here it's an incredible house yeah just before we go in the basement it's like our official tree come on explorers it's a cool place places like this are completely forgotten they get left i literally can't stress you how overgrown it is the size of this as well the plant the handbag just hanging out little magnet here temperature 27 and that's why it's hot always creep me in that basement i'm going to say in every video now because they do actually creep me out quite a bit smell that concrete cement let it keep all the pickles and stuff in the jars little honeys uh jams oh look at this just love that outdoor tap it's quite clean down here actually for a basement you see the old wine racks we're gonna have a party here guys still loads of beer left it's time to be here look at it more jam jar of pots as well besides that tank loving the little ship wheel there looks like it's loaded to like all the paperwork and stuff maybe this is like their office bit or there's loads of magazines beer cans cigarettes documentation ae documentation i've said loving these old steel doors so does anyone know what this means lee one is it patro and then tricot paparia something sorry my french is a great pronunciation those are cigarette boxes it's not just keeping all the cigarettes you can smell the old down here the damp and everything it's a cool house absolutely really cool okay you know me i love the old balls it's like the old chemical covered i thought there's a shotgun covered at first but obviously it's wood so it's not up here a little windows there's a little type in the back what's up explorers so hopefully you enjoyed that video absolutely incredible place do you know what though so many times it sounded like a baby crying i don't know if it's got it on camera but it was so weird in that place i'm not trying to give you the whole paranormal ebg bees or ghost but that place has a story i'm gonna try and find it out so please always check the description of my videos because sometimes i find the story out after i've obviously explored them without use watching my videos please share all my content let me grow massively i'm gonna take you everywhere i can please yeah guys if you wish to help in any way follow us on twitter instagram um facebook snapchat and also we've got a po box if you wish to send us anything we're gonna open everything we're going to open everything on a live chat look at these gates completely as i said overgrown what an amazing mansion love you all stay safe love you all [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 194,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PEOPLE JUST VANISHED, FAMILY DISAPPEARED, ABANDONED MILLIONARES MANSIONS, ABANDONED HOUSE, HAUNTED PLACES UK, COVID 19, ABANDONED PLACES, ABANDONED SECRET, EXPLORER, steve ronin, exploring with josh, properpeople, top 10, abandoned cars, abandoned world, abandoned theme park, abandoned in the jungle, documentary, untouched, abandoned house scary, abandoned house 24 hours, abandoned house tour, HAUNTED PAST, history, family, vlog, in real life, VANSIHED, MISSING
Id: C32N-oQHNiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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