I HATE 13 Reasons Why (Season 3)

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[Music] the show is declining in quality so rapidly I'm genuinely curious as to how and where it could possibly go next if nothing else season three proves that there really is no rhyme or reason as to why any of this story is unfolding aside from the fact that it is recognizable popular and probably boosts Netflix subscriptions as if the fact that a show called 13 reasons why is already 39 episodes long wasn't comical enough we're dealing with the aftermath of an event so distant at this point that it's very difficult to justify why any of this is truly necessary aside from the pure juicy drama of it all season three shifts gears in such a way that would be fine if it wasn't treated like it's doing us some kind of virtuous service as if this show is anything more than the melodramatic high school drama aimed at young teenagers that it indeed is in all honesty I kind of enjoy my yearly dose of this series due to the absurd levels they have to stretch in order to keep this angsty snowball rolling at the very least I find it to be somewhat comically entertaining as a trashy drama aimed at young adults but um I'm not sure that's the kind of feedback the creators were hoping for okay then if season one is about what led to the end of Hanna Baker and season two is about the court case that preceded when season three is simply a whodunit murder mystery with the hook or central question of the season being who killed all of the marketing was brandished with the question of who was responsible who did it who killed Bryce horrible person yeah pretty much at this point in the show though we're very aware of how evil Bryce Walker is he's so comically maniacal over the first two seasons that is obvious he was set up and marked as the major antagonist and his comeuppance is the only narrative beat that as any consequence besides the more pedantic pieces of drama that fill out the minute-to-minute of the show how long you been juicy in order for this season to come together the writers decided that for this story to have any weight behind it Brice needed to come across as being more complicated and well-rounded you don't want to die come on dude you could kill the monster so you felt more conflicted over his demise problem is you ideally should have been sewing those seeds since the beginning to avoid it coming across as retroactive and kind of cheap for a show that typically seems to have dealt in pretty clear absolutes it's very strange to me that three seasons in is when they suddenly feel inspired to add a bit of grayness to the intentions of their more controversial characters if you've done reminds me of the trope you're writing something like The Walking Dead often falls into where a minor character suddenly gets an intense backstory that fleshes them out mere moments before they're killed so their death appears to have more impact with the way the show has been structured and written it seems obvious to me that everything after the original material has been composed backwards they seem to have a pre-prepared list of dramatic and controversial ideas that fit in line with what made the original book so famous or infamous depending on who you ask and instead of writing realistic people that progress in a relatable and honest approach they appear to force the square peg into a round hole to continue to double down on this idea that thirteen reasons why is on the cutting edge of socio-political commentary I think it's mature and responsible storytelling on the part of Brian yaki and the writers I mean - it's courageous - so how do they attempt to make you feel sympathy for a violent serial abuser fiend well their answer was to hammer home this idea that at the end of it all despite the consistent and insistent amount of pure evil he is displayed in front of us though come on guys he's still a person at the end of the day right he's a person clay human being one of the main themes of this season is this idea that parents and/or family have a huge role to play in shaping troubled lives that behind broken or evil people is some kind of underlying trauma via a fiercely homophobic father a distant unloving mother or whatever it may be which is an interesting idea to explore there are a lot of movies I like that deal with these very themes however the script here is far too hokey and silly to sell any a bit let's not forget that at the start of season three Bryce is known to us as the guy who started the initial rumors about Hannah viciously sexually assaulted a minimum of three different people with more implied victims started more nasty rumors this time about Jessica tormented Zach by messing with Hannah's Locker lied while under oath countless times and probably many more horrendous acts I've forgotten about now I don't know about you but I don't really think that Bryce could be properly redeemed as a character under any sense really with what we've already seen him do like this is very extreme like what he did is abhorrent this guy is evil or than the [ __ ] Emperor the only possible way I could see it going down was perhaps in season three his Ark was to come to the realization of what he'd done and confess the truth to the police and take his punishment like a responsible person no I wouldn't be forgiven but that's the only real way I could see you taking this character in a sympathetic direction and still maintaining some modicum of reasonable sense it's true that suddenly Bryce seems to have some kind of realization in season 3 about what he's done and why it was bad I assume they were going for a conflicted character who was fighting against the evil instincts that defined him for so many years which we learned seems to originate from a troubled family life growing up with parents that didn't love him properly the show abuses the idea that if you have a sad backstory that automatically makes a concept of evil deeds inherently more grey however as I already mentioned it's looking for justification after the fact instead of having some kind of plan for the character from the beginning comes across that way anyway intentions aside the execution of this character is where things completely fall apart all for the sake of this ridiculous mystery bryce follows through on some of the more dastardly crimes yet in season 3 a particular standout moment for me being when he breaks into his dad's mansion to vandalize it except has revealed that he went to the wrong house and winds up threatening a small child with a knife like an actual de rain sociopath well I suppose he's only human and you die juxtapose that insanity against the attempts to humanize him and you wind up with some brilliant unintentional comedy such as when Bryce and his mother finally bond by throwing paint on each other without even mentioning the very intentional and petty physical assault that Bryce commits in the penultimate episode story wise this is for the character of Zack to have motivation to be Bryce to a pulp so he can be a red herring for the real killer but anyway Bryce decides to plow his body at full speed into Zack during the chaos of a riot that takes place in the middle of an American football match in episode 12 this is of course fueled by pure jealousy because Zack moved in on Bryce's ex-girlfriend likely ruining any chance of Zack sporting career permanently might as well add a final destroyed life to the pile of chaos that this nasty character has left in his wake I mean to be fair he is only human [Music] if that wasn't enough to prove how terrible this character is I went to the 13 reasons why Wicky which is hilarious by the way where I noticed some interesting and pretty poorly written observations I find it very curious that for a supposedly gray character he has a dedicated section on his wiki listed as enemies where most of his crimes are conveniently listed in relation to the major characters Oh God Wow what a horrible person in the end Bryce turned out to be a far more complicated character than people first believed him to be his crimes are inexcusable but he did try to make up for his crimes and seek some sort of redemption for what he has done no he didn't you're talking about the same character who is listed under his personality section as a cruel arrogant spoiled manipulative violent and selfish person and is a very dangerous individual it sounds like a more accurate description to me it doesn't matter to me how many times he has a paint fight with his mother apologizes to his victims has a weird relationship with his dad as a go at his meanie grandfather or complains about the world not allowing him to change trying to be better world will let me if anything with the way it's presented he comes across as a fairly consistent liar who was never truly being genuine because as the viewer we get to see that he really hasn't changed at all has he even revealed that he's managed to fool multiple therapists why not a real therapist rice have been the three already as well as being responsible for having Tony's entire family get deported you already have my desk kettle four people the deportation Jesus Tony that's most of what bothered me about this character in the season beside from one Borton detail I guess they're being his relation to a new member of the cast [Music] Annie or little Annie as I like to call her is arguably the protagonist of season 3 which is a strange decision for multiple reasons she's essential to the structure of the season with her narration being framed as a recounting to the police of the full murder mystery story as you later find out I don't really understand why it was necessary to add yet another person to this already huge cast aside from the need to have a vessel that everyone can dump exposition on to and over explain everything as well as being a new face to have in a love triangle between clay and Bryce yeah there are so many love triangles it's hard to keep track lolani is written as an irritating know-it-all who loves the sound of her own voice and miraculously instantly connects with everyone that she meets as a weak writing trick designed around short cutting the need to have her relationships progress in a more believable manner she's a blank slate who was used to second-guess and constantly question everyone to keep them spouting the awful dialogue oh my god it is bad she's also got a British accent for some reason which I hate because I obviously I hate British people and this stupid accents she quickly gets dangerously entangled in the entire affair forming a strange relationship with Bryce and sleeping with him multiple times what doesn't make her a very likable character but at least she knows by the end it was an extremely immoral thing to do yes it was the worst thing you've ever done she's the most proactive character in terms of moving the mystery of the plot along with her motivation being that she wants to find out who murdered Bryce because of her intimate involvement with him I find it odd that they insisted on her being the lead detective of the story instead of the literal policeman sorry police officer who has been established I think since the beginning multiple seasons turns out he's the father of the murderer too so that would be inherent added drama but I suppose that would distract from the high-school tween nonsense we'll get you whatever help you need Justin Oh spoilers [Music] I decided to lump these characters together for a couple of reasons first of all as if one love triangle wasn't enough they needed to have a pesky little cheating side-quests going on in the background with Jessica juggling a relationship with the two fellas at once to add to the theater of it all I already spoiled it but it's revealed the technically Alex is the one who deals the final blow to Bryce so he gets credit for the kill it's fine though because they agree to frame another character I haven't mentioned yet Monty will get him later though you're a crazy [ __ ] yeah and you should fear about [Music] the murder scene is a complete mess because of the shift Bryce goes through depending on what's convenient at the time to the script but first he tries to make a case that he's trying to change and that the world won't let him even though he's he hasn't really done anything aside from continued to be evil even going as far as to have made a confession tape to give to people instead of just telling the police why would you do that however the moment he's helped up by Alex he says he's going to destroy Zac and break his other knee she might justify him being angry in the heat of the moment he did get his ass kicked after all but to me it comes across as if his true nature is to be a violent mania as we've seen for three seasons either way Alex kills him and they cover it up the characters are covering up murders at this point the main cast is so morally bankrupt at this point that I'm pretty sure there isn't a single one of them that doesn't belong in jail for the seriousness of their crimes I suppose you could make a case for some of them before people were being beaten and murdered and hiding weapons so the police don't find out what the what is going on you guys dump Tyler's guns correct but it's hard to root for these characters considering the lengths they're willing to go to lie and cover up the truth of what really happened they appear to make up their own moral code as they go along and take the law into their own hands which would be fine if this show was treated for what it is and not sold as if is this important learning tool for young people to start having a conversation the show which obviously is a weighty and important show Justin doesn't particularly get up too much this season aside from dealing drugs from the 13 reasons why coffee shop they're all obsessed with I suppose this and any other show would be quite a big deal but that's a relatively tame story be compared to everything else that's going on we're told that Justin has an intense bond with clay as he was adopted into the Jensen family last season but I can't help but wonder why Justin wasn't used more in the investigation side of the mystery would have made a lot more sense to me to have Justin and clay team up to find out the truth of what happened it's not like a lack of motivation would be an issue seeing as they both have fairly intimate backstories with Bryce at this point I suppose we always have next season to explore the sexual tension of Justin and clay I do anything for you anything this character cannot seem to catch a break his first love killed herself one lover had a bipolar breakdown and changed school and his latest fling chose a serial sex offender over him that's not to say that this character is particularly likable otherwise I have no issues with the actor I don't blame him at all in fact the actors are probably the only reason anyone likes this show to begin with however clay is so earnest and trusting of everyone to the point where I'm fairly sick of him and his [ __ ] what his character really started to crumble the moment he put himself in front of an armed shooter in a misguided and dangerous attempt to be like a superhero like one of the comics he loves so much you just ripped my favorite character to shreds the first I was disappointed that the ghost visions of Hana that were prevalent in season 2 had subsided seemingly for good however they had to have at least one scene where this time clay has a showdown with ghost Bryce which are quite enjoyed I may be gone from this earth but I will be reborn in the bodies of a million dead my theory is that the next season is gonna be in part anyway about some kind of mental illness that clay is diagnosed with my reasoning for this being that in one scene his parents question Justin in a way that seems to indicate they have reason to believe he has something going on mentally we'll have to wait and see on that one they're like he couldn't stop thinking about her or like he was hearing her clays main purpose in the story this season is to be another red herring you're supposed to believe that he was capable of being the one who murdered Bryce even goes so far at one point that he's the main suspect in the case and has actually arrested I failed to feel much sympathy for him though because ultimately this entire situation could have been avoided if he wasn't such a [ __ ] and kept secrets from everyone the school shooter aspect has spiraled the plot out of control so fast all because of the way most of the characters agreed to cover Ferb [Music] season two obviously ended with the bombshell of clay stopping Tyler from going Columbine so the results ripple into season three and I have to be explained away with the most moronic decision making this group has made yet instead of getting this kid the help he clearly needs and making sure he takes liability for his actions they dividend responsibility between the group and implicate themselves to make sure Tyler is never given a chance to snap again and murder people yeah that's their plan Wow these mental health expert children most characters are deeply frightened of what he's capable of I think apt again you watch I didn't tell you guys because I mean I had a feeling you get mad and clay even admits that he has nightmares about being slaughtered by him in the dream you pull the trigger luckily though Tyler is made out to be such a sweetheart to make sure to justify the ridiculous actions of last season they tried to make the case that it was all worth it in the end that clay made the right decision step in front of a shooter go on that's clever because he's just a human after all however being the complete imbeciles that they are they decided to hide his bag of dangerous firearms in the water we're fishermen constantly peruse so obviously the season ends with the tease of the guns being found implying the part of next season all sorts of drama is going to unfold I'm glad quite frankly they deserve everything that's coming to them most of the scenes with Tyler are him apologizing for nearly killing his classmates and coming to terms with the horrendous abuse he received in the last episode of season two at the hands of so yeah Monty kind of steps in as the lead villain in Liberty this character is fairly similar to Bryce he's not quite as mustache twirling but they take his character in a similar direction in terms of giving him a sad backstory where it turns out he's a closeted gay with a nasty father his main role in the plot is to effectively be set up as another red herring and eventually be the fall guy for Bryce's death once he realized that the cycle had to be broken somehow so the others can get away with murder and cover it up he also conveniently gets killed off-screen as we're told by the police that he was killed in jail but Montgomery dela Cruz was killed in this jail cell just hours ago I suppose you can have a crystal clear conscience can't you you monsters okay he was a human being oh gosh shut your face this is the final character I briefly want to talk about because he's my personal favorite he's the only one who calls the group out on their idiotic decision-making this is [ __ ] I'm out I'm scared of you and be honest I don't trust you even see how kind he is to Brice's ex-girlfriend in the fairly preachy Planned Parenthood episode which I haven't really talked about because I'm going to explain the procedure to you when you return that's most of what stood out about season three to me there's plenty of minutiae that could be talked about in more detail but honestly I could be here forever talking about how bad this is as you can tell and you'll especially know this if you've watched it yourself this is easily the messiest and most ridiculous season yet it so desperately wants to be taken seriously that it winds up becoming even more of a parody of itself than the depths that sunk to in season two it's utterly tone-deaf nothing about the production is particularly interesting in terms of presentation and even when they attempt something stylistic it falls flat on its face and of course talking about the ridiculous amounts of flashbacks the show is structured around but have a slightly different color palette but the timeline is so muddled it doesn't do much to help you understand where and where a scene is supposed to be taking place the gross oversimplification of heavy subjects is as bad as ever shock value is appreciated over any real character arcs and the murder mystery angle is an extremely silly pulpy beat that only adds to the overall melodrama of the show personally I found it to be fairly enjoyable and is so bad that it's good Conaway mostly because of the shock of where the writers chose to take this season and I have to say I'm fairly excited for how they're going to attempt to continue this mess of a story but this is no doubt the weakest season yet they've written themselves into such a corner by forcing the show to go so far beyond its source material but at this point I'm curiously along for the ride purely for how they're going to try to keep this material weighty and important while stupidity continues to escalate I suppose they're the winners in the end though they kept this conversation going for a bloody long video [Music] [Music]
Channel: I Hate Everything
Views: 1,629,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I HATE EVERYTHING, I hate, everything, hate everything, comedy, satire, IHE
Id: tBiWL0S3_tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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