10 Reasons Why I HATE 13 Reasons Why (Season 4 FINALE)

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um and the show has obviously tackled some tough topics when it comes to teenagers today and sparked a lot of conversation so how do you think the show has pushed the needle forward in a positive way for society push the needle forward in a positive way for society for society for society it's definitely started a conversation it's over it took 49 episodes to get there but we have the ending that i guess someone asked for how did we get here the stringy sneeze that is 13 reasons why culminates in the fourth season which is easily its worst which is especially ridiculous to even utter considering how bad that third season was i would recommend watching my season two and three videos before diving into this one as trust me this story is so convoluted at this point that i could spend an extra 30 minutes trying to explain and contextualize everything by tron dikkov bro however in case you do need a very brief reminder last time we ended with the main group agreeing to frame jock character monty for a murder that alex committed at the same time we also saw that the guns which they had hidden this time covering up a different crime related to a potential school murderer had been discovered by a fisherman indicating that some kind of consequence may be on the horizon how is the gang going to get themselves out of this self-made predicament we all knew the third season seemed to indicate that they were committed to the intense melodrama in an even more tone-deaf manner than usual so in a sense i was intrigued as to what angle they were going to take to wrap up this [ __ ] it off story was it going to end on a dark note that highlights the fruitless nature of the cyclical violence or was it going to take the most obvious cowardly route of filling a stretch season with awkward fan service and a wrap-up that's just a bit too conveniently clean alien killer robots yes this is the shortest season of the four with a total of 10 episodes they couldn't even think of 13 reasons why to make another season not the actual [ __ ] not that i'm complaining that it's a bit shorter mind you so with that said let's go through 10 reasons why i hate 13 reasons why season 4. is that simple enough for you yes if this season is about anything it's about regret every character at this point has major demons in their closet and much as i predicted in my season 3 video the major focus of this season are the mental trials and tribulations of they jensen whereas clay took somewhat of a backseat in the third season so serial abuser bryce walker and the new character annie could have some time span on them clay is very much the focus this time around his mental health has been gradually deteriorating for a long time now so i suppose it made sense to finally address what on earth is going on with him you had previously told me that you really wanted to dive into clay's mental health and that is obviously a huge topic this season and they don't so much put an exact label on what is driving him to hallucinate or any other of the wacky events he experiences but he does spend a lot of time with his therapist i was hard the choices they make with clay are so bizarre that i almost don't know where to begin you have to understand that this season tonally seems to be going for almost a psychological thriller or even horror at points [Music] this is mostly explored through a plethora of dream sequences visions fake outs and a twist reveal so stupid that i really should not have expected anything different like everything posts season 1 this content does a horrible horrible job at justifying its own existence if you have to go to these ludicrous lengths in order to squeeze another season out of your already stretched formula i think it's very clear that it's time to end especially when every episode feels the same the tension or character drama is not explored in any meaningful way beyond vague surprises and a central mystery that amounts to little more than cringy fight club this central mystery similarly to how season three was structured around a whodunit murder is built up around this idea that someone at the school knows the truth about what happened to bryce this results in clay becoming a paranoid wreck because he can't deal with the guilt and pressure a b i don't empathize with because a large majority of his problems are completely his own fault it appears that someone is intentionally messing with clay leaving the bryce tapes playing in his apartment pestering him online spray painting cryptic messages in school breaking into his locker sending mass emails from his account this mystery troll is built up similarly to how a scream or saw movie might tease an antagonist character the first eight episodes are all about establishing and exploring the various misdirects that distract from the truth of who this mystery vandal is so by the end of episode eight where you get to the reveal and it turns out that it was clay the entire time we might have seen fit to destroy them his inner torment manifested into some kind of identity disorder which led to his anarchic behavior leaking out in a fashion that even he didn't recognize this jekyll and hyde focus adds a real provocative cheapness to a show that once tried to make the case that it was an important cultural milestone intent on highlighting sensitive topics and attempting to ground them in a relatable and honest scenario the thing is though by this point the shark has been jumped multiple times over each season diving deeper and deeper into the pulpy theatricality to the point where you have examples like the opening of this episode where there's a four minute long dream sequence set in a science fiction universe here they take the character of bryce and make him an epic cyborg cowboy you're not really going to take the fight to them are you purse may i remind you this is the same character who has been depicted in great detail as a violent sexual abuser obviously you're not supposed to take a literal interpretation away from the sequence but why would you even risk cheapening your more intense characters by depicting them in such a tone-deaf approach the repetitive aspect to these dreams and visions is the most frustrating part to me you quickly come to learn that anytime something exaggerated happens on screen there's a good chance that it will wind up being a dream sequence or hallucination if you're gonna play with this idea of your protagonist not being able to grasp reality it simply doesn't work if you're to shove it into a manipulative high school drama without the writing chops needed to properly explore this idea with a mature vision we're also trying to tell the stories of teenagers and tell them truthfully clay is back as the narrator and as you can imagine the dialogue is as cutting edge as it always has been it's high school so somebody's always watching waiting for you to [ __ ] up clay's journey doesn't really go anywhere as real character growth is sidelined in favor of this stupid mystery reveal i need you to punch me when you look at clay over every season he really stands out as being a one note character because the end point of the show is quite meaningless we'll talk about that later though the thing is the characters in this show are not characters they're purely devices to be used to clumsily explore a socio-political element of drama tony's story in season 4 for example is that his profile while he's looking at his locker and meanwhile on the side starts professionally boxing this culminates with tony the gay mexican whose entire family has been deported because of the serial abuser bryce fighting a white supremacist who is likely also planning to murder him that guy is a nazi he's got white power tattoos so so i feel like he's here to kill you [Applause] these are heavy serious subjects that are being trivialized because of the ludicrous levels they decided to take it when every single character is exploring the same ridiculously high level of emotion you never get a good sense of building drama or tension between the huge cast of characters they rarely even bother using the editing in any creative way to cut around different stories of varying dramatic intensity to grow a plot that builds on its setups and concludes naturally you know like all the best tv shows do i've been rewatching this as england which is comparable because it's about a group of troubled young people struggling through heavy topics of nationalism violence and racism but the filmmakers have a significantly better grasp on the essential human side of the story combining a slick visual style in an 80s period piece with incredible performances based on the real-life experiences of the show's creator it could not be more painfully obvious that 13 reasons why is written by this guy and our hope always is that you watch that and go that was the wrong choice brian yorkie who has a history in broadway musicals of all things [Music] i watched some clips from yorkie's pulitzer prize-winning play next to normal which i'm sure is as good as they say however being excellent at writing broadway musicals doesn't automatically translate when attempting to adapt and extend a serious drama based on one book now if 13 reasons why was somehow originally adapted into a hyper stylized and creative musical similar to what yorkie is famous for i could actually imagine it working a lot better and having more of a strong identity if it was executed in the right way i understand why yorkie was chosen for the job when you google his name it specifically states how he's known for dealing with heavy subject matter it smells like an ass for shoes in here i think this largely explains why the dialogue is so awkward and strange as the standards for different genres make a huge difference in your expectations i suppose the majority of this section has hardly even been about clay himself but i suppose the fact that there is nothing interesting to say about the main character says a lot what about hannah and besides everything else i could possibly bring up about him is intimately linked by ghosts way back in season two hannah baker was reintroduced from the grave as what i called a ghost which i mocked back then and i continue to mock to this day because it's stupid the way they do it but now the ghosts are multiplying and characters other than clay suddenly begin to be haunted with what are supposed to be a visualization of the grief and inner turmoil that the character's going through that looks like it hurt you gotta be careful running around in here the ghost angle is a hilarious example of writing yourself into a pretty spooky corner towards the end of the show clay randomly confirms that he doesn't actually see ghosts and that we're supposed to accept it as magic realism i don't actually see ghosts i get it you wrote my paper on magical realism this really feels like the writer speaking through the character to justify their decisions as clay in the scene isn't even talking to anyone aside from ghosts he's effectively explaining to himself why he sees ghosts just because you acknowledge a term for the type of storytelling you're using doesn't inherently justify the decision and make it seem worthwhile or planned in advance the visual language of each season is presented in a completely different way and not through a confident and consistent artistic vision mind you it's evident that this show has no identity beyond that original book and the popular cast of actors who play the characters hence why season 1 was a fairly serious drama then pivoted in season 2 to be a melodramatic courtroom drama then jump into season 3 and now it's a murder mystery and we're ending season 4 with what i guess is supposed to be a psychological thriller but i can't get through that sentence with a straight face the point is the show especially this far in is almost completely meaningless in regards to a continuous story that builds on itself now and again they shove in a hannah ghost to remind you that this criminal rampage used to be related to her somehow but much like this paragraph it's rambling on to a point where you forget what its original purpose was i didn't think he'd actually admit it we got through to him i had incorrectly assumed that the ghosts were limited to clay as jessica also begins to suffer with brice hallucinations the unintentional comedy of when jessica starts seeing bryce so strange this feels as if it was only included as a way to artificially keep up the suspense and mystery angle of the story and act as an extremely clunky way to visually display a character overcoming or being haunted by their demons by the end of the show clay is nonchalantly chatting with ghosts as if they're in a star wars movie another example of the misplaced reverence for fan favorite characters coming across as unintentionally cartoonish and tone deaf i've saved the absolute strangest ghost moment for last though in the second episode where clay is looking around a college campus he winds up following a drunk girl to a bed where she's passed out this incredibly subtle and realistic setup for drama reaches maximum absurdity once bryce ghost shows up and quite literally beckons clay to have his way with her she's all yours jensen don't let me stop it but he needs to embrace that everyone deep down is a nasty like him i just have no idea what they were even trying to say with this aside from the streak of character assassinating clay for no reason the thing is as ridiculous and it is ridiculous as this ghost thing is i still believe that the biggest piss take is what they do to poor justin has played a fairly inactive role in the story for a long time now aside from clay's family randomly adopting him and his continued drama with jessica his character wasn't really heading in any particular direction so seeing as clay's bullshitty mystery storyline wrapped up around episode 8 it's time to choose a character to mercilessly kill in order to add some dramatic purpose and feeling of weight to the ending of this total mess so they take out justin by announcing that he has aids justin has tested positive for hiv one it has progressed to aids that i guess was established in some random scene as being a prostitute i had sex with men for money i don't know why it was necessary to even mention the sex work when the character was already a homeless heroin addict who was likely sharing needles and whatnot anyway the execution of his death could not be corny the penultimate episode is an incredibly fanservicey prom where everything goes well for everyone until oh no just in faints because of his aids the realization of what they were doing took a while to sink in i don't know why i was expecting anything different but killing justin with aids to make the ending seem bittersweet is kind of kind of a weird decision the only scene i kind of enjoyed with justin was this interaction with jessica in the alleyway there's nothing mind-blowing but it's one of the few examples of this show allowing the actors to do their jobs at least a little bit without cutting around it constantly the dialogue is trash but i don't really blame the actors for that [Music] speaking of jessica i have to admit she is one of my least favorites she tends to have the weakest dialogue which obviously doesn't help ah her only real role this season is to be in an overbearing love triangle with justin and a new character called diego maybe you're not as woke as you think diego's charismatic aggressive and a fiercely loyal leader of a divided football team struggling to understand the loss of one of their own despite his temper he seems to show a level of respect and decency different from that of his teammates when he and jessica spoke about charlie's apparent sexuality jessica is one of the characters that most blatantly addresses some of the heavy topics and themes of the show and as a result is almost treated as a deity within the show by her peers she likes to give long heroic speeches about impassioned subjects she represents her peers in meetings with the principal and even if you agree or disagree with the points and issues being discussed in the show it's the utter lack of wit or creativity that pisses me off it makes it extremely obvious where their priorities are from a creative perspective her character has very little depth and scenes with her and her crew tend to drag unlike anything else when she isn't spending her time plotting how to get away with murder some of us are accessories after the fact 2 murder or being harassed by a ghost she juggles the emotions of justin and diogo purposefully manipulating justin to make him jealous jumping from one guy to the other in a manner that makes her come across as kind of a horrible person i think what they were trying to do was take a victimized character and move her into being one of the most sure fire empowered and passionate role models of the show however with this in mind it only adds to the confusion of why you would take such heavy subject matter that is fumbled in the first couple seasons and build on top of it with such a pulpy and cartoonish genre and tone flip merry christmas alex is another character who had no clear trajectory or arc in motion so this season the only real progress he gets is that they decided to make him gay the obvious route to take with his character considering the fact that he is responsible for the death of bryce was to play with the guilt that comes with you know murder even if bryce was a monster and while they begin to scratch the surface of this idea it never leads anywhere as most of the main cast never has to accept responsibility for their actions i just wanted to say or two confess that i [ __ ] hate camping the most egregious example of this involving alex is how his cop dad abuses his powers to make sure no one ever gets in trouble even when alex is so torn up that he says that he wants to confess which would unravel the entire problem and solve the situation in one fell swoop his dad tells him that his friends put themselves on the line to protect him so i ca i can't keep carrying this around anymore your friends put it all on the line for you and they're good smart kids so i guess he just feels pretty good after that i [ __ ] hate camping thanks dad this removes all tension from the story and leaves you wondering what the overall message is supposed to be he's saying that it's okay to murder people and hide the evidence with help from the police as long as the person you murdered was evil even though you spent a hilarious entire third season poorly attempting to make us sympathize with this very evil isn't this what the entire 96 episode run of that show dexter is about maybe murdering evil people isn't as inherently black and white as this story makes it out to be you can just imagine the potential drama between a son who has killed someone and his cop dad who has dedicated his life to enforcing some level of law and order and how they could clash to fully explore these ideas of guilt revenge and violence however after the first couple of seasons 13 reasons why he refuses to spend much time on any adult characters because it purposefully seems to limit itself to being modeled after the extremely instagrammable main cast because fan service trumps all in this awful awful show speaking of gay winston was introduced in season three as monty's secret lover who shows back up in season four as this edgy anime character who is mostly a red herring to distract you from the clay being insane reveal he's one of the few characters outside of the main crew who understands that something fishy is up but again once he finds out the truth he's just like yeah whatever i just don't care anymore at least he gets a chance to dance with a ghost [Music] zach shifts wildly compared to the last season in a way that does kind of make sense for the character although it's executed horribly so after bryce ruins his life at the end of season 3 zak somewhat understandably shifts into being a complete mess relying on alcohol and violence to pass the time at liberty high this thing's getting all kinds of done the most bizarre character assassination moment is when they show that zack was about to assault a prostitute that he hired on prom night i guess everyone is just in this universe i don't know be better right ah the last couple characters i want to mention are tyler and estella i already mentioned how alex's dad removed all tension with the murder because he effortlessly covered it up and amazingly alex's dad also does everything in his power to cover up for tyler well alex's dad was there he helped me out i think we're okay even using him as an undercover operative to tackle illegal arms dealers the guns and the shooting attempts from season two ultimately mean nothing because they had no point in the story aside from shock value and sensationalized drama estella on the other hand is monty's sister who we never knew about until now her only point in this story is to act as another minor red herring seeing as the murder mystery structure is just what this show is at this point oh yeah she also calls her mum to tell her that she's probably gonna die and what i think is the worst episode of this season the show community has a gimmick where we'll do an entire episode in the style of a specific famous genre or movie 13 reasons why almost does a similar thing but instead of lovingly satirizing tropes they instead have entire episodes based around sensitive cultural issues what's your favorite episode is it the aids episode is it the police brutality episode my pick has to be the [ __ ] lockdown episode we are currently moving into a lockdown situation it opens with warnings of school violence which honestly could mean anything based on the history of this show and you quickly find out that this is effectively a bottle episode where the main characters are hiding for their lives from what they assume is an active shooter this eventually revealed that it's nothing more than a drill so it meant nothing particularly important now i'm obviously from the uk so i wasn't entirely sure if this was even a thing that schools in the u.s might do after reading a couple articles about it it appears that these are indeed a phenomena that does or did occur although i'd like to doubt that it's anything like what happens here you see the hook of this episode is this false thread that is supposed to make you believe that tyler has snapped and gone back to his old ways the framing is very intentional in this misdirect although 25 minutes in has revealed that tyler has been hiding so it couldn't be him it develops to such deep levels of absurdity that tyler gets upset with tony for assuming he had bought weapons and going to the school despite tony finding incredibly shady pictures in his backpack and literally being one of the idiots who covered up his first shooting attempt you could have ruined my life the real point of this episode is to fully establish clay as being mentally just leave me starting with him trying to justify why his decision to stop tyler back in season two was a good idea and i survived and i did the right thing and eventually ending with him finally realizing how idiotic that choice was are you sorry for what you did yes i'm sorry he doesn't really change his act from there though instead deciding to rush out into the hallways where he encounters the shooter cringy fight club the episode is capped with clay continuing to lose his mind in grabbing a gun from an armed officer am i safer now i've got your gun proceeding to wave it around while screaming about the injustice going on at liberty high the most despicable aspect of this episode to me is how pointlessly manipulative this entire setup is the multiple scenes of shaking weeping cowering students calling up their parents are clearly supposed to hammer home the fear of such a terrifying event it has the controversial events but it has no story controversial things just happen in a sequence it's like checking off a list i'm repeating myself at this point but it's the mishandling of these sensitive topics that adds this tacky air of tween drama that makes it more comedic than dramatically effective the last episode of 13 reasons why is one of the most boring conclusions one of the most boring conclusions to a story i've ever witnessed not only is a large chunk of the episode dedicated to the sadness of justin randomly dying of aids but it's also the longest episode at a whopping hour and 38 minutes an hour and 38 minutes once clay discovers that justin has aids he rushes off to the nearest police station and starts screaming that he has a gun i have a gun i said i have a gun what is this guy's problem what the [ __ ] this is explained as being clay's final cry for help but luckily everyone at the station knows him personally so he doesn't get into any trouble or face the same consequences an average citizen would if they attempted the same outlet despite it being the final episode they still managed to worm in the same poorly handled controversy and trauma that has plagued it since the beginning you probably wouldn't expect a sappy over-the-top happy ending following a scene of this intensity but this goes to show how little impact the more theatrical set-pieces have i didn't even mention a scene earlier in the show where clay dramatically crashes zach's car and then abandoned zach in the wreckage which they only mention in passing in the following episode there is so much drama packed into such a short amount of time that it can barely keep up with itself every single character aside from justin of course gets everything they want though the majority of the crew receive their dream college placement every loose end is wrapped up jessica gets closure with ghost bryce and hannah baker even appears one last time to remind you that this story used to be vaguely based on something the previously mentioned fan service ratchets into high gear with the graduation ceremony and the burial of the original tapes that started it all the final shot lingers on tony driving clay to college awkwardly sat in silence and cutting to black as their eyes meet and they start each other the acts are so detailed and gratuitous they simply cannot show them here how can you simultaneously take yourself so seriously yet at the same time model your story structure from campy murder mysteries and other silly genre tropes every decision here is at odds with itself the way the story has been plotted and planned has no cohesion or sense to it the tone and direction fluctuates wildly stylistically every season has been a bit different season four even went as far as to feature for two episodes the director of highlander resident evil extinction and the teen wolf show on fx so this season starts off stylistically closer to [ __ ] gremlins than anything else it's extremely evident that this show has been shambled together from random disparate ideas without any point or end goal i think everything comes down to that name 13 reasons why the story is designed to be limited by certain restrictions this being the tape structure from the first season they tried to make it work again in season 2 for the court hearing but the further they spread this concept out the thinner the content had to be in order to accommodate it this show isn't really about anything it's more about reaffirming that there is evil in the world and that you need to stand up to it even if that means endangering yourself and destroying the lives of everyone around you because at the end of the day everyone else will take care of you and cover up your crimes you'll get your college placement don't worry once you begin to notice the formula and the manipulation and the tricks that this story attempts to pull on you it only makes it that much more unlikable i do think that tv is a fantastic medium to explore serious subjects with characters that you adore and want to see more of whether it be six feet under the sopranos breaking bad madman mr robot this is england true detective or any number of excellent shows about violence death mental health drug abuse law enforcement and other serious topics of drama they all use complex characters to tell an exciting story that builds on itself instead of using characters to display a checklist of dramatic beats for cheap internet brownie points that it doesn't even get everyone hates this show well at least it's over now and we can die knowing what happened to clay and his gang of outlaws that is of course as long as dylan minnett's idea for season five doesn't come to fruition this looks like a good idea lockdown season here we go [Music] you
Channel: I Hate Everything
Views: 1,430,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I HATE EVERYTHING, I hate, everything, hate everything, comedy, satire, IHE
Id: gcQlJ46Kz3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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