13 Reasons Why Season 4 is INSANE | Ending Explained

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so 13 reasons why is to show with a lot of notoriety I've talked about the show a couple times on this channel this video is large you're gonna focus on the final season that just aired on Netflix but if you're gonna give a little backdrop to the earlier season so those who may not have watched the show themselves can have a better understanding of what led to what they end it off with oh my god it went on the lens but you know some of the students can spend the entire season being drunk while they're at school I can drink through the video it's fine so 13 reasons why is a show based on a book by Jay Asher released in 2007 in which clay Jensen is given a series of tapes left behind by classmate Hannah Baker who recently killed herself where she lays out the things she feels contributed to her decision unlike the book that's contained to one single night clay delays his way through the tapes extending things out over the course of the season so that they can amp up his interaction with other students now I will say I enjoyed watching the first season when it released I felt that I had good pacing it was interesting I also felt that it was impactful a lot of ways and it wasn't until after it was done that I realized some of the larger issues the show might have presented with its finale versus what their intentions were when trying to start a discussion about mental health being kinder to the people around you and encouraging those who may be struggling with mental health issues to seek out help and then showing in graphic detail someone taking their life the immediate reaction of the parents finding them going completely against the recommendation of mental health professionals that you hired calls into question the intentions which they have claimed is to start a discussion about a variety of topics that affect teenagers today including mental health issues and all of the things surrounding it and that scene itself is an absolutely heartbreaking scene and honestly kind of crushed me and made me ache for the pain my mother could have felt had I ended my life and not everyone's gonna take it that way some people longed for the idea of being acknowledged regardless of what yielded the result and that's not me saying that 13 reasons why is going to encourage people to kill themselves just the same way that I don't think violent video games make people more violence but if somebody was already struggling with mental health issues and has thoughts of suicide and they stumble upon this a person who doesn't feel like they're being acknowledged and not being loved sees how much Hannah's death affects the lives of the people around her and how much of a foothold she has on them for like years to come and how often it feels like she's still around I can see how that could be dangerous and it's purely to do with what they say their intention with the show is so they've since deleted that C night on that in this video but it took them until the third season was airing to do so and one of the biggest issues I have with this that actually gets significantly worse in the second season is the idea that Hannah's never really gone it honestly feels like she can hang around and talk to clay as he works through his emotions in the first season I gave it a little bit more of a pass because we're going through these tapes that she's left behind we're literally in her head were trying to make sense of what her life was like going into this but when he continued into the second season where she's reacting and responding to things that she'd have no way of knowing it became a much larger issue are you real do you see me are you corporeal that seems like a science-fiction question can I touch you that seems like a loaded question she can lurk around seeing the effects of her death on the people around her the people that hurt her the people that might have been able to and her mind save her and that's not reality when you die you're gone and the people that hurt you can still live can still grow can still change become better people but you never get to prove them wrong by living your life which I can guarantee you is worth living I think the show consistently has an issue with showing the finality of death especially as the series continues on and I think that finality is very important to remember so moving into the second season it's a mess there's a trial and a school shooter set up clay is seeing Hannah constantly we're getting storylines that 100% would have been mentioned on the tapes because they absolutely would have affected Hannah's mental state including her finding out her dad is cheating on her mom even the actress who plays her Catherine Lankford said that she felt the story was wrapped up at the end of the first season but the two biggest issues with this season are the graphic bathroom scene which 100% had to be for shock value and then when clay puts himself in front of Tyler's gun to prevent him from going inside the school dance if you want to be just like every other teen drama and just consistently up the ridiculous factor that's fine don't pretend to be trying to do something importance when your method of starting a conversation is clearly centered around showing some completely over-the-top shock value scene and not you know actually having a conversation and that brings us to season 3 which essentially becomes a murder mystery where they tried to make the absolute muster they've created embrace Walker a redeemable character before he ends up murdered where you play is still having conversations with dead people and he and his friends are literally babysitting the kitty will most shut up the school to help him that's not how you help somebody who felt so low that they brought a gun to a school dance and there's stuff that they do well I don't want to take that away from them they do show the realities of how little people can be held accountable for assault how the world can weigh down on teenagers how little things can impact people to extreme measures how one person's opinion of you can impact the masses but they do so much to mess it up this season ends up going full teen fiction with the gang setting up Monte for Bryce's murder who then gets killed in prison and because he too is a monster we're just supposed to be okay with this and now finally season four this final season tries to tackle a lot of really serious issues that teens may be facing today that also seemed to reflect a lot of issues in society but the problem is is that it feels like they had a checklist of things that they wanted to cover before the show ended and then realized yo this is our last season gotta push it in there it completely lacks a clear direction conflicts have no resolutions or don't actually lead to any kind of change Winston is sniffing around trying to figure out who actually killed Bryce because he was with Monty the night Bryce died the remaining jocks are also trying to figure this out because they don't believe Monty would ever hurt brightest Clay's mental state is continuing to deteriorate Zack is completely falling apart because he feels he has no future and spends the entire season drunk the school has increased security measures with metal detectors on site officers and cameras that are allegedly being put in locker rooms that's a felony speaking of which parents have somehow managed to install spy gear on their kids laptops and phones which not only allows them to be tracked but also read all their texts and emails so you know a felony Tony's a boxer now everything's going seemingly well for Justin so obviously that can't last by the end all the issues I just mentioned mean nothing not a damn thing so let's break down some of those issues mentioned starting with clay now Dylan Manette is a really good actor he gives us all with what he has to work with he delivers believable heart-wrenching performances even when some of the stuff he has to say seems dumb as hell but I honestly think this show completely failed his character in the end his mental state has progressively gotten worse he seems to be dealing with psychosis extreme anxiety panic attacks and more he's seeing a therapist regularly but none of this stuff seems to be getting addressed this stuff has been escalating for the past two seasons and even though people are concerned no one's actually doing anything and then because they never told anybody about what happened with Tyler he's also dealing with the unchecked PTSD of stepping in front of a gun the seasons also largely narrated by Clay's inner monologue and through these monologues we get glimpses into how bad things are going for him he feels like he's completely losing moments in time where he'll be standing somewhere and suddenly it's hours later he's not sleeping properly he's still hallucinating dead people he even feels like Monty is shaking his car at one point there's literally a moment where he talks about how he's mostly okay well he cuts open his thumb with a piece of broken glass immediately got Fight Club vibes this season I'm sure I'm not alone and it only grows as the season progresses and it doesn't help that he's not mentally well and that people are actively trying to mess with him someone spray paints the walls of the school in some Chamber of Secrets type reveal claiming that Monty was framed vini sees paint residue on and inside his locker there's this symbol he seems to recognize popping up everywhere is because somebody watched out her to the Silverlake he starts getting phone calls from Monty's number telling him to do things which ultimately bildt's to this moment at the school dance where he's guided to the showers that look like they're covered in blood he hallucinates blood coming out of the shower head finds a shiv then gets guided to the football field where he sees Monty's dead body bleeding out on the field before he gets surrounded by the football team laughing and it flips back to reveal that it was just a dummy so he stumbles back into the dance holding the fake shift soaking wet looking like he's covered in blood pulling a carry which is going to be an ongoing theme of this season crazy things happening with absolutely no consequences I honestly figured at this point he would have gotten help because every episode up to this one has him been deteriorating more and more Heath clearly can't differentiate between what's real and what's not but no he talks about it a bit in therapy gets a wee little discipline talk at school and that's it at one point he blacks out in a frat house and people think that he was trying to assault this drunk girl because he thought he was protecting her after hallucinating Bryce and even though he gets caught by campus security he doesn't face any repercussions for what just happened and one of the main catalyst moments with clay is when the school hosts a fake active school shooter drill now this is the second time the show has addressed the school shooter without it actually happening but I kind of liked how they used it in his episode because I really agree with that message and I do feel it's something that probably reflects modern-day students in America schools do these drills where they don't tell kids it's a drill and they genuinely have to go through this thinking it's real multiple students are heavily affected by this because of course they would be a jock has a complete breakdown Tony and Alex think it's Tyler and start panicking about it being their fault jessica has a breakdown while trying to hold it together on the phone with her mom and most notably clay gets stuck in a room alone and starts hallucinating Bryce and Monty as he panics and freaks out before he ultimately goes out to play hero again he then hallucinates a moment where he encounters the shooter before realizing that it's actually him and then the principal pulls him into his office and he realizes hey this whole thing was a drill and he's pissed which is totally logical what the actual are you thinking I'm gonna drill with gunshots and hammer down the door she prepares for what exactly for what it feels like to be hunted to practice getting ready to die to make us feel afraid for our lives we already know how that feels you're steering us to death he manages to pull a real gun off an officer while freaking out before ultimately being knocked out and strapped to a bed in the hospital for a psych eval which ultimately finds that he's not displaying any signs of schizophrenia or a higher mental illness excuse me what I guess he had a panic attack and a breakdown because of the situation that happened and all the stress that he's feeling on a day to day basis he clearly has anxiety and I realized that long form lack of sleep and anxiety and stress can actually cause hallucinations but to the level they display in this show it's just insulting visual hallucinations are already pretty rare and this boy is having full conversations with dead people like us at least I know what happened to the sixth sense kid oh also my favorite part about this is to escape the hospital he shits himself then he just puts on his regular clothes without cleaning up and somehow manages to just walk out like even if the guy that was supposed to be watching him left him alone for a second these wards are locked you can't just walk out of them so not only is clay walking around all day with a poopy bum he's also clearly not well the rest of the episode and he's still deemed okay to not be under supervision oh I'm sorry what conversation are you trying to start they you're bad at portraying serious issues like the way that the show displays and explains the panic attacks is actually really well handled three seasons of showing somebody talking to literal dead people having multiple panic attacks and public freak outs not being shown to get significant help or adequately explaining what's been happening to him is it's pretty irresponsible it really sucks because what clay does get diagnosed with is depression and anxiety with some recent dissociative moments as in he's doing things without remembering them he's the one who pulled Ginny Weasley he's the one that broke the school security camera he's the one who set the principal's car on fire oh I'm sorry did I forget about the riot episode let's touch on that so after the drill the students are pretty fed up when Justin and Diego get into a fight and a cop completely targets Diego for racial reasons claim Jessica start a walkout and as the students are peacefully standing around the school six riot police on them to attack them for literally no reason and that should just show you the many issues that they were trying to tackle this season because it happens to mirror what's happening in the world right now but again with the riot nothing comes of it like they didn't even try pulling the leg if you guys don't come back in you're all expelled you guys aren't graduating this and that net we're calling your parents it was just everybody dispersed or we release the riot shields and the big thing is that they never really addressed the followed here Jessica just says like hey we've got all of the social media on our side but they never really addressed the fact that Diego clearly got racially profiled by an officer like if you're gonna do something do it right give it the time it deserves don't just like throw it in an episode to be like that 13 reasons why tackles racism so it's after clay has shown the footage of himself burning the car he realizes he doesn't remember large periods of time and that he's Tyler Durden his way through the entire season so you think great dudes dissociating he's a risk to himself and the people around him gotta be getting significant help now but nope business as usual for clay he's set a car on fire and doesn't remember this becomes even more insulting when the show tries to explain away the fact that he literally talks to dead people by saying this I just wanna be clear I don't actually see ghosts I just like imagine people and what I would say to them oh yeah okay loves her I think I don't know and again it's not just him Jessica sees brace constantly throughout this season Alex actually feels like he's being pulled underwater by Bryce and Winston Ghost dances and has a conversation with Monty at prom stop showing the dead people oh they also have some really funny like truth or dare moments so yeah that's where the trouble began that smile that damn smile which brings us to another big issue I had the Riverdale episode now as mentioned this season seems to commit the most to being like every other over-the-top teen drama but for me it hit its peak in Episode four where they go on a camping trip and they tell an old ghost stories and students actually seem to be getting haunted while clay appears to be dropped into a hole by the end it turns out it was clay messing with him the whole time but they played out like a horror episode with actual supernatural forces and nothing that happened in this episode carries any way or impact for the rest of the season even though he was the one who was messing with him by the end of the episode it doesn't change the fact that Jessica and Alex both saw Bryce in different moments it's just all so completely stupid and if he thought it couldn't get any worse the show tries to tackle AIDS so Justin gets back from rehab and he's doing great he's got into University but then he relapses when he finds out his mom has died now that's pretty accurate drug addiction is a battle relapse has definitely happened but he starts getting these sores on his neck that no one mentions and he's showing all these flu symptoms and feeling like crap and at first I thought it was just the effects of him detoxing again but no in the second-to-last episode Justin collapses at prom they find out that he has HIV either through sharing needles or the sex work that he was doing it has not progressed to AIDS and he's days away from dying HIV isn't a death sentence anymore and even if it was that severe it would have taken so much longer for this to actually progress I don't believe there's a reality where they wouldn't have been able to get him help before it progressed this far I get it it was the actors pushing for Justin's death but it just seems so cheap considering the amazing character arc he had throughout the series if this was something they really wanted to do they could have at least introduced it in the first episode so you have the entire season of people process dealing with the stigma so they could develop it as a plot point so it doesn't just seem like a cheap excuse to kill him off or an emotional impact it's just so annoying and to me really shows that the creator's seemed more interested and concerned with how many issues they could throw into it rather than actually trying to do any of them well and on that note let's have a look at action accountability so this show again likes to do big impact moments but this season literally does nothing with any of them even after clay is revealed to have done all those illegal acts isn't phase any kind of trouble for it after bombing his college interview he still makes it into Brown University what do you like most about robots making them robots there's literally no repercussions for anybody in this show another situation where this happens is when clay gets super drunk at a party and Zack lets him drive his car where he blanks out and flips the damn thing over an embankment going like a hundred miles an hour so you think the start of the next episode might be you know someone dead or in the hospital or maybe an arrest but no play walked away from the accident with no injuries and left Zack to fend for himself but even he only walked away with a broken arm and his leg kind of reinsured like I get the drunk people have like the ragdoll effect going for them but this is ridiculous like look at this accidents this is terrible writing to elicit a reaction sorry started discussion clay also walks into the police station and starts yelling about having a gun because he's so crushed by what's happening to Justin and just all the other trauma these dealing with and still nothing happens this boy needs so much help and back to the central I guess conflict of Winston the jocks trying to figure out who actually killed Bryce that also leads to nothing Winston figures out that it was Alex but because they had this brief relationship that resulted in Winston being in love with Alex even though he's still in love with Monty he just decides to do nothing with the information now that I want bad things to happen Alex and I get why he did what he did but the fact that they set someone up for a murder who then gets murdered himself and then none of them face any repercussions it's just ridiculous like yeah they get to live with that guilt for the rest of the lives and it's clearly affecting them to some capacity but still clays in her guilt has literally been trying to expose them the whole season and nothing happens uh and one of the other big cliffhanger episode is when clay and Tony think that Tyler is buying more guns to go for round 2 they follow him to an alley where he meets up with the arms guy and find out hey this was a sting operation the entire time like they go from thinking Tyler is talking to the cops to spill what really happened to thinking he's buying more guns even though he's been fine wow it's amazing the anxiety you'll feel when you don't get the guy who almost committed a school shooting real help ignoring the fact that it's completely ridiculous the police officers would use a high school student for a sting operation instead of just getting the information from him and using like an undercover cop the episode ends with a gunshot leaving us wondering oh my god who got hurt it's no one they never bring it up again nothing happens again just a shock value moment for the sake of discussion except I don't know what discussion you're supposed to have because like every episode dropped at the same time the season is just a mess I haven't even mentioned a half the personal problems different characters in the show of had they drug test clay and Justin clays comes back positive and nothing happens they all bomb their college interviews and all make it into college and for some reason even though he's terrified most of the school clays asked to be the graduation speaker which makes no sense but I did actually like the speech choose to live because even on the worst day there are people who love you something you haven't seen before that will blow your mind in the best way even on the worst day life is a pretty spectacular thing but it all ends off we play about to walk to Hannah's ghost after having a conversation with ghost Justin in a crowded gym when he gets head off by this girl who doesn't go to the school but for some reason attended their graduation ceremony and she's totally into him oh my gosh sorry I'm a little nervous you're just like a rock star after that speech and it's like a five hundred days of summer moment where this nerdy chick is into him and he gives her his email because that's what all the cool kids do these days but the best part is is that that email actually works people have been getting responses from someone named Percy who says he's answering on behalf of play and I'm like wow is he still dissociating I tried asking but cut the runaround but someone else actually asked what clays diagnosis was where they once again clarified that he definitely doesn't have schizophrenia I'm still just so tired but that's the end of 13 reasons why perhaps one of the most controversial shows in recent history I believe that I had good intentions but their continuous disregard of the advice of the professionals that they brought on specifically to consult on the show and the advisement of multiple different mental health associations is honestly just insulting also the show just gets bad season three and four are not good again nothing wrong with enjoying this show but they 100% open themselves up to higher levels of criticism when they try to pretend to be something that they're not that is gonna do it for this video let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below do you like 13 reasons why do you like this season more than I seem to let me know what you think thanks as always to my patreon supporters all the new subscribers all the old subscribers everybody's amazing subscribe if you're new leave a like on the video if you're into that kind of thing I hope you're all having a fantastic day and we'll catch you all later you
Channel: Amanda the Jedi
Views: 498,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 13 reasons why, ending explained, 13 reasons why season 4 ending, 13 reasons why spoilers, dylan minnette, netflix, controversy, reacting to 13 reasons why, everything wrong with 13 reasons why, hannah baker, worst of netflix, the end of 13 reasons why, 13 reasons why season 4, teen drama, 13 reasons why is bad, 13 reasons why ending explained, clips, commentary, rant, review, katherine Langford, bryce walker, satire, comedy, 13 reasons why Hannah, 13 reasons why scene, season 4
Id: UZjPbMgfoWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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