To Remember Is Always to Prosper | Dr. Jesse Duplantis | LWCC

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go with me today to the book of deuteronomy one of my favorite scriptures jesus quoted out of deuteronomy more than any book that any of the torah deuteronomy was very very important to jesus deuteronomy chapter 8 i want to start reading on verse 12 and i want to deal with because so many people are struggling in over the covert in terms of prosperity and some can't pay their rent and all kinds of stuff you know i mean and i never thought i'd ever see this in my lifetime in america let me just say that and i'm going to show you one of the secrets of success of prosperity spiritually physically and financially but especially financially and i want to read verse 12 because now he's talking to the nation of israel people say well that was for israel no we're the seed of abraham and heirs according to the promise of what he said to them also he says to us and he was talking to them in deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 12 and he says this well let me read yeah let me read verse 12 last one thou has eaten and are full and has built beautiful houses everybody on the line that you buy houses not house you you can have more than one house church don't want you to church don't like you having that they don't want you to do that at all you know but this is god's word when you build beautiful houses you can have more than one if you want one and you dwell therein then he says this in verse 13 when your herds and your flocks multiply and thy silver and thy goal is multiplied and watch this and all that thou has is multiplied and that's a big statement and i want to go back to go to verse 18. but thou shall remember the lord thy god at verse 18 but thou shalt remember the lord thy god for it is he that giveth the power to get wealth why that he may establish his covenant which he swear unto into thy fathers as it is this day but thou shall remember the lord thy god for it is he that giveth the power now ladies and gentlemen to me most people dwell on the wealth part now if wealth was so bad why would god give you power to get it which is makes no sense but the most important part in my opinion is thou shall remember the lord thy god title of this message this morning to remember is always to prosper you see a lot of people give me some nice compliments and i thank them for it but i say the lord is gracious boy that's a beautiful house you're living by jesus but the lord is gracious well i sure like that plan you have with the lord is gracious because you see i never forget what he's done i never forget what he's doing and i get it i get great excitement of what he's going to do and a lot of people they forget to remember because they focus more on bad times then on good times now we live in a world of bad i don't deny that but i just denied it's right to affect me but thou shall remember the lord thy god now you can stay there for a minute and switch over to deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 9. i want you i want to read one verse of scripture verse 9. this is how important it is to remember deuteronomy 4 verse 9 god says only take heed to thyself and keep thy soul diligently lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life but teach them thy sons and thy sons sons go back to deuteronomy 8 18 thou shalt remember the lord thy god so i'm constantly talking about what the lord has done and i'm giving him glory all the time why because i believe in this little word called memory what does memory do write this down if you're taking notes memory confirms our faith it confirms our faith increases our knowledge of ourselves not of him but of yourself let me say it again memory confirms our faith and increases our knowledge of ourselves and strengthens our confidence in god how many times when i go before the lord i'm talking i said you know lord you know when you did that he said i appreciate you remembering that that increased my strength and my confidence in him but it also increased my knowledge of myself that i don't have to forget the good things god has done and because i do that god brings prosperity to me spiritually physically financially i'll give you a broader idea i think i've been here 24 times 25 that's about 25 years 24 25 years have you ever saw me sad anybody sick depressed discouraged despondent broke why because i got more faith in you no i don't believe i have any more faith than anybody in this building but i might have a little more obedience because it's better to obey so what i do the reason why i don't get that even though i'm not happy about this stuff in the guff but i remember the law of thy god that no weapon that is formed against thee gonna prosper didn't say it wouldn't be formed he said it wouldn't prosper i remember and that remembrance about god and all that he's done causes and keeps prosperity flowing to me spiritually physically and financially let me say it again memory confirms our faith increases our knowledge of ourselves and strengthens our confidence in god you see every event in life is not separate and independent of itself it's all interlinked every event in life is not separate and independent of itself so in other words i am i am a spirit house and a soul and clothed in a body i know the difference between my voices i have a spirit voice i have a soulish voice i have a body voice is what you're hearing right now then i have the voice of god how do you know the difference brother jesse very simple god's voice is not always the loudest usually your body voices jesus help but if you want to know without a shadow of a doubt that you know or listen to the voice of god god called it a still small voice god's voice has great and way more authority in it than your spirit voice your soul is voice or your body voice that's authority see when my mama spoke i could talk louder than her but her voice had way more authority when dad spoke whoo that was authority personified you see that it don't have to be the loudest you see so when you understand that then you won't be saying well i just don't know if i am i'm not going to miss god here's another scripture that can help you so you won't worry about missing god so much how be it when the spirit of truth has come has he come has it come answer me has he come he will guide you in how much truth how much how much well if that means what it says it says what it means you won't make a mistake if you're abiding in him i accept that as verbatim just what he said so when i go to do a business decision for the minister or my personal life i go how be it when the spirit of truth is coming god's been all truth now what is another name for the holy spirit is it called the comforter is he called the comforter answer me then how come you're not in comfort maybe because you're not remembering you remember all the other stuff nobody knows the trouble i've seen i don't want to know neither my name ain't nobody sure shut up i don't mean that to be rude you remember those testimony services first time i ever saw i mean i was raised catholic i don't know what a testimonial service was but i had enough sense to know what i was hearing wasn't right pastor i said i i was invited to that church by person and they said anybody got a good testimony this lady get up i'll tell you what passed i want to let you know pat that the devil beat me and hit me and i tell you it's been a tough week and i said that that ain't a good testimony and i wasn't even saved she could remember all the stuff satan did you should never remember anything satan did forgetting those things which are behind reaching out to those things which were before you pressed toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of god you see every event in life is not separate and independent of itself see god hates forgetfulness why because it's a sign of carelessness it's a sign of unbelief it's a sign of ingratitude let me say it again god hates for forgetfulness because it's a sign of carelessness you know and people say that jesse dude he don't care about nothing you right i could care less why because care is a form of pride you're saying god can't handle your business so you got to take it back worry about it or he's not working fast enough for you something like that no see god hates for forgive forgiveness because it's a sign of carelessness unbelief and ingratitude think about that unbelief and then gratitude so i always thank the lord he said presidential petitions and supplication with thanksgiving did he say that why why'd he tell you thanksgiving say thank you why'd he say thank you why did he add that to that because he can answer you he's going to say yes yes he has a very hard time saying no my daughter is going to be 49 years old in october i have never told her no not one time her mama has i'm not good at it i'm just not good at it because everything she ever said made sense to me now i have a granddaughter's 12 and a half looks 15 to 16 which we don't like but you can't fact my daughter called me she said dad dad i said what jody she said all this hormone says you know you know what's happening here i said yeah she said that are you a man of god i said i'm a man of god she said you stopped this i said no i cannot stop this i got enough sense i know my limitation you understand what i'm saying but i've never told meredith i'll call him eminem or m meredith margot walker is her name you know i call him i never told her no and jody even called me and she said dad you never tell him no i said what i never told you no i said everything she says makes sense to me i'm not good at that i let your mama do that it's a good way to live and let's just face it women are controlling everything most of you didn't put that shirt on today your wife someone picked it for you you don't even know what color socks you got on it's amazing but they know so god hates for forgiveness that's why a woman if you forget your anniversary or a birthday oh why well it's a sign of carelessness they don't care now you shouldn't be carrying a word see i have no problem with being concerned about something but i refuse to worry about something you can be concerned but when you let it develop to worry now you're getting into the wrong frame of mind when you need to elevate your mindset instead deflate it so god hates forgetfulness because it's a sign of carelessness unbelief totally unbelievable well i know god said that but no no no no you don't know god said that you wouldn't even said but that's a conjunction or ingratitude you don't have enough you i mean my god he's done so many wonderful things you got up this morning every day above ground is a good day you could have died last night well i'm healthy a lot of healthy people died think about that for a minute it is in memory that you find your past and present in life so when satan tries to attack me with something i say i start talking to god i said boy lord you know when you did this he said yeah i did i said let's talk about it i see you remember that time i ran out of gas it was three o'clock in the morning they stole my offer remember that remember that they they picked up an offer sunday morning sunday night monday tuesday wednesday thursday and friday and at the end of the meeting that was a revival they gave me a dr pepper i still got that doctor prayer i didn't drink it i worked too hard for that doctor i ain't drinking everything i got i got it in my office people sometimes say can we see the dr pepper i said yeah you can't come see it it's an old bottle i mean oh i mean i really i said but you took care of me i said it was so wonderful what i had made in my mind well i just i'm just going to walk and i was going to be hungry and and god took care of me so we i began to rehearse the victory part before you know god said oh i tell you what i did good and i said you did real good and i thank you because you're always thinking good for me see in memory you find your past and your present so i bring him in remembrance to his word i said lord i need to speak to you about what you've said and now as you grow older even he gets pretty rough sometimes because it's very hard for me to thinking that he'll say well command me concerning that i i don't want to command god he says command ye me concerning my word now i'm not talking about snapping your fingers you're going to lose your snapper if you do another way he says he says command ye me concerning my word what does my word say well you said by your stripes we're healed command me that's kind of hard when you think oh lord whoa but he's he's won now because he wants you if you're commanding him then you're remembering something and that opens the door for with hel if you're healthy that's prosperity in fact prosperity is no good without health that's third john two beloved i wish above all things things things that you prosper and be in health as your soul prosper now i don't care i mean you know you can be rich filthy rich but if you're sick you can't go nowhere you can be healthy as a ox if you ain't got no money you can't go to one either i've said it before i say it all the time they have to come together and work see so when you understand it is memory that you find your past and your present that's what that keeps your marriage fresh say it kevin hey cat do you remember when we did this i said you remember that time we had three dollars and pennies and we went to a store we bought macaroni and cheese for 10 cents a box because it was on sale she said yeah i said boy we made it then we got it yeah we still we start somebody yeah we did and what happened is i i mean i i just i just i've always been a man could jump out the boat and i and i just left everything and went to dallas and i didn't know nobody i said i'ma start this musical career here and you know and then and then i got attacked by the dallas federation of musicians because i didn't know you had to be in a union so i was taking jobs from union people so they shut me down told the clubs you cannot have this ball because he's not a union well it took six to eight weeks to become a union member well you run out of money so we had three dollars left and i thought i said well hey calling dad what i guess it was a pride thing i wouldn't save them those days i just said well we'll just go and we bought a 10 cents a box macaroni and cheese we don't eat much macaroni and cheese anymore unless it's real good and that way we laugh about that and i remember the first time i bought her something nice i said you remember that oh jess i just couldn't believe it you did you would do that and she did something we just we rehearse that we go back at it yeah now she says something sometimes her memory fades a little bit she said it the other day i'm saying this because it's 11 50. she's about ready to finish preaching so she ain't watching this she says you know jessie i didn't know what she's going to say i said what she said you look better now than you did when i married you i said oh god let me hear jesus help me a memory is fading that's not true it's not true you should have seen me when i was young out of married myself i was a good-looking boy i would i mean i had a body oh you couldn't grab my skin tight tight not today so you can lose your hand if you touch my shoulder just go in there you can tell as you're getting out some lady gonna get mad about this yo boy when you ever hug a young woman boom she tight then you hug some of the women there of a sudden your hands start sinking in into the foals look at these women but you know i i just said that because i thought it was funny but men don't notice i had a lady that they blew my socks off i i i hugged her she goes oh my god i hope you didn't feel my back fat i said what did you say i hope you didn't feel my back fat ladies let me give you a revelation ain't no man saying boy your back is fat man they're looking at your back they're looking at a little bit lower down the scale you understand they ain't thinking about no back fat for god but women worry about all that craziness okay i can't say no more because she's quitting preaching so i'm going to just leave right here praise fat fat what does that got to do with you you know oh jesus you got some back fat no [Music] no that didn't make any difference because somebody loves you they don't care thank you for that holy ghost grunt only the women said that all the men went no no no see remembering humbles us because if you could do it all you wouldn't need god remembering humbles us then he does something else it proves us and then it teaches us remembering humbles us proves us and teaches us the insufficiency of things to make us happy because without god you cannot be happy i don't care what you got because it all gets old and it all fades away i have a beautiful home oh low but it's going to get old i have to i have to constantly be doing stuff to it my body's getting old i got to constantly doing stuff try to eat right do whatever i'm supposed to do and all that kind of thing you know but i mean uh because it that's all so insufficient but when you understand when you remember the lord thy god for it is he and i'd rather i'm gonna just stop right there it is he that's good enough let me say it again remembering humbles us god you would take time out to talk to me to help me man that's a humbling thing and to prove us because we found out you know what i need to change that and then to teach us the insufficiency of things to make us happy i have i've had people say friends of mine that are not saying i have i have a lot of sinner friends i really do why because jesus was a friend of sinners so if jesus does it i'm going to do it too i'm a friend i'm i i have not i have some center friends that better than some christian friends actually have more character he said i got some christian friends their character doesn't go up to their gifts oh they can move into gifts but their character's not there it's up and down but i i i and we like each other i've had i got one friend right he's a business guy he's jewish i just love it he said are you going to try to get me saved i said now he said you're not i said no i said i'm not even god can't save you without your permission he just looked at me said you know that's right i said it's true i said now you're going to obey [Music] i said it can't happen without your permission i said free will buddy god stops at the door right there that's a wonderful gift that he gave us but he could be abused greatly you see i said i'll let i live my life before you he's a good he's a jewish guy we do business together and i really like he said man jesse you sure you're not jewish i said no i am jewish you're jewish i said yeah i'm adopted he said you're what i said i'm adopted i said i'm i'm the seed of abraham just like you are. he goes that's good i said yeah it is you know and i said i said i said why aren't you a christian your wife is she's baptist why'd you marry a baptist he said i fell in love with it and yeah you go to the jewish synagogue she goes to the baptist church yeah i said well you don't like the baptist church oh no i didn't say that i said do you know jesus is jewish doesn't matter you don't like your own people he says that's what i like about you you say some of the greatest things god even make me think here you see i said why can't we all just come together because you hadn't remembered the lord thy god you see what a blessing my god listen to this memory quickens the heart it makes it alive and supplies fuel to gratitude when you remember you get thankful you know what it does more than anything it cures bad memories i told this to the lord not long ago i said you know lord i know i've disappointed you sometimes i disappointed myself but i really disappointed you but i have to say this you have never once disappointed you've never disappointed me in my life i said now you did some things i didn't understand and he interrupted me he said that's what fathers do they teach you may not understand it you've written what's happening but if you think about you growing up your dad did some stuff you didn't understand but when you became a dad you went you know what an old man would write see it cures bad memories and the more you talk and remember the good things after a while you can't remember the bad at all it begins to just actually go away see that was the problem with that man who thought that his wife was coming back if the cop caught him i had a girlfriend like that myself but anyway that's all i said but memory quickens to heart and fuels gratitude he supplies it and it cures bad memories you will know more of god at the conclusion of your journey than you did at the beginning do you know if jesus dies and i die i'm going to be learning something the very time soon i mean the very second that i go out you know into the presence of almighty god i'm constantly ever learning he said learn of me learn of me and he said learn of christianity he didn't come to create christianity you know why jesus came that you might know the father he says it himself so you will know more of god at the conclusion of your journey than you did at the beginning people can't get over that people can't offend me boy i've had some ugly things said about me oh good no i didn't say you couldn't hurt my feelings you can hurt my feelings but i never let it develop to uh offense why i don't want to be you i don't want to become what i don't like that's just very simple that's not a shock to you i just don't i don't want to do that and but what's the difference between being hurt and being offended well when you get hurt you look for someone to heal you it's like a baby they fall they look for mama mama kiss it make you feel better now when you get offended you look for somebody to hurt the church mafia kicks in it's time for you to leave or we're going to make you live you understand because now you're offended so i refuse to be offended and say you couldn't hurt my feelings so sometimes i've said some things to kathy i didn't offend her but i heard her and i said you know i just think i i said something wrong i apologize for that i heard kenneth copeland say something that i've never forgotten he said it 30 years ago he was he was real hard on on gloria the beginning of the marriage i guess whatever and she had done everything she could for him and all the guys you know he just was grouchy he's i'm repeating his work like an old bear and all of a sudden gloria looked at him she said kenneth she had a tear and i looked all right come right there one day i'm going to be a blessing to you and it broke him to i mean god god because sometimes you get so busy you say things you shouldn't say and you're not focused on what you should be focusing on so it brings hurt sometimes you see what i'm saying and it shouldn't uh but it does but if it's just a little and just remember people that have been a blessing to you and remember that is he god who helps you in all that you do then you'll understand you will know more of god at the conclusion of your journey than you did at the beginning because you see we're on a journey oh yes we are and i'm growing stronger every day every day i'm knowing god more and more every day and i love more than relationship i love fellowship i love conversation with god i just enjoy conversation with hey what do you think about this and he spent time he said what do you think about that dad you liked it yeah i said you know and then sometimes he told me that's a good idea but it's not a god idea i mean it'll work for a while but then it's going to go under but if you use my god idea i said it don't sound right yeah but it is and people say you would say that to god come let us reason together i want my way don't look at me weird you want your way that's not a bad thing it can become bad by getting into the disobedience but you know what he said i reasoned with him i said look look i told him one time about a person you don't need to save this person let them go to hell god laughed i said i know these people you want to get rid of the devil send this person to hell he'll commit suicide in two weeks this person will drive him crazy she's born again and saved today it was my mother-in-law i ain't gonna lie but we hated each other with a passion oh look but today i'd do anything for her and she'd do anything for me but when you're young sometimes you're stupid oh but when i had a daughter and the boys came over and some man wants to take my daughter away oh all of a sudden i'm beginning to think like i ring wait a minute whoa but i didn't understand that when i was young hang with it baby just hang with it but see i realized i know more at the end of this journey than i do at the beginning of it write this down good government is according to the laws of god it makes a nation prosperous i'm amazed people that are born again that will not register to vote what's the matter with you we're not telling you who to vote for good government is according to the laws of god do you know the laws of god do you know the platform you're voting for do you know what people believe in what they stand for because it makes a good it makes a nation process the bible says when they're righteous or in authority the nation prospers how many i want the nation to prosper have you ever seen such craziness today i mean i'm talking smart people smart people way more intelligent than you yale harvard princeton duke columbia i'm talking brilliant and they say uh protesting doesn't spread the virus but going to church does but not a casino this is smart people or are they the dumbest people you've ever heard of in your life think about that for a minute what do you believe in what do they believe in what are the laws of god what are they why not brother justin we say about grace no matter what you do oh really grace hadn't been given you to destroy holiness it hadn't been given to you the stop discipline grace has been given as a wonderful gift but you can reject it because of that free will he will not make you stay safe if you don't want to be do you know that some people don't want to be don't want to stay healed keep telling everybody they get healed they go well i bet i'm going to lose it next week because they heard somebody said that and i got inside of them see god always proves his child and the more he gives him the more he proves him it's called grace god always proves his child and the more he gives him the more he proves him it's called grace let me give you something that happened several years ago meredith now 12 and a half and you know young people never tell you how old they are hey i'm almost 13. or if they just made 12 i'm almost 12 and a half as you get older you don't push it one day oh yo you're gonna be 70 the next day i'm 69. change watch this this is when she was into um disney stuff uh i don't know those um i'm not a disney person uh they freeze them these characters what they call it yeah so watch this i always drag up the rear when we walk in the mall now she must have been about ah six seven something i gotta get something like that i mean all that frozen yeah all that stuff and almost she just love all that she told me that my hair is like one of those characters or something i don't i don't know so i go okay um well it is white though in the glory that god's word so watch this so kathy and um mayor they go into the disney store okay and i'm just kind of walking you know i i i don't really go in stores a lot i just like walking them all you know what i like seeing people watching people some of the funniest things go on listen to my point god always proves his child and the more he gives him him or her the more he proves him or her it's called grace so i come walking in well i'm just right at the beginning of the story and meredith asked her kathy she calls me me as a grandmother mimi can i have a toy and kathy said go ask your grandfather she calls me grandfather i love it she calls the other side grandpa people love him when she'd say grandfather grandfather kind of like a movie called heidi you got to be kind of my age to understand that you know look at so many young people who's heidi so she came up running she says grandfather i said yeah what what you need him can i have a toy and something hit me back it was god man i said em you can have it all she said what when i said that several people by the they just looked like this i said you can have it all i said are you the manager of this store she said yes i am sir i said how much inventory you got here she said excuse me i said how much inventory are you having money here she said about two hundred thousand dollars right i said it all belongs to her you can close the store right now if she wants it it does i'll buy it all sound like god huh more than enough it hit me i will not withhold well let me see what she would do with this i said i buy the whole all the inventory now that shut down everybody in the store so i'm i'm just waiting while i got here let's get us the truck i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to lease a truck to get all this stuff out of here that made up my mind i didn't care i didn't care because that's my granddaughter i mean no one ever called me grand until she was born and her child gonna make me great that may sound funny but hey that's a fact so i'm standing in line i'm ready to pay for everything and of course the manager's freaking out so i see two meredith comes up with four things i said meredith meredith grandfather said you can have all of it she says i know but this is hard this is real hard i think i have enough four's enough this is hard i told like to phyllis moore keith moore's wife she said you know why she didn't take it out because she wasn't raised poor poor kids would have went through that store like crazy but because she knew she could get whatever because of her grandfather maybe mom and dad it proves something to me that she's not greedy i gave her grace so what's this i'm trying to be a blessing she said so i take i had four fingers i got this and i hang it here i hang it here hey someone will pay for it now there was a little seven-year-old or five-year-old child with their parent you might have heard me say that this was great so you know our kids are they go he's got a lot of stuff and i looked at these kids never seen them before in my life and i didn't know what they were sweet kids you know i said you like this kind of stuff i said why don't you go get you something get anything you want and the mother says oh no no i can't let you do that we don't take charity i looked at the lady i said man do you know what charity is this is time for a lesson for an adult i said sheridan means love somebody you don't you won't accept love she said i just can't let you do that i heard what you said about your granddaughter i said but she only wants four things so now the store is back up for sale well it is she said oh i just can't let you do that and the seven-year-old they must have been the church she said mama the man is trying to bless us i love that the man is trying to bless us sad to say she wouldn't let me do it the parent wouldn't let me do it how many times god's wanted to bless you but you would not because you're not remembering who he is sometimes he'll do that to prove you god always proves his child and the more he gives him the more he proves him or her it's called grace see memory must work under distinct divine guidance in every part of the past or the present or the future let me say it again memory must work on the distinct divine guidance in every part of the past present or future that manager of that story did she said you would have done this i said oh yes ma'am i said i just can't tell her no i said you know i'm born again i'm safe she said yeah you that rich preacher aren't you i said yes aren't you glad she said yes he keep the bait keep the doors open i said you know i've had some people say he's so filthy rich you think i'm gonna deny that i agree with that i heard bob hope say this one time uh he was talking to it it's called something cabot what's the guy's name yeah yeah and uh he he said you know i am wealthy but not as wealthy as they say i am my god man you know but i am a wealthy man you know bob was a weather man he invested a lot of real estate and stuff that nature but he wasn't as wealthy as the magazine he said i said i'm not as wealthy as some people say i am but i tell you what what if they say i am i'm not going to deny it i agree with them if two of us agree on earth it's not about loving money but hey it's a good thought that's what i love about donald trump the greatest statement i ever heard anybody say came out of donald trump's mouth and it was in the 2016 election he was talking to ivanka that's a name huh ivanka he said ivanka you're going to think anyway you might as well think big that went over me like a shotgun man you're going to think anyway you're going you're just going to think anyway you might as well think big what's wrong with that well i thought big but i love meredith this is hard she wasn't greedy there's nothing wrong with a kid taking it off not but i'm saying she realized at that early age she couldn't handle all that now i wonder now that she's 12 and a half going on 16 and she's a fashionista you know they want stuff if i walked into a place and say meredith it's all yours oh because when you who love when you get to looking good well you know this might look good in this one and this might look good oh i got to get this kind of makeup and all kinds of stuff i don't know we might check it out we'll see you know what i'm saying but i honestly believe she would say oh this is just too much sheen watches me and i close with this let me say my last point memory turns into practical wisdom it really does she watches me i am a heavy tipper usually my tip at a restaurant is more than my meal it just always is or most of the time why then people work hard i remember one time i was a waiter and they stiff you man they just stiff you so i said my god you know so watch this and i'm close with this we went it was a um uh i think it was a mother's day we went to this particular place we wanted to eat on the water lake pontchartrain place was jam-packed well it took about an hour to get our food we got the wrong food so meredith she looks she said uh grandfather you don't need to tip her very well she didn't do that good i said it wasn't her fault meredith she said how you know i said watch i called over and i said uh we this is the wrong me she said i apologize your meal is on that table over there but another waitress took it i said you see that meredith it wasn't her phone it was just the kitchen's fault i said but you know what it doesn't make any difference i'm a blesser kathy sometimes says but they they didn't serve you well they didn't service i said doesn't make any difference that's not going to stop me for who i am i'm going to be a blessing to you so at p.f chang's and i like chinese food i think it's chinese food i don't know that's what they say it is so i walked in and uh they all know me in fact the whole pf changs and the cheesecake factory they signed birthday cards with all the waiters and the cooks and gave me a birthday card but i don't have to wait i mean it's an hour wait when i walk in they go oh reverend even during the covert they even opened up a table they wasn't supposed to open up let him sit here so i'm sitting there now this girl was a phenomenal waitress she would or and you know it bothers me when people don't write something down you ever i'm going okay and you don't get the right thing it drives me nut write it down i said can you remember all this we had six people and they wanted appetizers and you know the whole she said i got it i have a brilliant mind and she laughed you know real sweet pretty girl so the lord said you're going to bless her today i said okay that's fine i never thought nothing about it i just said well just give her a nice tip and forget it that's what i had in my mind well we went through the whole thing and she said y'all need some bags or something well it's like a buffet kathy just orders that you know you bring it home you know so she handed me the bill and i said excuse me i want to ask you a question what do you do i mean what do you do she said oh i go to uh i go to uh loyola university i said you go to loyola i said very expensive school yeah no she said uh you know but i have to work you know and i don't mind working i have to work you know to help help with the different tuitions and all the different things that go on they had loyola it's a great school you know mom and dad can't afford that but that's all right she taught me my mother father taught us how to work we'll do that and the lord goes and i went what why he said pay her tuition i said i don't know how much it is he said ask her you know guys got simple answers to things you know you don't complicate that i said so is your tuition pretty expensive she said oh yeah well so how much is it she said she told me i said kathy cut her a check and give her money she goes what i said we want to pay your tuition but you don't know me i said i don't but the lord does tears well i didn't know people were listening you don't need to people it stopped and i said well that's not your tip on this thing that's for your tuition so we paid her not bragging on i could brag more with that money in my pocket than in hers she said well i'm not going to quit my job i said you don't need to work girl that's fine i said here's your tip oh oh sir and another we just said it's the reverend i said you know me she said everybody know you and you know i've prayed with them i've laid hands on them at pf chains in the restaurant some of them are married you know you know uh some of them 35 40 years old i pray for their kids it's a it's become a great ministry at p.f chain and i'm not bragging people hate you they're doing that show i can show off more with that money in my pocket than in this come on let the elevator go to the top but i'm just trying to be a blessing you see when are you going to let god pay your tuition when are you going to let god pay off your student debt i just don't know how i'm going to do this you're not he is he didn't ask you to pay for it he asked you to believe for it but you're going to have to believe you're going to have to faith without works is dead but thou shalt remember i hope you remember this sermon because it'll make you remember god forget about me i mean that i mean nothing see what i'm saying but god has been so good and gracious and he's going to do more how many times i told lord lord it's enough he said i'd have to change my name if i agreed with you because i'm not just enough i'm more than enough that really struck me back when the lord said that oh i said god it's enough i mean jesus is enough he said no i have to change my name and i'm not changing my name i'm more than enough i said okay if it makes you happy he said it makes me happy isn't that a blessing give jesus a hank left for this message did you enjoy it are you going to remember you know my grandparents have been going a long time but i remember that day boy i had the two best grandmas anybody could ever had oh lord two little bitty women one was four foot nine the other one was four foot eleven if you stacked them they didn't make one whole person [Laughter] they loved me i miss them they're in heaven by my little girl my grandmother uh on my mother's side and my my on my mother she said you know you look like me i said i do yes and then my grandmother on my father's side she'd say now you can do anything you want to do in life you don't believe anything your grandfather said because he'd been a liar from the day i met him because he's always saying he can't do nothing it wouldn't been for me he'd probably be dead a long time ago i just had to push him to do things i said okay grandma isn't that she got saved under mike murdock's father's ministry john murdock he's almost 100 years old i think he's still living mr uh reverend murdoch and we couldn't believe that grandma did that you're going to leave the mother church you know you have a loving mind she said i found jesus i said what did he look like no she said i've met jesus in my heart she started all that stuff it was just the blessing of the lord i have the honor of receiving this offering for this great church called living worthy give jesus a hand clap for that you know this is god's house and in malachi i didn't know it was malachi i used to think it was malachi because i thought it was italian he said bring all the tithe into the storehouse there may be meat in my house a provision they said prove me nowhere it saith the lord of hosts if i'll not open up the windows of heaven and pour you out of blessing and if you look at the king james there's seven other words some words that are in italics which means they're not in the original and if you take those words i said and pour you out a blessing that's not enough you ought to look at that especially the king james version why because you have to have the next verse and i will rebuke the devil for your sake so that everything you accumulate won't be divired because he comes to steal to kill and destroy he can't kill you till he steal from you you see what i'm saying see and you have to have that working so that's why he gave that scripture to us people said tithing is not in the new testament oh man you're just trying to get out of giving god something that's just silliness you see what i'm saying luke 6 38 says give and it shall be given unto you good measure presidential running over why because all god wants to do is give you the whole store and you know what she could have took the whole store i didn't made up my mind to buy the whole store my granddaughter but it showed some equality in her that i that i enjoyed maybe the reason why god wanted me to do it was those two kids when i was in that line and that parent would not let me do that yet the seven-year-old had more sense than the mama because all i wanted to do was be a blessing so your giving will be a blessing through living words outreaches if you're writing a check you can write it out to living word there's a check behind on the seat here for you that are watching you can go to uh you can use all the different platforms you can text to give or you can go to living words uh website and press donate or you can go to paypal whatever and use every available outlet you can i would let me just go by shahoon thank you holy ghost because i'm receiving this offer and there's a special anointing on it i know that sounds arrogant don't that sound arrogant no because the anointing of increase is on me god trust me is this on me it's on me it is and it's such a blessing not because uh he has given me subsidy is that he trusts me so i'm gonna ask you to do your best i'm going to ask you to do it next week when mac and lynn are not here you know they can't have a day off do you think when you go home you're off in ministry this thing comes with you it's 24 7. seven days a week constantly i mean i mean people say y'all don't work follow me i promise you you'll go back to your job because it's work so i'm gonna ask you you can mail in your gift to the address shown on the screen i'll drop off your offering near our main lobby interest that's whatever you know just all kinds of different ways i would get involved in that and believe for the 100-fold return simply because i believe in it and i am going to pray that prayer of a hundred-fold on you i want this to happen in your life you up in a balcony you certainly deserve it jesus said you can have it he supply all you need that light yourself therefore in the lord to give you the size of your heart the law is my shepherd i shall not want that's needs desires i mean it's spiritual physical financial all three or just whichever one you want he does it doesn't bother god at all he does the church world but he doesn't god what are you gonna do when you get to heaven you're gonna get mad because you're walking on gold streets you're gonna get mad if you see pearly gates or diamond barrel jazz for onyx rupee what are you gonna say he could have used that money to touch somebody in africa he don't need that to touch somebody in africa what he needs is a willing vessel give me a man give me a woman somebody willing to go out there and give their life for someone they don't know that they might bring the glorious gospel that's what god wants that's what god means you see what i'm saying that's that's the primo of primo if you want to call it as such so get your offering ready oh the hundredfold how many y'all want a blessing come on how many you need financial budget come on lift your hand up sure you could use some of that look okay let's say you don't need it good believe for it anyway and give it away i do that all the time i do that all the time i said lord you just gave me that i don't need that i'm gonna give it away i make it a twice on seed oh that's even better then my god will come flowing to me it's bigger than what i got i said because i i take every seed very personally when people give me a seed because i keep my soil fertile so they can receive what they believing god for you know give them my ministry and things and even my personal life i mean i i don't forget i named my seat first thing i did when jody was born is i named her i named him it was me jody going to be her name you can give her her second name but i want to call her jody and i call a joke most of the time joe this is dad you know see that's just such a blessing hold your offering up to the lord we're going to pray over it ushers if you'll come forward with the buckets hallelujah you know what i like about your book is they're not kentucky fried chicken buckets i find most people got a bucket of his kentucky fried chicken or something it makes you hungry when they're passing all that out father i remember you lord i will always remember what you've done i ask you to remember this seed that people are sowing today online and in this wonderful facility remember it lord have angels bring hundredfold maybe people need to get out of debt lord i don't know they might want to pay off their church they might want to pay off their grandmother's house i don't know lord whatever they want or maybe buy a home for their children or maybe lord they want to go to africa and do what you call them to do i ask you to bless each and every one of them you've blessed me beyond my wildest dreams i can't thank you enough and i will thank you more for these people who are hearing me because they remember you let them see immediate results in jesus name we pray amen and amen ushers go ahead and receive our second offering here for the church at living word while they're doing that i want to say thank you for allowing me a portion of your time thank you mack for letting me preach part of this and let me tell you something about breakthrough how you really break through as you remember things i remember one time i always played football but i was too light i was little but i had a heart to play well of course say jesse only weighs 100 that's in high school 125 pound but he got 210 pounds in his heart and man they would just knock me back but i remember i found a weakness in a big guy i remember the weakness i said if i hit him here i got him and he looked at me like he said i'm gonna stomp you in the ground i didn't tell him anything i said i remember your weakness they had to take him off the field every time i looked at him he got a little nervous you see what i'm saying you got to watch these little guys these little guys that don't have much weight there they're wiry they strong as all can mean they're strong it's amazing what they can do so i you know i look for satan's weaknesses and he's got a bunch of them but he sounds like he has none of them but he's very very weak not in natural things in the spirit he's spiritually dead he's not a faith devil he's a flesh devil would you stand to your feet please it is 12 29 i want to thank you once again i'd like to know if you're getting a hundredfold you know i'd like to know by being a blessing to the living word could we believe god that this year which has been so stupid and crazy turned out to be one of the biggest financial years of this church wouldn't that be wonderful wouldn't god get way more glory on that huh why not god's got a bright future for this church because it's a living word if you don't have a good church here's a good one how do you know i'm here say if i lived in this area i'd come to this church i would i'm not saying that because we're friends well because i know what it teaches the amount of things it does and the discipline and commitment and dedication it takes to stand behind here to do what lynn and mac do wow lord one of the hardest ministries is the prayer ministry and lynn does that so effective that just wear you out i mean beat on you preaching is easier compared to prayer well i wear myself when i begin to flow the holy ghost just sucks stuff i mean strength out of you praying and i wish i could pray soft oh gee but i get excited i just thought you know holland can't help myself you know it's just the way that if you don't know jesus you meet him today why because you're in a living word he'll put a living word in your heart just believe with your heart and confess with your mouth you that are watching online hey it's the same way faith destroys all distance between me and you you pray that prayer too in fact i'd like everybody to repeat this prayer lord jesus i ask you come into my life forgive me of all my sin i confess my sin before you this day i denounce satan and all his works i confess jesus as the lord of my life thank you for saving me i believe in my heart i confess in my mouth jesus rose from the dead i am saved welcome to the family give the lord a handclap for that come on give him a good one isn't that a blessing of the lord think about that be praying for us like i say we don't want this hurricanes to go to another place we just want them to well go to some place that needs some rain without the wind effect just that simple you know those things were designed to actually water the earth satan got involved in them made them killers think about that and uh and that way you know uh people love florida but my god if you're moving to florida florida gets hits a lot but you know what that's some wonderful people in fl you don't let nothing the devil do run you out of town you don't do that so thank you for praying for us and uh and we've already put drew the bloodline and also uh the hedge of protection satan can't he ain't tall enough to get over the hedge in fact he came see us he's blind oh is he blind blind until you get in the flesh then you begin to look through his eyes but if you stay in the spirit you'll always look to the eyes of the lord jesus christ once again mac and lynn thank you for letting me be a part of the breakthrough for the rest of your life yeah thank you yeah does someone need the need to give a great seed to this church the harvest won't come to you it's going to come to your children's children the lord just brought that to my memory remember that time god told me to give a donate and i did he said you will not receive a harvest and i said well that's not you you said what you saw is your reap he said no we're going to reap it it's going to be for your children's children he said i'm ahead of the curve jesse so i went and i told meredith one day you're gonna get so blessed you have no idea god was talking about you today she goes i said i'm a part of that blessing but you're going to get a harvest oh what is it i said i don't know but it's going to be bigger than what you could think or what grandfather can think that's that's a wonderful thing see you billy he said that you and your children may live and a good man make an inheritance for his children's children thank you give jesus a hand clap as your pastor comes
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 9,936
Rating: 4.8106508 out of 5
Id: UgFVR8Rl-b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 43sec (3583 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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